Works on the problem of contribution to national culture. On the preservation of cultural monuments

Literary arguments for writing - reasoning. USE, Russian.

1) What is the meaning of life?

1. The author writes about the meaning of life, and Eugene Onegin comes to mind in the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. Bitter is the fate of the one who has not found his place in life! Onegin - a gifted man, one of the best people of that time, but he did nothing but evil - he killed a friend, brought misfortune to Tatyana who loved him:

Having lived without a goal, without labor

Until the age of twenty-six

Languishing in the idleness of leisure,

No service, no wife, no business

Couldn't do anything.

2. People who have not found the purpose of life are unhappy. Pechorin in "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov is active, smart, resourceful, observant, but all his actions are random, activity is fruitless, and he is unhappy, none of the manifestations of his will has a deep purpose. The hero bitterly asks himself: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?

3. Throughout his life, Pierre Bezukhov tirelessly searched for himself and the true meaning of life. After painful trials, he became able not only to reflect on the meaning of life, but also to perform specific actions that require will and determination. In the epilogue of Leo Tolstoy's novel, we meet Pierre, who is carried away by the ideas of Decembrism, who protests against the existing social system and fights for the just life of the very people, of which he feels himself a part. According to Tolstoy, in this organic combination of the personal and the national, there is both the meaning of life and happiness.

2) Fathers and children. Upbringing.

1. It seems that Bazarov is a positive character in I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”. Clever, bold, independent in judgment, an advanced person of his time, but readers are confused by his attitude towards his parents, who love their son madly, but he is deliberately rude to them. Yes, Eugene practically does not communicate with the elderly. How sad they are! And only to Odintsova did he say beautiful words about his parents, but the old people did not hear them themselves.

2. In general, the problem of "fathers" and "children" is typical for Russian literature. In the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”, it acquires a tragic sound, as young people who want to live by their own mind come out from under the blind obedience to the house-building.

And in the novel by I.S. Turgenev, the generation of children in the person of Yevgeny Bazarov is already resolutely going his own way, sweeping away established authorities. And the contradictions between the two generations are often painful.

3) Insolence. Rudeness. behavior in society.

1. Human incontinence, disrespectful attitude towards others, rudeness and rudeness are directly related to improper upbringing in the family. Therefore, Mitrofanushka in D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “Undergrowth” speaks unforgivable, rude words. In the house of Mrs. Prostakova, rude abuse, beatings are a common occurrence. Here mother says to Pravdin: “... now I scold, now I fight; That's how the house holds up."

2. Famusov appears before us as a rude, ignorant person in A. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". He is rude to dependent people, speaks grouchily, rudely, calls servants in every possible way, regardless of their age.

3. You can bring the image of the mayor from the comedy "The Government Inspector". A positive example: A. Bolkonsky.

4) The problem of poverty, social inequality.

1. With stunning realism, F.M. Dostoevsky depicts the world of Russian reality in the novel "Crime and Punishment". It shows the social injustice, hopelessness, spiritual impasse that gave rise to the absurd theory of Raskolnikov. The heroes of the novel are poor people, humiliated by society, the poor are everywhere, suffering is everywhere. Together with the author, we feel pain for the fate of children. To stand up for the disadvantaged - that's what ripens in the minds of readers when they get acquainted with this work.

5) The problem of mercy.

1. It seems that from all the pages of F.M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”, disadvantaged people ask us for help: Katerina Ivanovna, her children, Sonechka ... The sad picture of the image of a humiliated person appeals to our mercy and compassion: “Love your neighbor …” The author believes that a person must find his way “to the realm of light and thought”. He believes that the time will come when people will love each other. He claims that beauty will save the world.

2. In the preservation of compassion for people, a merciful and patient soul, the moral height of a woman is revealed in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin Dvor". In all degrading ordeals, Matryona remains sincere, sympathetic, ready to help, able to rejoice in someone else's happiness. This is the image of the righteous, the keeper of spiritual values. This is without it, according to the proverb, "there is no village, city, all our land"

6) The problem of honor, duty, feat.

1. When you read about how Andrei Bolkonsky was mortally wounded, you experience horror. He did not rush forward with the banner, he simply did not lie down on the ground like the others, but continued to stand, knowing that the core would explode. Bolkonsky could not help it. He, with his sense of honor and duty, noble valor, did not want to do otherwise. There are always people who cannot run, be silent, hide from dangers. They die before others, because they are better. And their death is not meaningless: it gives birth to something in the souls of people, something very important.

7) The problem of happiness.

1. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel “War and Peace” brings us, readers, to the idea that happiness is not expressed in wealth, not in nobility, not in glory, but in love, all-consuming and all-encompassing. Such happiness cannot be taught. Prince Andrei before his death defines his state as “happiness”, which is in the intangible and external influences of the soul, - “the happiness of love” ... The hero seems to return to the time of pure youth, to the ever-living springs of natural being.

2. To be happy, you need to remember five simple rules. 1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive. 2. Free your heart from worries - most of them do not come true. 3. Lead a simple life and appreciate what you have. 4. Give back more. 5. Expect less.

8) My favorite work.

They say that every person in his life should raise a son, build a house, plant a tree. It seems to me that in the spiritual life no one can do without Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. I think this book creates in the soul of a person that necessary moral foundation on which one can already build a temple of spirituality. The novel is an encyclopedia of life; the fates and experiences of the heroes are relevant to this day. The author encourages us to learn from the mistakes of the characters in the work and live a “real life”.

9) Friendship.

Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" are people of "crystal honest, crystal soul." They constitute the spiritual elite, the moral core to the "marrow of the bones" of a rotten society. These are friends, they are connected by liveliness of character and soul. Both hate the "carnival masks" of high society, complement each other and become necessary to each other, despite the fact that they are so different. Heroes seek and learn the truth - such a goal justifies the value of their lives and friendship.

10) Faith in God. Christian motives.

1. In the image of Sonya, F.M. Dostoevsky personifies the “Man of God”, who in the cruel world has not lost his connection with God, the passionate desire for “Life in Christ”. In the terrifying world of Crime and Punishment, this girl is a moral light beam that warms the criminal's heart. Rodion heals his soul and returns to life with Sonya. It turns out that without God there is no life. So thought Dostoevsky, so Gumilyov later wrote:

2. The heroes of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" read the parable of the resurrection of Lazarus. Through Sonya, the prodigal son - Rodion returns to real life and God. Only at the end of the novel does he see "morning", and under his pillow lies the Gospel. Biblical stories became the basis of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. The poet Nikolai Gumilyov has wonderful words:

There is God, there is the world, they live forever;

And the life of people is instantaneous and miserable,

But everything is contained by a person,

Who loves the world and believes in God.

11) Patriotism.

1. True patriots in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" do not think about themselves, they feel the need for their own contribution and even sacrifice, but do not expect rewards for this, because they carry in their souls a genuine holy feeling of the Motherland.

Pierre Bezukhov gives his money, sells the estate in order to equip the regiment. True patriots were also those who left Moscow, not wanting to submit to Napoleon. Petya Rostov rushes to the front, because "the Fatherland is in danger." Russian peasants, dressed in soldier's overcoats, fiercely resist the enemy, because the feeling of patriotism is sacred and inalienable for them.

2. In Pushkin's poetry we find sources of the purest patriotism. His “Poltava”, “Boris Godunov”, all appeals to Peter the Great, “slanderers of Russia”, his poem dedicated to the Borodino anniversary, testify to the depth of popular feeling and the strength of patriotism, enlightened and sublime.

12) Family.

We, readers, are especially sympathetic to the Rostov family in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", whose behavior shows high nobility of feelings, kindness, even rare generosity, naturalness, closeness to the people, moral purity and integrity. The feeling of the family, which the Rostovs sacredly take in peaceful life, will turn out to be historically significant during the Patriotic War of 1812.

13) Conscience.

1. Probably, we, readers, least of all expected from Dolokhov in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" an apology to Pierre on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. In moments of danger, during a period of general tragedy, conscience awakens in this tough man. This surprised Bezukhov. We, as it were, see Dolokhov from the other side, and one day we will be surprised when he, with other Cossacks and hussars, releases a party of prisoners, where Pierre will be, when he will hardly speak when he sees Petya lying motionless. Conscience is a moral category, without it it is impossible to imagine a real person.

2. Conscientious means a decent, honest person, endowed with a sense of dignity, justice, kindness. The one who lives in harmony with his conscience is calm and happy. Unenviable is the fate of the one who missed it for the sake of momentary gain or renounced it out of personal egoism.

3. It seems to me that the issues of conscience and honor for Nikolai Rostov in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" are the moral essence of a decent person. Having lost a lot of money to Dolokhov, he promises himself to return it to his father, who saved him from dishonor. And once Rostov surprised me when he entered into an inheritance and accepted all the debts of his father. This is usually done by people of honor and duty, people with a developed sense of conscience.

4. The best features of Grinev from A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", due to upbringing, appear in moments of severe trials and help him get out of difficult situations with honor. In the conditions of rebellion, the hero retains humanity, honor and loyalty to himself, he risks his life, but does not deviate from the dictates of duty, refusing to swear allegiance to Pugachev and make compromises.

14) Education. Its role in human life.

1. A.S. Griboyedov, under the guidance of experienced teachers, received a good initial education, which he continued at Moscow University. The writer's contemporaries were struck by the level of his education. He graduated from three faculties (the verbal department of the philosophical faculty, the natural-mathematical and law faculties) and received the academic title of candidate of these sciences. Griboyedov studied Greek, Latin, English, French and German, and was fluent in Arabic, Persian and Italian. Alexander Sergeevich was fond of the theater. He was one of the finest writers and diplomats.

2.M.Yu. Lermontov, we refer to the number of great writers of Russia and the progressive noble intelligentsia. He was called a revolutionary romantic. Although Lermontov left the university because the leadership found his stay there undesirable, the poet was distinguished by a high level of self-education. He began to write poetry early, drew beautifully, played music. Lermontov constantly developed his talent and left a rich creative heritage to his descendants.

15) Officials. Power.

1.I.Krylov, N.V.Gogol, M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin in their works ridiculed those officials who humiliate their subordinates and please their superiors. Writers condemn them for rudeness, indifference to the people, embezzlement and bribery. No wonder Shchedrin is called the prosecutor of public life. His satire was full of sharp journalistic content.

2. In the comedy "The Government Inspector", Gogol showed the officials inhabiting the city - the embodiment of the passions rampant in it. He denounced the entire bureaucratic system, depicted a vulgar society plunged into general deception. Officials are far from the people, they are busy only with material well-being. The writer not only exposes their abuses, but also shows that they have acquired the character of a "disease". Lyapkin-Tyapkin, Bobchinsky, Strawberry and other characters are ready to humiliate themselves in front of the authorities, but they do not consider ordinary petitioners to be people.

3.Our society has switched to a new round of management, so the order has changed in the country, the fight against corruption, checks are being carried out. It is sad to recognize in many modern officials and politicians an emptiness covered with indifference. Gogol's types have not disappeared. They exist in a new guise, but with the same emptiness and vulgarity.

