What knowledge does art give briefly. What knowledge does art give

Lesson 9 - “The gift of anticipation. What knowledge does art give? - Grade 9.

Hello guys!

Updating previously acquired knowledge.

    What is synthesis in art?

    What is a musical?

    What musical are we talking about?

    Why is the musical considered a synthetic art form?

    Now answer my question, what is the gift of anticipation?

    Do you think art has such a gift? Why?

The stage of mastering new knowledge.

Listen to this legend.

In ancient Greektells about the daughter of the Trojan king - Cassandra, whom Apollo first awarded the gift of prophecy, and then, when the girl rejected his love, made people stop believing her. Therefore, when Cassandra, predicting the death of Troy, tried to warn the Trojans about the danger that lurks in a wooden horse, no one believed her. And Troy, as you know, really died. The expression "Cassandra's prophecy" has become allegorical.

The same sometimes happens with works of art and. Some of their creators have an amazing gift for predicting, but they are rarely believed, despite the fact that their predictions come true.

    Remember , folk tales, legends, the characters of which anticipated the phenomena and future. ? And such things that were previously considered fiction, but have become reality.

(Airplane carpet - an airplane, a self-assembled tablecloth - a slow cooker, a saucer with a blue border - a TV).

    What helps these people to predict events?

    Maybe intuition? The ability to make an assumption, to solve a problem without having all the necessary data, which in this case are conjectured?

This quality can only be in people with well-developed imaginative thinking.

Since artistic thinking is better than that of other people, it is developed among artists, composers, writers - people whose profession is the creative completion of reality, it is they who most often make amazing predictions that often come true after some time. But they do it in their own way, allegorically.

    What does allegorically mean?

    What is a metaphor? allegory? personification?

    How do they differ from each other?

    Give examples from literary works?

The energy of art awakens the feelings and consciousness of both the authors of works and the people who perceive them.

No less important are works of art in which the authors, keenly aware of their time, foresee its further development and strive to warn people about social and political dangers, to force them to be more tolerant, more attentive, kinder and more restrained.

    Why do you think we need such works of art?

Art helps people to pay attention to what they themselves do not always see in everyday life. It seems to open familiar things and phenomena from a new perspective.

It is especially important that art gives people knowledge sometimes imperceptibly unobtrusively.

In the history of mankind, art has more than once discovered those of scientific importance. For example, an 18th century artist J.-E. Lyotard in the film "Chocolate Girl" decomposed according to the laws, at that time still unknown to physics.


19th century French science fiction writer J. Verne in the novel "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" predicted the appearance of a submarine, and a Russian writer of the 20th century. A. Tolstoy in the novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" - the appearance of a laser. The artist V. Kandinsky, having developed a theory of the influence of color on human emotions, came close to solving the problems of modern psychology and art therapy (healing by art).

Many works that tell about scientific discoveries (for example, the film "Nine Days of One Year" directed by M. Romm, based on the novel "I'm going into a thunderstorm" by D. Granin, etc.) will not teach you how to set up experiments or make experiments. But from them they learn what different people are engaged in science, how the path of research depends on the individuality of the scientist, and how dangerous it is when individuals who are far from its interests penetrate into science.

Scientists who digitized and mathematically calculated the works of the French artist V. van Gogh claim that he had a unique gift to see what mere mortals are not given - air currents. The peculiar, as if chaotically looped manner of writing by the artist, as it turned out, is nothing more than a distribution of brightness, corresponding to the mathematical description of a turbulent flow, the theory of which was laid down by the great mathematician A. Kolmogorov only by the middle of the 20th century. Scientists, having explained the phenomenon of turbulence, solve a serious problem in aviation: after all, today it is turbulence that is the cause of many air traffic.


