Humane treatment of enemies in literature. The problem of the manifestation of mercy in war (USE in Russian)

Is there a place for mercy in war? And is it possible to show mercy to the enemy in war? The text of V. N. Lyalin makes us think about these questions. Here the author raises the problem of showing mercy to the enemy.

In the text, the author tells about Mikhail Ivanovich Bogdanov, who in 1943 was sent to the war to serve as an orderly. In one of the fiercest battles, Mikhail Ivanovich managed to protect the wounded from SS submachine gunners. For the courage shown during the counterattack with the SS division, he was presented to the Order of Glory by the commissar of the battalion. For the next

the day after the battle, noticing the corpse of a German soldier lying in a ditch, Mikhail Ivanovich showed mercy, deciding to bury the German. The author shows us that despite the war, Mikhail Ivanovich was able to retain his humanity, not remaining indifferent to the enemy. Having learned about this case, the battalion commissar decided to cancel the order of Glory presentation of the orderly. However, for Mikhail Ivanovich it was important to act according to his conscience, and not to receive an award.

I agree with the position of the author and am convinced that mercy has a place in war. After all, it does not matter whether the enemy is dead or unarmed, he no longer poses any danger. I believe that Mikhail Ivanovich Bogdanov did a worthy deed by burying the body of a German soldier killed in a shootout. It is very important in the conditions of a cruel war to be able to preserve humanity in oneself and not let one's heart cool down.

The problem of showing mercy to the enemy is raised in the works of V. L. Kondratiev, Sashka,. The main character Sashka captured a German during a German attack. At first, the German seemed to him an enemy, but, looking closely, Sashka saw in him an ordinary person, the same as himself. He no longer saw him as an enemy. Sashka promised the German his life, he said that the Russians are not animals, they will not kill the unarmed. He showed the German a leaflet, which said that the prisoners were guaranteed life and return to their homeland. However, when Sasha brought the German to the battalion commander, the German did not tell anything, and therefore the battalion commander gave Sasha the order to shoot the German. Sasha's hand did not rise to the unarmed soldier who looked so much like him. Despite everything, Sasha retained his humanity. He did not harden and this allowed him to remain a man. As a result, the battalion commander, having analyzed Sasha's words, decided to cancel his order.

The problem of showing mercy to the enemy is touched upon in the work of L. N. Tolstoy, War and Peace. One of the heroes of the novel, the Russian commander Kutuzov, shows mercy to the French fleeing Russia. He pities them, because he understands that they acted on the orders of Napoleon and in no case dared to disobey him. Speaking to the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, Kutuzov says: We see that all soldiers are united not only by a feeling of hatred, but also by pity for the defeated enemy.

Thus, we can conclude that in war it is necessary to show mercy even to the enemy, no matter whether he is defeated or killed. A soldier is first of all a man and must preserve in himself such qualities as mercy and humanity. It is they who allow him to remain human.

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Option 31. Analysis of the text from the collection of Tsybulko 2018. Arguments.


(1) There was a siege of Noteburg. (2) So the Swedes called the fortress Oreshek. (3)G1etr I personally took part in the battles. (4) Day after day, the Russians from forty guns fired at the fortress. (b) Unsuccessfully.

(b) Because of the lack of roads, the carts lag behind the troops, as well as siege guns. (7) The Northern War began in thaw, in October 1700, near Narva, with the fact that a shortage of cores was immediately discovered. (8) Gunpowder was bad. (E) Artillerymen have to lay a one-and-a-half charge. (Yu) From this, guns are torn, bombardiers are dying. (11) Seeing such troubles, the captain of the artillery company Gummert goes over to the side of the Swedes. (12) The military advisers hired by Peter are bad, do not justify hopes.

(13) When bombing Noteburg, the guns keep breaking down.

(14) When the soldiers went to storm the fortress, they could not climb into the breach in the wall: the stairs were too short.

(15) Even when the Russians surrounded the fortress, Sheremetev, the commander of the army, sent a trumpeter to the commandant with a message. (16) The field marshal offered the Swedes to surrender. (17) Their position is hopeless. (18) There will be no help from anywhere. (19) In response, the Swedish commandant Schlipenbach politely and caustically thanked for explaining the reasons why the garrison should surrender, and asked for a few days to get permission from his superiors.

(20) Such an answer did not suit Sheremetev. (21) The shelling resumed. (22) Fires started in different places of the fortress, black columns of smoke rose into the gloomy October sky.

(23) In the fire of fires, all the wooden buildings of the fortress have already burned down. (24) Half of the Russian guns overheated, failed. (25) The Russians decided to storm, rushed into the gaps punched by artillery. (26) The Swedes poured tar on them, fired at them point-blank. (27) They fought desperately. (28) The fortress was considered impregnable, and for good reason: the walls are high, the strip of land between the walls and the water is narrow, so that the besiegers cannot turn around.