16) Intelligence. Spirituality.

1. I evaluate an intelligent person by his ability to behave in society and spirituality. Andrei Bolkonsky in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is my favorite character who can be imitated by young men of our generation. He is smart, educated, intelligent. He has such character traits that make up spirituality, such as a sense of duty, honor, patriotism, mercy. Andrey is disgusted by the world with its pettiness and falseness. It seems to me that the feat of the prince is not only that he rushed with a banner to the enemy, but also that he deliberately abandoned false values, choosing compassion, kindness and love.

2. In the comedy "The Cherry Orchard" A.P. Chekhov denies intelligence to people who do nothing, are not capable of work, do not read anything serious, they only talk about the sciences, but understand little in art. He believes that humanity should improve its strength, work hard, help the suffering, strive for moral purity.

3. Andrei Voznesensky has wonderful words: “There is a Russian intelligentsia. Do you think no? There is!"

17) Mother. Motherhood.

1. With trepidation and excitement, A.I. Solzhenitsyn recalled his mother, who sacrificed a lot for the sake of her son. Persecuted by the authorities because of her husband's "White Guard", her father's "former wealth", she could not work in an institution where they paid well, although she knew foreign languages ​​very well, studied shorthand and typewriting. The great writer is grateful to his mother for the fact that she did everything to instill in him versatile interests, to give him a higher education. In his memory, his mother remained a model of universal moral values.

2. V.Ya. Bryusov connects the theme of motherhood with love and composes an enthusiastic glorification of a woman-mother. Such is the humanistic tradition of Russian literature: the poet believes that the movement of the world, of humanity comes from a woman - a symbol of love, self-sacrifice, patience and understanding.

18) Labor is laziness.

Valery Bryusov created a hymn to labor, which also contains such passionate lines:

And the right place in life

Only to those whose days are in labor:

Only to the workers - glory,

Only to them - a wreath for centuries!

19) The theme of love.

Every time Pushkin wrote about love, his soul was enlightened. In the poem: "I loved you ..." the poet's feeling is disturbing, love has not cooled down yet, it lives in him. Light sadness is caused by an unrequited strong feeling. He confesses to his beloved, and how strong and noble his impulses are:

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Either shyness or jealousy torment ...

The nobility of the poet's feelings, colored with light and subtle sadness, is expressed simply and directly, warmly and, as always with Pushkin, charmingly musically. This is the true power of love, which opposes vanity, indifference, dullness!

20) Purity of language.

1. Over its history, Russia has experienced three eras of clogging the Russian language. The first happened under Peter 1, when there were more than three thousand marine terms of foreign words alone. The second era came with the 1917 revolution. But the darkest time for our language is the endXX- StartXXIcenturies, when we have witnessed the degradation of the language. What is worth only one phrase that sounds on television: “Do not slow down - snickers!” Americanisms have overwhelmed our speech. I am sure that the purity of speech must be strictly monitored, it is necessary to eradicate clericalism, jargon, an abundance of foreign words that crowd out beautiful, correct literary speech, which is the standard of Russian classics.

2. Pushkin did not have a chance to save the Fatherland from enemies, but it was given to decorate, elevate and glorify his language. The poet extracted unheard-of sounds from the Russian language and "hit the hearts" of readers with unknown force. Centuries will pass, but these poetic treasures will remain for posterity in all the charm of their beauty and will never lose their strength and freshness:

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God forbid you be loved to be different!

21) Nature. Ecology.

1. For the poetry of I. Bunin, a careful attitude to nature is characteristic, he worries about hercprotection, for purity, therefore, in his lyrics there are many bright, rich colors of love and hope. Nature feeds the poet with optimism, through her images he expresses his philosophy of life:

My spring will pass, and this day will pass,

But it's fun to wander around and know that everything passes

Meanwhile, as the happiness of living forever will not die ...

In the poem "Forest Road" nature is a source of happiness and beauty for a person.

2. The book by V. Astafiev "Tsar-fish" consists of many essays, stories and short stories. The chapters "Dream of the White Mountains" and "King-Fish" describe the interaction of man with nature. The writer bitterly names the reason for the destruction of nature - this is the spiritual impoverishment of man. His combat with the fish has a sad outcome. In general, in his reasoning about man and the world around him, Astafiev concludes that nature is a temple, and man is a part of nature, and therefore is obliged to protect this common home for all living things, to preserve its beauty.

3. Accidents at nuclear power plants affect the inhabitants of entire continents, even the entire Earth. They have long-term consequences. Many years ago, the worst man-made disaster occurred - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The territories of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia suffered the most. The consequences of the disaster are global. For the first time in the history of mankind, an industrial accident has reached such a scale that its consequences can be found anywhere in the world. Many people received terrible doses of radiation and died a painful death. Chernobyl pollution continues to cause an increase in mortality among the population of all ages. Cancer is one of the typical manifestations of the consequences of radiation exposure. The accident at the nuclear power plant led to a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, genetic disorders ... People should remember Chernobyl for the sake of the future, be aware of the danger of radiation and do everything so that such disasters never happen again.

22) The role of art .

My contemporary, poet and prose writer Elena Takho-Godi, wrote about the influence of art on a person:

And you can live without Pushkin

And without the music of Mozart too -

Without everything that is spiritually dearer,

No doubt you can live.

Even better, calmer, easier

Without absurd passions and anxieties

And safer, of course,

But how to make this deadline? ..

23) About our smaller brothers .