One of the unique guesses about the polyphony of the Universe was the greatest musical creative discovery of the 17th century. - fugue - a genre of polyphonic music, which was developed in the work of J.-S. Bach. After two and a half centuries, A. Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, will say that it is a layer cake, where each layer has its own time and its own density, structure, forms and existence. This is, in fact, an image that brings us closer to understanding the fugue. It is the fugue with its voices entering at different times that represents a certain figurative model of the structure of the Universe.


Artistic and creative homework assignment
Write an essay about any phenomenon of contemporary art that interests you (visual, musical, literature, cinema, theater), in which there is a hidden prophecy of the future.

Used Books:

1. Sergeeva G. P., . Grades 8-9: textbook. for general education institutions / G. P. Sergeeva, I. E. Kashekova, E. D. Kritskaya. - M.: Education, 2009. - 190 p.: ill.

2. Sergeeva G.P. Art grades 8-9. Collection of work programs. 2014. - 104 pages.

3. - reproductions of paintings by Van Gogh

4. - reproduction Chocolate.

5. Phonochrestomathy Kritskaya E.D. - fugue I.S. Bach in D minor.

Art and man have existed and developed together since the very beginning of history. At first, these were just tentative attempts to influence reality, expressed in primitive rock paintings. Later, human skills improved, understanding of the world became deeper, and art turned from a part of a magical ritual into a completely independent field of activity.

It is rather difficult to determine what art gives to a person, since the sphere of its influence on the life and consciousness of the population of the third planet from the Sun is extremely large. However, it's worth a try.

Let's start small

Without going into details and starting with the most obvious things, of course, it should be noted the function What kind of knowledge does art provide? First of all, it instills in a person an understanding of the beautiful, and an understanding of both a rational character and a spiritual one.

Perhaps this difference should be explained. A person who is more or less well-versed in cultural studies and art history is able to realize the value, beauty and grandeur of strokes, chasing or filigree construction of notes. In this, he will definitely see a certain system. In this case, the understanding will be purely rational.

Now a little about the spiritual understanding of beauty. What gives us art, if not the pleasure of its perception? In this case, we are talking, rather, about awareness, the formation of the supersensitivity of the human soul due to contact with art.

Art and history

Why is such knowledge needed? The knowledge that gives art is necessary for humanity in order to be aware of itself. Where, if not in the works of great authors, is the whole essence of history reflected in its almost original form? In fact, any act of creation is a response to the changed world.

For example, they call it the most accurate reflection of historical events: revolutions and uprisings, discoveries and inventions. The same can be said about painting, architecture or music. The difference lies only in the language in which art tells its story: it is notes, the features of carving and sculpting, or the specificity of strokes and the choice of colors and shapes.

So, what knowledge does art give? It reveals history to us in all the grandeur of the past and the mystery of the future.

art talking

The creative heritage gives us knowledge not only about history, but also about man as such. Coming into contact with other peoples, we join their worldview, more deeply understand their values, features of life, foundations, traditions.

If a definition is needed, art in this context is the language that the peoples of the world speak among themselves. accessible to all mankind, not knowing the language barrier.

Creation and science

If we talk about what kind of knowledge art gives, we should not forget about its huge role in scientific progress. by and large, perceives cultural heritage as an applied, secondary component of progress. This assumption can safely be called erroneous.

In fact, it was art that often acted as the most powerful engine of scientific thought. Fantastic aircraft, submarines, ships capable of conquering space, originally existed in the art environment, and only then became the property of scientists. Recall, for example, a flying ship from the famous Russian fairy tale or Jules Verne's Nautilus.

Leonardo da Vinci at one time was far ahead of science, working on the drawings of not only weapons, but also aircraft. He is famous for his work in the field of anatomy. Most of the world he is known yet as a great artist.

Ethical component

It is simply impossible to talk about art outside of an ethical context. It is this, in fact, that is the best indicator of good and evil, justice and self-interest, spiritual beauty and inner ugliness. If we talk about what kind of knowledge art gives, we cannot fail to mention the ethical component.

