Ancient Athens. Athens is a great city for recreation and entertainment

This truly legendary Greek city is famous all over the world. The capital of ancient and modern Greece in its history has experienced the greatest ups and no less epic falls. Like a Phoenix bird, Athens was reborn after devastating wars, conquests and natural disasters. At the same time, the Greeks managed to preserve part of the historical heritage of the city: today the ruins of the Acropolis and the remains of ancient sculptures are adjacent to fashionable hotels and modern shopping centers. The features of the most important Greek policy will be discussed in today's material.

The history of these glorious places has almost ten thousand years. The exact date of the founding of the city of Athens is unknown, but according to the widespread version, settlements appeared here in 7 thousand BC. They were located in the southern part of Attica, where there are low mountains covering the valley with settlements on three sides.

The founder of Athens is considered the first ruler in the Athenian kingdom - King Kekrop, who was half man, half snake. According to legend, choosing the patron of the city, he asked the gods a simple task: to make a useful gift. Poseidon presented the fountain, but the water in it turned out to be salty and undrinkable. And the goddess Athena gave the new policy a tree with unusual fruits - olives. Kekrop chose a gift from the goddess, after whom the city of Athens was named.

The apogee of Athens' glory was reached in the 5th century BC. Actually from 500 to 300 BC. The whole of Ancient Greece reached the golden age of development, and its capital became the cradle of culture, economics and politics. However, the political system of the Greek country was such that Athens was not so much the capital of Greece, but acted as an independent state. Polis remained the most important center of ancient times until the heyday of the Roman Empire.

In the third century AD, Athens loses its former grandeur and becomes a provincial town. Then come the long centuries of constant wars and conquests by foreign troops, leading to the looting, destruction and even burning of Athens. A new round in the history of the city begins only in the 19th century, when the Greeks managed to free themselves from the dictates of the Ottoman Empire.

Since 1833 Athens has been the official capital of Greece. Having achieved independence, the Greek kingdom begins to develop rapidly. King Otto of Bavaria intended to restore the country to its former greatness and restore the prestige of the capital. To do this, architects were called to Athens, who designed several city streets and public buildings in the neoclassical style (including the University of Athens, the National Park, Syntagma Square, etc.). Gradually, the city acquired its former appearance and in 1896 the first modern Olympic Games were held here at the new stadium.

The 20th century is significant for the beginning of archaeological excavations that help restore the heritage of ancient Greece. In the 1920s, the Greeks sign an agreement with the Turks on the exchange of population, as a result of which a wave of immigrants rolls into Athens. Added to this are the successful treaties for the Greeks on the Balkan wars, after the conclusion of which the territory and population of the country, incl. Athens, doubled.

During World War II, the city fell under German occupation, but after the war, it again continues its rapid development. The construction and industrial boom of the mid-20th century, at the beginning of the 21st century, leads to transport and environmental problems. To date, some of them have been successfully solved, which was greatly facilitated by the 2004 Athens Olympics.

Modern Athens is a dynamic city that combines ancient heritage with the vibrant and vibrant life of 21st century Europe. There are many nightclubs, brand shops, entertainment centers and tourist hotels here. But above all this, the ancient Acropolis, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Parthenon and the remains of ancient theaters still rise.

Geographic location

Athens is located in mainland Greece, in the south of the Balkan Peninsula. Polis is located on the central plain of Attica, surrounded by mountains and the Saronic Gulf. Over the years of active development and settlement, the city has come close to these natural boundaries. So further expansion of the urban area is almost impossible.

Greece is southeastern Europe, and Athens is one of the southernmost European cities. But you are unlikely to need a map of European countries, but the plan of the city of Athens is useful to any traveler. The city is very large, so it is quite difficult to move around without a street map.


Everyone knows what a glorious capital Greece has and what the main attractions of Athens are called. But, few people know that the population of the city of Athens is 1/3 of the total population of the country! Just think about it, a third of the population of the state lives in one city.