1. I immediately remembered the amazing story “Tame Me”, where Yulia Drunina talks about an unfortunate, trembling from hunger, fear and cold, an unneeded animal in the market, which somehow immediately turned into a domestic idol. He was joyfully worshiped by the whole family of the poetess. In another story, the title of which is symbolic, - “In response to all whom she has tamed”, she will say that the attitude towards “our smaller brothers”, towards creatures that are completely dependent on us, is a “touchstone” for each of us .

2. In many works by Jack London, man and animals (dogs) go through life side by side and help each other in all situations. When you are the only representative of the human race for hundreds of kilometers of snowy silence, there is no better and more devoted assistant than a dog, and besides, unlike a person, it is not capable of lies and betrayal.

24) Motherland. Small home.

Each of us has our own small homeland - the place from which our first perception of the world begins, the comprehension of love for the country. The poet Sergei Yesenin has the most precious memories associated with the Ryazan village: with the blue that fell into the river, the raspberry field, the birch grove, where he experienced “lake melancholy” and aching sadness, where he overheard the cry of the oriole, the conversation of sparrows, the rustle of grass. And I immediately imagined that beautiful dewy morning that the poet met in childhood and which gave him a holy “feeling of the homeland”:

Weaved over the lake

Scarlet light of dawn...

25) Historical memory.

1.A. Tvardovsky wrote:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls out to people.

Come on people never

Let's not forget about this.

2. The works of many poets are dedicated to the people's feat in the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the experience does not die. A.T. Tvardovsky writes that the blood of the fallen was not shed in vain: the survivors must keep the peace so that the descendants live happily on earth:

I bequeath in that life

you happy to be

And motherland

Thanks to them, the heroes of the war, we live in peace. The Eternal Flame burns, reminding us of the lives given for the motherland.

26) Beauty.

Sergei Yesenin in his lyrics sings of everything beautiful. Beauty for him is peace and harmony, nature and love for the motherland, tenderness for his beloved: “How beautiful the Earth and the man on it!”

People will never be able to overcome the sense of beauty in themselves, because the world will not change endlessly, but there will always be something that pleases the eye and excites the soul. We freeze with delight, listening to eternal music born of inspiration, admiring nature, reading poetry... And we love, worship, dream of something mysterious and beautiful. Beauty is everything that gives happiness.

27) Philistinism.

1. In the satirical comedies "Klop" and "Bath" V. Mayakovsky ridicules such vices as philistinism and bureaucracy. In the future, there is no place for the protagonist of the play "The Bedbug". Mayakovsky's satire has a sharp focus, reveals the shortcomings that exist in any society.

2. In the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov, Jonah is the personification of a passion for money. We see the impoverishment of his spirit, the physical and spiritual "renunciation". The writer told us about the loss of personality, the irreparable waste of time - the most valuable asset of human life, about personal responsibility to oneself and society. Memories of credit papers hewith such pleasure he takes it out of his pockets in the evenings, extinguishing in him feelings of love and kindness.

28) Great people. Talent.

1. Omar Khayyam is a great, brilliantly educated person who lived an intellectually rich life. His rubaiyat is the story of the ascent of the poet's soul to the high truth of being. Khayyam is not only a poet, but also a master of prose, a philosopher, a truly great person. He died, and his star has been shining in the “firmament” of the human spirit for almost a thousand years, and its light, alluring and mysterious, does not grow dim, but, on the contrary, becomes brighter:

Be I the Creator, the Ruler of heights,

Would incinerate the old firmament.

And I would pull on a new one, under which

Envy does not sting, anger does not scurry.

2. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is the honor and conscience of our era. He was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, was awarded for the heroism shown in battles. For disapproving remarks about Lenin and Stalin, he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in labor camps. In 1967, he sent an open letter to the Congress of Writers of the USSR calling for an end to censorship. He, a famous writer, was persecuted. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The years of recognition were difficult, but he returned to Russia, wrote a lot, his journalism is considered to be a moral sermon. Solzhenitsyn is rightly considered a fighter for freedom and human rights, a politician, an ideologist, a public figure who served the country honestly, selflessly. His best works are The Gulag Archipelago, Matryonin Dvor, The Cancer Ward...

29) The problem of material support. Wealth.

The universal measure of all the values ​​of many people, unfortunately, has recently become money, a passion for hoarding. Of course, for many citizens this is the personification of well-being, stability, reliability, security, even a guarantor of love and respect - no matter how paradoxical it sounds.

For such as Chichikov in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" and many Russian capitalists, it was not difficult at first to "curry favor", flatter, give bribes, be "pushed around", then to "push around" themselves and take bribes, live luxuriously .

30) Freedom-non-freedom.

I read E. Zamyatin's novel "We" in one breath. Here one can trace the idea of ​​what can happen to a person, society, when they, obeying an abstract idea, voluntarily renounce freedom. People turn into an appendage of the machine, into cogs. Zamyatin showed the tragedy of overcoming the human in a person, the loss of a name as the loss of one's own "I".

31) The problem of time .

During the long creative life of L.N. Tolstoy was constantly running out of time. His working day began at dawn. The writer absorbed the morning smells, saw the sunrise, awakening and .... created. He tried to be ahead of time, warning mankind against moral catastrophes. This wise classic either kept pace with the times, or was one step ahead of it. Tolstoy's work is still in demand all over the world: Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Kreutzer Sonata...

32) Morality.

It seems to me that my soul is a flower that leads me through life so that I live according to my conscience, and the spiritual power of a person is that luminous matter that is woven by the world of my sun. We must live according to the commandments of Christ in order for humanity to be humane. To be moral, you need to work hard on yourself:

And God is silent

For a grave sin

For doubting God

He punished everyone with love,

What would have learned to believe in agony.

