Oriental dances for children learning. Oriental dance, belly dance for children

We are all touched when we see our daughter trying on our beads and earrings, showing off in front of the mirror, hiding her mother's lipstick behind her back!

Children's oriental dance develops femininity through gentle graceful movements, movements without vulgarity. Who doesn't want for their girl refined plasticity, flexibility, harmonious figure and feminine gait?!

Oriental dance demonstrates coordination, plasticity, smoothness and clarity of movements to the music - all the grace of a girl, girl, woman. Since ancient times, the art of oriental dance has been instilled in girls from early childhood.

Reporting concerts "Divadance" are held in the best halls of our city: the Gorky Palace of Culture, the Music Hall, the Baltic House, the Youth House, the Saint Petersburg Concert Hall, the Coliseum Concert Hall ... Your children will be able to perform at the best concert venues in Petersburg.

Many doctors believe that belly dancing improves health. In this attractive dance work and develop almost all muscle groups, and physical activity also fall on those muscle groups that are not involved in our daily life.

Being engaged in oriental dances from early childhood, the child will form the correct, great posture, because all parts of the spine are involved in the movements.

Children's oriental dance classes:

Lesson cost:

4 lessons per month 2000 rub.
8 lessons per month 3000 rub.
12 lessons per month 4200 rub.
16 lessons per month 5200 rub.
trial lesson 200 rub.
one-time lesson 600 rubles.
individually 1600 rub.
individually for two 900 rubles. from each

If you are interested in studying in this area, then you may also like:

What do you need for the lesson: record, form?

preliminary no entry required. You can call and sign up, or you can just come to class.

To master the art of oriental dance as soon as possible, you will need the most ordinary sportswear or generally any comfortable. Its upper part is desirable - more or less fitting.

All styles of children's dances in Divadance

Children's belly dance different from adult. The exercises are not complicated in their structure, specially selected for the child's growing body, so children like to perform them to incendiary music.

Children's belly dance is associated with a more romantic image - these are little sorceresses and little oriental beauties who charm their parents, friends and relatives, all kind, caring people with their childlike tenderness and sweet smile.

Under the wonderful oriental music, the girls rise mood, they feel like real oriental beauties!

In the classroom, of course, a variety of oriental music is used, but the age of the children is taken into account in the selection.

Perfect for this adorable look. large scarf - shawl(the same as in the adult belly dance), so be sure to learn the dance with a scarf, which emphasizes the natural beauty and charm of girls. In addition, dancing with objects is interesting and exciting for the child.

In the lessons, girls learn small thematic combinations. All movements are given to cheerful incendiary oriental music, so that it would be interesting for novice stars to practice. Like any dance lesson, oriental dance classes for children are built on the principle "from simple to complex", at the beginning of the lesson there is a warm-up, at the end - stretching.

All parents, mothers and fathers, grandparents want to see their stars on the stages e, their radiant smiles, their dances. If desired, girls can participate in the reporting concert, which takes place every six months on the prestigious stages of St. Petersburg. On stage, our young oriental beauties show us their achievements, delighting moms, dads, grandparents with their amazing results.

Children's oriental dances open their doors for girls from 5 to 11 years old. It is at this age that one can begin to develop plasticity, femininity, flexibility and beauty of movements. Oriental dance lessons for children have long gained popularity, and every year more and more little princesses try themselves as oriental beauties.

Of course, like any other type of physical activity, oriental dancing for children is a very useful activity that allows the child to develop in many different directions. So, the benefits of oriental dances are as follows:

  • classes effectively develop such important qualities as strong coordination of movements, plasticity and grace;
  • with regular visits, the child develops an interest in music and develops an excellent sense of rhythm;
  • many children are very modest and shy, and all kinds of oriental dances teach you to accept and love yourself and to a large extent liberate;
  • the child becomes not only more active, but also self-confident;
  • in many girls, an amazing acting talent wakes up, which in the future can be developed not only in dance, but also in theater courses;
  • oriental dance courses discipline, teach you how to plan your day correctly and allow you to spend excess energy;
  • take a look at oriental dance costumes for kids and you will immediately understand why girls love oriental dance! To dress up in this unusual, most beautiful clothes is already a pleasure, and to be able to move beautifully in it is a doubly pleasure;
  • if a child often has to be expelled to a music school, then children dance oriental dances with desire and pleasure, and not through force;
  • oriental dances are especially useful for girls - the bone and muscle apparatus develops, the legs are aligned, the waist line is drawn more strongly, a beautiful posture and an elegant, feminine figure are formed. In addition, for the female body, oriental dances guarantee the absence of gynecological problems in the future.

Oriental dances are beneficial, and the harm can only be in the cost of costumes and the cost of the courses themselves. But these are not the amounts that are spent on equipment and training, for example, by parents of small hockey players, so finances are unlikely to be the reason for refusing such a modern, fashionable and enjoyable pastime for your child.

Oriental dances for children: features

Of course, children from an early age cannot be taught the full range of elements, so each school offers its own version of classes. However, there are common features: "shaking" is practically excluded or used at a slow pace.

For children from 5 to 10 years old, usually the main emphasis is on learning simple and beautiful dance movements, and many exercises are also performed that help to master more complex elements in the future. Already from this age, kids learn the simplest ligaments that help them not only in performances on stage, but also in the first school discos feel confident and beautiful.

At a younger age, wave movements are taught, after the age of 8, special hips and eights are connected, and then the dance is studied more and more fully, and from adolescence, the study of all elements is allowed.

Giving your child to study 2-3 times a week in an oriental children's dance school, you can be sure that your child will grow up as a relaxed, self-confident person with excellent plasticity, beautiful posture and general gracefulness of the camp.

