Draw a picture for a friend's birthday. How to draw a birthday card for mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, boy, girl, friend, girlfriend, teacher, teacher, uncle, aunt, man, woman, godmother, in kindergarten

Now you will learn how to draw beautiful postcard for a birthday in stages with a pencil. Birthday happens only once a year, and some people may have it twice, there are many circumstances and reasons for this. Birthday is always fun, joy, gifts and a birthday cake, as without it. Here I accidentally came across this picture and really liked it, a bear cub with a cake.

And here is what we should be able to do.

We draw an oval at a slight angle, draw a curve in the middle (we show where the middle of the head is), then draw muzzles and a nose, all also in the form of ovals, only of different sizes.

We paint over a nose, leaving a big highlight, then we draw eyes and a mouth., further ears and eyebrows. Erase the auxiliary curve and we must draw the lines of sewing the head, it goes almost there, only we need to draw from the middle of the nose to the middle of the mouth, from the middle of the head to the middle of the nose, but not to the nose, but to the muzzle, and the curve under the muzzle.

We draw the body.

One leg.

Then the second leg, erase the part of the previous leg that is in this one. Further to the left side of the head at the level of the neck, which we do not see, draw a plate.

We draw three parts on the plates, the higher, the smaller it becomes. Erase all unnecessary lines (part of the bear's head) that are in the cake. We draw the front paw that holds the plate. Step back a little from the contour of the body to the left and from the head down - this is the beginning of the hand.

We draw the cream with elongated wavy movements from the top of each cake.

Draw the second hand, which is only slightly visible and the stitching lines on the body and on the paws. I showed with a dotted line that there is only one curve, but there is no need to draw a dotted line, this is for visualization, so that part of the seam is not unclear where.

Now let's get down to the background, here you can stick anything. We have a birthday, and on this day there are many. I attached one ball with a rope to the bear in the ear. And hearts and circles for beauty, so that the background is not empty, and if it is all painted in color, it will generally be beautiful. That's all the drawing for the birthday of mom, grandmother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, girlfriend is ready. You can also give this drawing to your mother on March 8.

Birthday is the brightest and good holiday in the life of every person. Its celebration is always fun, feasts, dances, competitions, a solemn cake and many other pleasant events. On this day, each of us returns to the past, to childhood, where everyone loved to receive gifts and cards. Especially if they are handmade. If to speak modern language.

Today we will tell you how to draw, which will be nice to receive as little child, and an adult held person.

Preparation and inventory for self-design postcards

In order for the result of your work to be bright and attractive, you need to acquire:

  • A set of colored and white paper (a couple of sheets are enough, in case it doesn’t work out the first time. The density of the sheets should be high);
  • Markers and markers;
  • Colour pencils;
  • A set of colored pens and one sharpened pencil;
  • Glue and scissors (if the postcard will be decorated with appliqué).

Standard postcard. It is a sheet of paper folded in half, on which there is a drawing on the outside, and congratulations on the inside. If desired, such a product can be decorated with appliqué, make a frame, etc.;

Non-standard solution. In this case, the sheet does not need to be bent. After the card is ready, you can place it in a frame. Today we will draw a postcard of this format.

Now you need to choose an image that will be the main advantage of our postcard. We wanted to draw a teddy bear.

We take a solid simple pencil and draw an oval at a slight angle, then draw a curved line in the middle of the figure (this will be the middle of the muzzle from which we will draw) and depict the muzzle and nose. It turns out three ovals located in each other of different sizes (step 1).

Sketching the nose with a simple pencil leaving not a big glare. Next come the eyes, mouth, eyebrows and ears. All these elements are drawn very simply - this can be seen in the figure, so stop at this stage we will not (step 2).

We draw the body. From the head we draw two parallel rounded lines, which will be the body of the bear (step 3).

After we proceed to drawing the image of the first leg. From the place where the line of the body ends, draw a hook-shaped line and an arc above it, which will later act as a gap between the legs (step 4).

In the same way we draw the second paw. At the level of the neck on the left side we depict an inverted narrow trapezoid. In the future, it will serve as a plate for the cake (step 5).

