Class hour on the theme "I am a patriot of my country." Class hour on the topic: I am a patriot of my country

GU "Zhaiylma basic school of the education department of the akimat of the Kamystinsky district"

Classroom hour


Class teacher: Kosmuhambetova A.S.


educational goal : Formation of citizenship, Kazakhstani patriotism, responsibility for the fate of their homeland.

Determine the attitude of each student to the position “to be a patriot”; affect intimate feelings in the hearts of the guys, to clarify in their spiritual world the sincere humane attitude to the holy concepts of "Motherland", "Fatherland", to expand, generalize students' knowledge about the history of the country's development over 26 years of independence.

Development Goal: increasing the intellectual level; manifestation of independent creative activity; ability to use personal experience accept the opinions of others;

educational goal : education of patriotic feelings, love, respect for their homeland, their city, family and school, the formation of a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, respect for home country, her stories.

Equipment: Anthem of Rk, video film, books, kleister, cards, markers.

During the classes:

"To be a patriot of one's Motherland -

is to carry Kazakhstan in your heart!”

N. Nazarbaev

Good afternoon, dear students, parents and guests of today's class hour! Now it's time for a joyful meeting! Today- 2 September - Knowledge Day. Smart, beautiful children of all Kazakhstan went to school today. I greet you and wish you well and happiness. The theme of our class hour is “I am a patriot of my country”.

For many centuries, the Kazakh people had to fight for independence and sovereignty. Thanks to their best qualities, the ability to unite and be united in a moment of danger, the desire to live in peace, harmony and good neighborliness with other peoples, he did not disappear in the flow of history and after decades was able to restore his statehood. The people for the first time regained the opportunity to develop their culture, language, religion and traditions.

Thanks to unity, solidarity and firmness of spirit, we have achieved economic development, civil consent. Kazakhstan reached a qualitative level new stage state building, the transition to which is determined. Five institutional reforms put forward by the Head of our state. The basic vector of the Plan of the Nation was the national patriotic idea "Mangilik el", the essence of which is the formation of the Nation of the Common Future for the successful entry of Kazakhstan into the ranks of the 30 most developed countries in the world. Ahead of Kazakhstanis there are many more new successes and achievements on the way to our sacred and worthy country "Mangilik el".

Teacher: We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historical destiny, building statehood on the ancestral Kazakh land, recognizing ourselves as a peaceful civil society committed to the ideal of freedom, equality and harmony, wanting to take a worthy place in the world community, realizing our high responsibility to present and future generations, proceeding from from our sovereign right, we accept the present Constitution!" - this is how the Constitution of our republic, adopted on August 30, 1995 at the republican referendum, begins. This day is celebrated as Constitution Day. The Constitution consists of 9 sections:

    General provisions(v. 1-9)

    Man and citizen (v. 10-39)

    President (Art. 40-48)

    Parliament (Art. 49-63)

    Government (Art. 64-70)

    Constitutional Council (Art. 71-74)

    Judgment and Justice (Art. 75-84)

    Local public administration and self-government (art. 85-89)

    Final and transitional provisions (arts. 90-98)

2) Watching a video;

3) Work with proverbs;

4) Let's think and make a cluster Patriot is --

Patriot is...

Discussion and work with the clusterer

5) Blitz Tournament:

    Is Kazakhstan a unitary state? What does "unitary" mean? (indivisible)

    Who is the sole source of state power? (people)

    On the basis of what is the state power exercised in the Republic of Kazakhstan? (based on the Constitution)

    What is the state language in the Republic of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh)

    What are the symbols of RK? (Coat of arms, anthem, flag)

    What is the Basic Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (Constitution).

    What is the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (Astana).

    What is the state language in the Republic of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh).

    name the great Kazakh writer and thinker? (Abai Kunanbaev). National musical instrument Kazakh people? (Dombra)

    How many nationalities and ethnic groups live on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (more than 130).

    What is the name of the great Russian writer? (Alexander Pushkin).

    What language is the language in the Republic of Kazakhstan international communication? (Russian).

