The central bank is a public authority. Who owns and obeys the central bank

For more than a quarter of a century, the Central Bank of Russia has been fulfilling the most important mission of a first-tier bank. That is, only he in our country has the right to issue money. Other key functions of the Central Bank also include protecting the ruble and maintaining its stability as a national currency. The Bank of Russia, being the coordinator and regulator of the large credit system of the Russian Federation, acts as a macro-financial management body. The Central Bank of Russia establishes unshakable rules for credit institutions, can give and take away licenses for official banking activities.

How did the Central Bank of the Russian Federation appear and who established it

The Central Bank of Russia emerged on July 13, 1990 - this can be called a consequence of the modernization of the Russian Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR. The establishment of a relatively new structure (and initially it was called the state bank of the RSFSR) took place by order of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. And it is quite relevant to record this state body as the founder of the Central Bank of Russia. At the beginning of the summer of 1991, the Charter of the State Bank of the RSFSR was adopted, and accountability to the Supreme Council was clearly and unambiguously spelled out in it. Some time later, the bank became the uncontested body of monetary and foreign exchange regulation in the RSFSR. It was he who was entrusted with the powers of the State Bank of the Soviet Union to issue and set the ruble rate in a 100% volume.

Around the same time, under the leadership of this bank, through the commercialization of state-owned special banks, an extensive list of private financial organizations was created in the Russian Federation. In the wake of global transformations, in December 1991, the State Bank of the Soviet Union underwent a process of abolition. All his property and assets, located on the vast territory of the RSFSR, were transferred without a trace to the republican state bank. A little later, already in 1992, it was decided to call it the Central Bank of Russia.

The Central Bank is a structure with an independent status in the service of public interests

Formally, this is a legal entity with an indefinite organizational and legal form. More precisely, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has a unique organizational form that cannot be reduced to the options specified in the civil codes. And by legal science, this, of course, should be qualified as a “legal gap”, which was deliberately allowed by lawmakers. In any case, it is obvious that the Central Bank is not a JSC, so questions about the list of shareholders of the Central Bank of Russia are incorrect. The shareholders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are a non-existent, mythical phenomenon. But the Central Bank itself has the right to become a shareholder of other organizations. And at the present moment, for example, he has at his disposal 52.3 percent of the shares of Sberbank.

The Central Bank does not belong to any of the three branches of government, does not depend on them, but is accountable to the Federal Assembly. The independence of the Central Bank, like that of any other national bank, is a backbone property that characterizes the whole range of relations connected in one way or another with the activities of this financial institution. The provision on independence is enshrined in the 75th article of the Constitution and specified in the relevant Federal Law. The very fact of the presence of such an article in the basic law indicates that without this body the normal functioning of the state is impossible.

In RuNet, you can now find a lot of conspiracy theories that supposedly reveal the shocking truth about who the owner of the Central Bank of Russia is in reality. For example, according to one of these theories, the true owner of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the Federal Reserve System of the United States (and the oligarchic clans that allegedly control it). Supporters of such versions, for example, refer to the fact that the information issued by the tax service registry upon inquiries about the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not contain data on its founders (shareholders, participants) and the so-called authorized capital.

However, serious economists declare conspiracy theories untenable. For the most part, they say with confidence that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a structure controlled by the Russian state. There are simply no sufficient grounds to consider the Central Bank as a kind of private property or an organization dependent on the “world government”.

Features of the functioning of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a very large organization, consisting of more than 40 structural divisions. And the number of employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, according to data for January 2017, exceeded 53 thousand. The Central Bank of Russia, acting in accordance with the rules of self-sufficiency and self-financing, performs on behalf of the Russian state the role of the owner of the gold and foreign exchange reserves (GFR) of our country and all the funds of the federal budget. The Central Bank receives profit from operations with this property, or rather, the organization takes its commission from each such operation.

As mentioned above, the main function of the Central Bank is the issue of cash. But the funds received from the issue are not included in the income of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Central Bank of Russia produces ruble bills against treasury bills or government bonds at its own expense. But the process of printing money is quite expensive - here you need to pay for paper, for paint, for electricity, for the work of printers, etc.

In addition, the Central Bank is obliged to give a certain share of its total profit to budget revenues. And in the last three to four years, this share has been gradually increasing. Until October 2014, the Central Bank gave 50% of the profits, then, by presidential decree, this figure increased to 75%. In 2015, the standard of 75% was retained, however, in addition, the Central Bank was also obliged to transfer 15% to Vnesheconombank - this was due to the need to strengthen economic stability. And in the fall of 2015, a law came into force that provided for the transfer by the Central Bank of Russia of 90% of annual profits to the state budget.

The Bank of Russia annually sends its balance sheet and reports on losses and incomes to the State Duma. The Duma is obliged to consider these documents before July 1 of the year following the reporting year and take certain decisions in this regard. In addition, CBR reports must be made available to the general public no later than July 15 of the year following the reporting year.

Why the Central Bank manages gold and foreign exchange reserves

The fact that the Central Bank manages the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves should not cause any misunderstandings. There is absolutely nothing terrible or abnormal about this. The true state of affairs is that all of this property is federal anyway, and this is clearly stated in many official documents. The state simply delegated the right to dispose of gold reserves and other valuables in favor of the Central Bank. Or, to put it another way, she issued him a general carte blanche for the use, possession and free disposal of the above-mentioned property.