(29) The assault lasted hour after hour, thirteen hours, every now and then the inexperience of the Russians was revealed, the lack of siege weapons, Peter saw everything from his battery. (ZO) His best guards perished. (31) The disgrace of the "Narva embarrassment" has again approached. (32) The burning resin of the defenders of the fortress poured from above, wooden stairs flared up. (ЗЗ) Preobrazhensky, Semenovtsy - his favorites, his hope - fell near the stone walls, the dead got stuck in too narrow gaps. (34) The "bombardier captain" could not help them in any way, convulsions ran down his face. (35) Lips trembled when he gave the order to retreat. (36) And then an unprecedented thing happened - Lieutenant Colonel of the Semenovsky Regiment Mikhail Golitsyn disobeyed:

Tell the king that I am no longer his, but God's.

(37) And Peter was not angry with the disobedient, Peter rejoiced: the fighting spirit appeared, which he dreamed of, when an officer does what needs to be done not for the king, but for victory!

(38) His guardsmen and the Transfiguration repeated the attack. (39) They had no way back, they themselves pushed the ships on which they sailed into the water and let them go down the river. (40) Now they only had to take the fortress. (41) At this time, despite the shelling, a fresh detachment of Lieutenant Menshikov landed on the island. (42) The Russians rushed hand to hand again and again. (43) Nobody and nothing could stop the attackers. (44) In the morning, the Swedes surrendered. (45) Peter received from Schlipenbach the golden key to the fortress gates.

(46) From this gate came the remnants of the Swedish garrison. (47) The picture was colorful. (48) Peter in a dark green uniform stood with a huge gilded key. (49) Swedish soldiers - some bandaged, some lame, singed, dirty, overgrown - dragged cast-iron cannons. (50) The guns hung with their muzzles down. (51) The drummer walked under the banner. (52) His drum was silent. (bZ) The last to walk, heads down, were the Swedish officers.

(54) The formation of Russian soldiers, led by Sheremetev and Peter, saluted the staunch, courageous defenders of the fortress. (55) As a sign of highest respect, the Swedes were allowed to take personal weapons with them, and officers - swords.

(56) Immediately, Peter ordered to rename the fortress to Shlisselburg (Key City), give it a new flag, coat of arms and award everyone with medals.

(57) History attributes the victory to two commanders - Sheremetev and Repnin - and, of course, to Peter.

(58) The victory taught the officers, the soldiers, and the king himself a lot: he forever remembered the moment of his weakness.

(59) Already a week later, medals were knocked out in honor of the capture of Noteburg: Peter and the siege of the fortress were depicted.

(According to D. A. Granin *)

An example range of issues:

1. The problem of the causes of victory in the war. (What helps win a war?)

Author's position: Courage, courage, the fighting spirit of the army and a sense of unity help to win the war. So, the Russian army took the impregnable fortress of Noteburg, because a fighting spirit appeared in the troops, everyone did everything that needed to be done not for the king, but for victory, and no one could stop the attackers.

2. The problem of the need to learn from the victories and defeats in the war. (Why is it necessary to draw lessons from the defeats and victories in the war?)

3. The problem of manifestation of weakness in war. (Is it acceptable to show weakness in war?)

4. The problem of the attitude of the winners to the defeated enemy. (What feelings does the stamina of a defeated enemy evoke in the victor?)

On the ability of Russians to forgive enemies

Mercy and the ability to forgive enemies have always distinguished Russian people. The property of being merciful not only to relatives and friends, but also to strangers - this requires labor and effort from a person.

But the problem of this text lies not only in forgiveness; she is even in more difficult situations that may arise in life. A person may be faced with a choice: should or should he not forgive the enemies of the pain for his torn land, for the crippled fate of his compatriots and the desecration of everything sacred to him.

Commenting on this problem, it should be said that not all Russian people, both at the front and in the territories liberated from the invaders, were able to forgive uninvited guests for the harm done. And to be irreconcilable for our people in these conditions - this became their right through suffering.

However, the opinion of the author in the text is seen very clearly. The people of Russia, both those who fought and the civilian population, for the most part were not hostile towards the captured Germans. Everyone understood that captivity was a consequence of the same war that ground the lives and destinies of millions of innocent people. At the same time, no matter who they were, no matter what armies were at the mercy of the victors, the vanquished themselves were unable to change anything in their fate. However, the approaches to the captured Russians and captured Nazis, which were carried out by the “other” side, were sharply opposite in nature. The Nazis deliberately destroyed the soldiers of the Red Army who were captured, and our command saved the lives of German prisoners of war.

I agree with the position of the author and confirm it with the following first example. The attitude of the Russians towards the prisoners was also filled with high humanism in the war of 1812. In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" there is a scene: the commander-in-chief of the Russian army Kutuzov inspects his regiments after the victorious battle of Krasnensky and thanks them for their feats of arms. But at the sight of thousands of sick and exhausted French prisoners, his gaze becomes sympathetic, and he speaks of the need to "regret" the defeated enemy. After all, real warriors fight with the enemy in an open battle. And when he is defeated, it becomes the duty of the victors to save him from certain death.

The second example, in order to prove the correctness of the author's position, I cite from life, based on real facts. A column of German prisoners of war under escort was led down the street of a small town. The Russian woman brought out three boiled potatoes and two pieces of bread - all that was in the house from food that day, and gave it to the sickly-looking prisoner, who could barely move his legs.

