Who is the husband of Svetlana Zeynalova now. Former husband of Svetlana Zeynalova - Alexey Glazatov

The TV presenter shared the details of her professional and personal life, admitting that she does not want to fall in love yet.

Svetlana Zeynalova.

Gennady Avramenko

Who saw Svetlana in a bad mood? Nobody. And who heard? The answer is the same. Your "good morning!" - both from television screens and on the radio - she invariably pronounces with a great charge of vivacity and optimism. On the one hand, the host of morning live broadcasts is so “mandated”, on the other hand, she is really a holiday person. Such was born. But also to people with a similar life attitude sometimes it's not easy. It is all the more interesting to know: how does a representative of this, frankly, a small tribe of inflexible optimists cope with the crisis in her personal life?

Svetlana, you are such a “lighter”, and your older sister Irada, a former reporter who traveled to “hot spots”, and today the host of the Sunday edition of the Vremya program, is a person of a different warehouse. How does she perceive your “light genre”?
Svetlana Zeynalova:
"Good. Twice a week, Irada travels in the morning to different women's affairs and listens to me on The Morning Show. And in all seriousness, he joins our games: he sends text messages with his opinion, offers answers ... Or calls: “I guessed it! I want to take part in the draw! I told her: “Irada, why are you like a child? You are not our target audience. Take it easy".
Is she really getting excited or is she joking?
“Starting up! Then he says to me: “How smart you are! So many interesting things to say. You work so hard. You have a three-minute break in total." I answer: “It’s okay. And it's the same on TV. Sleep for four hours. To prepare - an hour, two. She: “Yes?! But you spoke with such confidence! It felt like you knew it all by heart." Me: “Thank you, of course, but ... Surely there is educated people who know so much, but it's not me. I can often say stupid things, then I am surprised together with the audience. She: “Do you really spend the night in Ostankino?” ...
By the way, interest Ask!
“I spend the night when the broadcast. Sometimes with Timur Solovyov, my co-host and faithful friend. We sleep in the same dressing room, separated by a screen.

Are men an important part of your life?
“Important. And it has always been very important to me. I love working with men, hanging out. It's more fun with them. Girls - at least the ones I grew up with - what were your hobbies? They would like to go shopping and sharpen their laces. And I don't like it. For me, the choice of shoes is flour! I'm so... not a girl for that matter. And guys are interesting. With them you can talk about serious things, drink, have fun. That's why I have more friends than girlfriends. As a child, I generally acted like a boy.”
Does your three-year-old Sanya look like your little one? The nature?
"Of course. Your children are you times three. It is strange to hear: oh, my child is hysterical, oh, my child is behaving terribly! This is you as a child. And your parents struggled with the same. Sometimes I look at my daughter: was I really like that? I call my sister: “Irada, is it really me?” She: “You were even worse!” - “Me?! I was beautiful child“. “Sveta, you did this as a child!” And what do I want? Of course, my daughter is just like me. She lives by the laws that you set. I realized this too late. Sanya has already gone far enough - now you have to drive it into certain limits, explain what is possible, what is not, who should be treated properly. ”
What did you allow yourself to do as a child?
“I sobbed, hysteria, demanded. I sometimes ask my sister about that time, but she: I don’t remember the details! Doesn't want to remember."