Then on our dish we draw a cake, which consists of three figures of different sizes. After you have drawn the cake, take an eraser and erase the unnecessary part of the bear's head. We start drawing the upper paw from the left side towards the birthday cake (step 6).

With wavy lines, draw a cream flowing down the cakes. After, draw the second upper foot. And so main character postcards are ready.

Next, we proceed to design the background on which the character is depicted. We decided to make the background exactly like this, because the birthday is always associated with balloons, serpentine, and the hearts were depicted only so that the overall picture is empty. After such work has been done, you can start decorating the postcard. Here, turn on your imagination to the fullest: colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers. Write "Happy Birthday!!!" at the top.

Such a wonderful postcard can be presented as an addition to the main gift to your mother, grandmother, aunt, uncle, girlfriend, dad and other close people.

Now we know with my own hands!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, whatever one may say. On this day, the birthday boy is in the spotlight, receives pleasant surprises, gifts and a bunch of wishes and compliments. This day of the year makes it possible to feel like the king of the universe, because all attention is paid exclusively to the birthday man.

Relatives and close people try to please the birthday boy with something special and memorable on this day, and a great option would be to make a gift with your own hands. Let's take a look today how to draw a picture for a birthday, and what kind of picture to give to your loved ones and loved ones.

birthday drawings

Each of us has a lot of his own problems, maybe some troubles, but on this day, both the birthday man himself and his close people forget about all this, and try to make this day bright and memorable - that's why to give an original and nice gift so necessary.

A drawing may not be the main gift, but an original and enjoyable addition to it. In order to please your loved ones with such a surprise, it is not necessary to be an artist, the main thing is that you put a drop of your soul, a lot of positive and sincerity into the drawn picture.

If you do not take into account petty and mercantile personalities, the main thing for the birthday man is the attention that they give him, and not the gift itself. This does not mean at all that the preparation of a surprise should be treated negligently. When positive emotions and soul are invested in a gift, it is immediately felt, and the hero of the occasion is most pleased to receive just such gifts.

Beautiful birthday drawings- this is not just a picture, it is a creative expression of one's emotions, one's attitude to the birthday man, which is most pleasant for him. If you don’t draw very well, it’s not a problem, you can try to copy an existing picture or photograph that you like, even if it is drawn by a child’s hand, in any case, the birthday person will appreciate your gift.

If you can't decide what picture can i draw for birthday, no need to "break" the entire Internet in search of a simple beautiful picture, you need to remember who you are giving this gift to, what he loves, what makes him happy, and you will immediately understand what exactly you can draw for this person. Even banal children's drawing can make the birthday man happy to the point of madness.

Mother's birthday drawing

Mom is a person who will be happy even with the smallest smile on her child's face. She will be incredibly happy with the slightest sign of attention from her child, having heard words of gratitude.

Only she can be the most happy man in the world, having received a card drawn by him as a gift from a child. The smallest ones can please their mother by drawing a bouquet of flowers that she loves madly. You can draw a picture with pencils or paints.

Mom will be very happy with the drawing where yours will be drawn. happy family. Usually, mom keeps such pictures all her life, sometimes taking them out of the box and looking at them for the ten thousandth time. When a child draws such a picture, the mother understands that her baby is happy, and for the mother, this is the most important thing, and there is simply no better gift for her.

Treat your mom with compliments, let her know that she is the most main man in your life, presenting it in the picture as the ruler of the world or queen. Your attitude towards her and what she means to you is very important for your mother.

Mom will be pleased if you draw a picture in which you show that mom can do everything. Every day, a lot of work falls on her, and most often, it seems to mothers that their children do not notice how much she does, and all day and every day. And if you show that you see it and appreciate it, mom will be delighted.

There is something that is difficult to express in words, but with your drawing, you can touch your beloved mother to the core, thereby expressing your gratitude for everything she does.

You can also draw mom cooking dinner, cleaning and sign the picture: “Thank you mommy for everything you do for us!”

birthday drawing for dad

Dads deserve no less respect and love than moms. Most songs mention love specifically for mom, there is a holiday, Mother's Day, in films and cartoons it is said that mom is the most important thing we have in life. Although dads do not show this, they are offended in the depths of their hearts, because they also put their whole soul into their child, giving him all their love and awe.

