How to open a dance school from scratch. step

How to open a dance school: organizational issues

Dance classes are popular with the general public: the acquisition of smoothness and grace of movements, the formation muscle mass, weight loss, maintaining the tone of the body, good spirits, active pastime attract many. For these reasons, professionals this art and even beginners who have an entrepreneurial streak tend to open a dance school.

How to open a dance studio: launching a project

The choice of the form of business registration depends on the final result of the lessons. If, upon completion of the courses, the participants will be issued the appropriate certificates or diplomas, then the activities of the school or studio are subject to licensing. In this case, it is advisable to register the project as an LLC.

In cases where a startup opens its own dance school with the aim of teaching students to dance and does not provide for the issuance of any documents to confirm training, you can choose an IP. A more complex form of project registration is non-profit organization, whose activities are carried out at the expense of sponsorship money.

How to open a dance school: important points

To understand how to open your own dance school most productively, you should understand the specifics of providing this service. Studio clients primarily value professionalism and human qualities teachers, as well as the functionality of the premises. The training room is a room with an area of ​​150 sq. meters, which has a ventilation system, all requirements are met fire safety.

Equally important is the flooring: preference is given to laminate or parquet flooring, not varnished, sufficiently springy and not hard. The walls of the hall should be equipped with large mirrors - at least 2 meters high - with a minimum number of joints. Lighting should be bright, sharp, but not overbearing. In addition, the room must have excellent acoustics.

The presence of showers and a rest room is very welcome by the students. Therefore, preference should be given to a room with the possibility of organizing additional zones.

The best option is to organize evening group classes three times a week with the number of students 15 - 30 people. In the morning or afternoon, you can spend individual lessons or sublease the hall (if this possibility is agreed with the landlord). Realizing this option, having calculated the costs of maintaining the premises, paying utility bills, wages administrator, cleaner and two or three teachers, an entrepreneur can go to net profit not less than $5 thousand

Answering the question: "How to open your dance studio?”, a startup must assess the potential at its disposal for the implementation this project: knowledge in the field of marketing and promotion of services, the ability to communicate with customers and employees, plan business processes and manage risks. The Business Youth project invites all beginners in the field of entrepreneurial business who have a desire to organize a profitable long-term business.

The easiest way to open a dance school is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself - we suggest you step by step instructions from the expert company Tequila Dance Studio.

So, how to assess the potential market and demand? Market experts say that the demand for dance training is always present, but with the crisis, the audience began to be careful, so you need to focus on the fact that dancing is not just a sport, but also a favorite hobby, as well as a great way to deal with stress (which is especially important in unstable times). You can not be afraid of competition in dances, market players say: high demand is better than its absence. To choose a niche, you need to analyze not only the demand, but also your sympathy for certain types dance. And in order to properly work out the detuning from competitors, it is necessary to take into account the areas where strong players are located (networks or recognizable brands) and traffic in these places, their pricing policy, dance directions, the presence of strong teachers, their pros and cons.

Personal experience

I opened when none of the players were in the city (St. Petersburg) yet. Now I have a big advantage - we are a network. We have a budget for promotion, we occupy a good position on the Internet. If I open new school, I will be noticed more people, since our brand is known to those who are interested in dancing, and on the Internet in search engines we will also be seen by a larger number of potential customers. Now we have 20 of our halls and 3 franchises in Russia and we will expand. In general, our niche can be called competitive, but there are few strong players and networks in the city. When studying competitors, I look specifically at the big players in the market, the networkers.

We cover almost all age groups. We have children from the age of 1 with their mothers, from the age of 3 they are already studying without their mothers, teenagers, students, adults, pensioners (they dance for free under the municipal program). We even held classes for pregnant women. All of these groups need their own approach. The youth is interested in the party. For older people - the opportunity to find a soul mate or new friends.

