Mahashivaratri is the great night of Shiva. Indian holidays

On the night of February 24-25, 2017, Mahashivaratri or the Great Night of Shiva is celebrated - this is one of the greatest holidays of the seekers of Truth.
This is not just a celebration, but rather an intense saddhana - bestowing the highest good on every being.

Yogis and Tantrics revere God in His two main manifestations: as Shiva - the Father of the World, and as Shakti - the Mother of the World. In their essence, Shiva and Shakti are a single principle. These are not two gods - this is the One Lord, this is God and His Power.

On this night, according to legend, Lord Shiva performed tandava - the dance of primary creation, preservation and ... destruction.

Hindu scriptures, in particular the Skanda Purana, describe four types of Shivaratri:
The first is Nitya Shivaratri (daily Shivaratri - every night).
The second is Masa Shivaratri (monthly Shivaratri), which is observed on the fourteenth lunar day (Chaturdashi) of the waning moon (Krishna Pakshi).
The third is Magha-Pratham-Adi Shivaratri, which is observed during the first thirteen lunar days of the month of the Magus.
Fourth - Maha Shivaratri, which is observed on the fourteenth lunar day (Chaturdashi) of the waning moon (Krishna Paksha) of the month of the Magus. On the night of this Chaturdashi, Shiva is worshiped throughout the night.

What's special about this night? This time is very favorable for any spiritual practice. On this night, any practice you do will bring greater results. Meditation on this night is considered 100 times stronger than normal. If you do not sleep, fast and meditate with pure devotion and love on this night, then Shiva's mercy will surely descend on us.

How is Mahashivaratri celebrated in India?

The Mahashivaratri holiday in India is a day of devotion and worship to Shiva and Parvati, celebrated by all devout Hindus on the night before the new moon in the spring month of Phalgun (the date “floats” from late February to mid-March according to the Gregorian calendar).

The holiday begins at sunrise on the day of Shivaratri and continues all night long in temples and at home altars, this day is spent in prayers, reciting mantras, singing hymns and worshiping Shiva. Shaivites fast on this day, do not eat or drink, and even Mahashivaratri prasad. It can only be eaten the next day. Many Hindus participate in jaagran, the all-night vigil, at various Shiva temples across the country. Shivaites believe that the sincere observance of rituals and the performance of Shivaratri Puja all night frees them from all their sins and gives Shiva's grace in the form of liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
After a ritual bath, preferably in the sacred waters of the Ganges or another holy river, Shaivites put on new clothes and must visit the nearest Shiva temple to offer him traditional milk, water, bilva leaves, fruits, incense, oil lamps, etc. as an offering. And by the end of Shivaratri, milk rivers flow from the temples in different directions.
On this day, the temples are full of people, people come in families, sit around the temple or line up waiting for the opportunity to perform puja. People sing bhajans and the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" and ring bells to make the atmosphere religious and pious. In shivmandirs (temples of Shiva) and on their territory, many lamps and garlands are lit, in large temples live brass and percussion orchestras play.

Technical aspects of conducting

On this holy night, Shiva is worshiped by performing a large, full puja (worship) every three hours. The service will begin with an introductory ceremony - a brief prayer and worship of Ganesha (the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati); the deity who removes obstacles, the god of wisdom and intelligence, the giver of success and good luck in any endeavor. Following this, the 1st - Vaidika Puja (Vedic Puja) of Shiva will begin. In the Vedic worship of the ancient Aryans, the main thing was the worship not of idols, not of murti (holy images), not of icons, but of the sacred fire, it is with the kindling of the sacred fire, with a brief agnihotra (fire sacrifice, libation of sacrificial oil into the fire) and this puja will begin, in during such sacrifices, ghee is poured into the fire, and branches of a certain tree are thrown. In vaidika puja, mantras from the Vedas are repeated and exclusively sattvic (possessing the quality of goodness) offerings are offered. Prayers during this period of time (approximately from 19.00 - 22.00) should also be pronounced only with good intentions, no black magic, no selfish desires and petty material requests. "God! Grant me faith, grant me saving knowledge and a true guru!” - such prayers are commendable in this first watch (the first three hours). It is useful at this time to pray for others: “God! Heal all the sick, feed all the hungry, establish peace, prosperity and well-being in our city, village, country, everywhere ... ”, etc.

