How to dance hip hop. Tips

Hip-hop is a street dance style that has become especially popular in recent years. It is filled with various elements of breakdance, jazz, as well as African rhythms.

Dance Features

In this direction, not only the level of performance is very important, but also the individuality and charisma of the dancer. The very essence of this dance is to attract the attention of others. That is why, in order to perform hip-hop, you need to be able to feel the music well and demonstrate your own style. In addition, you must have the perfect clarity of each movement.

If you like to dance and be the center of attention - try yourself in this style. You can go to a dance school or learn the basic elements yourself. Learn how to learn to dance hip-hop at home.

To begin with, you need to learn the basic movements, and then apply them in a different order, dancing to the music. By following our tips and devoting just a couple of hours a week, you can easily perform dance moves in this modern style. To better master the technique of hip-hop, look at various videos on the Internet.

How to learn to dance hip-hop at home - a set of movements

1. First you need to take a wide step with your left foot, turn your feet and the whole body to the left. Then slowly bend your body down to touch the floor on opposite sides of your leg. You should feel the muscles in your legs and back stretch slightly. Now it is worth bending your left leg and touching the floor with two elbows. Repeat all the same movements in relation to the right leg.

2. The next movement - put your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch the top of your head to the top, and then lean forward slowly and as low as possible to touch the floor with your hands.

3. Straighten up, then raise your right hand to your shoulder, holding it outstretched, and put your left hand on its elbow bend. Now you need to gently pull your elbow to your shoulder. Repeat all the same, but only by changing hands.

4. Turn all the way to the left, then lower yourself down until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Squeeze the brush into fists and lean towards the floor, while the back should be slightly rounded. Bend over and fully straighten up. Keeping your feet on the floor, turn them to the left, bend your knees slightly. Now you need to pull your hands to your shoulders, placing your fingers on your chest, slightly pressing it in, while at the same time pushing your pelvis forward and rounding your back. After that, straighten your back and turn to the right. The brushes should go down, sliding over the body, then stop at the waist.

5. Extend your leg forward and tilt your torso back. Now straighten your left leg and lift the opposite knee up. At the same time, the arms should be bent at the elbows, they should be held in front of the chest. Make a sharp twist, round your back, and straighten your right leg. Then lean back, stretch your arms - left straight in front of you, and right - up.

6. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, right foot should be slightly behind. Tilt your head to the right, bend your knees, making a slight squat. Then turn your knees straight, and bend your right hand with a brush to your head. The opposite handle should be bent at the elbow so that the fist is at chest level.

7. Extend your left hand and use the other to bring your head closer to your shoulder. Next, you need to turn the knee of the opposite leg to the right. Jump up while raising your straight leg. To do this, the weight of the body must be transferred to the left leg, and the arms bent at the elbows and raised to the chest. The right leg should be raised to the middle, then bend over and, pushing off with the opposite leg, make a jump. Straighten your shoulders by bringing your shoulder blades together. Do this whole complex, but starting from the other leg.

8. Rise on your toes, keeping your back straight and stretching your head to the top. At the same time, keep your hands in front of you, legs remain straight. Then push the leg forward, bend it with a sharp movement of the arm at the elbows. Now you need to bend your fingers up on the opposite hand, touching the elbow of the other hand, which at this time should turn fingers down. Then bend your legs and stand on your toes.

Benefits of dancing

Now you know how to learn to dance hip-hop.

For girls, this dance is not only a way to express themselves, but also an opportunity to keep the body in perfect shape. Of course, in addition to the basic movements, you will also need to do warm-up and stretching exercises. Such physical activity will help you to improve coordination of movements and improve your figure.

Hip-hop is suitable for all ages and body types. The main thing is that doing this dance brings you joy and pleasure. Try it, you will definitely like it.

Video: how to learn to dance hip-hop

What young, ambitious person does not want to catch the admiring glances of others? But how to show your peers your bright personality and gain authority? This can be done, for example, with the help of dances. Read our recommendations on how to learn to dance hip-hop and other dances popular among young people. And remember that in any business the main thing is determination, patience and diligence. Dare!