Is the image of a man you have drawn “with whom you can talk about serious things, have a drink, have cool fun” - is this a portrait of just a friend or a husband too?
"I do not even know. After all, I divorced quite recently (with the former program director of Radio Maximum Alexei Glazatov. - Approx. Aut.). I am now undergoing a reassessment of values, my view of what a husband should be is changing. But until this process is over, therefore, I can’t answer.”
And what should not be a husband?
“Most of all, I don’t like it when a man, in any situation that is uncomfortable for him, falls into hysterics, both internal and external. When you, a woman, have to replace him in the most important thing: take everything into your own hands, make endless decisions, and so on. It's even worse when he chooses a position: take care of me, because I can't do anything myself! But, you know, I already have a child, thank you very much ... I am the kind of person with whom, probably, even the “fifty-fifty” option is possible. That is, on an equal footing. Democracy. When neither the husband is in charge, nor the wife. But if it is necessary to make a man's decision, he would take it upon himself. And if I needed to prove myself in something feminine, I would not shirk either. Do you understand?
Is it really difficult for you to express yourself as a woman?
“I already said that I’m not really a real girl. For example, I am embarrassed to buy fishnet bras, as my girlfriends love. Or I don’t know how to go out all like that in a peignoir. For me, everything like that is some kind of “excess”. And the man whom I want to call my husband, first of all, must accept me and my daughter as we are. And we are not simple, we are eccentric. And we will accept him for who he is. Ready to fight for him and accomplish a feat. The important thing is that it's worth it."

Feat? For a man?
“This has happened before in my life. I had to sacrifice a lot for the sake of a man and strain my friends. They told me: “Do you need it? If so, we'll do it for him." I begged: “Please, I won’t ask for myself, it’s important for me that he feel good.” As a result, it turned out that a person is not able to appreciate anything ... I do not expect admiration, I can do without even a “thank you”. But it is important for me that he simply remembers: this woman did an act for him. And he did not respond to kindness with rudeness. People often act badly, and then after a while they begin to repent. That's what kills me the most - to sin and repent. And you don't have to sin. There is this in the character of my ex-husband and many of my friends. I told my husband: “You are forty years old! There are things that I already knew at twenty-five: you can’t do that and say that. And not because someone will be offended - it’s just impossible!
Many women imagine perfect man just like their father was. And you?
“My dad is an interesting man, he could be a sex model. Definitely. He is light, caring, looked after his mother so beautifully, he is always the soul of the company! And in this sense, I went into it. But he's a little like that ... balabol. La-la-la - and I already forgot everything. And for me it is important that a person remembers his promises and fulfills them. I myself keep my word. If in doubt, I can't promise. But dad is still great. He did not lose optimism even in the most difficult moments. Despite everything, my father always got up and moved on. It's in me too. No matter what happens, she cried in the evening, but in the morning everything is fine. Now there is no person in my environment who would be right here ... There are men who I like with certain qualities, but I have not yet met the ideal one in my understanding. Recently, I generally had a period when either alcoholics or gigolos stuck to me. No, guys, I have no desire to do business with you, goodbye ... "

And if you take it not from the environment: maybe the character of the film, the hero of the book?
“For me, the actor Oleg Menshikov has always been the most incredible erotic model. I still blush when I see him, and my heart sinks. When I did an interview with him, I giggled like a fool, you know, like an admiring lap dog, and I couldn’t even get myself together, because I liked everything - how he moves, how he speaks.
I think he enjoyed watching it.
"Yes Yes. We had a great conversation with him. He is generally beautiful ... Now I thought: maybe it seems to me that there is no man in my environment with whom I could fall in love? Is it just my period? To be honest, I don't even want to fall in love. And without that, there are so many cases related to the child, with other things! We recently spoke with the guys on the radio - with Vakhtang Makharadze and Pavel Kartavin, my partners. They told me: “You just don’t get stuck in the old maids. Let's introduce you to someone." I answer: "I don't want to." - "Well, what are you ?!" “Seriously, I don’t want to. Bye. Looks like it's not time yet."
How do you fall in love at first sight?
“It happened too. Everything is usually written in the eyes. I am sure that fate is leading this parade. Not yours - go away. Yours remains. It doesn't happen otherwise. And if it’s not yours, no matter how hard you fight, nothing will work. And yours, you can't avoid it, that's all. If it is written by God, let's say this: "Act third, scene one: a man appears in the life of Svetlana Zeynalova who loves her, her daughter, becomes her husband, friend, lover, everything in her life." Cool! But if it is written: “Svetlana Avtandilovna will live happily ever after, she will raise a child alone, adopt a second one” - and nothing more. So it will be like this."

