The cells are simple. Ideas for decorating checkered notebooks

I never thought that the popular student fun to draw pictures in the cells means not only while away the time at the lecture!

This, of course, is not very good - not to listen to lectures, but sometimes (in rare cases and in the presence of good reason) is allowed.

Then we did not think at all that this is not a simple pastime, but an action that also has psychological significance, and it will be so popular in our time!

It turns out that drawing by cells in children develops fine motor skills, imagination, logic of thinking. However, all this can be attributed to adolescents and adult representatives of humanity, well, maybe with the exception of motor skills. Now this fun (drawing by cells) has even received a beautiful name - pixel art.

The benefits of drawing by cells in a notebook for children and adults

In addition to killing time and curing boredom, the development of fine motor skills and imagination. drawing by cells helps in asserting one's self.

How does self-affirmation happen? Everything is simple. There are people who like to draw, but they are not good at it. Well, God did not give them talent! And this is where pixel art comes to the rescue. You can draw! You can transfer your vision of the world to a piece of paper and illustrate your thoughts!

It is also a great way to focus and calm down, which is very important in our fast-paced age of stress and passion.

Drawing by cells is very simple, you can do it in two ways:

  • on a piece of paper in a box (it can be a simple piece of paper from a mathematics notebook)
  • apply cells of a certain size to the drawing you like and then systematically transfer it to another sheet

Of course, the second method is akin to plagiarism, but no one claims the authorship of this or that copied picture, but you get great moral satisfaction from your work.

The first method is great not only for children of all ages - from preschoolers to teenagers, but also for adults.

In addition to all the listed "utilities", drawing by cells helps to develop a sense of color. The drawing can be made in color using the entire palette of colors.

Pixel art does not require any expensive accessories - every person can find a checkered piece of paper, a pencil or a pen. If you want to add colors - take colored pencils, pens, crayons (although they are not very convenient for drawing small details).

If the paper or sheet you have taken is thin, or felt-tip pens are printed on the other side, place a thick sheet of paper or cardboard so as not to spoil the surface of the table at which you work or another Blank sheet paper.

Graphic dictation

Let us explain to those who first read this phrase - “graphic dictation”. This is drawing by cells according to a predetermined algorithm. For example, you dictate to the child in which direction (right, left, up, down) how many cells to draw a line.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for such a dictation. You should have a sheet with a clear plan, a dictation algorithm and the end result (what kind of drawing the child should end up with).

Positive aspects of such a dictation:

  • mindfulness development
  • development of logical thinking, orientation in space
  • preparation of the hand for writing (development of fine motor skills)
  • development of perseverance (which is important for today's hyperactive children)

You need to start graphic dictations with simple drawings (for example, from a ladder) and gradually move on to more complex drawings.

At the very beginning of the dictation, clearly say from what point we start the drawing, for example, 9 cells on top, 9 cells on the left and put a point. She is the starting point.

Example graphic dictation Key.

Retreat 5 cells from above and to the left, put a point - it will be the starting point.

  • 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell down
  • 8 cells to the right

one cell at a time:

  • up
  • right
  • up
  • right
  • right
  • right

12 cells to the left and one cell each:

  • to the left
  • to the left
  • up
  • to the left

3 cells up.

The drawing is ready!

If you have the skills of drawing by cells or a great imagination, you can draw a drawing yourself and then draw up an algorithm. You can do it differently - buy a collection of graphic dictations. Such collections can be for children of a certain age, for girls or boys. Cell drawing and graphic dictations are interesting game which helps to develop the skills the child needs.

Examples of drawings for a simple graphic dictation.

Watch a video example of a graphic dictation.

Drawings by cells in a notebook are easy and complex

You need to start drawing by cells with light drawings, gradually moving on to more complex options. Light drawings are easy to perform and accessible to young children. Below are easy options for drawings that are on the shoulder for young children.

Having mastered the technique of drawing by cells, you can proceed to more complex options.

Well, and finally, having learned "cellular" drawing, begin to master the color scheme of the picture.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for children

When it comes to light little man, parents have added troubles and worries. Raising a child is not only about feeding, dressing and shodding him. Education is also the development of his abilities.