Teacher: “Love for the Motherland is of particular importance for all Kazakhstanis, native land, to our ancestors, our united and indivisible history,” the Leader of the Nation noted.

We are proud that Kazakhstan is called the territory of friendship and dialogue in the world. For people of different faiths, living with the same dream of goodness and friendship, the task of building a new Kazakhstan in a new world is within their power" (N.A. Nazarbayev).

An equally important event for the whole of Kazakhstan is EXPO-2017. Expo 2017 Astana is a planned specialized international exhibition recognized by the Bureau international exhibitions(BIE), which took place in the Kazakh city of Astana, in 2017. The theme of the exhibition is "Energy of the Future"


All of us, people of all nationalities, are united by one of the important concepts: WE are the people of Kazakhstan. We are united and this is our strength and success.

6) -Let's hold hands together and stand in a circle. Let our clasped hands be the personification of our friendship, the peace of Independent Kazakhstan, and let us wish each other good, peace, etc.


Dear students, we will try to make a reflection of today's class hour with you (Free microphone)

I say the beginning of the sentence, and you finish them as you wish.

1. My Kazakhstan is the most….

2. For my Motherland, I am proud that she ....

3. To be a patriot means ....

4. I want to live in…

Final part:


So, summing up, we can proudly say: Kazakhstan is a state with its own history, its own state language, symbols enshrined in the Constitution and the capital. We, the people of Kazakhstan, are one people! And our common destiny is our Mangilik el, our worthy and great Kazakhstan! "Mangilik. ate” is the national idea of ​​our all-Kazakhstan home, the dream of our ancestors.
First, it is the Independence of Kazakhstan. Secondly, national unity, peace and harmony in our society. Thirdly, this secular society and high spirituality. Fourth, the economic growth based on industrialization and innovation. Fifthly, it is the Society of General Labor. Sixth, common history, culture and language. Seventh, it is national security and the global participation of our country in solving global and regional problems. Thanks to these values, we have always won, strengthened our country, and multiplied our great successes. In these state-forming, national values ​​lies the ideological basis of the New Kazakhstan Patriotism. Students are offered two types of cards (red and yellow), they need to choose a card of the color that suits them.

And I would like to end our class hour with the words of N. Nazarbayev

Motherland is the land that is sung

The deed of the worker, the word and the poet.

Here you fell to build and live,

Motherland, right, know how to serve,

Together with the Motherland, grow up and grow up

Motherland, my son, know how to defend!

Class hour "About patriotism. About the Motherland..."


  • To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as decency, honor, fidelity to duty.
  • Explain the meaning of the word "patriot".
  • Raising a conscious love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of one's history.

Conduct form: hour of communication.


1. opening speech

- Guys, in the name of what feats were performed, incredible hardships and hardships were endured, why did our distant ancestors and recent predecessors sacrifice their wealth, love, life itself? In the name of the interests of the Fatherland. In what way do you, today's schoolchildren, already graduates, see your patriotic service to the Motherland? Are you ready today for any donation and exploits in the name of the interests of the Motherland?
- Today we met with you in order to have a discussion on the topic: “About patriotism. About the motherland ... ". The purpose of our meeting is for you guys to realize that you are proud and worthy people. So that a still dormant feeling of love for your Motherland wakes up in you. Motherland is like a mother. She sometimes gets sick, can become ugly. But then we love more we pity her. And we are not looking for another.
– And I want you to live in pride for your country, for yourself. Only the proud, the worthy can become a patriot of their country.
“The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested in it: the feeling of homeland has always been alien to vagabonds and parasites.” L.M. Leonov
– Let's turn to the history of the Russian State. Russia in war time gave birth to heroes that the whole world knows. Namely A. Nevsky. A. V. Suvorov. Since ancient times, our country has been subjected to attacks and military invasions, but has never been enslaved. Any people wants to live, honoring their traditions independently of anyone and raising their children in them. But could you and I live now in free country if our ancestors had not won back their homeland, Russia, with their very lives and freedom? Get to know true patriots Fatherland.