To open a dance school, it is advisable to understand choreography or be a "practicing leader", that is, dance and teach. In a dance environment, building a strong personal brand is essential. As a rule, clients come to study with certain teachers, and if valuable employees go to competitors (taking their students with them), then the owner will have a chance to retain clients with the help of a personal “brand” - provided that he maintained a positive relationship with the audience. Contact with the audience can also be maintained at dance parties and events.

Of course, in addition to an interest in the dance industry, experience in business is also desirable. Otherwise, you can buy a template successful business franchise, having previously studied the market.

Personal experience

I do not have a choreographic education, but I started dancing as a hobby about 20 years ago, and it was the interest in dancing that prompted me to create this business. I am a practicing leader, and this gives me a great advantage over those school owners who do not understand dance. Optimally, if you are not just interested in dancing, but do it yourself, education does not matter. It happens that a franchise is bought, but you don’t hear about the school, because the leader does not rotate in dance circles and does not live on his own business, does not introduce new trends. We have almost 100 employees and we respond very quickly to changes in the business, customer requests, staff issues.

If you first open a small dance school with 2-3 halls, renting a room, then, according to average estimates, you can earn 100-500 thousand per month, depending on the city and area, traffic, demand, and so on - factors that determine the success of the business , a lot. If there are three halls at your point - this is a small complex that allows you to reach a larger number of clients at the same time. Mostly people go dancing in the evening - after work, school, university. In order to attract customers during the day, you need to discount the daytime hours, but you will most likely recruit small groups anyway. Eventually, when your halls will be overloaded in the evening and in the afternoon you will be recruiting groups medium size, your business will grow and there will be a need to open a second school. So gradually from a small hall you can grow into a network of dance studios.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

So, how do you start attracting clients and promoting your dance school?

Sales of school services are handled by the sales department. They look for potential customers in open sources, at events, while all contacts are entered into the database. In addition, managers work with incoming calls.

To search for personnel, it is better to use open sources(websites, social networks, ads), as well as recommendations. It is good if you work in this field and know personally professional teachers. If you have interesting project and you are working on brand promotion, teachers will start contacting you themselves. You may be able to "poach" some employees from other schools. In addition, after a while you will be able to "grow" professionals from your students. Teachers can be full-time and freelance, depending on their workload. Accordingly, they can be concluded labor contract or a contract. If funds allow, you can not search for personnel on your own, but find an agency as a contractor.

The documents

It is more convenient to create an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified form of taxation. If the business has two founders, you need to create an LLC, which provides for income tax and income tax.

The activities of dance schools are not yet licensed, since it has not yet been determined what type of service this business belongs to - educational, leisure activities, or, for example, health improvement. If you are renting a space, it is likely that the standard requirements must be taken into account by the landlord or Management Company. If you are furnishing a room from scratch, fire safety requirements must be taken into account. To work with children, health books are needed. It is also necessary to coordinate the sign with the executive committee of the city.

Dancing is a great pastime that is good for your health, promotes a slim figure and supports cultural and spiritual level person. Many understand this and are happy to visit individual and group activities in dance schools, studios and dance classes. Consider how to open a dance school on your own and earn income from it.

Format and Direction

First you need to decide which dance direction will be taught at your school. It is not necessary to choose just one. Your school may have classes in both classical ballroom dancing, Latin American, and popular in recent times eastern. The choice of one or more directions is determined by various factors, such as:

  • The preferences of your target audience.
  • Referrals to existing schools in your city or area.
  • your personal preference.
  • Your teacher's preferences.
  • Fashion.

In addition to teaching some specific dance styles, in last years such a program as "Dancing for All" is coming into fashion. It is designed for people who don't know how to dance and want to learn how to feel confident in clubs and parties.

Each dance school develops its own exclusive "Dance for All" program. It should include the main modern trends and maybe some themed dances and classics. These programs, with proper advertising, usually attract a lot of applicants, because after a few weeks, students feel a noticeable result. Your task is to make sure that this result is. And then you will not need further advertising, information about you will be passed on by word of mouth.