Almost all artistic creations of world culture are aimed at explaining to humanity the steadfastness of truth, goodness and beauty. Of course, if one looks at this or that work of art literally, one can assume that, due to certain features, it does not embody beauty or the ideals of humanity. However, it is thanks to this that we have a clear idea of ​​what is good and what is bad. In fact, from children's fairy tales to cinematography, art educates us in humanity.

Impossible is possible

Finally, art teaches us the most important thing - the realization that there are no impossible things in the world, heavy burdens and unattainable goals. Beethoven's example teaches us that even if you are practically deaf, you can write amazing symphonies that humanity will carry through the ages and admire them.

The novel "Ulysses", recognized as the pinnacle of world modernism, was written by James Joyce in a constant struggle with blindness.

The ceiling of the famous Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo alone.

Based on these facts, what kind of knowledge does art give? First of all, this is a clear realization that in the world there is nothing impossible for a person if he creates.

Healing by creation

All over the world, the practice of treating mental disorders by including patients in the art environment has long been actively used. This may be a simple demonstration of reproductions or listening to classical music sessions. A direct act of creation may also be involved. Most psychiatrists in the world are convinced that it is by engaging in creative activity that one quickly returns to normal.

Speaking about the meanings of art, we must not forget about the fact of a positive impact on the human body. By the way, this kind of practice is used not only in the environment of psychiatry - it is common for mankind to turn to art to fight fear.

Exceptional Features

So, we have listed the main ways of interaction between man and art. Now let's pay attention to what is the peculiarity of cultural heritage.

In terms of the breadth of possible knowledge, art simply has no equal. For example, if we are talking about science (physics, algebra or biology), we are presented with a completely separate branch of human knowledge. It is possible, but difficult, to deviate to the side, to touch the rest of the world.

Art includes the whole world. Literature, for example, can cover ethics, play with the laws of physics, refer to history, biology, or astronomy. Painting provides an excellent opportunity to comprehend not only the features of the drawing technique, but also to compare the canons of beauty in the history of mankind. Ancient Greek sculptures represent an ideal model of the body in terms of anatomical features.

Art, which most of humanity so frivolously calls the applied branch of activity, is essentially multiscientific, since it is it that appeals to the world and reflects it in all its beauty, fullness and grandeur.

Art anticipates the future

The gift of anticipation

Ancient Greek mythology tells of the daughter of the Trojan king, Cassandra, whom Apollo first awarded with the gift of prophecy, and then, when the girl rejected his love, made people stop believing in her. Therefore, when Cassandra, predicting the death of Troy, tried to warn the Trojans about the danger that lurks in a wooden horse, no one believed her. And Troy, as you know, really died. The expression "Cassandra's prophecy" has become allegorical.

The same sometimes happens with works of art and literature. Some of their creators have an amazing gift for predicting the future, but they are rarely believed, despite the fact that their predictions come true.

What helps these people to predict events? Maybe intuition? The ability to make an assumption, to solve a problem without having all the necessary data, which in this case are conjectured? This quality can only be in people with well-developed imaginative thinking.

Since artistic thinking is better than that of other people, it is developed among artists, composers, writers - people whose profession is the creative completion of reality, it is they who most often make amazing predictions that often come true after some time.

Works of art have more than once anticipated historical events, scientific discoveries, the development of technological progress, etc. The energy of art awakens the feelings and consciousness of both the authors of the works and the people who perceive them.

No less important are works of art in which the authors, keenly aware of their time, foresee its further development and strive to warn people about social and political dangers, to force them to be more tolerant, more attentive, kinder and more restrained.

Remember fairy tales, folk tales, legends, the characters of which anticipated the phenomena and events of the future.

Explain the concepts: allegory, metaphor, allegory, personification - using the example of works of different types of art known to you.

What knowledge does art provide?

Art helps people to pay attention to what they themselves do not always see in everyday life. It seems to open familiar things and phenomena from a new perspective. It is especially important that art gives people knowledge sometimes imperceptibly unobtrusively.