How to learn to dance hip hop

Today, few people have heard of such an incendiary and charismatic dance as hip-hop, which has African roots. You can say more - hip-hop has become wildly popular on a global scale. And indeed, when you see how guys and girls dress almost to rhythmic music, it’s simply impossible to take your eyes off this spectacle. How to learn to dance hip-hop?

Today on the Internet you can download a lot of tutorials on hip-hop movements and, of course, the music to learn them to. However, no matter how strong the desire to learn this dance is, rarely anyone succeeds in doing it at home. These home lessons can be of great help to skilled dancers who are eager to learn new moves. But if you want to know how to learn to dance hip-hop from scratch, your best bet is to turn to more experienced comrades or go to a modern dance studio.

True, at home you yourself can make an invaluable contribution to the realization of your dream of dancing. Those who want to know how to learn how to breakdance or hip-hop should be critical of their bodies. Neither hip-hop nor break forgives poor fitness and weakness. Therefore, so that performing even the most elementary tricks does not become an impossible task for you, spend at least a couple of months developing endurance and flexibility.

You can perform a set of strength exercises with the help of video training at home or in the gym. Particular attention should be paid to training the muscles of the arms, legs, shoulder girdle. It will also be useful to do your general physical training, for example, regularly jogging in the fresh air. This will help you learn how to breathe properly during exercise.

When your muscles are already strong enough, you can start learning to do a handstand and headstand (first with support - against the wall, then without support). At the same time, train your flexibility by doing stretching exercises (various inclinations, backbends, in particular, the “bridge”).

How to learn to dance in a disco

You don't go to discos or are you used to sitting in some quiet corner, watching with admiration and envy how guys and girls dance incendiary? Oh, you just can't dance! We hasten to reassure you, it is not too late to learn this at any age, there would be a desire and patience. How to learn to dance hip-hop, you already know. I would like to note that disco movements and dances are much easier for many.

First of all, you should not only learn to listen to music, but also to hear its beat and rhythm. Learn to dance to simple musical rhythms. At this stage, the beauty of music is not in the first place, so areas such as trance or house are quite suitable for acquiring dance skills. Turn on some track and start counting the rhythm. You will soon discover that disco music is made up of "squares" or "eights." Each such "square" is 8 accounts. When you manage to bring your movements into line with these scores, consider that you have already learned how to dance.

Today, video dance lessons have become especially widespread. Look online or purchase one or more instructional CDs for beginner dancers. Learn the simplest combination of eight counts of movements, then turn on the selected music and, without watching the video, repeat it.

When you can perfectly reproduce the learned bunch of movements, move on to other bunches that can be successfully combined with each other, thereby honing your dancing skills. Well, to see how you look like dancing from the side, you can turn on the webcam in video recording mode, turn on the music and start dancing. If you are satisfied with what you see, then you can safely go to the dance floor.

Lessons to learn how to dance hip hop

According to statistics, hip-hop is the most popular type of dance in the world, at least at the moment. Hip-hop is a very free dance in which the dancer expresses himself however he wants. The main thing here is to be free and feel good about the dance floor, music, spectators and surprise people with your movements. In fact, learning to dance hip-hop at home is quite possible, now there are many videos where dance masters show how to move. Also, don't worry if you've never danced before in your life. Anyone can learn hip-hop, but there are, of course, a few conditions.

Varieties of dance and learn to dance hip-hop

How to learn to dance hip-hop at home?

To learn how to dance hip-hop at home, you need to work hard, hard with great desire. Because it's not easy here. You need to download and watch video tutorials, try to repeat the movements in front of the mirror. Don't expect to get it right a few times, try again and again until it's perfect, at least in your opinion. Perseverance, training and more perseverance. Remember not to give up!

Learn to dance hip-hop at home

In addition, it is very important to develop your ear for music, you must understand and decipher the language of music for yourself, only then you can fully understand hip-hop.

Hip-hop is a rather free and free dance, but everyone needs to know the basis or base. Nothing without this. Even if you think that you are a brilliant dancer, you can't go anywhere without basic technique. Therefore, we watch video tutorials and repeat, start with the basics and everything will be fine.