Dance school room

Finding the right venue for a dance school is not easy. A combination of all the requirements is rare. And the requirements are:

  • The size of the dance class must be at least 80 sq.m.
  • The class should have good system ventilation and air conditioning.
  • Two locker rooms are required, men's and women's, 15 sq.m each. each. In case of shortage of space, the size of the men's locker room can be reduced to 10 sq.m.
  • Both locker rooms must have showers, at least two.
  • You need a hall or foyer where the reception desk will be located.
  • Need a rest room furnished upholstered furniture, not less than 20 sq.m.

You can find such a room in a fitness center or business center, where a leisure zone is provided. Sometimes dance schools rent premises in cultural centers or sports complexes.

The option of building a dance school is, of course, very attractive, but it will require significant financial investments. You can buy a room that is suitable in size, own it and remake it to your needs. This option is also not cheap.

Rented premises that meet the requirements listed above may still require some investment. If you have not danced there before, then the flooring may not meet your needs. In addition, large mirrors on the walls are a must for the dance class. If they are not, you will have to spend money on purchasing and installing them.

Dance school location

You can open a dance studio both in the city center, in a noticeable and visited place, and in a quiet residential area. Both have their own clientele and their pros and cons.

City center

  • Prestige. A dance studio located in the center is considered more prestigious than on the outskirts.
  • Lesson prices are higher. This is related to the previous point - the more prestigious the studio, the higher the cost of services.
  • Less advertising costs. It is enough to hang a noticeable sign and post a few ads on the adjacent streets.
  • Convenient for working clients. In the city center there are usually many offices and other enterprises, whose employees can become your regular customers. They will be able to attend classes right after work or even during their lunch break.
  • The main and almost the only negative is the high rent in the central regions.
  • Out-of-town customers may prefer an establishment closer to home.
  • Traffic jams, common for the central part of the city. Can lead to frequent delays for both students and teachers.

Sleeping areas and outskirts

  • Low rent. With luck and perseverance, you can find a very cheap room.
  • You will have more housewife clients who prefer to work out in the morning and afternoon. Very often in dance studios, morning and afternoon are downtime.
  • Lack of competition. There are not so many dance schools in the sleeping areas, and there are a lot of people, including your potential clients. Of course, you will need to first scout the situation and not open a studio where there is already a similar institution.
  • Your school may not be considered as prestigious as those located in the center.
  • You will have fewer customers, especially at first. It is not necessary to count on crowded halls in sleeping areas.
  • To achieve good attendance, you will have to constantly spend money on advertising campaigns and various promotions.
  • Less tuition fee.

Dance studio staff

First and foremost, of course, are teachers. It's yours main value and the reason for your income. An experienced and skillful teacher is able to attract a large number of customers and without additional advertising.

For the full-fledged work of your studio, you will need from four to six teachers who will work according to the approved schedule from 8 am to 10-11 pm.

In addition, you will need two administrators working in shifts. Their duties will include communication with visitors, handling telephone calls and, if necessary, organizing activities.

You will need to hire a cleaner to clean the room.

dance school business plan

The cost of one lesson in a dance school can range from 200 to 400 rubles per hour. This applies to group lessons. Individual lessons with an instructor will cost the client from 700 to 1000 rubles per hour.

Usually, classes in studios specializing in one dance direction are a little more expensive than classes in schools with a broad specialization. The fact is that a narrow specialization requires more skill and experience from teachers, and training services are considered exclusive.

A group of students consists of 12-15 people. Most of The school's clients are usually engaged in the evening. But even in the morning there can be classes for housewives who have free time or private lessons with a teacher. In order for the dance school to not only pay off, but also generate income, it is necessary to achieve the presence of at least 4-5 groups in the hall a day.

Let's calculate the costs of opening an average dance school:

  • Premises rental - from 70,000 to 90,000. With a higher rental cost, your business may become unprofitable.
  • Costs for additional equipment (mirrors, flooring, etc.) - 80,000
  • Approximate salary expenses for employees in the first month - 120,000
  • Initial advertising costs - 50,000
  • Total - 330,000 rubles - the amount needed to open a dance school-studio.

