Classroom culture behavior elementary school. Class hour "about the culture of behavior at school"




Methodical development of a class hour

"Culture in my life"

Prepared by the teacher:

E.S. Talbizoda

Eagle, 2017 academic year

Plan-summary of the class hour

Topic: culture in my life

class hour type: moral and cultural education


    Cultivate a culture of student behavior

    Introduce students to the basic concepts of the topic

    To form the foundations of behavior in society and moral principles among students, to cultivate a culture of behavior.

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce students to the basic concepts of the classroom

    Remind students about how to behave correctly in a particular environment, so that they are considered well-mannered and cultured people

    Develop cultural and socially relevant skills

    Reveal the importance of correct behavior in society

class hour type: to educate the moral and cultural aspects of students, to learn the correct behavior in society

Equipment: board, computer, multimedia projector

Lesson organization form: individual and group activities.

Good parenting isn't about not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, it's about not noticing if someone else does.

Chekhov A.P.

Hello guys! Today our class hour is devoted to the topic "Culture of Behavior". We will touch not only on how to behave in society, but also in a technical school - the place where you spend most of your time, but, unfortunately, you can not always behave correctly. I hope that by the end of the lesson we will formulate the rules of behavior that are important for us and learn how to follow them. Well, now let's talk about what is a culture of behavior in the general sense of the word.

A culture of behavior is understood as a set of formed, socially significant qualities of a person, everyday actions of a person in society, based on the norms of morality, ethics and aesthetic culture. The culture of behavior expresses, firstly, the moral requirements of society, and secondly, the assimilation of the provisions that guide, regulate and control the actions and actions of a person. We must be clearly aware that the culture of speech has a deep inner meaning, since its presence indicates respect for other people and traditions. In many ways, the culture of behavior is influenced by our family, environment and, of course, people who are authorities for us.

And now, I would like you to divide into groups.

Here is a list of statements, some of which refer to a cultured person, others to a person who neglects cultural norms. The first group of students will select statements related to an uncultured person who neglects the norms of behavior. The second group will choose statements that, in their opinion, are characteristic of a cultured person.

So, you have 5 minutes to complete the task. [cm. Attachment 1]

Now, let's compare our results and see who was right. The first group, come up with a list of those norms that are characteristic of an uncultured person.

(The first group speaks, the correct answers are: do not give way to a woman with a child in transport, litter on the street, eat, including ice cream on the street, without asking permission from the person in front, pass if the sidewalk is narrow, give way if you are older , do not follow the rules of the road, go to your place in the theater or cinema with your back to those who are sitting, touch exhibits in the museum, tear pages out of the book, draw in the book, do not return the book to the library on time, run at recess, push others, do not skip ahead women and the elderly, do not help the elderly cross the street.

The second group performs, the correct answers are: overtake the people in front on the left, give way to the elders in transport, do not talk during the performance, do not change seats if you are in class, raise your hand and answer, listen carefully to the teacher in the lesson, give a hand when leaving the transport a woman or an elderly person walking behind, always say “thank you” and “please”, get up if the teacher enters the office during the lesson).

As you can see, guys, culture can be useful to us in any place and in any situation. Sometimes it is extremely unpleasant to meet an uncultured person who will behave inappropriately in one of the situations that we have become acquainted with. And, you see, how nice it is when you meet a polite and courteous person. So try to be!

You can meet the culture of behavior not only on the street, in the theater, in transport, and so on, but also in the place where you are now - the technical school. Therefore, it will be most relevant for you to learn how to behave here, in the place that is your second home. This is where the term “team” comes into play.

team(from lat. collectivus - collective ) - a group, a set of people working in one organization, at one enterprise, united by joint activities within the framework of an organization, goals. By type of activity, labor, educational, military, sports, amateur performances and others are distinguished. collectives . In a broader sense - people united by common ideas, interests, needs. In our case, this is a training group. In a team, a person should be guided not only by his own opinion and needs, consult with the group and make a common decision. Sometimes, one wrong word or phrase can offend a person. That is why you need to be able to behave correctly in a team.

How What qualities do you think characterize a polite person? How should you behave so that there are no resentments and quarrels?

(Students come up with qualities that are most suitable for characterizing a polite person, a member of the team. The teacher writes them down on the board.

For example: politeness, benevolence, friendliness, cherish honor, help the weak, be fair, do not humiliate others, do not allow quarrels and fights, threats and shouting, do not be rude and harsh, do not raise your voice, be kind and tactful, act as want to be treated with you, etc.)

There is one golden rule: "do to others as you want to be treated to you." This rule unites all religions in the world, because Christianity reads: "Whatever you want people to do to you, do to them" (Matthew 7:12). AdherentsIslam they say: "None of you will believe until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself" (Sunnah, Hadith). AT Confucianism says: “This is the law of goodness and love: do not do to another what you would not wish for yourself” ("Sayings", 15:23).Buddhism also teaches: "Do not do to another what you would consider evil for yourself" ("Udana-Varga", 5.18). And finally, in the most ancient sacred texts of the world,"Vedah» , we find the following words:“Here is the highest duty: do not do to anyone what would hurt you” ("Mahabharata", 5.1517). That is why, if we want to change something in the world, we must start with ourselves.

And now I suggest you try to do the following task.

(On-screen presentation, slide with pictures)

I will show you pictures, and you will talk about which of the rules, norms of behavior they are associated with. That is, what an educated person in a technical school should or should not do. And thus, we will formulate some of the basic rules of conduct.

(Picture 1 - you can’t sit in headphones, listen to music in the lesson.

Picture 2 - you can’t walk around the technical school in outerwear,

Picture 3 - in the classroom it is necessary to turn off mobile communications,

Picture 4 - you can not be late for classes,

Picture 5 - if you want to answer, you need to raise your hand,

Picture 6 - you need to carefully listen to the teacher,

Picture 7 - you can’t eat in the lesson, there should not be any food on the desk,

Picture 8 - refrain from quarrels and fights,

Picture 9 - refrain from showing intimate relationships

Picture 10 - take care of the place where you are)

I would like to add that there are other rules of conduct that we must follow if we are in the classroom and at recess:

    keep discipline

    In clothing, avoid details that emphasize belonging to a subculture and overly open styles (provocatively short skirts, deep necklines, etc.).