2. Information block

- Take a look at the first portrait: A. Ya. Nevsky - who among us does not know this name?
– What do you know about A. Nevsky?

Accompanied by a presentation.

– Patriotism is manifested in love, feat, heroism, and sometimes in humility, if necessary for the good of the Motherland. Let's define the word - patriot. definition on the slide.
- Let's look at the second portrait of A.V., Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. (33)
“To teach the unfaithful army that to sharpen burned-out iron,” said A.V. Suvorov. “Start everything with the blessing of God and until you breathe out, be faithful to the Sovereign and the Fatherland.”
- So both patriotism and faith were merged into one in the Russian people.
- How do you think, how are the concepts of "patriotism" and "Motherland" related?
– Pay attention to the third photo(music "Holy War" sounds).
- Guys, in May 1945, millions of people around the world received the exciting news of unconditional surrender with great glee. Nazi Germany. In 4 months, all world humanity will be celebrating great holiday– 65 years since Victory Day Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Here I would like to remind you that our fellow countrymen, being your peers, showed heroism, courage, gave their debt to the Motherland, and they really were patriots and will always remain so in our memory.
- Let's remember the Walk of Fame, located in the park of our city. Let's name the heroes-countrymen
– Is patriotism always manifested during hostilities or global conflicts?

3. Frontal conversation on the topic: “What does it mean to be a patriotmodern Russia

Patriotic education... Will such concepts as patriotism, patriot, sense of duty, motherland, fatherland, citizen become significant for you?
Let's think about what our life will be like if such concepts dear to the heart of a true patriot and citizen of our Motherland disappear from the Russian language, from our consciousness. Reflections on the Motherland are the most important moments in the formation of a citizen, in the knowledge and search for one's place in life.
– What does it mean to be a patriot of modern Russia? A true patriot respects a patriot of another country. Look at the screen, maybe you will see your friends (slide show). you are on the doorstep adulthood go to serve the motherland and fully understand what the feeling of the motherland is. Laying wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, guard of honor at eternal flame, is the education of patriotism in children.

4. Conclusions:

  1. A real patriot does not stick out as a patriot, he does not walk under the banner with a song, but is able to do what is important and necessary when it is not asked for, when no one sees it, and they are not rewarded for it.
  2. “The strength of patriotism is always proportional to the amount of personal labor invested in it: the feeling of homeland has always been alien to vagabonds and parasites.”
  3. "Only empty people do not experience the beautiful and sublime feeling of the homeland." I.P. Pavlov

5. Final word teachers

Our meeting has come to an end. I want to believe that you understood me, that I managed to breathe into you at least a spark of that warm feeling called patriotism - love for your homeland? This feeling is dormant in a person for a long time, it wakes up when you are far from the country. Goodbye, all the best to you.

Class hour: "I am a patriot of my country"

Purpose of class: 1) expand, generalize students' knowledge about the history of the country's development over 25 years of independence; 2) develop a sense of patriotism and citizenship among students, the desire to be useful for their country; H) education of patriotic feelings, love, respect for one's Motherland, one's city, family and school.

"To be a patriot of one's Motherland -

is to carry Kazakhstan in your heart!”

N. Nazarbaev

(Speech by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev at the XII session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan)

Class hour progress

1. Organizational and motivational stage

Congratulations on the start of the school year.

Hello dear guys! Today is September 1st. We all gathered again after a long summer holidays.

Summer flew by like a comet.

The leaves on the trees turned yellow

Vacation and summer are over

The birds just haven't flown yet.

The familiar school waltz sounded,

Inviting you to lessons.

2017 is a year that embodies a special period in the life of every Kazakhstani. We are witnessing the solemn celebration of the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For 25 years, having made an incredible leap in historical development, Kazakhstanis are working together to create a strong, dynamic, modern state under the leadership of the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.

Thanks to unity, solidarity and firmness of spirit, we have achieved economic development and civil harmony. Kazakhstan has entered a qualitatively new stage of state building, the transition to which is determined by the Five institutional reforms put forward by the Head of our state. The basic vector of the Plan of the Nation was the national patriotic idea "Mangilik El", the essence of which is the formation of the Nation of the Common Future for the successful entry of Kazakhstan into the ranks of the 30 most developed countries in the world.