Does loneliness scare you?
“Nothing scares me. In general, I am a self-sufficient person in this regard. And bold."
Speaking of courage. You were a member of the Cruel Intentions. Did anything really scare you?
“I drowned there, and it was scary. I hit the structure. And it seemed to me that I was under water for an infinitely long time. I had to jump, swim against the wave, climb the rope, and at some point there was not enough power. The wave washes away, and I'm still all beaten up, bruised, with a bandaged leg, a bandaged arm. They made the wave quieter so that I could climb, and when I started to climb, they again let her into full force. And I'm like in a movie - a jet of hose knocks out. I fell, choked and realized that now there will be a tantrum. In this state, I surfaced and screamed that I was giving up. When they showed the shooting: everything lasted a few seconds - I dived and emerged. And at that moment half my life flew by before my eyes! I even imagined myself becoming the first to drown on the project.”
Will you embark on such an adventure again?
“Probably afraid. Because these games are really violent. They need good physical training, but I don’t have it, and I have many years. But I liked Fort Boyard. I was a participant in these competitions. Everything is calculated there, everything is clear and very cool. You come: party, new acquaintances! Hooray! I would gladly take part in Boyard.
And in ice dances, if they call?
“No, I'm afraid. We have Yulia Zimina in last season danced. She moves well and I don't. And Yulia is physically prepared, so everything turned out great for her.
How about singing songs? Are you a singing actress?
“Here are songs to sing, poetry to read - I can do it. Not a question ... And adrenaline is great. It's like you're getting older. There is you - before you experienced yourself, and there is - after. And a terrible desire wakes up to return to this state again, because this is a real overcoming of fear and oneself.
I wouldn't risk it anyway, I'm a coward...
“I am also a coward. But I included a magical acting “if”. To go out and compete, I directly convinced myself. I had panic attacks. I already imagined my corpse lying somewhere ... "
Yana Churikova told me how she stopped skydiving when a child appeared: she realized that now she had no right to take risks.
“And we had one girl in the team who said:“ I have a child, I’m afraid and I won’t, ”she turned around and left. But participation in such trials, believe me, educates you a lot. There is not only respect for oneself, but also a sense of one's own strength. Hard to explain. It's like walking up a ladder and climbing to the next step. It helps a lot - it clears the brain when there is a difficult period or crisis in life.

My friends are calling me to jump with a parachute, on hot-air balloon fly - I'm afraid!
“You don’t need a parachute, it’s scary. To land correctly, you need physical preparation, otherwise you can break everything for yourself. But fly on a balloon. At some point, you just need to say to yourself: relax! And you relax. I do like this. And the sense of height is great. Still on an airplane, fly on a small one. Creepy, but cool. Swim on a yacht. Really recommend!"
As I understand it, the list of “extreme” you have tried is rather big. Opposite what else do you want to put a tick, what kind of test do you plan for yourself in the near future?
“Tick? Don't know. Opposite yourself, perhaps. Now it’s important for me to figure it out with myself, to put a lot on the shelves, to accept right decisions. Every day I have a fight with myself. And this, believe me, is no less exciting activity ... "

Marina Boykova

Russian radio and TV presenter, actress. Younger sister of journalist Irada Zeynalova.

Biography of Svetlana Zeynalova

Svetlana Zeynalova was born on May 8, 1977 in Moscow in a Russian-Azerbaijani family. Her father is a major ministerial official Avtandil Isabalievich, mother - Galina Alekseevna. She grew up in the company of her older sister Irada Zeynalova, who later became a well-known journalist, correspondent, member of the Academy Russian television and laureate of the TEFI-2006 television award in the Best Reporter nomination, at one time she led the Middle East Bureau of Channel One.