    Be polite to other students and teachers, respectful of comrades.

    Do not allow obscene language, expressions degrading the dignity of a person in the premises of the technical school.

    Avoid cases of mental and physical violence

    Fulfill the requirements of on-duty teachers

    Follow the instructions on labor protection in the lessons of chemistry, physics, computer science, biology, physical education, practical training.

    During changes, do not run, do not push

    In case of any incidents or injuries, immediately inform the nearest teacher, curator, class teacher, head teacher, director of the technical school.

    Smoking is allowed only in a strictly designated area.

At the end of our class hour, I would like to ask you to draw something for me related to the topic of the lesson. It can be an ideal student or some kind of conditional prohibition sign related to the norms of behavior, or even just some beautifully written phrase related to the rules of conduct in a technical school. Let it be your fantasy. And let each of you briefly explain what his drawing is connected with.

(Students draw and take turns explaining their drawings)

Thanks for today's class! Thanks for being active. I hope that you have learned a lot for yourself and that you will try to follow the right behavior, both within the walls of the technical school and outside. Goodbye!

do not give up your seat to a woman with a child in transport

litter in the street

eat, including ice cream on the street

overtake people in front on the left

without asking permission from the person walking in front, to pass if the sidewalk is narrow

give way if you're older

give way to elders in public transport

disobey the rules of the road

to go to your seat in the theater or cinema with your back to the seated

during the performance, do not talk, do not change seats

touch the exhibits in the museum

tear pages out of a book

draw in a book

if you are in class, raise your hand and answer

not returning the book to the library on time

listen carefully to the teacher in class

run at recess, push others

keep women and the elderly out

when exiting a vehicle, give a hand to a woman or an elderly person walking behind

don't help an elderly person cross the street

always say "thank you" and "please"

get up if the teacher enters the room during the lesson

Target: to educate children in a culture of behavior, the ability to behave in different situations.

Class hour progress

1. Introduction to the topic.

Classroom teacher. Today we will talk with you about the culture of behavior, about the ability to behave in society. After all, a person is judged by his culture of behavior, by conversation, by actions.

2. Conversation "What a student needs for correct behavior."

On the board there are cards with words that we use at the beginning of the conversation when we meet (the teacher draws the attention of the children to these words):

2. Great.

3. Hello.

4. Hello.

5. Hello.

6. Good morning.

Exercise. What words are appropriate in a conversation between a student and an unfamiliar adult?

(Answer options: 4 and 6.)

Question. You are on the phone and want to call a friend or friend. Choose the most polite form of expressing your request and give an answer.

1. Call Masha.

2. Hello, call Masha.

3. Hello, please call Masha.

4. Hello, excuse me, is Masha at home?

(Answer option: 4.)

Question. You are late for class and want to enter the classroom. What is the most polite way to ask for a request?

1. May I enter?

2. Will I come in?

3. Excuse me, may I come in?

(Answer option: 3.)

Question. While on the bus and approaching your stop, you want to make your way to the exit. What words would you say?

1. Let me in, I'm leaving.

2. Let me pass.

3. Excuse me, can I pass?

(Answer option: 3.)

3. Culture of communication. A set of practical exercises.

Classroom teacher. All of you, of course, know the fairy tale "Three Bears". Let's imagine that Masha did not run away into the forest, but entered into a conversation with the bears.

Exercise. Which conversation did you like the most?

Three girls come out, each says one phrase.

Bears, I got lost in the forest, I'm tired, help me get back home.

Mishenki, I got lost and got into your house. Sorry for the mess, I'll help you clean everything up.

Bears, I'm very tired. If Mishutka takes me home, my grandmother will give him honey and raspberries.

(Answer option: 2.)

Classroom teacher. You all love to receive gifts. Remember the fairy tale of K. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha":

Fleas came to the fly, They brought her boots, And the boots are not simple - They have gold clasps. Question. How would you accept a gift and give thanks for it?

Three girls come out and play on their words.

1st student(looks at boots and speaks).

What amazing boots!

Where did you get them, fleas?

I will wear them all my life

And thank you all the time.

2nd student(holds boots in hands and says):

I already have boots

And better than these, fleas.

I will give them to my sister

Who lives on that mountain.

1st student(trying on boots and speaking).

Thank you my fleas

For great boots

Oh, what a grief

If they don't suit me.

(Answer option: 3.)

Classroom teacher. Once again, let us recall the lines of K. Chukovsky:

Grandma-bee came to the fly,

Fly-Tsokotukha brought honey ...

Question. What would you do with this gift?

1. Put all the honey on the table for guests.

3. Set aside some of the honey from the jar in a vase and put it on the table for guests.

(Answer option: 3.)

Exercise. From 10 letters you must make one or more words. Each letter is used once.

The game "We wave without looking" is being played.

Look at these five adorable hats, there are wonderful prizes underneath.

Exercise. "A toy".

This topic is dedicated to the most dear and close to every student art objects in the house. Usually we don't know the artists who made the toys, but we do know the villages where they were made.

Question. On the board are the names of villages in Russia, which are identified by one sign of a huge toy family. What is this sign? Are there any extra names?

1. Dymkovo.

2. Palekh-Maidan.

3. Filimonovo.

4. Abashevo.

Answer: all the masters of the named villages make toys from clay, except for the craftsmen from Palekh-Maidan.

Musical pause. It is performed at the discretion and repertoire plan of the music teacher, class teacher.

The teacher offers the children a task: "Writers for children."

Answer: A.P. Gaidar. Musical pause.

Question. Listen to an excerpt from their poem and determine who the author of these lines is.

On the phone every day

You can't call us

Our people live like this -

Responsible persons:

We have three students

Yes, Kolenka is a first-grader.

Students come home

And the calls begin

Calls without interruption.

And who keeps calling?

Students are just like boys.

Answer: A. Barto.

4. Final part.

In conclusion, the class teacher offers to play the game "Duel".

