Education of Tatiana Larina. Tatyana, Russian at heart

Appearance, habits of the heroine

Tatyana Larina is the main female image of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Belinsky called the novel "an encyclopedia of Russian life." The image of Tatyana, like the images of other heroes, was typical for Russia in the 20-30s. 19th century But Tatyana is a living woman with a unique strong character. Her actions, dictated by internal logic and circumstances, are unexpected even for the author: "My Tatyana has done it".

Tatyana is not like her younger sister Olga, a cheerful beauty. The older sister does not attract the eyes either by beauty or freshness. In addition, she is unsociable, unkind: "Dika, sad, silent, like a doe forest timid".

Tatyana does not resemble a traditional folklore hardworking girl: she does not embroider, does not play with dolls, is not interested in fashion and outfits. The girl does not like "in the crowd of children to play and jump", run into burners (an outdoor game), does not play pranks and does not play pranks.

Tatyana loves scary stories, is thoughtful, meets the dawn on the balcony. Since childhood, she has been inclined to move away from reality into the world of dreams, imagining herself the heroine of the novels of Richardson and Rousseau: "She fell in love with deceptions".

Character and its origins, character development

Tatyana grew up in the village, was a neighbor on the estate of Eugene Onegin. Her parents kept an old patriarchy. It is said about the father that he was late in the last century. This is probably why Tatyana received such exotic name with whom it is inseparable "memories of antiquity or maiden". Tatyana's mother in her youth was fond of the same novels that she later read eldest daughter. In the village of her husband, for whom Tatyana's mother was not given for love, she, in the end, "I got used to it and became satisfied" forgetting romantic hobbies. The couple lived keeping "habits of dear old times".

Tatyana is cut off from her environment. On the one hand, she "Russian soul, without knowing why". Pushkin, according to the laws of realism, discovers why Tatyana is like that. She lived in "backwoods of the forgotten village", raised by a nanny, "cordial friend", in the atmosphere "traditions of common antiquity". But the nanny, whose prototype was Pushkin's nanny, does not understand Tatyana's feelings.

On the other hand, Tatyana was brought up on foreign novels, "I didn't know Russian very well". She writes a letter to Onegin in French because “explained with difficulty in her native language”.

The novel traces the change in the life of Tanya, brought by her mother to the capital and liked "important general". Everything that happens in St. Petersburg is alien to her: “The excitement of the world hates; it’s stuffy here ... she strives with a dream for field life ”.

Onegin fell in love with a completely different Tatyana, not a timid girl, in love, poor and simple, but an indifferent princess, an impregnable goddess of the luxurious, regal Neva, "legislator of the hall". But internally Tatyana remains the same: "Everything is quiet, it was just in her". Dignity and nobility were added to simplicity. The appearance of the heroine also changes. No one would call her beautiful, but her sophistication could not be overshadowed by the first beauty of St. Petersburg.

Onegin does not recognize the former Tatyana. She is indifferent, bold, calm, free, severe. There is no coquetry in Tatyana, which "does not tolerate the upper world", confusion and compassion. She doesn't look like the girl who wrote "a letter where the heart speaks, where everything is outside, everything is free".

The relationship between Tatyana and Onegin is the main storyline of the novel

After Onegin, who arrived in his village, visited the Larins, they began to read him to Tatyana as a suitor. She fell in love with Onegin simply because "time has come". But, brought up in a healthy folk atmosphere, Tatyana is waiting Great love, the only betrothed.

Onegin taught Tatyana the most important lesson in life, which she learned well: "Learn to control yourself". He acted nobly, but Pushkin sympathizes with Tatyana: "With you now I shed tears"- and foresees her death at the hands of "fashion tyrant"(Onegin).

The lesson that Tatyana gives Onegin, becoming society lady, in turn, consists in the same wisdom: one cannot be "feelings of a petty slave". This should be preferred "cold, stern talk". But the motives of Onegin and Tatyana are different. He never could become "natural person", which Tatiana has always been. For her, life in the world is hateful, this "rags of masquerade". Tatyana deliberately doomed herself to such a life, because when she got married, for her "all were equal lot". And although the first love still lives in the heroine, she sincerely and with conviction remains faithful to her husband. Onegin, on the other hand, does not fully realize that his love is excited by the desire to be noticed in society, to have "seductive honor".

