Aquarius loves a lot. How to make an Aquarius fall in love with you? Can't be understood

He puts freedom above all else, so often love for him is not the feeling to which he surrenders. He wants to find a woman who will appreciate his inner world and understand him. To understand, he just needs to trust, and this is difficult to do, despite the openness to the world, looseness and desire to be with someone. Usually he translates any relationship into friendship, because he believes that friendship does not carry any hidden threat to his freedom, like love.

Aquarius man in love or what kind of love is Aquarius?

He is not an owner by nature, so relations with him resemble a breath of fresh air. He is ready to inspire any woman to a joint passion. At the same time, he stands up for equal relations, and this can amaze and be sure to please. His love will not be bright and passionate, but it is an even flame that will warm you in the coldest weather. He will always have enough communication, as he appreciates spirituality, and then only carnal relationships.

Love with him can last forever, as he will always give the relationship freshness and extraordinary charm. He will be able to fill even intimacy with such spirituality that it cannot resist. In addition, he is smart, so he always knows how to please his beloved. But for him to understand that the relationship really does not threaten his freedom, her patience and time are needed. In this case, he will be just happy to be with her.

Aquarius Man in Love - In Search of Perfection!

He has an excellent imagination, so he should sometimes put himself in the place of a partner. His ostentatious indifference is often perceived as indifference. And this is the beginning of the fact that relations will not develop according to a favorable scenario. He wants freedom, but often this desire turns into an annoying idea, and then he simply pushes it away from him. In addition, he was used to leading, forgetting that she also had an opinion.

He is for equality in relationships, but often infringes on her rights, forgetting about equality. He also does not have a specific ideal that he would like to follow, so he chooses a girlfriend according to various criteria. And it’s worth taking it easier on the choice, and evaluating the second half by character, and then he will be able to find his other half, which will really suit him, as well as possible. It is also worth abandoning logic so as not to overshadow feelings.

Aquarius man in love - The other side of the coin!

He is an intellectual, so he is used to evaluating love from a logical point of view. He also wants to have certain guarantees that he will be free. And these torments and hesitations often lead to the fact that his partner simply cannot stand all this and tries to avoid the need to be constantly evaluated. That is why he loses his beloved. And the key may be just a little humor, a simple attitude, lightness.

He always starts a romance with a frenzied passion, and then suddenly becomes cold and tries to turn the relationship into friendship. Such a bias often gives rise to bewilderment and misunderstanding, so he cannot keep one woman for a long time. Constantly in search and torment, reflection and weighing, his personal life passes. In rare cases, he may go to active steps to save the relationship. In most cases, there is only one left.

The most important! The secret of the Aquarius man in love!

He should take it easy on love. This is not a cage that will completely deprive him of his freedom. Also, do not always translate love relationships into friendship, as this can cause loneliness. The feeling must be experienced by time, so it is worth waiting and continuing the relationship just to understand how deep it has gone. So that the relationship does not become bondage, he should not chase quantity, but look for the qualities of love.

Aquarius have a high level of intelligence, are sociable, honest, hardworking, inventive and artistic. This is a unique sign, which, like no other, can harmoniously combine a calm, balanced personality and an imperious rebel, a lustful brutal macho and a person with high moral and spiritual values.
Whatever work Aquarius takes, everyone is always happy with the result, because he never takes on a job that is a burden to him.

Aquarius men are excellent workaholics. They are philanthropists and humanitarians. They always try to play only by their own rules, although they are willing to listen to other people's opinions. They are great friends and comrades.

How an Aquarius man loves

How does an Aquarius man love- if an Aquarius falls in love, then this is for a long time, and maybe forever. Among Aquarius men there can be excellent romantics. In a relationship with a woman, Aquarius is ready to throw everything at her feet, give gifts, spend only free time together, call and write SMS several times a day. And everything would be perfect if not for jealousy. Every Aquarius man is jealous - some more, some less. And this is the very case when a woman can say with confidence: "She is even jealous of the pole."

What kind of women do Aquarius men like?

  • Character - The girl of his dreams should be endowed with such qualities as femininity, sexuality, emotionality and openness. An Aquarius man will never choose a narcissistic person who only cares about their own personal benefits. For a man of this sign, it is important that a woman loves to create home comfort and has a positive attitude towards animals. And in words and gestures she was feminine and attractive. Aquarius will like the girl who can openly talk about her feelings. Serious girls are interested in this sign so that relationships can develop into family ones. The Aquarius man does not like bragging and secrecy in girls.
  • Appearance - Despite the fact that men have one zodiac sign, each Aquarius still has its own preferences in female appearance. Some people like brunettes, some blondes, some plump, some skinny. But there are certain signs from which you can assemble a single image of a girl for an Aquarius man. These are persons who take care of themselves - attend sports sections, a swimming pool, keep their skin, nails, hair and clothes in order. Often, Aquarians choose miniature girls who they want to protect.

