Tatyana Larina is a beautiful image of a Russian woman (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Female images in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

In the images of Olga and Tatyana, A. S. Pushkin embodied the two most common types of female national characters. The poet artistically expressively emphasizes the dissimilarity, difference of the Larin sisters, by no means, however, opposing them to each other: they are not antipodes at all, just completely different psychological types. Faithful to the truth of life, A. S. Pushkin, describing Tatyana’s perception of her sister’s departure with her husband, testifies that his beloved heroine, despite seemingly complete absorption in the thought of her love troubles, spiritual chaos, very painfully endures parting with Olga (“ ... her sad face was covered with deathly pallor”, “... and her heart is torn in half”):

And here is one, one Tatyana!

Alas! friend for so many years

Her little dove

Her dear confidante,

Brought into the distance by fate

Separated from her forever.

The commonality of childhood impressions, fun, growing up, girlish dreams connect them more strongly than spiritual dissimilarity, difference and spiritual receptivity separates them.

Eyes like the sky is blue

Smile, linen curls,

Equally flawless, conflict-free, cozy and her inner world is a harmonious world within the limits perceived by the senses and not striving beyond these limits:

Always humble, always obedient,

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple is the life of a poet,

Like a kiss of love sweet...

This perfect image, as if descended from a calendar or a colorful poster, a living illustration of parental ideas about an ideal, well-behaved, obedient child (“It is full of innocent charm, in the eyes of parents, it bloomed like a hidden lily of the valley ...”) seems to be too saturated with virtues and virtues, cloyingly sweet to believe in the sincerity of the author's admiration. The abundance of common and colorful epithets and comparisons is alarming with hidden irony and a catch. And the poet confirms the attentive reader's assumption:

But every novel

Take and find, right

Her portrait: he is very sweet,

I used to love him myself

But he bored me to no end.

A. S. Pushkin pays tribute to the classical correctness of the features and the infantile serenity of the heroine’s soul, but he has already spiritually outgrown the youthful passion for such images, often found in the poet’s love lyrics. Therefore, although the author is rather condescending towards Olga, Onegin’s mercilessly critical look to a certain extent also expresses the poet’s objective attitude:

Olga has no life in features.

Exactly the same in the Vandykova Madona:

She is round, red-faced,

Like that stupid moon

In this stupid sky.

Onegin immediately singled out Tatyana from the two sisters, appreciating the originality, spirituality of her appearance, the complexity and intensity of the heroine's spiritual life. Pushkin initially emphasizes the dissimilarity of the sisters both externally and internally:

So, she was called Tatyana.

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She did not attract 6 eyes.

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

The author conveys the appearance of his beloved heroine indirectly, in comparison with the appearance of Olga, thus expressing the secondary nature of the physical in relation to the spiritual, emphasizing that only the illumination of the face with spiritual fire makes it beautiful. Tatyana loves and has a great feeling for nature, she lives simply and naturally, in complete harmony with sunrises and sunsets, with the cold beauty of winter and the magnificent decoration of autumn. Nature nourishes her spiritual world, promotes solitary dreaminess, focus on the movements of her soul, simplicity and naturalness of behavior. She prefers “terrible stories in winter in the darkness of nights”, colorful folk songs and rituals full of deep, mysterious meaning to fun and entertainment of her peers.

Tatyana enthusiastically read sentimental novels, sincerely empathizing with their heroes, admiring the high intensity of their feelings. And when the time came to fall in love, the fire of her love flared up with a bright, unquenchable flame: it was nourished by the romantic feelings of her beloved characters, and the unquenchable heat of a lonely soul striving for high communication, and the integrity and depth of this original, organic nature, cherished by the mysterious romantic images of oral folk creativity. How sincerely, directly Tatyana expresses the confusion of her soul, the depth of feelings, how naturally she conveys embarrassment and shame, hope and despair in a letter to Onegin:

Why did you visit us?

In the wilderness of a forgotten village

I would never know you

I would not have known the bitter torment ...

Another! .. No, no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart!

That is the predestined council in the highest...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours ...

I'm waiting for you: with one look

Revive the hopes of the heart

Or break a heavy dream,

Alas, a well-deserved reproach!