33) Space.

Hypostasis of T.I. Tyutchev is the world of Copernicus, Columbus, a daring personality, going out to the abyss. This is what makes the poet close to me, a man of the age of unheard-of discoveries, scientific daring, and the conquest of the cosmos. He instills in us a sense of the infinity of the world, its greatness and mystery. The value of a person is determined by the ability to admire and be amazed. Tyutchev was endowed with this "cosmic feeling" like no other.

34 Favorite city.

In the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, Moscow is a majestic city. In the poem “Over the blue of the groves near Moscow .....” the ringing of Moscow bells pours like a balm on the soul of the blind. This city is sacred for Tsvetaeva. She confesses to him the love that she absorbed, it seems, with her mother's milk, and passed it on to her own children:

And you do not know that the dawn in the Kremlin

It's easier to breathe than in the whole world!

35) Love for the Motherland.

In the poems of S. Yesenin, we feel the complete unity of the lyrical hero with Russia. The poet himself will say that the feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in his work. Yesenin does not doubt the need for changes in life. He believes in future events that will wake dormant Russia. Therefore, he created such works as "Transfiguration", "O Russia, flap your wings":

Oh Russia, flap your wings,

Put another support!

With other names

Another steppe rises.

36) Historical memory.

1. "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Sotnikov" and "Obelisk" by V. Bykov - all these works are united by the theme of war, it bursts into an inevitable disaster, dragging into the bloody whirlpool of events. Its horror and senselessness, bitterness was clearly shown by Leo Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace". The writer's favorite heroes are aware of the insignificance of Napoleon, whose invasion was only the entertainment of an ambitious man who found himself on the throne as a result of a palace coup. In contrast, he is shown the image of Kutuzov, who was guided in this war by other motives. He fought not for glory and wealth, but for the sake of loyalty to the Fatherland and duty.

2. 68 years of the Great Victory separate us from the Great Patriotic War. But time does not reduce interest in this topic, draws the attention of my generation to the distant front-line years, to the origins of the courage and feat of the Soviet soldier - a hero, a liberator, a humanist. When the cannons thundered, the muses were not silent. While instilling love for the Motherland, literature also instilled hatred for the enemy. And this contrast carried the highest justice, humanism. The golden fund of Soviet literature included such works created during the war years as “The Russian Character” by A. Tolstoy, “The Science of Hatred” by M. Sholokhov, “The Unsubdued” by B. Gorbaty ...

Option 17. Analysis of the text from the collection of Tsybulko 2018. Arguments.


Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev lived, worked at full strength, worked every day, a lot, despite poor health. From the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp he received a stomach ulcer and bleeding.
Why did he keep himself full until the age of 90? He himself explained his physical stamina by "resistance." None of his school friends survived. “Depression - I didn’t have this state. There were revolutionary traditions in our school, it was encouraged to form your own worldview. Contradict existing theories. For example, I made a report against Darwinism. The teacher liked it, although he did not agree with me.
I was a cartoonist, drawing on school teachers. They laughed along with everyone. They encouraged boldness of thought, brought up spiritual disobedience. All this helped me to resist the bad influences in the camp. When they failed me at the Academy of Sciences, I did not attach any importance to this, did not take offense and did not lose heart. Failed three times!
He told me: “In 1937, I was fired from the publishing house as a proofreader. Every misfortune was good for me. The years of proofreading were good, I had to read a lot. They didn’t take him to the war, he had a white ticket because of a stomach ulcer.
Personal persecution began in the seventy-second year, when I came out in defense of Catherine's Park in Pushkin. And to this day they were angry that I was against cutting down in Peterhof, building there. This is the sixty-fifth year. And then, in the seventy-second year, they went berserk. They forbade mentioning me in print and on television.”
The scandal erupted when he spoke on television against the renaming of Peterhof to Petrodvorets, Tver to Kalinin. Tver has played a colossal role in Russian history, how can you refuse! He said that the Scandinavians, Greeks, French, Tatars, Jews meant a lot to Russia.

In 1977, he was not allowed to attend the congress of Slavists.
Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences Likhachev was given in 1953. In 1958 they failed at the Academy, in 1969 they were rejected.
He managed to save the construction of the Kremlin with high-rise buildings in Novgorod, he saved in St. Petersburg - Nevsky Prospekt, the portico of Ruska. "The destruction of monuments always begins with arbitrariness, which does not need publicity."
He took the Old Russian literature out of isolation, including it in the structure of European culture.
He had his own approach to everything: natural scientists criticize astrological predictions for being unscientific. Likhachev - for the fact that they deprive a person of free will.
He did not create a doctrine, but he created the image of a defender of culture, a real citizen
Even in dead-end cases, - says Dmitry Sergeevich, - when everything is deaf, when they don’t hear you, please express your opinion. Don't hesitate, speak up. I force myself to speak so that at least one voice can be heard.
YES. Granin

An example range of issues:

1. The problem of human creative longevity. (What is the cause of human creative longevity?)

Author's position: Courage, boldness of thoughts, ability to resist, resistance to evil does not allow a person to lose heart: people like D.S. Likhachev, openly express their opinion, defend their point of view. This explains their creative longevity.

Author's position: A public figure, a real citizen, should have his own approach to everything; this person must be able to resist circumstances and power, speak his mind, defend his point of view, learn from any misfortune, not be offended and not lose heart.