  • "Eugene Onegin", a summary of the chapters of Pushkin's novel
  • "Eugene Onegin", analysis of the novel by Alexander Pushkin

The main theme of the novel is an advanced personality in its relation to the noble society. This theme is revealed by Pushkin in the images of Onegin, Lensky, Tatyana - representatives of the noble intelligentsia.

Pushkin draws the image of Tatyana with great warmth, embodying in her best features Russian woman. Tatyana grew up and was brought up in a family of noble landowners, faithful to the "habits of dear old times." Since childhood, her nanny, a simple Russian serf woman, with whom Tatyana shared her innermost thoughts and experiences, was a close person to her. Communicating with the yard girls and listening to the stories of the nanny, Tatyana gets acquainted with folk poetry, imbued with love for her. Proximity to the people native nature develops in Tatyana her moral qualities: spiritual simplicity, sincerity, naturalness. By nature, Tatyana is smart, original, original. Since childhood, she was different from her peers. She was “wild, sad, silent”, “like a timid doe in the forest” and “...often sat silently at the window all day long”, Pushkin says that she was gifted with “a rebellious imagination, mind and will of a living and wayward head, and heart fiery and tender."

The mind and originality of nature distinguish her from others in the landlord environment and secular society and lead to the realization of the vulgarity, idleness and emptiness of the life of the people around her. She dreams of a man who would bring high content into her life, who would be like the heroes of her favorite novels. This is how Onegin seemed to her, a secular young man who came from St. Petersburg, smart and noble. Tatyana, with all her sincerity and simplicity, falls in love with Onegin: "... Everything was full of him, everything to the sweet maiden incessantly repeats about him",

But Onegin did not understand the full strength and depth of Tatyana's feelings. And he didn't appreciate it. Love brings Tatiana nothing but suffering. In the end, she succumbs to her mother, and, repeating the fate of many women of that time, she marries an unloved man.

But in her heart Tatyana remained the same. In the light she is alone: ​​she did not find here what her lofty soul aspired to. She expresses her attitude to secular life in the words addressed to Onegin, who returned to the capital.

... Now I'm glad to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes,

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home...

Scene last date Tatyana with Onegin even more fully) reveals her high spiritual qualities: moral impeccability, fidelity to duty, truthfulness. In obedience to duty, she makes the last fatal decision: she refuses love, personal happiness, forever associated for her with Onegin.

Tatyana Larina opens a gallery beautiful images Russian women, morally impeccable, faithful to duty, seeking a deeply meaningful life. Such is Olga Ilyinskaya in Goncharov's novel Oblomov, Turgenev's heroines: Natalya from Rudin, Elena from On the Eve, the wives of the Decembrists, sung by Nekrasov.

I sympathize, but you must try to answer the questions yourself, otherwise you will not have points left.
so here is the answer:
Her childhood passed in an atmosphere of patriarchal life, saturated with the habits and “traditions of the common folk antiquity, in an atmosphere of rural space and freedom. Parents cared little about her upbringing and education, did not hamper her natural development in any way. Proximity to the people, to customs brought up in Tatyana the “Russian soul”, folk, national order her ideas and feelings. From childhood, she was saturated with images of Russian folk art, pictures of Russian nature. The city did not have the usual influence on Tatyana.
Love for the Russian village runs like a red thread through Tatiana's whole life. Before leaving, she says a touching farewell, as to her friends, to valleys, hills, streams and forests. But in Moscow she
... The excitement of the world hates,
She's stuffy here... she's a dream
Strive for the life of the field,
To the village, to the poor villagers,
To a secluded corner
Where a light stream flows.
And even after becoming a high society lady, rich and distinguished, she remains true to her former village sympathies and moods.
Tatyana could not stay away from those trends and moods that swept the public of that era. But they touched her only to the extent that they were directed towards the emancipation of the personality, to the liberation of her feelings from the constraining framework. secular society, household restrictions and foundations. Tatyana was fond of the novels of Richardson and Rousseau, in which they sang of free love as the highest law of life. That is why love pushed Tatyana to a bold act for that time. She decided to openly express to the hero of her novel those feelings that worried her and for the expression of which she found a ready-made language in books. By this, she sharply violated the customs and rules that prevailed in the noble society.
Eugene Onegin... Social status and education determined the main features of Onegin's character. He is the son of a wealthy gentleman, "the heir to all his relatives." He did not have to work because of a piece of bread, "hard work was sickening to him." The upbringing received by Eugene was the worst. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous gentleman, an official, did not pay any attention to his son, entrusting him to hired tutors and governesses. They taught the boy almost nothing, did not educate him in any way, and only slightly scolded him for pranks. Onegin received what was typical for the aristocratic youth of that time. home education and the upbringing of a French tutor:

Monsieur I "Abbe, poor Frenchman
So that the child is not exhausted
Taught him everything jokingly
I did not bother with strict morality,
Slightly scolded for pranks
And in Summer garden drove for a walk.
. But having received the most superficial education, Onegin tried twice to replenish and expand it. In any case, having met with Lensky, who received higher education in best university Germany, Onegin could argue with him on serious political, historical and philosophical issues as an equal with an equal.
In Petersburg, Onegin leads an empty, aimless and empty life. Meeting with friends in a restaurant, visiting the theater, balls, wooing women. The science of tender passion was the main content of his life.
How early could he be hypocritical,
Hold hope, be jealous
disbelieve, make believe
To appear gloomy, to languish

Problems of upbringing and education in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

"Eugene Onegin" - realistic novel. The method of realism presupposes the absence of a predetermined, initial clear plan for the development of the action: the images of the heroes develop not simply at the will of the author, the development is due to those psychological and historical features that are included in the images. The novel "Eugene Onegin" was written by Pushkin for 8 years. It reflects the events of the first quarter XIX century, that is, the time of creation and the time of the novel approximately coincide. One of the main issues discussed in society during this period and, as a result, on the pages of many literary works, there was a question about the upbringing and education of modern youth.

In the note "About public education”, compiled in 1826, Pushkin wrote: “In Russia, home education is the most insufficient, the most immoral; the child is surrounded only by lackeys, sees only vile examples, is self-willed or enslaved, does not receive any concepts of justice, of mutual relations people, about true honor. His education is limited to the study of two or three foreign languages and the initial foundation of all the sciences taught by some hired teacher."

According to the poet, education is designed to form personal values ​​and guidelines, attitudes and worldview. And the education of a person at that time completely depended on the social environment, on the historical situation, on the socio-political situation, on individuals, books, etc. In this regard, the issues of education were of great interest, both for writers and readers ...

Therefore, the problem of upbringing and education in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is one of the central ones, which determines the fate of the main characters.

The theme of the education and upbringing of heroes occupies one of the leading positions in Pushkin's novel and can be traced throughout Eugene Onegin. In the era when the poet was creating his novel, the young generation of Russia faced an acute problem of choice: to be an adherent of official, that is, secular, life, a style of behavior accepted in the highest circles of society (education received "from the hands" of foreign teachers), substitution native Russian language in French (writing and speaking Russian is a bad form!), a monotonous daily routine (sleeping until dinner, balls until the morning, receptions, theater - a place for communication, collecting gossip and demonstrating new toilets) or prefer bit by bit to collect your own , domestic scholarship, at the risk of being doomed to misunderstanding and contempt of contemporaries.

Of course, the problem of upbringing and education is primarily considered on the main characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Scientific and critical literature in considering the upbringing and education of Eugene agrees that upbringing is contradictory.

On the one hand, the hero has been surrounded since childhood by tutors who, at home, give him everything he needs to enter the world. By the way, the "Golden Youth" of Moscow and St. Petersburg was brought up by tutors - the French, the remnants of Napoleon's "Great Army" after Patriotic War. They were taken as music and dance teachers by definition, since a Frenchman means he knows a lot about art. At the same time, Onegin's upbringing is devoid of a solid moral foundation; it freed him from the principles of morality:

Monsieur l "Abbi, poor Frenchman,

So that the child is not exhausted,

Taught him everything jokingly

I did not bother with strict morality,

Slightly scolded for pranks

And he took me for a walk in the Summer Garden.

Petersburg of that time was a real center of cultural and political life the place where they lived the best people Russia. There, "Fonvizin shone, a friend of freedom," Knyazhnin and Istomina conquered the audience. The author knew and loved St. Petersburg well, and therefore he is accurate in his descriptions, not forgetting either “the salt of secular anger”, or “necessary fools”, “starched impudent ones”, and the like. Petersburg is clearly oriented towards the Western way of life, and this is manifested in fashion, in the repertoire of theaters, and in the abundance of “foreign words”. The life of a nobleman in St. Petersburg from morning to night is filled with entertainment, but at the same time “monotonous and motley”. high society led just like that, carefree and easy life and did not resist the monotonous current at all. Onegin also belongs to this society on the first pages:

Calmly stands in the shadow of the blissful,

Fun and luxury child.