Many more new successes and achievements await the people of Kazakhstan on the way to our sacred and worthy country "Mangilik El".

opening talk

We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historical destiny, building statehood on the ancestral Kazakh land, recognizing ourselves as a peaceful civil society committed to the ideal of freedom, equality and harmony, wanting to take a worthy place in the world community, realizing our high responsibility to present and future generations, proceeding from from our sovereign right, we accept the present Constitution!" - this is how the Constitution of our republic, adopted on August 30, 1995 at the republican referendum, begins. This day is celebrated as Constitution Day.

What is a constitution?

The Constitution is the fundamental law of our state, which has the highest legal force, direct effect and is applied throughout the state.

The word (term) "constitution" means "establishment", "device". The Constitution as the Basic Law of the State establishes political form the existence of society, the system government agencies, establishes the order of their formation and the way of functioning, fixes the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Every country that considers itself civilized has its own constitution. And this is natural. The constitution is important and necessary for the modern state. The Constitution establishes the limits and nature of the relationship of the state with the person and citizen. Most importantly, the constitution gives the highest legal force to the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person, protects his honor and dignity. The Constitution is rightly called the fundamental, main law of the state.

What, on this stage your life, for you the most important right and your main duty?

The right to go to school and receive an education is an Important right that is written in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

You have the right to go to school, to receive free education. And what obligations follow from this right?

Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan is obliged to receive a secondary education.

Do you know that there are many of your peers in the world who do not have the opportunity to attend school and cannot even read and write.

Guys! All of us and each of us individually are particles huge country- Republic of Kazakhstan. We are citizens of our country. Citizenship gives not only a sense of belonging to one's country, but also great rights and obligations.

Every child has the right to life, to live in a family with his parents, to receive education, to rest, to freedom of speech and belief, to health care and free medical care, to personal opinion. Every person from the moment of birth becomes a citizen of his country. But, it is not enough to be born a citizen, they still have to become.

Let's think:

What should every student do to be a true citizen?

How to become a citizen?

What should be real citizen Republic of Kazakhstan?

What can you do for your homeland as a student and as a citizen?

Circle "Heart to Heart"

Finish the phrase: "A patriot is a person who ...."

Brainstorming “Patriot, who is he?”………

Dictionary Dahl: “A patriot is one who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, is ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.

Let's try to understand our thoughts, feelings, attitudes towards this concept.

Group work.

Let's make an associative series

"Patriot, who is he?"

Everyone who loves the place where he was born and raised

The one who loves and does not forget his mother, his home

Who proudly realizes that there is no better country on Earth than ours.

The nature of Russia is fabulously rich. The one who not only loves, but also protects nature.

Ready to defend the Fatherland

Defends the prestige of his country

Knows state symbols

I am ready to give all my strength and abilities to my homeland

A patriot is one who decorates the Motherland with his labor

Builds his future, linking it only with his fatherland

Knows his native language

He knows the history of his country, is proud of his ancestors.

Reflection of the associative series: Let's see what you got. Who is he, a patriot of his Motherland? (The associative series is read out)

“The foundation of Kazakhstani patriotism is the equality of all citizens, their common responsibility, often” N. Nazarbayev “Strategy 2050”

Tokhtar Aubakirov - the first cosmonaut of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Gennady Golovkin - multiple boxing champion

Dmitry Balandin - gold of the Olympics in Rio

Niyat Rakhimov - Olympic champion in Rio

Assignment: “Those whose name is Patriot” Give examples from the life of people whom you consider patriots of your country.

Do you guys consider yourself patriots of your Motherland? How is it shown?

3. Reflection

Kazakhstanis have something to be proud of. Firstly, Kazakhstan is the land from which man stepped into space. Second, Kazakhstan is the first country in the world to voluntarily renounce nuclear weapons. Thirdly, Kazakhstan is the first country in the world to organize the Congress of Leaders of World Religions. Fourthly, Kazakhstan is the country where the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Summit was held. And there are thousands of such examples! The republic is growing rapidly, it is independent and respected by other states. We openly look to the future! And we can help young generation learn to love your country and be proud of it!