Svetlana Zeynalova about her sister: “We are very different. Irada is much more serious and smarter. I am more reckless. Our attitude to life is different. I know that I will never be able to do what she does. My sister is very brave and determined. I would have already broken down a hundred times somewhere at the border or in the war, I would have asked for a warm bed home, but she didn’t! Can sleep on chairs, not eat or drink, all just for the sake of a good topical story. I love entertaining and making people laugh. Their laughter is the main reward."

Svetlana studied at the capital's gymnasium in a class with in-depth study of biology, won school olympiads, even trained at Moscow State University. At the same time, Zeynalova, who was fond of creativity from childhood, actively participated in school amateur performances, visited various sections and circles, played in small productions and did not leave her dream of becoming an artist. In 1994, Svetlana entered the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin at the Department of Psychology and social work with in-depth study of English. But, having studied there until 1997, she moved to Theater School them. Shchepkin, which she graduated in 2011. After school, in the evenings, Zeynalova played on the stage of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates" under the direction of Mark Rozovsky. There she became interested in holding mass events. Since there was a catastrophic lack of money, at night Svetlana worked as a waitress, during the day she entertained guests at various events.

The creative path of Svetlana Zeynalova

In 2004 the voice Svetlana Zeynalova first sounded in " The morning show of Bachinsky and Stillavin" on radio "Maximum" and in " secular news"on the radio station" Business FM ". In 2010, Svetlana switched to Our Radio, where for four years she was co-host and producer of the morning program Our Morning and Tariff of the Day. After some time, Svetlana returned to the radio "Maximum" again and for several months went on the air of the evening program "Kiriloff & Zeynalova".

Svetlana Zeynalova: “I wanted to work in the theater and on the radio, she (Irada) immediately fell in love with TV journalism, wanted to make films and analytical stories. And it still works in a different format. She does not understand the long broadcasting, and I have a poor idea of ​​​​how to run around with a camera and find out something from people. We have long understood that we are different in temperament and character, and each of us has its own point of support. Although over the years we become similar to each other, even outwardly, although in childhood we were never mistaken for sisters.

On TV Svetlana Zeynalova began her career as a columnist and host of the morning program "Mood" on the TV Center TV channel. In February 2011, she became the host of the Good Morning project on Channel One and gained great popularity. From April to May 2012, she worked in tandem with Timur Solovyov in the Good Day program.

Svetlana Zeynalova: "In All my life I thought I was an owl. I still cherish the hope that someday I will have evening project and I will be able to sleep at least until 8-9 hours, as a white man. Even when I was looking for a job, I basically didn’t want to agree if they offered morning broadcasts. But wherever I go, everyone says: “Oh, you are so active, let's go in the morning!” It's karma, I guess."

In 2012, Zeynalova took part in the third season of the TV project of the First Channel "Cruel Intentions", and also noted in the TV game "Fort Boyard". At the beginning of February 2017, it was announced that Svetlana became the co-host of Dmitry Nagiyev in the rating show of the First Channel “Voice. Children season 4. Prior to this, Nagiyev's co-hosts in the project were top model Natalya Vodianova, ex-participant of the adult " Vote» Anastasia Chevazhevskaya and actress Valeria Lanskaya.

Svetlana Zeynalova periodically conducts various events: weddings, corporate parties, often works with Comedy Club residents, including Pavel Volya. In addition, the TV presenter owns her own agency for organizing holidays.

Svetlana is also known as a film actress. On account of her shooting in small roles in projects such as " Medics"(2001) with Daniil Belykh and Alexander Lykov," Moscow Saga"(2004) with Inna Churikova and Yuri Solomin," Heavy Sand"(2008) with Irina Lachina and Alexander Arsentiev," Love and other nonsense "(2010) with Tatiana Rybinets and Polina Ganshina, "Shopping Center" (2013) with Sergei Zhigunov and Valeria Lanskaya, "Boatswain the Seagull" (2015), where she appeared as a journalist. In 2017, Svetlana appeared as a TV presenter in the comedy film directed by Anton Fedotov, continuing the popular Russian sitcom "Kitchen" about the chef of the restaurant Victor Barinov, - “Kitchen. The Last Battle" with Dmitry Nazarov and Dmitry Nagiyev.

