Where are all the singers? The most beautiful Russian singers

A person cannot live without music, it is so strange that he is arranged. Music and songs are always in our heads and souls throughout our lives. Who in Russia contributes to what we hear and what we listen to? Let's talk about "women who sing ...".

The youngest female singers

The Russian stage today is “staffed”, and new young stars appear less and less on it. Although, it is worth noting that our singers look so good on stage and screens that it is difficult to guess their age.

But just a couple of years ago, the music charts were attacked by very young singers. Largely thanks to the "Star Factory" at concerts and on the radio, girls began to appear more and more often, who were far from even coming of age. The forge of stars presented the stage with Julia Savicheva, Victoria Daineko, Polina Gagarina and many other beautiful and talented singers. Today, these girls have already achieved a lot: they have their own albums, awards, participation in the most prestigious competitions and charts. But, alas, age takes its toll, and they no longer fall into the top three of the rating “The Youngest Singers of Russia in 2015”.

Of course, it is indecent to find out and announce the age of a woman, so let's talk about only three of the fair sex with good vocal abilities. You can still not hide the age of these singers, but, on the contrary, be proud that in their years the girls became famous:

3. Yulia Parshuta (former member of the Yin-Yang group), a native of the resort city of Sochi. She turned 27 this year.

2. Nyusha (Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina), place of birth, Moscow, will celebrate her 25th anniversary in August this year.

3. Nyuta Ranetka (Anna Dmitrievna Baidavletova) is from Stavropol. In November of this year, the talented and cheerful girl will turn 23 years old.

Honored and beloved singers of Russia

Everything comes and goes, but art and music live forever. Just like the music, songs and singers that we know and love for a very long time live in our hearts. For many, they evoke warm memories of childhood, carefree youth or blooming youth. Their songs are stories of love, sadness, joy and fate.

Folk singers of Russia are whole epochs both in the musical annals of the country and in the life of almost every citizen. There may be plenty of merit, awards and victories in various tops, but not everyone is awarded the title of “People's Artist of Russia (RSFSR, USSR)”.

1. Pugacheva A. B. received this title in 1985, 1980 and 1991.

2. Rotaru S. M. - in 1988

3. Allegrova I. A. - in 2010

4. Zykina L. G. - in 1973

5. Tolkunova V. V - in 1987

The most persistent

Musical tastes change with each new generation. Once loved romances, then - rock and roll, music in the style of pop, chanson, rap, and so on ad infinitum. It is very difficult to always be on the crest of a musical wave. But there are Russian singers whom we have known for a very long time, they grow creatively and change before the eyes of their beloved listeners.

    Valeria recorded her first album in 1992. By the way, a few years ago she received the title of "People's Artist". To date, the singer has 15 albums (56 singles).

    Anzhelika Varum released her first album in 1991, 13 albums have been released to date.

    Kristina Orbakaite released her first album in 1994, since then more than 150 songs, 10 albums have been released. Christina also participates in musicals, theatrical productions and acts in films.

Of course, these are not all Russian singers who have long delighted listeners with their singles. These are just the three leaders who were popular at the beginning of the career ladder and are not losing ground to this day.

Most Popular Female Singers

In musical circles, various ratings are very often compiled. Every music show, radio station, TV channel, print publication and website considers it their duty to compile a list of the most popular musicians.

So, today the popular singers of Russia are the following representatives of the musical world:

  • Ani Lorak;

    Elena Vaenga;

    Polina Gagarina;

    Anna Netrebko;

    Vera Brezhneva;

The most scandalous singers

Russian singers do not earn their popularity with singles alone. Often, information from their personal lives leaks into the press at the suggestion of the artists themselves. So that the listener does not forget about the artist, even when he has a sabbatical, you need to make sure that they talk about him. Here the stars go to various tricks to raise at least a little hype around their name.

Nyusha's outfits always arouse interest and long discussions. Fashion critics and reporters go to her concerts with curiosity to express their opinion about the scandalous and revealing costumes.

Masha Rasputina was famous for her spectacular introductions from the first years on the stage. Her appearance on stage and in the hall attracted the eyes of viewers, who watched the eccentric singer with surprise and a smile.

The viewer did not know what to see when Lolita Milyavskaya sings on stage. She always brought a spark to the concert program.