In the history of mankind, art has more than once discovered knowledge of scientific importance. For example, an 18th century artist J.-E. Lyotard in the painting "Chocolate Girl" decomposed light according to laws that were still unknown to physics at that time.

19th century French science fiction writer J. Verne in the novel "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" predicted the appearance of a submarine, and a Russian writer of the 20th century. A. Tolstoy in the novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" - the appearance of a laser.

The artist V. Kandinsky, having developed a theory of the influence of color on human emotions, came close to solving the problems of modern psychology and art therapy (healing by art).

Many works of literature, cinema, theater, telling about scientific discoveries (for example, the film "Nine Days of One Year" directed by M. Romm, based on the novel "I'm going into a thunderstorm" by D. Granin, etc.), will not teach you how to set up experiments or make experiments. But from them they learn what different people are engaged in science, how the path of research depends on the individuality of the scientist, and how dangerous it is when individuals who are far from its interests penetrate into science.

Scientists who digitized and mathematically calculated the works of the French artist V. van Gogh claim that he had a unique gift to see what mere mortals are not given - air currents. The peculiar, as if chaotically looped manner of writing by the artist, as it turned out, is nothing more than a distribution of brightness, corresponding to the mathematical description of a turbulent flow, the theory of which was laid down by the great mathematician A. Kolmogorov only by the middle of the 20th century. Scientists, having explained the phenomenon of turbulence, solve a serious problem in aviation: after all, today it is turbulence that causes many air accidents.

One of the unique guesses about the polyphony of the Universe was the greatest musical creative discovery of the 17th century. - fugue - a genre of polyphonic music, which was developed in the work of J.-S. Bach. In two and a half centuries, A. Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, will say that the Universe is a layer cake, where each layer has its own time and its own density, structure, forms of movement and existence. This is, in fact, an image that brings us closer to understanding the fugue. It is the fugue with its voices entering at different times that represents a certain figurative model of the structure of the Universe.

Predictions in art

Any work of art is directed to the future. In the history of art, one can find many examples of artists warning their fellow citizens about an impending social danger: wars, splits, revolutions, etc. The ability to provide is inherent in great artists, perhaps it is precisely in this that the main strength of art lies.

The German Renaissance painter and graphic artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) created a series of engravings "Apocalypse" (Greek apokalypsis - revelation - this word serves as the title of one of the ancient church books, which contains prophecies about the end of the world). The artist expressed an alarming expectation of world-historical changes, which really shook Germany after a while. The most significant of this series is the engraving "The Four Horsemen". Horsemen - Death, Judgment, War, Pestilence - rush furiously across the earth, sparing neither kings nor commoners. Swirling clouds and horizontal strokes of the background increase the speed of this frenzied gallop. But the archer's arrow rests on the right edge of the engraving, as if stopping this movement.

According to the plot of the Apocalypse, horsemen appear on the ground in turn, but the artist specifically placed them side by side. Everything is like in life - war, pestilence, death, judgment come together. It is believed that the key to this placement of figures is Durer's desire to warn his contemporaries and descendants that, having crushed the wall that the artist erected in the form of the edge of the engraving, the riders will inevitably burst into the real world.

Etchings by F. Goya, paintings “Guernica” by P. Picasso, “Bolshevik” by B. Kustodiev, “New Planet” by K. Yuon and many others can be considered examples of predictions by the art of social change and upheaval.

In the painting Bolshevik, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878–1927) used a metaphor (hidden meaning) that had not been unraveled for many decades. Using this example, one can understand how the content of the picture is filled with new meaning, how the era, with its new views, changed value orientations, puts new meanings into the content.

