Synopsis of the event Dow Tatarstan. Summary of the lesson "My native land - Tatarstan"

Abstract of classes

My native Tatarstan

Familiarization of children with their small homeland should be systemic, that is, we provide the interconnection of all phenomena and objects that the child learns. The purpose of the lesson: to give children an idea of ​​​​what the Motherland, native land is; to introduce children to the geographical map and state symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan; expand children's knowledge about their hometown; to cultivate love for the native land, for its nature, respect for it.


1. Give idea of ​​what the Motherland, native land is.

2. with a geographical map and state symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan (state flag, coat of arms, anthem).

3. Expand children about the capital of Tatarstan Kazan..

4. monologue speech of children, memory, thinking.

5. Educate to the native land, to its nature, respect for it.

Previous work: viewing an album about Kazan, to acquaint children with the legends of Kazan, with the works of art of writers and poets of Tatarstan.

Materials: map of Tatarstan; illustrations of Kazan, the Kazan Kremlin, nature; portrait of Queen Syuyumbike; reproductions of the coat of arms, the flag of Tatarstan; disk with the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Lesson progress

Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson. We will talk about the Motherland. Each person has a land called the Motherland. For Russians, and we are Russians, this is Russia. But each of us also has a Small Motherland, that is, a place, a corner where he was born and raised.

We were born and live in Tatarstan, therefore our Small Motherland is the Republic of Tatarstan, the city of Kazan.

Please look at the map of the Republic of Tatarstan, here is its border (the teacher draws the border on the map).

On the map we see blue ribbons. What do you think they mean?

That's right, they are rivers. What is the widest river that flows through our country?

Yes, this is the Volga River. The Volga is one of the longest and deepest rivers in Russia. And what other rivers do you know that are located in our republic? (Kazanka, Kama).

These green spots on the map are forests, look how many forests there are in our republic and we are trying to protect and increase them, but these circles represent cities. Children, which city is the capital of our republic?

That's right, this is Kazan. And what cities of our republic do you still know (Zelenodolsk, Nizhnekamsk, Leninogorsk, Naberezhnye Chelny).

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan (the teacher shows illustrations depicting the city).

Engaged, blushed the edge of the sky,
Beams streaked across the sky.
Hello city - glorious Kazan!
I bow down to you with an earthly bow.

Kazan is a very large and beautiful city, now more than 1 million people live in it. And to get to the other end of the city, you and I need to travel by car for about two hours. However, our city was not always so big. Imagine that many years ago and even many centuries ago, when your mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not yet exist, our city was very small, tiny. It could be walked around in just 15 minutes. And there were very few people there either. These inhabitants called themselves the Volga Bulgars. It was they who built a small fortress "Kazan" on a high hill at the mouth of two rivers Kazanka and Volga. Later, the walls of this wooden fortress were replaced with stone ones. The inhabitants themselves entered the city through the gates. Every morning, near these towers, a drawbridge was lowered across a ditch with water, and travelers and merchants from other countries, relatives of the inhabitants, entered the city along it. Today, people no longer live in the fortress as before, there are no markets and baths, a horse yard and houses of wealthy citizens. In our time, the ancient fortress "Kazan Kremlin" is an architectural monument, a monument of the past. The walls of this fortress today are protected by the state. Many legends are associated with the name of our city. Kazan - in Tatar cauldron: utensils for cooking. As the legend says, in the evening, tired warriors stopped for the night and began to cook food. One of the warriors took a cauldron, went for water, dropped it into the river and began to shout: "Ay, cauldron, cauldron!:" hence it went - that place began to be called Kazan, Kazan. And another legend is connected with the name of our river Kazanka.

"There was a river in the city of Kazan. A flock of geese lived on its banks. People were very fond of watching these birds, and in the Tatar language they call geese "kaz". Flying away, in the fall they left only feathers in memory of themselves. The birds swam on the river. So and people began to call this river in memory of the geese Kazanka.

In Kazan, as in all of Tatarstan, many people of different nationalities live: Tatars, Russians, Maris, Chuvashs:

The Republic of Tatarstan has its own State flag, coat of arms (shows the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan) and an anthem composed by the outstanding composer of Tatarstan Rustem Yakhin.

Children, let's stand up and listen to our anthem (the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan sounds).

What parts is the National Flag of Tatarstan divided into? (The national flag is divided into three parts: the top is green, the bottom is red, and in the middle is a narrow white stripe.)

Each color has its own meaning. Red is the color of the sun, fire. Green is a symbol of wildlife and youth. White is a symbol of purity and peace.