The plastic surgery of the singer Sasha Project has also become a scandalous topic.

The press informs the fans about the illness stories of the artists with lightning speed. Not so long ago, everyone was worried about Zhanna Friske and was horrified at how the fate of Tamara Miansarova turned out.

The singer was born in a large family, in the Ukrainian village of Marshintsy. Because of the passport officer, who mistakenly wrote down August 9 in her passport, Sofia celebrates her birthday twice. He considers his father to be his first vocal teacher, who himself was very fond of singing, had an absolute ear for music and a beautiful voice.

Rotaru owes her impeccable figure to regular trips to the pool, exercise on simulators and proper nutrition.

Of course, Sofia's ideal appearance is not only natural data, but also work on herself. The star owes her impeccable figure to regular trips to the pool, exercise on simulators and proper nutrition. The singer loves to go to the sauna and massage rooms. This allows her not only to be in excellent physical shape and move well, but also to withstand a two-hour concert. Rotaru admits that he practically does not salt dishes, does not eat fatty food and eats a lot of plant foods. As for plastic surgery, the singer assures that she has never resorted to it and uses only proven methods and folk recipes.


"The Woman Who Sings" and the real Diva of Russian show business first appeared on stage at the age of five, today she has an enviable career behind her. In 2010, the singer announced the termination of touring activities and still keeps her word. She only appears at social events and TV shows, gives interviews and voices films.

Alla Pugacheva, like any woman, has her own secrets of beauty and youth. The secret of her thick and luxurious hair is ... in the wig. Yes, yes, the singer wears a wig, her hair has not been so beautiful for a long time (this information is confirmed by the fact that at one of her concerts Pugacheva simply tore off her wig right on stage). Alla maintains her figure with a salt-free diet and a complete rejection of bread.


Irina was born in the family of a theater director and actress. The first years of his life the family lived in Rostov-on-Don, after which they moved to Baku. At the initial stage of her career, Allegrova voiced Indian films, and then began performing on stage.

The singer found a way out in proper nutrition - her diet is dominated by vegetables, fruits, seafood and honey.

Irina has tried many diets in her life, she even took Thai diet pills. But none of this helped her lose those extra pounds. The singer found a way out in proper nutrition - her diet is dominated by vegetables, fruits, seafood and honey. Irina relieves stress with culinary therapy. The singer regularly swims in the pool, visits a massage therapist, a sauna and is engaged in aerotherapy. All this helps the star to keep the body and figure in good shape.


Alla Perfilova, better known as Valeria (now this name appears in her passport), was born in the city of Atkarsk. Valeria studied pop art with Joseph Kobzon and Helena Velikanova.

As the singer herself says, she owes her amazing appearance to yoga, morning jogging, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, cheerfulness and natural ingredients in cosmetic products. So, for example, Valeria not only often visits beauty salons, but also uses rustic sour cream as a face mask. To care for the area around the eyes, the singer applies cotton pads with cool rose water. She also prefers natural scrubs. Here is one of the recipes: 1 tsp. honey, a pinch of sugar, olive or linseed oil. This scrub is great for hand care.


The Honored Artist of Russia first appeared on stage at the age of three as part of a large children's choir of radio and television in Ukraine. Having already matured, she recorded the song "Yellow Tulips" and literally immediately became a star.

The Queen is an ardent opponent of plastic surgery, although she resorts to Botox injections.

The Queen is an ardent opponent of plastic surgery, although she resorts to Botox injections. Natasha has her own beauty salon, so her appearance is the work of top-class professionals working in her salon. As for an attractive figure, it's all about tennis. The singer works out with a personal trainer three times a week. Natasha admitted that she cannot go on diets, but she eats in small portions and controls the use of flour and sweets. Natalia also resorted to the procedure of hirudotherapy (healing with leeches).


The still young singer Nyusha (Anna Shurochkina) never professionally studied vocals, she did not graduate from music schools. She began performing at the age of 11, and at 17 she came up with a pseudonym for herself, which is still with her today. Now the girl's songs occupy a leading position in the Russian charts, and she herself has repeatedly become the winner of prestigious music awards.