Many have been developed various ways and methods for this, but all experts agree that it is best to engage in child development in a playful way. The method with elements of the game teaches basic knowledge of mathematics, mother tongue and much more, what is necessary for the harmonious development of the child.

One of the ways to develop the logical abilities of a child is drawing by cells. You need to start with the simplest drawings, for example, such as a Christmas tree, a steamer, a flag.

Drawings by cells will help you in learning the letters. Having drawn a letter by cells, the baby not only perceives it by ear, not only sees its spelling, but also, as it were, feels it. All types of memory are included - auditory, visual and mechanical (draws a letter).

In addition to the letter, you can write sticks, ladders and other figures, thereby training the child's hand and preparing it for writing. Such exercises will help the child in school.

What does a child learn by drawing in cells? It is correct to hold a pencil, the correct algorithm of actions, counting, creative approach to business, attentiveness and perseverance.

Gradually, it is worth complicating the graphics of the drawing and introducing colors. The child can choose colors himself, thereby developing a sense of color and color combinations. By the way, such drawing helps to identify Creative skills children.

Cell drawings are easy and complex for girls and boys

The fact that drawings by cells or art pixel is a useful activity you have already understood. When choosing drawings, they can be selected according to interests, separately for girls and separately for boys. With the help of this drawing technique, you can, even without drawing skills, embody whatever you want on a piece of paper.

Here are some examples of drawings for boys.

And any girl can draw such drawings on a piece of paper in a box.

Drawings for a personal diary

What is a personal diary? For some, this is a way of self-expression, for someone, fixing the events taking place in his life, a personal assessment of these events, people, incidents. Someone writes down ideas and thoughts that suddenly visited him. Many people keep personal diaries - boys, girls, adult women and men.

Some of the events taking place in the lives of great people became known from their personal diaries. Often entries in personal diaries were accompanied by illustrations drawn by the authors. By the way, such illustrations of great people often became rare and helped to reveal more deeply the personality of this person.

And if there is no talent for drawing, but you want to express your emotions not only through words, but also through a drawing? And how do you illustrate your notes in this case? In this case, cell drawings can come to the rescue. They are easy to draw and do not require anything other than a piece of paper in a cage and a pencil. You can use ready-made drawings. Transfer them to your personal diary in the following way:

  • make a grid of cells in the selected picture
  • in a notebook (diary) draw the same grid by the number of cells (cells can be of a different size - more or less)
  • start transferring the image from each cell in the selected figure to the same cell on the sheet

There are many examples of cell drawings on the Internet - you just need to choose and draw.

What drawings to “revive” a personal diary is up to you. Below are a few interesting drawings by cells.

Let the children draw, create, fantasize! Not every one of them will become an artist, but drawing will give them pleasure, they will know the joy of creativity, learn to see beauty in the ordinary. Let them grow with the soul of an artist!

Draw beautifully - only a few can! And for those who do not have special abilities, drawing can only be dreamed of! Well, admire other people's drawings, of course! Until quite recently, it was! But now everything has changed, because with the help of cells, any of us can draw a beautiful picture! Yes Yes! The drawings by cells are complex and large - they are in no way inferior in beauty to real paintings!

In childhood, many dream of becoming a real artist! It's so cool to draw beautiful drawings give them to your friends and family! Alas, not everyone is given abilities and talents, so most often, in the future, you have to choose completely different professions! And on beautiful pictures- admire the exhibitions! But today everything has changed. And anyone can draw them! After all, now there are pictures in the cells!

By counting the required number of cells and painting them in a certain color, you can draw beautiful portrait, landscape, favorite character or a whole plot! You will need a lot of patience and care, but the result is worth it! For large drawings Graph paper works best, but regular checkered sheets can also be used by gluing them into one large sheet! Want to try painting a real big picture?

With the help of cells, you can draw anything you want. In a notebook or notebook - small drawings of flowers, animals or favorite characters, on a large notebook sheet - a beautiful composition, and on a sheet of graph paper - even a huge still life or portrait! It all depends on the complexity of the sample you have chosen for redrawing. Of course, it’s not worth starting immediately with huge paintings, but if you try, you can very quickly move from the most simple pictures to much more complex ones!