For many years, this picture was interpreted as a solemn hymn to a staunch, firm spirit, unbending revolutionary, towering over the ordinary world, which he overshadows with a red flag soaring into the sky. Events of the last decade of the twentieth century. made it possible to understand what the artist consciously or, most likely, unconsciously felt at the beginning of the century. Today, this picture, like K. Yuon's "New Planet", is filled with new content. But how the artists of that time managed to feel the coming social changes so accurately remains a mystery.

In the art of music, an example of this kind of foresight is the play for orchestra "The Unanswered Question" ("Space Landscape") by the American composer C. Ives (1874-1954). It was created at the beginning of the 20th century. - at a time when scientific discoveries were made in the field of space exploration and the creation of aircraft (K. Tsiolkovsky).

This piece, built on the dialogue of strings and woodwinds, has become a philosophical reflection on the place and role of man in the universe.

The Russian artist Aristarkh Vasilievich Lentulov (1882-1943) sought to express the inner energy of an object in his dynamic compositions. Crushing objects, pushing them against each other, shifting planes and plans, he created the feeling of a world changing at lightning speed. In this restless, shifting, rushing and split space one can guess the familiar outlines of Moscow cathedrals, views of Novgorod, historical events expressed in allegorical form, flowers and even portraits. Lentulov is excited by the bottomless depths of human consciousness, which is in constant motion. He is attracted by the opportunity to convey what is generally indescribable, for example, the spreading sound in the film “Ring. Ivan the Great belltower".

In the paintings "Moscow" and "St. Basil's" unprecedented, fantastic forces shift established forms and concepts, a chaotic mixture of colors conveys kaleidoscopic, fragile images of the city and individual buildings that break into countless elements. All this appears before the audience as a moving, shimmering, sounding, emotionally saturated world. The wide use of metaphor helps the artist to turn ordinary things into vivid generalized images.

In Russian musical art, the theme of bells has found a vivid embodiment in the work of various composers of the past and present: (M. Glinka, M. Mussorgsky, S. Rachmaninov, G. Sviridov, V. Gavrilin, A. Petrov, etc.).

The gift of anticipation. What knowledge does art provide?

Art lesson in 9th grade

Lesson Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the knowledge that scientists receive with the help of painting, music, literature and other types and genres of art; to acquaint students with objects of art that influenced science and discoveries, to teach them to identify them in works of art, to indicate the role of these examples for scientific knowledge; broaden the horizons of students, promote the development of creative thinking

Evelyn de Morgan. Cassandra

1. Organizational moment

2. Introduction of the teacher

The expression "Cassandra's prophecy" has become allegorical. Do you know what this soothsayer was known for? Let's listen to the story of Cassandra. (Message from a prepared student).

The same sometimes happens with works of art and literature. Some of their creators have an amazing gift for predicting the future, but they are rarely believed, despite the fact that their predictions come true.

3 The gift of anticipation.

Since artistic thinking is better than that of other people, it is developed among artists, composers, writers - people whose profession is the creative completion of reality, it is they who most often make amazing predictions, which often come true after some time.
Works of art more than once anticipated historical events, scientific discoveries, the development of technological progress, etc.

Can you give examples when art anticipates the future? (Students talk about fairy tales, fantasy). This means that the energy of art awakens feelings and consciousness, and the authors of works, and the people who perceive them.

No less important are works of art in which the authors, keenly aware of their time, foresee its further development and strive to warn people about social and political dangers, to force them to be more tolerant, more attentive, kinder and more restrained.

Task 1 Look at the illustrations.

Explain the concepts: allegory, metaphor, allegory, personification - using the example of works of different types of art known to you.

(Magic items that help the heroes of fairy tales predicted the appearance of cars, an airplane, a slow cooker, a TV and other household items)

4. What knowledge does art provide? Let's try to answer this question using the following knowledge.
In the history of mankind, art has more than once discovered knowledge of scientific importance. For example, an 18th century artist J.-E. Lyotard in the painting "Chocolate Girl" decomposed light according to laws that were still unknown to physics at that time.