Nyusha monitors her appearance and health as much as possible. She does not smoke, drinks alcohol in moderation and only on holidays. The singer considers healthy sleep and good rest to be the key to attractiveness and health, so she tries never to get out of the schedule. The girl drinks a lot of clean water, and uses natural masks and moisturizers for her skin. The good figure of the singer is the result of training with a personal trainer and a set of daily exercises. Nyusha does not sit on diets and can afford various goodies (the main secret is not to eat in the evening).


The former soloist of the Lyceum group, and now the soloist of the Russian pop group Vintage, is a native Muscovite. At school, Anna studied choreography and music, and also danced in the children's ballet Ostankino. She got into Lyceum after the dismissal of Lena Perova and was a permanent member of the group for eight years, and after that she created the Vintage team together with Alexei Romanov, a former member of the A-mega group.

After the birth of her child, the singer diligently practiced dancing and singing to get her body in shape.

After the birth of her child, the singer diligently practiced dancing and singing to get her body in shape. But Anna's diet does not correspond to dietary standards: according to her, she eats when she has to and what she has to. True, there is still one secret: after eating, the girl just stands against the wall for 20 minutes. This trick was taught to Anna by her father, believing that food is better absorbed this way. The singer neglects plastic surgery, but does not condemn those who resorted to them. The star loves naturalness more and uses only high-quality cosmetics.


The ex-wife of the Russian football player Yevgeny Aldonin from childhood showed the ability to sing, which was noticed by her father (by the way, a musician and composer). Her father began to study vocals with Yulia at the age of 2, and at the age of five, the girl began to sing on the professional stage. After winning the TV contest "Morning Star", the singer was noticed by prestigious music and public programs, starting to invite her to the central channels.

Julia adheres to the correct daily routine, goes in for sports. She is not a supporter of fasting days, diets and hunger strikes, because after such experiments she feels bad. On her birthday and New Year, the singer does not limit herself to food at all and can eat whatever she wants. In one of the interviews, Julia admitted that she does not trust folk recipes, but she simply loves high-quality cosmetics and a variety of mixtures for home use. She always tries to use thermal water, is not afraid to undergo therapeutic and rejuvenating acupuncture procedures. Nachalova does not like to sunbathe either in the sun or in a solarium, as her skin is prone to burns.


The 30-year-old soloist of the Fabrika group was engaged in figure skating as a child and attended a music school in flute and piano. The teachers predicted a sporting future for Sasha, but the girl preferred music. Success came to her after participating in the first edition of the Star Factory show and founding the Factory group.

The teachers predicted a sporting future for Sasha, but the girl preferred music.

Sasha has repeatedly been included in the list of the most beautiful girls in Russia. At the same time, she does not try to meet any beauty standards, she feels confident in her weight and enjoys every kilogram gained. The girl does not go on diets, as she believes that nutrition should be balanced, but she eats often and in small portions. Likes bitter chocolate with salt. For the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, Sasha takes fish oil capsules, and also makes natural face masks and does not forget to apply creams with sunscreen. In the morning, the singer washes her face with ice-cold water, and in the evenings she carefully removes her makeup. Sasha does not forget about sports either: she loves to swim, is engaged in simulators and myostimulation.


As a teenager, Vera Brezhneva was fond of sports, and many types at once. She studied foreign languages ​​and dreamed of becoming a lawyer. But it didn’t work out, so she got a degree in economics. The singer was a member of VIA Gra for 5 years, after which she began her solo career.

As Brezhnev herself admits, she has no special beauty secrets. Mandatory procedures for her are morning and evening cleansing of the face and the use of a moisturizer. Every week she visits a beautician to make an anti-stress mask or deep clean her face. Vera does not use anti-cellulite products, but she likes coffee and salt peels, as well as a contrast shower. The singer trusts her hair only to professionals. The main secrets of beauty, as she herself admits, could be called sports and diet - moreover, with the help of the latter, the singer not only loses weight, but also gets better when she considers it necessary.


real name - Sarah Manakhimova, b. October 12, 1977 U, Derbent, Dagestan ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

(born March 27, 1987) - Russian-Ukrainian singer, songwriter and composer, actress, winner "Star Factory-2", laureate of the music competition "New wave", television festival "Song of the year", National Television Award for Popular Music "Muz-TV Award".

(born December 13, 1983, Moscow, USSR) - Russian singer, performer of traditional Russian songs in modern processing, finalist of the competition "People's Artist-3". Often acts in different countries as an "ambassador" of Russian culture.