More complex drawings are suitable for those who have already trained in and drawing by cells, and want to try to draw something more complex. Our gallery presents both portraits and simple cool drawings by cells for sketching in a notebook.

For more complex drawings graph paper is better.

Live it looks like this:

And here you can order a cool portrait using flip art technology.
Flip art technology is drawing using paints and a stencil.

How to draw different beautiful drawings in the cells.

AT recent times the method of creating drawings by cells is gaining popularity. Not only children like to draw "pixel art". Adults with the same interest undertake to comprehend this style of drawing.

From the article you will learn how to learn how to draw by cells, what materials and skills are needed, and select the patterns of drawings that you like best.

How to learn to draw by cells for beginners and children?

  • It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist to transfer the images and forms you like to paper. Drawing by cells is easy and interesting way diversify your leisure time, fill in the pages of a sketchbook or a regular diary.
  • For work, felt-tip pens or colored pencils are used bright colors. A wide variety of drawings are obtained by painting cell by cell. Using this method of drawing, you can transfer a landscape to paper, draw a person or an animal, fairy tale character or just create a beautiful and unusual ornament.

  • If you decide to learn how to draw by cells, then try to draw one of the drawings presented in the article. First, stop at the most simple version. After the drawing is ready, you can try to transfer a more complex scheme from the gallery pictures onto a piece of paper.
  • Using this method drawing, you definitely will not be bored, because after trying to draw by cells, you will definitely want to continue this interesting activity.

Video: How to draw Angry Birds by cells

Why drawing by cells is useful:

  • Our photo selection contains not just picture schemes. Each image is a variant of a graphic dictation. Such pictures have become very fashionable now.
  • Probably, the growing interest in them is due to the simplicity of execution and the fact that this activity is also very useful.
  • Drawing by cells contributes to the development of perseverance, the acquisition of writing skills (if a child draws), develops logical and abstract thinking, and relaxes.
  • Thanks to this method of drawing, you can correct the correct movements when writing, improve coordination.
  • Funny pictures as if by themselves appear on a sheet of paper. It is not a pity to spend your free time behind such an occupation.

The drawing is created in two ways:

  • the first way is line by line: fill in different colors line by line
  • the second way - the cells are painted over in turn: first one color is used, then another, and so on

What you need for drawing:

  • colored pencils or markers (you can use felt-tip pens, a pencil, a regular pen)
  • checkered notebook with light sheets or graph paper (for large format drawings)
  • need more good mood, some free time, and also a lot of schemes from our gallery

Feel like a real artist! Your future masterpiece may look very simple or consist of several complex schemes.

Schemes of drawings by cells

How to draw small, light and simple drawings step by step and beautifully in the cells in a notebook: diagrams

  • If you have no training in art school, but there was a desire to learn the technique of drawing, then try to master the method of drawing by cells.
  • Original drawings created using this technique are perfect for creating a creative postcard, for filling personal diary. Even a beginner can handle a small picture.
  • The pictures presented in our article or the solved Japanese crossword puzzles are suitable as schemes, because they are based on drawing by cells.
  • If you do not know how to fill in the cells of Japanese crossword puzzles, then use the answers to them and redraw larger format shapes in a notebook.
  • Another drawing option is to use ready-made schemes designed specifically for those who draw by cells for the first time and do not have drawing skills.

Below is a photo selection of drawings by cells:

Video: Draw by cells - SPIDER-MAN

How to draw different beautiful drawings in the cells for a personal diary, in a notebook?