The state emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan depicts a winged white leopard against the background of a red sun. The leopard represents wealth, strength. On the side of the leopard is a round shield on which an aster is depicted. The shield means protection, the flower means long life. All colors of the state emblem resemble the colors of the state flag. Inside the green ring, a Tatar ornament is written in gold, symbolizing the beauty and fertility of our land.

Word game "Which city does the landmark belong to?"

I will call you will answer.

What city does the Syuyumbike tower belong to,

To which city does the monument to D.I. Mendeleev

What city does the Spasskaya Tower belong to?

To which city does the DC them. Gassar

What city does the Kul-Sharif mosque belong to?

What city does Iceberg Ice Palace belong to?

What city does the legend of the black cat belong to.

What city does the Neptune Basin belong to?


    Now we will do a little exercise with you. Everyone got up.

    The territory of our republic is very large (hands to the sides).

    Beautiful ships are sailing along the high-water rivers (they represent waves with their hands).

    Tall trees grow in the forests (hands up).

    In the thicket of the forest live clubfoot bears (depicting bears), gray hares (jumping in place), red foxes (depicting foxes).

    Multi-colored butterflies flutter in the fields (depict butterflies), green grasshoppers jump (jumps).

    Well done. They sat down in their seats.

Our republic is visited by a lot of tourists. All tourists admire the beautiful white stone towers and the powerful high-high walls of the Kremlin (the teacher shows an illustration of the Kazan Kremlin).

Let's remember what architectural monuments are located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin?

At the entrance to the Kremlin, we are met by the Spasskaya Tower. What is special about this tower? (There is a clock on it.)

This is what the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower looks like (illustration). It is built of white stone. Previously, the passage through it was closed at night with a lowering iron grate and heavy gates. The Spasskaya Tower burned down completely ten times in the fire, but every time it was rebuilt again and again. Now it is one of the most beautiful symbols of our capital.

What other tower is located on the territory of the Kremlin? (The Syuyumbike Tower.) (The teacher demonstrates a portrait of Queen Syuyumbike, an illustration of the Syuyumbike Tower.)

Syuyumbike was a beautiful queen who lived many years ago in Kazan. Her beauty captivated the formidable king, whose name was Ivan the Terrible. Not wanting to become the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Syuyumbike jumped from the top of the tower. Therefore, this tower is called the Syuyumbike Tower.

The tower is built of red brick, the height of the tower is 58 meters, it consists of 7 tiers of different sizes. Syuyumbike Tower is a symbol of the city of Kazan.

What other sights do we know on the territory of the Kremlin?

(Mosque Kul - Sharif, Cathedral of the Annunciation.)

The Annunciation Cathedral was built by craftsmen many years ago.

This is a very beautiful white stone building (the teacher shows illustrations).

The Kul-Sharif Mosque was built recently. The architects created a very beautiful building, decorated with arched structures, tulip shapes, which rises above the walls of the Kremlin (the teacher shows illustrations).

Children, today we talk a lot about our region, our region, and now I want you to draw about it, and what will you draw, think, it could be a forest, fields, rivers, beautiful places in the city of Rybnoe. From your drawings we will make a book about the beauty of the nature of our native places.

Educator: I propose to sit down at the tables, take the material and get to work.

Children draw with wax pencils to the music, all the works are considered.

Oh, guys, what beautiful drawings you drew, a wonderful book will turn out. Let me say goodbye, give you treats.

Educator: So our journey through Russia and our native land ended. We remembered a lot, learned a lot.


Children, today we talked about our Motherland. Tell me, what country do we live in?

What is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan?

What parts is the National Flag of Tatarstan divided into?

What is depicted on the coat of arms of the republic?

What sights of the city are located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin?

Do you love your city?

Well done, now you know what republic we live in, you know the symbols of your native land.I want to end our lesson with lines from a poem by the Tatar poet Sibgat Khakimov.

Ask us: - Where are you from?
We are from the Volga, from Kazan.
The Volga water gives us water,
We grow bread, we herd herds,
We pump oil, we load ships,
In free Tatarstan.

Olga Ivanova

Abstract of the integrated lesson


(Introduction to the environment and application)

preparatory group

Target: Raising patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland, respect for the flag and emblem of Tatarstan.


To bring up love for the native land, for its nature, respect for it, respect and pride for its people;

To give children an idea of ​​​​what the Motherland, native land is;

To acquaint with the map and symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Tell about the natural wealth of your native land;

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the capital of Kazan and about their hometown;

To acquaint with the sights and historical monuments of Kazan and your city.