Such carte blanche could also be issued, for example, to the government of the Russian Federation. However, we must not forget that the government has many other responsibilities, and its members are not very well versed in monetary policy (at least in comparison with the experts of the Central Bank). The executive branch can hypothetically shake the stability of the national currency, exchanging all this for momentary political interests and short-term benefits. This means that leaving the most important strategic issues related to the economy at the mercy of a more or less independent in status and in fact structure looks like a completely logical decision.

Another important argument in favor of such a decision is the following: when the powers of the Central Bank are delegated to the government, legal risks in the international arena greatly increase. Now in the USA, England and a number of jurisdictions of the Old World, the funds of the central banks of countries are protected by immunity from coercive measures that may be appointed as a result of litigation. This immunity is also strengthened by another significant distinction spelled out in Russian regulatory documents: the state is not liable in any way for the obligations of the Central Bank, and the Bank is not liable for the obligations of state structures. If these reserves belong to the government, then this judicial immunity will be lost.

Who owns the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and who manages it

The figure of the chairman has been of great importance in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since its very foundation. In different periods, this high position was occupied by different people. Among them are Georgy Matyukhin (from 1990 to 1992), Viktor Gerashchenko (from 1992 to 1994 and from 1998 to 2002), Sergey Dubinin (from 1995 to 1998), Sergey Ignatiev (from 2003 to 2013). And in 2013, Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina became the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and she still works in this position. In addition, the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the National Financial Council (NFC) - collective bodies with significant real powers - have a great influence on all the activities of the Central Bank.

Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullin

NSF traditionally includes 12 people. Two representatives are delegated from the Federation Council, three are sent by the State Duma, three by the President of the Russian Federation, and three more by the federal government. In addition to this, the NSF also includes the current chairman of the Central Bank. The functions of this body are detailed in the Federal Law. Among other things, these functions include:

  • consideration of reports of the Central Bank;
  • approval of expenses and profits of the Bank of Russia for the next annual period;
  • approval of documents on any additional expenses;
  • consideration of the problems of improving the banking system of the Russian Federation;
  • determination of key directions of state monetary policy;
  • consideration of issues that are somehow related to the entry of the Central Bank of Russia into the capital of other legal entities;
  • nomination of the auditor of the Central Bank.

As for the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it consists of fifteen members (including the chairman). All of them conduct their activities on an ongoing systematic basis, and the President and the State Duma, in addition to the Chairman of the Central Bank, take part in the procedure for appointing members of the Council. This Council is in close connection with the National Financial Council, mentioned above, and solves a whole range of issues within the existing powers of the Central Bank:

  • about raising or lowering rates;
  • on the release of new banknotes in design and the withdrawal of old ones from circulation;
  • on determining operating limits on the open market;
  • on the rules for the formation of reserves by organizations conducting financial activities;
  • on compensation for deposits of individuals in banks that filed bankruptcy and did not insure user deposits.

The Board of Directors also regulates internal workflows: it is engaged in determining the wages of employees of the Central Bank of Russia (in particular, they set wages for themselves), approving the general structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, appointing the management of departments, etc.

I would like to return to this issue again. Once again explain and show the "nuances" of the status of our Central Bank, which I wrote about in the book "Nationalization of the ruble". It is very important. After all, the so-called gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russia do not belong to Russia, but specifically to the Bank of Russia.

So is the Bank of Russia (CB of Russia) a government agency?

Laws are formulas. The essence is expressed in them. Emotions are not inherent in laws. Everything is clearly written in them. Another thing is that sometimes a legal education is urgently needed to read and understand them.

But there are moments where this is not required, because the wording of the law is clear to any adult. Except, of course, "liberal economists".

To understand, let's take a law that does not seem to have any direct relation to the activities of the Central Bank. For example, Federal Law No. 152-FZ on personal data.

It has recently been amended.

So, the original wording of Part 2 of Article 4 was as follows: “On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, state bodies, within their powers, may adopt regulatory legal acts on certain issues related to the processing of personal data.”

Now it sounds like this: “On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws state bodies, the Bank of Russia, local governments, within their powers, may adopt normative legal acts, normative acts, legal acts (hereinafter referred to as normative legal acts) on certain issues related to the processing of personal data.;base=PRJ;n=87877

As we can see, the clarification in the law clearly tells us: there are state bodies, and there is the Bank of Russia.

The Bank of Russia is indeed not a state body. This means that it simply CANNOT obey the Russian state.

My opponents in the discussion in the Channel 5 program, having high-profile titles and no less high-profile positions, unfortunately, do not read the fundamental laws. And that is why they ardently opposed the thesis I expressed that the Central Bank of Russia is not a state body.

But it’s enough just to read the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” or just go to the website of our “Central Bank” (which, in fact, is not ours at all), as you can read the main thing, the essence:

“A key element of the legal status of the Bank of Russia is principle of independence, which manifests itself primarily in the fact that that the Bank of Russia acts as a special public institution having the exclusive right to issue money and organize money circulation.

It is not a public authority At the same time, its powers, by their legal nature, relate to the functions of state power, since their implementation involves the use of measures of state coercion.

Functions and powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)", the Bank of Russia is implemented independently of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. The independence of the status of the Bank of Russia is reflected in Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)".

Let's repeat the essence, especially for "liberal economists":

  1. The law on the Central Bank of Russia expressly states that it is not a public authority.
  2. It also states that the Central Bank of Russia is a special public law institution. I emphasize - special. Special NON-STATE Institute.
  3. The law says that their functions The Bank of Russia exercises independently of all types of state power in Russia.

There can be only one conclusion from all this - the Bank of Russia is not subordinate to the state.