What do Aquarius men like in women?

Aquarius men love honesty, openness, directness in women and do not recognize the expression "lie for good." They like it when a girl goes in for sports, needlework, playing the guitar or piano. It's great if she likes to read and travel a lot. Every Aquarius man appreciates in a girl the ability to cook deliciously and compromise in any dispute.

What does an Aquarius man like in bed?

What does an Aquarius man love in bed?- Aquarius men are not particularly temperamental natures, and in sex, partners should not expect something incredible from them. The claims in erotica for men of this sign are not high - they have enough rare intimate meetings, the purpose of which for Aquarius is not so much sex as just communication with a girl. You can call it a kind of game.
In bed, the Aquarius man often gives way to the girl as a leader. He is not particularly passionate, but quite inquisitive. Can safely go to various sexual experiments and even be their instigator. For him, it is the preludes that are of great importance, and only then the sexual intercourse itself.

Aquarius is one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac. He is headstrong, freedom-loving, an idealist with a wide range of views, accustomed to living by his own rules. Let's see what happens to Aquarius if he falls in love, and how does the Aquarius man conquer a woman?

Despite outward sociability, Aquarians are very lonely at heart. They hardly manage to maintain long-term relationships, including with the opposite sex. Representatives of this sign have peculiar ideas about love and friendship, and few are ready to adapt to them. What should a woman do if the Aquarius man took possession of her thoughts and heart?

Do you know what secret words help to fall in love with an Aquarius man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

General characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius

We can say that Aquarius men are peculiar people. Even a little weird. They have their own ideas about how things should be, and they do not accept any others. Accordingly, either a woman who fell in love with Aquarius will enter his world and share it with him, or they will not be able to be together.

It's hard to know what's on his mind. Despite the friendliness and outward sociability, openness, Aquarians are hidden, reserved natures, rarely allowing anyone to be one hundred percent sure of their feelings. They are rather loners in life, freedom of choice and action is one of their key core values. Somewhat self-centered. However, they can be true friends, they will always come to the rescue.

As for the temperament of Aquarius men, they are outwardly very restrained, calm, not particularly showing their emotions. However, the fire of passions quite often burns inside. Romantics, knights in search of harmony, changeable in their passions, easily carried away by new, unknown experiences.

They love to be useful to people, easily give up their interests in favor of loved ones. They often run to Aquarius for help, advice, and this flatters him very much. However, this does not affect his sympathy and good disposition in any way, we can say that he is a lover of other people's problems.

He is looking not for a passionate beauty, but for a faithful like-minded woman who will follow him into fire and into water, share his views on life and agree with everything that he offers her. He will not tolerate any alternatives or compromises - either you play by his rules, or you are out of the game.

You will never see feelings of jealousy or ownership from Aquarius - they respect the freedom of their partner as much as their own. Not big lovers of responsibility, Aquarians are unlikely to crumble in front of a woman in love confessions. But they won't demand much from her in return. They prefer to build relationships because of mutual satisfaction of interests, and not because of strong feelings. However, if they feel that they are being used, they break off relations at the same moment.

What kind of women does the Aquarius man conquer?

First of all, it should be noted that if Aquarius entered into a relationship, he really experiences a certain range of emotions for his chosen one. Men of this zodiac sign rarely spend time on a woman if she failed to arouse his sympathy and interest.

What interests Aquarius. As mentioned above, these are men who are greedy for new experiences, impressions, emotions. Therefore, very often they choose a creative girl, because she is able to bring all this into his life. The spiritual side of the personality for Aquarius men is much more important than everyone else, while you must be self-sufficient in a very broad sense - his inner freedom is above all, your affection and devotion should not fetter him.

Aquarians are caring, which is why they are for a certain amount of equality in relationships. This does not mean that he will charge you, it means that he will treat you with the same respect that you treat him.

How to awaken the sympathy of Aquarius?

Show him that you will never violate his independence and freedom. Convince yourself that in addition to starting a family and having children, you have a bunch of other interests and creative plans that you certainly intend to bring to life.

Make sure that a man does not get bored next to you, and constantly arouse his interest and admiration. Unusual hobbies, unusual bright appearance, interesting external image. Non-standard ideas and solutions to issues, initiative - in general, you should fill his life with joy and impression.

And keep your distance at all times. Not only do not dissolve in it, rather the opposite - only sometimes let it close to you. Only in this case, he will want to "assume" the rights to you.