Class hour "About the culture of behavior at school" Objectives: Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, rules of etiquette, worked out and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on the topics of the class hour; prevention of disputes among students, prevention of conflict situations between teachers and students. The motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of conduct at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, so that later they can more consciously adhere to all this. Task: Development of communicative abilities of students. Equipment and equipment:  Tables with chairs for groups  Tasks for groups to discuss one topic  Tips for each topic (common to all)  Paper and felt-tip pens for writing  Multimedia projector  Interactive whiteboard Form of conduct: students work in groups to develop rules of conduct at school, school etiquette, and the development of duty class duties. The content of the class hour The class is divided by the class teacher into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The children sit down at their tables. The class teacher brings the students up to date: tells the topic of the class hour, tells in what form it will take place. The course of the class hour Before the start of the teacher's speech, B. Okudzhava's song "Let's exclaim!" The meaning of the words of the song is discussed with the class, a connection with the theme of the classroom is being searched. Introductory word of the teacher A person from his very birth lives among people. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group of a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary that each separate “I” feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. This requires the existence of certain rules of conduct that would enable each “I” to fully develop. Let's count how many people we meet daily. At home, we communicate with relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school with teachers

school friends, librarian; in the store with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day; with some you will only say hello, with others you will talk, play, with the third you will answer the question, you will turn to someone with a request. Each person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that the behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a person's good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. We spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of behavior at school, as well as moments of disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which resentment arises. As a rule, resentment is mutual. Unfortunately, not all school groups adopt the rules of courtesy, friendliness, and delicacy. You need to think about your mistakes in behavior. An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships: “From one word to forever a quarrel”, “A razor scratches, but a word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”. What do you think the word “polite” means (observing the rules of decency). So, I suggest that you do the following work in groups: within 5 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively play scenes of typical situations of compliance with or violation of the norms of the culture of behavior and communication in various situations. For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street”, “How we object to adults, parents”, etc. Independent work in groups. Group presentations and general discussion. The attitude of other groups to the situation. Task A little man is drawn in front of you on the interactive whiteboard. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person. (arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and the students take turns writing down the characteristics of an educated person) The qualities of the personality of an educated person are discussed. Rules of conduct are being developed. Rules:  Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in a relationship is mutual. Develop these qualities in yourself.  Do not allow quarrels, fights, scolding, shouting, threats. It humiliates a person.

 Cherish your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from bad deeds.  Help the younger, unprotected, be fair.  Treat others as you would like them to treat you “Treasury of Folk Wisdom” There is a two-column table on the interactive whiteboard. The beginnings of folk utterances are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side to the corresponding lines. Make two parts of a proverb about the culture of behavior: At home as you like, look at business. A gift is not expensive - silence is gold. To argue about trifles - Do not judge by clothes, The word is silver, and at a party - as they are told. dear love. miss the deal. Though not rich, and from the word death. From the word salvation, To an uninvited guest In the village where one-legged people live, From one word, not even a spoon is in store. and guests are welcome. yes forever quarrel. you have to walk on one leg. The meaning of each statement is discussed. Next, the students are given the following task: Each group receives a task written on a prepared card. Topics are chosen by each team by drawing tasks from the hands of the teacher. Topics: 1. School etiquette (appearance, speech within the walls of the school, courtesy) 2. Rules of conduct at school 3. Duties of the class on duty Tips

 Uniform  Hair change or second shoes  Greeting students and adults  Addressing each other  Rubbish  Thrift  Politeness  Being late  Absenteeism  Players and cell phones  Everyday speech at school  Manner of communication  Other people's things  Behavior in the cafeteria  Behavior during rulers and activities  Coming to school  Skipping classes  School property  Compliance with safety rules  Caring for the younger and weak  Solving disputes  Smoking at school  Behavior in the classroom  Behavior at recess  Use of obscene language  Duties of the senior duty officer school  Duties of the class on duty  Behavior at school parties and discos So, let's start. What book is the excerpt from? Who is the author? The cat ate and slept under the sofa all day like a gentleman. In the evening, mom and dad came. Mom, as she entered, immediately said: “Something smells like cat spirit here.” Not otherwise than Uncle Fyodor brought the cat. And dad said: So what? Think cat. One cat won't hurt. Name the characters in the story? Which of them did you like best? Why? Tell us what you know about Uncle Fyodor? How did Uncle Fyodor meet the cat? Why did Uncle Fyodor leave home?

Where did he go? How did the cat get the surname Matroskin? How did Uncle Fyodor and Matroskin meet Sharik? Why was Sharik able to speak? Why did Sharik ask to live with Uncle Fyodor? Decipher the characters. Find an extra hero. FDR, RMM, DM, MT. MTRSKN, PCHKN, ShRK. GVRSH, MRK, HVTYK. Name the fourth word that is logically related to the third in the same way as the first is to the second. Murka - Gavryusha, Rimma ... Fedor Pechkin - a bicycle, Matroskin ... Murka's cow Murka - a barn, Sharik ... a booth. Crossword. What Matroskin considered the main thing in the found house. (stove) Who is Mitya? (tractor) Mom and dad in relation to Uncle Fedor? (parents) A professor who studied animal language. (Semin) Pechkin's profession. (postman) What replaced the stove in Uncle Fyodor's house in winter? (sun) Tractor gasoline substitute? (products) What did grandmother call Professor Semin? (Vanya) Nickname galchonka. (Khvatayka) The name of the calf. (Gavryusha) A detail of the costume by which Uncle Fyodor was recognized. (button) Who ate the table in Uncle Fyodor's house? (beaver) Matroskin's dream. (cow)

In highlighted cells: Prostokvashino In which village did our heroes live? How did friends choose their home? Draw this house on the board. (I read out an excerpt from the book, p. 14 15) When Uncle Fyodor arrived in Prostokvashino, did he go to school? Finally, the time came when Uncle Fyodor went to school. E. Uspensky spoke about this in his book "Uncle Fyodor Goes to School" Let's dream up what class Uncle Fyodor got into, what are the rules at this school? What kind of student are you game Clap your hands if you agree with the advice, which is in line with the school code of conduct. If you want to answer the teacher's question, raise your hand. Greet an adult entering the class while standing. If you want to answer the teacher's question, shout from your seat. Entering the class, you can shout: "Hi!" You need to rest during the break, so you can run headlong down the corridor. If you really need to ask something, you can interrupt the conversation of adults. You can run and play noisily only on a sports or playground. Help each other always and everywhere. "One for all and all for one". You don't have to pry. At school, everyone is responsible for himself, so there is no need to help each other. “Say a word” Be diligent in the lesson, Be calm and ... (attentive). All write, keeping up, Listen, ... (without interrupting). Speak clearly, clearly, so that everything is ... (understandable).

