Composition love in the work war and the world of Tolstoy. Composition on the theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy Love lines in the novel War and Peace


Abstracts of the topic

Love for children

The novel shows several families. Every parent loves their children differently. But they bring them up in different ways. In some families - the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys - the formation of a morally rich personality is in the first place. Honor, decency, responsibility for actions, respect for people - this is the moral basis on which Natasha Rostova, Andrei and Maria Bolkonsky were brought up. And these heroes are an example of high decency, responsiveness, reliability, the names of such people defended our country during the years of trials - in the war with Napoleon.

The cult of money, power, position in society reigns in the Kuragin family. Bottom line: Helen and Anatole Kuragin, brought up in this atmosphere, became cruel, selfish people. For them there is no concept of honor, decency, they live only for themselves.

Love for parents

Respect, kindness, mutual understanding reign in the Rostov family. The author showed how much children love their parents. Natasha, Nikolenka, Petya are gentle with them. The love of parents evokes reciprocal feelings on the part of children. In the Bolkonsky family, relations are outwardly very restrained. It seems that the father is too harsh to Mary, unnecessarily demanding of her and his son. But in his heart he is a loving father, striving to raise children as real people. In the scene of Andrei's departure to the war, in the mean words of the father to his son - to protect honor, but at the same time, to protect himself, his life, the reader sees how deeply he loves Andrei, and his son loves him. And how much respect Maria has for her father!

There is no love for parents in the Kuragin family. From their father, Prince Vasily, Helen and Anatole expect only inheritance, money, position in the world. They are indifferent to him. The author did not show a single scene in which it would be clear how children respect their father, because they simply do not experience this feeling.

Love of a man and a woman

How many amazing scenes of the characters' love are shown in the novel! Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov and Maria Bolkonskaya. They truly love each other, tenderly, devotedly. Not everything goes smoothly in the relationship between Natasha and Andrey. But there is the main thing - their love, which illuminated their lives with joy.

What kind of love does Helen have for Pierre Bezukhov! Here is one calculation, the desire to take possession of the property of Pierre, who so unexpectedly became rich. And he thought that they loved him, that they admired him. Yes, you need to be able to distinguish true feelings from ostentatious ones, behind which are self-interest and selfishness.

But Pierre became loved and fell in love sincerely. At the end of the novel, the reader sees the happy family of Pierre and Natasha, who managed to give Pierre happiness.

Love for the Motherland, Fatherland

The favorite characters of the readers of the novel "War and Peace" are true patriots of their country. In difficult days of trials - the war with Napoleon - they stood up to defend the country. On the battlefield, we see Andrei Bolkonsky, who received a mortal battle in the Battle of Borodino, Natasha Rostova helps the wounded, Pierre strives to find himself, even wants to kill Napoleon. Everyone defends their homeland in their own way.

The Kuragins have no patriotic feelings, they simply were not brought up in them. Therefore, Helen is not with the people, therefore Anatole is so pathetic when we see him in moments of injury.

Love for the people

Love for the motherland and the people are inseparable. Defending the country, the heroes show great love, first of all, to the people. Let us recall the scenes when Natasha Rostova does everything to help the wounded in Moscow: she helps them evacuate from the city on the carts of their family. Someone saves property. Rostovs are people. Pierre truly understood the meaning of life, being a prisoner among ordinary people. He looked at many things differently after conversations with Platon Karataev. In unity with the people - the happiness of Tolstoy's favorite heroes.

Love of life

Tolstoy's heroes love life in all its manifestations. However, their goals in life are completely different. Our beloved heroes love people, nature, country, relatives, loved ones. In serving the Motherland, in caring for loved ones, in devotion to loved ones, in the usefulness of their activities for the country - their happiness. This is their path in life.

Kuragins also love life. But they seek to live it only for their own pleasure. Only selfish goals, selfishness bring them joy and happiness. And yes, it's all illusory. No love for people means no happy life.

Life is beautiful if a person is kind, sincere, loves people, lives not only for himself, but also for them. This is the novel of the great classic.

Love for nature

Nature in the novel is like a separate character. Through the attitude towards her, we understand what the heroes are. Nature is able to help a person understand himself, even change. Let's remember how Natasha admires at night in Otradnoye, how she cannot fall asleep from such beauty. How much joy she experiences, seeing the beauty of nature! Only morally rich people are able to see the world around them this way. And Andrei Bolkonsky's "meetings" with oak! During the first, when the oak appeared before the hero in a gnarled branch, without foliage, old, tired of life, Andrey thought that life was over, there was nothing more to dream about, And how the second meeting in the spring changed the hero, when the oak tree was transformed, rejuvenated , admired the delicate foliage. And how many young shoots on it! And the hero understands that everything in his life is still ahead, that life is beautiful. Kuragins are not able to love people, especially nature. The author never showed that any of them admired her. They just don't have those feelings.

What place does love take in the life of Tolstoy's heroes?

(Based on Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace")

Love is an amazing feeling that can heal or hurt a person's soul. In the works of L.N. Tolstoy, the problem of love occupies a central place on the palette of moral problems. The author reveals both a bright feeling between a woman and a man, as well as love for parents, for the Motherland. The images of Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Helen Kuragina, Pierre Bezukhov, Maria Bolkonskaya are most closely associated with this problem. All of them experienced a spiritual fall because of love and purification by it. This affected the fate of the heroes.

- the main character of the novel and one of the most beloved heroines of Leo Tolstoy. Natasha's heart is filled with love for her family and others, thanks to which she knows how to sympathize and worry. Soon, a flame of love for a man, Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to flare up in the girl’s soul. Unfortunately, this feeling was not destined to end with a "happy ending". Nevertheless, it showed the heroine what suffering is and that one cannot play with the hearts of other people.

love helped restore the soul after the defeat at Austerlitz. He realized that even in an environment of deceit and intrigue, there is a place for sincere feelings. Prince Andrei begins to appreciate not feats and glory, but what is really important in human life. Love for Natasha later made him suffer, but the fire that she kindled did not go out completely.

For example and Lev Nikolaevich shows how the human soul is destroyed under the pressure of marriage without love. Helen married Pierre for money, but you can't deceive the heart. A woman quickly gets bored with an unloved and ugly husband. Pierre, on the other hand, suffers, guessing about betrayals and deceit.

However, this pseudo-love of Pierre does not denigrate his soul. A man goes to serve, helps others. Finally, he finds true love, and with it he finds the meaning of life. Helen Kuragina does not know how to love, which becomes one of the reasons for her death.

Maria Bolkonskaya is the sister of Andrei Bolkonsky, an ugly girl, but very bright. Suffering from unrequited love. But from this she does not get angry at the world, on the contrary, she cares about others, treats them with warmth and respect. Spiritual beauty, illuminated by love, does not go unnoticed, and fate gives the girl the second half.

Love for relatives is shown on the examples of the Bolkonsky, Rostov and Kuragin families. In the Kuragin family, children do not know how not only to love, but also to respect their relatives, from which the atmosphere in the house is cold and family happiness is so lacking. Restrained love for relatives in the Bolkonsky family and open love in the Rostovs makes their life happier.

Love for the Motherland is shown on the example of soldiers and officers. In the war of 1805-1807, it is practically not noticeable, since the participants in the battles do not understand what they are suffering for. But in the army there is a warm attitude towards colleagues. For example, A. Kutuzov treats his soldiers like a father treats his children, trying with all his might to protect them. Officers Tushin and Timokhin risk their lives for the sake of their Motherland. In the war of 1812, love for their native lands gives ordinary officers, soldiers and commanders the strength to win.