Wakes up at noon, and again

Until the morning his life is ready,

Monotonous and variegated.

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.

Onegin is brilliantly educated, even in the field of scholastic sciences, he knows Latin. He is undeniably smart and sees all the shortcomings of both the surrounding world and his own, but he cannot, and does not want to, break out of the “vicious circle” of social life. At the same time, Onegin is a quiet rebel, he does not throw accusations in the face of contemporary reality, but with his appearance, look, posture is a mute reproach to the world:

Like Child-Harold, sullen, languid

He showed up in the living room...

Nothing touched him

He didn't notice anything.

Eugene, without neglecting the conventions of aristocratic life, nevertheless stands above him. He reads the works of the economist Adam Smith, and then in the countryside, where Onegin longs to escape from the monotony metropolitan life and gain new experiences, the hero will try to change the way of life of his peasants, which was the result of his passion for the economy. However, hopes for the stability of the feeling of novelty are not justified, and he is again bored:

... Grove, hill and field

He was no longer interested;

Then they put me to sleep

Then he clearly saw

As in the village boredom is the same.

According to Pushkin, foreign customs brought to Russian soil cannot give our people anything positive, but only spoil them. An illustration of this in the novel is Eugene Onegi, who is a "Europeanized" version of the Russian person. An admirer of Napoleon, a lover of London fashion, he does not find anything significant for himself in Russian people or in Russian nature, considering it all too primitive. It took tragic events to change Onegin. At the end of the novel, Eugene realizes that not arrogant contempt, but strong-willed efforts and sensitivity to the call of the heart, not brought up in him in childhood and adolescence, are needed in order to live and not merge with the faceless mass, mired in the conventions of the world.

With all my love for northern capital Pushkin cannot fail to note that it is precisely the influence of the higher St. Petersburg society, the system of upbringing and education adopted in it, and the way of life that leave an indelible imprint on a person’s consciousness, making him either empty and worthless, or prematurely disappointed in life.

With irony, Pushkin also describes the secular village society that gathered in the Larins' house. It is no coincidence that the author endows some guests with the names of the characters in Fonvizin's plays, thereby emphasizing that nothing has changed in society. Provincial nobility in many respects, the range of their vital interests is also ridiculous, ridiculous and pitiful. Country life disposes, according to Pushkin, to move from the world of romantic dreams into the world of everyday worries. But it is no coincidence that in the midst local nobility Pushkin's "sweet ideal" appears - Tatyana Larina, in whose upbringing and education the traditions of high education and folk culture are combined.

As for the Larin family, instead of French tutors, Tatyana's character is shaped and educated by her Russian nanny. To her gray-haired Filippievna, with her kindness, affection and terrible stories inspired by folklore, Tatyana is tenderly attached. The wonderful nanny embodies the connection of the heroine with the world of the peasantry and the folk art, which generously feeds the imagination of the "darling dreamer". Leading place in the hierarchy moral values for Tatyana, as well as for Pushkin, they take folk traditions. The author with great sympathy portrays Tatyana's nanny, who is a carrier folk customs and knowledge, lovingly shows festivities, Christmas time, divination. According to Pushkin, it is in Russian folklore that the real sincerity and high morality inherent in ordinary people. It is not for nothing that the magical inventions of the people's mentor take Tatiana away from the prosaic world of the Pustyakovs and the Flyanovs, which is so alien to her. Tatyana was brought up on folk and national soil (which Onegin did not know); it is no coincidence that her closeness to the “caring servants” and “poor villagers”, whose help she will remember much later.

It should be noted that the heroine is read French novels and has difficulty in conveying his thoughts and experiences in Russian. The heroine of Pushkin, not wanting to lose her individuality, from everything fashionable was able to take out something of her own, unlike, to experience, to feel in her own way. Tatyana, like her mother, sister, and many women of that time, read novels popular writers, but not just ran her eyes over the text, but experienced it, secluded herself with a book in the garden, dreaming of romantic love and Prince Charming:

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

Under the influence romantic heroes Tatyana's views on life, love, marriage, manners of behavior were formed, which in many respects contradicted generally accepted norms. So she was the first to send a letter to Onegin, which could be regarded as a scandalous, obscene act. Moreover, the heroine herself perfectly understood that the step she had taken was more than ordinary:

I freeze with shame and fear ...