Continue to acquaint children with Tatar national costumes and patterns.

Raise interest in Tatar folk ornamental art.

Learn to make your own patterns.

Vocabulary work: president, coat of arms, anthem, mosque, skullcap, ornament, tulip, pattern, kalfak, camisole, apron.

Enrich and activate the dictionary: flags, a staff, a coat of arms, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings of the Tatar people, an artistic word.

Previous work: To give a general idea of ​​the Tatar Republic, its cities. Examination of albums, illustrations on the topic, acquaintance with the legends about Kazan, with a geographical map, coat of arms, flag, listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation, talking about Tatarstan, about its cities.

Equipment: Geographical map, flags of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan, portraits of presidents, audio recordings, silhouette of a boy and a girl in Tatar national costumes, glue, colored paper, waste material.

Lesson progress:

circle of joy

Hello guys! I want to invite you to a wonderful "circle of joy." We will join hands and show how big and great our country is (children and teacher join hands) Now let's raise our hands up (raise hands). Look! Here it is, our vast Motherland with boundless fields and lakes, magnificent villages and cities! And also our Motherland is very friendly, let's give each other the kindest smile. Well done!

Educator: Guys, what do you think, what is the Motherland?

Children's answers.

Educator: The homeland, children, is, first of all, the closest people: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather. This is your house, the street, the village where you were born and live, this is the kindergarten where you go, your teachers, this is the nature that surrounds you. And to make it even clearer to you, I want to ask Alina to tell a poem about the Motherland.

The child reads a poem about the Motherland:

What do we call motherland?

The land where you and I live

And the birch trees along the road we are walking on.

What do we call motherland?

The sun in the sky is blue and fragrant, golden

Bread at the holiday table!

What do we call motherland?

The house where you and I grow up

And starlings of spring songs

Behind the open window.

Educator: For all of us, the Motherland is our Republic.

What is the name of our Republic?

Children: Tatarstan.

Educator: Tell me, children, who is the biggest and most important person in our Republic?

Children: Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich

Educator: What do you think, what is his main task, what should he do first of all?

Children: So that in our republic all peoples live peacefully and amicably, work together - grow bread, build new cars, planes, modern and beautiful houses.

Educator: What city is called the capital of our republic.

Children: City of Kazan.

Educator: Let's look at the stand, which depicts our capital.

The teacher leads the children to the stand with state symbols

Educator: Children, do you know what this is?

Children: Flag, coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Educator: Each country has distinctive signs - state symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem. Let's remember what parts the flag consists of? Show what colors we see on the cloth and what do they mean?

Children: Wood, cloth. The flag is divided into three parts: the top is green, the bottom is red, and the middle is a narrow white stripe. Red is the color of the sun and fire. Green is a symbol of wildlife and youth. White is a symbol of purity, honor and peace.

Educator: Well done guys!

Children: The state emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan depicts a white leopard winged against the background of a red sun. Bars is wealth, strength. On the side of the leopard is a round shield on which an aster is depicted. The shield means protection, and the flower means long life. Winged white leopard - he protects our republic so that there is no war. All the colors of the coat of arms are reminiscent of the colors of the State Flag. The red sun brings warmth and kindness to our people. Inside the green ring, a Tatar ornament is carved with gold, it is a symbol of the beauty and fertility of our land. At the top of the emblem is a tulip - a favorite element of the ornaments of the Tatar people. The whole coat of arms speaks of goodness, prosperity and friendship of our republic.

Educator: Where do you think you can see the state emblem?

Children: On the border posts that are installed on the borders of Russia with other countries, on important documents, on money.

Educator: Well done guys.

Educator: Our Republic is so big that we cannot take a look at it with one glance and travel around it from one end to the other in one day. But where can we immediately see its borders and rivers, and forests, and cities?

Children: On the map.

Educator: That's right, well done children! Let's look at the map of the Republic of Tatarstan. The border is a red ribbon. What does the territory of our Republic look like?

Children: On a running horse.

Educator: Guys, our great-grandfathers were very fond of horses. They bred large herds of horses, rode them, fought, plowed. Look, the rivers on the map are shown with a blue ribbon: Volga, Kama, Belaya, Kazanka. Green spots - dense forests, meadows, yellow spots - wide fields, circles - cities.

Educator: What cities of Tatarstan do you still know?

Children: Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Leninogorsk, Yelabuga, Chistopol, Almetievsk, Nizhnekamsk, Zainsk, Nurlat, Aznakayevo.

Educator: Children, tell us what these cities are famous for?

Children: In Naberezhnye Chelny, on the banks of the Kama River, an automobile plant was built that produces Kamaz trucks.