(born January 31, 1981, Voronezh) - Russian singer, actress. Took part in the international vocal competition "Big Apple-95" where she won the Grand Prix. Since then, her popularity has grown: she was the host of the program "Saturday evening" and channel "Star". In 2000 she starred in the musical "Formula of Joy", in 2001 - in the film "Hero of her novel", in 2004 - in the series "Bomb for the Bride".

(born March 1, 1980, Moscow) - Russian figure skater, actress, TV presenter and pop singer; former soloist of the group "Brilliant" (2003-2007). Films with her participation: "Club", "Dad of All Trades", "Taming of the Shrew", "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", etc.

(born December 25, 1983, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, soloist of the Fabrika pop group, formed in 2002 on the Star Factory-1 project. Graduate of GMU them. Gnesins (Department for the training of leaders of folk choirs and folklore ensembles).

(born August 30, 1985, Vytegra, Vologda region) - Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. Films: "Bachelors", "Young and Happy", "Swan Paradise", "Three from Above", "The Crime Will Be Solved", "Love in the Big City", "In Love and Unarmed", "Heavenly Relatives".


(real name Elena Susova; born July 30, 1973 in Balashikha) is a Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010). She graduated from the Gnessin School and GITIS. She performed as part of the troupe of the State Theater of Variety Performances. The first solo album, which was called so - "Barbara" - the performer released in 2001. She also released the albums "Closer" (2003) and "Dreams" (2005).

(born October 2, 1982, Verkhny Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) - Russian singer, former soloist of the Russian women's group Fabrika (from December 2002 to May 2010).

(born April 23, 1988 in Sochi) - singer gr. "Yin-Yang", actress of the youth series "Give Youth".


(maiden name - Safina; born June 27, 1983, Bugulma, Tatar ASSR, USSR) - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2000), People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2010). UNESCO Artist for Peace (2011). In May 2000 she represented Russia at a music competition "Eurovision" where she took second place.

(born December 16, 1982, Kyiv) -pop singer of Russian origin, TV presenter, actress. Former soloist of the "golden composition" of the Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra.

(better known by the stage names Tanya Tereshina, Tanya and Tanya; born May 3, 1979, Budapest, Hungarian People's Republic) - Russian singer and fashion model, ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group.

(born September 27, 1978, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian singer, musician, composer, songwriter.

(born September 3, 1985, Sholokhovsky settlement, Rostov region, USSR) - Russian singer, title holder"Miss Russia 2006" , former soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra (2008-2010). After leaving the group, she began a solo career, and also starred in the TV series "Happiness is somewhere nearby."

This time I made Top 25 the most beautiful Russian singers, which presents the singers of the national stage, as well as one opera singer. When compiling this rating, I took into account external data, photogenicity, not paying attention to the awards and merits of girls in the professional field.

25.Nyusha(at birth - Anna Shurochkina; a pseudonym is also used Nyusha; born August 15, 1990, Moscow) is a Russian singer.

24.Jasmine(real name - Sarah Manakhimova, born October 12, 1977 U, Derbent, Dagestan ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian pop singer, actress, model, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan.

23. (born March 27, 1987) - Russian-Ukrainian singer, songwriter and composer, actress, winner "Star Factory-2", laureate of the music competition "New wave", television festival "Song of the year", National Television Award for Popular Music "Muz-TV Award".

22. (born December 13, 1983, Moscow, USSR) - Russian singer, performer of traditional Russian songs in modern processing, finalist of the competition "People's Artist-3". Often acts in different countries as an "ambassador" of Russian culture.

21. (born January 31, 1981, Voronezh) - Russian singer, actress. Took part in the international vocal competition "Big Apple-95" where she won the Grand Prix. Since then, her popularity has grown: she was the host of the program "Saturday evening" and channel "Star". In 2000 she starred in the musical "Formula of Joy", in 2001 - in the film "Hero of her novel", in 2004 - in the series "Bomb for the Bride".

20. (born March 1, 1980, Moscow) - Russian figure skater, actress, TV presenter and pop singer; former soloist of the group "Brilliant" (2003-2007). Films with her participation: "Club", "Dad of All Trades", "Taming of the Shrew", "Rzhevsky against Napoleon", etc.

19. (born May 10, 1986 in Astrakhan) - model, singer, TV presenter. She worked in the Podium and Tootsie groups, and is now building a solo career. From 2009 to 2010 she was the host and face of the TV channel World Fashion Channel.