"Free Mic"

a / My homeland is ...

b/ I am grateful to my country for…

c/ I would like my homeland to be the most… (5-10 adjectives).

d/ When I grow up, I ...

Motherland is the land that is sung

The deed of the worker, the word of the poet.

Here you fell to build and live,

Motherland, right, know how to serve,

Together with the Motherland, grow up and grow up

Motherland, my son, know how to defend!

N. Nazarbaev

KSU "Apanovsk basic school"

department of education of the akimat

Taranovsky district

Subject: I am a patriot of my country

Development of a class hour for grade 3 on Knowledge Day

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the class hour on the topic "I am a patriot of my country" for 3rd grade students. This material will be useful for primary school teachers.
The democratization of society, the successful development of the state largely depend on the civic qualities of the younger generation. It is known that the most important part of moral education always remains the education of schoolchildren in the spirit of patriotism. Patriotism (translated from Greek, the word "patre" means "Motherland") is the most important principle of teenage education. Patriotic education begins in childhood with the acquaintance with the works of oral folk art, with history native land, with the traditions of their people. Let's show how this can be done in school conditions using the example of developing a class hour for the third grade.

Class hour for the Day of Knowledge, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan and the Constitution of Kazakhstan, Grade 3

Topic: I am a patriot of my country
Target: the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism among students
- education of patriotism and active citizenship in the context of the implementation of a national idea by studying the history of the country, native land;
- fostering a sense of love and pride for one's country;
– fostering a sense of love and respect for the Kazakh language, customs, traditions of the Kazakh people, other ethnic groups and ethnic groups Kazakhstan;
– spiritual and moral education of children;
– development of intellectual abilities
Work description: This class is on September 1st. This event is aimed at the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism. It expands the children's understanding of the history of Kazakhstan. The technique of critical thinking is used.
Forms of work– general class, group, individual.
Purpose: the material is designed for children 8-9 years old and may be of interest to class teachers, educators.
Equipment: recording of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cards with words, Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, map of Kazakhstan, autumn leaves, the envelope.
1. Organizational moment
The anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan sounds
Hello guys. I am very glad to see you all in our class rested and matured. I wish you success in your new academic year, health to you and your loved ones, peaceful sky in our state.
Today, I invite you to our first lesson of this academic year.
What should you be like in class? (attentive, resourceful, active, ...)
I think that all of you will be attentive and active, and most importantly - show what you know and how you can work.
And now we need to divide into 3 teams and get ready for work (by color autumn leaves).
2. Posting the topic of the lesson
Today in all corners of our country will be held cool watch very interesting topic. And for what, you will now find out. Now you have taken the leaves different colors on which numbers and letters are written, you now need to attach all these leaves to the board in numerical order.
-What happened?
Let's read together the topic of our lesson "I am a patriot of my country."
-Who is a patriot?
3. Conversation on the topic
a) Vocabulary.
The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives the following description: a person, loving motherland, native state, ready for a feat and personal sacrifices in the name of the motherland

B) Cluster: Let's define the traits that are characteristic of a patriot. (We draw a person, stick features. We justify the choice. Each group has an envelope with cards on the desk - they find, read, stick and prove)

1 envelope
Ready to stand up for the Motherland.
Good student.
Doesn't like to work.
Playing sports.
Likes animals.
Doesn't listen to his parents.
He loves the place where he was born and raised.