  • A beautifully drawn picture can be used as an interior decor. To do this, the picture is cut along the contour and glued to thick paper. Then a brightly colored drawing can be placed in a frame.
  • By placing a checkered pattern in a homemade frame, you can turn it into a creative hand-made gift.
  • Drawing by cells can become an element of the application. You can make trendy postcards by decorating them with checkered drawings or “illustrate” what you wrote in your diary. romantic story. Hearts drawn by cells, faces of girls or boys, cartoon characters, cakes, sweets, flowers - any image can be created using this drawing method.
  • This way of drawing will be an excellent simulator for practicing fine motor skills. Therefore, this activity is useful not only for children, but also for adults. You can enjoy creativity after one of the schemes proposed in our selection is completely transferred to your notebook.
  • You can also use part of the schema. For example, if you want to depict some animal not completely, but limit yourself to drawing only a single element to fill the diary page with a picture.

Having mastered the principle of creating drawings by cells, you will be able to invent diagrams yourself and draw any objects you like in a notebook.

How to draw your own drawing?

  • think about what we want to portray
  • do a light drawing
  • turn the original lines into a drawing by cells
  • draw outlines first
  • move on to highlighting small details
  • mark which detail should be painted over with what color (this is necessary for a bright and beautiful picture, but you can also create black and white pictures)
  • expand the collection of your own 3D schemes with simple or complex pictures by cells
    You should not copy a drawing seen somewhere with accuracy, repeat the color scheme.
  • To fill the notebook with original pictures, make changes to the schemes, change colors. Let these little pictures become a reflection of your inner world.

How to teach a child to draw by cells?

  • Drawing by cells will help the child to believe that he can create beautiful drawings on his own. But it is precisely from inspiration in early age depends on whether the child will apply to any creative pursuits in future.
  • To make it more convenient to draw in the cells with the child, it is better to print the template you like in advance.

  • When the baby has a set for drawing by cells, including a notebook sheet, felt-tip pens and a printed template, you can immediately start drawing your favorite cartoon characters or animals.
  • Before starting to draw cells in a notebook, you can discuss with a child of 4-5 years future drawing. Let young talent will tell you what colors he will use for the drawing and what elements he will start drawing first.
  • After the discussion, select the felt-tip pens that you will use while drawing.
  • Tell your child about the principles of drawing pictures by cells.
  • Invite the child to choose a cell on the template, from which he will begin to “build on” the rest of the elements. Ask why this particular cell became the beginning of the drawing. Find with young artist this cell in the notebook.

Video: Drawing by cells # 40 Deer

  • Since a child of 4-5 years old does not have enough perseverance, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 15-20 minutes. You can return to the drawing again during the day.
  • If you need to interest a child, then try this method: transfer the pattern of the picture into a box on a sheet of paper, missing one or more elements. Then ask your young talent to finish what is missing in the picture. To draw the missing part, the kid can use the finished scheme.
  • If desired, the cells in the diagram of the picture can be filled not only with decorated squares, but also use various signs to fill in part of the picture. This method will help you create a truly unique drawing.
  • We begin to transfer the diagram from the correct location of the drawing on the sheet. You can start drawing a picture from the top, or you can start from the bottom. It all depends on what scheme you have. If more elements are located at the top, then you need to start the drawing from this part, “building on” the rest of the cells.
  • The method of drawing by cells can also be used to transfer an image to a sheet of paper. Thus, you can redraw everything: from a pattern to a picture. Drawing by cells was used even before the advent of tracing paper or other methods of copying an image. You can even draw the face of a friend or relative and present an unusual self-portrait for your birthday.

A fascinating and at the same time developing activity - drawing by cells - helps children who do not know how to draw at all, moving from simple to complex, develop their imagination, artistic skills. Older children use similar drawings for decoration in a notebook, album. Even complex drawings are completed relatively quickly.

The benefits of drawing by cells

Thanks to exciting activity you can have fun. Special skills are not required.

Drawing by cells develops:

  • artistic taste;
  • coordination;
  • creative thinking.

For children involved in this type of art, drawing has a calming effect: restless children gradually become assiduous. Particularly relaxing nervous system, if you turn on calm music while creating. Toddlers preparing to go to first grade develop spelling vigilance.

With them it is useful to engage in drawing by cells in order to instill perseverance, to help overcome absent-mindedness. With the help of drawings by cells, you can decorate the pages of your personal diary or weekly. This type of drawing gives everyone the opportunity to feel like a real artist.