Thus, love in the novel "War and Peace" is shown as the best feeling that transforms a person.

The theme of love in the well-known novel is raised repeatedly and from different angles. It is worth noting that the word "love" has several meanings. In most cases, when a person hears this word, there is an association of a couple in love. This is one kind of love.

Our work raises this topic in different contexts. In the novel, one can trace the love of parents for children and children for parents, love between husband and wife, love for a brother or sister, love for one's homeland and fatherland, love for people, love for those in need of help, the wounded and the destitute.

The Rostov family is especially open. Sensuality prevails in their home and life, which is why people are so drawn to them. Rostovs are always glad to have guests, their house is always open for those who wish. Rostovs are distinguished by mercy and compassion. In this family, parents love their children very much. The problem is that because of this, children lose the boundaries of what is permitted. So, for example, everyone's favorite Nikolenka lost a very large amount of cards in cards. Ilya Andreevich, without thinking twice, paid the entire debt for his son. It can be said that he did not even scold him for it. This is an example of blind love.

Sometimes love can be very peculiar, an example of such a situation is the love of Nikolai Andreevich for his daughter Maria. He constantly criticized, ridiculed and blamed his daughter. Although deep down he had pure feelings for his daughter, however, he never showed them. The only example is the repentance of the old prince before his death. This is direct evidence that one must demonstrate one's love, otherwise regret will come at the end of life, but it will be too late.

Unconditional and sacrificial love is vividly represented by the example of Sonya Rostova, who loved only Nikolai with all her heart. The girl was faithful and devoted to him, no matter what. When necessary, she released him and wished her lover happiness. She was very hurt, but the girl did not blame anyone. She never married.

An example of the love of Andrei and Natasha. The couple loved each other very much, the lovers dreamed of marriage. However, the ordeal of separation ruined the plans of the engaged youth. Anatole broke the happiness of young people. However, after the upheavals of life and the war, Andrei realized what true love is and forgave Natasha.

The protagonist Andrey knew the highest degree of love, namely, love for enemies and for all people. After being wounded, the hero came to realize that people need love so much. There is nothing higher in life.

Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya

The love of these two people is born at the moment of trouble hanging over the Fatherland. Nicholas and Marya are characterized by a commonality in the perception of people (Maria's disappointment in Anatole, and Nicholas in Alexander the First). This is a union in which the husband and wife are spiritually enriched. Nikolai expands and deepens the wealth of the family, thereby making Mary's life happy. Mary brings kindness and tenderness to the family. She understands her husband very well, approves of his refusal to join a secret society. The path to self-improvement for Nikolai lies through hard work - he comprehends the true meaning of life only when he begins to take care of the household, take care of the peasants, at the same time not dismissing them, for which they are truly grateful to him.

Pierre and Natasha

The purpose of their love is marriage, family and children. Here Tolstoy describes an idyll - an intuitive understanding of a loved one. The charm of Natasha the girl is clear to everyone, the charm of Natasha the woman is clear only to her husband.


From the very beginning of the story, all the thoughts of Anna Mikhailovna and her son are directed towards one thing - the arrangement of their material well-being. Anna Mikhailovna, for the sake of this, does not shun humiliating begging, or the use of brute force (the scene with the mosaic briefcase), or intrigues, and so on. At first, Boris tries to resist the will of his mother, but over time he realizes that the laws of the society in which they live obey only one rule - the one who has power and money is right. Boris is taken to "make a career." He is not fascinated by the service to the Fatherland, he prefers service in those places where you can quickly move up the career ladder with minimal return. For him, there are neither sincere feelings (rejection of Natasha), nor sincere friendship (coldness towards the Rostovs, who did a lot for him). He subordinates even marriage to this goal (description of his “melancholic service” with Julie Karagina, declaration of love to her through disgust, etc.). In the war of the 12th year, Boris sees only court and staff intrigues and is only concerned with how to turn this to his own advantage. Julie and Boris are quite satisfied with each other: Julie is flattered by the presence of a handsome husband who has made a brilliant career; Boris needs her money.

Women's images in the novel

Natasha Rostova

The secret of her bewitching charm is in sincerity, in the fact that her "spiritual strength" does not tolerate violence against living life. The essence of Natasha's nature is love. A sincere feeling first visits her when she meets Prince Andrei, and especially during the period when she is caring for him before his death. It is Natasha who is able to support her mother, who is distraught with grief after Petya's death. After marriage, the only meaning of life for Natasha is the family - here Tolstoy argues with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfemale emancipation. Natasha is not prudent, she is guided by "reasonable, natural, naive egoism." Natasha is distinguished by spiritual generosity and sensitivity (attitude towards Sonya, gives carts to the wounded), a subtle understanding of nature (a night in Otradnoye). She has the gift of ennobling others (Natasha's singing is listened to by Nikolay after a card loss to Dolokhov).According to Tolstoy, Natasha is morally superior to Sonya (Sonia's self-sacrifice is selfish - she seeks to raise her price in the eyes of others in order to be worthy of Nikolai). Having made a mistake in Anatole, Natasha comes to purification through suffering, declaring to Andrey : “Before I was bad, but now I’m kind, I know ...” Natasha lives by instinct (her feeling for Prince Andrei does not stand the test of physical attraction that Anatole awakens in her), but even in this, according to Tolstoy, naturalness is manifested Natasha, her closeness to nature. Natasha fulfills the natural destiny of a woman (home, family, children), the rest, according to Tolstoy, is superficial and unimportant. All her throwing ultimately has the goal of creating a family and having children (for Tolstoy, this is the meaning of the life of any woman, and the less a woman deceives herself in this, the closer she is to the natural ideal, the ideal of life). The image of Natasha embodied the idea that there is no beauty and happiness where there is no goodness, simplicity and truth. It is from Natasha that the energy of renewal, liberation from. everything false, false, habitual. This is Tolstoy's ideal of life, without the torments and quests of a cold mind.

According to Tolstoy, Natasha is a Russian national character - she absorbed the spirit of the people from childhood (Christmas, a trip to her uncle and dancing). False secular society is alien to Natasha (after marriage, she practically ceases to be in the world). An important moment in Natasha's life is her acquaintance and friendship with Marya Bolkonskaya. In this pair, Marya personifies the Christian beginning, and Natasha - the pagan. Only through love for Pierre and finding a family does Natasha finally find peace.

Marya Bolkonskaya

The strict atmosphere of the parental home and misunderstanding on the part of the Father encourage Marya to seek solace in religion, communication with "God's people." Marya constantly confronts the old prince how her faith is opposed to her father's exact sciences, and her soul is opposed to reason. Marya has the capacity for sincere self-sacrifice (her relationship to Mademoiselle Bourienne). She, like Natasha, lives "the life of the heart", she has developed intuition - having received news of the death of her brother after Austerlitz, Marya does not believe this and does not tell the sad news to Lisa, Andrey's wife, protecting her. However, Tolstoy does not idealize Marya, showing her weaknesses. In the scene of the rebellion of the peasants in Bogucharovo, Marya behaves naively, cannot distinguish truth from lies, tries, out of compassion, to distribute the master's Bread to the peasants, taking at face value their complaints about the hard life.Marya, like the rest of Tolstoy's heroes, is "tested" by the Patriotic War of the 12th year. The illness of her father and his death, the need to make a choice put Mary in a difficult position. However, she does not give in to temptation, rejects Mademoiselle Bourienne's offer to remain in the power of the French and decides to leave Bogucharov. Like other heroines of Tolstoy, Marya reveals her best qualities, experiencing love. Through communication with Nikolai, Marya is transformed, despite the outward ugliness, repeatedly emphasized by Tolstoy, she becomes beautiful. From comparison with Sonya, Marya only wins. She is a more sincere, more whole, independent person. The family life of Nikolai and Marya brings happiness and peace to both, because the spouses mutually enrich each other


