Drawing on the theme of my future home. How to draw a house with pencils, rulers and watercolors

"How to draw a house?" - the question is simple, even a child who has already learned to hold a pencil and brushes in his hands can cope with this task. For adults, DIY house drawing is fun creative occupation associated with simple arithmetic calculations. How to draw a house, step by step, you will learn from this article. The drawing is simple, but it includes all the advantages of a real house, located on a separate plot of land.

And as we can see, in the picture, in addition to the house, there are trees, grass on which children and dogs frolic. This is a landscape environment, without which no residential building can do. nature, landscapes, orchards, reservoirs and fields are integral parts of any structure. Therefore, the drawing should include the landscape adjacent to the house. An exception is made only for schematic and drawing drawings.

How to draw a house with a pencil

Home is architectural building, which is being built according to certain building laws, and its construction always begins with sketches and drawings. How to draw a house with a pencil in stages so that the drawing looks like real home? First of all, you need to follow the basic rules that govern the construction of residential buildings. First we build walls, then we cover the house with a roof, after that we draw doors and windows, and lastly we draw a porch and posts with a canopy. And how to draw a house with a pencil in stages, so that the drawing is also beautiful and colorful? To do this, apply watercolors or multi-colored gouache. In this case the question is as to how to draw beautiful house, is solved by itself, and in the future it all depends on your imagination and artistic abilities.

What tools and materials are needed in order to draw a house

To create a drawing at home, you need to stock up on a sheet of white paper, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. To decorate the house you will need watercolors, gouache and felt-tip pens.

How to draw a house in stages for a comfortable stay

First you need to decide how many floors will be in the house. In a one-story version, the drawing can be placed on a standard sheet of A4 paper. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the width of the house and its height to the roof using a ruler. draw with a simple pencil a rectangle that will become the basis of the facade of the house. After that, you should outline the location of the doors and window openings. This stage is the most responsible. The correct placement of windows and doors is the key to the architectural harmony of the entire front of the building. The eraser should be at the ready, because there will certainly be permutations.

Drawing of a small country house or mansion

The drawing of a small one-story house suggests a single door and two or three windows. The image of a tall and wide mansion will require a large double door on the ground floor, as well as at least four windows. The proportions of the house correct placement doors and windows will begin to appear on their own as you draw. Swing doors should be in harmony with the windows, their visual relationship is of great importance.

Drawing of a house with an attic

How to draw a house with an attic? After the facade of the house is drawn, you can proceed to the image of the roof. The gable classic roof is ideal option for your drawing, it is easy to draw, besides, such a design assumes the presence of an attic in the attic, which means that the building will become more stylish. The facade of the attic can be located above front door or above the central window. The roof of the attic, as a rule, is on the same level with the crest of the main covering, sometimes lower. If in your drawing the ridge of the attic roof turns out to be higher than the level of the main roof, then it will no longer be an attic, but a mezzanine.

The roof of the house in your drawing can be depicted in two versions: simple, without frills, or elegant and beautiful. In the second case, you need to draw her an exclusive cover. For small one-story mansions, scaly-shaped ceramic tiles are ideal. Such a coating gives the roof some fabulousness, and the whole house becomes elegant and festive.

Drawing of a two-story house

How to draw a house with two floors? This is not difficult if you have the outlines of the first floor ready, but there is no roof yet. The second floor obeys its own architectural laws, and in order to comply with them, it is necessary to take the parameters of the first floor as a basis. The upper windows cannot be wider than the lower windows, but they can be drawn shorter in vertical terms. The second floor is subject to strict laws of architectural symmetry, which means that the top three windows should be drawn on equal distance from each other, and the average of them should be exactly in the middle. If you decide to draw a balcony, then it must also be placed strictly in the center.

Upper part of a two-story house

The roof of a two-story house should be lower than the roof of a one-story building. As a rule, there is no attic above the second floor, only its reduced pseudocopy, which is called a dormer window. The attic space of a two-story mansion is not spacious enough for an attic and similar rooms. If desired, you can draw a small mezzanine in place of the attic, which will become an architectural decoration of the whole house.

How to draw a house in stages with a pencil using perspective. In this lesson I would like to tell you how to draw a flat house. You have probably heard the word perspective. Do not be afraid of this word, because it is the perspective that will always help you draw even buildings.

How to draw a house step by step

I'll try to tell how to draw a house step by step, in the most simple and understandable language. That is why I will not bore you with many lines.