And Tatyana turned out to be true to her first and only love (“And in cruel loneliness her passion burns stronger, and her heart speaks louder about Onegin far away ...”), in contrast to Olga, who very soon consoled herself in marriage (“My poor Lensky! languishing, she did not cry for a long time, Alas! The young bride is not faithful to her sadness. True, fate decreed that Tatyana became the wife of another, but this is not her fault. A young woman rejects Onegin's love because of loyalty to the foundations of folk morality absorbed from childhood, unwillingness to destroy the life of a person who loves her. This is her life drama.

Resolutely, with dignity, Tatyana rejects Onegin’s belated recognition, arguing that virtue, honor, a sense of duty, moral duties are more precious than love:

I got married. You must,

I ask you to leave me;

I know that there is in your heart

And pride and direct honor.

I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

A. S. Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin” drew us two dissimilar, but undoubtedly familiar to us in life female characters. Of course, the character of Olga is more common, but with the image of Tatyana, perhaps not so bright in certain manifestations, we will definitely encounter on the path of life.

Very figuratively and clearly defined the similarities and differences between the two female characters in the novel, I. A. Goncharov: “... the positive character is Pushkin's Olga - and the ideal character is his own Tatyana. One is undoubtedly the passive expression of an era, a type cast like wax into a finished, dominant form.

The other - with the instincts of self-consciousness, originality, self-activity. That is why the first is clear, open, understandable at once...

The other, on the contrary, is peculiar, looking for its own expression and form, and therefore it seems capricious, mysterious, and elusive.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" by A. S. Pushkin, two female images are most fully represented - Tatyana and Olga Larin, which correspond to two female types.

Tatyana - the eldest daughter of a provincial nobleman - from childhood was distinguished by dreaminess, seriousness, isolation and a penchant for reflection. She was never interested in children's pranks and fun, dolls, playing with burners, talking about fashion, and "terrible stories in winter in the darkness of nights captivated her heart more." Growing up in the bosom of nature and in harmony with it, the girl “loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony”, loved to listen to singing

village girls, believed in divination at Christmas.

Tatyana cannot be called a beauty:

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not attract eyes.

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl. But there was something in her that could not be overlooked, and even more so not appreciated: intelligence and spiritual wealth, which illuminated the appearance of the girl; she felt a person, painfully and tirelessly looking for her place in life.

Tatyana's father, who considered books an "empty toy", whom the author ironically calls "a kind fellow belated in the past century," was never interested in reading his daughter and "did not care about what kind of daughter's secret volume dozed under her pillow until morning." And, left to herself, Tatyana early became interested in novels, the characters of which captivated the girl's heart, made him beat harder. The young people whom Tatyana often saw in her house did not look like romantic heroes: they were most interested in everyday life, and in a woman they appreciated external beauty. And therefore Onegin, who first visited his neighbors on the estate, found that Tatiana was "sad and silent, like Svetlana." But already on the evening of meeting Onegin, thanks to the insight of her nature, she understood and never again doubted that he was handsome, smart, so different from others, detached from the hustle and bustle - he is her hero. The heart, frozen from expectations, melted - Tatyana fell in love.

Love reveals new traits of Tatyana to us: nobility, fidelity, constancy, openness, tenderness... Not accustomed to flirting and flirting, choking with love and burning with shame, Tatyana opens up in a letter to Onegin. The depth of the girl's feelings is amazingly touchingly conveyed by the poet, her confidence in the strength of her feelings is impressive:

Another!.. No, I would not give my heart to anyone in the world!

That in the highest council is destined ... That is the will of heaven: I am yours; My whole life has been a guarantee of a faithful date with you; I know you were sent to me by God, Until the grave you are my keeper... respond to love, did not let the desperate cry of the heart escape. But the words said in the letter: "No, I would not give my heart to anyone in the world!" - Tatyana remained faithful. We are convinced of this when the heroine says to Onegin on the last date: "I love you (why be cunning?)".

Tatyana's whole nature could not be changed either by her high position in society or by the wealth of the prince. She calls the secular life, to which many aspired so much, “the hateful life of tinsel” and admits that she is ready to give

All this rags of a masquerade, All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes For a shelf of books, for a wild garden, For our poor dwelling... Tatiana, who has absorbed the foundations of folk morality since childhood, is not able to betray a person who believes in her and loves her. Duty, honor, virtue for her are higher than personal happiness. “But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him for a century, ”was her answer to Onegin.