Personal life of Svetlana Zeynalova

The first husband of Svetlana Zeynalova was the program director of Radio Maximum Alexey Glazatov, an affair with which she broke out in the service. After six months of work at the station, at one of the parties, he approached the company in which Svetlana was, and they all went to visit Alexei together. From that moment, the inveterate bachelor Glazatov and Zeynalova began dating. He was in no hurry to make a marriage proposal, but after three years the couple nevertheless legalized their relationship. The case helped.

Svetlana Zeynalova: “We lived together for three years when we ended up in Barcelona and accidentally went into a church. We realized that we were standing right in the way of the newlyweds. Yes, what - an old man and an old woman, 80-100 years old! I say: “Lesh, this is our option! Someday I will carry you to the altar.” We laughed, and the next day we celebrated my birthday in a restaurant, and Lesha says: “Light, I agree.” - "For what?" - "To marry you". - "Oh, thanks!"

Their daughter was born in 2009 Alexandra. When Sasha was one and a half years old, doctors first noticed changes in her behavior. According to the results of the examination, it was revealed that the girl has autism. The situation became even more complicated when Svetlana's husband Alexei Glazatov left the family in 2012. Despite everything, Zeynalova was sympathetic to this and began to raise her daughter herself.

Svetlana Zeynalova: “I had a difficult moment when my husband left. Endless problems began: you need to find money, doctors, you don’t understand what to do. And you clearly understand that you will be doing this all your life. And, most likely, no man will ever want to live with you ... "

In January 2018, it turned out that the 40-year-old TV presenter was pregnant again. According to an insider, this was the reason for the change in the composition of the hosts of the anniversary, fifth season of the show "

Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova. She was born on May 8, 1977 in Moscow. Russian radio and TV presenter.

Svetlana was born in 1977 in Moscow.

Has an older sister who is a journalist.

"We grew up in different worlds, and our rapprochement happened already at a fairly adult age. When I was small and always crying, and my sister had to walk with me, it’s clear that she didn’t get much pleasure from communicating with me. Then we each had our own life: different institutions, different hangouts. We only crossed paths family holidays", - said Svetlana.

By nationality - Azerbaijani.

Father - Avtandil Isabalievich - a ministerial official.

In 1994-1997 she studied at the Faculty of Psychology at the Moscow Pedagogical University. Lenin.

In 1997-2001 - at the school. Shchepkin.

She began her career with roles in the theater ("At the Nikitsky Gate"). At the same time she worked as a waitress.

In 2004, she began working as a presenter on the radio "Maximum". " morning show Bachinsky and Stillavin ”, in which she read news reports, as well as her witty dialogues with the presenters, brought the journalist her first fame. Soon she became the producer of the show.

Then she switched to the Business FM radio station, where she also read news feeds in the “Secular News” section.

In September 2010, she was offered to host her own program during morning air on Our Radio. Svetlana is still working on it, both as a presenter and as a producer.

The debut of the presenter on television took place on the TVC channel in the Mood program. Then an offer was received from Channel One - to host the show « Good morning» , which brought the TV journalist to a new level and brought her real popularity.

In addition, Svetlana organizes holidays. She owns an agency that organizes all kinds of events that she personally holds from time to time. Often, together with comedy residents Club, most often with Pavel Volya.

In 2017, she was one of the hosts of the Voice. Children".

She starred in small roles in a number of films.

So, Zeynalova took part in such films as "The Moscow Saga" and "Heavy Sand", starred in a comedy melodrama called "Love and Other Nonsense", and also appeared in the mini-series "Boatswain Chaika".