How to draw

To draw by cells, you should stock up on a notebook in a cage, a notepad. For large format images, graph paper is required. You will also need pencils, felt-tip pens, colored pens. These accessories will be needed to create unusual vivid images.

What can you draw

Absolutely everything is drawn: nature, animals, emoticons, plants, cartoon characters. There are drawings for boys and girls. You should start with simple drawings. They are drawn mostly in one color. For example, for starters, you can decorate a notebook with funny emoticons. Then you can start drawing cool goodies.

You can draw on paper a pink donut, a hamburger, or breakfast: scrambled eggs plus orange juice.

How to draw

At first, it is necessary to calculate the cells before starting work, to build diagrams.
Such preparation will help to create without breaking away from the process. Later, as you acquire the skill, you can draw as you like: fill in the middle, start from the outline, draw in columns.

Easy drawings for beginners

"Pixel" drawings have gained popularity among people of all ages. To begin with, you should pay attention to simple images. By the number of cells involved, simple drawings differ from complex ones. In a simple image, it is easier to follow the scheme and not spoil the drawing by adding an unnecessary square.

Drawings by cells for little ones

If the kid wants to draw, but he can’t, you should use it completely simple circuits and teach the child the technique of painting cells. It is important that the lesson does not last long and does not tire the baby.. For example, a child can independently create a greeting card for mom, dad, grandmother. You can draw with pencils or felt-tip pens.

small drawings

Small images are a good way to pass the time. They are popular with children who want to pass the time in class, and with adults during moments of relaxation.
Similar occupation gives you the opportunity to relax, enjoy the process itself. In one change, the student is able to create a whole drawing.

Large and complex full-page drawings

Depending on the area of ​​the image that is painted over, the complexity of the drawing is determined. If individual squares of a large drawing are easily distinguishable near, then a clear image is visible from afar - realism appears. It seems that drawing a complex image is not easy. But the principle remains the same.

For complex drawings you will need:

  • notebook in a cage;
  • colour pencils;
  • black gel pen;
  • markers;
  • photo;
  • a computer.

For girls

Girls decorate pages with their favorite poems, songs with drawings, place images on the sheets of their diaries. Start with simple images, gradually moving to complex ones. First of all, take as a basis finished drawing and redraw it. Later, having acquired skills, skills, they include fantasy in the work.

For boys

Boys choose topics that are close to them:

Drawings by cells in a notebook (especially complex ones) develop perseverance and imagination, help determine the profession.

Beautiful drawings for a personal diary

Some people write down the events of the day in a special notebook every day. Images made by cells help to decorate it. You can select pictures that match the theme. If leprosy of pets is described, funny faces of dogs and cats are placed on the pages. If the plot of the cartoon or movie you like is described, draw its main characters.

Choose suitable drawing can be to any kind of cosmetics, reasoning about fashion.

black and white

Black and white images are considered a separate trend in art. You can choose from a variety of options for redrawing from the simplest to the most complex.

In the collections of black and white pictures there are:

  • cats,
  • dogs,
  • pandas,
  • tigers,
  • horses,
  • birds,
  • lizards.

Most often, such images are made in pencil or black gel pen.


Drawings by cells made in a notebook - good way learn how to draw, starting with the simplest black and white drawings and gradually moving to complex color ones.
The style of drawing with a pencil is gaining popularity in recent years. For color images, felt-tip pens, crayons, pencil sets are used. First, redraw the template.

3D drawings

The main property of a three-dimensional image is realism. It is difficult to achieve such a result. To "step over" from one environment to another, various effects are used. For example, they use a way of playing light, shadows - it is considered the simplest.

When making 3D drawings, they also use other techniques: do not forget about the difference in drawing lines on a plane, in space. Cells serve as simple elements within a single image, they act as pixels that set a certain resolution.

For a birthday

In the pixel technique of drawing by cells, you can decorate postcards, posters. It is enough to choose the template you like and transfer it to paper. You can choose bright funny picture with funny animal pictures and captions. Flowers are an obligatory attribute of the holiday. You should depict those that the birthday man likes and write wishes inside.