The number of permanent residents in Athens in 2017 is more than 3.5 million people, while the total number of inhabitants of Greece for the same year is 10.9 million people. At the same time, migrants and part of the local population registered in other regions also live in the capital city. Approximately their number can be estimated at another 500 thousand people. This is the capacious capital of the Greeks.


Like the rest of the country, Athens is influenced by the Mediterranean climate. It provides a consistently sunny hot summer and a long autumn, in fact smoothly turning into spring. Winter frosts are rare in the region.

The area where Athens is located is characterized by low humidity, so the summer heat is tolerated comfortably. Summer temperatures reach +30°С and higher. Rainy days are most common in autumn, while precipitation is very rare in summer.

How to get to Athens

The Greek capital can be reached by plane, ferry and land transport.

The air harbor of the city is called Eleftherios Venizelos. Arriving at Athens airport, it is very easy to go straight to the city center. A metro line runs from the terminal, and numerous buses and commuter trains depart from the airport to the city.

The port of Piraeus is the sea gate to the capital Athens. Foreign ships moor here, as well as an endless stream of local ferries of the most diverse capacity. Please note that in winter, the schedule of ships is often violated by the vagaries of the weather.

You can drive into Athens by car or bus along numerous highways and routes. Distance, travel time and comfort of the route, of course, depends on the starting point of departure.

The best time of the year to visit Athens is difficult to determine. Spring and summer are the hottest temperatures and the peak season, but the cost of rest is more expensive. In autumn and winter, the demand for recreation is lower, but the weather conditions are worse. However, if you search well, you can find a hot offer and go on vacation in Greece and Athens at a discount. To do this, view the calendar of low prices for air tickets and online services for the selection of tours and accommodation.

Athens travel guide

Here, our material about holidays in Athens comes to the equator, and from dry facts and theory, we begin to move on to tourism practice, i.e. walks around the city. Next, we will tell you about the most interesting places in Athens and the unique sights of Greece that have been preserved in the capital city. We will also touch upon the nuances and subtleties of Athens tourism and, of course, we will talk about hotels in Athens.

Sea and beaches in Athens

In the suburbs of the capital there are many coastal villages with well-groomed and equipped coasts. The following local beaches are the most popular with tourists:

  • Voula;
  • Asteros;
  • Faliron;
  • Alimas;
  • Acti Vouliagmeni.

The best time for a beach holiday in the Greek capital is July-August. You can get to the coast by public transport. In most cases, it is more convenient to take tram number 3, because lines run along the coastal zone. Bus number 122 runs to Vouliagmeni.

Districts of Athens

The capital Greek policy is divided into seven districts, but tourists are advised to settle only in the center of Athens. This is dictated by both the developed infrastructure and the proximity of attractions, as well as security issues.


The most historically significant area of ​​the city, located at the foot of the Acropolis. Particularly atmospheric in Anafiotika, the western part of Plaka. Here, narrow cobbled streets and low white houses, traditional for Greek architecture, give the impression of a truly Ancient Hellas.

The area has a very developed tourist infrastructure: many cafes, taverns, shops, hotels and entertainment. The historical heritage of the area is also rich. Here you can get acquainted with ancient monuments, as well as sights from the time of Byzantine and Turkish domination.


Another oldest district of the city, closely adjacent to the Acropolis.

Monastiraki is actually a large commercial and historical center of the city. Famous sights are located here: Tower of the Winds, Fethiye Mosque, Hadrian's Library. And what a beautiful panorama opens up to the Acropolis from the local Keramiks (ancient cemetery). There is no other such view of Ancient Hellas in the whole city.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the local market and the myriad of shops on Ermou Street. Lovers of shopping and sales, of course, should settle here.


Quiet and peaceful area, actually a park area. Here you can relax from the noisy city bustle and enjoy the coolness of local parks. At the same time, the geographical position of the area allows easy access to the center of Athens, located a few hundred meters to the east.

Thissio also has many places for cultural recreation. In this area you can:

  • look at the ruins of the Agora complex;
  • take a walk along the pedestrian street named after the Apostle Paul;
  • go to Pnyx Hill;
  • visit the Athens Conservatory, the Observatory and the Dora Strato Theatre.