Or maybe "liberal economists" know all this very well? But for “some reasons”, they always turn on a fool, start to giggle, “make faces” when someone claims that our Central Bank is a non-state structure that is not subordinate to the Russian state.

But, as one smart person said, you can deceive some sometimes, but you won’t be able to deceive everyone all the time.

And it looks like that time is fast approaching...

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a non-governmental commercial organization accountable to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and headed by the Board of Directors of the company. As a legal entity, the Bank of Russia was registered on July 13, 1990 and during the year was accountable to the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, and after the formation of the CIS, its legal status was changed to a branch of the IMF.

Why is the National Bank of the Russian Federation not controlled by the state? The Main Bank was separated from the country on December 2, 1990, when B. Yeltsin signed the law “On the Central Bank of the RSFSR” (FZ No. 394-1). The following year, the USSR State Bank was annulled and all property within the RSFSR was transferred to the Bank of Russia. In February 1992, the name of the company was changed to Central Bank. So the economic sovereignty of the state is lost, but the company transfers 75% of the profits to the budget.

Legal regulations

The accountability of the Central Bank to the State Duma is as follows:

  1. Representatives of the Board of Directors are elected by the decision of the State Duma on the proposal of the Head of the Central Bank, who received the consent of the President of Russia.
  2. The parliament retains the right to send and recall representatives to the NBS.
  3. Deputies check the annual reporting of the Central Bank and make decisions on it.
  4. The chairman of the financial organization annually submits to the Duma a report on the results of the company's operation.

Chairmen are appointed not by the president, but by parliament. The head of state has the right to propose his own candidate, and the final decision remains with the deputies. Thus, if Putin proposes Glazyev for the post of chairman of the Central Bank, then there is a high probability that the Duma will vote "against".

Focusing on the opinion of representatives of the State Duma, Putin proposed to E. Nabiullin, and this option satisfied everyone. The right to dismiss the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation also remains with the parliament, but only "on the proposal of the Head of the Russian Federation." At the same time, the "first person" of the Central Bank is not obliged to obey the government.

Functions of the Central Bank

The Central Bank reserves the right to remain inactive in relation to the state economy, having no motivation for this, since "the Russian Federation is not liable for the obligations of the Central Bank, and the Bank is not responsible for the obligations of Russia."

In Art. 22 "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" states:

  • The Bank does not have the authority to provide loans to the state administration to cover the budget deficit.
  • With a decrease in oil prices and a lack of reserves in the state budget to finance targeted programs and social benefits, the government will be forced to apply to the IMF for a loan. The Bank of Russia is not obliged to cover the shortage of funds.
  • All property registered on the company's accounts is gold and foreign exchange reserves in the amount of 524.5 billion. dollars cannot be used to stabilize the country's economy. The organization functions as a private financial institution of Rothschild and Rockefeller (branch of the US Federal Reserve).

According to Art. 5 of the Constitution and Art. 22 of the Law "On the Central Bank", the Bank of the Russian Federation is a special public legal institution that issues money regardless of the state. The company is competent in creating regulations binding on state authorities, individuals and companies, performing other functions:

  • Issue of money.
  • Approval of the graphic designations of the national currency.
  • Lending and refinancing of financial institutions.
  • Creation of settlement rules in the Russian Federation.
  • Maintenance of budget accounts.
  • Control and management of currency, precious metals.
  • State registration of financial institutions and license revocation, etc.

At the same time, the Bank of Russia acts in the interests of the country as a result of relations with foreign central banks and other monetary and financial organizations.

Official version

The Central Bank of Russia belongs to the banks of the first level and it serves as the main bank of the Russian Federation. This is the main issuing body and monetary institution of the country. It plays the role of the central coordinating and managing body of the credit system of the Russian Federation. The Central Bank controls other banks, has the right to issue and withdraw licenses from banks in Russia.

The Central Bank was established in 1990 and is the legal successor to the State Bank of the USSR.

Tasks of the Central Bank of Russia

The main goals of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are considered to be: protection and guarantee of the stability of the ruble, ensuring the uninterrupted and efficient operation of the payment system, and developing the banking system of Russia.

Following from the goals, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has several tasks:

  1. It must be the emission center of the Russian Federation, that is, it must have the monopoly right to issue money (which is confirmed by Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  2. It should be a government bank, that is, carry out government settlement operations, provide it with loans, and support the economic programs of the state. And also the Central Bank of the Russian Federation must store gold and foreign exchange reserves (GFR) of the country;
  3. It should be the main settlement center of the state, that is, it should be an intermediary in non-cash payments between other banks of the Russian Federation;
  4. It should be a “bank for banks”, which means that it should not work with outside clients, but mainly with banks in the Russian Federation. Their interaction is characterized by the fact that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation keeps the reserves of other banks (in the amount established by law), exercise control over the activities of other banks in the country, issue loans to them;
  5. He should deal with the regulation of the economy by monetary methods. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation can issue loans to the government to cover the deficit in the state budget, but cannot finance loans to cover the deficits of extra-budgetary state funds and the budgets of Russian subjects.

Making a profit does not apply to the main goal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Who is the chairman (head) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

According to Article 83 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of Russia proposes to the State Duma a candidate for election to the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The president can also raise the question of removing the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from his post before the State Duma.

Since 2013, Elvira Nabiullina has served as the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Who is subordinate to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and why the Central Bank does not belong to Russia

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is given a special constitutional and legal status. Its functions and powers and status are established by federal law No. 86-FZ. Legally, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a non-state body, that is, it is not the property of the state, and its employees are not civil servants, the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is defined as a legal entity. But in fact, according to its powers and goals, it belongs to state bodies, since the implementation of its functions provides for measures of state coercion.