For the New Year

New Year's pictures should create the appropriate mood. A great option is to draw a snowman, a Christmas tree. To start, you can use a simple pencil, and then circle the image with a felt-tip pen to make it brighter. Balls, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, forest animals, gifts, the symbol of the year - all these images refer to New Year theme.

Drawn images can be cut out and hung on a thread on a Christmas tree.

By March 8 and February 23

By these dates, children can make gifts with their own hands. And the basis of the postcards will be exactly the drawings in the cells.
Girls, for example, can congratulate boys with postcards with images of equipment (tanks, planes, armored vehicles) made in the cells. The boys can easily draw dotted pictures of flowers to please the girls.


Drawings by cells from the simplest suitable for an image in a notebook are names, logos. They will look more complex if you decorate the first letter with a vine of a climbing plant.
Such drawings are performed with a pencil, marker, black gel pen. Preliminary calculation of cells can be omitted.

About love

You can draw on the cells something from a love theme, for example, depict a heart, a rose, an arrow of cupid. These stories are great for Valentine's Day greeting cards. You can use both ready-made schemes, and come up with your own. An interesting option- kissing figurines. They can be made in black and white and decorated with a red heart.


They are often shown in color. The top is always darker than the bottom due to the play of light - it remains in the shade, so they use different shades one tone.
If you need to make a bend, you should “drown” the lip at a large angle inward. The technique is simple, even a child can master it, but care will be required.


Anime includes various directions, genres, designed for any age category.

Drawings by cells in a notebook, complex and simple, are more often done with a pencil. The most famous plots include Naruto, the monster next to the desk, the master of the sword, Dragonball. Various images of cat ears are popular - they emphasize innocence. Favorite heroes are also the black prince and the she-wolf.


You should start by redrawing ready-made templates. Among the simple and difficult topics you have to choose the first one. The practice of copying will prepare for the image of Minecraft on paper. After gaining experience, you can pick up colored pencils and fantasize on a given topic. First you need to deal with the composition. Then, observing the proportions, count the cells for painting.

Minecraft style drawings count unique opportunity combine virtual images with art.


It is appropriate to depict the natural world together with children. The opinion that it is difficult to depict it on paper is erroneous. It is enough to find simple drawings of your favorite animals. Starting to create, they count a certain number of cells in the right direction. The number of filled squares should clearly correspond to the pattern - neither decrease nor increase.

Otherwise, the image will be unnatural. Cartoon characters are great for starting. A panda, a pony, a curious puppy, a restless kitten are drawn very simply. It is important to maintain proportions and redraw the drawing carefully.


A flight of fancy allows you to create exceptional dishes on paper: complex cakes, multi-tiered cakes, hamburgers, pizza.
It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist to create bitmaps, it is enough to find sample pictures. All sweet tooth can draw ice cream, experimenting with the shape, colors.


Drawings by cells in a notebook, complex and simple in the form of flowers, can be an original ornament. Images of plants are also a suitable subject for creating greeting card, invitations to the celebration. You can draw tulips, roses, daisies, both collected in bouquets and scattered over the entire field of the sheet.

It is important not to deviate from the scheme in order to correctly convey the outlines of each flower. For a repeating motif, the required number of cells is counted. You can experiment with the color palette.


Beginning with kindergarten, children should be taught to portray the world. Such an activity forms figurative thinking, helps to quickly remember the names of objects. When drawing with your child, you should help him choose a picture to draw.

by the most simple pattern is an image of an apple. If you want to complicate it, you need to add a twig and a leaf. Many children like to draw fruits that they like to taste. This is how bananas, pears, oranges, kiwis appear on paper.

Teddy bears

You can draw Teddy bears on paper. There are quite simple sketches which look quite impressive. You need to start with black and white drawings - they are the simplest. Then they move on to drawing full-color Teddy bears. There are several ways to make drawings.

You can start with the muzzle, then move on to drawing the body and paws, or draw first one half of the bear, then add the second - in the end you get a cute bear cub. When creating an image, you will have to count the squares in each row. It is important to observe the consistent image of each row.

For simple image a regular notebook sheet is suitable, for a more complex one you will need graph paper.