  • To please dad for his birthday with a drawing will be a great option to show your love and respect for him.
  • Dads may not show their emotions like moms, but for them, every step you take in their direction and your recognition is the best gift in the world.
  • Draw dad as the protector of the family, the one who will save you from any hardships and troubles, will always be with you, and believe me, dad will appreciate such a drawing.

  • You can draw a picture where you depict dad in a uniform, a suit in which he goes to work.
  • It does not matter who he is - a plumber, engineer, builder or policeman, it is important that he understands that you are proud of your father.
  • Add an inscription under such pictures: “I want to be like my dad” will cause a lot of emotions, and, of course, tears of happiness even for the most strict and unshakable dad.

Dads, although they hide their emotions, are very worried about their child, they really want the children to be proud of their father and that he be an example for them, so you can portray dad as the strongest in the role super hero or draw how dad plays with children. The inscription under such a picture "Our dad is the best in the world" will be a wonderful addition to your gift.

Grandma's birthday drawing

Grandmothers are a separate story. Granny is a person to whom you can give an album sheet with kalyaks, and she will sincerely consider and believe that this is the most best drawing and a true work of art. But this does not mean at all that you can draw a ridiculous drawing for your beloved grandmother and think, “Ah, it will do.”

  • In the drawing for the grandmother, your emotions and attitude towards the old woman should be expressed, your gratitude to her for the care, warmth and love that she gave you, and will give until the end of her days.
  • You can draw a grandmother cooking pies and sign the drawing “The most best grandmother on a planet that makes the best pies in the world!”

  • Grandmothers are impressionable and sentimental people, and everyone knows that they don’t love their children as much as their grandchildren, so beautiful drawing from her beloved grandchildren will be the most expensive and important gift for her on her birthday or other significant date.
  • If you are very good at drawing, then you can draw a picture of a grandmother with her granddaughter or grandchildren, so that you show her how much you love her and how important she is to you.

Grandpa's birthday drawing

Kinder than grandmothers, only grandfathers can be. What the grandmother can scold for, the grandfather will forgive and not even frown.

  • If your grandfather served or was in the war, then the best gift would be to depict him with medals and orders.
  • You can sign the picture "I want to be as brave as my grandfather."
  • This gift moves him to tears, and thus the grandson will show his respect and reverence for his grandfather.
  • Being an example for your grandchildren is the dream of every grandfather, and such a drawing for his birthday will be the best gift for him.

Grandfather will be very pleased to receive a drawing in which he is depicted with his granddaughter or grandson. You can draw a picture where a grandfather tells fairy tales to his grandchildren, thereby showing that the grandchildren remember all his fairy tales and stories.

Such details are very important for grandfathers, even if it seems to grandchildren that there is nothing special in this drawing. Each manifestation of your attention to your grandfather is already pleasant for the old people, so you can draw a joint portrait for your birthday.

Drawings for my daughter's birthday

If parents decide to surprise their daughter with a birthday drawing, then it would be best to draw her favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales on her. It only seems that children are not able to appreciate the work of their parents, in fact, the child will be happy if he sees in the picture what he loves, and even more surprised if he finds out that his parents drew it.

It doesn't matter if you have artistic talent or not, it is important that you pay attention to your child and know what he loves. The daughter will be proud of the picture that her parents drew for her.

Drawing for a friend's birthday

Here there is room for fantasy to roam, because a friend is a person whose secrets and passions you know well. It is this knowledge that can be used in the process of creating a birthday picture.

Girlfriend don't be offended if it's any funny picture, which will depict her desires, preferences or stupid fears. She will appreciate such a picture.

How beautiful to write "Happy Birthday"?

If you decide to make a poster, paint a wall or draw a picture with the inscription "Happy Birthday", you need to decide on the font and colors. It depends on the qualitative characteristics and position in the society of the birthday man.

If this is a poster for a boss or a colleague, then it is better to get by with a monophonic official font with pronounced monograms. Such an inscription will look both formal and festive at the same time.
If a person close to you, a friend or a child has a birthday, a colorful inscription would be an excellent option, where each letter will be decorated with various small drawings, some objects, etc.