18. (born December 25, 1983, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, soloist of the Fabrika pop group, formed in 2002 on the Star Factory-1 project. Graduate of GMU them. Gnesins (Department for the training of leaders of folk choirs and folklore ensembles).

17. (born August 30, 1985, Vytegra, Vologda region) - Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. Films: "Bachelors", "Young and Happy", "Swan Paradise", "Three from Above", "The Crime Will Be Solved", "Love in the Big City", "In Love and Unarmed", "Heavenly Relatives".

16. Valeria(real name Alla Perfilova; born April 17, 1968, Atkarsk, Saratov Region) - Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia (2005).

15. Zara(real name Zarifa Ivanova; born July 26, 1983, Leningrad, RSFSR) - pop singer and actress of Yezidi origin. Project participant "Star Factory-6" where she took 3rd place.

14. Sogdiana(real name - Oksana Nechitailo; born February 17, 1984, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, USSR) - singer from Uzbekistan. Performs songs in Russian, Uzbek, French, English, Chechen. She is the author of some of her songs, and also had some experience in writing songs for other artists.

13. (born November 12, 1982, Volzhsky) - Russian singer, TV presenter, former soloist of the Russian female pop group "Brilliant" (2001-2007), after leaving the group, she began a solo career.

12. (born September 18, 1971, Krasnodar, USSR) - Russian opera singer, soprano. People's Artist of Russia.

10. (born August 21, 1977, Moscow, USSR) - Russian singer, soloist of the Russian pop group Vintage. Former soloist of the Russian pop group Lyceum (1997-2005).

9. barbarian(real name Elena Susova; born July 30, 1973 in Balashikha) is a Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010). She graduated from the Gnessin School and GITIS. She performed as part of the troupe of the State Theater of Variety Performances. The first solo album, which was called so - "Barbara" - the performer released in 2001. She also released the albums "Closer" (2003) and "Dreams" (2005).

8. Vera Brezhneva(real name Vera Kiperman; better known under a pseudonym; born February 3, 1982, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region) - Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter, former member of the pop group VIA Gra (2003-2007)

7. (born October 2, 1982, Verkhny Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) - Russian singer, former soloist of the Russian women's group Fabrika (from December 2002 to May 2010).

6. (born April 23, 1988 in Sochi) - singer gr. "Yin-Yang", actress of the youth series "Give Youth".

5. Alsou(maiden name - Safina; born June 27, 1983, Bugulma, Tatar ASSR, USSR) - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2000), People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2010). UNESCO Artist for Peace (2011). In May 2000 she represented Russia at a music competition "Eurovision" where she took second place.

4. (born December 16, 1982, Kyiv) - pop singer of Russian origin, TV presenter, actress. Former soloist of the "golden composition" of the Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra.

3. (better known by the stage names Tanya Tereshina, Tanya and Tanya; born May 3, 1979, Budapest, Hungarian People's Republic) - Russian singer and fashion model, ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group.

2. (born September 27, 1978, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian singer, musician, composer, songwriter.

1. (born September 3, 1985, Sholokhovsky settlement, Rostov region, USSR) - Russian singer, title holder "Miss Russia 2006", former soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra (2008-2010). After leaving the group, she began a solo career, and also starred in the TV series "Happiness is somewhere nearby."

I suggest you take a look at the following Top 17the most beautiful Russian singers, which presents the singers of the national stage. When compiling this rating, I took into account external data, photogenicity, charisma, not paying attention to the merits of men in the professional field.

17. Alexey Chumakov(born March 12, 1981, Samarkand, Uzbek SSR, USSR) - Russian singer and musician of Bulgarian-Armenian origin. Competition finalist "National artist" on the TV channel "Russia". Official website: http://www.chumakoff.ru/

16. Abraham Russo(born July 21, 1969, Aleppo, Syria) - Russian pop singer. Discography: "Tonight", "Just to love", "Engagement", singles: "Love that no longer exists", "Just to love you", "Color of Love", etc. Official website: http://avraamrusso.net

15.Valeriy Meladze(born June 23, 1965, Batumi, Georgian SSR, USSR) - Russian singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2006), People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (2008). Discography: "Sera", "The Last Romantic", "Samba of the White Moth", "Everything Was So", "Real", "Nega", "Ocean", "Contrary". Official website: http://www.meladze.ru/

