Description according to the picture summer garden in autumn. Composition based on the painting by Brodsky "summer garden in autumn"

Isaac Izrailevich Brodsky - Russian, soviet chart and painter, organizer art education. He created many portraits, landscapes, works on historical themes. « Summer garden autumn" - a picture of Brodsky, written by him in 1928. We will talk about it in this article.

Artist biography

Born in 1883 in the village of Sofiyivka, which was located near the city of Berdyansk. The father of the future artist was a landowner and merchant. In 1892, Isaac became a graduate of the Berdyansk city school. In 1896 he entered the Odessa art school, because with young years showed his talent for painting. In 1902, Brodsky graduated from college and left for St. Petersburg, where he entered the capital's Academy of Arts, where he studied with the famous Ilya Repin for five years.

After the October Revolution, Brodsky created many portraits of the leaders of that time - Lenin and Stalin. In 1932, the painter was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Since 1934, Isaak Izrailevich headed Russian Academy arts. He died in 1939, on August 14, in Leningrad.

In addition to depicting the heads of state, the painter created canvases on which he was able to convey the uniqueness of nature in different time of the year. These are the paintings “Fallen Leaves”, “In the Country”, “Park Alley”, “ gold autumn”, “Winter”, “Summer garden in autumn”. Brodsky's painting, which depicts a quiet corner of an autumn park, is offered for discussion by schoolchildren. Seventh grade students write an essay on it. Such activities contribute to the development of speech, imagination, the manifestation of creative abilities.

calm landscape

The first thing you think about when you look at the "Summer Garden in Autumn" - Brodsky's painting conveys the calmness of quiet autumn days. There are no variegated colors, prevails yellow, but it also perfectly conveys the general mood of the canvas.

Such artistic creations soothe, pacify. Here people walk slowly, children play.

The picture is filled with dim sunshine. The sun itself is not visible, it is hidden behind light clouds, but its reflections cast shadows of trees on the ground.

"Summer Garden in Autumn", Brodsky. Description of the artwork

The central part of the canvas is occupied by the alley of the park. As mentioned above, Isaac Izrailevich has a painting called "Park Alley". Surely Brodsky loved to walk around such picturesque places in the city. Here it is good to hide in the heat under the shady crowns of trees from the scorching rays of the sun, to breathe fresh air.

During the golden autumn, such walks are also pleasant. Therefore, on one of these days, quite a lot of people gathered here. Mostly they are mothers or nannies with children. Babies lie in carriages, and women slowly carry their priceless children, walking with them along a wide path. Some ladies are resting on the benches. They sit and hold wheelchairs in front of them.

Older children play on the track under the supervision of their parents. Some children draw or draw something on the pavement, others collect fallen leaves.

But not only kids and mothers have chosen this quiet corner of urban nature, older people also walk here, who also like the atmosphere of the park. It is pleasant to sit on comfortable benches, relax and see how beautiful the summer garden is in autumn. Brodsky's painting suggests such reflections.


Majestic trees grow along the wide path. It can be assumed that these are lindens or poplars, because they were planted in city parks. The trees are tall as each has enough room to grow. Gardeners arranged small seedlings on a pretty long distance so that when the lindens and poplars grow up, they have enough space for food and sunlight.

At the beginning of autumn, the trees gradually lose their lush hair, so sunlight can penetrate into the park in greater quantities than in summer. It can be seen how the trunks and branches cast a rather long shadow on the ground, so the canvas most likely depicts morning.

Young mothers and nannies fed the little children breakfast and took them for a walk in a picturesque park. Isaac Brodsky also suggests this idea to the viewer with his creation. autumn as well as summer beautiful place for walks with children. After all, there are no cars, no busy traffic, good air and beautiful nature.

Other details of the picture: sky, gazebo

What else did Brodsky portray? Summer garden artist with special love. The sky seems endless. It extends not only over the alley, but also goes far beyond it. Light clouds are clearly visible through thinned trees. They turn white against the blue sky, in some places yellow reflections of the sun are visible.

When depicting a gazebo, the painter conveyed the smallest details this openwork building. There is a desire to climb the stairs with beautiful railings and find yourself inside a small open house. In the summer you can hide in it from the heat, from the sudden onset of rain.

Nice summer garden in autumn! Brodsky's painting confirms this and helps to understand that before winter begins, you need to visit such beautiful places as much as possible, enjoying the last warmth of the outgoing summer.