As the host of the morning program, Svetlana constantly has to get up early and struggle with sleep.

Secret how to wake up fast from Svetlana Zeynalova: "I need to take a very hot shower. And I even have my own head hot water I water because it really lets go. I don’t know what exactly happens to the body, but it works. And black tea. And I don't drink coffee at all..

Svetlana Zeynalova. Alone with everyone

The growth of Svetlana Zeynalova: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Svetlana Zeynalova:

She was married to the former program director of Radio Maximum Alexei Glazatov. The couple have a daughter, Alexandra.

In 2012 they divorced.

Svetlana Zeynalova and Alexey Glazatov

Svetlana's daughter suffers from autism. The presenter speaks openly about the girl's illness.

When the girl was one and a half years old, doctors first noticed changes in her behavior. According to the results of the examination, it was revealed that Sasha has autism.

“We were asked to leave the cafe, kicked out of circles - no one wants to mess with a difficult child. They didn’t take us to kindergartens, even nannies refused to work with us. I understood, on the one hand, why they are so. But I was infinitely offended that this was happening. Yes, she is, but she is a person! ”, She recalled.

The situation became even more complicated when her husband Alexei Glazatov left the family. Despite everything, Zeynalova was sympathetic to this step and began to raise her daughter herself.

“I would have a difficult moment when my husband left. Endless problems began - you need to find money, doctors, you don’t understand what to do. And you clearly understand that you will be doing this all your life. And, most likely, no man will ever want to live with you, ”the TV presenter admitted.

For a long time she could not find a good nanny for Sasha, because it is not as easy to communicate with her as with other children. In addition, it was difficult for Zeynalova to openly admit that the baby has developmental features. In an interview, she carefully avoided this topic.

“One day I just stopped saying to others: “My daughter just has a difficult character” or “She has small problems, we will soon outgrow them.” This is a deception - first of all of itself. You seem to be ashamed that you have problems with your child. And I stopped being ashamed, began to say to everyone in the forehead: “And my daughter has autism. If you want, you can not invite us to visit, ”Svetlana shared.

Later, Svetlana was able to meet the man who won her heart. Her chosen one is Dmitry, he is several years younger than her, but the age difference does not interfere with the lovers at all. According to the presenter, Dmitry managed to make friends with her daughter Alexandra and the man surrounded the girl with touching care.

In January 2018, rumors about Zeynalova's pregnancy appeared. May 27, 2018, as reported on her Instagram: "Mitka cried like all iron men who for the first time hold happiness wrapped in a simple flannel diaper."

Filmography of Svetlana Zeynalova:

2004 - Moscow Saga - episode
2008 - Heavy sand - judge
2010 - Love and other nonsense - Ulyana
2010 - Immersion Love
2013 - Shopping center- cameo
2014 - Bosun Chaika - journalist Natasha
2017 - Kitchen. News anchor's last stand

    Svetlana Zeynalova is the sister of Irada Zeynalova.

    Irada was born in 1972 and Svetlana in 1977.

    By patronymic, they are both Avtandilovna.

    Svetlana is the younger sister of Irida Zeynalova.

    Irida is the elder sister of journalist Svetlana Zeynalova.

    Yes. These lovely women in fact, they are sisters who work on Channel One.

    Irada Zeynalova is a correspondent, as well as the host of the Sunday Timequot ; program, and Svetlana Zeynalova wakes up with the whole country in the Good Morningquot ; program.

    Personally, I like Svetlana more, as she is more pleasant to talk to, always smiling.

    Yes, these two women are really sisters.

    TV presenter Svetlana is the younger sister of correspondent Irada Zeynalova.

    Irada Zeynalova older than Svetlana for 5 years.

    Svetlana is prettier and softer in behavior than Irada

    Yes, Svetlana and Irada Zeynalov are sisters, and not seventh water in milk, but relatives.