The complete opposite of Tatyana is her younger sister. Olga is a written beauty, with all the traditional attributes:

Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, linen curls, Movement, voice, light body... Olga's inner world is cozy and conflict-free: she is "always modest, always obedient, always as cheerful as the morning, Like the life of a poet is simple-minded...". It seems that she is perfection, it is impossible not to fall in love with her. Speaking about the portrait of Olga, Pushkin admits that "before he himself loved him", but then he adds: "But he bored me immensely."

who, having barely recognized Olga, immediately noted her main drawback:

Olga has no life in features. Exactly the same in the Vandykova Madona; She is round, red in the face, Like this stupid moon In this stupid sky. Olga is spiritually poor. There is no harmony between the exterior and the inner world. Her attractiveness is not illuminated by the light of the soul. Olga has no principles; due to her spiritual limitations, she is not capable of strong feelings, like her sister, who, having once fallen in love, remained true to her love. After the death of Lensky, Olga did not cry for a long time, she was sad, she soon became interested in another young man, a lancer:

And now with him before the altar She shyly stands under the crown with her head bowed, With fire in her downcast eyes, With a light smile on her lips, IF Tatyana Larina embodied Pushkin's ideal of female beauty: smart, meek, noble, spiritually rich nature, - then in the image of Olga, he showed a different type of women, which is quite common: beautiful, carefree, coquettish, but spiritually limited and incapable of strong, deep feelings.

In his work, Pushkin reflected the life and way of life of the entire Russian people of his time. The images described by the poet reach a special depth and reveal the characters of the inhabitants of that era. Female images in the novel "Eugene Onegin" are revealed in a particularly poetic and multifaceted way.

Pushkin's innovation

Belinsky highly appreciated the entire work, calling it "The Encyclopedia of Russian Life." The critic noted the description of female images as a separate property of Pushkin's work. He calls Pushkin's work a real feat, because Alexander Sergeevich not only showed the "main" side of society in the person of Onegin and Lensky, but also very poetically reproduced the image of a Russian woman.

Pushkin's female characters are typical, and at the same time special. He very vividly describes the characters, subtly notices the details. Belinsky speaks of Tatyana's exclusivity, but calls her the personification of a Russian woman. Pushkin's innovation lies in the fact that it was he who first dared to describe the image of a woman from this point of view.

The image of Tatyana

Tatyana Larina is the central heroine of the novel. She has carelessness, youth, naive and romantic traits. That is what makes her special and beautiful. Pushkin described the image of a simple Russian girl, from a family of provincial nobility. Depicting Tatyana, he does not idealize her. She grew up alone and immersed in herself, in no hurry to open her heart to everyone she met. Once in a secular society, she is disappointed - she becomes bored with the empty conversations of the capital's nobles. She is interested in the beauty of the soul, not fashion trends. She judges life not by reality, but by the books she has read.

Tatyana drew herself an image of an ideal lover. But in reality, love brings her only suffering. Even after becoming a secular lady, Tatyana does not lose her spontaneity. But even at the same table with the first city beauty, she is in no way inferior to this secular lady.

Love for Onegin reveals the best qualities in Tatyana: determination, honesty, directness. The depth and strength of her feelings make her bold and ready to do anything for love.

In the scene of the last conversation with Onegin, the image of Tatyana is revealed in all its glory, showing her best qualities. Despite her love, she neglects her for the sake of duty and fulfilling her feminine duties to her future husband. “But I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century,” she bluntly declares to Onegin, whom she has long loved to the depths of her soul.

Pushkin himself does not hide his warm attitude towards the heroine. Throughout the work, the author rewards her with the words "ideal", "dear", reflecting his personal attitude to the qualities of the heroine.

Other female characters in the novel

In addition to the image of the main character, the author interestingly painted other female images. A few words are enough for him to reveal the character traits of Tatyana's mother, her sister, nanny. Tatyana's mother is a woman who, even in her youth, was subject to a duty to society by marrying an unloved one. Tatyana's sister Olga is easily carried away, but quickly forgets about her hobbies. Olga, like her mother, is able to find happiness in the life that society dictates to her.

There are other women in the novel, but Pushkin does not focus much attention on their images, outlining only those features that are necessary to describe social life.

We see how deeply the author worked out the image of the main character of the novel. He paid great attention to other female characters, making them the brightest heroines of their time. With the help of this article, you can easily write an essay “Eugene Onegin. Female Images”, to reflect in it the characteristic features of the heroines of the novel and the author’s innovation.