If you want to answer, You need to hand ... (raise). They count in mathematics. At recess ... (rest). Be diligent in class. Do not talk: you are not ... (magpie). If a friend began to answer, Do not rush ... (interrupt). And if you want to help a friend - Raise calmly ... (hand). Know: the lesson is over, Kohl you heard ... (call). When the bell rang again, Be always ready for the lesson ... (ready). Situation analysis. B. Zakhoder "Change" What mistakes in behavior did Vova make? "Fedya at recess" Fedya called Vanya: Come here! Look what I have, he showed Vanya the bombs. The boys went to the window. Bach! Bach! - Explosions rang out. The children running around were frightened. The physical education teacher came up and examined the window sill. He took the bombs from Fedya and said: “Let's go to the teacher's room. We'll talk there.” What do you think the conversation was about in the teachers' lounge? Why can't you do what Fedya and Vanya did? Is it possible to blow up bombs on the street? Think about whether you can bring everything with you to school? How should you behave during change? What can you talk about with friends at recess?

"In the wardrobe" It's cold today. The guys put on warm jackets. Before going to class, you need to undress in the cloakroom. Fedya is in a hurry. He runs into the wardrobe and, bumping into his classmate Oleg, steps on his foot. Oleg even cried out in pain. But Fedya paid no attention to him. He hung up his jacket and then saw his teacher. Hello Elena Nikolaevna! he shouted loudly and cheerfully. What mistakes in behavior did Fedya make? What words could he use to do this? "In the dining room" The guys have breakfast in the dining room. Vanya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he fired and hit Petya right in the eye. Petya grabbed his eye and screamed. What can you say about Vanya's behavior in the dining room? Explain how bread should be handled? Is it possible to say that Peter was joking? What rules of conduct do we remember? Do you think Uncle Fyodor and his classmates follow these rules? Are you going to follow these rules? Indeed, in order for us all to live comfortably in the class, we must follow all these rules! The game “Compliment” is a soft toy. Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in Russian, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. There are a number of ways to learn to be "respectful". Self-observation Reception difficult. You need to double up. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal. For example, today - "manners". Another time, the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I stay away? Mark not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, habits. Self-esteem It is necessary not only to take care of yourself, but to give an honest assessment without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you go to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind you and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful in this, in which thoughts about oneself, about the people around, assessments of oneself would be reflected.

Studying the opinions of other people No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake, much is much better visible from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you. Helps and self-knowledge and observation of the behavior of others. One ancient Eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” “With the ill-mannered,” he replied, “I avoided doing what they do.” So, the first condition of upbringing is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior; the second is to train and practice right conduct; third strong and sustainable habits of behavior.

"THIS IS THE WORD" TO SURVIVE" (conversation) Purpose: fostering conscious love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of one's people on the example of the exploits accomplished during the Great Patriotic War. Host. In May 1945, millions of people around the world met with great rejoicing exciting news of the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany and the victorious end of the war in Europe.The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), imposed on the Soviet Union by German fascism, lasted 1418 days and nights, it was the most cruel and difficult in the history of our Motherland.The fascist barbarians destroyed and burned 1710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, destroyed 84 thousand schools, deprived of shelter 25 million people and caused enormous material damage to our country. it is impossible to stand, And there is a soul that will endure everything, And there is only one earth, Big, kind, angry, Like blood of warmth and co womb. I. Ehrenburg Leading. Our Fatherland survived in the fight against a strong and treacherous enemy, having accomplished feats that lasted four fiery years. How do you understand the word "feat"? Students discuss. Leading. A feat is when, in a great disinterested impulse of the soul, a person gives himself to people, in the name of people he sacrifices everything, even his own life. There is a feat of one person, two, three, hundreds, thousands, and there is a feat of the PEOPLE, when the people rise to defend the Fatherland, its honor, dignity and freedom.

Almost all of Western Europe lay under the forged heel of the German fascist invaders when fascist Germany unleashed the might of its tanks, planes, guns and shells on our state. And it was necessary to be a very strong people, to have a steely character, to possess great moral strength in order to resist the enemy, to overcome his innumerable forces. In the memory of the people forever remained 29 tragic days of the defenders of the Brest Fortress who did not submit to the enemy, 250 days of the heroic defense of Sevastopol, 900 days of besieged Leningrad, which gave the world unsurpassed examples of the resilience of the human spirit, 103 days of the great battle near Moscow, 201 days of Stalingrad standing to death and 50 days battles on the Kursk salient. Shostakovich's 7th symphony sounds. Against the background of music, the student reads a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky. Are children born for death, Did you want our death, Motherland? The flame hit the sky, do you remember, Motherland? Quietly she said: "Get up to help ..." Motherland? Motherland? From lead rods We fell into the snow with a running start, But we rose in height Voiced, like a victory! Like a continuation of the day, We walked hard and powerfully... You can kill me, It's impossible to kill us! Leading. All the people rose to defend the Motherland. Twenty-seven million human lives were claimed by the war. Fascism spared neither women, nor the elderly, nor children. Student. Let's remember them by name... Let's remember our grief! It's not for the dead, it's for the living!