How to understand that Aquarius is in love?

How does an Aquarius man conquer a woman? If he understands that you are his destiny, believe me, you will have no doubts about his sympathy and his decision to be with you. He will call, meet you from work, give gifts. Aquarians are attentive and caring with their chosen ones.

In addition, despite a somewhat biased attitude towards marriage, an Aquarius man who falls in love makes an offer quite quickly. Immediately after making sure that you are suitable for him, and for your part, understand and accept his rules of the game.

If you are also a freedom-loving nature, but at the same time you are ready to follow the Aquarius man and accept him to the end, you can make him happy and be happy next to him. If not, such an alliance will become a source of disappointment for everyone. Therefore, before entering into an alliance with Aquarius, think twice about how you fit together.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which the Aquarius man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video until the end.

Aquarius man in love - signs of sympathy in the initial stages, this zodiac sign always hides. However, when this already passes into an explicit phase, he begins to do everything possible and even everything impossible, sparing neither time nor effort for his chosen one. Aquarius will do everything for his girlfriend only if the feelings are truly sincere.

How to understand that an Aquarius man has fallen in love with you? Special signs of sympathy and feelings of this sign.

We must not forget that representatives of this sign are always open and very sincere. If a man even tries hard to hide his feelings, then they can be identified by facial expressions, gestures and movements. Aquarians always strive to surprise their chosen one, for example, they make original and unexpected surprises for her. At the same time, the girl does not need to be afraid that such a gift will turn out to be too extraordinary, since the guy will never offend a person who is truly dear to him.

Interesting on the net:

When an Aquarius man is in love, its behavior can be compared to an impenetrable tank, which purposefully goes to ram. The guy will look after very romantically and gently, in order to achieve the location of the chosen one as a result. He is quite patient, and therefore he will stubbornly go towards his goal. If an initiative has already woken up in the soul of a man, then you will not be able to extinguish it in any way. You can recognize the sympathy of Aquarius by the following main signs:

    If the chosen one cannot stand people who smoke, then Aquarius will definitely get rid of this bad habit, at the same time he will say goodbye to other addictions in order to be safe once again. Representatives of this sign will begin to talk about a future joint, family life. As if in jest to mention the birth of children. And also with a smile and joy to listen to the stories of those couples who have been married for a long time. If an Aquarius man is in love, then he loses his characteristic irritability. That is, it slightly slows down its momentum, but this makes life much easier for everyone around. A guy in love will start behaving a little differently. For example, he will do something that he did not even think about before. Aquarians will write and call their chosen one themselves, although before that such methods were unacceptable to him. However, the worst thing is that for the sake of her beloved, Aquarius can completely abandon personal principles in order to make a convenient compromise. This person will begin to show excessive jealousy. At the same time, he will demonstrate it in various ways. Aquarians are slightly possessive, and therefore react aggressively and very sharply to rivals. Representatives of the sign in question will begin to be embarrassed to look their chosen one directly in the eyes. If you want to recognize a man in love, then just try to meet your eyes. If at the same time he starts to get nervous and look for foreign objects to divert his eyes, it means that he really feels some certain sympathy and sincere feelings for you. For this zodiac sign, the appearance of the chosen one practically does not play a role. Even if a woman is stunningly beautiful, Aquarius will not bombard her with compliments, however, he will instantly replenish her mobile account if he suddenly finds out that he has run out of money. He will visit various social networks more often in order to communicate more with the object of his adoration. An Aquarius in love may not even notice how he fell in love. Don't blame the guy if he doesn't show his feelings.

You can learn about the feelings of Aquarius in a variety of ways, such as non-verbal signs, words and actions. These components will tell about the feelings of a man. Therefore, you can relax and just accept the signs of attention.

Aquarius is a zodiac sign that belongs to the air element. Therefore, all character traits of a person born under this sign are changeable, like a spring breeze.
Among men born under this sign, there are isolated egocentric loners, daring, open-hearted, sociable eccentrics, and modest, shy, taciturn quiet ones.

And when love comes, they all change so dramatically that even their relatives do not recognize them. From the moment of falling in love, all the typical behavioral traits of this air sign begin to appear, and, before that, the most different, Aquarius men become like one similar to each other.

How does an Aquarius man in love behave? Oh, you can write novels about it. Refined manners, courteous attitude, self-sacrifice, the ability to say compliments beautifully, willingness to do anything for the sake of his beloved - this is how he is characterized.

There is a lot of unpredictability in the enamored representative of this sign, he is individual, endowed with unbridled imagination.

He takes care of a girl or woman very beautifully, elegantly. At times, such a fan can be compared to a tank going to ram, which demolishes all obstacles on the way to the cherished goal.