How to do Mahashivaratri at home

Fast, meditate, chant Shiva's mantra, as well as Shiva Sahasranama Stotra (a thousand names of Lord Shiva).

Bom Shankar!

May all living beings achieve Liberation!

Source: forum.,,

Maha Shivratri - the great night of Shiva, when the Hindu god Shiva performed his cosmic dance "Tandava", which was the source of the cycle of creation, preservation and destruction. Those who worship Shiva at this time can get liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

The festival is celebrated every year in Falgun, the month corresponding in India to the period from mid-February to mid-March. Believers try to visit some major shrine associated with Shiva and Parvati on the days of Shivaratri. Mahashivaratri is celebrated not only in India, but also in Nepal, Mauritius, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In Nepal, there is one of the main shrines dedicated to Shiva - the Pashupatinath temple. On the days of Shivaratri, huge crowds of believers from India and Nepal flock here for prayers and ablutions, which take place on the Bagmati River, which flows next to the temple.

There are many legends associated with the celebration of the festival. Some attribute this event to those distant days when Shiva came to the aid of the workers of the creation of Amrita. To get the drink of immortality, the gods decided to churn the ocean with the help of aisurs, and that churning lasted for many thousands of years. This lengthy process is called Samudra Manthan (Samudra manthan or Ksheera Sagara Mathanam). The result was a huge amount of poison. It was then that Shiva came to the rescue. He drank all the poison and saved the universe.

There is another version of the reason for the celebration of Shivaratri and it is connected with the great love that the Hindus feel for Shiva and his wife Parvati, they are the idols of Indian families. Shiva symbolizes the divine power, the cosmic male principle and the higher consciousness of man, and Parvati symbolizes the divine mother, mother nature, the cosmic female principle and the creative female principle, internal energy. Many people celebrate the wedding of Shiva and Parvati on the Great Night of Shiva. Therefore, this day is especially important for women and girls. Who prays for a good husband, and who asks for healthy and beautiful children, mostly boys, they ask Parvati for well-being in the house, the well-being and love of their husband.

There is another version of the celebration of Mahashivaratri and it is connected with the legend, when the "comprehensive" god Vishnu, the creator of the universe - the god Brahma and the god Shiva, argued, which of them is the most important and powerful. Shiva defeated his "partners" by appearing in the form of an infinite Lingam, proving to everyone that he is the most powerful and powerful god.

There is another belief associated with Shiva. The sacred texts say that Shiva indulged in smoking marijuana with pleasure. Therefore, sadhu ascetics, who on the days of Shivaratri are in the most sacred places associated with Shiva, certainly gather together and periodically give themselves to this occupation. Sadhus themselves are revered in Hinduism as saints. They believe that smoking marijuana brings them closer to Shiva and through this herb they receive his blessing. Sadhus traditionally celebrate Mahashivaratri, or the Great Night of Shiva, by smoking herbs.

Hindus celebrate Mahashivaratri at night. It is at night in India that great services are held in all the temples dedicated to Shiva. Throughout the day until the big Night of Shiva, almost all believers keep fasting. According to the Puranas, if you keep pure devotion on a holiday, then you can achieve moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death, from all suffering and the limitations of material existence).

Many Hindus during Mahashivaratri tend to arrive at the great river Ganges. Early in the morning, after fasting and cleansing services, believers before sunrise tend to bathe in the Ganges, offer prayers to Shiva, put on clean clothes, return to temples and continue religious chants.