Any font, size and color will be appropriate here, but it is best if the poster comes out bright, colorful and saturated so that the festive mood is felt in every centimeter of this inscription.

In fact, it does not matter at all whether you can draw well or not. The main thing in a gift is that it is made with Best wishes, with positive thoughts and from the bottom of my heart. Draw, surprise and feel free to express all your emotions on paper. Wishes and words can be forgotten, but the drawing will remain with the person forever.

Video: DIY birthday drawings

Today we have not an easy drawing lesson. We will draw a birthday card that is perfect for mom or dad, or even someone else. Of course, it's nice to get a card from your children on your birthday, especially if it's handmade. And this is not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is to have patience and a desire to please loved ones. So how do we draw a birthday card to please mom or dad?

Now we will all know. On the postcard we will depict the birthday of Mickey Mouse and his friends. By the way, so you can draw it later.

Let's go straight to the lesson.

Step 1. First of all, let's draw a sketch of an oval table for the birthday. Slightly offset from the center of the table, draw a sketch of the cake. Above the sketch of the table, draw several circles in one pile - these will be the heads. On two heads we will draw a couple more circles - the ears of mice, and on the third we will draw a triangular shape - this will be a festive cone.

Step 2 We continue to draw a birthday card for mom (dad). We add sketches of various boxes to the table. We draw the faces of Mini Mouse, Mickey Mouse and Donald. On the heads of the heroes we finish the caps.

Step 3 We draw a ribbon for each box with birthday gifts. We add culinary decorations on the cake and draw holiday candles on it. Show cups and saucers on the table. At the ends of the caps we depict pompons. We finish drawing the hands of the heroes.

Step 4 Now we take the eraser in our hands and begin to erase all the extra lines from the pencil. After that, once again we outline the main elements that we drew: guests, birthday boxes, a table, a cake and dishes.

Step 5 Let's add some shadows to the picture of our postcard.

But a drawn birthday card will not be complete if it is not colored. So we take out pencils, felt-tip pens and paints and begin to carefully color the drawing. Such a hand-drawn birthday card will surely please mom and dad.

If it is difficult to draw such a birthday card for mom (dad), then you can get by with simplified options by watching video tutorials.

This video tutorial shows how to draw a birthday cake, which will be enough for a greeting card.

And this video shows how to draw a cake with balloons. Even small children can draw such a postcard.

Yes, the lesson was difficult, write if you managed to draw a similar postcard or not.

Create postcards for loved ones on different holidays.

For any person, regardless of age, a birthday means the beginning of something new, where cherished desires come true and, of course, the most secret dreams come true. On this beautiful day, the birthday boy is looking forward to gifts and congratulations from his loved ones. After all, it is they who make the recipient smile and rejoice.

Each of us, without exception, loves surprises. Therefore, if you are going to a birthday party, you need to prepare in advance for this celebration. Let's take a look at several options for postcards that you can make yourself and give to your loved one.

How to draw a birthday card for mom?

Of course, the card should look beautiful and touching. Perhaps you want to do something specific? Then we advise you to write the usual, but very pleasant inscription on the product itself: “To your beloved mother”. To make, take scissors and glue, and also stock up on the following items:

  • Blank for needlework (you can take thick cardboard).
  • Background image (you can take the usual colored paper, a piece of scrap paper, and so on).
  • Chipboard for inscriptions (buy a ready-made one in advance or use a stapler that draws up the edges).
  • Decorative elements (flowers, butterflies, beads, leaves) - 2 pcs.
  • Large decorative elements (bow, flower) - 2 pcs.
  • Decorative tape.
  • Lace or scalloped ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

  • First, draw a sketch with an ordinary pencil. Add colors that will give you the opportunity to understand which shades you will use as you work.
  • Glue the background to the postcard blank. Arrange large flowers. Complement overall composition decorative elements.
  • Dry your work thoroughly.
  • When it dries, decorate it with glitter.
  • After that, write wishes to dear mother on a postcard.
  • Inside the card, you can draw beautiful flowers or bows, and write a wish to your loved one.