Arguments in the composition of part C of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language on the topic "The problem of preserving cultural heritage"

Text from the exam

(1) Yakonov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing where, not noticing the rise. (2) And the legs were tired, dislocated from bumps. (3) And then from the high place where he wandered, he already looked around with intelligent eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) The ground underfoot is in fragments of brick, in rubble, in broken glass, and some kind of rickety plank shed or booth in the neighborhood, and the fence remaining below around a large area for construction that has not yet begun. (5) And in this hill, which had undergone a strange desolation not far from the center of the capital, white steps went up, about seven in number, then stopped and began, it seems, again.

(6) Some kind of dull memory wavered in Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where the steps led was hard to distinguish in the darkness: a building of a strange shape, at the same time, as it were, destroyed and survived.(7) The stairs went up to wide iron doors, tightly closed and littered with compacted rubble.

(8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) A shattering memory spurred Yakonov. (11) He looked back. (12) Marked by rows of lanterns, the river meandered far below, in a strangely familiar bend, going under the bridge further to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or are these heaps of stone from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov felt hot in his eyes. (17) He closed his eyes, sat down quietly. (18) On the stone fragments that filled up the porch.

(19) Twenty-two years ago, on this very spot, he stood with a girl whose name was Agnia. (20) That same autumn, in the evening, they walked along the alleys near Taganskaya Square, and Agnia said in her quiet voice, which was hard to hear in the city rumble: - (21) Do you want me to show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow? (22) And she led him to the wall of a little brick church, painted white and red, and turned into an altar in a crooked, nameless alley. (23) Inside the fence it was crowded, there was only a narrow path for the procession around the church. (24) And right there, in the corner of the fence, an old large oak tree grew, it was higher than the church, its branches, already yellow, overshadowed both the dome and the alley, which made the church seem quite tiny. - (25) This is the church, - said Agnia. - (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow. - (27) Wait. (28) She led him to the porch of the main entrance, went out of the shadows into the stream of sunset and sat down on the low parapet, where the fence broke off and the gap for the gate began - (29) So look! (thirty)

Anton gasped. (31) They seemed to immediately fall out of the gorge of the city and went out to a steep height with a spacious open distance. (32) The river burned in the sun. (33) Zamoskvorechye lay on the left, dazzling with a yellow sheen of glass, almost underfoot the Yauza flowed into the Moscow River, on the right behind it rose the carved contours of the Kremlin, and even further away the five red-gold domes of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior flared in the sun. (34) And in all this golden radiance, Agnes, in a thrown yellow shawl, which also seemed golden, sat squinting in the sun. -(35) Yes! (36) This is Moscow! Anton said excitedly. - (37) But she is leaving, Anton, Agnia sang. - Moscow - is leaving! .. - (38) Where does she go there? (39) Fantasy. - (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - Agnia repeated her. — (41) How do you know? - Anton got angry. - (42) This is an artistic monument, they will leave it anyway. (43) He looked at a tiny bell tower, in the slot of which, to the bells, oak branches peered. - (44) Demolished! Agnia prophesied confidently, still sitting motionless, in the yellow light and in the yellow shawl. (45) Yakonov woke up. (46) Yes, ... they destroyed the hipped bell tower and turned the stairs descending to the river. (47) I couldn’t even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn took place on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But the view from the hill was still far, and the windings of the river were the same, repeated by the last lanterns ...

(according to the text by A.I. Solzhenitsyn)


Preserving the past, expressed in monuments, ancient buildings, works of art, is our main task. It is important to do this for the sake of future generations, who have the right not only to know what happened before, but also to have the opportunity to feel the past materially.

Unfortunately, often for the sake of some domestic needs, historical monuments and cultural monuments are not restored, destroyed, demolished, and modern shopping centers are built in their place.


The problem of preserving cultural heritage is raised by A.I. Solzhenitsyn on the example of the loss of an ancient church, which was of great cultural significance, and at the same time meant a lot personally for the hero of Yakonov's text.


The text begins with the fact that Yakonov is walking along a small, barely noticeable path, overcoming fatigue and uneven paths. His path is strewn with glass, rubble and fragments of bricks. Once there, he discovered the remains of a booth and a prepared, but long abandoned building site. On a hill, almost in the center of the capital, Yakonov saw several white steps that made memories come to life in the heart of the hero. Because of the twilight, it was no longer possible to distinguish where these steps led. Only large iron gates were visible, hidden by compacted rubble.

He remembered the river flowing below, the bell tower, which now no longer existed. From the realization of the destruction of the bell tower, Yakonov felt a strong pain in his heart, closed his eyes, sat down.

And then it dawned on him: 22 years ago, he was here with a girl named Agniya. Then in the autumn evening they were walking near Taganskaya Square, and the girl offered to show one of the most beautiful places in Moscow.

They walked for a long time to a small brick church. It was crowded in its fence, only a narrow path fit for the completion of the procession. There grew a huge, tall perennial oak, from its height the church seemed quite miniature.

Agnia said that this was not the most beautiful place, it was located below, where the river burned, where all of Moscow lay, shining in the setting sun. Agnia said that this Moscow is leaving, that this place is going to be destroyed, the church will be demolished. Anton did not believe in this, he claimed that the artistic monument would remain inviolable.

When Yakonov woke up, he realized that Agnia's prophecies had come true, the bell tower and stairs were destroyed. He couldn't believe it.

Author's position

The author expresses his pain through the experiences of the lyrical hero. For him it was a real shock. A.I. Solzhenitsyn calls for the preservation of cultural monuments, because this is not only a historical memory, it is also the memories of people, their spiritual memory.