Live newspaper (montage)       Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov made one of the first air rams in World War II. Victor Talalikhin made the first air ram in the night sky of Moscow. Nikolai Gastello accurately brought his burning bomber to the accumulation of enemy tanks and vehicles. Lyudmila Pavlichenko is a sniper, she destroyed more than 100 invaders. A.K. Gorobets alone entered into battle with twenty fascist aircraft, shooting down nine of them. A.F. Naumov broke into the depths of the defense of the Nazis. His tank was hit. Having tried all attempts to take the tankers alive, the Nazis doused the tank with gasoline and set it on fire. Their feat is akin to the feat of the sailors of the Varyag cruiser.  M.P. Devyatayev captured a German plane with a group of prisoners of war in a concentration camp and landed safely at the location of our troops.  Mussa Jalil (Zalilov), a wonderful writer, died in a concentration camp at the hands of fascist executioners.  Yu.V. Smirnov did not betray his comrades, he was crucified on the boards of the dugout.  Fedor Poletaev In the summer of 1942, being surrounded with his unit, he was taken prisoner. Escaped from captivity in 1944 and fought in the Italian partisan movement under the name Poetan. Killed in battle. He is the only foreigner to have been awarded the Gold Medal, the highest and most honorable award of the Italian Resistance. In Italy, the general is the first to salute the soldier awarded this medal. For exploits during the war years, four of our countrymen from Yamal received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union: Alexander Evstafyevich Zvyagin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Arkhangensky, Ivan Vasilyevich Korolkov, Anatoly Mikhailovich Zverev.      Alexander Evstafievich Zvyagin pilot. He made 153 successful sorties. Nikolai Vasilyevich Arkhangensky, the same pilot. He made over 220 sorties. On January 14, 1945, he died while performing a combat mission. Ivan Vasilyevich Korolkov accomplished a military feat in 1943 while crossing the Dnieper. After the end of the war, he led a great pedagogical activity. Anatoly Mikhailovich Zverev volunteered to go to the front. He died in 1944 in the battles on the banks of the Western Dvina. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him posthumously. Remember their names (all together). Leading. And how many nameless heroes were left lying on the firing lines forever! Student. "A soldier becomes a hero" article by front-line journalist Yevgeny Krieger. “The fate of a person in a war is largely determined by the first battle. It’s bad if the first battle goes badly, this can deprive a person of self-confidence for a long time, his will will be broken by the expectation of a second failure. Georgy Tokarev was not lucky. In the first battle, he experienced the death of an aircraft, the proximity of death and a painful sense of resentment. A twenty-year-old youth from a flight school attacked knowledgeable, skillful killers who smashed the cities of Poland, France, Belgium,

Greece. He fought desperately, and all the same he was shot down. He managed to escape, get out of the cockpit of the burning plane, release the parachute. Tokarev did not let the insult fall over him, he retained his main courage. He made the first defeat a school for himself. He measured every move he made in that first fight. He looked for errors and found every single one. The creator of events in battle should be himself, pilot Georgy Tokarev. Not to wait for the enemy's decision, but to be the first to decide, to become the master of the battle from the first minute. And when the enemy senses this, he will be defeated. Sergeant Tokarev studied in battles. In the battle against two "Messers" over the tormented Stalingrad, it took him as much as 30 minutes to shoot down one of them, but still he shot him down! Over Kursk, Georgy Tokarev participated in the battle against five hundred enemy aircraft and then saw what a real defeat of the enemy air armada looks like. But then he was already a lieutenant. By that time, he had already shot down eleven fascist aircraft in single and group battles. In June, the former sergeant was already in command of a squadron. That is why he was not ashamed to talk about the fact that he was shot down in the first battle. Eleven times he has already managed to pay off for his first insult. "Student. Front correspondent Yevgeny Krieger in the article" Twenty-eight Russian guns "tells how our soldiers fought. July 1943 Kursk Bulge. Soldiers of Rokossovsky. Here is one of them sitting next to me after an incredible, incomprehensible fight to me. He is only 19 years old. His name is Gavrilov Nikolai Stepanovich. Despite terrible fatigue, he openly and cheerfully meets your gaze and readily tries to explain that incomprehensible, seeming exorbitant for human strength, for human will, that just did he and his comrades. He is so small and so pure in his eyes, with such ardent premeditation he speaks of his commanders and comrades that one wants to call him Kolenka, like a son. His face and cheeks and ears are covered with bruises and scratches with gore. Death touched him with fragments of enemy shells, but could not cope and left. What happened there in the battle? Some section of our front was exposed. The infantry was not in time for him. Only the gunners remained. After combat processing, fascist tanks moved to the vulnerable area in an avalanche. There were many of them, dozens of them shook the earth. Our guns opened fire. The tanks were on fire, more and more advanced behind them, firing their cannons at our guns. Finally, Kolya Gavrilov saw with horror that he was left alone near the gun. His comrades are badly wounded or killed. What is he supposed to do as a small, fragile youth? Kolya decided to shoot from a wrecked gun, one for all, for his bleeding friends, for the killed commander. He acted by their will, by their soldierly steadfast hatred of the enemy. He fired without a sight, the aiming device was torn off. He looked straight into the bore, trying to pick up the carcass of a tank coming at him into this dark round field. It is difficult for one to shoot from a cannon, which is served by six people in battle. The sixth shell was fatal for the tank. The tank was dying in a greedy howling flame, and since our other guns were still firing and doing their job, the fascist tanks recoiled from the terrible place, turned to the side, avoiding death. Then he just went down into the ditch, where the batterymen Salkov and Volynkin were moaning, trying to bandage them, but then a new shell lifted the cannon into the air and Kolya was thrown to the ground by an explosive wave. Stunned, bloodied, exhausted, he alone dragged two comrades to the medical battalion. Only later did he find out that our gunners, including himself, on a dangerous, exposed six-kilometer long section, repulsed the attack of three hundred fascist tanks. I can imagine how collected, tense and furious the young artilleryman was, saving the situation in his firing position, avenging his commander and his senior comrades. But I saw him infinitely kind and gentle. A faint smile flickered across his face. Yes, he won! Rage and tenderness. Anger, but not malice. Merciless to the attackers, but indulgence to the prisoners. Smashing the enemy, but saving his children from the fire. Resistant in a difficult battle, in an unfavorable situation, infinitely industrious in the titanic conditions that the front demanded of the fighters in each day of the war. These were our soldiers in the war. And, above all, they were people convinced of their rightness, of the holiness of the cause for which they were going to die.