Tires are produced in Nizhnekamsk, oil is extracted in the cities of Bugulma and Almetyevsk, and gasoline is made from oil. In Chistopol, beautiful watches are made at the watch factory.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of our city?

Children: Leninogorsk.

Educator: Let's try to find our city of Leninogorsk on the map.

Children, together with the teacher, are looking for the city of Leninogorsk on the map.

And what is the main wealth of our city?

Children: It's oil

Educator: Correctly. Oil and gas is also the main wealth of our Republic?

Tataria provides oil to our entire country, all republics receive gasoline, fuel oil, fuel from Tatarstan, and houses are heated with gas.

Educator: Children, what is grown in the fields of the republic?

Children: Wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, and beets are grown in the fields.

Well done, guys, yes, Tatarstan is an agricultural land.

The teacher brings the children to the photo booth of the city of Leninogorsk.

Educator: Guys, do you recognize these places in our city?

Children name the sights of the city

Educator: You know that we live in a multinational Republic. What nationalities live in Tatarstan?

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know what distinguishes one people from another? Each nation has its own language of communication and outwardly they differ from each other. Each nation has its own music, songs, dances, games, art.

The teacher brings the children to the doll in the Tatar national costume.

Educator: What do you think her nationality is? Why do you think so?

Children's answers.

Let's say hello to the doll in Tatar.

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, how would you like to call this doll a Tatar name?

Children's answers.

Educator: Our doll Alsou invites you to play the Tatar national game.

Tatar national game

Educator: Guys, and now I want to invite you along with the doll to the art workshop.

Let's take a look at the costume of our Alsou. And I also want to introduce you to the boy Ilnur. We also have him in the Tatar national costume. Let's look at what elements their clothes consist of.

Children: Alsou's costume consists of a dress, apron, kalfak boots. Ilnur has a shirt, skullcap, trousers, sleeveless jacket.

Educator: Guys, how are their national costumes decorated?

Children: Pattern, ornament.

Educator: We have already studied the Tatar ornament, played the game "Lay out the ornament." Tell me what elements of the ornament prevail in the Tatar costume.

Children: Vegetable (tulip, curl, petals, bluebells, daisies, etc.)

Educator: Correctly. Guys, let's see what other elements of the Tatar national costume are. And what are they called.

Children, together with the teacher, consider the elements of the costume.

Educator: Guys, since we came to the workshop, then we will also make. Today I suggest you decorate Tatar costumes yourself. Before you is a girl and a boy in Tatar costumes. But their costumes are not decorated with ornaments. Let us decorate their costumes with ornaments. On the tables are colored paper, patterns of floral ornament elements, scissors, glue, as well as junk material (beads, magazine clippings, sequins, rhinestones, and much more).

Tell me, please, how can you decorate their costumes, where will you glue the ornament?

Children: The ornament will be on the apron, vest, skullcap, kalfak, boots.

Educator: Guys, let's split into two groups. One group will decorate the girl's costume. And the other group is a girl's costume.

Children are optionally divided into two groups.

Practical work.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, did you like our lesson today and what did you like?

Children's answers.

Educator: We talked about our native land, about its cities, about the people living next to us, about what they do, what makes our cities and villages remarkable. There is enough space for everyone under the sky of Tatarstan. All people try to live peacefully, in friendship and respect for the customs of other nations.

Dear children, today you have worked hard, I am happy for you, well done.

Zozulyuk O.M. - educator

MBDOU kindergarten k / in No. 12 "Krepysh", Mendeleevsk

The purpose of the event: Expanding children's ideas about the culture of different nationalities: dances, songs, costumes, dishes; development of tolerance in children to representatives of other nationalities; development of children's skills in productive and other types of children's activities, involvement of parents in active cooperation.

Event objectives:
1. To introduce children to the national diversity of their peers from the kindergarten group.
2. Give a concrete idea of ​​the songs, dances, games, costumes, dishes of each nationality.
3. Cultivate friendly relations between children and their families.
4. To increase the competence of parents in matters of social and moral education of children, to help increase the activity of parents in participating in a common interesting business in a preschool educational institution, and the manifestation of creative abilities.
5. Create a positive emotional mood in children, a cheerful, cheerful mood from joint activities with the families of the group.

Preliminary work:
in the group, in the corner for parents, the design of information stands "Raising a Patriot"
individual consultations for parents
learning dances, songs, games with parents and children
registration of invitations and posters.

Festival "We live together in Tatarstan"

To the music of “I, you, he, she”, children with their parents enter the music room in pairs, the children stand near their chairs, the parents behind them in the second row.