Your position

It is necessary to be very sensitive to the heritage of the past, giving the descendants the opportunity to feel the spirit of the past, enjoy the history that is right in front of their eyes and that you can easily touch with your hand. The destruction of historical and cultural monuments entails a break in times, the destruction of the continuity of generations.

Argument 1

In the work of V. Soloukhin "Black Boards" he says that many old icons and churches were destroyed after the revolution. He asks if the walls where fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers got married are not worthy of a better fate. Our compatriots buried their ancestors in them. Are these places worthy of such treatment? Soloukhin warns that the destruction of churches is not far from the desecration of graves. The writer claims that by destroying the monuments of the past, we lose our human appearance.

Argument 2

In another work by V. Soloukhin, “Letters from the Russian Museum,” the author discusses the reconstruction of Moscow, recalling that in the place of the greatest, most valuable historical monuments of architecture, there are now voids, unfinished or uncompleted construction. Rejecting the past, we practically put an end to our happy future, as the experience accumulated by generations disappears with it.


Destroying the monuments of the past, our cultural heritage, our historical architecture, we cut off our historical roots, destroy the memory of the past.

It is in the past that a person finds a source for the formation of consciousness, the search for his place in the world and society. With memory loss, all social ties are lost. It is a certain life experience, awareness of the events experienced.

What is historical memory

It involves the preservation of historical and social experience. It is on how carefully a family, city, country treats traditions that directly depends. An essay on this problem is often found in test tasks in literature in grade 11. Let's pay some attention to this issue.

The sequence of formation of historical memory

Historical memory has several stages of formation. After a while, people forget about what happened. Life constantly presents new episodes filled with emotions and unusual impressions. In addition, the events of bygone years are often distorted in articles and fiction, the authors not only change their meaning, but also make changes to the course of the battle, the disposition of forces. There is a problem of historical memory. Each author gives his own arguments from life, taking into account the personal vision of the described historical past. Due to the different interpretation of one event, the inhabitants have the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Of course, in order to substantiate your idea, you will need arguments. The problem of historical memory exists in a society deprived of freedom of speech. Total censorship leads to a distortion of real events, presenting them to the general public only in the right perspective. True memory can live and develop only in a democratic society. In order for information to pass to the next generations without visible distortions, it is important to be able to compare events that occur in real time with facts from a past life.

Conditions for the formation of historical memory

Arguments on the topic "The problem of historical memory" can be found in many works of the classics. In order for society to develop, it is important to analyze the experience of ancestors, to do “work on mistakes”, to use the rational grain that past generations had.

"Black Boards" by V. Soloukhin

What is the main problem of historical memory? Consider the arguments from the literature on the example of this work. The author tells about the looting of a church in his native village. There is a delivery of unique books as waste paper, boxes are made from priceless icons. A carpentry workshop is being organized right in the church in Stavrovo. In another, a machine and tractor station is being opened. Trucks, caterpillar tractors come here, they store barrels of fuel. The author bitterly says that neither a barn nor a crane can replace the Moscow Kremlin. It is impossible to have a rest house in a monastery building in which the graves of Pushkin's relatives, Tolstoy are located. The work raises the problem of preserving historical memory. The arguments given by the author are indisputable. Not those who died, lies under gravestones, need memory, but the living!

Article by D. S. Likhachev

In his article “Love, respect, knowledge”, the academician raises the topic of desecration of the national shrine, namely, he talks about the explosion of the monument to Bagration, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Likhachev raises the problem of the historical memory of the people. The arguments given by the author relate to vandalism in relation to this work of art. After all, the monument was the gratitude of the people to the brother-Georgian, who courageously fought for the independence of Russia. Who could destroy the iron monument? Only those who have no idea about the history of their country, do not love the Motherland, are not proud of the Fatherland.

Views on patriotism

What other arguments can be made? The problem of historical memory is raised in "Letters from the Russian Museum", the author of which is V. Soloukhin. He says that, cutting down one's own roots, trying to absorb a foreign, alien culture, a person loses his individuality. This Russian argument about the problems of historical memory is also supported by other Russian patriots. Likhachev developed the "Declaration of Culture", in which the author calls for the protection and support of cultural traditions at the international level. The scientist emphasizes that without citizens knowing the culture of the past, the present, the state will have no future. It is in the "spiritual security" of the nation that the national existence lies. There must be interaction between external and internal culture, only in this case society will rise along the steps of historical development.

The problem of historical memory in the literature of the 20th century

In the literature of the last century, the central place was occupied by the question of responsibility for the terrible consequences of the past; the problem of historical memory was present in the works of many authors. Arguments from the literature serve as direct evidence of this. For example, A. T. Tvardovsky called in his poem "By the Right of Memory" to rethink the sad experience of totalitarianism. Anna Akhmatova did not bypass this problem in the famous "Requiem". She reveals all the injustice, lawlessness that reigned in society at that time, and gives weighty arguments. The problem of historical memory can also be traced in the work of AI Solzhenitsyn. His story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" contains a verdict on the state system of that time, in which lies and injustice became priorities.

Respect for cultural heritage

The center of attention is the issues related to the preservation of ancient monuments. In the harsh post-revolutionary period, characterized by a change in the political system, there was a widespread destruction of the old values. Russian intellectuals tried by all means to preserve the cultural relics of the country. D.S. Likhachev opposed the development of Nevsky Prospekt with typical multi-storey buildings. What other arguments can be made? The problem of historical memory was also touched upon by Russian filmmakers. With the funds raised by them, Kuskovo was also restored. What is the problem of the historical memory of the war? Arguments from the literature indicate that this issue has been relevant at all times. A.S. Pushkin said that "disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality."