14. Nikolay Baskov(October 15, 1976, Balashikha, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian pop and opera singer (tenor) and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2009). Discography: "Dedication", "Encore Dedication", "Masterpieces of the outgoing century", "I'm 25", "Never say goodbye", "Let me go", "Best songs", "You alone", "Sudden love", "One in a Million", "Romantic Journey". Official website: http://baskov.ru/

13. Irakli Pirtskhalava(born September 13, 1977, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer and radio host, former participant " Star factories. Albums: "London-Paris", "I'm with you", "Take a step". Official site: http://iraklimusic.com/

12. Philip Kirkorov(born April 30, 1967, Varna, NRB) - Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and producer People's Artist of Russia (2008). Eight-time award winner "Ovation", five-time award winner World Music Awards as the most popular performer in Russia, multiple award winner "Golden Gramophone Award", "Stop hit", "Silver galosh", winner of the annual festival "Song of the year". At the film festival "Kinotavr" in 2002 became the winner in the nomination "Best Actor" for a role in a musical "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". Discography: "Oh, mother, shikadam!", "Stranger", "Duets", "DruGOY", etc. Official website: http://www.kirkorov.ru/

11.Vasily Kireev(born April 7, 1987 in Saratov) - soloist of the group "Prime Minister". In 2005, as part of the group "March 8" took part in a musical project "Secret of success". After the end of the project, he became the soloist of the group "Prime Minister". Official website of the group: http://www.premier-ministr.ru/

10. Alexander Astashenok(born November 8, 1981, Orenburg, RSFSR) - Russian musician, actor, singer, composer, former soloist of the group " Roots"(in 2002-2010) and the winner of the first Star Factory. Official site: http://astashenok.ru/

9. Dmitry Fomin (Mitya Fomin)(born January 17, 1974, Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer, TV presenter and producer. Award Winner "Golden Gramophone Award" and festival "Song of the year". In 1998 - 2009 soloist of the pop group HiFi. Studio album: "So it will be." Singles: "Everything will be fine", "Gardener", etc. Official website: http://www.mityafomin.ru/

8. Vladislav Topalov(born October 25, 1985, Moscow) - Russian singer, ex-soloist of the group "Smash!!". Albums: "Evolution", "Lone Star", "Let the Heart Decide", "I Will Give It All To You". Official site: http://vladtopalov.ru/

7. Stanislav Piekha(born August 13, 1980, Leningrad) - Russian singer and poet. Winner of music awards and prizes: MTV Russia Music Awards / "Best Composition" "Soundtrack" - "Duet of the Year"- “You are sad” (duet with Valeria), Muz-TV Award 2008 - "Best duet"“She is not yours” (duet with Grigory Leps), “In the palm of your hand is a line”. God of Ether Award: Radiohit- duet "She is not yours" 2009, "Radio favorite" 2010. Golden Gramophone 2011"The best duet" "Me and you" (duet with Slava). Albums: "Albums", "One Star", "Otherwise", "TBA". Official website: http://stas-pjeha.ru/

6. Alexander Berdnikov(born March 21, 1981, Ashgabat) - Russian singer, member of the group "Roots", the winner of the musical project "Star Factory".

5. Anton Makarsky(born November 26, 1975, Penza, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor, singer. After the army, having learned about the musical "Metro", he came to the casting, where he was accepted by the selection jury. Since May 2002, he has also been involved in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. He played one of the main roles - Captain Phoebus de Chateauper. He starred in the video for the Russian version of the main musical theme from the musical - "Belle". In the summer of 2003 he recorded a solo album. Official site: http://www.makarsky.ru/

4. Sergey Lazarev(born April 1, 1983, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian singer and voice actor, former soloist of the group "Smash!!", theater actor, film actor. The repertoire is predominantly in English. Solo albums: "Don't be fake", "TV Show", "Electric Touch". Official website: http://sergeylazarev.ru/

3. Alexey Vorobyov(born January 19, 1988, Tula, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian musician and actor, representative of Russia at the competition Eurovision 2011. Album: "Vorobiev's Lie Detector", singles: "Tosca", "Forget Me", "Bam Bam", "Get You". Official website: http://alekseyvorobyov.ru/