1 presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our hall.

2 leading:

1 presenter:Our event today is dedicated to the celebration of Mother Language Day. And together we will try to convey to our children,that Russia is a multinational state, and all peoples live as one big, friendly family.

The verse "What we call homeland"

2 leading:When we talk about Tatarstan, we also talk about our Motherland. Because Tatarstan is the place where we were born, where we live. And we like our Motherland, our Tatarstan.

1 presenter:Our Republic is rich in fertile lands, rivers and forests. Some of the largest rivers in Europe are ours: Kama and Volga. Wheat and rye grow on our lands. But the biggest pride of Tatarstan is the people living in the Republic. And everyone who lives here loves their native Tatarstan very much, the peoples live here amicably and peacefully.

1 child: Our Tatarstan

Friendship is famous

And we live here

Very like.

2 child: Tatarstan - uz ilebez,

Beznen gaziz җirebez.

Shushy Gaziz җirebezneң

Balalari inde without.

2 presenter: We are all different: we speak different languages, we sing different songs, we have different national culture and traditions, but we equally love the land on which we live, and for all of us Tatarstan is the Motherland.

Leading 1: Each nation has its own traditions, customs, rituals, dances, songs. Our group is also multinational. And now we will get acquainted with the first participants of our festival. Meet Russian hospitable people.

Russian melody sounds

3 child: We want to show you
How guests should be greeted.
We don't care
Let's bake a friendship pie.

Scene "Pie of Friendship"

Owner - parent (busy in the kitchen)
Soon the guests on the threshold -
I should bake a pie.
I'll see where the flour is
(looks up, throws up his hands)
Too bad it's over.

There is a knock on the door, a boy and a girl enter.

4 boy: - Hello, hostess!
Are you expecting guests?
Mistress: - I'm glad, I'm glad to host friends.
5 girl: -We brought you gifts-
Wheat white flour.
Hostess: -Oh, thank you, come in,
Help me with the pie.
And our cake is unusual,

We will take wheat flour.
5 girl: - And add kindness, friendship, happiness and a dream.
4 boy: -We will work together so that strength is in the test.
Mistress: - Cook, bake.
All: -Let's call the Friendship Pie!

There is a knock on the door, Tatar folk music sounds, a boy and a girl enter.

6 girl: - Good afternoon! We are from Tatarstan, we left early in the morning.
7 boy: - They brought honey as a gift, it gives strength, health.
5 girl: -You made it just in time-
Our pie is ready.
4 boy: - You can start the holiday,
All nations are invited.
The hostess representing the Russian nationality takes a cake and reads a poem.
We always welcome guests
Round, lush loaf,
He is on a painted platter
With a white towel.
The Russian people are famous for their hospitality. There is such a wonderful tradition in Russia to meet dear guests with bread and salt. This wonderful tradition was passed on to me by my grandmother, and now I am passing it on to you.
(gives the loaf to the presenter)

1. A lot of words in the world,
Like snowflakes in winter.
But take these for example:
The word "I" and the word "We".

2. "I" in the world is lonely,
There is not much use in "I".
One or one
It's hard to deal with adversity.

3. The word "We" is stronger than "I".
We are family and we are friends.
We are a people and we are ONE.

All: Together we are invincible!

2 in traveling. Thank you for your hospitality, for such a delicious friendship cake. Which we will treat all those present in our hall.

The presenter treats everyone with a loaf (Russian melody)

1 presenter: And now we want to introduce you to representatives of another nation, are you ready?
Containers, bars, rastabars
Welcome Tatars!
Meet the guests!

Representatives of the Tatar nationality come out to the Tatar music

    leading : Welcome to us, dear guests!

    Us, Tatars, in the world,
    Millions, you can't count them all
    We are responsible for each other
    Praise to all, and honor to you all!

2. Tatar native land,
Traditions we do not count yours.
We do not know another edge
Where would they also be revered.

Poem-scene "Tubeteika and Kalfak"

Parent: And now we invite everyone to play the Tatar dance game "Karia - Zakaria"

The game "Kariya - Zakaria" is being held

Parent: We know that you have a holiday. And so they did not come empty-handed, but prepared questions for you. Here we want to check whether you know our Republic well?

Quiz "Answer the questions".