Who owns the Bank of Russia?

The authorized capital and all property of the Central Bank belong to the federal property, while at the same time the Central Bank disposes of the gold reserves and its property independently. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not pay for the obligations of Russia, just as Russia does not pay for the debts of the Central Bank, unless otherwise provided by law. This can be interpreted as follows: the state may go bankrupt, even if there is a stock of gold reserves stored in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In fact, the government depends on the Central Bank of Russia. The Central Bank is financially independent from the state. He covers his own expenses with income. Until 2014, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation transferred half of its income to the Russian budget after paying all taxes and fees. In the fall of 2014, Vladimir Putin signed a law that required 75% of the Central Bank's revenues to be transferred to the federal budget. This year, the Central Bank was obliged to give 15% of its income to Vnesheconombank.

Who controls the Central Bank of Russia

According to Article No. 15-FZ on the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation", the management structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation consists of the head and members of the board of directors in the amount of 14 people. Members of the Council are elected by the State Duma on the proposal of the Chairman of the Central Bank in agreement with the President of the Russian Federation. The Board of Directors is elected for five years and works on a regular basis.

Why does the ruble not belong to Russia?

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) is the main bank of the first level, on which the entire economy of the country depends. It is this bank that issues the ruble, it is this bank that sets the lending rate and foreign exchange rates against the ruble, it is this bank that controls the activities of credit institutions, issues and revokes their banking licenses, it is this bank that stores the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves and many other powers and functions are vested in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that the Central Bank of Russia issues money regardless of the state, which is spelled out in the constitution of the Russian Federation:

Article 75 paragraphs 1, 2

1. The monetary unit in the Russian Federation is the ruble. Money emission is carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The introduction and issue of other money in the Russian Federation is not allowed.

2. Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it performs independently of other state authorities.

Here we take a closer look at Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" taken from the official website of the Central Bank Having studied this law, we will see that the Central Bank of Russia not only acts independently of the state, it is generally not controlled by the state and is not responsible for anything. It sounds incredible, but it's true. And you will be convinced of this now.

Since the analysis of the law is quite cumbersome, in addition to the text version, you can familiarize yourself with the video version of the analysis of the law on the Central Bank from Artyom Voitenkov, who explains quite interestingly with examples what this or that article means.

Which version of the analysis to study - text or video - decide for yourself how it will be more convenient for you.

So, after analyzing the federal law on the Central Bank, you will find out that:

  1. The Central Bank is a legal entity independent of the state;
  2. Only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has the exclusive right to issue cash and organize cash circulation;
  3. Without the permission of the Bank of Russia, the state cannot dispose of property and even more so the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves;
  4. The state is not responsible for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - on the obligations of the state;
  5. The relationship between currencies is regulated by the Central Bank the Russian Federation, regardless of the government of the Russian Federation;
  6. The Bank of Russia has the right to apply for the protection of its interests to international courts, courts of foreign states and arbitration courts;
  7. The Bank of Russia in the financial sector may issue instructions, regulations and instructions what needs to be done, both by state governing bodies, and by legal entities and individuals, and everyone must unquestioningly comply with them;
  8. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation, but it is allowed to lend to the economies of other countries;
  9. The Bank of Russia is absolutely not obliged to comply with the orders of the President, the State Duma, the Ministry of Finance and any other government bodies.
  10. It is almost impossible to fire the Chairman of the Bank of Russia until his term expires, even if he does a poor job or simply refuses to follow government orders.
  11. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is the only entity whose instructions the Central Bank must follow.

And now let's proceed directly to the study of the articles of the law on the Central Bank themselves, in order to make sure that all of the above theses are true.

“Article 1. The status, goals of activity, functions and powers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws.

The functions and powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and this Federal Law shall be exercised by the Bank of Russia independently of other federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies.

The Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The Bank of Russia has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name.

The location of the central bodies of the Bank of Russia is the city of Moscow.”

This article indicates that the Central Bank carries out not only the issue of money, which is prescribed in the constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 2), but also all other functions and powers, regardless of other government bodies. Moreover, the Central Bank is a private legal entity, i.e. it is not a state bank. Although " The Bank of Russia has a seal depicting the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”, the coat of arms of the interim government of 1917 is depicted on Russian money, which once again reminds us of the absence of a national identity of the Central Bank.

On Russian rubles, not the Russian coat of arms is painted, but the coat of arms of the interim government of 1917.

“Article 2. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal property. In accordance with the purposes and in the manner established by this Federal Law, the Bank of Russia exercises the authority to own, use and dispose of the property of the Bank of Russia, including the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia. Seizure and encumbrance of the said property without the consent of the Bank of Russia shall not be allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

The state is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia - for the obligations of the state, if they have not assumed such obligations or unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

The Bank of Russia carries out its expenses at the expense of its own income.

This means that the state owns the property (building, tables, equipment, etc.) and the authorized capital of the Bank of Russia, but without the permission of the Bank of Russia, which is a private legal entity, the state cannot dispose of the property, and even more so the country's gold and foreign exchange reserves, what the next part of the article tells us: “Withdrawal and encumbrance of the specified property without the consent of the Bank of Russia are not allowed, unless otherwise provided by federal law.”. Further it becomes even more interesting. It is argued that “the State is not liable for the obligations of the Bank of Russia, and the Bank of Russia is not liable for the obligations of the state”, i.e. once again it is emphasized that the Bank of Russia and the state are independent of each other, and no one is responsible for anyone.