Drawing emoticons is given relatively simply, however, at first you will have to count the cells so as not to make mistakes.

Drawings by cells in a notebook can be drawn in absolutely any subject.

Subsequently, it will be possible to create images on your own, relying only on imagination.


Depicting your favorite characters is a lot of fun. Funny turns good-natured honey lover Winnie the Pooh, cool and funny - characters from the cartoon Gravity Falls. Having decided what size the drawing will be, you should select the appropriate sheet of paper in a cage. If the image is large, you should start from the edge of the sheet so that it fits completely.

When the technique of drawing by cells is mastered, complex schemes previously made in a notebook will not be needed. Particularly successful images can be placed in a frame.

Video: drawings by cells in a notebook

How to draw by cells, see the video clip:

Draw by cells: cool pixel glasses in the video:

Almost anyone can learn to draw drawings by cells. You don't need any special skills or tools for this. It is enough to stock up on time, an ordinary school notebook and with a simple pencil with a sharp stylus. For beginners the first is better time not to use the pen, because in case of an error it cannot be erased.

Rules for drawing by cells

It is interesting: Gouache lessons for beginners in stages: draw flowers and landscape + 100 PHOTOS

Drawing is useful for both adults and children. This process develops fine motor skills with a finger, teaches concentration and gives peace of mind. It is not necessary to draw at the master level, but this article will discuss the options for teaching professional and stylized drawing.

An example of simple and complex drawings drawn on notebook cells:

As a rule, you first need to make the outline of the picture black or brown. Then certain fragments need to be filled with color. Standard size 1 cells in a notebook - 5 by 5 mm. There are notebooks with large cells for first graders and second graders. They are perfect for beginners.

Those who like to draw by cells very often use markers, not pencils. Why? So the picture is brighter, "juicy". Bad markers or simple felt-tip pens can leak, which is especially inopportune when a person is just learning to draw. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy markers for drawing or sketching in specialized stores.

Sketching is a kind of quick drawing. In fact, using this technique, you can make very stylish and beautiful drawings. The most important thing is to have the necessary skills. Sketching is done with professional quality tools.

Step-by-step instructions: where to start?

How to draw? You need to choose any image you like. For starters, it is better to choose simple schemes. It's pretty easy to draw a heart, geometric figures, vegetables and fruits.

Count the required number of cells (focus on the selected image). Next, you need to put dots on one side of the outline of the future drawing.

Points must be set in stages, otherwise you can make a mistake.

The points are marked. You need to start tracing.

You don't have to try to draw perfectly straight lines. Drawing by cells should not be difficult and dreary, on the contrary, this process should be fun.

After the stroke, we paint over the column. On the example of this figure, you can do anything, so it is not necessary to repeat it. The most important thing is to understand how the process of drawing by cells works.

Attach your finger and count the required number of cells again.

Put in the reference points again. In this case, a person paints over 4 rows of cells - you should focus on your drawing.

Put down the points - and paint over them.

If necessary, you can paint over individual cells. As in the example of Figure 9.

We continue to draw

The contour of the future drawing is already clearly visible.

Puts down 9 more points parallel to the already filled line. Strokes, paints

In this case, you can observe the drawing of a ladder. A huge plus is that such a scheme is easy to repeat.

A few more cells are painted over, and now the future picture is already looming

This is the heart. It can be drawn separately, made larger. The circuit has already been shown in this manual.

The final stage. Color filling.

Using the example of this instruction, you can make sure that drawing by cells is easy. And, it is worth noting that the author of the above figure did not really try to do everything neatly. Therefore, do not worry too much about small mistakes, they will be painted over later, and overall picture it will turn out exactly the way you want it to be.

Drawing on asphalt

When it comes to drawing on asphalt, many children's pictures come to mind - houses, suns, flowers. But in fact, many artists in the world specialize in 3D volumetric paintings. And they often draw them on the pavement in order to impress passers-by and make themselves known.

These artists are called masters. optical illusions. Indeed, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish some paintings from reality. Naturally, to draw something like this, you need a lot of experience - both practical and theoretical.