The painting "Summer Garden in Autumn" was painted at the beginning of the 20th century. The alley imprinted on it is located in St. Petersburg, beloved by many residents beautiful place- Summer garden. Along the alley, age-old trees rise into the sky - giants, as if they rest against the clouds floating above them. The artist enthusiastically depicts one of the outgoing days of golden autumn. The autumn sun illuminates everything around with a golden tint. Already crumbled from the trees most of foliage, the crown became almost transparent.

The composition of the central plan is empty and transparent, it seems to be filled with the freshness of autumn air. On the right side, beautifully illuminated by the sun's rays, there is a wooden gazebo with carved railings. Carved arched windows give her airiness, with them she seems weightless. An empty gazebo creates a feeling of autumn loneliness, that the whole alley is about to become empty, the trees will completely shed their leaves, the sun will come to replace autumn rains. But there is still time and the artist gives the opportunity to enjoy the warmth of golden autumn.

In the background, Brodsky depicts an alley stretching into the distance with park benches and vacationing people. The artist dressed people in insulated coats in order to emphasize all the coolness late autumn. Some are depicted resting on a bench, others are slowly walking along the paths strewn with leaves. All this enlivens the picture gives it the features of realism.

The painting uses the characteristic colors of autumn, the play of light and shadows of yellow, brown and orange hues. All these combinations give a slightly cloudy look, but there is no complete feeling of sadness, since warm shades predominate.

While working on the painting, the artist used a special perspective, its appearance is depicted "from the bottom up". This gives the viewer the feeling that he is looking at the picture not from the height of his own height, but from below, like a small child.

The picture is a reflection of the emotional perception of children, when the world around seems beautiful and mysterious. This picture carries mixed feelings of sadness and joy, evokes a feeling of peace, the inevitable arrival of frost.

This is one of the best works of Brodsky, in which he embodied an amazing and at the same time real image of nature.

Option 2

One of talented artists Isaac Izrailevich Brodsky in 1928 presented his new picture Summer garden in autumn. Great amount artists loved this time and showed beauty in new and new colors. The variety of genres of Isaac Brodsky was truly unique.

In this picture, we see a beautiful autumn time, which is filled with warmth and light. The canvas depicts an alley in St. Petersburg of mighty and strong trees. Some of them still have the last multi-colored leaves. This gives brightness to the picture. The sun's rays playing reflect this huge trunks on a pedestrian road strewn like a carpet with red and yellow sheets. There is a slight coolness in this shade, and even the smell of these dry leaves. And a wooden gazebo located a little to the right of the trees does not attract anyone, because it is better to bask in the sun and take a walk than hide in the shade. Very competently, Brodsky uses light and shadow, creating the impression of some kind of mystery.

It can be seen that in the foreground the artist prefers nature, namely its untouchedness. There are no people here, but a little further away great attention Isaak Brodsky pays attention to people who, enjoying the last warm days, have gathered on this alley. They are smiling and joyful. A woman with a baby in a stroller strolls leisurely along the alley. Children run and catch sunbeams and look at the sky with hope, trying to see the last migratory birds. The older generation, sitting comfortably on the benches, are talking about something anxiously, looking deep into the sky. The whole world and everyone around enjoy this beauty in simple lines.

The picture is filled with life, which, combined with this yellow sky with small clouds and bright colors, is a holistic composition. It doesn’t even cross my mind that winter will soon begin and again cold, snowstorms and snow will come to this alley.

Description of the painting by Brodsky Summer Garden in autumn

I. I. Brodsky - artist revolutionary Russia. The main theme of his work was the reflection of the documentary and historical reality of the country at the beginning of the 20th century. Apart from historical paintings, Brodsky painted portraits and landscapes.

The painting "Summer Garden in Autumn" is enlightened precisely with the theme of the urban landscape. It captures one of the alleys of the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg on a sunny autumn day. Centuries-old trees are depicted in the foreground, perhaps they are the same age as the Summer Garden itself. Their crowns have thinned enough, which gives the viewer the right to assume that the artist painted his canvas in late autumn. Among the trees you can see a gazebo decorated with carved railings. She seems to be hiding in the shade of majestic trees. Patterned shadows play on its roof, which makes the gazebo more hospitable. Fallen leaves cover the path of the alley with a thin carpet. The sun is merrily reflected in the golden leaves.

The central plan of the picture is permeated with air, transparent and fresh. The sky is gentle blue color, but on it you can already notice traces of bad weather, in the form of small frowning clouds. The path of the park is decorated with whimsical shadows of trees, which intertwine and form an intricate pattern.