From February 13 to February 14, 2018, the main holiday of the year, Maha Shiva Ra Tri, will be held - a holiday in honor of God Shiva (Siva - Gray Perun)) and his wife - Goddess Parvati (Perunitsa). It is celebrated several times a year, but this one is considered the most important, therefore it bears the prefix "Maha" - Great, Chief.

Vedic legends about the origin of the holiday.

There are various Vedic Tales associated with the Mahashivaratri festival. According to one of them, Shivaratri marks the wedding night of God Siva (Shiva) and Goddess Parvati. According to another legend, on this night God Siva (Shiva) performed Tandavu dance of creation, preservation and destruction Universe

According to the Vedic Legend "Linga Purana", it was on this night that God Siva (Shiva) appeared before Svarog (Brahma) and Vyshen (Vishnu) in the form of Beginningless and Infinite Light in the form of a lingam and stopped their dispute about supremacy.

What is Mahashivaratri and who is God Shiva (Siva) from the point of view of the Slavic-Aryans.

Let's start by looking at the images of the Old Slovenian Speech:

macha– Sprawling, Boundless, Comprehensive (now superseded by the distorted word “Mega”),

Shiva- Siva (Grey, Gray-haired, White-headed, Primordial) - epithets of Perun

Ra- The Primordial Light of the Progenitor, manifested in the material world as Ra Light, Ra Dost (Prosperity), Ra Deniya (Act), Ra Duga,

Three- a number meaning 3 worlds: Yav (material), Nav (energy-informational) and Rule (Spiritual).

Maha Shiva Ra Tri- Comprehensive Kind-Progenitor Primordial Light in three worlds: Reveal, Navi and Rule. Sounds very much like ours.

God Siva (Shiva) is a manifestation of the Progenitor in the worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. Goddess Parvati (Parva - First - Perunitsa) is a manifestation of female energy in the worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. Is there any confirmation of this in the Slavic Vedic Culture? Yes there is.

All Old Believers and Rodnovers glorify, first of all, the Ancestral Family and the Goddess Rozhana (Siva and Parvati), and secondly and thirdly, all the Gods and Goddesses who are their manifestations in the Universe.

Since the Slavic Vedic Culture has been eradicated by fire and sword for 2,000 years since the forced Christianization of Russia, it is now difficult to find detailed information about God Siva (Shiva). But ineradicable images remained: the trident and the phallus - symbols of the God of the Family in the face of God Shiva (Siva).

In addition, hydronyms and toponyms preserved in the Slavic lands:

In accordance with the information presented in the book of Vedaman Vedagor Trekhlebov "Koschuny Finist - Yasna Sokol", earlier in our World Slavic Vedic State there was a city of Siva, renamed Thebes. In addition, in the Perm Territory (formerly part of Tartaria), the city of Siva safely exists.

In the Carpathians (western Ukraine), Kummir was preserved in honor of the wife of God Siva (Shiva) - the face of the Progenitor Clan called "Goddess Rozhana (Virgin Mary - Parvati)". Kummir is made of rock slabs carefully fitted to each other, installed by the Carpathian Rusyns-Veduns (Malfars) back in pre-Christian times and preserved to this day.

In the Kuban, in the Apsheron region, in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range, there is the village of Shivanskaya (now renamed Shirvanskaya),

In the Volga-Oka interfluve - this is the Shivskaya River. Details are in the article: Rivers are storage memory ,

Details can be found on the website. Rodobozhie in the article Tandava - dance of God Siwa (Shiva) ».

Then how did the holidays of honoring God Siwa from our vast expanses come to the Hindustan peninsula? From time immemorial, our Slavic Ancestors lived in Dravidia (on the Hindustan Peninsula), and now their descendants, our blood brothers, live. The appearance of most modern Hindus is the result of the assimilation of our Ancestors by the black natives of Hindustan. But even until now, among them, especially the Brahmins who avoid assimilation, one can meet the current descendants of our Ancient Ancestors.

The word "Inde" means "Far". Accordingly - "Indostan" means "Far Stan". You can find out more about this in the article. « Mahabharata is the greatest annalistic monument of the Cultural Heritage of Ancient Russia ».