Helen is the only "quite beautiful" woman described by Tolstoy, but this is perhaps the most unattractive character in the novel. There is no uplifting principle in her beauty, she excites a "nasty feeling." Helen is exceptionally unprincipled and selfish, in all her actions she is guided solely by her own whims. In her unscrupulousness, she stops at nothing (the story of the nobleman and the prince). Helen is contrasted by Tolstoy with Princess Marya - Marya, despite her ugliness, is rich internally, Helen is externally brilliant, but spiritually ugly (a form without content). Helen is undeveloped and vulgar, her judgments are primitive, but she accepts the laws by which secular society lives, and wraps them in her favor. Helen is also “tested” by the war of the 12th year, revealing at the same time her own insignificance - all her thoughts about a new marriage with a living husband, for which she even converts to Catholicism, while the whole people unite against the enemy under the banner of Orthodoxy. Helen's death is natural. Tolstoy does not even give the true cause of her death, limiting himself to scandalous rumors about it, since this does not matter to him - Helen has long been spiritually dead.

The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his famous novel "War and Peace" singled out "the thought of the people" as the main idea. This theme is most multifaceted and vividly reflected in excerpts from the work that describe the war. As for the "world", "family thought" predominates in its depiction. She also plays a very important role in the work of interest to us. The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" in many ways helps the author to reveal this idea.

Love in the life of the characters of the novel

Almost all the characters in the work are tested by love. Not all of them come to moral beauty, mutual understanding and true feeling. Also, it doesn't happen right away. Heroes have to go through mistakes and suffering that redeems them, purifies and develops the soul.

The life of Andrei Bolkonsky with Lisa

The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is revealed on the example of several characters, one of which is Andrei Bolkonsky. His path to happiness was rocky. At the age of 20, being an inexperienced young man, blinded by external beauty, he decides to marry Lisa. But Andrei very quickly comes to a depressing and painful understanding that he was mistaken cruelly and uniquely. In a conversation with his friend, Pierre Bezukhov, he utters almost in despair the words that one should not marry before he has done everything he could. Andrey says that he would give a lot not to be bound by family ties now. Bolkonsky family life with his wife did not bring peace and happiness. What's more, he was obsessed with her. Andrew did not love his wife. He rather despised her, treating her like a child from a stupid empty light. Bolkonsky was oppressed by the feeling that his life was useless, that he had become an idiot and court lackey.

Andrew's heartbreak

This hero had ahead of him the sky of Austerlitz, the death of Lisa, a mental break, melancholy, fatigue, disappointment, contempt for life. At that time, Bolkonsky resembled an oak that stood contemptuously, angry and old freak between smiling birches. This tree did not want to submit to the charm of spring. However, suddenly a confusion of young hopes and thoughts arose in Andrei's soul, unexpected for him. As you probably guessed, the theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is further developed. The hero leaves the estate transformed. Again in front of him on the road is an oak tree, but now it is not ugly and old, but covered with greenery.

Bolkonsky's feeling for Natasha

The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is very important for the author. According to Tolstoy, this feeling is a miracle that revives us to a new life. A real feeling for Natasha, a girl so unlike the absurd and empty women of the world, did not appear in Bolkonsky immediately. It renewed his soul, turned it over with incredible power. Andrey has now become a completely different person. He seemed to come out of a stuffy room. True, even a feeling for Natasha did not help Bolkonsky to humble his pride. He never managed to forgive Natasha for her "treason". Only after he received a mortal wound did he rethink his life. Bolkonsky, after a mental break, understood the suffering, remorse and shame of Natasha. He realized that he was cruel, breaking off relations with her. The hero admitted that he loves her even more than before. However, nothing could keep Bolkonsky in this world, even Natasha's fiery feeling.

Pierre's love for Helen

The theme of love in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is also revealed on the example of Pierre. The fate of Pierre Bezukhov is somewhat similar to the fate of Andrei, his best friend. Like him, who was carried away in his youth by Lisa, Pierre, who had just returned from Paris, fell in love with Helen, who was doll-likely beautiful. When revealing the theme of love and friendship in Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, it should be noted that Pierre's feeling for Helen was childishly enthusiastic. Andrew's example taught him nothing. Bezukhov had to make sure from his own experience that external beauty is far from always internal, spiritual.

Unhappy marriage

This hero felt that there were no barriers between him and Helen, that this girl was terribly close to him. Her marble beautiful body had power over Pierre. And although the hero understood that this was not good, he nevertheless succumbed to the feeling that this depraved woman inspired in him. As a result, Bezukhov became her husband. However, the marriage was not happy. A feeling of gloomy despondency, disappointment, contempt for life, for himself and for his wife, seized Pierre some time after living with Helen. Her mystery turned into stupidity, spiritual emptiness and depravity. This is worth mentioning if you are writing an essay. The theme of love in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is illuminated from a new angle in the relationship between Pierre and Natasha. About how these heroes finally found their happiness, we'll talk now.

Pierre's new love

Bezukhov, having met Natasha, like Andrei, was struck by her naturalness and purity. In his soul, the feeling for this girl began to grow timidly even when Natasha and Bolkonsky fell in love with each other. Pierre was happy for them, but this joy was mixed with sadness. The kind heart of Bezukhov, unlike Andrei, understood Natasha and forgave her for the incident with Anatole Kuragin. Despite the fact that Pierre tried to despise her, he was able to see how exhausted she was. And then Bezukhov's soul for the first time was overwhelmed with a feeling of pity. He understood Natasha, perhaps because her infatuation with Anatole resembled his own infatuation with Helen. The girl believed that Kuragin had inner beauty. In communication with Anatole, she, like Pierre and Helen, felt that there was no barrier between them.

Renewal of the soul of Pierre Bezukhov

The path of life's quest Bezukhov continues after a quarrel with his wife. He is fond of Freemasonry, then participates in the war. Bezukhov is visited by the half-childish idea of ​​​​killing Napoleon. He sees Moscow burning. Further, he is destined for difficult minutes of waiting for his death, and then captivity. Pierre's soul, cleansed, renewed, having gone through suffering, retains love for Natasha. When he meets her again, he discovers that this girl has also changed a lot. Bezukhov did not recognize the former Natasha in her. Love awakened in the hearts of the heroes, "long-forgotten happiness" suddenly returned to them. They were seized, in the words of Tolstoy, "joyful madness."

Finding happiness

Life woke up in them along with love. The power of feeling brought Natasha back to life after a long mental apathy, which was caused by the death of Prince Andrei. The girl thought that with his death her life was over. However, the love for her mother that arose in her with renewed vigor showed Natasha that love was still alive in her. The strength of this feeling, which is the essence of Natasha, was able to bring to life the people whom this girl loved.

The fate of Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov

The theme of love in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is also revealed on the example of the relationship between Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov. The fate of these heroes was not easy. Ugly in appearance, meek, quiet princess had a beautiful soul. During the life of her father, she did not even hope to ever marry, raise children. Anatole Kuragin was the only one who wooed her, and even then only for the sake of a dowry. Of course, he could not understand the moral beauty and high spirituality of this heroine. Only Nikolai Rostov managed to do this. Tolstoy in the epilogue of his novel speaks of the spiritual unity of people, which is the basis of nepotism. At the end of the work, a new family appeared, where seemingly so different beginnings, the Bolkonskys and the Rostovs, were united. Reading Lev Nikolayevich's novel is very interesting. Eternal themes in the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy make this work relevant today.