Learning to dance hip-hop at home is actually not difficult, compared to classical pair dances, there is no way without a partner and, in addition, there are certain limits, there is no such thing in hip-hop. There is a base of movements that you can supplement with your individual pieces. After all, it is through this dance that you can best express your own “I”, show your inner world, feelings with the help of dance, open up to the whole world.

Hip-hop is unique - it can be broken. After all, everyone knows that the rules of the road cannot be violated. In hip-hop, the opposite is true, I learned the essence of dance, learned the basics, mastered the technique, now you can add something interesting of your own. It is important to note that in order to learn how to dance hip-hop, you need to lose weight, lose weight, it will be very difficult with it. Yes, and the movements here are not at all boring, but energetic and fast, you need to be mobile and active, and the more the better.

Learn to dance with a hip-hop group

I will tell you a secret (for beginners) in hip-hop there are only two main movements, the swing and the step. You must start your training with them - this is your base. Naturally, you should not think that if you have mastered these two movements, then you are already a professional - no, unfortunately or fortunately, there is a lot and a lot of work. There will be no time to be lazy.

Hip-hop is also suitable for children

In addition, not only adults, or rather teenagers, because this is the main category of fans who want to learn this dance, but also children want to be able to dance hip-hop. If parents have a question: “How to teach children to dance hip-hop? That is the best option to send the child to a dance studio or school. There your child will definitely learn hip-hop. The main thing is that you have some free funds, but also, of course, the desire of the child himself.

Learn how to dance hip-hop for kids from a trainer

Since if he does not want to do hip-hop, then it is better not to force him. Remember that hip-hop is a dance of freedom. But still, the question remains open for the coach: "How to teach children to dance hip-hop correctly." Naturally, the surest and most correct way is to interest the young dancer, he should be extremely interested and comfortable in the team. You can’t let other children make fun of someone who doesn’t succeed, you need to help him and show him how to. After all, a child has a very vulnerable nature, and from one wrong word, all desire can disappear. And this is simply unacceptable.

Everyone can do hip hop

Hip-hop is played not only by boys, but also by girls. This type of dance is open to everyone, so teaching girls to dance hip-hop is not prohibited, but vice versa. So dear girls, if you have always dreamed of hip-hop, but considered it a dance for guys, then you were wrong, come to any school and you will see that there are half of the girls there.

Everyone can learn to dance hip-hop

Naturally, it is more difficult for girls to learn to dance hip-hop, due to physiological reasons, but this is not an obstacle. If there is a desire, then go ahead to the dream and rather do it. If you are a shy person, you can work out at home before going to the dance class.

Learn hip-hop online

Watch a video or, for example, hip-hop dance lessons in photos. There are a lot of materials on the Web today, both textual and visual, so it is quite possible to study hip-hop on your own. But it will take a little longer than in a class with a group. But on the other hand, you don’t need to spend money, and especially if you simply don’t have them, and you can’t afford to pay for the lessons. In this case, you have at your disposal the Internet and kind people who post educational materials absolutely free and disinterestedly.

Online lessons to learn how to dance hip hop

Video lessons of hip-hop dancing are available on many web resources and it is not difficult to get them. But still, it is better to use them as additional materials, and go to study with the group yourself twice a week. Firstly, it will speed up the learning process and, secondly, it will help overcome the fear of public speaking. And another plus is new friends and acquaintances. Therefore, if there is a desire, then hip-hop will gladly accept you.

Remember that any person can learn this type of dance, even without special dancing inclinations and talents. Good luck, young hip-hopers! The main thing is not to be lazy and repeat the movements more often, and everything will be just fine. After all, you can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty, and dancing in general requires a lot of perseverance. But if you want, then everything will work out and everything will work out!


Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


In the city, learning to dance hip-hop is easy if you enroll in a dance school or use the services of a personal trainer. As for provincial towns and rural areas, it is more difficult. That is why many are interested in how to learn to dance hip-hop at home.

There are many benefits to exercising at home. Training takes place in a calm atmosphere, no one interferes with ridiculous advice and does not “tease”. The main thing is to have a mirror and suitable music. As a result, maximum concentration is achieved.