1. What is the name of our Republic?(Tatarstan)

2. What is the name of the capital of our Republic?(Kazan)

3. What rivers flow in our Republic?(Volga, Kama)

4. What is the name of the city where we live?(Mendeleevsk)

5. What is the national holiday in summer?(Sabantuy)

6. What kind of hats do Tatars have? Men, women?(Tүbәtәy, kalfak)

7. The national dish of the Tatars?(chak-chak)

8. What are the colors on the flag of Tatarstan?(Green, white, red)

9. What is drawn on the coat of arms of Tatarstan?(AK Bars)

10. Do you love your Republic?(Yes)

2 presenter: There is a republic next to Tatarstan
It's called Udmurtia. We welcome guests. Let them tell us about themselves.

Udmurt family comes out to Udmurt music

1. The Volga lacks breadth and strength,

But with Kama, she is even stronger.

And for me there would be no Russia

Without my little Udmurtia.

2. From the Volga steppes to the Ural mountains

The Udmurt Territory lay down - a golden expanse.

How rich you are, my land!

Represent it with a game!

Parents: We want to teach you the national Udmurt game "Lapot"

Get up soon with us in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

The Udmurt folk game "Lapot" is performed

1 presenter: We thank the cheerful Udmurt people andwe meet the next guests - kind hardworking Mari.

A Mari family comes out to the Mari music

1. I wish you happiness,

mari land,

Beloved, dear,

My Republic.

2. With great Russia

Born forever.

With your mind and strength

Achieved great.

3. You create, you dare, you build

And you don't stand still

How much can you

Together with the whole country.

Parents: We invite everyone to our round dance "Mari Eight"

Performed Mari folk dance "Mari Eight

1: Tatarstan is a wonderful land,
Multicolor like heaven.
All nations are equal here
We all need each other
We know the price of friendship
These bonds are so important.

2: Come to Tatarstan,
Guests come to us from different countries.
We welcome you with all our heart
Big salam to all.

General round dance of Friendship

3: Friendship of peoples is not just words

The friendship of peoples is forever alive.

Friendship of peoples, happy children,

An ear in the field and strength in its prime.

2 presenter: Dear friends! Our holiday program has come to an end. We wish you peace, kindness and prosperity. And we want peace, goodness, peace, happiness, friendship, joy, smiles to reign everywhere and always within the walls of this hall, and that they never leave us.

At the end of the holiday, all children are awarded medals "For the ability to be friends", participants - diplomas for participating in the project "We live together in Tatarstan."

The largest and only center of Arabic studies in the Republic of Tatarstan. Center for Arab Culture "Al-Hadara". Story. Center students. Departure to nature with an entertaining and educational program. Jordan. Center mission. Language internships for students in Arab countries. The international cooperation. It is located in the building of the Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations. Events. Acquaintance with the culture and national dishes of the Arab countries.

"Ecology of Tatarstan" - Volga-Kama Reserve. Bosom. Take care of all the animals inside nature. Water resources of Tatarstan. Technological impact. Forest resources of Tatarstan. The largest rivers of Tatarstan. Land resources. Ecology of Tatarstan. Minerals. Steppe fauna. Water condition. Mutual penetration of forest and steppe. Art. Winter fishing. Natural disasters. Animal world of Tataria. Forest Code.

"Volga-Kama Reserve" - ​​Reptiles. Animal. Nuthatch. Reservoir reservoirs. Reserve. Crossbill. Saralin area. Supplies. Tap dance. Rowan. Crossbills chicks. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan. Waxwing. Floodplain meadows. Temperature. Pine. Typical inhabitants of the forest. Spotted woodpecker. National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama". Salo. Owl. Insects. Fir. Birds listed in the Red Book. Deciduous tree. Which winter forest is warmer.

The Kremlin of Kazan is a historical, architectural and cultural monument that combines Muslim and Orthodox, Tatar and Russian motifs in its appearance. Kazan kirm?ne, Qazan kirm?ne) is a historical fortress and the heart of Kazan. The Governor's Palace in the Kremlin is the residence of the President of Tatarstan. The territory of the museum-reserve is 13.45 hectares. Kremlin. Kazan Kremlin (Tat. Kremlin of Kazan. UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.

"Museums of Tatarstan" - Municipal museums of the Republic of Tatarstan in terms of funds. The number of museum items. Legal status of municipal museums of the Republic of Tatarstan. Description of the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. Transfer of coins of the Karatun treasure to the National Museum. The ratio of the funds of museums in the Volga Federal District. Museum Coordinating Center. The level of computerization of state museums (including branches).

"Traditions of the Tatars" - Ornaments. Respect for elders. Family tradition. There are no other people's children. Traditional hospitality. The family is the keeper of traditions. Family traditions of the Tatars. Seniors and juniors. Mutual assistance. Who works, he is full. Traditions of the Tatar house. Family holidays. Attitude towards mother. Entering the house, the Tatars immediately take off their shoes.