And do not forget about local shops, shops, cafes and taverns.


The name of the district was given by the historical square, which is called only the heart of Athens. It is from here that excursions to the historical Plaka and Monastiraki, as well as just walks around the city, originate.

Near Syntagma is the National Historical Museum, which is the former parliament building. And on the square itself there is already a modern parliament, which is a kind of attraction of these places. Tourists can see the facade and some rooms of the building, as well as follow the solemn ritual of the changing of the guard.

Syntagma is also famous for its National Park, where you can enjoy the silence and views of nature.

Security in Athens

We have already answered the questions when it is better to go to Athens and where it is better to live in the capital. Now let's talk about how to behave in this huge Greek city.

General rules

The capital of Greece is crowded, and this circumstance sometimes plays into the hands of scammers and robbers. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, try to always keep an eye on your belongings and follow these small tips:

  1. Hold your bags in front, not behind or to the side;
  2. Don't put valuables in your back pockets;
  3. Do not walk around the city with backpacks (it is easier to steal from the back);
  4. Do not wedge into crowds of protesters and demonstrators so that you are not detained by the police.
  5. On public transport, be collected and keep your bag in plain sight.

Which areas are best avoided?

Like any major metropolis, Athens is fraught with dangerous quarters and their unreliable inhabitants. There are many beggars, homeless people and thieves on the far streets of the city. In particular, the district of Omonia Square, especially Sofeklos Street, is notorious for Athens. At night, the port streets of Piraeus, the vicinity of the Larissa railway station and Carassaki Square are dangerous for tourists.

Around Athens

In addition to visiting the capital itself, you can also go on a trip to the suburbs. The capital's neighborhoods are distinguished by both natural pearls and their own historical sights. So, here you can see the Averof floating museum, conquer Mount Parnitha, visit the zoological park or take a sea cruise to the island of Aegina or Hydra.

And if you are not afraid of a distance of 70 km, then you should go to Cape Sounion and see the Temple of Poseidon. Even the ruins of the building make a strong impression, and what was here in antiquity is comparable only to the Parthenon.

How to move around the city

It must be said that the transport system of Athens is well developed, but it does not always save you from exhausting traffic jams.

A single ticket is valid for a bus, trolleybus, tram, metro and train within the city limits. For 1.4 euros, you can make a 90-minute trip with transfers to any type of transport. Also on sale are daily tickets for 4, 5 €, and immediately for 5 days a ticket costs 9 €.


The total length of Athens tram lines is 27 km. The long line runs along the coast, and in the center of it there is a branch to the Syntagma area. There are 3 routes in the city:

  • No. 3 Neo-Falira - Voula;
  • No. 4 Syntagma - Neo-Falira;
  • No. 5 Syntagma - Voula.

The rails are laid along separate streets, so that the Athenian trams are not afraid of citywide traffic jams.


By bus you can travel not only in the Greek capital, but also in its suburbs. The bus fleet has 1800 cars, and the number of routes reaches 300.

Of the important remarks, we note that in Greece all stops are made only on demand. You need to carefully monitor the road in order to have time to press the "stop" button and get off at your stop. If you are waiting for the bus on the street, then you should wave your hand to make the driver stop.


Another mode of transport with which you do not run the risk of getting into traffic jams. The metro unites all major transport hubs: port, railway station and airport. In total, 3 branches operate in the city:

  • No. 1 Piraeus - Kifissia (green);
  • No. 2 Antupoli - Elliniko (red);
  • No. 3 Agia Marina - Airport (blue).

Note that there are no turnstiles in the Greek metro. But the ticket must be validated and saved for the entire trip, because There are controllers on the routes.


Official taxis are yellow checkered cars with a Ταξί sign. Cars can be of different brands, but they are all equipped with meters, which are used to pay for the trip. The main rates are:

  • In the city 0.7€ per km;
  • Suburb 1, 2€ per km;
  • Landing + 1.2 € to the amount of the trip;
  • Phone call + 2 € to the amount of the trip.