Before we delve into the topic, let's look at the hip-hop subculture and the musical direction that accompanies it. It all started in 1974 in New York. By that time, the components of the subculture, including MCing and graffiti, philosophy, DJing and breaking, beatboxing, slang and fashion, had formed. Hiphopers were considered people who mastered one of the directions.

If you study hip-hop, get knowledge in music, without it even a simple dance does not exist. At the end of the last century, hip-hop became an independent musical genre.

In general, this music has two main components. In the first place is the rhythm set by the DJ, followed by a rhyming recitative, characterized by rhythm.

  • Take care of the outfit and equipment. Loose clothing and comfortable shoes are suitable for hip-hop dancing. You will need a music center or compact player.
  • Start training with swings. Spread your legs, lower your arms and listen to the music. To concentrate, close your eyes and silently hum the words of the sounding song.
  • At the initial stage, learn to hear the beat. If you don't "catch" the beat, you won't be a hiphoper. Rocking, which is the fundamental movement, will help to do this. After catching a wave, move to complex movements.

Over time, you realize that looking at thematic photos and videos on the Internet, you will not learn anything - there are no clear movements in hip-hop.

They share different directions, each of which is characterized by its own movements. There is no logical or systematic connection between the movements, but they are set by the heart and mood of the dancer.

The main directions of hip-hop

Videos training

In each subsequent training, the skills will improve, but self-study will not allow you to leave the category of amateurs. You can become a professional only with the help of a coach who will point out mistakes and help correct mistakes.

Hip Hop Secrets for Guys

For many people, hip-hop is associated with energy, youth and individuality. It is not surprising that the number of teenagers who want to master this dance technique is increasing every day.

Continuing the topic of the article, I will talk about mastering hip-hop dance for guys. Any young person can learn the basic moves and become a dancer.

Not every male body is flexible and plastic, but a guy does not always need such qualities. Hip-hop, due to the variety of directions, is suitable for people of any physical fitness and physique.

  1. Dancing school . An efficient and effective way. Under the guidance of a trainer, quickly learn the basic movements. Although hip-hop is a free and anarchic dance, the basic movements exist. Having mastered these movements, you will overcome the first stage.
  2. Error correction . The teacher will point out the mistakes that you make while doing the hip-hop elements. He will back up when you switch to tricks of a high level of difficulty. As a result, health will not suffer.
  3. Video footage . If you prefer home workouts, stock up on training videos. While studying at home, focus on basic skills, and interactive courses will help you achieve results.
  4. Practicing in front of a mirror . The use of a mirror will increase productivity. If you observe the movements in the process of training, this will improve the effect. So you will understand how you look from the outside.
  5. Hiphop parties . Another option that involves the presence of stubbornness and courage. We are talking about visiting special places where hiphopers gather. Prepare in advance for ridicule and unpleasant expressions regarding wrong actions and clumsiness.
  6. Compliance with the exercise regimen . The human body gets used to the changes. If you exercise at a certain time, the body will prepare for the moment of receiving loads.
  7. Training duration two hours . This time is enough to warm up and gain skills. At the same time, do not overload the body.
  8. Place and clothes . For classes at home, you need free space, comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement.
  9. Physical exercise . If you plan to learn complex movements and master difficult acrobatic tricks, it does not hurt to pump up your arms and master the handstand. In the process of learning complex movements, I recommend that you protect yourself. Put something soft in the place of the possible fall.

Having reached the goal, you can easily take a pose in which relaxed people are usually found. By that moment, a powerful force will be concentrated inside the body, with the help of which you can quickly and smoothly combine movements into a full-fledged dance corresponding to the rhythm of the music. This is the art of hip-hop.

Video tips for beginners

A variety of music is played in advanced and trendy clubs. It is not easy for a person who dances to certain melodies and rhythms in such an environment. However, nothing will scare hiphopers, since dance moves are universal.

To become a hip hopper, you will need to learn the movements and spend a lot of time practicing. But after reaching the goal, no one will blame you for not knowing how to dance, and giving advice is inappropriate.