19th century French science fiction writer J. Verne in the novel "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" predicted the appearance of a submarine, and a Russian writer of the 20th century. A. Tolstoy in the novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" - the appearance of a laser. The artist V. Kandinsky, having developed a theory of the influence of color on human emotions, came close to solving the problems of modern psychology and art therapy (healing by art).

Van Gogh "Crows over a wheat field"

Scientists who have digitized and mathematically calculated the works of the French artist V. van Gogh claim that the artist’s peculiar, as if chaotically looped manner of writing, is nothing more than a distribution of brightness corresponding to the mathematical description of a turbulent flow, the theory of which was laid down by the great mathematician A. Kolmogorov only by the middle of the 20th century.

One of the unique guesses about the polyphony of the Universe was the greatest musical creative discovery of the 17th century. - fugue - a genre of polyphonic music, which was developed in the work of J.-S. Bach. (Listen to a fragment of J.-S. Bach's fugue) Two and a half centuries later, A. Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, will say that the Universe is a layer cake, where each layer has its own time and its own density, structure, forms of movement and existence. This is, in fact, an image that brings us closer to understanding the fugue. It is the fugue with its voices entering at different times that represents a certain figurative model of the structure of the Universe.

5 Conclusion.

Task 2

How do you now answer the question: What knowledge does art give?

Write down the answer in your notebook.

6 Homework:

Remember fairy tales, folk tales, legends, the characters of which anticipated the phenomena and events of the future.

Give examples of the scientific value of artistic knowledge.

Summary of the lesson "Art" in grade 9

Theme of the lesson: "What knowledge does art give?"

Compiled by a teacher of music and art: Shevchenko L.V.

(a lesson in discovering new knowledge, with research methods and the search for solutions to the tasks set, the creation of problem situations)

1 organizational moment. Motivation.

Sounds "song of the magical world of art."


Hello, dear students, dear teachers, guests of today's lesson.

I invite you to the magical world of art. I invite you on a journey to the knowledge of the world through art.

I hope that this lesson will be productive and we will succeed. The matter then has a result, if everyone invests a part of their labor in this matter. So, the result of our communication depends on each of you. Confucius once said: “If I bring a handful of earth every day, then in the end I will create a mountain.”

2. Actualization of knowledge.

At the beginning of our lesson, I will ask you to remember

What kinds of art do you know!

(children's answers) - music, painting, literature, culture, theater, cinema, arts and crafts, etc.

I would like to start our lesson with the words from our paragraph.

Art helps people to pay attention to what they themselves do not always see in everyday life. It seems to open familiar things and phenomena from a different side.

It is especially important that art sometimes gives people knowledge imperceptibly, unobtrusively.

3. Creation of a problem situation.


So two words.

Art. Knowledge. (we attach the words on the board)

Teacher: I propose to combine these two words into one sentence. It is very short!!! (hint lies on the surface)

your options.

So I propose to write the topic of the lesson:"What knowledge does art give?"

I propose to identify problem which we have to solve for the lesson

You are given words for reference

knowledge, past, art, science, embodiment, future, reality, (1 min)

Discussing Assumptions (1 min)

The knowledge gained in the past in various types of art has found its scientific confirmation in the future.

4. Goal setting

So we have to combine three words already - science knowledge art

And formulate the purpose of the lesson (children's work is an assumption)

"Reveal and explore scientific knowledge in art!"

5. The stage of primary assimilation of knowledge.

area of ​​study painting (tablet on the board)

Before you is a painting by J.. E. Lyotard "Chocolate Girl". Carefully consider the whole background of this picture, what can you say?

Answers of children (Decomposition of light into 7 colors of the spectrum)

Teacher: Yes guys! The artist Lyotard decomposed light according to laws that were not yet known to physics at that time.

Teacher: Attention to the screen!

Demonstration of a video about the decomposition of light. (Primary consolidation of knowledge)

The artist V. Kandinsky developed a theory of the influence of color on human emotions, approached solving the problems of modern psychology.