But why, out of such an abundance of manifestations of the faces of the God of the Progenitor and the Goddess Rozhana in the Slavic pantheon of the Gods and Goddesses of the world of Rule (and even more extensive - in the world of Navi), our Ancestors explained to the local black natives only three faces - Siva (Shiva), Vyshenya ( Vishnu) and Svarog (Brahma) with their female incarnations - Parvati (Shakti), Lada (Lakshmi) and the Queen of Light - Mother Swa (Tsarasvati)?

It will be easy to understand if we imagine that an expedition of scientists (professors, academicians and doctors of sciences), arriving in some village, would try to transfer their knowledge to ordinary villagers. The most that they would achieve is to teach them knowledge, approximately corresponding to the volume of the secondary school program.

The Vedas say that millions of people can hear the Vedic Wisdom, but only one in a thousand will be interested. One in a thousand who are interested will want to learn. One out of a thousand students will understand its Essence in full. One of the thousand who understand the Essence will want to apply it in his life. And only one out of a thousand who applied it will receive Divine Self-Realization and ascend to the Abode of the Supreme.

What Faces of God Siva (Shiva) and Goddess Parvati have survived to this day in the worldview of modern Old Believers and Rodnovers.

In short (since this topic is very extensive), then first of all it is God Rod and Goddess Rozhana, as well as their manifestations - God Perun and Goddess Perunitsa (Diva Dodola). Read more about this and see the section « Songs of the bird Gamayun » .

If you, dear readers, are not yet followers of Rodobozhy and do not yet belong to the communities of Rodnovers and Old Believers, which means you don’t know how to spend or celebrate the holiday of God Siva (Perun), but want to join him, I will try to help you with this. measure of strength.

The rules for holding the holiday among Rodnovers and Old Believers are noticeably different, and there is no time to write a whole treatise about this. They are similar in the main: fiery sacrifices of Holy Food and Suritsa to God Perun, singing hymns and praises, driving round dances, jumping over a fire and walking on coals, folk games and festivities.

How Maha Shiva Ra Tri is celebrated in India.

The Mahashivaratri holiday in India is a day of devotion and worship to God Shiva (Perun) and Goddess Parvati (Perunica), celebrated by all Shaivites and Hindus on the night before the new moon in the spring month of Phalgun (the date shifts according to the lunar calendar from late February to mid-March - according to the Gregorian calendar).

Shivaites and Hindus read "katha" - stories about Lord Shiva, and sing hymns in his honor. After the holiday, which lasts a day, a fair begins on the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

Those who are awake during Shivaratri are promised material prosperity and a place in paradise in the Vedic Texts - Puranas. It is believed that any prayer and meditation on this night is 100 times stronger than usual. This is due to the favorable position of the Sun and Moon at this time. The symbol of this holiday is the Lingam of Lord Shiva.

The festival begins at sunrise on the day of Shivaratri and continues throughout the night in Temples and at home Altars. This day is spent in prayers, reading mantras, singing hymns and worshiping Shiva.

Shaivites fast on this day, do not eat or drink. Even prasadam (food lit on the Altar) is only eaten the next day. Many Hindus participate in the all-night vigil at various Shiva Temples throughout the country. Shivaites believe that the sincere observance of rituals and the performance of worship throughout the night of Shivaratri frees them from all sins and gives Shiva's grace in the form of liberation from the cycle of birth and death in the material world.

After a ritual bath in the luminous waters of the Ganges or another luminous river, Shivaites put on new clothes and must visit the nearest temple of Lord Shiva to offer him traditional milk, water, bilva leaves, fruits, incense, oil lamp fire, etc. as an offering. By the end of Shivaratri, “rivers of milk” flow from the Temples in different directions.

On this day, people come to the Temples with their families, sit around the Temples or line up waiting for the opportunity to perform the Divine Service. People sing hymns and the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya”, ring bells and kartals to cleanse the atmosphere of demonic beings and make it the most pious. In the Temples of Shiva and on their territory, many lamps and garlands are lit, in large Temples orchestras play on wind and percussion instruments.