Dance is an integral part of human life. An opportunity to show your talents, show your individuality, and in addition to strengthen your health, make movements more plastic, flexible. From a very young age, a person begins to react to music. The child claps his hands or stomps in place when he hears an incendiary melody. This suggests that every person has a predisposition to dancing. But how this talent will develop and how it will manifest itself in the end is another matter.

They do not depend on fashion trends

There is a huge variety of dance styles. As the fashion for clothes changes, so does the fashion for dancing, but there are those that have existed for several centuries and do not become less popular because of this. These can be called ballroom, folk and For children, they are much more important than just performing a certain set of movements, which are pleasant to watch from the side.

Undoubted advantages

Modern parents claim that oriental dances for children are an opportunity to form a figure, the correct shape of the spine, develop strength, dexterity, endurance, and also strengthen character. Specific movements are especially useful for girls: they will not only learn to feel the musical rhythm correctly, but also reveal their natural femininity. A thin waist for fans of this dance direction is provided.

Choice of parents and children

More recently, this direction was new for the inhabitants of our country, but today, answering the question of which direction of dance you would choose for yourself or your child, an increasing number of votes are given for oriental dances. For children, this is an opportunity to have fun, make new friends, put on an incredibly beautiful dress for a performance, for parents - confidence in the good health of their child, an opportunity to strengthen their strength of character, make them more confident, and, of course, an additional reason for pride.

Culture of the whole country

In the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, women's dances are a whole area of ​​people's culture. The science of how to dance oriental dances for children began from a very early age. In addition to cultural heritage, it had another no less important significance. In these countries, the main and sometimes the only purpose of a woman is the birth and upbringing of children. For motherhood, how the muscles of the small pelvis and the press are developed plays a big role. Oriental dances are primarily aimed at training these areas. For the children of our country, the question of motherhood is not raised from such an early age, but the strengthening of the general state of health, which can be achieved as a result of regular studies, will not interfere with any child.

Great option for psychotherapy

We all know about the existence of so-called transitional periods in the development of personality. Associated with awareness of oneself as an individual, with a change in the environment (kindergarten - school), understanding of many things that come with age, very important processes take place in the child's psyche. And it is on how they pass that it depends on what place a person will take in the future in society, what results he will achieve in life, how he will be - brave and self-confident or constrained, squeezed by the quiet. Oriental dances for children are, first of all, an opportunity to make the periods of growing up smoother, to avoid conflicts in adolescence, to understand the advantages of her body for a girl, to learn not to be shy about it. By sending their child to such classes, parents will be able to see how, right before their eyes, a beautiful swan grows up from a small fledgling and sometimes fluffy chick, with a proud posture and knowing its own worth.

Dream for a little princess

Costumes for oriental dances attract special attention. For children, wearing such a dress is just a dream. Expensive silks, flowing lines, stones, rhinestones, sparkles - isn't this the dream of a little princess of the East?

Oriental dance lessons for children include basic elements, but even simple performances performed by young talents delight. It is known that the younger the child, the more plastic his body is, so it is advised to send children to classes as early as possible. But oriental dances for children are unique in this matter. At whatever age the training begins, the result will still be amazing. Perhaps this explains the popularity of the chosen dance direction.

If only parents dream of enrolling a child in a circle, and the child is categorically against it, try a little trick. Read the tales of the East together, watch cartoons that correspond to the theme. It is likely that the girl will be interested in how to dance oriental dances. For children, and for adults too, it is very important to believe in a fairy tale, and such dances allow not only to believe in it, but also to completely immerse yourself.

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information about where you can sign up for oriental dance classes in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular directions, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and trainings in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

Oriental children's dances are a touching picture for many parents. What girl refuses to show off in front of a mirror in her mother's earrings and beads? And then there is a great opportunity to try on bright and beautiful scarves, belts with coins and many other original accessories. Oriental dance for children will be a great opportunity to develop the plasticity and femininity of the baby, give her a graceful and soft gait.

Oriental dances for children - features of the classes

When choosing dance directions for kids, you need to pay attention to the fact that oriental dance lessons for children are somewhat different from classes for adults. First of all, the lessons for the child contain lightweight exercises that are performed to dynamic and incendiary music. At the same time, little oriental beauties will easily charm the audience with childish tenderness. For oriental dance lessons for children, a large scarf is perfect, which is also used in adult classes. What little girl would turn down the opportunity to show off her charm and natural beauty? In addition, learning dance movements with various objects will be exciting and interesting.

Oriental dances for children involve the consistent learning of small thematic combinations. Starting with the simplest elements, the little ones gradually complicate the movements, learning complex combinations. At the same time, incendiary oriental music plays in the background, so that the girls would be as interested in doing it as possible. Like any dance, children's oriental dances begin with a warm-up, allowing you to work out and prepare your muscles for subsequent loads. The lesson ends with a stretch that relieves tension.

To make oriental dance lessons for girls more attractive, many dance studios hold special concerts, participate in local or global competitions. Thus, the little ones not only learn dance moves, but also prepare full-fledged performances to perform on stage in colorful and original costumes. They consist of a long skirt and a short top. Sometimes, instead of a skirt, wide oriental trousers are used, decorated with a belt with beads or imitation coins.

Oriental dance lessons for children in Moscow

Since oriental dance classes are very popular among girls, many dance studios offer lessons. Our portal contains dance schools in Moscow with their addresses and phone numbers. The tables contain prices for a one-time lesson in children's oriental dances, as well as the cost of subscriptions for children.

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