Practice and only practice will help you learn what perspective is and how to draw a house with it. To draw, you will need a ruler and a soft pencil.

Let's start by drawing a horizon line, approximately in the middle of the sheet. Mark two points on the horizon line - "A" and "B". From each point we draw lines intersecting with each other.

From the intersection point, draw up one vertical line. Then, on the right and on the left, we will also draw one vertical line. See the picture below.

Our walls are ready!

We wipe the extra lines with an eraser, and get ready to draw the roof. This is the next stage of the lesson on how to draw a house in stages with a pencil.

Draw two horizontal lines from point B. Then you need to draw a vertical line, until it intersects with the top horizontal line. See the picture below.

After that, you should carefully wipe all the extra lines, and bring the roof and walls of the house. You should leave a horizon line so that you can draw the doors and windows. Thus, everything will be even and symmetrical. I deleted my horizon line so that you consolidate your knowledge and try to draw further on your own.

The next step is to draw the door, windows and chimney of the house. You can arrange the windows and doors however you like!

With a 3B pencil, I draw the roof, the sunny side of the house (the wall on the left) with an H pencil, and where the doors are with an HB pencil. Do not press on the pencils so that the stroke is invisible.

How to draw a house with a pencil in stages? In this article, we will learn how to do this. It may seem that drawing a house is very difficult, but it is not at all the case.

We are drawing a house, not a house :) Therefore, we will draw with a side view without drawing volumetric figures. This will greatly simplify the drawing process, of course, if you feel strong in yourself, you can finish the three-dimensional elements of the house, that is, the second wall and draw the roof.

On paper, we will depict the most ordinary village house, which can be found in almost every city in the world. So let's get started!

Step by step drawing example

We will draw with pencils, so stock up with an ordinary pencil, colored, eraser and sharpener. And, of course, paper.

Stage 1
The house will consist of two parts (you can see finished drawing), draw a rectangle and divide it into two parts. Please note that the rectangle needs to be divided not in the middle, but slightly offset to the left.

Stage 2
In the second step, we outline the roof and doorway. We plan the doorway so wide for a reason. The doorway is so wide because it will not have one door, but two.

Stage 3
Now we detail the roof with a pencil and insert windows into our house. Windows do not have to be square, very often rectangular windows are installed in buildings.

However, the windows must be at the same height, otherwise your building will look very unrealistic. You can even use a ruler for precise marking. And if you have a diamond eye, then you don’t have to use a ruler :)

Also, along the entire bottom of the building you need to draw a decorative strip.

Stage 4
We circle the windows and the door with another line, this will add a little volume effect, despite the fact that our goal is not to draw a three-dimensional house.

On the roof, you must definitely depict a chimney, otherwise where will Santa bring gifts for Christmas?

Stage 5
The fifth step is a very important step because it's time to detail the whole building. We insert the doors, under them we paint on the stairs. We insert glass into the windows, we also detail the roof and the lower, decorative strip of the building.

Hello everyone interested in my! Today we have very interesting lesson which I think everyone will like and benefit from! But first, you should subscribe to vkontakte community so you can share your work, get tips and new lessons!

Let's see where we are now on our thirty day journey. You have mastered the art of drawing, and most importantly, you have learned to use the direction compass (I talked about it in detail in the cubes lesson). Now you will use these skills to draw even more real objects. In this chapter you will learn how to start drawing a house, then you will draw a mailbox.

1. Draw a cube very, very lightly with a pencil.

2. Put reference point in the middle of the bottom right side of the cube.

3. Draw a very light vertical line up from this point. This will be our guide line for creating the roof of the house.

4. Connect the front roof slopes. Note that the near slope is longer than on the other side. This is a great example of how size and position give depth to a drawing. The near part of the roof is longer so that it becomes larger and creates the illusion that it is closer to the viewer.

5. Using the lines you have already drawn as a reference, draw the top of the roof, being careful not to push the line too high (like here):

This is a problem for many newbies. To avoid this, consciously and deliberately return to your first line drawn in the northwest direction.

6. Draw the far side of the roof by matching the slope to the front edge. When I draw houses, it seems to me that if the far edge of the roof is tilted a little less than the near one, it looks more realistic.

This is just a quick look at a two-angle perspective. In the future, we will get acquainted with the law of perspective in more detail. I just want to whet your appetite for new drawing challenges!