What is addressed on this holiday to God Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

On this day, women ask the Goddess Parvati (after all, Her husband - God Shiva is an ideal husband) to grant them a successful marriage and beautiful children, as well as family well-being and prosperity in the new year. Men ask for the fulfillment of their dreams associated with their spiritual and material aspirations. Yogis and Ascetics also consider Mahashivaratri their holiday, because Lord Shiva is the Father of Yoga and the Patron of Ascetics. They drink a drink of milk, cannabis and almonds to the glory of God Shiva in order to increase their mystical abilities and see the other world.

Features of the holiday.

On this Holy Night, they honor and glorify God Shiva, performing a Divine service every three hours. It begins with an introductory ceremony - prayer and worship to God Ganesha (the elephant-headed son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati).

God Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, the God of Wisdom, who helps to develop and spiritualize the mind, mind and intellect, the giver of success and the giver of blessings in any good undertaking. Following this, the worship of Shiva begins.

Hindus remember that the Ancient Aryans considered the main thing not the worship of Murti (Light Images), but the veneration of the Holy Fire, since God Agni is the representative of the Supreme Progenitor in the material world.

Therefore, the Divine Service begins with the kindling of the Holy Fire and the Fiery Sacrifice (libations into the fire of sacrificial ghee and branches of the Holy Plants). During this divine service, mantras from the Vedas are chanted and sattvic (possessing the quality of goodness) offerings are offered to God Shiva.

Hymns and prayers during this period of time (approximately from 19:00-22:00) are pronounced only with good intentions (no magic, no selfish desires and petty material requests). For example: “Oh Lord Shiva! Grant me Faith, grant me saving Knowledge and the True Guru!” At the same time, they also pray for others: “Oh, Good Shiva! Heal all the sick, feed all the hungry, establish peace, prosperity and well-being in our city, village, country, everywhere ... ".

After that, the following Divine Services are held, according to the established Vedic Rules - until the very end of the holiday. You can independently find the details of these Divine Services and information about their Spiritual purpose on the Internet.

I congratulate you, dear readers, on the holidays in honor of the Deities of Veles and Yoga, Siva (Shiva) and Parvati - Maha Shiva Ra Tri. I wish you success in your spiritual growth and all the best.

Glory to the Family Gods - Rod and Rozhana, Veles and Yoga, Siva (Shiva) and Parvati!

Om namah Shivaya - Oh, the Supreme Ancestor, manifesting in the form of God Siva (Shiva), accept my respectful bow.

Om Tat Sat - Oh, Supreme Progenitor, You are That (Heavenly) Light.

"Ratri" in Sanskrit means "night"; Shivaratri is the night of Shiva. Mahashivaratri is one of the most significant Vedic holidays, and according to tradition, a festive ceremony (yajna) in honor of Shiva is held all night. Also, according to tradition, fasting is observed all night (from sunset to sunrise the next day). Shiva mantras are sung, pujas are performed, and ablution is performed in the morning. This is the day when the connection with the relative side of existence (which is symbolized by the marriage of Shiva and Parvati) is most animated in Pure consciousness. This holiday is a very good time to revive the connection of the relative with the Absolute. The impulse of this day can improve both areas of life: both spiritual development and material life, especially with regard to those aspirations in life that are aimed at important accomplishments and which are difficult to achieve. Shiva is that aspect of Natural Law that overcomes the resistance to evolution and development and destroys ignorance on the path to pure knowledge. On this day, the impulse of the Creative Mind, which gives spiritual development and enlightenment and which helps in the fulfillment of aspirations, is most manifested and animated in Nature.