In the background of the canvas are people. Some of them are resting on a bench, some are just walking along the path of the alley. They are already dressed warmly enough. This suggests that, despite the fact that the day turned out to be sunny, the weather no longer pampers the residents of the city with its warmth. The people in the picture enliven the landscape, make it more sincere.

The main color of the picture is dark yellow. It is this color that permeates the entire image of the canvas. The artist seems to give us the opportunity to enjoy the farewell warm of the outgoing summer. After all, soon the cold will come and, along with the gazebo, the benches in the park will also be empty, and the last leaves will fly from the trees. Nature is tired, the artist conveys this feeling with the help of paints, they have a muted shade.

The painting "Summer Garden in Autumn" allows you to plunge into one of the autumn sunny days. It embodies a surprisingly truthful landscape image of the alley. When I look at her, I feel Fresh air this amazingly beautiful day.

Description of the mood of the painting Brodsky - Summer garden in autumn

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Composition based on the painting by Brodsky "Summer Garden in Autumn"

Composition based on the painting by I. Brodsky "Summer Garden in Autumn".
Composition plan.
Isaac Izrailevich Brodsky and his work
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Isaak Izrailevich Brodsky (1883-1939) - an outstanding Russian artist. The painter worked in the workshop of I. E. Repin. Early in his studies, Brodsky developed an interest in landscape and portraiture. The painting "Summer Garden in Autumn", written in 1928, refers to the best works artist. The work is imbued with poetry, the artist managed to create a surprisingly subtle and truthful image of nature.
Isaac Brodsky played a significant role in the development of Russian art as a successor to the traditions of realism. Brodsky's works are distinguished by accuracy and clarity of images, amazing capacity art form.
The painting depicts the St. Petersburg Summer Garden in autumn. The viewer sees an alley that goes beyond the horizon. The sky is half-hidden by clouds, through which one can see almost summer azure. The trees throw up their half-naked black branches. Transparent dark shadows fall on the alley. And on shady spots, fallen leaves look even brighter. The central plan of the picture is transparent, permeated with air, and only in the distance are the trees gilded. The tree trunks are clearly defined as a "frame", framing the picture. On the right side of the canvas, you can see a part of a white arbor, half-hidden by the edge of the canvas and trees. The gazebo stands on a hill, and a small openwork staircase leads to it. Arched windows and openwork railings give the building lightness and airiness. There is a feeling that the gazebo is just a product of autumn cold air, a bunch of fog.
In the distance, closer to the horizon, you can see small figures of wandering people. People are dressed warmly enough, which further enhances the feeling of autumn cold.
The color scheme of the picture is not bright, the artist used mostly muted, "autumn" tones. Thin dark trees, a grayish sky with glimpses of blue, yellowish-red foliage on the trees - everything speaks of the arrival of autumn. Surprisingly, the picture is cloudy, but does not give rise to a feeling of sadness. The autumn alley depicted by the artist is filled with amazing light, and there is a desire to walk through the fallen leaves, among the thin trunks of trees. The picture conveys to the viewer a sense of calm, the inevitability of autumn, the fatigue of nature, and at the same time you can feel the joyful energy. Obviously, this feeling is connected with the tragedy of the canvas.
The work is dominated by a graphic element. Surprisingly thin and accurate images of trees. Their crowns are translucent and seem to stick together with the cloudy autumn sky. A white arbor is amazingly painted on the canvas. Its light forms seem to merge with the pattern of trees, emphasizing their elegance and shading the dark tone of the trunks. Thin dark shadows of trees fall on the ground, giving rise to a cobweb pattern. They partly repeat the silhouettes of trees, but look more curvaceous and whimsical.
The perspective from which this landscape was painted is interesting. Brodsky depicted objects on the canvas as if from the bottom up. So a child could see the autumn alley, but not an adult. And the combination of such an original perspective with a clear graphic image creates an unusually strong emotional impact on the viewer. It seems that from the picture spills into the world emotional sensation childhood - when the world is beautiful, a little mysterious.
The picture is executed in a realistic manner. The autumn alley is recognizable, the figures of walking people give the image a closeness to nature. The work of the artist makes an indelible impression on the viewer. Brodsky managed to show all the ambiguity of the charm of autumn. This is the light transparency of cold air, and the aching sadness of the falling leaves, and the glimpses of the sun through the clouds. It is impossible to say about this work whether it is joyful or sad. Probably, when contemplating it, both feelings are mixed in the soul.