2 envelope
He loves and does not forget his mother, his home
Doesn't want to study.
He proudly realizes that there is no better country on Earth than ours.
Not only loves, but also protects nature.
Do not give up your seat to the elders on the bus.
Knows state symbols
Decorates the Motherland with his work

Additional material:
The coat of arms of Kazakhstan has the shape of a circle. The central element is shanyrak, which personifies the hearth, is family symbol. Shanyrak with the rays entering it personifies the unification of many peoples. An important part of the coat of arms are two mythological horses, because the whole life of nomads is connected with the horse. Horses, as it were, protect the shanyrak from two sides. The five-pointed star is used as a symbol of happiness, peace, a sign of eternity. Ears represent the wealth of the Motherland.
Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan blue color, which symbolizes unity and a cloudless sky, peace and prosperity. The golden sun with rays - symbolizes wealth and peace, the rays - the friendship of all peoples living in the country. The soaring steppe eagle symbolizes generosity and vigilance, the height of thoughts.
National anthem Republic of Kazakhstan is a solemn work. In the life of any state, the anthem plays a big role. He rallies the citizens of the country. They open official meetings of heads of state. The anthem is performed at solemn holidays, military parades, sports competitions. They listen to the Anthem while standing, showing respect for the main song of their country.
3 envelope
Knows his state language
Destroys bird nests.
He knows the history of his country, is proud of his ancestors.
Ready to defend the Motherland
Throws trash.
Reads well, writes poetry
Good friend.

Okay, well done guys!

Can you call yourself patriots? Are you like these people?
Guys, I want you to grow up as true patriots of your fatherland. And for this you need to love and respect your homeland. Motherland is the most important, dearest and beloved word of all. Each person has his own homeland. By this word we mean our school, our family, our a beautiful city, our entire vast Republic of Kazakhstan.

Motherland is your father and mother,
Motherland is a friend and peer to match,
Motherland is your region and capital,
Homeland is a village and village.

4. Physical education
- If you are happy to go to school, raise your right hand.
- If you think you should study the history and culture of your country, take a step forward.
- If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social affiliation, take a step back.
- If you are concerned about the fate of our country, clap your hands.
- If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.
- If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.
- If you think that you need to learn and follow the laws of your country, sit quietly at your desk.

5. Conversation about the Constitution and Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Guys, who knows what holiday our country celebrated on August 30? (Constitution day)
-Guys, who knows what the Constitution is?
The Constitution is a set of Laws by which all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan live. Each person must respect the laws of his country and not violate them. Respect the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect the State Symbols RK (coat of arms, flag, anthem), to experience feelings of pride in their country. To study and know the state language - Kazakh, to speak Russian and English. Be a true patriot of your country. Love and respect your land, your homeland.
A lot of laws are written in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there are also such laws in the Constitution that concern you, schoolchildren.
Article 30, paragraph 1.
“Citizens are guaranteed free secondary education in state institutions. Secondary education is compulsory.”

But along with rights, you must fulfill obligations. Those. you must go to school, study well, be worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Because you are the future of our country and you build the future of our country.

Guys, what other public holidays do you know? (December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Every year on December 16 we celebrate a holiday - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
And this year our country is celebrating important event in your history:
25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
What does the word "independence" mean? (it means self-made decision).
On December 16, 1991, the constitutional law of the Republic
Kazakhstan "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan". It was on this day that the dream of all generations of our people came true, a young state was proclaimed on the ancient Kazakh land.

6. Conversation about friendship.
Guys, this bird flew to our lesson today. Who knows what kind of bird it is? (pigeon)
And why did a dove fly to us, who guessed? (symbol of peace and friendship)
Peoples of 121 nationalities live in Kazakhstan: Kazakhs, Germans, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Uighurs, Koreans, etc. Each nation is proud of its history, spiritual values, traditions, customs, and its language. But all of us humans different nationalities, unites the general: We are the people of Kazakhstan. All peoples of Kazakhstan live together, peacefully, love their Motherland. After all, the main thing on earth is peace and friendship!
We have people of many nationalities living in Kazakhstan. Everyone speaks different languages. But the state language is Kazakh. Let us now find out how well you know the Kazakh language. Your task is to translate the presented words into Kazakh. Which group will do it faster.
a family,
Well done guys, you are true patriots of your country, because you know the state language.