The theme of war in historical memory

What is historical memory? An essay on this topic can be written on the basis of the work of Chingiz Aitmatov "Stormy Station". His hero mankurt is a man who was forcibly deprived of his memory. He became a slave with no past. The mankurt does not remember either the name or the parents, that is, it is difficult for him to realize himself as a person. The writer warns that such a creature is dangerous for social society.

Before Victory Day, questions were held among young people concerning the dates of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, important battles, military leaders. The responses received were depressing. Many guys have no idea either about the date of the start of the war, or about the enemy of the USSR, they have never heard of G.K. Zhukov, the Battle of Stalingrad. The survey showed how relevant the problem of the historical memory of the war is. The arguments given by the "reformers" of the history course curriculum at the school, who reduced the number of hours devoted to the study of the Great Patriotic War, are associated with an overload of students.

This approach has led to the fact that the modern generation forgets the past, therefore, important dates in the history of the country will not be passed on to the next generation. If you do not respect your history, do not honor your own ancestors, historical memory is lost. The essay for the successful passing of the exam can be argued with the words of the Russian classic A.P. Chekhov. He noted that for freedom, a person needs the whole globe. But without a purpose, its existence will be absolutely meaningless. Considering the arguments to the problem of historical memory (USE), it is important to note that there are false goals that do not create, but destroy. For example, the hero of the story "Gooseberry" dreamed of buying his own estate, planting gooseberries there. The goal he had set completely absorbed him. But, having reached it, he lost his human form. The author notes that his hero "has become stout, flabby ... - just look, he will grunt into a blanket."

I. Bunin's story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" shows the fate of a man who served false values. The hero worshiped wealth as a god. After the death of the American millionaire, it turned out that real happiness had passed him by.

The search for the meaning of life, the awareness of the connection with the ancestors managed to be shown to I. A. Goncharov in the image of Oblomov. He dreamed of making his life different, but his desires were not translated into reality, he did not have enough strength.

When writing an essay on the topic “The problem of the historical memory of the war” at the Unified State Examination, arguments can be cited from Nekrasov’s work “In the trenches of Stalingrad”. The author shows the real life of the "penalty boxers" who are ready to defend the independence of the Fatherland at the cost of their lives.

Arguments for composing the exam in the Russian language

In order to get a good score for an essay, a graduate must argue his position using literary works. In M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom", the author demonstrated the problem of "former" people who have lost their strength to fight for their own interests. They realize that it is impossible to live the way they do, and something needs to be changed, but they do not plan to do anything for this. The action of this work begins in a rooming house, and ends there. There is no question of any memory, pride for their ancestors, the heroes of the play do not even think about it.

Some try to talk about patriotism while lying on the couch, while others, sparing no effort and time, bring real benefits to their country. When discussing historical memory, one cannot ignore the amazing story of M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”. It tells about the tragic fate of a simple soldier who lost his relatives during the war. Having met an orphan boy, he calls himself his father. What does this action indicate? An ordinary person who has gone through the pain of loss is trying to resist fate. Love has not died out in him, and he wants to give it to a little boy. It is the desire to do good that gives the soldier the strength to live, no matter what. The hero of Chekhov's story "The Man in the Case" talks about "people who are satisfied with themselves." Having petty proprietary interests, trying to distance themselves from other people's troubles, they are absolutely indifferent to the problems of other people. The author notes the spiritual impoverishment of the heroes, who imagine themselves to be "masters of life", but in reality are ordinary philistines. They do not have real friends, they are only interested in their own well-being. Mutual assistance, responsibility for another person is clearly expressed in the work of B. Vasiliev "The dawns here are quiet ...". All the wards of Captain Vaskov do not just fight together for the freedom of the Motherland, they live according to human laws. In Simonov's novel The Living and the Dead, Sintsov carries a comrade out of the battlefield on himself. All the arguments given from different ones help to understand the essence of historical memory, the importance of the possibility of its preservation, transmission to other generations.


When congratulating on any holiday, the wishes of a peaceful sky above your head sound. What does this indicate? The fact that the historical memory of the hard trials of the war is passed down from generation to generation. War! There are only five letters in this word, but immediately there is an association with suffering, tears, a sea of ​​blood, the death of loved ones. Unfortunately, there have always been wars on the planet. The groans of women, the crying of children, the echoes of the war should be familiar to the younger generation from feature films and literary works. We must not forget about those terrible trials that befell the Russian people. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russia participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. In order for the historical memory of those events to be alive, Russian writers in their works tried to convey the features of that era. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" showed the patriotism of the people, their readiness to give their lives for the Fatherland. Reading poems, stories, novels about the Partisan War, young Russians get the opportunity to "visit the battlefields", feel the atmosphere that prevailed in that historical period. In "Sevastopol Tales" Tolstoy talks about the heroism of Sevastopol, shown in 1855. The events are described by the author so reliably that one gets the impression that he himself was an eyewitness to that battle. The courage of the spirit, the unique willpower, the amazing patriotism of the inhabitants of the city are worthy of memory. Tolstoy associates war with violence, pain, dirt, suffering, death. Describing the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855, he emphasizes the strength of the spirit of the Russian people. B. Vasiliev, K. Simonov, M. Sholokhov, and other Soviet writers devoted many of their works to the battles of the Great Patriotic War. During this difficult period for the country, women worked and fought on an equal footing with men, even children did everything in their power.

At the cost of their lives, they tried to bring victory closer, to preserve the independence of the country. Historical memory helps to preserve in the smallest detail information about the heroic deed of all soldiers and civilians. If the connection with the past is lost, the country will lose its independence. This must not be allowed!

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