Often, various large holdings order works from such artists. This kind of work pays very well.

How to draw three-dimensional pictures: theory and practice

First you need to make a sketch on paper. Naturally, you need to know the basics of drawing, in particular - academic. It's worth starting with simple forms, geometric shapes.

The 3D image "comes to life" when you change the angle of view. That is, if you look at the picture, for example, from above, it will seem voluminous. Moreover, if you look at it from below or from the side, then it will again become an ordinary flat pattern. This is the beauty of 3D images.

Volumetric drawing - perspective with a distorted angle of view

Tools you will need:

  • pencils with leads of various hardness;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet;
  • desk lamp;
  • any object (the one that you will draw).

Naturally, you need to take something simple - for example, the same eraser. It must be put on a blank sheet, then turn on the table lamp and direct its light onto the paper. What should happen after performing these steps? The subject will begin to cast a shadow that can be later outlined.

This is how it looks in practice. The object casts a shadow, which, as a result, becomes a hint for the artist.

Similar tricks can be used by beginners. But, in fact, for drawing complex three-dimensional paintings, you will have to learn all the theory that is taught in art schools.

The play of shadows and light is very important, because it is she who, coupled with the optical illusion, makes the drawing voluminous. Shadows should be soft, shaded.

At the very beginning, you need to choose the angle of view. That is, the angle from which a person will look at the picture. The angle of view during the drawing process cannot be changed, otherwise there will be no illusion of three-dimensionality of the image.

The position of the eyes or the angle is the basis of perspective

For greater effect, you can change the position of the sheet. It doesn't have to be straight, it's even better if it's oblique.

The correct position of the sheet to achieve the effect of "optical illusion"

The next steps are intuitive. The selected item must be circled from all sides. As a result, you will have the outline of the future drawing.

After the stroke, you need to place the object on the sheet again. It is necessary to designate all its corners. To begin with, you can simply put dots that will indicate the position of the corners.

Squint and look at the subject. This will make it easier to mark the corners.

The end result should be something like this. In this picture, the outline of the future drawing

You can constantly apply the selected object to the paper. So you can make sure that you are doing everything right or find and fix an error.

In practice, it looks like this. Drawn edges are marked in black

Upon closer inspection

Now we need to erase the inner rectangle. It's pretty interesting point, since the inner faces are needed only for 3D construction.

Now you need to outline the shadow. To do this, the light of the lamp should be directed directly at the object.

Shadow work

The shadow must be carefully outlined. it important point, all contours need to be outlined not too strongly. It is enough that they are visible to you.

The law of light-air perspective: the shadow will be double. You can see in the picture that it has a lighter part and a darker part. This also needs to be on paper. The shadow is divided into two parts: shadow and penumbra.

Next, we shade. To do this, you need to use the rule of shadow gradation. The subject must be placed next to the picture and carefully considered. Where does the subject have the lightest shadows, and where are the darkest? This should be shown in the picture.

Shade very carefully. You need to try to achieve the effect of feathered hatching.

Let's start shading

How to shade? In fact, this can be done with a finger or a crumpled piece of paper. Finger shading will be more convenient for beginners.

How to see where an item is dark sides where are the light ones? To do this, you need to look at him, squinting.

Where the tone is lighter than the sheet, you need to add colors to the sheet

After that, we mark the shadow with light hatching. Initially, the main shadow should be as soft as the penumbra. Then we will give it a darker color. Do not forget to shade everything.

After that, you need to put the object on the drawing again. It is necessary to designate the inner shadow (the darkest) and the outer penumbra. They can be separated from each other light outline. Next, you need to shade the inner shadow, thereby giving it a darker shade.

Add a few lines and strokes, after which our drawing comes to life

There is nothing complicated in this technique. The only downside is that it takes a lot of time. But this minus, in principle, applies to all varieties of fine art.

Watch a video on 3D drawings. With the help of this video you will be able to draw a three-dimensional butterfly.

VIDEO: Draw a butterfly

How to draw a butterfly in 3d

How to draw a butterfly in 3d. Illusion of volume WITHOUT A CAMERA and at any angle!!!

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