Love in the novel "War and Peace" (L. N. Tolstoy)

(339 words)Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" is one of the most global works of the school curriculum, and not everyone succeeds in mastering it completely. However, those who are not afraid of long stories will find a fascinating story about the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the difficult relationship between the characters. In War and Peace, the feelings of the characters deserve special attention, and in particular, the love that arose between some of them.

Despite the fact that the relationship between Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky was interrupted, for many readers they remain the main couple of the work. Their meeting is fondly remembered in the classroom, because the first feeling is sacred. Even young Natasha was really in love with Andrei, but many refuse to justify her act. The girl, without waiting for the groom, was carried away by Anatole Kuragin, because of which a break with Bolkonsky followed. Of course, Natasha did the wrong thing, but knowing her character and impulsiveness, you willy-nilly understand that this fleeting hobby is not serious and was forced on her by a cunning seducer. She was very ashamed in front of Andrei, who nevertheless forgave Natasha before his death.

The grown-up Natasha and the young one are like two different characters. Indeed, with age, much becomes conscious, therefore, at the end of the work, we are shown an idyll in the Bezukhov family. Youthful love remained a bright feeling from the past, but Pierre and Natasha found true happiness only with each other.

Pierre, in turn, also has an unpleasant story behind his back, but he was rather the victim. Even at the beginning of the work, Pierre becomes a victim of his rich inheritance and marries Helen Kuragina. Bezukhov was absolutely not interested in the girl, over time he became disillusioned with her, but only the count in the relationship showed due respect to his wife. What absolutely cannot be said about Helen, who expressed complete indifference to Pierre, moreover, complete contempt for him, because the woman openly cheated on her husband. There was no love in this relationship, but a happy future awaited the hero.LEARN MORE>>

And some readers give great preference to another couple, Marya and Nikolai Rostov. Thanks to the relationship between these characters, you are once again convinced that Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" is full of not only historical events, but also a beautiful story of true love.

The theme of love is popular among writers and poets of all times and peoples. Tolstoy was no exception. The fate of people of different social status, position in society, character, set priorities will flash before the reader like a whirlwind. The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the leading ones. In the life of each character there was or is love, forcing them to suffer, hate, or completely surrender to the slavery of the overwhelming feeling, living exclusively with emotions, not thinking about the consequences. The heroes of this work have their own, the one and only, which left a wound in someone's heart, and someone has pleasant memories in their souls.

Love to motherland

Love for the Motherland is clearly seen in the heroes of the novel. Andrei Bolkonsky, through spiritual quest, came to the conclusion that the Russians could not be defeated. For a long time he dreamed of a feat, to do something for the Fatherland and the people. A great desire to become a hero pushed him to the battlefield. He will be remembered in the battle of Austerlitz, where he managed to prove himself as a real soldier. During the hostilities, he led the soldiers into battle, holding a banner in his hands, but the feat could not make him happy. His soul was tormented. The love drama again pushes him into the hellish hell of war. Already in the role of regimental commander, he earned the respect and love of the soldiers. Now he did not dream of a feat, becoming a simple defender of the Motherland. The war took his life. During the battle, Andrei dies, but before his death, he clearly understood that he was doing everything for the sake of the people, for the sake of the future of the Motherland.

Peter Rostov was brought up in the spirit of real patriotism. As a very young guy, he landed at the front. A fifteen-year-old young man died in the name of the Motherland, remembered by an uncontrollable thirst to accomplish a feat. Life was cut short by an enemy bullet, but he fulfilled his dream of becoming a hero, albeit at such a high price.

Natalya Rostova helped by donating wagons for transporting soldiers seriously wounded in battle. The girl believed that victory was not far off and had no doubts about the strength of the Russian people, their unity and power.

Pierre Bezukhov managed to become a real man, proving his love for the Motherland by his actions. The war hardened him, turning him from a soft-bodied and vulnerable young man into a real hero.

Kutuzov is an example of true patriotism. He loved the soldiers like his own sons. His actions were not a desire to glorify himself in the eyes of others. He fought not for regalia, for the people, for the Motherland, being the bearer of the people's spirit and will.

Love in the life of the heroes of the novel

Andrey Bolkonsky

Andrey had to go through a thorny path before he found himself, his destiny in life. Family life with Lisa did not bring family happiness. The way of life that they led was disgusting to him, just like the wife herself. Even Lisa's pregnancy could not keep her in her native walls. The soul was eager to fight. War, Austerlitz, homecoming. Dying Lisa at home. Again pain, longing, an unbearable feeling of uselessness and worthlessness of life. The death of his wife, disappointment in Napoleon decimated him. He was lost and pathetic.

Acquaintance with Natalia Rostova turned his life upside down. These were real, sincere feelings. She was not like other women. The time spent with her was the happiest in his life, but Natalya turned out to be unfaithful to him. Upon learning of this, he could not forgive her. Only on his deathbed, dying in her arms, he was able to understand her act, to see in her eyes sincere repentance and regret for what she had done. The last words addressed to her were

"I love you more, better than before."

At that moment, he realized that he forgives her and no longer holds resentment and evil. Bolkonsky died, but the soul was able to find the long-awaited peace, relieving the tormenting torment. Andrei realized that Natalya was the dearest and most beloved person in his life.

Natalia Rostova

Since childhood, Natalia was surrounded by love, the care of relatives and friends. The girl yearned for love. She lived with emotions and feelings. The heart fluttered, the soul was eager to meet new sensations. The first love for Boris Drubetskoy, then there was Denisov, who was serious about her and even offered the girl a hand and a heart.

Natalya experienced real feelings when she met Bolkonsky. Dreams of a future with a loved one were shattered after Andrei left. Before leaving, he proposed to her. He was gone for a year. During this time, Natalya meets Kuragin, who happened to be nearby in time. The betrayal of Bolkonsky in his absence weighed on Natalya. She was tormented by remorse and could not forgive herself for having gone on about feelings. Relations with Kuragin ended as quickly as they began.

The last man in her life will be Pierre Bezukhov. At first, the girl did not have special feelings for him. Much later, she will realize that he is her true love. Pierre managed to surround her with love and care, becoming a support and support. With him, she will find and understand what family happiness means.

Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre walked for a long time to his happiness. Relations with Helen were fake and caused nothing but disgust in him. Natalya Rostova was pretty to him, but the girl was passionate about Bolkonsky at that time, and he did not dare to stand in the way of a friend. Seeing that her relationship with Kuragin began in Andrei's absence, he made an attempt to reason with her, sincerely believing that Natalya was not one of those. His love will go through many obstacles before he finds true happiness. Happiness with the woman you love. Only in his marriage to Natalia did he realize that he was not mistaken in choosing her.

Helen Kuragina

Helen is like a girl from the cover of a fashion magazine. Beauty from high society. Men easily fell under the influence of her charms, but soon realized that nothing more was hidden behind an attractive appearance. Empty and stupid. For her, money, position in society, social events come first. This was her way of life. That was all she was.

Marriage with Pierre did not affect Helen. Flirting and coquetry were in her blood. Pierre was too naive and inexperienced in matters of love to bring his wife to clean water. The marriage with Pierre will be annulled. He will understand that they have different paths. It is unlikely that Helen will be happy with someone until she changes her life position and truly loves.