7. Game "Connoisseur of Kazakhstan"
Attention question:
1. What holiday is celebrated in Kazakhstan on July 7? (President's birthday and Capital Day)
2. What is the state language in Kazakhstan (Kazakh)
3. What language in Kazakhstan is called the language of interethnic communication (Russian)
4. The bird depicted on the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Symbolizes freedom and independence. (Eagle)
5. Our President N.A. Nazarbayev set us the task of speaking 3 languages, which ones? (Kazakh, Russian, English.)
6. Solemn song, a symbol of state sovereignty. Performed in schools on rulers, at various meetings. (anthem)
7. The holy book of Muslims (Quran)
8. How many years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (25 years).

8. Reflection
Continue the sentence.
I attended a class hour called...
Most memorable...
My emotional state...
This class teaches me...

Our lesson for today has come to an end. I really want to believe that you have understood and learned a lot. Every person living on the planet feels a sense of pride in their homeland, their people and country, their land and history. I think that you will become true patriots of your country.

Classroom hour

"I'm a patriot?"

9D class MBOU secondary school No. 15 Nizhny Novgorod

Cl. leader Islentyeva E.Yu.


1. Show the importance of the motherland in the life of every person.

2. To enable students to reason on moral issues.

3. Shape moral culture students and families in general.

4. In fostering a sense of patriotism, a sense of duty to the motherland, responsibility for one's actions


1. Reveal the attitude of students to the problems of patriotism ;

2. Develop in students cognitive interest, critical thinking, the ability to determine their own life position.

The whole class hour is accompanied by a presentation.

Form of class hour: discussion club.

Discussion questions:

What kind of person is called a patriot?

How can you show patriotism?

Preparatory work for class:

Student survey.


When you pronounce the word "Motherland", what can you immediately imagine?

Would you like to be born in some other country? If yes, then why?

What kind of person can be called a patriot of his Motherland?

Which of the people you know can be called a patriot of their homeland?

Do you think it is difficult for a person to live without a Motherland? Why?

Do you consider yourself a patriot of your country? How is it shown?

Are you interested in the history and culture of your country? Do your parents support you in this? What kind memorable places you visited your homeland, how do you remember it?

What would you like to proudly tell about your Motherland, if you had the opportunity to meet your peers - a representative of another country?

Situations for student discussion. (Situations are also presented on the slides.)

Situation 1. Mom and dad offer the boy to go with them to the places of military battles. Their grandfather participated in them. But the boy really does not want to, as his friend gave him the latest computer game which he had long dreamed of. What can a boy do?

Situation 2. appeared in the class new girl. She came from Armenia. Some guys in the class suggest that the rest of the guys do not talk to her, explaining this by saying that the girl is “non-Russian”. How will you do it?

Situation 3. Students of the class are invited to take part in the planting of the Walk of Fame on the day off. Several students refused to participate, arguing that their parents did not allow them to go anywhere on the day off. What would you do in their place?

Situation 4. The teacher makes a remark to students who, during the performance of the national anthem, laugh, behave cheekily, and talk. After the line, he makes an entry in his diary. The children are outraged that the teacher reprimanded them. What do you think the teacher is right or wrong?

The course of the classroom.

Introductory speech by the class teacher.

How often drunk in broad daylight

I walked at random along the spring channels

And the Motherland generously watered me

Birch sap, birch sap.

AT recent times more and more often we can hear the words "Motherland", "PATRIOT", "feat", "service" ... And how do you, today's schoolchildren, understand who a patriot is?

In what way does each of you see your patriotic service to the Motherland? Are you ready today for any sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of your Motherland?

Is it easy to live without a Motherland? There is only one answer to this question: difficult. Someone can answer in the negative: no, it's easy. What does it depend on? It depends on many things and, first of all, on what kind of patriots we are of our Motherland, how much we love and cherish it.

Question to define the concept

What kind of person can we call a patriot? (Students define the word "patriot":

A patriot is a person who is proud of the Motherland, worries about her; ready to stand up for the Motherland; devoted to the Motherland and defends its interests; loves the motherland

A patriot is characterized by such character traits as devotion, responsibility, justice, determination and gratitude.)

Now I will read to you an excerpt from a poem written by an outstanding poet. Listen to him carefully and determine whether this person was a patriot of his Motherland?