But your honor is my guarantee,

And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

Returning to literature, it is also worth noting that there were almost no domestic novels at that time, the fashion for French. Our prose, as Pushkin noted, was "slightly processed." The soul of the heroine, the whole system of her thoughts and feelings were turned to her native, national culture, and her dreams were woven from Russian fairy-tale images.

So, Tatyana is in educational plan complete opposite of Onegin. She did not live a secular life, is not saturated with the spirit of intrigue and coquetry, but is childishly sincere and devoid of secular prejudices, which allows her to be the first to confess her love for Eugene.

Tatyana's behavior and actions are opposed to cold indifference, narcissism of ladies of high society and empty, provincial coquettes. Truthfulness and honesty are the main traits of Tatyana's character. They appear in everything: in the letter, and in the final scene of the explanation with Onegin, and in reflections alone with oneself. Tatyana belongs to those exalted natures who, due to her upbringing, Tatyana listened with rapture to the nanny's story about her love), do not recognize prudent love. They give their loved one all the strength of their hearts, and therefore they are so beautiful and unique.

In a society “where it is not surprising to shine with upbringing”, Tatyana stands out with her spiritual qualities and originality. Endowed with a “wayward head”, Tatyana demonstrates dissatisfaction with life in a noble environment. Both the county young lady and the princess, “the stately legislator of the hall,” she is weighed down by the pettiness and paucity of the interests of those around her. Pushkin writes, admiring her qualities:

Involuntarily, my dears, I am embarrassed by regret.

Forgive me, I love my dear Tatyana so much.

Tatyana is beautiful both externally and internally, she has a penetrating mind, because, having become a secular lady, she quickly assessed the aristocratic society in which she fell. Her exalted soul demands an outlet. Pushkin writes:

It's stuffy for her here, she strives with a dream for field life

She had the opportunity to drink the bitter cup of a young lady taken to the “bride fair”, having survived the collapse of her ideals. In Moscow and St. Petersburg salons, at balls, she could carefully observe people like Onegin, to better understand their originality and selfishness. But “Tatyana is submissive to her parental command and fate ...” and therefore is forced to marry an unloved, but subsequently respected person and lead social life. When Eugene meets Tatyana again, he understands how much he loves her. However moral character Tatiana takes over the feeling, and she refuses Yevgeny, this is the difference in the upbringing of heroes: one is used to getting everything he wants, while the other lives, guided by moral standards.

Thus, the heroes of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", proved that a person, cut off from his national soil, brought up in a European manner, can either be empty and worthless, or very quickly become disillusioned with life and fail to find himself, like, for example, Eugene; Tatyana, despite the fact that she was brought up on European sentimental novels, remained true to the traditions of Russian life and therefore turned into the image of an “ideal woman”.

In the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", of course, the main in a feminine way is Tatyana Larina. The love story of this girl was later sung by playwrights and composers. In our article, the characterization of Tatyana Larina is built from the point of view of her assessment by the author and in comparison with her sister Olga. Both of these characters in the work are shown as completely opposite natures. Of course, we must not forget about love line novel. In relation to Onegin, the heroine also shows us certain aspects of her character. We will analyze all these aspects further so that the characterization of Tatyana Larina is the most complete. First, let's get to know her sister and herself.

You can talk about the main character of the novel for a very long time and a lot. But the image of her sister - Olga Larina - Pushkin showed quite succinctly. The poet considers modesty, obedience, innocence and gaiety to be her virtues. The author saw the same character traits in almost every village young lady, therefore he makes it clear to the reader that he is bored of describing her. Olga possesses a banal village girl. But the author presents the image of Tatyana Larina as more mysterious and complex. If we talk about Olga, then main value for her is a cheerful carefree life. In her, of course, there is Lensky's love, but she does not understand his feelings. Here Pushkin is trying to show her pride, which is absent if we consider the character of Tatyana Larina. Olga, this simple-hearted girl, is unfamiliar with complex mental work, therefore she took the death of her fiancé lightly, quickly replacing him with the “love flattery” of another man.

Comparative analysis of the image of Tatyana Larina

Against the backdrop of the rustic simplicity of her sister, Tatyana seems to us and the author to be a perfect woman. Pushkin declares this quite bluntly, calling the heroine of his work "a sweet ideal." a brief description of Tatyana Larina is out of place here. This is a multifaceted character, the girl understands the reasons for her feelings and actions, and even analyzes them. This once again proves that Tatyana and Olga Larina are absolute opposites, although they are sisters and were brought up in the same cultural environment.