"Article 4. The Bank of Russia performs the following functions:"

Let's take a look at some of the paragraphs of Article 4.

"1) in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation develops and implements a unified state monetary policy;"

Again, it is clarified that the Bank of Russia develops and pursues a unified state monetary policy in cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation, but not strictly following the government's orders.

“2) monopoly issues cash and organizes cash circulation;”

Monopoly means that only the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has the exclusive right to issue cash and organize cash circulation. And this is what we have written in the constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 75, paragraph 1).

"7) carry out effective management of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia;"

Gold and foreign exchange reserves are state property, but they can only be disposed of by a legal entity - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is not liable for obligations and is not subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation.

"12) organize and carry out currency regulation and currency control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;"

The relationship between currencies is again regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, regardless of the government of the Russian Federation.

“Article 6. The Bank of Russia has the right to file claims with the courts in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Bank of Russia has the right to apply for the protection of its interests to international courts, courts of foreign states and arbitration courts.”

It turns out that the Bank of Russia, if it doesn’t like something, can at any time apply “for the protection of its interests” (and not necessarily the interests of the Russian people and the state) to an international court. The International Court of Law (Article 15 paragraph 4) takes precedence over the Russian court. Thus, if the interests of the Central Bank and international organizations coincide, but they do not coincide with the interests of Russia, then the Central Bank will, as expected, always win all courts. This means only one thing, that the control of the Russian economy is exercised through international law.

“Article 7. On issues within its competence by this Federal Law and other federal laws, the Bank of Russia shall issue, in the form of instructions, regulations and instructions, normative acts binding on federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, all legal entities and individuals.

The rules for preparing Bank of Russia regulations are established by the Bank of Russia independently.

Only part of article 7 is presented here, but it is enough to understand the essence of what has been said. Article 7 of the federal law on the Central Bank says that the Bank of Russia in the financial sector can give instructions, regulations and instructions on what needs to be done, both to state governing bodies, and to legal entities and individuals, and everyone must unquestioningly comply with them. Those. once again it is emphasized that in the financial sphere the Bank of Russia, and not the government of the Russian Federation, is the commander-in-chief.

"Article 21.
The Bank of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation inform each other about proposed actions of national importance, coordinate their policies, and hold regular mutual consultations.

The Bank of Russia advises the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the schedule for issuing government securities of the Russian Federation and repaying the government debt of the Russian Federation, taking into account their impact on the state of the banking system of the Russian Federation and the priorities of the unified state monetary policy.

A very interesting excerpt from an article that shows the relationship between the Bank of Russia and the government of the Russian Federation. It is reminiscent of an agreement between two countries that "inform each other of proposed actions", "coordinate their policies" and "carry out regular mutual consultations". It also turns out that the Bank of Russia does not belong to the Ministry of Finance, but it only advises it.

“Article 22. The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit, to purchase government securities at their initial placement, except in cases where this is provided for by the federal law on the federal budget.

The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to finance deficits in the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

Very often one can come across such an opinion that if the central bank is separated from the state, then this is in the order of the norm - this is how it is accepted everywhere. We are immediately cited as an example of the United States, where the Federal Reserve System also operates independently of the state. However, in any civilized country in the world, including the United States, the central bank has the right to lend to the economy of its own country. Article 22 of the federal law on the Central Bank shows us that if the Russian state does not have enough money, then it cannot take a loan from the Central Bank, as, for example, the United States does from its FRS system, but at the same time, the Bank of Russia is allowed to lend economies of other countries, which he is actively engaged in.

“Article 23. The funds of the federal budget and the funds of state off-budget funds are kept in the Bank of Russia, unless otherwise established by federal laws.

The Bank of Russia, without charging a commission, carries out transactions with funds from the federal budget, funds from state extra-budgetary funds, funds from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and funds from local budgets, as well as operations to service the state debt of the Russian Federation and operations with gold and foreign exchange reserves.

The powers of the Bank of Russia to service the state debt of the Russian Federation are determined by federal laws.

The Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, if necessary, conclude agreements on carrying out the above operations on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation.”

Despite the fact that the Central Bank is independent of the state and is not responsible for the obligations of the state, all "Federal budget funds and state extra-budgetary funds are kept in the Bank of Russia." Also, Article 23 informs us that if the Government of the Russian Federation wants to carry out some kind of operation in the financial sector, then it gives an order to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, in turn, must conclude an agreement with the Bank of Russia, and only if if the Bank of Russia agrees to conclude an agreement, the transaction can be carried out. Thus, we see that the Bank of Russia is not only freed from the execution of government orders, which is prescribed in the 1st article of the law on the Central Bank, but is also not at all obliged to obey the Ministry of Finance, because. the law clearly states that “the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, if necessary, conclude agreements,” and do not operate according to the “head-subordinate” system.


The last hope for discovering the “statehood” of our Central Bank is to look at the procedure for the formation of its governing bodies. Chapter III is called just that: "Governing Bodies of the Bank of Russia."

"Article 14.

The Chairman of the Bank of Russia is appointed by the State Duma for a term of four years by a majority vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

The President of the Russian Federation shall nominate a candidate for appointment to the position of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia no later than three months before the expiration of the powers of the current Chairman of the Bank of Russia.

In the event of early dismissal of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, the President of the Russian Federation shall nominate a candidate for this position within two weeks from the date of said dismissal.