In conclusion, we can say that the high humanism of the Russian people was manifested in a generous attitude towards the defeated enemy and in the ability to distinguish genuine enemies from those who found themselves in the thick of bloody events against their will.

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Who is capable of showing compassion, mercy to a captive enemy? It is this question that arises when reading the text of B. L. Vasiliev.

Revealing the problem of the manifestation of humanity in war, the manifestation of compassion, mercy for the captured enemy, the author introduces us to his hero - the defender of the Brest Fortress Nikolai Pluzhnikov. Before us is an excerpt from the story of B. Vasiliev "I was not on the lists." The lieutenant was supposed to shoot the captured German.

The girl Mirra, who knew German well, informed Nikolai that the prisoner was a worker, mobilized in April, he had three children. Pluzhnikov understood that this German did not want to fight, he did not want to get into the dungeon, but mercilessly led the German to be shot. But he couldn't shoot the man. And Mirra admitted that she was very afraid that Nikolai would shoot "this old man." Pluzhnikov explained to the girl that he did not shoot the German "for his conscience, which wanted to remain clean."

In the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, Petya Rostov, being in the partisan detachment of Denisov, pities the French drummer boy who was captured, and is embarrassed by this, because he wants to look like an adult, a real warrior. At the table, he worries whether the prisoner is fed, whether someone offended him. Petya timidly offered to feed the prisoner, and Denisov agreed with this: "Yes, pathetic boy." Petya sees that the “adults” also treat the prisoner with sympathy and compassion, and ordinary soldiers renamed the French name “Vincent” into “Spring”. There is an episode in the novel where Russian soldiers feed the hungry French with porridge, and the stars affectionately look from a height at the people sitting by the fire and seem to approve of them. After defeating the enemy, Kutuzov offers to take pity on the prisoners, who look "worse than beggars" because they are "people too". A feeling of majestic triumph, combined with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of being right, lay in the soul of every Russian soldier.

In V. Kondratiev's story "Sashka", the protagonist received an order to shoot a captured German who did not say anything during interrogation. The commander had just lost his beloved and was burning with the desire for revenge. But Sashka cannot fulfill this order, since earlier he convinced the German that Soviet soldiers did not shoot prisoners, he even showed a leaflet. Fortunately, the commander understood Sasha's feelings and canceled the order.

We have proved that those who have not lost their humanity in the war, who are capable of mercy and compassion, are able to generously forgive and spare a captured enemy.

(1) The meeting happened unexpectedly. (2) Two Germans, talking peacefully, came to Pluzhnikov from behind the surviving wall. (3) The carbines hung over their shoulders, but even if they held them in their hands, Pluzhnikov would have managed to shoot first.

The writing

In the most desperate and difficult times, each person reveals himself to the fullest. War is an event that affects the character and worldview of each of its participants. In the text given to us, B.L. Vasiliev.

Describing one of the wartime periods, the author of the text introduces us to a situation in which one of the characters had to make a serious moral choice. The meeting between the Pluzhniki and the German "occurred unexpectedly", and just as unexpectedly came to its logical conclusion: one of them was supposed to die, and now the German was on his knees and shouting something pitiful, "choking and swallowing words." There was something about family, children and mercy in this cry, the writer focuses on the fact that the German "did not want to fight, of course, he wandered into these terrible ruins not by his own desire," the Soviet soldier also understood this. He was to commit murder, and at that time there was no question of pity for the Germans - however, B.L. Vasiliev leads us to the idea that there are exceptions to everything, especially when a soldier strives to maintain the purity of his conscience no matter what.

The writer’s thought is clear to me: he believes that even in the most terrible war times, one who has a clear conscience and who realizes the value of human life is able to spare a captive enemy and show compassion and mercy to him.

It is difficult to disagree with B.L. Vasiliev, because he knows firsthand how important it was to remain human during the Great Patriotic War. I also believe that for a soldier, for his moral and mental health, it is very important, despite physical exhaustion and anger, to be able to preserve humanity and mercy in himself, because not every German could deserve the most brutal retribution.

In the story of V.A. Zakrutkina "The Mother of Man" the main character carries her humanity and mercy through all the trials. She, feeling a burning hatred for the Nazis who killed her family, having met a German boy on her way, denies herself revenge. Hearing the boy's cry, Mary was filled with pity for the child, and, thanks to her humanism and kindness of the heart, left him alive.

The hero of the story M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" lost all his relatives in the war. He was forced to go through many trials, but even being tired and embittered, Andrei Sokolov found a place in his heart for love and mercy. Having met a little boy, left alone on the street by the will of fate, our soldier takes him under his control, thus giving the boy a chance for a happy life.

About how hard it is to remain a man during the war, more than a dozen books have been written. Each of those soldiers who fought for our future experienced a number of upheavals that modern man cannot even fully comprehend. However, most of all it is written about those who, even in that inhumanity and dirt, managed to save themselves, their pure thoughts and a good heart.

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