At night, rates are doubled. When traveling, be careful, because. often there are drivers who want to "earn extra money" on tourists, increasing the bill for the road.

Rent a Car

There are many rental offices in the city, but we would recommend renting a car only for out-of-town trips. There is heavy traffic in Athens, frequent traffic jams and a problem with parking, so a rented car can only become an extra burden. Outside the city, a private car, on the contrary, has an advantage over the inconsistent public transport schedule.

Sights of Athens

The Greek capital is incredibly rich in unique monuments and cultural recreation facilities.


There are more than 250 exhibitions with various exhibits in the city. But the most interesting museums are:

  • Acropolis;
  • Agora;
  • Archaeological Museum;
  • The ship "Averof";
  • Museum of Cycladic Art.

During the high season, the museum exhibitions are open to the public daily.

tourist streets

Churches and temples

Religious buildings in the city are also innumerable. Ancient culture has survived to this day: the Acropolis and its numerous temples. There are also many Orthodox churches in Athens: the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, the Daphne Monastery, the Church of St. George. There are also Muslim monuments in the city. A striking example is the Tsisdaraki Mosque.


From Athens, you can go on an excursion to any corner of Greece. If you do not want to leave the capital for a long time, then a boat trip to the neighboring islands will be an excellent option.

Recreation and entertainment

In Athens, there is something to do in addition to cultural recreation.

Shopping, shops, souvenirs

There are dozens of shops on Ermu Street, incl. brand boutiques H&M, Zara, Benetton and much more. Here you can buy quality items from European manufacturers.

It is better to buy souvenirs and gifts in small shops and local markets. The original gift will be handmade ceramics or textiles. Prices in Athens are high, but do not forget that the Greeks are always willing to bargain.

Cuisine and restaurants

Metropolitan restaurants offer tourists local cuisine and popular dishes from other countries of the world. There are a lot of cafes and taverns in the city, but if you need only the best cuisine with gourmet dishes, then we recommend visiting Petrino, Lalloudes, Garbi and To Kofenio.

Clubs and nightlife

At night in the capital, life does not stop bubbling. For the regulars of the dance floors and incendiary parties, the best nightclubs of the city work:

  • Villa Mercedes;
  • Baronda;
  • Venue;

Most establishments maintain a dress code (evening gowns). Entrance to parties is paid, and on average it is about 10 euros per person.

Young tourists in Athens will be no less interesting than adults. Especially if the family settles in a hotel with a playroom, animators and a children's menu.

In the city, children will be entertained by visiting the water park, planetarium, zoo and various attractions. Also, the children do not like to explore the ruins of ancient structures. But here the child must be carefully monitored so that the child does not harm either the ruins or himself.

Popular hotels in Athens

There are more than 2,000 hotels, hotels and apartments of various classes in the Greek capital. It is hardly possible to single out the best accommodation from this list. We can only note those hotels to which tourists express more trust and warm attitude. These are establishments such as:

Holidays in Athens are varied and exciting, not a single tourist will be bored here. It is impossible to keep silent about the shortcomings of the metropolis: crowdedness, environmental problems, traffic congestion and street hooliganism. But if you take into account the recommendations listed in the material and carefully plan your vacation, the trip will leave only pleasant impressions in your memory. Happy travels and unforgettable adventures!

In contact with


Ancient Athens was considered the main city in Attica (Central Greece). Urban settlements were located a few kilometers from the sea. They were grouped around a high hill with a citadel rising above it.

It was called the Acropolis. This area was extremely picturesque, and the Acropolis was decorated with magnificent buildings.

Ancient Athens on the map of Greece

From tyrants to democracy

The city-state began to gain strength at the end of the 9th century BC. e. At first, Athens was ruled by kings, and then they were replaced by tyrants. Tyranos translated from Greek as ruler. Therefore, no bad meaning was put into this word.

However, over time, the city rulers began to oppress and rob the population. It was then that the word "tyrant" already began to be understood as a cruel ruler or despot. In this negative sense, it has reached our days.