Shivaratri is one of the most auspicious Vedic festivals. Puranas reveal the significance of this holiday. Once, when everything in all the worlds was consumed by Shiva, nothing was present in that darkness, Parvati worshiped Lord Shiva with great devotion. Paramesvara (Shiva), satisfied with Her prayer, decided to reward Her. She asked for the benefit for all creatures: that in the future, whoever honors the Lord on the day of Shivaratri with devotion, they should be awarded Moksha - final liberation, enlightenment. When Brahma and Vishnu argued among themselves: "who is the greatest", Shiva appeared before them like a pillar of fire. They could not find the beginning and end of this pillar. Then Brahma and Mahavishnu repented for their mistake and asked Shiva to forgive them and began to worship Shiva-Lingam, which is one of the forms of flame. On the night of the Shivaratri festival, Shiva appeared before them and blessed them. Therefore, devotees of Shiva turn to him throughout the night of Shivaratri, performing Abishek, chanting mantras and performing other holy actions.

There are many stories about the greatness of this day. One day the man in the jungle was very tired. When evening came, the tiger began to pursue him. Running away from the tiger, the man climbed a tree. It was the Bilva tree. The tiger was sitting under a tree, waiting for the man to come down. And the man sat on a tree branch and tried not to fall asleep. And in order to drive away sleep and do something, he plucked the leaves of the tree and threw them down; below, under a tree, was the Shiva-Lingam. So the whole night passed. Shiva was pleased with the fast and puja that the man and the tiger had done without even knowing it. He became very supportive: Shiva gave the man and the tiger Moksha - enlightenment.

In the Shiva temple on the day of Mahashivaratri, the lamp on the altar began to burn very dimly. At this time, the mouse, which came to find its prey, touched the lamp. Thanks to this, the lamp was kindled, and the altar was well lit. Satisfied with this, Shiva made the mouse Mahabali a famous asura king.

There are many similar events recounted in the Puranas. If we perform a vrata with pure devotion and love, then without a doubt we will receive the favor of the Almighty Shiva.

The Skandha Purana describes four Shiva Ratris:
1) Nitya-Shiva-Ratri (daily Shiva-Ratri - every night).
2) Masa-Shiva-Ratri (monthly Shiva-Ratri), which is observed on the Chaturdashi [fourteenth tithi] of Krishna Pakshi [the waning moon] of every lunar month.
3) Magha-Pratham-Adi Shiva-Ratri, which is observed during the first thirteen tithi [lunar days] of the lunar month of Magha.
4) Maha-Shiva-Ratri, which is observed in the Chaturdashi [fourteenth tithi] of Krishna-Pakshi [the waning moon] of the lunar month of Magha. On the night before this Chaturdashi (that is, from the 13th to the 14th tithi), Shiva is worshiped throughout the night.

In the 9th century, the Kashmiri saint poet Utpaldeva, describing Shivaratri, wrote: "When the sun, moon and all the stars are set simultaneously, the radiant night of Shiva comes, spreading her own effulgence." Kashmiri Pandits usually celebrate Shivaratri for 23 days. First, six days are devoted to cleaning the house and buying items for Puja. Then 2-3 days are spent in prayers. One day they give gifts; then the Bhairavas are worshiped for two days. One day is dedicated to the worship of Shiva. The next day, the oldest person in the family gives gifts to all family members. Then again - the day of worship of Shiva. The next day, prasadam of nuts and rice cakes is distributed. The holiday often continues until Ashtami. The last day, moreover, marks the end of winter; people put on new and better clothes, families get together.

#15 Serxio 12.02.2018 01:04

Quoting Seva:

Shiva is not the greatest Krishna defeated Him in battle and Shiva bowed down before Krishna.