How to draw a birthday card for dad?

A birthday card for your beloved daddy is, at least, touching. It is difficult to choose a theme for such a postcard, but there is one detail that you simply must apply - this is style. If you get a stylish postcard, believe me, your dad will definitely be delighted with such a gift. Even if there are no symbols of “masculinity” on the card itself, for example, the image of a car, weapons or fishing.

You can make a card for daddy with embroidery, threads and so on. Try to bring all the patience and love into your own creativity. To get started, choose the subject of the postcard, for example, any element of the portrait of a man can be suitable, for example, a beard, a smoking pipe, glasses in the style of hipsters. Choose the shades you want. Calm and beautiful, which will be in harmony with each other, are considered ideal.

Manufacturing process:

  • Take the base of the postcard. Cut out a shirt for her.
  • Cut out a triangle in the center of the shirt.
  • Glue a rectangle under the "shirt".
  • Take a satin ribbon. Tie a tie out of it in the form of a knot and glue it to the base.
  • Glue a "shirt" on top of the tie.
  • Using a special contour, make "stitches".
  • Glue the buttons onto the card.
  • Write congratulatory wishes inside the card, add more small drawings, such as balloons.

How to draw a birthday card for grandfather?

You can give your grandfather a beautiful postcard that you make with your own hands. To create this craft, you will need to spend a minimum of free time, plus a lot of imagination, and also take scissors with glue, and stock up on the following:

  • colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • Paper strips for quilling
  • Buttoned
  • double sided tape

Manufacturing process:

  • To create a blank for a postcard, take cardboard. You can use double-sided or single-sided cardboard. Fold it into two equal parts.
  • Gently push the line where the postcard will fold.
  • Then, at the top of the card, make a small notch approximately equal to 2 centimeters.
  • Fold the edges of the card in such a way that you get a collar.
  • Make a "vest" from colored stripes. Carefully glue the strips to the outside of the product, while alternating colors at your own discretion. Instead of paper stripes, you can draw stripes with pencils or paints.
  • Take a strip Brown color. Glue in the center of the postcard.
  • Also glue the edges of the vest with such a strip
  • Make a bow. Attach it to the collar with tape or glue.
  • Glue small pockets on the right and left sides. And in the center, glue a button (you can use one or several at once).
  • Next, decorate the card inside as you wish.

How to draw a birthday card for grandma?

Grandma is exactly the person who is always ready to feed delicious pies and pies, listen and give useful advice. If you want to surprise your grandmother on her birthday with a unique gift, give her a beautiful card. But not the one that you can buy in the store, but made with your own hands.

To make a postcard, take the following materials and tools:

  • Cardboard color and white with black
  • Lace - about 12 cm, but not less
  • Ribbon white color– 30 cm
  • Artificial flowers - 3 pcs
  • Buttons matching the color of the paper - 3 pcs
  • Scissors
  • Ruler with glue
  • Pencils

Manufacturing process:

  • From white cardboard, cut out a rectangle 16 cm * 20 cm. Bend this rectangle into two equal parts. So you get the basis of the postcard.
  • Take black cardboard. Cut out 2 rectangles from it (15.6 cm * 9.6 cm and 8 cm * 3.2 cm).
  • Take colored cardboard. Cut out rectangles from it (15.2 cm * 9.2 cm and 7.7 cm * 2.9 cm).
  • Glue the colored cardboard on top of the black to make a black frame.

  • Gather the backing.
  • Glue the smaller rectangle and "Happy Birthday" on top of the smaller rectangle.
  • Then glue on the lace. Cut a strip of 12 cm from the white ribbon. Glue it on top of the lace.

  • Make a bow from the ribbon, glue it to the backing. Also glue flowers and buttons onto a small rectangle.
  • Glue the backing to the base of the product.
  • Next, decorate the card as you wish with colored pencils. Don't forget to write your congratulations.

How to draw a birthday card for a friend?