Medal "Gold Star" The medal "Gold Star" of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" was established on August 1, 1939.

distinctions of citizens awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and performing new heroic deeds. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was the highest degree of distinction and was awarded for personal or collective services to the Soviet state and society associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed. Persons who showed labor heroism, made a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of social production, contributed to the rise of the national economy, science, culture, the growth of the power and glory of the USSR, were subject to the award. The Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded: the highest award of the USSR, the Order of Lenin; special distinction medal "Gold Star"; Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was the highest degree of distinction of the Soviet period, the most honorary title in the Soviet award hierarchy. Medal of Honor"

Established October 17, 1938. The following were to be awarded: military personnel of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal troops and other citizens of the USSR, for personal courage and courage shown in the defense of the socialist Fatherland and the performance of military duty. It was allowed to reward persons who were not citizens of the USSR. The medal "For Courage" is the second, after the medal "XX Years of the Red Army", according to the time of establishment in the USSR. The medal "For Courage" is the highest Soviet medal and is placed before other medals when worn (similar to the Order of Lenin in the system of Soviet orders). Since the medal was awarded for personal deeds, it was awarded mainly to privates and sergeants, less often to junior officers. Senior officers and generals were practically not awarded the medal "For Courage". It is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of orders and other medals of the USSR, is located after the orders.

Order of the Patriotic War The Order of the Patriotic War was established on May 20, 1942. Consists of two degrees: I and II degrees. The highest degree of the order is the 1st degree. Persons of the rank and file and commanding staff of the Red Army, the Navy, the NKVD troops and partisan detachments who showed bravery, stamina and courage in the battles for the Soviet Motherland, as well as military personnel who, by their actions, contributed to the success of military operations of our troops, were subject to the award. Awarding the Order of the Patriotic War can be repeated for new feats and distinctions. The Order of the Patriotic War was the first award that appeared during the Great Patriotic War. It is also the first Soviet order, which had a division into degrees. For 35 years, the Order of the Patriotic War remained the only Soviet order that was transferred to the family as a memory after the death of the recipient (the rest of the orders had to be returned to the state). Only in 1977, the order of leaving in the family was extended to other orders and medals. The Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, is worn by the awarded on the right side of the chest and is located after the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

The Order of the Patriotic War II degree is worn on the right side of the chest and is located after the Order of the Patriotic War I degree. Order of Glory The Order of Glory was established on November 8, 1943. It consists of three degrees: I, II and III degrees. The highest degree of the order is the 1st degree. The award is made sequentially: first the third, then the second and, finally, the first degree. Persons of the rank and file and sergeants of the Red Army, and in aviation, persons with the rank of junior lieutenant, who showed glorious feats of courage, courage and fearlessness in the battles for the Soviet Motherland, were subject to the award. Those awarded with the Orders of Glory of all three degrees are awarded the right to confer a military rank: privates, corporals and sergeants foremen; having the rank of foreman junior lieutenant; junior lieutenants in aviation lieutenant. The Order of Glory was established on the same day as the Order of Victory. The main feature of this order is that this is the only combat distinction intended to be awarded exclusively to soldiers and sergeants (in aviation

as well as junior lieutenants). The colors of the ribbon of the Order of Glory repeat the colors of the ribbon of the Russian Imperial Order of St. George, which was at least unexpected in Stalin's times. The Order of Glory is worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other orders of the USSR, is located after the Order of the Badge of Honor in order of seniority. Order "Victory" The Order "Victory" was established on November 8, 1943. It is the highest military order of the USSR. This military order was established simultaneously with the soldier's Order of Glory. Persons of the highest command of the Red Army were to be awarded for the successful conduct of such military operations on the scale of one or several fronts, as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the Red Army. For those awarded with the Order of Victory, a memorial plaque was established, as a sign of special distinction, to include the names of holders of the Order of Victory on it. The memorial plaque was installed in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

The Order "Victory" is the only one of the Soviet orders that was produced not at the mint, but at the Moscow Jewelry Watch Factory. The Order of Victory is worn on the left side of the chest 1214 cm above the waist.

Classroom hour

"About the culture of behavior at school"

Goals : Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, rules of etiquette, worked out and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on the topics of the class hour;
prevention of disputes among students, prevention of conflict situations between teachers and students.

Motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of conduct at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, so that later they more consciously adhere to all this.

A task : Development of communication skills of students.

Facilities and equipment:

  • Tables with chairs for groups
  • Tasks for groups to discuss one topic
  • Hints for each topic (common to all)
  • Paper and markers for writing
  • multimedia projector
  • interactive board

Conduct form: the work of students in groups to develop rules of conduct at school, school etiquette, as well as the development of the duties of the class on duty.

The class is divided by the class teacher into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The children sit down at their tables. The class teacher brings students up to date: informs the topic of the class hour, introduces the goals of the event.

Class hour progress

Before the start of the teacher's speech, B. Okudzhava's song "Let's exclaim!" The meaning of the words of the song is discussed with the class, a connection with the theme of the classroom is being searched.

Introductory word of the teacher

Man has been living among people since his birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary that each separate “I” feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. This requires the existence of certain rules of conduct that would enable each “I” to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet daily. At home, we communicate with relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, a librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day; with some you will only say hello, with others you will talk, play, the third you will answer the question, you will turn to someone with a request. Each person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that the behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a person's good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. We spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of behavior at school, as well as moments of disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which resentment arises. As a rule, resentment is mutual.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adopt the rules of courtesy, friendliness, and delicacy. You need to think about your mistakes in behavior. An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships:“From one word yes forever quarrel”, “The razor scratches, but the word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”.

What do you think the word “polite” means (observing the rules of decency).

So, I suggest that you do the following work in groups: within 5 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively play scenes of typical situations of compliance with or violation of the norms of the culture of behavior and communication in various situations. For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street”, “How we object to adults, parents”, etc.

Independent work in groups.

Group presentations and general discussion. The attitude of other groups to the situation.


In front of you on the interactive whiteboard is a little man. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and the students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

The personality traits of an educated person are discussed. Rules of conduct are being developed.


  • Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in a relationship is mutual. Develop these qualities in yourself.
  • Do not allow quarrels, fights, abuse, shouting, threats. It humiliates a person.
  • Cherish your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from bad deeds.
  • Help the younger ones, be fair to the unprotected.
  • Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

“Treasury of Folk Wisdom”

The interactive whiteboard contains a two-column table. The beginnings of folk utterances are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side to the corresponding lines.

Make up two parts of the proverb about the culture of behavior:

The meaning of each statement is discussed.