This is a polytheism alien to the Vedas and Upanishads, which is characteristic of modernist Hare Krishna groups. For Hindus, inclusive monotheists, all gods are manifestations of the same God. Neo-Hinduists, on the contrary, coined the term "demigod", blaspheming Shiva and extolling one of Vishnu's avatars, ignoring the hefty layer of Indian literature and calling their late Puranic fantasies "Vedic". Shiva, identical to Vishnu, Brahma and Rudra - for the follower of the Upanishads is not "one of the gods" and even more so not a "demigod" (there is no such word in Sanskrit), but the Great God, Mahadev. And there are enough authentic stories about how Shiva stopped the rampage of Vishnu's avatar (a metaphor for self-control) in the Upanishads and Puranas. Therefore, Hindus should be wary of those who, claiming to possess the Vedas, do not know the fundamental foundations, including inclusive monotheism. This applies to all the fantasies of neo-Hinduists who have essentially turned away from the One in favor of their vulgar polytheism.

Mahashivaratri (ratri - Skt. night) is a night of fasting and prayer. The sacred time of the holiday offers us opportunities for spiritual "acceleration" as a unique combination of energy spreads like nectar in the universe. The vibrations of this night are like cool moonlight, illuminating our inner world, calming and cooling our mind. After spending at least part of this night in meditation and prayer, we can get answers to the question: how and what needs to be done in order to achieve the desired liberation.

This night is spent in meditation on Lord Shiva, the destroyer of obstacles and illusions. Believers read stories about Shiva, sing hymns in honor of Shiva. The Puranas recommend fasting and staying awake on the night of Mahashivaratri.

Mahashivaratri is not exclusive to Indian festivals. This holiday can be called international and not tied to the religious cult of any country. On this night, the unique location of the orbits of the Moon, Sun and Earth frees us from shackles for 12 hours, allowing us to climb up ... there to the endless horizons of the spirit and the endless sky of devotion, love and bliss.

It is believed that on this night our mind, which supports our illusions, generates an almost endless stream of desires, finds peace - these are the blessings of Shiva. And in this silence we get a unique chance to realize our nature, to touch our being.

The Universe gives us a unique chance to remove obstacles from our path that prevent us from living a happy and fulfilling life, being at peace with ourselves and other people. And it doesn’t matter what these obstacles are - material difficulties or the inability to build relationships with other people. The anchors that hold us in the world of our own illusions may have different names, but the essence is the same. they keep us from being free and happy. So don't waste your time.

Mahashivaratri and astrology

Shiva is considered the patron and significator of the Moon. If the Moon is in an unfavorable position in your horoscope, or the Moon is currently in your birth chart, this night gives you the opportunity to receive special blessings and harmonize the influence of Chandra (Moon).

Fasting and staying awake on this night is recommended for representatives of the lunar Libra, since the second stage of “Sade-sati” is now operating in your astrological chart and the Moon will be connected to Saturn. Your austerity on this night will help solve health problems, reduce the number of obstacles in your path and help you gain a new understanding of yourself.

Blessing of Mahashivaratri

On this holy night, Shiva is worshiped by performing a puja (worship) every two to three hours.

Approximately from 19.00-22.00 (Moscow time) prayers are said, with good intentions, without selfish desires and petty material requests. "God! Grant me Faith and Love for you, grant me true Knowledge and Guru! You can use this time to do your daily sadhana or prayer.

From 0:00-3:00 (Moscow time) the second puja, at this time they ask for prosperity, wealth, fame, career.

From 4:00-6:00 (Moscow time) Shiva is worshiped in His formidable aspects, the destroyer of negativity. They pray for the acquisition of virtuous qualities and for getting rid of negative ones. If you have problems that you cannot solve on your own, then this is the time to ask for help. Just remember about environmental friendliness, the fulfillment of your desire should not harm other people.

The last puja is associated with the worship of Shiva as the Absolute, beyond all qualities, names and forms. The time of Brahma Muhurta (06:19 - 07:07 Moscow time), the pre-dawn time, when amazing silence and peace reign in nature, just contributes to such meditation. This is the gap between sleep and wakefulness. The fourth and final puja gives us the opportunity to feel Shiva as our Higher Self.

Puja (priest service) can be replaced by prayer.

For women, this night is also especially favorable. Unmarried girls stay awake that night, fasting and praying to Shiva to give them good husbands. Married - pray for family well-being and prosperity in the new year. After all, Parvati, the wife of Shiva, is considered to give family happiness and a happy family life.