What can you give your beloved girlfriend? Habitual gifts, at times, are no longer able to please the birthday man. But a postcard made by hand can really surprise any person. Moreover, for the manufacture you will spend only 30 minutes, maybe a little more. So, you should have the following materials in stock:

  • A piece of double-sided cardboard
  • Piece of white cardboard
  • scissors
  • Blade or knife
  • double sided adhesive
  • Measuring accessories (ruler with pencil)
  • Ribbon
  • Decorating elements
  • Hole puncher

Manufacturing process:

  • Take colored cardboard. Cut out a rectangle and fold it into 3 equal parts. On the cardboard, mark the outline of the bag.
  • Cut out the postcard shape.
  • Take a blade or knife. Cut out the handle of the bag. Bend it inside the product.
  • Use tape to stick a rectangle cut out of snow-white cardboard into the inside of the bag. You can use a hole punch to cut out the edges of the rectangle.
  • Decorate the product - tie a bow, glue it behind the clasp. Glue the decor elements.

Surprise your beloved friend with this card!

How to draw a birthday card for a friend?

If you have very close friend, whom you know almost from birth, you can draw an unusual and bright postcard. Try to imagine what your friend loves and depict it on your postcard. We suggest you make the following postcard. Take:

  • Snow-white paper (album sheet)
  • Ordinary pencil
  • multi-colored pencils
  • Ruler scissors

Manufacturing process:

  • Take paper. Bend it in the center.
  • On the inside of the paper, use a simple pencil to draw whatever you want, for example, balloons.
  • Then write in multi-colored letters wishes for the birthday man. Place the label on balloons or write nice words at the bottom of the postcard.
  • After you have decided exactly on the design of the card, paint it.
  • you can use colored pencils, but you can watercolor paints. It all depends on what you can work with better.
  • If you want to draw on a postcard beautiful nature, then for this it is advisable for you to apply paints. With them, you can more naturally convey the shades of nature and its violence.

How to draw a birthday card for your sister?

Do you have a younger sister? Does she have a birthday very soon? Then you should think about the gift in advance. To make the end result very colorful and beautiful, then take the following elements:

  • High density colored paper - 1 set
  • Markers or markers
  • multi-colored pencils
  • colored pens
  • A simple pencil well sharpened
  • Scissors with glue

Manufacturing process:

  • Take paper. Bend it in half.
  • On the outside, draw an image, on the inside, write a wish for the birthday girl.
  • Now start drawing. Take a simple pencil. Draw an oval on the card. Draw a curved strip in the center of the oval (this will be the center of the bear's muzzle). Then draw the muzzle and nose itself.
  • Sketch the nose, leave a small highlight.
  • Next draw the eyes, mouth, eyebrows and ears of the bear. Draw them in with colored pencils.
  • Draw the torso. Draw 2 parallel rounded strips from the head (this is how you get the body of a bear).

  • Draw the bear 2 lower paws.
  • Then draw a cake in the picture and decorate it. Add one upper leg.
  • Then draw another upper paw.

  • Decorate the background of the postcard. Can you draw Balloons, and on each balloon write the letters that make up the phrase "Happy Birthday."
  • Finish the card - just paint it with colored pencils.

As a result, you will receive a beautiful postcard, which your sister will definitely be delighted with.

How to draw a birthday card for brother?

If you want to give your little brother an unusual gift, then make him a card yourself. You can draw an elephant on a postcard. How to do this, read below.

  • On the clean slate paper, draw a pair of circles that should be superimposed on each other. Just keep in mind that these parts should be different in size.
  • Draw the elephant's trunk in the center of the smaller circle. Above the trunk draw eyes and eyebrows.
  • Draw big ears for the elephant. Apply smooth stripes at the top and wavy ones at the bottom.
  • Bottom circle bigger size draw the legs.
  • Make folds on them (knees and claws).
  • Draw a tail for the elephant, and a brush on its tip.
  • Remove additional lines with an eraser, and circle the main ones well.
  • Color the elephant as you wish. Write wishes.

How to draw a birthday card for a teacher and a teacher?

A handmade greeting card is the most best gift for the teacher from the student. Exists a large number of options, but we suggest you use ours. In order to create such a postcard, stock up on materials:

  • Cardboard (from which you will make the base)
  • Gouache or watercolor
  • Napkin

Manufacturing process:

  • Make the base for your postcard. Take a snow-white cardboard.
  • Then take the prepared paints. Dip your fingertips into the paint.
  • In the central part of the card, draw a flower using this method.
  • Wait for the postcard to dry completely.
  • Write a beautiful poem inside the card. You can even come up with it yourself.