Age group: older.

"Cognitive Development".

Target: to acquaint children with the concept of "Tatarstan", "Motherland" and its location on the map and globe, continue to teach children to answer questions with a full answer.



· to give children an idea of ​​the Motherland - Tatarstan, its capital ("Cognitive Development"); introduce proverbs and sayings about the Motherland ("Cognitive development").


To develop in children the ability to navigate on a map, a globe, to find their republic, the village in which they live (“Cognitive Development”); continue to develop and consolidate the ability to clearly and loudly tell poems (“Speech Development”)


· to cultivate love for one's homeland, a sense of pride in one's republic ("Cognitive Development"); educate the ability to listen to each other carefully, not to interrupt the speaker.

Activities: observation, reading fiction, cognitive research, communicative.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

listening to a story, talking about Tatarstan, working on a map and a globe, reading poems and floorboards.

Equipment: book by N.F. Vinogradova "What is the Motherland?", map, globe, text of poems about the "Motherland".



Conversation for children of the senior group on the topic "My native Tatarstan"

(as part of the week "Love your land and sing". August 30 - Day of the Republic of Tatarstan)

An exemplary general educational program of a preschool institution:From Birth to School, ed. N. E. Veraksy.

Age group: older.

Leading educational area:"Cognitive Development".

Target: to acquaint children with the concept of "Tatarstan", "Motherland" and its location on the map and globe,continue to teach children to answer questions with a full answer.



  • to give children an idea of ​​​​the Motherland - Tatarstan, its capital (“Cognitive Development”); introduce proverbs and sayings about the Motherland ("Cognitive development").


  • to develop in children the ability to navigate on a map, a globe, to find their republic, the village in which they live (“Cognitive Development”); continue to develop and consolidate the ability to clearly and loudly tell poems (“Speech Development”)


  • to cultivate love for one's homeland, a sense of pride in one's republic (“Cognitive Development”); educate the ability to listen to each other carefully, not to interrupt the speaker.

Activities:observation, reading fiction, cognitive research, communicative.

Forms of organization:group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities:listening to a story, talking about Tatarstan, working on a map and a globe, reading poems and floorboards.

Equipment: book by N.F. Vinogradova "What is the Motherland?", map, globe, text of poems about the "Motherland".

The course of the conversation

A fragment of a piece of music from the film "Shield and Sword" "Where the Motherland begins ..." sounds.
Educator: Guys, what is the song about? That's right, the song sings about the Motherland.
Educator: Do you remember the name of the republic in which we live? That's right, the Republic of Tatarstan. This is our Motherland.
Educator: What do you think homeland is?(children's answers) Motherland means native. Motherland is the place where we were born, where we live. Our republic is very big and beautiful. She has her own emblem, flag. Consider the coat of arms of our republic. What is shown on it?(children's answers)


Statecoat of arms Republic Tatarstan is an image of a wingedleopard with round shield on the side, with the right front paw raised against the background of the disksun , placed in a frame of the Tatar folk ornament, at the base of which is the inscription "Tatarstan", the wings consist of seven feathers, the rosette on the shield consists of eight petals.

The emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan is made in the colors of the flag of Tatarstan; has a round shape.

The central image of the emblem - a winged leopard - in antiquity, near the Volga Bulgarsdeity fertility, patron children. In the coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan, the leopard is the patron of the citizens of the republic and its people. The leopard is depicted against the background of the red disk of the sun. The sun is the main deity of many peoples in ancient times. The red sun on the coat of arms of Tatarstan means goodthe Omen , success , happiness , life . On the left side of the leopard there is a round shield, which means the legal, economic, power security of the citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the color image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan, the sun is red, the leopard, its wings and the rosette on the shield are white, the frame is green, the shield, the ornament on the frame and the inscription "Tatarstan" are golden.

Flower asters with an even number of petals symbolizes the eternal source of life,longevity , longevity wish.

The raised right front paw of the leopard is a traditionalheraldic gesture emphasizing the greatness of the supremeauthorities . It also means the beginning of the movement (deeds) "with a step of the right foot", a good start of the movement of Tatarstan along the path of renewal. The sharp teeth and claws of the leopard mean his ability to stand up for himself and for those whom he patronizes, whom he protects. The seven feathers of the leopard's wings symbolize the space of influence of the protective power of the leopard - both on earth and in heaven. Positiontail barsa means goodmood , friendliness .