General calculations:

  • Initial costs - 330,000
  • Monthly turnover of funds - about 350,000
  • Monthly expenses - 200,000
  • Dance studio income - from 150,000 rubles per month

Company registration

Usually the founders of schools and dance studios, less often - as (usually this form is chosen if there is more than one founder).

Obtaining special licenses to engage in activities such as choreography is not provided.

If you are renting space outside of a dedicated facility, like a fitness center, you may need to obtain permits to operate it yourself. You will need to obtain permission to open a school from the Fire Department, SES and the city administration.

As a taxation system, you can.

Advertising and promotion of the school-studio of dance

Some dance school owners believe that spending money on a massive advertising company impractical. Those who love and want to dance will find you. And those for whom dancing has no appeal are unlikely to come to school after seeing an advertisement.

Of course, people who are far from dancing are unlikely to change their attitude when they see your advertisement, but those who are passionate about dancing will find out about you. In addition, there are people who are hesitant, wondering where to go and what to do to keep themselves in shape. Your advertisement may have an impact on them and encourage them to come to your dance school and try it out.

The conclusion is this: you yourself decide whether you need large-scale advertising on radio and television, but announcements that appeared new studio where you can learn to dance should definitely appear at least in print media and on the Internet. And as a maximum - on posters and banners throughout the city.

Another way to stimulate existing students and attract new customers is dance evenings. Any popular dance studio is sure to regularly hold such events, where students can demonstrate their skills and enjoy dancing and socializing.

For dance parties usually rent restaurants or clubs. Entrance to the party is paid, this fee pays for the rent for the premises.

Running such a type of business as a dance school can become not only a bright and interesting occupation for life, but also a full-fledged commercial project that brings regular income to its owner.

First of all, you need to choose which dance classes will be taught in your school. When choosing dance directions, attention should be paid to modern dance, street directions, as well as social dances.

Modern dancing- tectonics, go-go, strip-dance, pole-dance, jazz-funk, etc.

street dancing- break-dance, hip-hop, house, street-dance, etc.

social dances- salsa, bachata, reggaeton, rumba, brazilian zouk, rueda, merengue, etc.

Initially, a dance school can be created as a highly specialized one (for example, only in paired social dances) or a general one. It depends not so much on the general demand of the population, but on the qualifications of the teachers who will work in your school.

It is better to attract well-known and talented teachers in similar areas and position the school as a specialized one. This, in turn, will increase the average check, since a narrow specialization implies the acquisition of deeper skills.

The reputation of a school is closely related to the reputation of the teachers working in it. Therefore, in order for teachers to be attentive to students in the group and constantly improve the quality of teaching, it is necessary to maintain healthy competition in a collective. This is achieved by increasing the percentage of sales when a certain number of people are recruited into the group.

This business plan considers the opening of a school social dancing.

The dance school can be developed in two ways:

  1. The presence of one large center with 2 - 3 halls;
  2. Development of the branch network different areas cities.

In the first case, the coverage of the target audience is somewhat less, but there is a significant saving on administrative costs.

However, no matter what development path you choose, the first hall should be rented in the city center in close proximity to the metro station and public transport stops.

The full equipment of the dance hall consists of two fully mirrored walls, choreographic machines, musical equipment, air conditioning, and stretching mats. Installation required for specific dance directions additional equipment. For example, for a pole-dance class, you need a pylon (pole). AT this example opening a social dance school does not require additional equipment.

The dance school business has a pronounced seasonal character. As a rule, the maximum demand is reached during the period from September to December and from February to May. During the summer months, people prefer to spend more free time in nature or go on vacation. As a result, demand drops sharply.

In winter, demand also decreases by 20-30% due to long holidays and school/student holidays.

The amount of initial investment is 460 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 8 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Dance school is a type of business in the field additional education and leisure. You provide clients with the opportunity to learn how to dance in a specially equipped hall under the guidance of an experienced professional. It does not matter the level of training and age of the student. Groups are divided according to the degree of skill. However, as a rule, children and the elderly are engaged in separate groups.