In the novel "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy singled out and considered "people's thought" to be the most significant. Most vividly and multifaceted, this theme is reflected in those parts of the works that tell about the war. The image of the “world” is dominated by “family thought”, which plays a very important role in the novel.Almost all the heroes of "War and Peace" are subjected to a test of love. They do not come to true love and mutual understanding, to moral beauty all at once, but only after going through mistakes and suffering that redeems them, developing and purifying the soul.The path to happiness was thorny for Andrei Bolkonsky. A twenty-year-old inexperienced young man, carried away and blinded by "external beauty", he marries Liza. However, very quickly Andrey came to a painful and depressing understanding of how “cruelly and uniquely” he was mistaken. In a conversation with Pierre, Andrei almost in despair utters the words: “Never, never marry ... until you have done everything you could ... My God, what would I not give now, so as not to be married! ”Family life did not bring Bolkonsky happiness and tranquility, he was burdened by it. He did not love his wife, but rather despised her as a child of an empty, stupid world. Prince Andrei was constantly oppressed by a sense of the futility of his life, equating him with "a court lackey and an idiot."Then there was the sky of Austerlitz, the death of Lisa, and a deep spiritual fracture, and fatigue, melancholy, contempt for life, disappointment. Bolkonsky at that time looked like an oak tree, which "was an old, angry and contemptuous freak between smiling birches" and "did not want to submit to the charm of spring." “An unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes” arose in Andrei's soul. He left transformed, and again in front of him was an oak, but not an old, ugly oak, but covered with a “tent of juicy, dark greenery”, so that “no sores, no old distrust, no grief - nothing was visible.”Love, like a miracle, revives Tolstoy's heroes to a new life. The true feeling for Natasha, so unlike the empty, absurd women of the world, came to Prince Andrei later and with incredible force turned over, renewed his soul. He “seemed and was a completely different, new person,” and it was as if he had stepped out of a stuffy room into the free light of God. True, even love did not help Prince Andrei humble his pride, he never forgave Natasha for “treason”. Only after a mortal wound and a mental break and a rethinking of life, Bolkonsky understood her suffering, shame and remorse and realized the cruelty of breaking up with her. “I love you more, better than before,” he then said to Natasha, but nothing, even her fiery feeling, could keep him in this world.“I love you more, better than before,” he then said to Natasha, but nothing, not even her fiery feeling, could keep him in this world.The fate of Pierre is somewhat similar to the fate of his best friend. Just like Andrei, who in his youth was carried away by Lisa, who had just arrived from Paris, the childishly enthusiastic Pierre is fond of the “doll” beauty of Helen. The example of Prince Andrei did not become a “science” for him, Pierre was convinced from his own experience that external beauty is not always the beauty of the inner - spiritual.Pierre felt that there were no barriers between him and Helen, she “was terribly close to him”, her beautiful and “marble” body had power over him. And although Pierre felt that this was “not good for some reason,” he limply succumbed to the feeling inspired by this “perverse woman”, and eventually became her husband. As a result, a bitter feeling of disappointment, gloomy despondency, contempt for his wife, for life, seized him some time after the wedding, when Helen's “mystery” turned into spiritual emptiness, stupidity and depravity.Having met Natasha, Pierre, like Andrey, was amazed and attracted by her purity and naturalness. A feeling for her already timidly began to grow in his soul when Bolkonsky and Natasha fell in love with each other. The joy of their happiness mixed in his soul with sadness. Unlike Andrei, Pierre's kind heart understood and forgave Natasha after the incident with Anatole Kuragin. Although he tried to despise her, he saw the exhausted, suffering Natasha, and "a feeling of pity that had never been experienced had overwhelmed Pierre's soul." And love entered his “soul that blossomed into new life.” Pierre understood Natasha, perhaps because her connection with Anatole was similar to his passion for Helen. Natasha believed in the inner beauty of Kuragin, in communication with whom she, like Pierre and Helen, “felt with horror that there was no barrier between him and her.” After a quarrel with his wife, Pierre's life quest continues. He became interested in Freemasonry, then there was the war, and the half-childish idea of ​​​​the assassination of Napoleon, and burning - Moscow, terrible minutes of waiting for death and captivity. Having gone through suffering, the renewed, cleansed soul of Pierre retained his love for Natasha. Having met her, who had also changed greatly, Pierre did not recognize Natasha. They both believed that after everything they had experienced, they would be able to feel this joy, but love woke up in their hearts, and suddenly “it smelled and doused with long-forgotten happiness”, and the “forces of life” were beaten, and “joyful madness” took possession of them.“Love woke up, life woke up.” The power of love revived Natasha after the spiritual apathy caused by the death of Prince Andrei.The power of love revived Natasha after the spiritual apathy caused by the death of Prince Andrei. She thought that her life was over, but the love for her mother that arose with renewed vigor showed her that her essence - love - was still alive in her. This all-encompassing power of love, calling to life the people she loved, to whom she was directed.The fate of Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marya was not easy. Quiet, meek, ugly in appearance, but beautiful in soul, the princess during the life of her father did not hope to get married, raise children. The only one who got married, and even then for the sake of a dowry, Anatole, of course, could not understand her high spirituality, moral beauty.In the epilogue of the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy exalts the spiritual unity of people, which is the basis of nepotism. A new family was created, in which seemingly different beginnings were combined - the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys.“Like in every real family, several completely different worlds lived together in the Bald Mountain house, which, each holding its own peculiarity and making concessions to one another, merged into one harmonious whole.”

The theme of love in the novel War and Peace by Tolstoy

Love, perhaps, is undoubtedly one of the most frequently encountered trends in literature. Moreover, love is of a completely different nature: for the family, native land, loved one. The novel of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy called "War and Peace" was no exception.

All the heroes of the epic novel experience a feeling of love in varying degrees.

Helen Kuragina is an aristocratic, socialite with a victorious beauty. However, emptiness and ugliness raged inside. In her understanding, love lies in immeasurable wealth and status in society. Having become the wife of Pierre Bezukhov, Helen flirted with men with great pleasure, knowing that she attracted them. Human relations were far from this family, the Kuragins enjoyed vulgarity, meanness and pleasures to their heart's content.

Andrei Bolkonsky is a hero who has gone through a difficult path to achieve his love and to the knowledge of his existence. Having taken Lisa as his wife, he did not comprehend that true family happiness. He never cared about society. Lisa, being pregnant, did not become a convincing reason for Andrei to refuse to go to war. However, his soul will be resurrected after meeting Natasha Rostova. Natasha became the person who saw Andrei's last look.

Natasha Rostova is a girl, and then a girl who has love for everything around. The Rostov family in the novel was a symbol of cordiality, sincerity and care. Natasha grew up in a family where harmony and love flourished, in fact, she became such a person in life. The need she needed to live was love.

Pierre Bezukhov is a trusting and loving person, however, the choice of his betrothed was wrong, he did not immediately realize that he was led by the nose, and that the once loving person, as it seemed to him, aroused in him a feeling of nasty disgust. After that, he fell in love with Natasha Rostova without memory, who at first did not reciprocate, but he waited, and in the end he found true, disinterested love.

Marya Bolkonskaya - the princess believed that her vocation was to become happy with another happiness - the happiness of love, than her father believed, who believed that his severity fully expressed love, and also, in his opinion, love was manifested in activity and reason. Marya is a naive and pure person who sees only the good in people. However, she did not immediately grasp the feeling of sincere love, after an unsuccessful marriage with Anatole Kuragin, the purpose of which was the selfish side of the coin, Marya found what she was looking for with Nikolai Rostov, whose path to love was as thorny and confusing as her own.