What do you think the colors of the coat of arms mean?(children's answers)

Symbolic meanings of colors:

Golden color - grace , the beauty , wealth lands of Tatarstan;

green color - spring greens revival Tatarstan;

White color - purity of thoughts of the citizens of Tatarstan;

Red color - maturity , energy , strength , life , viability Tatarstan.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan affirms such universal, moral values ​​asgood , justice , well-being citizens, friendship between nations, world and progress .

Educator: Consider the flag of Tatarstan. What color is the national flag of Tatarstan? What do the colors of the flag represent? Where can you see the Tatarstan flag?(children's answers)

Educator: Flag of Tatarstan, along withcoat of arms and anthem , is the state symbolRepublic of Tatarstan expressing the sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan, the identity and traditions of the people of Tatarstan.Stateflag Republic Tatarstan It is a rectangular panel with horizontal stripes of green, white and red. The colors of the State Flag of the Republic of Tatarstan mean:

According to another version, green means ethnic Tatars living in the republic, and red means Russians. The white stripe symbolizes peace and harmony between them.

The author of the flag is the People's Artist of the RepublicTatarstan , Laureate G. Tukay State Prize Tavil Khaziakhmetov.

Educator: Another symbol of the Republic of Tatarstan is the anthem. Hymn - the most important song of Russia. The anthem is performed on special occasions. The anthem is performed and listened to while standing.(D children listen to the recording of the Russian anthem, talk about its content, the teacher introduces the authors of the anthem.)

February 21 The Parliament of Tatarstan unanimously approved the text of the Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan. The final text of the anthem is based on the poem “Tugan Yagym” (Native Side) by Ramazan Baytimerov, as is known from a story written by him in the 1970s. Many unknown authors took part in the revision of the poems. The people believe that Baitimerov's poems inspired the composer Rustem Yakhin to compose a song, the melody of which became the national anthem of Tatarstan. The new text of the anthem consists of 8 lines in Tatar and 8 lines in Russian. The text was translated into Russian by the Russian poet Filipp Piraev (an Assyrian by birth).

Text in Tatar

Translation into Russian

Mange Yashә, Gaziz Vatanybyz,

Blossom, my sacred land,

Khalqim teli izge teläklär!

May your firmament be peaceful!

Gomerlekka yakyn tugan bulyp

We have one house, one family,

Yashi bezdә tөrle millаtlәr.

Our people live in harmony.

Kup gasyrlar kichkan chal tarikhly

Rich in the wisdom of hoary ages,

Danly ilem, uzen ber dastan!

Hope, faith you became us,

Sind genә beznen yazmyshybyz,

And may my love keep you

Let's go to the republics, Tatarstan!

My Republic, my Tatarstan!

(The anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan is turned on. Children listen to the anthem while standing).

Many beautiful songs and poems are dedicated to Tatarstan. They glorify our Motherland, its forests and fields, rivers, tell about love and pride in our republic, small and large Motherland. There are many proverbs and sayings about this among the people.

Proverbs and sayings

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Where someone was born, there he came in handy.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.


1. Name the republic in which you live.(Tatarstan)

2. What is the name of the village where you live?

3. What Russian river is called the great?(Volga.)

4. What cities of Tatarstan do you know?

5. What is the name of the city, which is the capital of our Tatarstan?(Kazan).

Educator: Now let's listen to the poem« MY SOVIET TATARSTAN" (Muhammad Sadri "Song of Happiness") performed by Kirill, Aizili, Camili, Alina, Danil, Samira, Danil:

My land is rich and beautiful,
My Tatarstan, you are dear to my heart,
The land where I grew up happy
Whose delicious bread fed me,
Whose rivers I drank living water,
Where I composed my songs;
My Kazan, my factories,
Houses and streets are mine! (Kirill)
The flow of cars is brilliant, bright,
Trolleybuses are visible in the window.
All this is a gift from Moscow
Kazan - so to me! (Aizilya)
And my Green Valley with gardens,
And oil-bearing Bavly,
My villages with tractors
Forever gone from the mist. (Camille)
My forests, fields and rivers,
My collective farm bread -
All ours, all mine forever
My Tatarstan! My destiny! (Alina)
My land is rich and beautiful,
Native Soviet Tatarstan,
Where did I become truly happy
Where he became a man in life. (Danil)
Living in captivity for centuries
You blossomed, my land,
Under life-giving rays
Great Moscow and the Kremlin! (Dilara)

Educator: What interesting things did you learn today?(children's answers.) You are still children, but even now you can do a lot to make our Motherland even better and more beautiful.I hope that you will take care of our Motherland, protect its nature.

Until we meet again!

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