Teacher Let's check our feelings. Does color affect us? (primary knowledge test)

Work at the blackboard (primary consolidation of knowledge) - compliance

Questions: Why is the ceiling white?

What colors do you have in the hall and in the bedroom?

VAN GOGH's writing technique

Challenge: Explore the technique and make assumptions!

One student is invited to the board and puts a dot on the canvas, extending it, the conclusion is that the line is semicircular, (primary knowledge test), which means ... ..

Teacher: We read in a textbook….. The artist’s peculiar, as if chaotically looped manner of writing, as it turned out, is nothing more than a distribution of brightness corresponding to the mathematical description of a turbulent flow. The theory of which was laid down by the great mathematician A. Kolmogorov only by the middle of the 20th century. Scientists, having explained the phenomenon of turbulence, solve a serious problem in aviation: after all, today it is turbulence that is the cause of many air traffic.

Scientists who digitized and mathematically calculated the works of the French artist V. Van Gogh claim that he had a unique gift to see what mere mortals are not given - air currents. Attention to the screen!

Demonstration of the video is the primary consolidation of knowledge.

Field of study -LITERATURE


We have to get acquainted with 2 literary works.

An excerpt from them - the work of A. Tolstoy "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" is on your table. I will ask you to read the text and guess what Garin invented? (2 min)

Teacher: Who is Jules Verne? And what did he invent, who knows?

Children's answers (hint in the slide.)


    In his works, J. Verne predicted scientific discoveries and inventions in various fields, including scuba gear, television and space flights. As well as:

    Electric chair



    Flights into space, including to the moon.

    Video communication and television.

    and much more

Area of ​​study Universe

A. Einstein, the creator of the theory of relativity, said that the Universe is a layer cake, where each layer has its own time and its own density, structure, forms of movement and existence. Prove that this statement is true!

Children's answers - primary knowledge test

Area of ​​study - music

Teacher: An outstanding musician, the founder of classicism in music. He is the founder of the strict laws of music. - this is J. S. Bach.

One of the unique guesses about the polyphony of the universe was the greatest musical creativity17th century discovery - fugue - a genre of polyphonic music, which was developed in the work of I.-S. Bach. It is the fugue with its voices entering at different times that represents a certain figurative model of the structure of the Universe. (Primary assimilation of knowledge)

Problematic situation. Describe the friends in the class by the brightness of their personality.

Listen to the fugue. What associations does music evoke in you? (consolidation of knowledge)Listening to the music of the fragment.

Einstein's and Bach's assumptions will be proved by our experience. Works 3 groups in rows and one with a teacher

Sand composition (consolidation of knowledge)

Who is it?(problem situation)

the scientific discoveries of Leonardo and painting are inseparable, so we will bring science closer to painting.

Teacher: On the tables you have texts with the discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci.

Ask 4 people to turn to each other and discuss the findings in three groups.

1 reads, everyone listens (1 min) draw conclusions.

A conversation about reading

Problematic situation.

Many discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci were not reflected in life. What do you think is the reason?

4. Generalization of the results. Reflection.


Our scientific research in art is completed, but within the framework of only one lesson.

Let's sum up some

QUESTION: What helps these people to predict events?

Children's answers

Teacher: This quality can only be in people with well-developed imaginative thinking. Since artistic thinking is better than that of other people, it is developed among artists, composers, writers - people whose profession is the creative completion of reality, it is they who most often make amazing predictions that often come true after some time.

Back to the problem

The knowledge gained in various types of art has found its scientific confirmation in the future.

Have we proven it? Have we achieved our goal?

And now the test of knowledge - I propose to check them by testing

    Swap tests and check

each other's work.

    Butterfly installation.

    The parable of the full glass.

5 Homework

Artistic and creative task

Page 125 Give other examples of scientific knowledge in works of art.

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