In case of rejection of the candidate proposed for the position of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, the President of the Russian Federation proposes a new candidate within two weeks. The same candidate cannot be nominated more than twice.

The same person cannot hold the position of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia for more than three consecutive terms.

The State Duma has the right to dismiss the Chairman of the Bank of Russia on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation.

From this article we see that the chairman of the Bank of Russia is appointed not by the president, but by the State Duma. The President only proposes his candidacy, but it is not a fact that the Duma will accept it. Moreover, only the State Duma can remove the chairman of the Bank of Russia from office and only "on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation." The law is written so cunningly that it is almost impossible for the president and the Duma to dismiss the chairman of the Bank of Russia from his post. To be convinced of this, you need to read in what cases the chairman of the Bank of Russia can be relieved of his post.

We read the continuation of article 14:

The Chairman of the Bank of Russia may be dismissed from office only in the following cases:

expiration of the term of office;

inability to perform official duties, confirmed by the conclusion of the state medical commission;
filing a personal letter of resignation;

commission of a criminally punishable act established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

violations of federal laws that regulate issues related to the activities of the Bank of Russia;

failure to take measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest to which he is a party, failure to provide or provide incomplete or inaccurate information about his income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature, or failure to provide or submit knowingly incomplete or inaccurate information about income, expenses, property and obligations of a property nature of their spouse (spouse) and minor children in cases provided for by Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption" and the Federal Law "On Controlling the Compliance of Expenses of Persons Holding Public Offices and Other Persons Their income”, as well as the discrepancy between his expenses, expenses of his wife (spouse) and minor children with their total income.”

It turns out that if the chairman of the Central Bank is healthy, his powers have not yet expired, he is not going to leave himself, he does not violate the law, he complies with federal legislation (that is, he does not give loans to his country), he does not hide information about his income, then it is impossible to remove the chairman of the Bank of Russia from his post .

"Article 15.

The Board of Directors includes the Chairman of the Bank of Russia and 12 members of the Board of Directors.

Members of the Board of Directors work on a permanent basis at the Bank of Russia.

Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the State Duma for a term of four years on the proposal of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, agreed with the President of the Russian Federation.

Members of the Board of Directors are dismissed:

upon the expiration of the term of office specified in this article, by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia;

before the expiration of the term of office specified in this article - by the State Duma on the proposal of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia;

This means that only the chairman of the Central Bank can early dismiss an incompetent banker who is on the Board of Directors. Indeed, for the early dismissal of a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank, the presentation of the chairman of the bank is necessary. The State Duma itself cannot fire a banker if the chairman of the Central Bank does not want it.

Thus, having studied the federal law on the Central Bank, we can safely conclude that the Bank of Russia and the Russian ruble do not belong to the state. But, if the Central Bank does not belong to and is not subordinate to the state, then who is its owner? By whose rules does the Bank of Russia play?

As you know, Russia is a member of the IMF. Accordingly, Russia has concluded an agreement with the IMF, which must be unconditionally implemented. In the law on the Central Bank it is written:

“Article 4. The Bank of Russia performs the following functions:

182) is a depository of the funds of the International Monetary Fund in the currency of the Russian Federation, carries out operations and transactions stipulated by the articles of the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and agreements with the International Monetary Fund;

The Central Bank manages the emission of the ruble in the "currency board" mode. This is necessary because any member country of the IMF is obliged to ensure the simultaneous exchange of the entire volume of its national currency for dollars and pounds from its own gold and foreign exchange reserves. At any given time, this rule must be respected. Without this, they do not take to the IMF. And as a result, there is not as much money in the Russian economy as is necessary for its normal functioning, but as much as there are dollars in the Central Bank. How many dollars were bailed out for the sold oil and gas, so much you can print your own Russian rubles. That is, the entire Russian economy is artificially placed in direct dependence on the export of natural resources. [This paragraph is taken from the book “Nationalization of the ruble. The path to the freedom of Russia".]

But how did it happen that the main connecting center of the country's economy is not controlled by the state? The separation of the central bank from Russia took place on December 2, 1990, when Boris Yeltsin signed the law “On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)” (Federal Law No. 394-1 of December 2, 1990). On December 20, 1991, the State Bank of the USSR was abolished and all its assets and liabilities, as well as property on the territory of the RSFSR, were transferred to the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia). A few months later, the bank became known as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). This is how, under democratic slogans, Russia with its own hands deprived itself of economic sovereignty.

Certificate of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993

October 15, 1993 President B. N. Yeltsin signed a decree on a popular vote on the draft constitution of Russia and approved "Regulations on the popular vote on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993". According to the Regulations, the Constitution was considered approved if the majority of the voters who took part in the vote voted for its adoption, provided that more than half of the number of registered voters took part in the vote. The term "popular vote" (and not "referendum") was used to circumvent the provision of the RSFSR Referendum Law in force, according to Article 9 of which a referendum could only be called by the Congress of People's Deputies or the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation.