Each group receives a task written on a prepared card. Topics are chosen by each team by drawing tasks from the hands of the teacher.

Topics :

  1. School etiquette (appearance, speech within the walls of the school, politeness)
  2. Rules of conduct at school
  3. duty class duties


  • The form
  • Interchangeable hairstyle or second shoes
  • Greeting students and adults
  • Addressing each other
  • Trash
  • Thrift
  • Politeness
  • being late
  • absenteeism
  • Players and cell phones
  • Everyday speech at school
  • manner of communication
  • foreign things
  • Behavior in the cafeteria
  • Behavior during lines and events
  • Coming to school
  • Skipping lessons
  • school property
  • Compliance with safety rules
  • Caring for the younger and weak
  • Resolution of controversial issues
  • Smoking at school
  • Behavior in the classroom
  • Behavior during change
  • Use of obscene language
  • Responsibilities of the School Superintendent
  • duty class duties
  • Behavior at school parties and discos


Within 15-20 minutes, the topic is discussed, proposals and recommendations are made, their wording is discussed. All this is recorded on the provided paper. The students then select the most important points. From the selected material, students prepare a presentation, which they defend in front of the class, defending their achievements and proving the need for one or another item. 25 minutes are allotted for preparing and defending presentations.

At the end of class, a decision is made.


Come out with a proposal to other classes to hold similar class hours with the same topics in order to develop such rules of conduct at school so that all students of the school already fulfill them.


Teacher: I suggest you now take the exam on the rules of conduct. The best one who copes with the tasks will be awarded the medal "Super Politeness"

Final word.

How to learn "knowledge"

Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in Russian, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. There are a number of ways to learn to be "respectful".


Reception is difficult. You need to double up. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal. For example, today - "manners". Another time, the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I stay away? Mark not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, habits.


It is necessary not only to take care of yourself, but to give an honest assessment, without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you go to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind you and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful in this, in which thoughts about oneself, about the people around, assessments of oneself would be reflected.

Studying other people's opinions

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Helps and self-knowledge, and observation of the behavior of others. One ancient Eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” - "With the ill-mannered," he replied, "I avoided doing what they do."

So, the first condition of upbringing is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior; the second is to train and practice right conduct; the third is strong and stable habits of behavior.

Game workshop on the culture of behavior for elementary school students "Be educated everywhere - you are not alone on Earth!"

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

Development of skills of observance of moral norms of behavior and rules of etiquette;

Assimilation by students of the basic rules of behavior in the theater, transport, at a party.

Preparatory work. The class teacher in advance invites students to read books on the culture of behavior, create an initiative group that should prepare students' speeches; dramatizations-miniatures about the ridiculous behavior of people who do not know the rules of etiquette; colored paper tokens.

Equipment. Three white sheets of drawing paper, felt-tip pens, markers, paper tokens.

Description of class

The class teacher invites the children to visit an unusual theater, where in miniature performances the main character Vasya Vasechkin lives by his own rules, which differ from the rules of behavior followed by educated people.

The teacher offers to look at the situations that Vasechkin finds himself in, find his mistakes in behavior and correct them, correctly formulate the rules of behavior. For each well-formulated rule, the student receives a token. At the end of the meeting, the participants will count who has the most tokens.

So the show begins...

Game situation "In the theater"

1st game miniature In the theater buffet

visit often

Theater buffet.

There are cream cakes

Bubble water.

Like firewood on plates

Chocolates are lying

And through the tube

Drink a milkshake

Don't ask for tickets

To the balcony and stalls.

Let them give you tickets

To the theater cafeteria.

Leaving the theater

Take it with you

Under a trembling heart

In the stomach, a sandwich.

The teacher offers the students a short conversation. Why do we need a buffet in the theater? (Reasoning guys.)

2nd game miniature - “The light in the hall went out.

There is a performance..."

The auditorium of the theater is conditionally shown at the blackboard - there are two rows of chairs, "spectators" (4-6 students) sit on them. They carefully "watch the performance." Vasechkin, out of breath, bursts into the hall. He finds his row and begins to make his way between the rows, turning his back to those sitting. He drops his cake on the lap of one of the spectators. Finally he gets to his place and begins to ask what the artists have already shown. He looked a little at the actors' play, finished chewing his chocolate bar, which he had unwrapped for a long time and noisily. Vasechkin yawns and decides to return to the buffet, inviting a friend with him. And here he is in the lobby. The woman drops her handkerchief. Vasechkin, like a real knight, bends down, takes a handkerchief, and gives it to the lady. And he hears in response: "Never, boy, do not do this." Disappointed Vasechkin wanders into the buffet.

The class teacher invites students to name the mistakes that Vasechkin made.

Two girls come out and read Agnia Barto's poem "In the Theater":

1st girl:

When I was

Eight years,

Watch ballet.

2nd girl:

We went with a friend, Any.

We took off our coats in the theater,

They took off their warm coats.

Us in the theater, in the locker room

They handed out the numbers.

1st girl:

Finally, I'm in ballet!

I forgot everything!

2nd girl:

Even three times three

I couldn't now.

Finally I'm in the theater

How I've been waiting for this!

1st girl:

I now see a fairy

In a white scarf and wreath.

I sit, I do not dare to breathe,

I have the number in my hand.

2nd girl:

Suddenly the orchestra burst into the trumpets.

Me and my girlfriend Any

They even shuddered a little.

1st girl:

Suddenly I see - there is no number.

Fairy spinning on the stage -

I don't look at the stage.

I rubbed my knees -

I can't find the number.

2nd girl:

Maybe he is

Under a chair somewhere?

me now

Not for ballet!

1st girl:

The trumpets are playing stronger

The guests are dancing at the ball,

And me and my girlfriend Any

Looking for a room on the floor.

2nd girl:

He rolled off somewhere...

I crawl into the next row.

Guys wonder:

- Who's crawling down there?

1st girl:

A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

I didn't see anything:

I was looking for the number below

And finally found him.

2nd girl:

And just then the light came on

And everyone left the room.

- I really like ballet, -

I told the guys.

The teacher invites the children to explain what the girl did wrong in the theater?

During the discussion, the students formulate the rules of behavior in the theater. The teacher writes them down with a marker on a white piece of paper. If the rules below seem cumbersome, you can simply read them out and write down on paper the main idea of ​​the rules of conduct in the theater.