In the considered school of social dances, lessons are presented in the following areas:


Number of groups

Number of lessons per week for one group

Total number of classes per week


The number of groups for each direction is determined depending on the demand for this species dance and the level of training of the group. As a rule, over time, 3 groups are formed in each direction: beginner, continuing and senior.

At the dance school there is an opportunity to study both in a group and on individual lessons. The main difference lies in the cost. Individual training costs 2.5-3 times more. For each type of training, you can purchase both a separate lesson and a subscription. The Standard Membership is valid for one month and includes either 4 or 8 lessons. The subscription is nominal in nature and applies only to the person for whom it is registered.

A complete list of services with an indication of the cost you can see in the table:

Name of service

Number of lessons

Cost, rub.)

Individual lesson

Individual subscription

group lesson

Subscription for group classes

Universal subscription*

Travel pass**

All subscriptions, except for the universal one, apply only to one direction of dance and are assigned to a specific teacher. This is a necessary measure in order for the group to have a permanent composition and develop steadily. A universal subscription is an opportunity to attend 8 classes within one month in any direction and with any teacher. The only limitation is the compliance of the student with the level of physical fitness of the group.

A travel pass is valid for 2 months and applies to one dance direction. At a cost, such a subscription is more expensive than a group one, but cheaper than 8 one-time classes. That is, if a client is forced to go on a business trip for work, then he does not lose his classes, while the school retains the client.

If a student regularly attends classes during a month, then he can purchase a subscription for the next month with a 10% discount. If a client brings a friend who buys a subscription, he (the client) receives a 15% discount.

This flexible payment system allows you to retain customers and increases demand for services.

3. Description of the market

Target audience of the dance school

The target audience of a dance school can be very diverse. Everyone loves to dance: children, adults, and even the elderly. Therefore, a more detailed definition of your audience will directly depend on what areas of dance you will develop in your school.

For example, if for such directions as belly-dance or pole-dance the target audience will be unmarried girls from 18 to 30 years old. And break-dance classes are mostly attended by young guys aged 15 to 25.

For a social dance school, the target audience would be described as follows:

Men and women aged 20 to 35 years. As a rule, these are already working people who are not married. 80% of dancers are in search of a "second half". In addition, these people are open to communication and well socially adapted. The main purpose of visiting dance classes is to take a break from work and at home, to plunge into the holiday atmosphere. They are loyal to the design and equipment of the hall. For them, the main thing is the communication that takes place within the group. An important criterion for finding a school is location, contingent, regular dance parties.

Based on the described criteria, we can conclude that the main attention in the service should be directed to establishing "friendly" relations with the client. Educators should devote extra time to holding activities that promote team building - holding weekly parties and organizing outdoor events. As for the external positioning of the dance school for potential clients, a friendly, well-organized team, consisting of both beginner students and experienced teachers, will stand out as the main advantage.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantage dance schools

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Any entrepreneurial activity needs to start with state registration organizations. When opening a dance school, the best solution would be to register as individual entrepreneur. The indicated OKVED code is 92.34.2. Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. The taxation system used is the simplified tax system (6% of income). Since the individual entrepreneur provides services to the public, a cash register is not needed, it is enough to issue strict reporting forms (BSO).

After registration, you need to choose a room for the school. The room should consist of a main hall, two dressing rooms - separately for men and women, a bathroom, a reception room (reception), a staff room. The hall must be at least 50 sq.m., have a rectangular or square shape and even walls. Thus, the rented premises must be at least 100 sq.m.

Location selection criteria:

  • City center;
  • Proximity to transport interchanges, metro stations and bus stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  1. Wooden flooring (parquet or laminate);
  2. Large mirrors on the surface of two walls;
  3. Good lighting;
  4. Floor mats, water cooler.