    They were born five years apart. The eldest is Irada, the younger sister is Svetlana. I will not say that these women are similar, but they have something in common.

    Both became famous thanks to Russian television.

    I used to wonder about this as well. yes, they are sisters, though they are so different in character and it can be seen with the naked eye. Outwardly similar, there is a similarity. Personally, I like Svetlana more, she is more feminine, sweet, she smiles all the time, she is positive. And Irada is rude.

    Irada Zeynalova and Svetlana Zeynalova are two sisters. If we often see Irada Zeynalova in the news on the first channel (Sunday Time), then we see Svetlana Zeynalova in the program Good Morning again same on the first channel.

    Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova - journalist, correspondent, TV presenter, she is 41 years old.

    Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova is a radio and TV presenter, she is 36 years old. Both were born in Moscow, and by nationality - Azerbaijanis.

    About both sisters, you can great success read on wikipedia. By the way, who recently watched the program What? Where? When? quot ;, he could see both sisters in the connoisseurs. The team of connoisseurs by the way won this time.

    Irada Zeynalova has been working on Channel One for a long time, often gives reports from troubled areas, in recent times appears in the News on weekends when a review of the week is required. The surname Zeynalov is rare and memorable, like Irada herself. Therefore, the appearance of another presenter and external similarity aroused interest. Yes, they are sisters, outwardly very similar, the difference is small, five years.

    Yes, indeed, Irada and Svetlana Zeynalov are sisters.

    If you put them side by side, then, of course, it catches the eye their strong resemblance. The eldest of them is Irada, she was born in 1972. And Svetlana - in 1977. Accordingly, the age difference between the sisters is 5 years.

    Also, in their appearance, In my opinion, it is possible to determine what character each of them has. Svetlana is more feminine, gentle and pretty, and Irada is more specific, harsh and more confident.

    With regards to personal life, then Irada has a valid marriage with journalist Alexei Samoletov, they have a son Timur. But Svetlana divorced in 2012 and is in a free search, she is raising her daughter Sasha.

    Professionally Irada also jumped a little over her younger sister. She has many titles, awards and regalia associated with journalistic activities. But Svetlana has achieved significant success in the field of entertainment - she owns her own agency for organizing holidays.

    Here are the sisters!

    Yes, they are relatives and there are similarities between them. But I can’t personally say about their character. I don’t know about personal life either and I won’t write in vain, I know that one Younger sister works TV presenter, and Irada correspondent.

    Yes, they are sisters, I learned about it from live broadcast TV shows What? Where? When?, which was 11/30/2013, the first game started winter games the presenters of the first channel participated in it. So both sisters participated, Svetlana is more emotional. Looks prettier than her sister Irada (not much rough voice), who is five years older.

Svetlana Zeynalova was born in Moscow in 1977, in the family of a prominent official. Sveta has an older sister, Irada. The father, an Azerbaijani by nationality, raised his children in strictness.

Since childhood, Sveta wanted to be an actress. She attended an amateur art circle, theater studio participated in school productions. After graduating from school, Sveta decided to first get the profession of a psychologist. In 1997 she graduated from the Pedagogical University (Department of Psychology), then entered the Shchepkin Theater School.


After graduation, Zeynalova was hired by the Theater "At the Nikitsky Gates". She was given small roles. Due to modest earnings in the theater, the actress had to earn extra money as a waitress. A few years later, she also began to organize holidays, where she was the host.

Svetlana was very tired of such a schedule and decided that she needed a change in her life. She turned to her sister Irada, who was already a well-known journalist, for help. She arranged for Svetlana a meeting with famous producers on TV.

After some time, Zeynalova was invited to radio "Maximum" as one of the hosts of the morning program. It happened in 2004. Very soon, her voice fell in love with the audience. Then she also began working as a show program producer, then moved to Business FM radio and began to lead the Secular News section.

In 2010 Zeynalova was invited to work at Our Radio, where she hosted own show. Svetlana herself at one time did not want to agree to lead morning programs, but for some reason she was invited to lead only them.