Russia. This sound is a flute.

It has the cooing of a dove.

I smell a field, hops in my heart,

April called the birds to spring.(...)

The whole world is one window to the beam.

Bright in anticipation of the valley,

What am I languishing about? What I want?

I'm always looking for a darling

I love the run-up of my native fields,

I enter the clearing of the forest -

There is nothing sweeter in the world.

Streams, meadows, swamps, slopes,

In the bushes for a hare corner.

I blew bells into the shepherd's pipe,

Swinging a snowdrop. Breeze.

Soaked in spring rain

My region is dressed in the cover of spring,

Immaculately flawless.

There is no other happiness in the world.

This poem was written by Konstantin Balmont, who lived for 22 years in exile in France. He traveled all over the world, but the beauty of foreign countries did not save him from longing for his homeland, for Russia. He died in France and is buried in France too. However, many Russian poets consider him a great patriot of Russia.

Can we confirm this?

Analysis of student surveys.

Discussion of situations on the topic of the class hour.

“What does it mean to be a patriot?

To love - yes, but not only to love your land, but it is also necessary to do something specific for it.

Any country will crumble to dust if its citizens are not united by attachment to the land on which they live, the desire to make life on this land better.

We used to be proud of the feats of arms of our people, but victories in wars do not always make a country rich and happy.

Perhaps the grounds for our patriotism lie not so much in history as in today's respect for ourselves as free, creative people full of creative energy.

How to awaken in a person a feeling of love for the Motherland? Namely “to awaken”, because it is in every soul, and it must be strengthened with a precise, pure tone. You can not force to love the Fatherland. Love must be nurtured.

Therefore, being a patriot is not so difficult, real love is not only expressed in words, but is supported by concrete deeds.

Patriots are not born, they are made. So - everything is in our hands! Who if not you!

Summing up the classroom.

If you want to grow up as a worthy person and citizen, do not speak badly about the country in which you and your parents live, where your family tree originated.
- Study the history of your country, its past and present, its joyful and bitter days.
- Get acquainted with the memorable and historical places of your homeland, get acquainted yourself and tell other people about it. Believe me, our country is so rich in its history that your story will be of interest to any person.
- The more often you visit museums and historical sites of your country, the more interesting it will be for you to return to them again and again.
- Remember that the more you express dissatisfaction with every passing day, the fewer friends and comrades will be next to you. People don't like people who are always dissatisfied with something.
- Show yourself on the positive side, do not be afraid to be proactive, try to show your knowledge and skills, erudition and curiosity.
- Watch programs, films that tell about people who glorified the country in which you live.
- Do not be indifferent and indifferent to the events that are taking place in your country. This is the country where you live long years. How you will show interest in her fate depends on her interest in your fate.

  1. Be proud of the people who glorify your country.
  2. Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

The results can be considered as a kind of memo for the children - if desired, it can be printed out and distributed to students.

There is a new girl in the class. She came from Armenia. Some of the guys in the class suggest that the others not talk to her, explaining that she is “non-Russian”. How would you do? Situation 2

Students of the class are invited to take part in the planting of the Walk of Fame on the day off. Several students refused, explaining that their parents did not allow them to go anywhere on the day off. What would you do in their place? Situation 3

The teacher makes a remark to students who, during the performance of the Russian anthem, laugh, talk, behave cheekily. After the line, the teacher makes an entry in the diary. The guys are indignant at the fact that they were reprimanded and also recorded. What do you think: is the teacher right or not? Situation 4

1. My Motherland is… 2. I know that my Motherland is many… 3. The most difficult events of my Motherland were… 4. I would like my Motherland to be the most… 5. I don’t want my Motherland… 6. I am grateful to my Motherland for the fact that ... Complete the sentences:

What does it mean to be a patriot?

Homeland - Fatherland, the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen. Patriotism is love, devotion and affection for the Fatherland, one's people. D.N. Ushakov Explanatory Dictionary

I'm a patriot. I am Russian air, I love Russian land. I believe that nowhere else in the world will I find such a Second. N.Kogan

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