A reception desk is installed in the reception area, 3-4 chairs for clients. There are benches and lockers in the locker rooms. The staff room is equipped with a table, chairs, wardrobe. This is a place for teachers to relax.

While you are setting up your work space, you need to start looking for teachers. You can search for them in online mode, browsing the websites of famous dance schools in your city, and then the personal pages of teachers in in social networks. You can look for employees at dance forums and festivals, at master classes in areas of interest. However, be prepared for the fact that all experienced and in-demand teachers are already working. You need to not only analyze the market and identify the best dance gurus, but also offer them more favorable terms of cooperation. You will have to use all organizational skills to create a close-knit team of professionals.

After you have formed a staff of workers, you can begin to conduct the first trial lessons, after which you will sell subscriptions and form the first groups of students. In parallel, disseminate information about your school on the Internet and in print format.

6. Organizational structure

To start the work of a dance studio, it will be enough for you to work with 3 teachers on different directions. In addition, to work with clients, you need to hire an administrator. Since the flow of customers will be small at first, the school will fully function only in the evenings on weekdays and during the daytime on weekends.

For the well-coordinated work of the team, you need to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee. Before starting work at the school, each employee must pass an exam in knowledge of their job description, as well as general rules interactions between employees within the framework of the current organizational structure schools.


Administrator duties include:

  1. The opening of the hall half an hour before the start of the lesson;
  2. Checking the working condition of musical equipment;
  3. Checking the condition of the premises (cleanliness of the hall, availability of additional equipment);
  4. Pre-registration of clients for classes;
  5. Maintaining a client base;
  6. Meeting students, familiarizing everyone with the rules of the dance school;
  7. Sale of subscriptions and acceptance of payment;
  8. Accounting for class attendance, maintaining the rating of teachers;
  9. Drawing up a schedule of classes for each month, taking into account the wishes of clients;
  10. Answering calls, consulting on all school services and work schedule;
  11. Looking for new clients;
  12. Cleaning the room after class
  13. Closing of the dance hall.

Depending on the number of employees in the administrator position, the schedule and rules of the work of your school, the items of the job description will change. However, even before starting work, you must make sure that the applicant for the vacancy is familiar with all the responsibilities, since it is the studio administrator who is the face of your school for each client.

The administrator's salary consists of a fixed and percentage part (7,000 rubles + 3% of the amount of revenue). The administrator's work schedule also depends on the workload of the studio. As a rule, the administrator works from Mon. by Fri. afternoons and full day Saturdays.


Dance instructor responsibilities include:

  1. Timely start of each lesson;
  2. Familiarize students with safety at the beginning of each lesson;
  3. Maintaining order in the hall during the lesson;
  4. Individual approach to each student - control of achievements and consultation on any issue related to classes in this direction dancing;
  5. Continuous independent professional development in the chosen area of ​​teaching;
  6. Improving the reputation and expanding the base of regular students.

The teacher's salary depends on the number of students in the group and is determined as follows:

Thus, each teacher is personally interested in increasing the number of people in the group and developing the demand for the dance school.

If the teacher himself comes with his client base, then you can offer him to pay for the rent of the hall (300-500 rubles per hour) and 30% of the amount of revenue from the classes of this teacher. The teacher's work schedule is flexible. In fact, he is only at school a few hours a week.


Salary fund

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (rub.)

The number of employees

Salary Total (rub.)

Head teacher

School Administrator


General salary fund

*Note - the payment of the teacher depends on the hours of work. In 1 and 2 months of work, there are about 7 classes per week per teacher. Maximum bet is 500 rubles per hour.

7. Financial plan

The most costly in opening a dance school is the equipment of the dance hall. This item of expenditure accounts for at least 262,000 rubles. The total investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Investments in the opening of a dance school

*Note - office expenses are considered, as well as expenses for hosting dance parties and other events

Dance school income

The income of the dance school depends on the number of subscriptions sold per month. At the same time, the number of classes may not increase, since initially the groups are only half filled. Then, after the number of students in one group becomes more than 15 people, the next group is formed.