Artwork test

In Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin, there are two central female figures. These are sisters and. The sisters don't look alike at all. Lively, energetic, charming Olga and dreamy, thoughtful Tatiana.

And although Pushkin himself does not speak flatteringly about Olga, he says that her image is too tired for him, it is from girls like Olga that real housewives, good mothers and wives are made. Do not forget that Olga is not yet a fully formed child. She is younger than Tatyana, who was only 13. Olga helps her mother and yard girls, knows how to play chess, and is able to keep up the conversation. She is interesting and attractive. Pushkin believes that Olga's chosen one must certainly be horned, but in this, one must assume, he is deeply mistaken. Olga is somewhat similar to her mother. She is one of those who dissolves in caring for children, about her husband, home, maintaining order.

Pushkin himself did not notice how he shifted the emphasis. He assigns the role of a positive heroine to Tatyana, but the image of Tatyana is ambiguous and not as positive as Pushkin would like. Tatyana is only engaged in reading novels and walking through the fields and building romantic castles in the air in her head. She doesn't embroider, she doesn't play with dolls, she doesn't help at home.

And finally, Tatyana falls in love with the first visiting young man. County noble sons could not become the heroes of her novel, because she grew up with them, knew them from early childhood, and they did not meet her romantic needs. And as soon as a new face appeared in their house, she fell in love. Moreover, contrary to the rules and morality of that time, she was the first to write a letter to her chosen one. Whether she did the right thing or not, one can argue on this topic for a long time. Modern young ladies who are ready to fight for guys with each other will probably be on her side.

Having married a prince, Tatyana became a secular lady, accepted in society. But this is not the merit of Tatiana herself, but of her husband. Although the heroine herself perfectly learned to play this role.

Speaking of women in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", one cannot but recall the mother of Tatyana and Olga, a sweet old woman who

between business and leisure
Revealed the secret as a spouse

And after the death of her husband, in fact, one manages the entire estate. Tanya grew up, and finally, the question arose that it was time to marry the girl. But Tatyana did not want to marry anyone, giving food to idle talk. Mother remembered how she suffered when she was given in marriage to an unfamiliar, unloved Larin, without even asking her wishes. And she did not want to captivate her daughters.

Olga quickly found her soul mate, and her mother's heart for her youngest daughter was calm. But the fate of the eldest worried her. Larina gathered relatives and landowner neighbors for advice about Tatyana. The old mother liked the offer to take Tanya to Moscow, and she began to prepare for her departure.

1. The image of Tatyana Larina.
2. Images of the mother and sister of the main character.
3. Nanny of Tatyana.
4. Moscow aunt and secular young ladies.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" A. S. Pushkin shows several female images. Of course, the main among them is the image of Tatyana Larina, the author's favorite heroine. It is noteworthy that her character is given in development: at first we see Tatyana as a rural young lady, dreamy and silent, and a few years later - a married lady, a brilliant socialite. Pushkin, describing his heroine, begins with her childhood. The poet points to the dissimilarity of the characters of Tatyana and her sister Olga. Tatyana stands out among her peers with a penchant for solitude and thoughtfulness. Games, common among children of her age, noisy fuss did not attract the girl. She is not particularly sociable both among her peers and among her relatives:

She couldn't caress
To my father, not to my mother;
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
I did not want to play and jump ...

Pushkin constantly emphasizes the dreaminess of his heroine: she liked "terrible stories" in the evenings, love stories that gave food to her imagination. Drawing a portrait of his heroine, the author immediately points out that

Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not draw eyes.

At the same time, there is undoubtedly a lot of low-key attractiveness in the appearance of Tatyana. Onegin, seeing her for the first time, immediately noticed the originality of this girl, which is why he told Lensky "... I would choose another if I were like you, a poet." Love for Onegin reveals the character of Tatyana: the integrity of her nature, determination, constancy, depth and strength of feelings. Tatyana herself confessed her love - according to the concepts of her era, an act not only brave, but running counter to the requirements of decency. However, the natural, living movements of Tatiana's soul are stronger than conventions. In addition, the girl believes in her ideal so much that she is ready to completely trust him:

But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

The enthusiastic tone of Tatyana's letter can be attributed to the influence of novels, some incoherence to the heroine's mental confusion, but the sincerity and immediacy of her feelings come through in artless lines.