Working on the radio helped build a career on television. Zeynalova made her debut on the TVC channel with the Mood program, which became very successful. Svetlana was noticed by the leadership of Channel One, she was offered to host the Good Morning show. She later became the host of the Good Day program.

S. Zeynalova is also the organizer and host of the holidays, often collaborating with the residents of the Comedy Club. She also participates in the filming of films, playing episodic roles.

Personal life

In the mid-2000s, Svetlana Zeynalova met with A. Glazatov, director of Radio Maximum. He helped her build a career in radio. The couple lived for 3 years in a civil marriage, then they got married. This happened in 2008. In 2009, Alexander's daughter was born. In 2012, the marriage was annulled.

The daughter of Svetlana Zeynalova has autism, the diagnosis was made when the girl was 1.5 years old. It was very difficult for Svetlana to raise a sick child, she had to earn money alone for her daughter's treatment. In 2015 Zeynalova took part in the program “Alone with everyone” and said that she no longer felt unhappy. She met a new man who managed to build a relationship with her daughter.

In 2016, the creators of the program "So far, everyone is at home" visited Zeynalova's house. The audience saw Svetlana's parents, who became real helpers in raising the girl. She talked a lot about her life, shared her experience of raising her daughter. In May 2018, Zeynalova gave birth to her second daughter, who was named Veronika. The father was the chosen one of Svetlana named Dmitry.

Advice 2: Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova: biography, career and personal life

Irada Zeynalova is a successful journalist who has worked in television for many years. The attention of the audience is attracted by her vivid reports, the author's style of presenting the material.

Early years, youth

Irada Avtandilovna was born on February 20, 1972, her native city- Moscow. Her father is Azerbaijani influential official ministry, strictly raised children. Irada has a sister, Svetlana, she also achieved success on television.

Irada was active child, in her youth she was known as an active Komsomol member, devoted a lot of time social activities. After school, she began to study at the aviation university. Tsiolkovsky.


Zeynalova became a process engineer for powder materials. After studying, Irada had an internship in America, then she worked at Samsung Aerospace in her specialty.

In 1997, Zeynalova came to television, she had long wanted to become a journalist. Her friend, Olga Kokorekina, offered her the position of assistant editor of the Vremya (RTR) program. Later, Irada became the editor of Vesti, translated from English, and participated in the process of creating a newsroom for news.

In 2000, Zeynalova became a correspondent for Vesti, the lack of education in the specialty "journalism" did not become an obstacle. She covered many events taking place in the country. Zeynalova conducted many reports in difficult conditions.

In 2006, Irada covered the events of the World Cup in Germany, the Olympics in Turin, in 2012 she made stories about Olympic Games in London. AT track record journalists are not only sport competitions, but also hot spots, events in art, politics.

In 2007, Zeynalova was appointed head of the Channel One bureau in England, and in 2011 she became head of the channel's bureau in Israel. In 2012, Irada received the position of the host of the Vremya program. In 2014, Zeynalova was included in the sanctions list of Ukraine because of her position regarding the events in this country.

In 2016, Irada Avtandilovna left Channel One and switched to NTV, an act she explains by her desire to start with clean slate. Zeynalova began to lead the author's program "Results of the Week". Irada Avtandilovna has many awards: TEFI, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, and others.

Personal life

The husband of Iraida Avtandilovna was Aleksey Samoletov, journalist, special correspondent for the Vesti-Moscow and Vesti programs. He is also the host of the program "The World on the Edge". The marriage lasted 20 years, they had a son, Timur. He is a student at MGIMO, studies foreign languages, does not plan to engage in journalism.

In 2015, Zeynalova broke up with Samoletov and began to appear with Alexander Evstigneev, a war correspondent. Together they visited hot spots, both are passionate about work. The couple legalized their relationship in 2016. Free time they devote to travel.

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