2. Alexander Lominsky(born January 9, 1974 in Odessa) - Ukrainian and Russian singer. In 1995-2000 he was a soloist of the popular Ukrainian boy band "Lomi Lom / Lomy Lom". Then he started his solo career. Since 2000 he has been living in Moscow. Famous songs: "Tear", "Stolen Happiness", "Sweet Deception", "Love in the Photo", "You Knew", "Vulnerable Heart". Official site: www.lap.ru/story

1. Dima Bilan(real name Viktor Belan; born December 24, 1981, Moskovsky settlement, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug, USSR) - Russian singer. Represented Russia at the song contest "Eurovision" twice: in 2006 with a song "Never let you go", taking second place and in 2008 with the song "Believe", taking first place and becoming the first Russian artist who won the song contest "Eurovision". He is Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2006), Honored Artist of Chechnya (2007), Honored Artist of Ingushetia (2007) and People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2008). Discography: "I am a night hooligan", "On the bank of the sky", "Time-river", "Against the rules", "Believe", "Dreamer". In autumn 2012 the album "Vitya Belan" is expected. Official website: http://bilandima.ru/

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    Do you want to be aware of the latest celebrity news? Love looking at celebrity photos? On our portal you will find out all the most interesting: photos of celebrities, personal life of show business stars, star tips, interviews, photo reports from recent events. The stars of show business are in everyone's mind every minute, but we are always interested in learning a little more about them. Here you will find the latest information and will always be able to keep abreast of events. We hear about the stars of show business all the time: radio, TV, the Internet and glossy magazines are just full of information about the life of our idols. However, this topic is still of interest to us. Reading such news is not just a way to pass the time and get a little distracted from pressing problems. The life of show business stars is an example for each of us. Someone will try the advice on proper nutrition from their favorite actress and, perhaps, inspired by her example, will discover yoga or kickboxing. Someone will take as an example the resilience of the character of a famous actor. Someone decides to become like their idol and finally take up their own style of dressing. Someone will be interested in comparing photos of celebrities in real life and in glossy processing, as well as pictures in which the always perfect gossip heroine poses without makeup, and this will be an occasion to think about whether we idealize the stars too much and strive to be like them. ? After all, they are, in fact, ordinary people, and you should not reproach yourself for the fact that your figure does not look like Kim Kardashian's forms or your hair is not as lush as Vera Brezhneva's. However, from photographs of celebrities, you can get new ideas for your own life. Everyone will find something to inspire and how to start changing their lives for the better. Our site will be a great help in this, because we even publish photos of naked celebrities from the red carpet! Here you will find biographies of movie actors, famous TV presenters, singers and singers and other representatives of the world of show business. On our portal you can read the biographies of both the most famous secular party-goers, as well as information about the lives of those who prefer not to devote the public to the details of their personal lives. Here you will find stories that have made a lot of noise, and little-known facts that deserve attention. Read the biographies of actors and actresses, and perhaps you will find something interesting for yourself. This will allow you to discover new facets in your idol, get to know your “favorite” better, and maybe you will find a few more previously unfamiliar characters worthy of your attention? Perhaps you want to watch films with their participation? Read books written by them? Adopt the features of their style? All this will expand your own horizons - and without any effort. Or maybe someone's tragic experience will help you find a way out of a difficult life situation? In some cases, other people's experiences can become very revealing and can help develop your own life experience. The biography of the actors in this regard is just a storehouse of information, and the main thing is to use it to good use. Reading the biographies of movie actors is also always an extremely exciting process, from which it can be impossible to break away. Find out who was the first love of your idol, how did the fate of the now forgotten, but previously so popular artists, what did the rich and famous of this world look like in childhood, what did they dream about, what did they strive for? How do they live now? What are they dreaming about? What principles are followed in raising children? How do you maintain a relationship with your soulmate? How do they cope with stress, which, due to their busy schedule, is simply inevitable? You will learn about all this on our portal. Show business stars are people whose lives are always under the gun of dozens of cameras. However, on our portal you will always find something new and interesting. We publish the most up-to-date information: the latest news, reports from photo shoots and, conversely, unknown photos of past years, details of personal life, as well as little-known facts, star tips about self-care and, in general, about life, detailed biographies and a lot of interesting things - it is impossible to tear yourself away!

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