Majestic simplicity, naturalness and noble restraint - these are the characteristics of Princess Tatyana. Her manners have changed, now they meet all the requirements of secular decency, Tatyana has learned to "rule herself." Tatyana's outward coldness and equanimity shock Onegin, but deep down in her soul Tatyana is the same, she cherishes the memories of her youth. She is true to her love, but she is also true to herself, so she will not cheat on her husband. Tatyana was and remains a sincere, noble person who can be relied upon - it is no coincidence that her future husband, a prince and a brilliant general, drew attention to her when she appeared at the ball, accompanied by aunts.

Not only the character of Tatyana is shown by Pushkin in development. The poet, with a few strokes, managed to describe the mother of the heroine, the changes that took place in the life of this woman. “Larina is simple, but a very sweet old woman,” Onegin says about the mother of Tatyana and Olga in a conversation with Lensky. The fate of this woman is quite typical: in her youth she was a romantic young lady, whose main interests were fashion and novels, and she herself did not read them, but heard about them from her cousin. She was in love, but she was married to someone else. Her "souls of inexperienced excitement" calmed down quickly: in the village where her husband took her, she became interested in farming and found herself in this. She lived peacefully with her husband, raised two daughters, completely forgetting about her youthful hobby. When a cousin mentions this person at a meeting, Larina does not immediately remember who she is talking about. Her youngest daughter Olga, apparently, is similar in character to her mother: cheerful, a little frivolous, easily carried away, but also quickly forgetting her former hobbies - after all, she forgot Lensky. Describing Olga, Pushkin ironically notes that her portrait can be found in any fashionable novel. In other words, Olga is a typical phenomenon among rural young ladies, and also among metropolitan ones. Perhaps it can be said that she, like her mother, has a happier fate than Tatyana. They find happiness in the life that is prepared for them, do not experience too painful experiences, and if they do, then not for long. And Tatyana is a sublime, noble nature. Is she happy, despite a successful marriage, if she says that she would be glad to exchange the splendor of life in the capital for her former, inconspicuous existence in the country?

But the images of Tatyana, her mother and sister are not the only female images in the novel. The image of the nanny, of course, is depicted very sparingly: she appears only in the scene of a conversation with Tatyana, when she cannot fall asleep. However, the nanny, apparently, was a dear and close person for Tatyana. It is no coincidence that the princess mentions

... a humble cemetery,
Where is now the cross and the shadow of the branches
Over my poor nanny...

The fate of the nanny, as well as the fate of "old Larina" and her daughter Olga, is typical of that time and the social group to which this woman belonged. In peasant families, daughters were given in marriage early, and often to grooms who were younger than their brides. The severity and severity of peasant life is guessed in the words of the nanny:

- And that's it, Tanya! In these summers
We haven't heard of love;
And then I would drive out of the world
My dead mother-in-law.

A thirteen-year-old peasant girl wept “out of fear” on the eve of her marriage to a boy who was younger than her. However, in the story of the nanny about her youth, there is a conviction that "so, apparently, God ordered." Pushkin did not describe her married life - it was probably the same as that of millions of other peasant women: hard work, children, reproaches of the mother-in-law. Patiently and steadfastly endured these trials a simple "Russian woman, a serf who nursed the landowner's daughters. The nanny is sincerely attached to Tatyana: although the old woman does not understand her torment, she tries to help in any way she can.

Even more so, Pushkin did not pay much attention to the image of the Moscow aunt: she is the first link in a series of relatives and relatives of Larina. With a few strokes, the poet draws a crowd of secular young ladies, Tatyana's peers, among whom she stands out just as she did in childhood among frisky naughty ones. They "believe in a singsong voice the secrets of the heart, the secrets of the virgins", wanting to hear Tatyana's "heartfelt confession". But she is silent - Pushkin again and again points out how different Tatyana is from the representatives of her circle. For these girls, "heart secrets" in most cases are a childish prank. They will easily forget their hobbies if necessary, as Tatyana's mother or Olga did. Pushkin contrasts the innocent "pranks" of Moscow young ladies with Tatyana's "cherished treasure of tears and happiness", "the secret of the heart". Thus, the author emphasizes the dissimilarity, bright individuality of Tatyana, who stands out against the background of female images, which are typical phenomena.

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