Voting has taken place December 12, 1993. Voted for the adoption of the constitution 58,43 % , against - 41,57 % . The new constitution was adopted and entered into force from the day it was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta - December 25, 1993.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation from the date of its creation on July 13, 1990 to the present day is a non-state commercial structure, accountable to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and headed by the Board of Directors and the National Banking Council. According to Article 22 of the Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation":

The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to the Government of the Russian Federation to finance the federal budget deficit... The Bank of Russia is not entitled to provide loans to finance deficits in the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
In the event of a fall in oil prices and the formation of a budget deficit of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank will not finance the lack of funds in the budget for the payment of pensions, salaries of budgetary organizations (power structures, the Ministry of Defense, Health, Education, and so on), government targeted programs and other expenses . The government will have to turn to the International Monetary Fund, a private organization of American and British bankers, to obtain a loan for the implementation of budgetary appropriations. All funds accumulated in the accounts of the Central Bank of Russia - gold and foreign exchange reserves in the amount of 524.5 billion dollars cannot be used to stabilize the economy of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 22. The Central Bank of Russia, created by B.N. Yeltsin, as a private banking organization, exists solely as a branch of the US Federal Reserve System, again the private banking organization of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The circle is closed, the Central Bank of Russia belongs to the Rothschild clan and is completely dependent on their decisions. Why?
Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:
Money emission is carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Protecting and ensuring the stability of the ruble is the main function of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it performs independently of other government bodies.
In a word, printing and the number of printed rubles is the exclusive prerogative of the Central Bank of Russia, this function of the bank - an independent commercial structure cannot be influenced by any state authority, such as the president or prime minister of the Russian Federation. To whom is the Central Bank of Russia subordinate? First of all, one must understand that the number of printed rubles is directly dependent on the receipt of petrodollars in the accounts of the Central Bank. If the price of oil exceeds the level set by the Treasury, then the Central Bank of Russia will print rubles for this difference and put them into circulation, acting as a US currency exchange office. The oil sold by Russia is settled in US dollars, the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar is set by the Central Bank, and the size of this exchange rate depends on the amount of inflation, which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation corrects by constantly strengthening the ruble against the US dollar. It is curious that inflation in Russia over the past decade has averaged 10% per year according to official statistics, the ruble exchange rate in 2001 averaged 29.4, today it is 27.6. It turns out that in 10 years the dollar should have cost at least 58 rubles, and in terms of the ratio of exchange rates, the dollar depreciated by 100 - 6.2 = 93.8%? But this is not so, the depreciation of the dollar by 6.2% over ten years is exactly in line with the expected inflationary process in the United States. This monetarist policy of the Russian government and the Central Bank prompts some reflections.
Firstly, the fight against inflation by maintaining a stable exchange rate of the ruble led to the non-competitiveness of domestic producers, the actual destruction of agriculture and industry. Orientation of the Central Bank of Russia to the expensive ruble has led to a high refinancing rate set by the Central Bank, in the amount of 8.25%. Economists argue that at a refinancing rate above 5%, the industry ceases to make a profit and self-liquidates, which happened in Russia. Domestic banks and enterprises are forced to take loans in the West, since it is pointless to lend at 15-20% per annum. Hence, the total debt of domestic entrepreneurs in 2011 amounted to 533 billion dollars, while the accounts of the Central Bank contain gold - foreign exchange reserves in the amount of 525 billion dollars, but the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have the right to lend from these funds to a domestic entrepreneur, since these funds are invested in debt US obligations.
Secondly, the volume of the ruble issue in Russia does not exceed a certain level set by the Central Bank of Russia, as the difference between the base rate of the oil price and the profit from the sale of oil at world prices. Multiplying this difference by the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation receives a certain money supply, which does not take into account many macroeconomic indicators within the country. But the rules of the game are set and everyone is obliged to strictly comply with this monetarist law established by the United States for Russia. At the same time, the base rate for the price of oil disappeared somewhere, which is a rather impressive amount, more than the entire volume of ruble emission, as well as funds from the sale of other minerals and energy resources. This money almost completely disappears in Western banks and offshore, with the exception of export duties and meager taxes.