See how funny it is to see a house aligned with a compass in the directions of northwest and northeast and see how these lines merge at a vanishing point on each side of the object. In fact, you've already used this advanced science of dual perspective effectively without even knowing it! How? When? You ask…

But I'm typing on my laptop, having absolutely no idea how it actually works. You can also drive safely without understanding how the engine works. Likewise, you can (and should!) successfully learn how to draw basic shapes without realizing all the laws and rules. I'm not saying that you shouldn't learn the basics of foreshortening in drawing, because you should, and you will do it in next lessons. But the immediate introduction of excessive, tedious information can greatly hinder or completely block beginners from enjoying drawing the initial basics. When newbies are overwhelmed with information, they become restless and naturally get frustrated. They experience failure and make the completely false assumption that they have no talent and therefore no opportunity to learn how to draw. The truth is that learning to draw has nothing to do with talent. You have experienced it for yourself while doing these lessons.

The best way to introduce students to the thrill of 3D drawing is by offering IMMEDIATE success in the first place. Immediate success generates excitement, enthusiasm, and interest. More interest inspires more practice. More practice builds CONFIDENCE. And confidence perpetuates the student's desire to learn more and more. I call this "self-perpetuating learning cycle".

We have seen in all previous lessons that drawing is an absolutely trainable skill. In addition, the ability to draw can dramatically increase your communication skills, which in turn can have an extraordinary impact on your life.

7. Draw a horizon line over the house and position the light source. Clean up your drawing by erasing the guide lines.

8. Using the lines already drawn in the NW direction as a guide, lightly apply the framework for the shingles. Draw a SW guide line on the ground to add a drop shadow. Apply shadows along the base of the roof. The closer to the roof, the darker the line along it, pushing it deeper into the picture.

9. Complete a simple house with roof tiles, make the nearby tiles larger and smaller as they get further away. Draw a window, make sure that the lines are parallel to the edges of the paper. Same thing with the door. Draw the vertical lines of the door corresponding to the vertical lines of the center and right side of the house. You can paint on additional details, for example, in the form of bushes.

10. Add slopes on the window and door. Finish the drawing with hatching. Great job! You have drawn a cute little house in the steppe.


Understanding how basic shapes such as a cube or sphere can be turned into objects real world is the main purpose of this book. Look at the picture of the mailbox. Try to draw this box yourself. Start by turning the cube into a mailbox. Next, form the front of the box on the right and left. Again, note that the near edge of the box is longer. This is another example of how size creates depth. Draw the post and drawer details. See how the dark shadow pushes the post under the box. Complete your mailbox by adding other details. These little details - the postal flag, the pen, the address, and especially the texture of the wood - complete this drawing perfectly. Texture adds a visual feel to the surface of objects: fur on a cat, cobblestone on the street, scales on a fish. Texture is a delicious "flavor" that adds zest to your drawing.

Don't forget to show off your work

Many children dream of learning how to draw a house, for example, fairy hut. There is nothing difficult in drawing such a structure, therefore even a preschooler can cope with such a task, especially if his parents help him with this. Thanks to this master class, everyone will be able to understand how to draw a house with a pencil in stages, and then color it using a set of colored pencils.
Before you start drawing a hut, you need to prepare everything you need:

one). Colour pencils;
2). Mechanical pencil (or a simple sharpened one);
3). Eraser;
four). Paper.

When everything is ready, you can get to work:
one). Draw a horizon line and outline the shape of the house;

2). Draw a triangular roof;

3). Draw windows;

four). Draw the roof and chimney;

5). Draw logs;

6). Draw details such as window frames, their decor and patterns;

7). Draw the smoke that comes from the chimney, as well as the cat that climbs the roof. Draw a fence on both sides of the house. At this stage, you can finish the work if you wanted to learn how to draw a house with a pencil. But the painted drawing looks complete and more interesting;

eight). Outline the sketch with a pen. Draw clouds and grass with a pen;

9). Remove the preliminary sketch with an eraser;

ten). Color the frames with a light brown pencil, and windows with yellow;

eleven). Use brown and dark brown pencils to paint over the logs;

12). Light brown color the top of the pipe and the round elements of the logs. Paint over the chimney and patterns on the house in red, and red-brown on the decor of the windows and the roof;

13). Color the fence with an emerald-colored pencil, and a cat with an orange one;

14). in green shade the grass, and blue - the sky and clouds.

Now you know how to draw a house step by step and then color it with colored pencils. Of course, you can make a house drawing bright not only with a set of colored pencils, but also using watercolor or gouache. This is one of the easy options.

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