Description of the painting by I.I. Brodsky "Summer Garden in Autumn"

Isaac Izrailevich Brodsky - famous artist landscape painter. He created many beautiful paintings, among which there is such a "Summer Garden in Autumn". The picture is striking, first of all, with the play of sunlight in the complete absence of the sun. Interestingly, in the foreground, viewers see an empty alley. Brodsky, as it were, invites you to first admire the beauty of the autumn landscape, the play of light and shadow.
And, indeed, there is something to admire. Along the edges of the alley are strict giant trees. The foliage from them has almost flown around, only in some places there is still a little bit of a magnificent lace outfit left. But this is enough to make the trees in the distance seem to be dressed in gilding. Autumn gilding is visible everywhere, especially on the ground around the trees and on the alley itself. Sunlight plays in the branches so bizarrely that they leave an amazing pattern on the ground. The sun illuminates everything around. There is a lot of it, despite the fact that clouds and light clouds run through the sky. The bright sun illuminates the gazebo on the right side of the picture, and benches, and people walking and sitting in the distance.
Quiet sunny day in late autumn. But there is no sadness in the picture from the realization of the impending cold. On the contrary - I.I. Brodsky depicted the triumph of nature over withering. Everything around is happy sunlight, last warmth. There are a lot of people walking in the alley. Here, mothers walk babies in strollers, old people relax on benches, children play with golden autumn foliage. So happy and peaceful around!

Autumn is a bright, but at the same time sad period. With its beauty, it attracts many artists. Many paintings on this subject are also dedicated to Brodsky. He became famous for his painting "Summer Garden in Autumn".

Considering this work, it's hard not to pay attention to the beauty of the garden, depicted in late autumn. The sky is covered with clouds, but still the day is quite bright and very warm, nice. A large free alley is covered with yellow foliage. Not quite dressed, but already quite weathered bushes rise above the small figures of people strolling through the garden. Not a big empty gazebo is located aside, attracting couples in love so that they can retire and calmly talk about everything in the world that disturbs their soul, their hearts.

In addition, it is well evident that there are absolutely no people on the main plane of the picture. The artist gives a chance to see and appreciate nature that has not yet been touched by anyone. Explore the play of light and shadow. And further, in the depths of the picture, a crowd is depicted, consisting of many people. Where there is a mother with a baby in a stroller, who slowly walks along the path. Some elderly people, sitting on benches, enjoy the last warm days, while others admire the beauty of the surrounding nature, walking along the street. And there is really something to admire. The rays of the sun flicker on the branches of trees, and this leaves a stunning beautiful pattern shadows. The sun illuminates all nature.

Depicted is a good, beautiful day of late autumn, which is filled with warmth and peace. There is no sadness from the understanding that the cold will come soon, it will be winter again, it will become uncomfortable again, and there is very little time left until this time. On the contrary, everyone rejoices and admires the last warm days.

Essay No. 2

Residents of St. Petersburg are probably familiar with this place. This is one of the alleys of the Summer Garden. The painting depicts a wide alley of an autumn garden. More precisely, the city park in autumn. This is the beginning of autumn, the so-called "Indian summer". Warm, dry, cozy, smells like leaves. Some of them are already beginning to turn yellow and fall off, but have not completely flown around yet. And those that fell to the ground created a yellow carpet on it. The hands of the janitors have not yet reached them.

The picture looks like from the bottom up. Therefore, against the background of walking people, the trees seem like giants, they seem to rest against the autumn sky, and the alley goes to infinity. The artist probably deliberately chose this angle for his painting in order to show both the thickness of the trunks and the height of centuries-old trees. To the right stands an unpainted wooden gazebo with a staircase and ornate railings. It can be sheltered from the rain. But on this day, no rain is expected. The sky is cloudless and high in autumn. The sun freely peeps through the rare crown of trees. It also warms the earth and all living things on it.

The alley is deserted, not many people walk in the park at this time. But some people still decided to spend their last fine days in nature. There are benches along the alley. People sit on them. They expose their faces to the warm rays of the sun, as if they are basking and bathing in them. The trees cast long shadows across the wide avenue. In the foreground, if you look closely, you can see a mother pushing a stroller with a child. Previously, strollers were not as bright as they are now. You have to look closely at the picture to see a gray carriage among the trees and their shadows. The second child in a brown jacket walks next to the stroller. There are two other children next to him.

The predominant colors in the picture are yellow, brown, orange.