Author's assessment of Tatyana's character

How does Pushkin present the main character to us? Tatyana is characterized by simplicity, slowness, thoughtfulness. The poet pays special attention to such a quality of her character as faith in mysticism. Signs, legends, changes in the phases of the moon - she notices and analyzes all this. The girl loves to guess, and also attaches great importance dreams. Pushkin did not ignore Tatyana's love of reading. Raised on typical female fashion novels, the heroine sees her love as if through a bookish prism, idealizing it. She loves winter with all its shortcomings: darkness, twilight, cold and snow. Pushkin also emphasizes that the heroine of the novel has a "Russian soul" - this important point so that the characterization of Tatyana Larina is the most complete and understandable to the reader.

The influence of village customs on the character of the heroine

Pay attention to the time in which the subject of our conversation lives. This is the first half of the 19th century, which means that Tatyana Larina's characterization is, in fact, a characterization of Pushkin's contemporaries. The character of the heroine is closed and modest, and reading her description given to us by the poet, it can be noted that we learn practically nothing about the girl's appearance. Thus, Pushkin makes it clear that it is important not outer beauty and internal character traits. Tatyana is young, but looks like an adult and established personality. She did not like children's amusements and playing with dolls, she was attracted by mysterious stories and love suffering. After all, the heroines of your favorite novels always go through a series of difficulties and suffer. The image of Tatyana Larina is harmonious, dim, but surprisingly sensual. Such people are often found in real life.

Tatyana Larina in a love relationship with Eugene Onegin

How do we see the main character when it comes to love? She meets Eugene Onegin, already being ready for a relationship internally. She is "waiting ... for someone," Alexander Pushkin carefully points out to us. But do not forget where Tatyana Larina lives. Characteristics of her love relationship depends on strange village customs. This is manifested in the fact that Eugene Onegin visits the girl's family only once, but people around are already talking about engagement and marriage. In response to these rumors, Tatyana begins to consider the main character as the object of her sighs. From this we can conclude that Tatyana's experiences are far-fetched, artificial. She carries all her thoughts in herself, longing and sadness live in her loving soul.

The famous message of Tatyana, its motives and consequences

And the feelings turn out to be so strong that there is a need to express them, continuing the relationship with Eugene, but he no longer comes. It was impossible for a girl to take the first step according to the requirements of etiquette of those times, it was considered a frivolous and ugly act. But Tatyana finds a way - she writes love letter Onegin. Reading it, we see that Tatyana is a very noble, pure person, high thoughts reign in her soul, she is strict with herself. Evgeny's refusal to accept her love for the girl, of course, discourages, but the feeling in his heart does not go out. She tries to understand his act, and she succeeds.

Tatyana after unsuccessful love

Realizing that Onegin prefers fast hobbies, Tatyana goes to Moscow. Here we already see a completely different person in her. She overcame a blind unrequited feeling.

But in Tatyana she feels like a stranger, she is far from his fuss, brilliance, gossip and attends dinners most often in the company of her mother. Unsuccessful made her indifferent to all subsequent hobbies of the opposite sex. That integral character, which we observed at the beginning of the novel "Eugene Onegin", by the end of the work is shown by Pushkin broken and destroyed. As a result, Tatyana Larina remained the "black sheep" in high society, but her inner purity and pride could help others see her as a true lady. Her detached behavior and at the same time an unmistakable knowledge of the rules of etiquette, politeness and hospitality attracted attention, but at the same time they forced her to remain at a distance, so Tatyana was above gossip.

The final choice of the heroine

At the end of the novel "Eugene Onegin", Pushkin, completing the plot, gives his "sweet ideal" a happy family life. Tatyana Larina has grown spiritually, but even in the last lines of the novel she confesses her love to Eugene Onegin. At the same time, this feeling no longer dominates her, she makes a conscious choice in favor of fidelity to her lawful husband and virtue.

Onegin also draws attention to the "new" for him Tatyana. He does not suspect that she has not changed, she simply "outgrew" him and "had been ill" with her former painful love. Therefore, she rejected his advances. This is what is before us main character"Eugene Onegin". Her main character traits are strong will, self-confidence, kind character. Unfortunately, Pushkin showed in his work how such people can be unhappy, because they see that the world is not at all the way they would like. Tatyana difficult fate, but her craving for personal happiness helps her overcome all adversity.

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