"Love and be loved
Happy just like us
In love, obstacles are overcome
All dreams come true."
Amirova A.
What is love? I think there is no such person who would not be interested in this issue. Love, on the one hand, is an elementary concept, but at the same time mysterious, somehow incomprehensible. Only love makes a person happy or unhappy. It is she who can support you at a difficult moment or suddenly throw you. Some say: “Well, what is love? It's nothing. You think you fell in love, you will soon forget ... ". But this is an erroneous opinion, yes, I agree falling in love can pass, but not love! After all, infatuation and love are different feelings. Love is like a match, and love is like a candle. The first flashes brightly, often burns, but quickly burns out, the second burns for a long time with a clear, clean flame. Let's look at this with an example. Take, for example, Tolstoy's War and Peace.
In this work, the author very clearly divides love into several types. For example, let's take love in the Rostov family. The Countess loves her children with motherly love. Little Natasha's friendship with Boris is a childhood passion, a need to love, curiosity. Maria Bolkonskaya sacrifices herself for the love of her father and because of this, at the beginning of the novel, she does not marry. Natalia's love for Anatole Kuragin turned out to be simple love, self-hypnosis. Berg marries Vera for convenience in order to receive a dowry in the form of money and make new connections. Boris also marries Julie, because she, in turn, was rich, though not even beautiful. I consider the feelings between Andrei and Natasha to be the brightest and most sincere love in this novel. Indeed, even after the “treason”, they were able to forgive each other, because they were truly in love, but unfortunately it was too late to change anything. Andrey was wounded and she could only hope and take care of her beloved. This is one of the principles of love:
Caring - "If he feels bad, the first duty is to support him under any circumstances." She herself was weak after the incident, but this did not stop her. She is! It was Natasha who looked after Andrei, despite the fact that her parents tried to hide from her the news that Andrei was among the wounded soldiers. I hope Natalya Rostova will serve the readers as an example of a sincerely loving girl, but I would also like to note that you should not throw yourself into the pool with your head, because it can end badly. This is exactly what happened to the heroine of the novel in her relationship with Kuragin. And also to know that there are such nasty, heartless people as Helen. In love, the main thing for me is to be happy and give happiness to others, and not the thickness of a wallet or a profitable list of acquaintances. After all, judge for yourself and in our time you can find many such people for whom it is not the inner world of a person that is important, not his good qualities, but appearance, condition and benefit.
Tolstoy showed love from different angles
Acquaintance, trials, betrayal, meeting again
This is how the fate of my two favorite heroes
Andrew and Natasha. Now I will tell about them
Natalya Rostova is a Russian soul for us
And in singing, and in dancing, she was good in everything
Andrei Bolkonsky strove for fame
This happens to us sometimes too.
But their love was mutual, pure
After all, the attempt to escape was not without reason.
Natasha was prompted by Helen.
Yes, and she herself was captured by her feelings.
And stupidly, that Kuragin was carried away
Andrei Rostov was not forgiven
But then they met at a tragic moment
And Bolkonsky was touched by Natasha's tears
He forgave her and reminded her of love,
But unfortunately they did not stay together.
Tolstoy also told us about love of convenience
And now this love has no account.
Boris's mother was prone to money
This should be a good lesson for us.
After all, money is not the main thing on earth
So at least it seems to me
Please don't ever do this
And do not leave a person to the mercy of fate.


The theme of love in Russian literature has always occupied one of the first places. Great poets and writers addressed her at all times. Love for the motherland, for a mother, for a woman, for the earth, for a family - the manifestation of this feeling is very different, it depends on people and circumstances. It is very clearly shown what love is and what it is in the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. After all, it is love in the novel "War and Peace" that is the main driving force in the lives of the characters. They love and suffer, hate and care, despise, discover truths, hope and wait - and all this is love.

The heroes of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel live a full life, their destinies are intertwined. Natasha Rostova, Andrey Bolkonsky, Helen Kuragina, Pierre Bezukhov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Nikolai Rostov, Anatole, Dolokhov and others - all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, experienced a feeling of love and passed the path of spiritual rebirth or moral decline. Therefore, today the theme of love in the novel "War and Peace" by Tolstoy remains relevant. Entire lives of people, different in their status, character, meaning of life and beliefs, flash before us.

Love and heroes of the novel

Helen Kuragina

The secular beauty Helene had "an undoubted and too strong and victorious acting beauty." But all this beauty was present only in her appearance. Helen's soul was empty and ugly. For her, love is money, wealth and recognition in society. Helen enjoyed great success with men. Having married Pierre Bezukhov, she continued to flirt with everyone who attracted her attention. The status of a married woman did not bother her at all; she took advantage of Pierre's kindness and deceived him.

All members of the Kuragin family showed the same attitude in love. Prince Vasily called his children "fools" and said: "My children are a burden to my existence." He expected to marry his "youngest prodigal son" Anatole to the daughter of the old Count Bolkonsky - Marya. Their whole life was built on a profitable calculation, and human relations were alien to them. Vulgarity, meanness, secular entertainment and pleasures - this is the life ideal of the Kuragin family.

But the author of the novel does not support such love in "War and Peace". LN Tolstoy shows us a completely different love - real, faithful, all-forgiving. A love that has stood the test of time, the test of war. Reborn, renewed, bright love is the love of the soul.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This hero went through a difficult moral path to his true love, to understanding his own destiny. Having married Lisa, he did not have family happiness. He was not interested in society, he himself said: “... this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!

» Andrei was going to war, despite the fact that his wife was pregnant. And in a conversation with Bezukhov, he said: "... what would I not give now, so as not to be married!" Then the war, the sky of Austerlitz, disappointment in his idol, the death of his wife and the old oak ... "our life is over!" The revival of his soul will occur after meeting with Natasha Rostova - “... the wine of her charms hit him in the head: he felt revived and rejuvenated ...” Dying, he forgave her for the fact that she refused to love him when she was fascinated by Anatoly Kuragin. But it was Natasha who took care of the dying Bolkonsky, it was she who sat at his head, it was she who took his last look. Was this not Andrei's happiness? He died in the arms of his beloved woman, and his soul found peace. Already before his death, he said to Natasha: “... I love you too much. More than anything". Andrei forgave Kuragin before his death: “Love your neighbors, love your enemies. To love everything is to love God in all manifestations.

Natasha Rostova

Natasha Rostova meets us in the novel as a thirteen-year-old girl who loves everyone around. In general, the Rostov family was distinguished by special cordiality, sincere concern for each other. Love and harmony reigned in this family, so Natasha could not be otherwise. Children's love for Boris Drubetskoy, who promised to wait for her for four years, sincere joy and kindness towards Denisov, who proposed to her, speak of the sensual nature of the heroine. Her main need in life is to love. When only Natasha saw Andrei Bolkonsky, the feeling of love completely overwhelmed her. But Bolkonsky, having made an offer to Natasha, left for a year. The passion for Anatole Kuragin in the absence of Andrei gave Natasha doubts about her love. She even conceived an escape, but the revealed deception of Anatole stopped her. The spiritual emptiness left by Natasha after her relationship with Kuragin gave rise to a new feeling for Pierre Bezukhov - a feeling of gratitude, tenderness and kindness. While Natasha did not know that it would be love.

She felt guilty before Bolkonsky. Caring for the wounded Andrei, she knew that he would soon die. Her care was needed for him and for herself. For her, it was important that she was there when he closed his eyes.

Natasha's despair after all the events that took place - the flight from Moscow, the death of Bolkonsky, the death of Petya was accepted by Pierre Bezukhov. After the end of the war, Natasha married him and found true family happiness. “Natasha needed a husband ... And her husband gave her a family ... all her spiritual strength was focused on serving this husband and family ...”

Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre came to the novel as the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov. His attitude towards Helen Kuragina was based on trust and love, but after a while he realized that he was simply led by the nose: “After all, this is not love. On the contrary, there is something nasty in the feeling that she aroused in me, something forbidden. The difficult path of life quests for Pierre Bezukhov began. He carefully, with tender feelings, treated Natasha Rostova. But even in the absence of Bolkonsky, he did not dare to do anything superfluous. He knew that Andrei loved her, and Natasha was waiting for his return. Pierre tried to correct Rostova's position when she became interested in Kuragin, he truly believed that Natasha was not like that. And he was not wrong. His love survived all expectations and separation and found happiness. Having created a family with Natasha Rostova, Pierre was humanly happy: “After seven years of marriage, Pierre felt a joyful, firm consciousness that he was not a bad person, and felt this because he was reflected in his wife.”

Marya Bolkonskaya

About Princess Marya Bolkonskaya Tolstoy writes: “... Princess Marya dreamed of both family happiness and children, but her main, strongest and most hidden dream was earthly love.” It was difficult to live in the father's house, Prince Bolkonsky kept his daughter strict. It cannot be said that he did not love her, only for him this love was expressed in activity and reason. Marya loved her father in her own way, she understood everything and said: “My calling is to be happy with other happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice.” She was naive and pure and saw the good and the good in everyone. Even Anatole Kuragin, who decided to marry her for a favorable position, she considered a kind person. But Marya found her happiness with Nikolai Rostov, for whom the path to love turned out to be thorny and confusing. So the Bolkonsky and Rostov families were united. Nikolai and Marya did what Natasha and Andrey could not do.

Love to motherland

The fate of the heroes, their contact are inseparable from the fate of the country. The theme of love for the motherland runs like a red thread through the life of each character. The moral quest of Andrei Bolkonsky led him to the idea that the Russian people could not be defeated. Pierre Bezukhov went from "a young man who does not know how to live" to a real man who dared to look into the eyes of Napoleon, save a girl in a fire, endure captivity, sacrifice himself for others. Natasha Rostova, who gave the wagons to the wounded soldiers, knew how to wait and believe in the strength of the Russian people. Petya Rostov, who died at the age of fifteen for a "just cause", experienced true patriotism. Platon Karataev, a peasant partisan who fought for victory with his bare hands, managed to explain the simple truth of life to Bezukhov. Kutuzov, who gave his all "for the Russian land", believed to the end in the strength and spirit of Russian soldiers. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel showed the power of the Russian people in the unity, faith and steadfastness of Russia.

Love for parents

The families of the Rostovs, Bolkonskys, Kuragins are not accidentally presented in the novel by Tolstoy with a detailed description of the lives of almost all family members. They are opposed to each other on the principles of education, morality, internal relations. Honoring family traditions, love for parents, care and participation - this is the basis of the Rostov family. Respect, justice and obedience to one's father is the principle of the life of the Bolkonsky family. Kuragins live in the power of money and vulgarity. Neither Hippolyte, nor Anatole, nor Helen do not have grateful feelings for their parents. There was a love problem in their family. They deceive others and deceive themselves, thinking that in wealth lies human happiness. In fact, their idleness, frivolity, licentiousness does not bring happiness to anyone of them. Initially, a sense of love, kindness, and trust was not brought up in this family. Everyone lives for himself, not grieving for his neighbor.

Tolstoy gives this contrast of families for a complete picture of life. We see love in all its manifestations – destructive and all-forgiving. We understand whose ideal is close to us. We have the opportunity to see what path must be taken in order to achieve happiness.

Characteristics of the relationship of the main characters and a description of their love experiences will help students in grade 10 when writing an essay on the topic "The theme of love in the novel" War and Peace "by Leo Tolstoy."

Artwork test

Introduction Love and heroes of the novel Helen Kuragina Andrey Bolkonsky Natasha Rostova Pierre Bezukhov Marya Bolkonskaya Love for the motherland Love for parents


The theme of love in Russian literature has always occupied one of the first places. Great poets and writers addressed her at all times. Love for the motherland, for a mother, for a woman, for the earth, for a family - the manifestation of this feeling is very different, it depends on people and circumstances.

It is very clearly shown what love is and what it is in the novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy.

After all, it is love in the novel “War and Peace” that is the main driving force in the lives of the characters. They love and suffer, hate and care, despise, discover truths, hope and wait - and all this is love.

The heroes of the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy live a full life, their destinies are intertwined. Natasha Rostova, Andrey Bolkonsky, Helen Kuragina, Pierre Bezukhov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Nikolai Rostov, Anatole, Dolokhov and others - all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, experienced a feeling of love and passed the path of spiritual rebirth or moral decline. Therefore, today the theme of love in the novel “War and Peace” by Tolstoy

Remains relevant.
Entire lives of people, different in their status, character, meaning of life and beliefs, flash before us.

Love and heroes of the novel
Helen Kuragina

The secular beauty Helene had "an undoubted and too strong and victorious beauty." But all this beauty was present only in her appearance. Helen's soul was empty and ugly.

For her, love is money, wealth and recognition in society. Helen enjoyed great success with men. Having married Pierre Bezukhov, she continued to flirt with everyone who attracted her attention.

The status of a married woman did not bother her at all; she took advantage of Pierre's kindness and deceived him.

All members of the Kuragin family showed the same attitude in love. Prince Vasily called his children "fools" and said: "My children are the burden of my existence." He expected to marry his "younger prodigal son" Anatole to the daughter of the old Count Bolkonsky - Marya. Their whole life was built on a profitable calculation, and human relations were alien to them.

Vulgarity, meanness, secular entertainment and pleasures - this is the life ideal of the Kuragin family.

But the author of the novel does not support such love in "War and Peace". L. N. Tolstoy shows us a completely different love - real, faithful, all-forgiving. A love that has stood the test of time, the test of war.

Reborn, renewed, bright love is the love of the soul.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This hero went through a difficult moral path to his true love, to understanding his own destiny. Having married Lisa, he did not have family happiness. He was not interested in society, he himself said: “... this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!” Andrei was going to war, despite the fact that his wife was pregnant.

And in a conversation with Bezukhov, he said: “... what would I not give now, so as not to be married!” Then the war, the sky of Austerlitz, disappointment in his idol, the death of his wife and the old oak ... “our life is over!
"The revival of his soul will occur after meeting with Natasha Rostova -" ... the wine of her charms hit him in the head: he felt revived and rejuvenated ... "Dying, he forgave her for the fact that she refused to love him when she was fascinated by Anatoly Kuragin . But it was Natasha who took care of the dying Bolkonsky, it was she who sat at his head, it was she who took his last look. Was this not Andrei's happiness?

He died in the arms of his beloved woman, and his soul found peace. Already before his death, he said to Natasha: “... I love you too much. More than anything". Andrei forgave Kuragin before his death: “Love your neighbors, love your enemies.

To love everything is to love God in all manifestations.”

Natasha Rostova

Natasha Rostova meets us in the novel as a thirteen-year-old girl who loves everyone around. In general, the Rostov family was distinguished by special cordiality, sincere concern for each other. Love and harmony reigned in this family, so Natasha could not be otherwise.

Children's love for Boris Drubetskoy, who promised to wait for her for four years, sincere joy and kindness towards Denisov, who proposed to her, speak of the sensual nature of the heroine. Her main need in life is to love. When only Natasha saw Andrei Bolkonsky, the feeling of love swept over her completely.

But Bolkonsky, having made an offer to Natasha, left for a year. The passion for Anatole Kuragin in the absence of Andrei gave Natasha doubts about her love. She even conceived an escape, but the revealed deception of Anatole stopped her. The spiritual emptiness left by Natasha after her relationship with Kuragin gave rise to a new feeling for Pierre Bezukhov - a feeling of gratitude, tenderness and kindness.