Remember, dance is an expression of the soul. If you find yourself on the dance floor, do not rush to demonstrate your skills. Listen to the rhythm. As a result, intuition will prompt a set of movements corresponding to the music.

Engage your entire body while dancing. Randomly waving your arms will not attract the attention of the opposite sex. Use the movements of the arms and legs, thanks to which you will look harmonious on the court.

Before going to the club, tune in to the positive and forget about the seriousness that you showed during training. Only in this case, dancing will bring pleasure, allow you to relax and catch the rhythm.

Each person has his own characteristics, and not everyone will immediately master the wisdom of dancing. If there is no sense of rhythm, and plasticity wants the best, homework will not bring results. Take care of a professional.

In a few months of training, he will turn you into a pro. Later, share your skills and knowledge with your friends who will be amazed by the changes, because you will learn how to dance hip-hop professionally.

Each of us can become an excellent dancer, because the human body is downright created for dancing. Many people have a sense of rhythm, emotions corresponding to music help to create a mood, and as for movements, they can always be diversified. Those simple steps that we give out in clubs are usually not enough to express yourself through dance, impress someone who is nearby and just get a huge positive charge. So let's start learning hip-hop! Why hip hop? Because it's easy, nice, interesting, and it's also cool to be able to dance as well as Beyoncé or Justin Timberlake.

Hard in learning, cool in battle

Usually dancers working in show their skills in open combat. The so-called battle is an opportunity here and now to prove that your style is better. Also, battles contribute to the improvement of technique, the search for new movements and sequences, and the general steady growth of the dancer's skill. This technique works great in . All students, overcoming shyness at first, go to the center of the hall one on one with the "opponent" and show him, the teacher and themselves (first of all) that the lesson has been learned and progress is evident. Such “paired” performances help to painlessly record your mistakes and shortcomings, and at the same time borrow something new from colleagues.

That is why learning to dance hip-hop at home is more difficult. Results alone are not achieved so quickly. But home self-study allows you to get acquainted with its basics well.

Screen instead of a mirror

So, learn to dance hip-hop at home. To begin with, we free up space, dress more comfortably, put on sneakers. What for? Leg muscles that have become unaccustomed to regular loads can fail at the most unexpected moment, and sneakers will help to avoid sprains, the legs will warm up faster in them, therefore, there will be fewer injuries. Of course, hip-hop is no more traumatic than any other modern dance! Problems can only arise with the corners of the furniture in the room or with uneven floors. This is another reason why it is preferable to study in a special room.

But once we start, we don't stop. There are a lot of video tutorials on the Internet, it is quite difficult to choose the best one. Therefore, take my word for it and stop at the lessons from Alexander Dragon. This is not just a set of movements, but complexes developed within the framework of the author's "Quick Start" methodology. For starters, let's stretch. Let the monitor be like a mirror, repeat the movements in a mirror. Remember that a good workout is the key to the result. Let's get started!

First - to rock

In hip-hop, the concept of "groove" dominates (in Russia it is also called "kach"). This is a drive from music, rhythm and body movement to the beat. It does not matter what the mirror shows at first, the main thing is that you enjoy it and do not intend to stop. The easiest way to catch a groove is by bending your knees to the beat. Try it! And now you can get acquainted with the simple basic movements of hip-hop dance. How to study at home? Just. Watch from the Dragon!

Unity of styles

When we learn hop-hop at home, a lot of questions arise. Do I need popping or is it complicated and irrelevant? Is moving like a robot cool or not? And in what sequence to comprehend all this? Yes, it is very difficult to comprehend the depth of the cultural layer of hip-hop on your own, without a mentor. After all, you need to learn the basics, penetrate the history of movements, understand what happened from what, what has already left the dance floor, and what is just coming.

The whole palette of styles within the framework of hip-hop training can be comprehended at the Dragons school. In the hall under the guidance of experienced dancers-teachers, you can resolve all your questions and immediately get on the wave. And if after reading this text you have a desire to rock with us, we are waiting, come! We don't care about your age, height, weight or fitness level! Everyone can enjoy dancing!

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