At first, tyrants were tolerated, as they enjoyed the support of the rich and noble Athenians and the Areopagus. Areopagus called the supreme council, which included 9 judges or archons.

Acropolis of Athens

In the 7th century BC e. archon Dracont enforced a whole series of cruel laws. According to them, for the slightest offense, people were executed. Stole a bunch of grapes or an onion - death. The Athenians said that Draco wrote his laws with blood and called them draconian.

Property inequality ended in a struggle between aristocrats and commoners in the 6th century BC. e. Unrest and armed clashes broke out in the city. In order to stop the bloodshed, they decided to elect an intelligent person as an archon, so that he would finally put things in order.

Such a person turned out to be Solon. He had an excellent reputation and in 594 BC. e. started reforms. It was on his initiative that the laws of Draco and debt slavery were abolished. Introduced laws on the freedom of will and inheritance of property. Craftsmen and merchants began to provide benefits.

All citizens of Attica, depending on material wealth, were divided into 4 class groups. Each of them was assigned their duties and rights. But in this matter, Solon acted as a defender of the aristocracy. He granted the right to hold public office only to wealthy citizens.

The reformer did not encroach on the power of tyrants. They continued to commit arbitrariness and more and more restored ordinary people against themselves. In 514 B.C. e. The tyrant Hipparchus was killed by the conspirators Harmodius and Aristogeiton. These two ancient Greeks went down in history as the first tyrannicides.

In 509 B.C. e. in ancient Athens, a popular uprising broke out. As a result, the royal power was destroyed, and democratic rule triumphed. All Athenian citizens, regardless of material wealth, received equal political rights, and the most important state issues began to be decided by a general vote.

But the republic that arose on the lands of Ancient Greece remained aristocratic. Noble Athenians began to unite in groups and manipulate the votes of people at public meetings. Aristocrats bribed and attracted to their side the leaders of the people, who were called demagogues.

Rise of Ancient Athens

In the 5th century BC e. Greek city-states defeated Persia. This contributed not only to the general flourishing, but also to the victory of democracy. In Argos, Phocis, Thebes, the ruling aristocratic groups were overthrown. The inhabitants of these cities began to practice democratic freedoms, following the example of Athens.

But it was Ancient Athens that reached the greatest prosperity. The port of Piraeus belonging to them became the main center of trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Athenians also stood at the head of the maritime union, which included 200 policies (cities). The union had its own treasury, and the Athenians were in charge of it. All this strengthened the city and raised its authority.

As for domestic political life, it was characterized by the struggle of 2 parties - aristocratic and democratic. In 462 BC. e. The power of the Areopagus was significantly limited. People's assemblies began to play an increasingly important political role. They met 4 times a month. Laws were passed on them, wars were declared, peace was concluded, state funds were distributed.

Pericles with his wife Aspasia

During this period, such a historical figure stood out as Pericles. He became a recognized Athenian leader, and in 443 BC. e. he was elected strategist (commander). This man has been in power for 15 years. It was under him that the people's assembly began to practice secret voting.

All sculptures depict Pericles wearing a helmet. There is speculation that his head had some kind of physical defect. But, despite this, the strategist had a versatile education. He sought to make Ancient Athens the center of education for all Hellas.

The man's wife was Aspasia of Miletus. She was distinguished by her beauty and intelligence, and in her social activities she sought the equality of women. The inhabitants of the city compared Pericles with Zeus, and his wife with Hera, the wife of the Thunderer. However, the marriage of this couple was not recognized as official, since Aspasia was not an Athenian. True, two sons from this marriage received Athenian citizenship.

Under Pericles, the city flourished and was the most prosperous and strong among all the cities of ancient Greece. In 429 BC. e. the strategist is dead. After that, the gradual decline of the powerful city-state began.

Sunset of Ancient Athens

In 431 BC. e. War broke out between Sparta and Athens. It lasted 30 years, was conducted extremely cruelly. Other Greek cities also took part in this war. She went down in history as the name of the union, which was headed by Sparta.