No matter how beautiful and sunny it is, there is a slight sadness for the past summer.

Composition based on the painting Summer garden in autumn

Rich, bright and at the same time sad and dull - this is autumn time. But, despite this, the beautiful time of the year attracts artists to paint it. A lot of autumn pictures the Russian artist Isaak Brodsky also wrote, one of them is the “summer garden in autumn”. It was created by its author in 1928 and was able to convey all the subtlety of nature. All Brodsky's creations differ from others in subtlety, elegance and clarity of images. He did not draw "riddles", but created concrete impressions of reality, for example, this picture this is the Sank-Petersburg Summer Garden in autumn.

Looking at this picture, one cannot help but appreciate the beauty of the autumn garden. Even gloomy clouds do not spoil the landscape, which covered almost the entire sky, and because of them rays of warm light still break through. bright sun. A wide alley is covered with yellow foliage, and semi-leaf trees stand on the sides. There was still a small part of the foliage on the branches, but with each gust of wind they become less and less.

People are walking, against the background of tall, thin, black tree trunks, their figures seem so small. Each branch is written to the smallest detail, and as if reaching for the gloomy sky, and their shadows fall on the ground, forming a kind of web. A small gazebo with arched windows stands on the right, and beckons couples in love to sit on the sidelines, and a small staircase with openwork railings goes up to it.

We can observe the play of light and autumn tones in the foreground. The artist depicted it as empty, deserted in order to appreciate the beauty of nature. The background is filled with people of different sexes and ages, warmly dressed to the will. For example, one of the first we see is a mother with a stroller, who, apparently, is slowly walking with her child. Older people sit on benches and enjoy the last warmth of the gentle sun. And some leisurely just stroll along the alley and admire the beautiful nature.

Everything around sparkles from the illumination of the sun, despite the muted tones. Golden-yellow tones play with different reflections from the rays of the piercing sun. The author depicted a bright, sunny autumn day that fills the hearts of people with summer warmth. There is not a single hint of the coming cold and frost, on the contrary, the joy of warmth, albeit the latter, is shown.

Anyone who was indifferent to autumn before, this picture will draw attention to a beautiful time and just make you fall in love with it. It is impossible to unanimously say whether this picture is joyful or sad, the author unanimously created both, which further fascinated the viewer's eye.

Description of the painting, Grade 7

Pensive autumn landscape Isaac Brodsky is painted with the light rays of a no longer summer sun. To describe the richness of nature, the artist chose just a few colors, enhancing their sound with endless shades, the combination of which creates a volume of landscape content and an expressive perspective of the park alley.

The grandeur of giant trees under the vast sky is emphasized by the patterned shadows of trees and the figures of faceless passers-by. A bright spot of a deserted arbor hints to the viewer about the approach of a long winter. The master's brush wrote a beautiful "oil ode" on canvas, dedicated to the golden autumn.

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Description of the painting by Brodsky “Summer garden in autumn”

Isaac Izrailevich Brodsky is an outstanding Russian landscape painter.
AT Soviet time he was known as the main artist who created the most beautiful portraits of the leaders of the proletariat and the communist party.
Despite the fact that he painted many portraits and landscapes, the painting “Fallen Leaves” attracted my attention.

At first glance, it may seem that the picture brings melancholy and sadness.
Not too much bright colors, wooden abandoned house, vintage furniture.
The trees and fallen leaves show that early autumn is depicted.
Nature itself is not quite frozen in preparation for winter.
The trees still show green leaves interspersed with the golden yellowness of autumn.
Through the intertwined branches of old trees one can see a clear, blue sky.
It kind of reminds us of the not so long gone summer.

But if you look better, then glimpses of the sun immediately catch your eye.
Its rays enter the house, bringing warmth and light with them.
It seems that everything has stopped, only for a short moment a small breeze broke and caused drying leaves through the open door.
Perhaps the owner did not leave this house, but simply went for a walk in the park.
Unclosed Entrance door, low stools standing at the entrance - everything speaks of his imminent return.
But, despite this, a slight sadness of desolation and loneliness is present.

It seems to me that I. Brodsky wanted to convey the beauty of the moment of early, golden, sunny autumn.
I wanted to show not so much the imminent onset of winter as to give hope for the warmth that has come again after cold weather, snowstorms, and blizzards.
The awakening of all living things after a long sleep.
This picture makes me feel joy, calmness, peace.
It gives strength for humility with the present and faith in a better future.

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