Thus, the President and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation have a part of the funds from the sale of oil, and at a fixed undervalued ruble-dollar exchange rate, export duties and taxes. It's all! The rest of the funds evaporated in an "unknown" direction. It is also funny that the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, in the amount of $ 26 billion, is on the accounts of the private Central Bank of Russia, and the funds of the National Wealth Fund in the amount of $ 90.9 billion, placed at 6.25% per annum, are also located there. This is just a mockery of the Russian people, because even the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 8.25% per annum. It turns out that 2% is a fee to the Board of Directors and the National Banking Council for conducting a banking operation? It turns out that S. M. Ignatiev, as chairman of the Board of Directors, and A. L. Kudrin, as chairman of the NBS, divided the amount of 2.34 billion dollars, and they have been doing this every year since 2008.
Another incomprehensible case with the missing funds of the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, which the Central Bank of Russia had. In 2008, the accounts of the Central Bank of Russia of the Reserve Fund accounted for 130 billion dollars, in 2010 there were only 26 billion of them left, and 104 billion dollars were spent in a year and a half. At the same time, gold - foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank of Russia increased over the same period from 453.5 to 524.5 billion dollars, that is, by 71 billion dollars. Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin, it is quite possible that $33 billion was spent on increasing the capitalization of banks and the social sphere, but how did it happen that $71 billion was not used to restore the economy, but migrated to the accounts of the private commercial Central Bank of Russia and became inaccessible to the government of the Russian Federations?
The highest level of corruption and financial crimes is not in the government and not among officials, but in a private commercial bank called the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
The history of this monstrous crime, under the code “Operation Central Bank of Russia,” began back in 1989, when B.N. Yeltsin visited the United States, where he “accidentally” met with George W. at the Rockefeller Club in Manhattan. Then this traitor and "agent of influence" of the Western intelligence services received not only the "go-ahead" for his criminal activities, but also for the transfer of all Russian finances under the control of the United States. Already at the beginning of the next 1990, the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Russia) was created, the charter of which was written off from the US Federal Reserve and at the same time B.N. Yeltsin and M.S. Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild, branch of the Rothschild bank in Switzerland.
The KGB of the USSR opposed such a treacherous course of affairs by arranging an unsuccessful assassination attempt on B.N. After a hard landing with the landing gear retracted, B.N. Yeltsin had a crushed vertebra, and almost complete paralysis occurred. Spanish doctors did the impossible - they put B.N. Yeltsin on his feet. The second assassination attempt on B.N. Yeltsin took place six months later in Moscow, when a VAZ-2102 crashed into the door of a GAZ-3102, delivering an accurate blow to the passenger door. The bent stance hit B.N. Yeltsin hard on the head, but he again escaped. The August coup of 1991 played into the hands of the American masters of B.N. Yeltsin, a “quiet” Zionist coup was completed in the country and the Central Bank of the USSR became the Central Bank of Russia. The Rothschilds got access to printing money - rubles, gold - foreign exchange reserves and all economic objects of Russia.
Meyer-Amschel Rothschild wrote:
“Give me control over the issue of money in the state, and I do not care who writes its laws.
This formula continues to work in Russia. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not a joint-stock bank, the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is appointed by the State Duma, the National Banking Council, headed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.L. Kudrin, includes several deputies of the State Duma, officials of the government and the presidential administration. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is not liable for the debts of the state, just as the state is not liable for the debts of the Central Bank. So what is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, who manages it, and therefore Russia? A.L.Kudrin, V.V.Putin, D.A.Medvedev or maybe S.M.Ignatiev? No, this is out of the question, since the Central Bank of Russia was created by B.N. Yeltsin not for himself, not for his future successors - V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev, but for his overseas customers - the owners of the world banking system - the clan Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and Schiff. Since 1990, this octopus has been pumping all the economic juices out of Russia, leaving our rulers - "agents of influence" 2% of the amount of the treacherously stolen wealth of the Russian people. At the same time, the levers of influence on our ruling elite are contained not only in their foreign accounts, but also in the US ownership of our printing press, our Central Bank.
Let us recall the recent past - the beginning of the 90s, when the money supply was artificially reduced in the country by the efforts of E.T. Gaidar and his American advisers, which made it impossible for industrial enterprises to increased monthly. Under such conditions, the collapse of industry and agriculture was ensured, as a result of which millions of our fellow citizens found themselves on the street, forced to seek salvation in trade. As a result, Western banks bought industrial and extractive industries for next to nothing, and our people were made poor. The 1998 default revived industry and agriculture, but ruined trade. The domestic manufacturer began to oust imported goods from our market, and Russian entrepreneurship revived. But since that time, one question has arisen - why, with a stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, saturation with goods and services, as well as a low money supply, does monthly inflation occur in the country? There is only one answer - the same process is taking place that took place in the early 90s of the last century - the growth of capital of foreign banks and the impoverishment of our people.
What will happen to our financial system if the ruble issue linked to petrodollars decreases significantly as a result of the fall in the price of oil? Or the Central Bank, on the orders of its American owners, will reduce the number of rubles, forcing the Russian government to cut social programs, close many wholesale and retail centers, stop paying pensions and benefits. Or devalue the ruble, which is most likely to withdraw the currency from exchange offices and accelerate inflation to astronomical proportions. The policy pursued by the Central Bank over the past 12 years was aimed precisely at such a scenario, otherwise there is simply nothing to explain the manic persistence in maintaining a fixed ruble exchange rate. However, Article 75 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation speaks of the Central Bank maintaining the stability of the ruble, but if such stability is the only activity of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, then this can be regarded as a betrayal of Russia's interests in favor of the International Monetary Fund - a private "shop" of private banks, a club of economic interests banking clan Rothschild. All activities of the Central Bank of Russia are aimed at supporting the US dollar and the purchasing power of American households.
When the American financial pyramid bursts at the seams, then the seams will begin to be patched by America's world vassals. Since the beginning of 2011, the Arab revolutions are a good confirmation of this process, especially the civil war in Libya. World instability brings income to Rothschild and Russia is next in these global games. A financial crisis in our country can be started at any time, because all the mechanisms for this are in the hands of the world behind the scenes, and our ruling elite is just a tool to carry out a diabolical plan. There is no point in guessing who will be the next president in Russia, since the mechanism of a financial catastrophe in our country has already been launched and at any moment a real catastrophe can break out, which will certainly acquire nationalist overtones and street clashes. In fairness, it must be said that this version of events was also developed and is being implemented by American political strategists, our rulers do not play any role here, they are mere performers.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, wrote:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of dollars, first through inflation and then deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around such a Central Bank will take property from people until their children wake up homeless on the land that their fathers conquered.
The Russian people and Russia, through the betrayal of B.N. Yeltsin and M.S. Gorbachev, found themselves in the economic bondage of the Rothschild financial kahal, who not only print rubles and carry out monetary policy in Russia through the Central Bank and corrupt politicians. But they also predict devastation and economic collapse for us, so that through cunning machinations and clashes of the human masses on nationalist soil, divide Russia into parts, destroying and enslaving the Great Country and the Great People. But we, the Russian people, must rally together and, in the face of the impending danger, clearly understand and realize the outgoing danger. If we are together, if we understand the mechanisms of the treacherous plan to divide Russia, then we will become a mortal danger for all traitors and enemies of Russia and the Russian people.

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