Month of work

Number of tickets sold per month

Average monthly subscription price

General income

Total consumption

Rent (sq.m.)

Another one interesting story a business built from the ground up on sheer enthusiasm. The heroine of today's business magazine materialIQR a few years ago and had some success, starting a business with little to no initial capital. Today we will talk about how to open a dance studio and how much you can earn.

Why I decided to open a dance school


My name is Maria, I am 30 years old. In the story that I will tell about my attempt to open a business, it takes place in Moscow in 2011. My dance business lasted 2 years.

I was born in a family of choreographers, so the dance genes in me woke up earlier than any human reflexes. Until the age of 3, my mother worked with me, shaping my stretch and elongated feet, then they sent me to a ballet studio, and from the age of 12 I chose on my own dance directions to which my soul lay.

In the early nineties, there was practically nothing to choose from: folk, ballroom dancing and rap just coming into vogue. Choreographers staged productions, licking them from foreign clips. At that time, a dream of my own dance school settled in my head, where I could teach a special dance that lives in my imagination, therefore, attending not only classes, but also all kinds of seminars, I absorbed everything like a sponge.

My dance experience

By adulthood, having received a very decent experience, I began to work as a choreographer in a small town. Things were going well, I liked the work, my team constantly participated in city competitions and won prizes, but, unfortunately, my work was not appreciated.

In the depths of my soul, I understood that in a more developed city this occupation would be more in demand, but there was no way to escape to the mainland.

And when I had a family and children, I had to completely leave the dance sphere - at that moment I said goodbye forever to choreography, and to the stage, and to dreams. But at one fine moment, life turned to me as a fifth point, and I had to remember the dance certificate and go to the casting - there was the possibility of getting a vacant place as a Go-Go dancer. It was scary to go into this business at the age of 25, and even after giving birth, because younger competitors were taken to the clubs, but since there were no options, I took a chance.

How did I decide to start my own business?

After dancing for a couple of months in a nightclub, weighing all the pros and cons of this profession, finding out everything about it from the inside, I went to conquer the capital. A serious argument in favor of this decision was the fact that earnings for night dances far exceeded the salary for the main day job. In the capital, things were not going so smoothly, because, despite the abundance of clubs, the competition among the dancers was high, but I still found my niche. Next, I decided to attend a couple of classes on dancing go-go for the purpose of self-development, after all, this is Moscow, and there are many opportunities to improve your skills here. But, oddly enough, the level of skill of the teachers was not high for the capital, it was at that moment that my dreams of my own dance school came to life again. So to say, a second wind opened up, because I really understood that as a dancer I was at a high professional level.

But to bring the idea to life, both funds and connections were needed, so I began to storm various studios, classes, find out who works how, make the necessary acquaintances. As a result, on the advice of many choreographers, it was decided to informally recruit a group, rent a hall and earn money by teaching people the art of dance.

dance studio business plan

How to open a dance studio

Promotion of the studio - how I was looking for clients for my services

In social networks, I posted announcements about my classes, looked for those who wanted to and, along the way, a place for conducting lessons. Renting the hall was not difficult, since no one asks questions, are you an entrepreneur or a private trader, the only condition is not to damage the property, otherwise pay and dance until you drop.

How much does it cost to rent a hall

Take off dance hall in Moscow for an hour at that time, on average, it cost 500 rubles, naturally, I was not eager to go to the center, but the option was not considered near the Moscow Ring Road either. My very first hall was in Medvedkovo, within walking distance from the metro, which is important for the capital, its rent cost 400 rubles per hour. Just imagine what a space it is for earning money at minimal cost: a normal lesson lasts 1.5 hours (I paid for two at once, so that we could calmly study and solve organizational issues), the hall is equipped with mirrors, necessary equipment and musical equipment.