The main signs of a man in love with Aquarius:

Guardian angel

He will idolize the object of his adoration, make all sorts of pleasant surprises. If he has not worked anywhere before, he will find a way to get the necessary amount of money just to make the world beautiful for you, only for you. In order to overwhelm you with gifts, arrange various shows.

And what beautiful words this zodiac representative will tell you what flowers to give! For a lover, the world closes only on the object of his adoration. Together you will plan a future family, build castles in the air, fantasize about future children.

A sign of love is the fact that Aquarius will do everything for the girl, sparing neither personal time nor mental and physical strength to please his soul mate. Many people only dream of such a relationship.

All your thoughts and desires will be foreseen, the representative of this zodiac sign will accompany you anywhere and everywhere. Although a man in love with Aquarius is original, it is difficult to understand his behavior.

Needing constant renewal of feelings, he does not mind loving you, but flirting with many. Indeed, for him, flirting is an innocent prank, and it rarely comes to intimacy, because for this representative of the Zodiac this does not come to the fore.

Jealous Othello

The jealousy of an Aquarius in love is terrible. Like any man, he is the owner, and therefore the object of his love is under vigilant control.

But do not think that you will be jealous of mutual friends! Quite the opposite! After all, friendship for them is in the foreground, he loves various parties, parties and other pastimes in the company of friends.

And he will be jealous of your freedom. You should always be close to him and you should not have any other interests.

If you are also freedom-loving, have diverse interests that prevent you from completely dissolving in your beloved - a storm of anger, resentment and tears are provided. After that, the behavior changes dramatically - Aquarius can fall into a kind of trance, step back from life, and not appear in public for a long time.

However, he will still love you, although he will suffer internally.

Everything material is alien to him

The main sign of an Aquarius in love is the ability to overspend money for his beloved.

For him, money is only a means to conquer the object of adoration, a momentary need.

If the beloved girl has run out of money on her mobile phone account, they will be replenished instantly.

The representative of the air element does not know how to manage his budget, in ordinary life he never has money. They, like sand, instantly go through your fingers, never linger.

Yes, and these men are afraid of families like fire. After all, there you need to adhere to certain obligations, have great responsibility, and, unfortunately, they do not have these features. No one has the right to encroach on their freedom!

In their behavior, such men prefer "free relationships", when no obligations are straining. Family and stability are not for them.

Can't be understood

If the representative of the air sign sees in you, in addition to the object of love, and his friend, he will talk about many adventures in which he is the main character. He needs to be given time to speak out - and this fascinating process can last for several hours.

Discussions are also his forte. The dispute is important for him, just as it is important to defend his personal point of view. After all, this is a certain element of the game, which can be very difficult to understand. You will never get bored with Aquarius, their behavior is different all the time. And it is impossible to predict for sure what will happen to him tomorrow. If today he is soft and friendly with you, then tomorrow he can become eccentric and uncontrollable.

To meet the ideal of the representative of the air sign, to extend the period of your love longer, you must have the following qualities:

  • be affectionate, helpful, but not excessive;
  • love, but do not claim his freedom;
  • be yourself, never lie - falsehood in a relationship is unacceptable;
  • always remain a woman-mystery, a woman-wind, so that her lover constantly seeks you;
  • compliment him, praising his virtues, and keep silent about his shortcomings.

The main signs of love

Very often, Aquarius men idealize the object of their adoration, attributing non-existent virtues to their girlfriend. A sign of his love can be reading poems in your honor, the beautiful and soulful words of which make any woman melt before our eyes.

Although in the early stages of falling in love, Aquarius is not always so revealed. The Aquarius man is modest at first, how to understand that he is in love? “You just have to look into his eyes.

The lover will not be able to openly look at you, he will always look away with an embarrassed look, diligently looking for something to catch on to.

And the loving representatives of this sign are speechless and more and more often in a conversation with their beloved they resort to gestures in order to express their thoughts to the end. And they can’t remove the enthusiastic smile from their faces, which immediately exposes them.

Quit drinking, smoking - Aquarius will do anything to win his beloved. And even their characteristic irritability, a sharp change in mood disappears somewhere. And the biggest sacrifice your lover is ready to make for the sake of love is a betrayal of his principles, a compromise.


Of course, with an Aquarius man in love, life is like a fairy tale. But do not forget that the representatives of this sign are not created for the family. Yes, and love will eventually pass.

Therefore, only if, in exchange for a fleeting fairy tale, you are ready to make constant sacrifices for the sake of love, wait for your husband for several hours in a row after regular parties, count pennies before your salary, or endure regular outbursts of anger, then only then should you start a serious relationship with him.

Although, there are occasional exceptions!

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