How to fast

For the fulfillment of the desired or the liberation from desires (whoever likes it better), during the period of Mahashivaratri, they fast, do not eat or drink (you can’t watch TV either, this day can be spent without a computer, this is a good post for a modern person).

TRADITIONAL POST. They fast from sunset on March 10 to sunrise on March 11. (From 03/10/2013 . post start 19:15 end post 03/11/2013 . at 8:05 Moscow time)

STRICT POST. If health permits, you can keep a strict fast (no food or water). It lasts from 03/10/2013. post start 02:35 post end 03/11/2013 . at 1:00. If you can, keep a strict fast until dawn on March 11th. If health does not allow, then you can drink water or fruit juice after 1:00, but it is better to refuse food.

SIMPLE POST. The easiest post since 03/10/2013. beginning 18:00 - exit from the post 03/11/2013 6 am

Shiva is the patron saint of ascetics, so this night suggests that you give up any attachment, albeit for a while. If you cannot refuse food, you can take a vow of silence and remain silent for the specified periods of time. Or stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Perhaps you are prone to fits of anger and are rude to other people, give up aggression on this day and spend the day in peace.

The exit from fasting is eating prasadam, the food that you offered to the Higher Forces as a gift. How to cook Prasad read below.

The simple ritual of Mahashivaratri

In addition to fasting, you can perform a small ritual on this night.

You will need:

  • red flower
  • Milk (do not use milk from a tetra pack, it is better from a package or from a grandmother).
  • New mug without pattern, choose the most beautiful in the store. The main requirement of the mug is to be new and without a drawing. Then you can use it, and it will become your amulet for this year.
  • Fruit
  • Candle
  • Incense
  • A place for an altar if you don't have a permanent one.

Find a place for the altar in advance. If you do not have a permanent altar, you can build one in a window or any other convenient place, while sleeping your feet should not be directed towards the altar.

On the evening of March 10, after you have completed all your affairs, take a bath and put on clean clothes of yellow or white.

Put flowers, honey, fruits on the altar. Light incense and candles. Open a bag of milk and, pouring it into a mug, read the mantra "OM NAMAH SHIVA" 3 times. Place the mug on the altar. During this sacred night, milk will acquire the healing properties of amrita (drink of immortality), and the mug will become your amulet. During the year, the mug will work like a battery, filling you with energy and peace. If you have any difficulties or health problems, you can drink tea from a mug.

So, after you have prepared the altar, depending on your preferences, perform the rituals described below.

If you have a rosary and like mantras, you can chant the mantra "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA".

The minimum number of repetitions of the mantra is 108 times. If possible, read 1008, because this is a special night, you can defeat your laziness once a year.

If you are not a fan of reciting mantras and not a supporter of meditation, perform a simple ritual of getting rid of obstacles. After laying everything out on the altar, sit down at your convenience and think about your life. Where are you going and what would you like to achieve in life? What prevents you from doing this, write about it. Turn in prayer to the Higher Forces with a request to help you get rid of your own illusions that prevent you from seeing the right solution or do not allow you to resolve problems in a relationship. Then go out to the balcony and burn this leaf. The ashes must be dispelled through the air, as the sacred ash or vibhuti is one of the attributes of Shiva.

Be sure to spend at least 30 minutes in peace and quiet. Then you can put out the candles and go to bed. In the morning, share fruit among family members. Prasad has miraculous powers.

Going out onto the balcony and reciting the mantra "OM NAMAH SHIVA" sprinkle a few drops of milk in the air (touch the milk only with your right hand). Drink the rest of the milk yourself or share it among family members, it will give healing and a charge of vivacity.

You can conduct your little ritual, choosing the time period in accordance with the intentions that you want to implement. In India, it is customary to stay awake all night.

May the divine vibration of this night help all of us find prosperity, find our own path, give strength to walk this path to the infinite radiance of divinity.

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