Profit and profitability of the dance school

At first, I took 350 rubles per lesson from each person who came to the lesson. 7 people came to the first lesson, respectively, for the first lesson held in Moscow, I earned a little more than one and a half thousand rubles of net profit. The girls brought their friends to the next lesson, asked to increase the number of lessons per week, and a month later I already had 4 groups of 10 people. We worked with each of the groups in the direction they liked: somewhere it was strip plastic, somewhere it was an incendiary club disco, someone asked for a belly dance, and in one group the girls were only interested in stretching.

Sometimes the composition changed (people get sick, go on vacation, get lazy), but there were practically no empty seats, since new ones always came to replace those who left. Thus, in a couple of months I began to reach an income of 50,000 rubles, and this is with employment of 8-10 hours a week. Of course, for Moscow this is not much money, but I had a huge incentive to develop in my dance field, plus there were material goals that warmed the souls and made me move forward. I set myself a specific goal - which, according to my calculations, should have happened in a year (I’ll make a reservation right away that the purchase of housing was planned far outside the capital, but the apartment at that time cost a little over a million rubles).

Why I left the business

Of course, I have often thought about the need to legalize my activities: open an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, rent a hall for a long time, but my income has not yet reached such a level as to become a real business woman, so I continued to look for halls in other areas, make a schedule that is both convenient and financially profitable.

After about six months of being in the dance business, my day was so packed that sometimes I spent classes until late at night. Usually there were 6 lessons per day with short breaks. In addition to group classes, individual classes began to be held, which in terms of money were valued much higher than usual. In individual classes, the girls were asked to learn options private dances to perform before his other half, it was also great amount orders for staging wedding dances.

After a couple of months, I realized that I could no longer cope with such a volume of work alone - after all, I had classes in several Moscow districts: Medvedkovo, Altufyevo, Prague, and then Tulskaya. Therefore, I decided to look for an assistant to conduct choreographic lessons. For a nominal fee, she offered to teach her own student, entrusting her to conduct stretching classes for beginners. By the way, this girl teaches lessons to this day, although she already cooperates with clubs, preparing dancers for them.

But back to my story. My business, although not entirely legal, lasted 2 years. Perhaps he would still bring me an excellent income, but my plans for life changed, I moved from Moscow to the north, took care of my family and raising children.

But I did not leave empty-handed: on the income from my dance business I bought and renovated an apartment. So, having achieved my goal, I left, leaving this occupation young and energetic.

Real figures for income and expenses of a dance school

For those who are interested in this field of activity, I want to bring real numbers to evaluate the pros and cons.


  1. Hall rental - 500 rubles per hour.
  2. Cost of 1 rug - 600 rubles (if they are not in the hall, which is extremely rare, but if you get it, then for a long time).
  3. Damage to property - from 500 to 15000 (the rug was torn, the mirror was broken, the equipment was broken - I have not had such cases).
  4. Payment for assistant choreographer - 100 rubles from each student in the lesson.


  1. The cost of one lesson - 500 rubles for 1.5 hours.
  2. Individual lesson - 1500 rubles for an hour and a half.
  3. staging wedding dance - 2500 per lesson (usually 2-3 lessons are required). middle group- 10 people. One group has 2-3 lessons per week. A day - 6-7 lessons.

Dance studio profitability

Net profit for one lesson is about 4,000 rubles, respectively, per day with 6 lessons - 24,000 rubles. When working 5 days a week, 5 lessons a day (we subtract travel expenses and unforeseen expenses), the net profit is 80,000-100,000 rubles.

This calculation is for one choreographer, if you take an assistant, then the number of groups will increase by at least 2, and when deducting the payment to the assistant, you will receive a net profit per week of about 130,000 thousand.

If you are inspired by my story and want to follow in my footsteps, then I want to warn you that this is not an easy job. There will be almost no time or energy left for personal life, as well as for some business, so it is extremely difficult to hold out in this mode for a long time. Here you need to have excellent health, and nerves of steel. Do not be afraid to seem intrusive, pester everyone with questions of interest, do not pay attention to what they think about you, go clearly to your goal, bring it to life, believe in yourself - and you will certainly succeed.

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