While Natasha did not know that it would be love.

She felt guilty before Bolkonsky. Caring for the wounded Andrei, she knew that he would soon die. Her care was needed for him and for herself.

For her, it was important that she was there when he closed his eyes.

Natasha's despair after all the events that took place - the flight from Moscow, the death of Bolkonsky, the death of Petya was accepted by Pierre Bezukhov. After the end of the war, Natasha married him and found true family happiness. “Natasha needed a husband… And her husband gave her a family… all the strength of her soul was focused on serving this husband and family…”

Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre came to the novel as the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov. His attitude towards Helen Kuragina was based on trust and love, but after a while he realized that he was simply led by the nose: “After all, this is not love. On the contrary, there is something nasty in the feeling that she aroused in me, something forbidden. The difficult path of life quests for Pierre Bezukhov began.

He carefully, with tender feelings, treated Natasha Rostova. But even in the absence of Bolkonsky, he did not dare to do anything superfluous. He knew that Andrei loved her, and Natasha was waiting for his return. Pierre tried to correct Rostova's position when she became interested in Kuragin, he truly believed that Natasha was not like that.

And he was not wrong. His love survived all expectations and separation and found happiness. Having created a family with Natasha Rostova, Pierre was humanly happy: “After seven years of marriage, Pierre felt a joyful, firm consciousness that he was not a bad person, and felt this because he was reflected in his wife.”

Marya Bolkonskaya

About Princess Marya Bolkonskaya Tolstoy writes: “... Princess Marya dreamed of both family happiness and children, but her main, strongest and hidden dream was earthly love.” It was difficult to live in the father's house, Prince Bolkonsky kept his daughter strict. It cannot be said that he did not love her, only for him this love was expressed in activity and reason. Marya loved her father in her own way, she understood everything and said: “My calling is to be happy with other happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice.”

She was naive and pure and saw the good and the good in everyone. Even Anatole Kuragin, who decided to marry her for a favorable position, she considered a kind person. But Marya found her happiness with Nikolai Rostov, for whom the path to love turned out to be thorny and confusing. So the Bolkonsky and Rostov families were united.

Nikolai and Marya did what Natasha and Andrey could not do.

Love to motherland

The fate of the heroes, their contact are inseparable from the fate of the country. The theme of love for the motherland runs like a red thread through the life of each character. The moral quest of Andrei Bolkonsky led him to the idea that the Russian people could not be defeated.

Pierre Bezukhov went from “a young man who does not know how to live” to a real man who dared to look Napoleon in the eye, save a girl in a fire, endure captivity, sacrifice himself for others. Natasha Rostova, who gave the wagons to the wounded soldiers, knew how to wait and believe in the strength of the Russian people. Petya Rostov, who died at the age of fifteen for a "just cause", experienced true patriotism. Platon Karataev, a peasant partisan who fought for victory with his bare hands, managed to explain the simple truth of life to Bezukhov.

Kutuzov, who gave his all "for the Russian land", believed to the end in the strength and spirit of Russian soldiers. L. N. Tolstoy in the novel showed the power of the Russian people in the unity, faith and steadfastness of Russia.

Love for parents

The families of the Rostovs, Bolkonskys, Kuragins are not accidentally presented in the novel by Tolstoy with a detailed description of the lives of almost all family members. They are opposed to each other on the principles of education, morality, internal relations. Honoring family traditions, love for parents, care and participation - this is the basis of the Rostov family. Respect, justice and obedience to one's father is the principle of the life of the Bolkonsky family.

Kuragins live in the power of money and vulgarity. Neither Hippolyte, nor Anatole, nor Helen do not have grateful feelings for their parents. There was a love problem in their family. They deceive others and deceive themselves, thinking that in wealth lies human happiness.

In fact, their idleness, frivolity, licentiousness does not bring happiness to anyone of them. Initially, a sense of love, kindness, and trust was not brought up in this family. Everyone lives for himself, not grieving for his neighbor.

Tolstoy gives this contrast of families for a complete picture of life. We see love in all its manifestations – destructive and all-forgiving. We understand whose ideal is close to us.

We have the opportunity to see what path must be taken in order to achieve happiness.

p> Characteristics of the relationship of the main characters and a description of their love experiences will help students of grade 10 when writing an essay on the topic “The theme of love in the novel“ War and Peace ”by Leo Tolstoy”.

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The theme of love in the novel "War and Peace"

The theme of love in Russian literature has always occupied one of the leading places. At all times, great poets, writers, essayists turned to her. So Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, a titanic figure on the scale of world literature, does not stand aside. Almost all of his works touch upon the issues of love - love for mother, for motherland, for woman, for land, for friends and family. In the epic novel "War and Peace", inspired by "people's thought", "family thought" is also inseparably present. It is love that is the main driving force in the life of the heroes of the novel.

Throughout the novel, the author leads us along the "paths of the soul" of Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Nikolai Rostov and other key characters. He repeatedly emphasizes that internal beauty is important in a person, not external beauty, and moral and spiritual values ​​are higher than material ones. Perhaps Tolstoy idealized his heroes a little, but they all hold exactly this opinion.

Let us turn, for example, to the image of Natasha Rostova, who does not have such a spectacular appearance as the secular beauty Helen Kuragina, but becomes surprisingly good in moments of happiness. As for the spiritual qualities of the heroine, she does not hesitate to give all the carts to the wounded, without even thinking about her material losses. She carefully cares for her mother when she loses her will to live after Petya's death. Natasha does her best to get the wounded Andrey out, despite the differences between them. At the same time, the heroine does not forget to remain true to herself and does not cease to enjoy life. This is how the author sees the triumph of morality over the cold and prudence of the world.

Marya Bolkonskaya is not particularly beautiful, in which only her large, radiant eyes are attractive. She sacrifices her personal life in order to leave her sick father and is ready to sacrifice more for the benefit of those around her, the wounded and the needy. At the end of the novel, Tolstoy rewards both heroines with strong families, since only in this he sees the meaning of true, full-fledged happiness. Both Natasha and Marya marry their beloved and loving men, becoming wonderful wives and mothers.

Against the backdrop of the love stories of the heroes, the merciless Patriotic War of 1812 takes place. Before us is drawn an inextricable link between the life of the main characters and the life of the people. In the forefront of the war, Andrei Bolkonsky first appears, and then his best friend, Pierre Bezukhov. Bolkonsky is a seasoned person, with great life experience and great ambitions. If at the beginning of the novel we see how passionate he is about Napoleon, how he imagines the war as something heroic and sublime, then before his death he finds answers to all the questions that tormented him before. He understands that the meaning of life is not in war, but in peace with oneself and others, in kindness and forgiveness.

Changes are also taking place in the views of Pierre Bezukhov. We can say that this is another not too handsome hero of Tolstoy, but there is so much kindness and nobility in him that we do not even notice that he is fat and clumsy. His appearance in the salon of Madame, the organizer of secular receptions and evenings, frightened the hostess, since his appearance did not express aristocracy. Only Prince Andrei loves and understands this hero. He knows that behind Pierre's shyness lies a remarkable mind and talent. Pierre, like Natasha, knows how to dilute any secular atmosphere with his naturalness. Over time, he only changes for the better and transforms as a person. If at first we see him carried away by the cold and prudent Helen, then during the war all his best qualities are revealed - physical strength, openness, kindness, lack of selfishness, the ability to sacrifice comfort for the good of the people, the ability to risk life to save others.

With all this, the writer tries not to idealize his characters. He fully reveals their little weaknesses and big blunders. But the main thing in them invariably remains “kindness”. This trait, like love, could not be forced out of the main characters even by an “unkind” war.

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