Possible rules of behavior in the theater:

After you have bought a ticket, it is recommended to read the play (performance), learn about its author, as a result of which you will form your own vision of the play, with which you can compare the director's production, the interpretation of this or that image by the actor. This will make the perception of the performance more complete, will provide an opportunity to discuss it (at the end or during the intermission) with your companion or friends.

Before purchasing tickets, you should study the plan of the hall, which hangs next to the ticket office window, and choose the seats that are convenient for you.

If there is no free choice, and the seats are far from the stage, you should take theater glasses with you.

In case of illness, a visit to the theater should be postponed so as not to interfere with coughing or other manifestations of illness to the rest of the audience.

Clothing for the theater should be solemn. The hairstyle should be such that it does not interfere with the audience from behind. Bags intended for the street, shops are also inappropriate. Cosmetics and clothes should not be bright and catchy.

A man (boy, youth) enters the theater first, presenting tickets. It is necessary to have a margin of time to take their places before the third call. You can only enter the box when the lights go out in the hall.

A man (boy, young man) also goes first to his place, followed by a woman (girl, girl). You should pass facing those who are sitting, and you should not apologize. If the passage is narrow, then those sitting should stand up. Women or girls may not rise.

You should not look at the audience through binoculars, borrow binoculars from neighbors, tell them the content of the play.

If the place is occupied, you should contact the attendant in the hall.

If you are late, you should go to the tiers or balcony, regardless of the purchased seat. If there are no empty seats, you should stand at the door until the intermission, after which you need to take your seats.

No noise is allowed during the performance.

During the intermission, you can stay in the hall or leave. If the companion does not want to go out, the man or the young man should stay with her.

You can leave the theater before the start of the second act if you don't like the play. If you decide to stay, you should not interfere with others with your appearance or remarks.

You can only leave the hall after the actors have left the stage.

Game situation "In transport"

3rd game miniature "At the bus stop"

The student reads a poem by G. Oster:

When you get old - go

On the street on foot.

Don't get on the bus anyway

You have to stay there.

And now there are few fools,

To give way.

And to those distant times

They won't be at all.

The teacher offers the students a short conversation: how should one behave at the bus stop? (Discourses of students.)

4th game miniature "In the bus"

There are six chairs in a row near the blackboard, they conditionally show the interior of a half-empty bus. A very old woman is sitting in the "bus". A conductor sits in front. At the bus stop, Vasechkin jumps on the bus and, holding his girlfriend by the hand, begins to drag her into the salon. Having thus helped the “lady”, he flops down on the seat and shouts to his girlfriend: “Anka, pay the fare!” Anya, who has sat down behind an elderly dozing woman, wakes her up and asks her to hand over the money for the ticket. Passengers, mostly elderly people, get on at the next stop. Vasechkin is talking to Anya, pretending not to notice the tired old people. Anya gets up, gives way to the old woman, but at the same time she says: “Sit down. You old people can’t sit at home!”

After viewing the miniature, the class teacher invites the children to analyze the behavior of Vasechkin and Anya on the bus, find the mistakes they made, and formulate the rules of behavior in transport. In the course of the discussion, the leader writes down the rules of behavior in transport on the second sheet of drawing paper. Students who correctly formulate these rules receive incentive tokens.

Possible rules of conduct in transport:

When entering, do not prevent passengers from entering the bus (tram, metro).

If there is an empty seat, feel free to take it.

Make way for the elderly, women and older people.

If you're with a girl, offer her a seat.

Don't talk loudly to your friends on the bus.

Do not litter in transport, do not attract undue attention to yourself.

Game situation "Away"

5th game miniature - "Away"

The student reads a poem by G. Oster:

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave a gift at home -

Useful for yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Don't get into conversations.

you while talking

Eat half as much sweets.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Do not grab the salad with your hands -

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give nuts,

Rash them carefully in your pocket.

But do not hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take out.

The teacher in a short conversation explains to the students how to prepare for the upcoming visit to visit.

6th game miniature "Vasechkin receives guests"

Near the board are a table with a bouquet of flowers, chairs. In the depths of the "door". Vasechkin has a birthday, he arranges chairs for guests. They call. Vasechkin asks his grandmother to open the door. The guest shouts from the threshold: "Hello!" and throws the ball to Vasechkin from a distance: “Hold it! A gift for you! Look, don't lose! Remember when you lost my knife?" Vasya turns to his grandmother: "Grandma, receive guests, but for now I will talk with Sasha." They call again. Grandma opens the door. A crowd of classmates breaks in. Pushing the grandmother back into the corridor, they shout in chorus: “Congratulations!” Vasechkin approaches his friends, takes a gift in a beautiful package, throws it on a chair and tells the guests: “Come into the room, take off your coat!” Turning to his grandmother, Vasya adds: “Everyone has gathered. You can put it on the table."

The class teacher offers to analyze the situation he has seen, asks to find the mistakes made by Vasechkin and his classmates. Students formulate rules on how to receive guests, how to give and receive gifts, how to introduce when meeting people.

The facilitator writes down the rules of behavior at a party on the third sheet of drawing paper. Students who correctly formulate the rules of conduct receive incentive tokens.

Possible rules of conduct at a party:

When choosing a gift, remember who it will be intended for: a boy or a girl, a man or a woman.

Remember the proverb: "A gift is not expensive, but love is expensive."

A gift is usually given at the entrance to the premises.

At a party, behave modestly, without the permission of the owners, do not touch things and do not walk around the rooms.

At the table, behave modestly, observing the rules of etiquette.

Behave respectfully with adults, referring to "you".

Summarizing. At the end of the class hour, the class teacher thanks the initiative group, which helped the students to visit the unusual theater, see funny miniatures and the ridiculous behavior of Vasya Vasechkin. The teacher sums up the analysis of situations, once again repeats to the students the rules of behavior in public places. The children are invited to make additions to the rules of conduct already formulated and written down on sheets of drawing paper.

The students collectively give a round of applause to their classmates who have collected the most reward tokens. The class teacher invites the children to continue the work of an unusual theater and put on new miniatures, having come up with a theme for a new performance.

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