How to draw a birthday card for aunt, godmother, woman?

Flowers must be depicted on a postcard for aunt and godmother. After all, all women, without exception, adore them. We suggest you make the following version of the postcard, which you can give not only close person, but also to a neighbor, mother's girlfriend, and so on.

Manufacturing process:

  • First, draw a vase on the card. Mark the places that the flowers will take.
  • Then draw the flowers themselves, for example, roses. The quantity is not so important. The most important thing is that it be odd.
  • Finish painting the rose petals. Then draw a beautiful bow on the vase.
  • Draw rose leaves.
  • At the very end, add all the elements. Color the drawing with red or burgundy paints. You can paint the vase blue.

How to draw a birthday card for a man?

For a man, for example, for a chef, you can make an interesting postcard in the style of antiquity. You can preview the drawings in advance, which are very suitable for that time. After you select a drawing, print it on a printer or draw it. Especially if you love to draw.

To make, take:

  • Base paper (cardboard paper, colored or white).
  • Scissors.
  • Knife.
  • Fastening elements.
  • Decorating elements.
  • Pencils or paints.

Manufacturing process:

  • First, decide on the color scheme and the main pattern.
  • Make the basis for a postcard of any shape. If you want the card to open, then bend it in half.
  • Glue a picture, pieces of material and other decorating elements on a postcard. Make sure they fit the overall theme.
  • Glue these elements in turn onto the base.
  • On the inside and outside of the product, draw congratulatory words with bright pencils.
  • If you want to make the card more interesting, tie it around with a thin ribbon, and then tie it with a bow.

How to draw a birthday card for a boy?

Every child dreams of fulfilling all his cherished desires. And who can fulfill them? Of course, gold fish. You can do greeting card, decorating it with a goldfish. The kid will definitely believe that she will fulfill his dreams. To do this, take:

  • Blue cardboard (the size of a landscape sheet).
  • Gold nail polish or gold jewelry is also gold.
  • Glue.
  • Gel pen (preferably several different colors).
  • Ordinary pencil.
  • Eyes (beads).
  • Scissors with a ruler, plus double-sided tape.

Manufacturing process:

  • Fold the cardboard in half. The blue side should face out. Draw the outline of the fish in the center. Circle it with a pen. Draw the crown and fins.
  • Draw an eye with a simple pencil or stick a prepared eye (bead).
  • Lubricate the fish with glue. Sprinkle gold jewelry in the form of small balls on the fish.
  • Then draw air bubbles.
  • Write "Happy Birthday" at the bottom of the card.

How to draw a birthday card for a girl?

Girls, as a rule, unlike boys, adore when they are given unusual and bright gifts. If you present a postcard that you make with your own hands, you will definitely be able to deliver a lot of positive emotions to the girl. For own creativity take:

  • Colored paper.
  • White paper.
  • Glue with scissors.
  • Cardboard.
  • Paints or colored pencils.

Manufacturing process:

  • Draw hedgehogs on snow-white paper using pencils or paints. Glue mugs of various sizes onto the card.
  • If you want some of the balloons to be voluminous, stick balloons of similar size on the drawing, but fold them in advance in the form of a book. On the inside of each balloon, write a beautiful wish.

Isn't it a wonderful postcard? You can also make it for your nephew or niece, goddaughter or godson, and so on.

How to draw a birthday card for kindergarten?

Now let's try together to make a postcard for the smallest children who still go to kindergarten. Draw on it a cute cat with a cake in its paws.

  • Start by making a postcard template.
  • On the outside, draw a ball, muzzle, eyes, nose and mouth of the cat. If you wish, you can draw a mustache for the cat.
  • Draw a festive hat, ears and tail for the cat.
  • In front of the cat, draw a cake with candles.
  • Add stripes to the animal on the body and on the tail.
  • Behind the cat, draw wrapped gifts.
  • Write "Congratulations" on the inside of the card.

Video: DIY postcard

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