The Spartans several times invaded the lands of Attica and besieged Athens. In response to this, the Athenians attacked the Peloponnesian cities from the sea. A sea trip to Sicily was also organized. A fleet of 134 triremes (warships) took part in it. But this large-scale expedition did not bring success to the Athenians.

Having suffered a series of serious defeats, the Athenian Maritime Union broke up. There was a coup in the city itself. As a result of this, at first an aristocratic council of four hundred, and then a smaller group seized power thirty tyrants. As for the people's assembly, its powers were significantly reduced.

The Peloponnesian War was fought both on land and at sea.

In 404 BC. e. The Athenians capitulated to the Spartans. They were forbidden to have a navy, and the stone walls of the port of Piraeus were destroyed. But the long war weakened not only Attica, but also other Greek policies.

Meanwhile, a powerful new enemy appeared in the north. It was Macedonia, which began to claim hegemony in all of Greece. It reached its greatest power in the middle of the 4th century BC. e. under Philip II. He created a well-armed army and began to conquer one Greek policy after another.

However, the Athenian lands continued to be the cultural and commercial center of Hellas. But the inhabitants of the city understood that the Macedonians would soon get to them. The Athenian orator Demosthenes directly spoke about this. His accusatory speeches were called philippics, and Philip II himself declared Demosthenes his personal enemy.

The political situation was heating up, and Ancient Athens had no choice but to create a military alliance. It included Thebes, Megara and Corinth. In 338 B.C. e. there was a battle near the Boeotian city of Chaeronea between the troops of the military alliance and the army of Philip II. In this battle, the allies were defeated.

The winner dictated peace conditions to the defeated cities. Since Philip II was a smart man, he formally declared the conquered policies independent, but obliged them to support him in military campaigns. In addition, he placed military garrisons in Attica.

In most of the conquered cities, the aristocracy came to power, currying favor with Macedonia. This ended the classical era, and the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greece began.

During Hellenism, the situation in Athens was constantly changing. The city then sought independence, then again fell under the rule of the Macedonian army. In 146 BC. e. the city was under the authority of the Roman Republic in the position of an ally. But freedom was purely formal.

In 88 BC. e. The Athenians supported the anti-Roman movement, which was led by the Pontic king Mithridates VI. But in 86 BC. e. near the city walls was the Roman army under the command of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. The Romans took the once great city by storm. However, Sulla showed mercy out of respect for the historical past of Ancient Athens: fictitious freedom for the Athenians was preserved.

In the last quarter of the 1st century BC. e. The city became part of the new Roman province. But only in the III century AD. e. the importance of the once powerful Athens completely vanished, and the policy fell into complete decline.

Ancient Athens was considered the main city in Attica (Central Greece). Urban settlements were located a few kilometers from the sea. They were grouped around a high hill with a citadel rising above it. It was called the Acropolis. This area was extremely picturesque, and the Acropolis was decorated with magnificent buildings.

Ancient Athens on the map of Greece

From tyrants to democracy

The city-state began to gain strength at the end of the 9th century BC. e. At first, Athens was ruled by kings, and then they were replaced by tyrants. Tyranos translated from Greek as ruler. Therefore, no bad meaning was put into this word.

However, over time, the city rulers began to oppress and rob the population. It was then that the word "tyrant" already began to be understood as a cruel ruler or despot. In this negative sense, it has reached our days.

At first, tyrants were tolerated, as they enjoyed the support of the rich and noble Athenians and the Areopagus. Areopagus called the supreme council, which included 9 judges or archons.

Acropolis of Athens

In the 7th century BC e. archon Dracont enforced a whole series of cruel laws. According to them, for the slightest offense, people were executed. Stole a bunch of grapes or an onion - death. The Athenians said that Draco wrote his laws with blood and called them draconian.

Property inequality ended in a struggle between aristocrats and commoners in the 6th century BC. e. Unrest and armed clashes broke out in the city. In order to stop the bloodshed, they decided to elect an intelligent person as an archon, so that he would finally put things in order.

Such a person turned out to be Solon. He had an excellent reputation and in 594 BC. e. started reforms. It was on his initiative that the laws of Draco and debt slavery were abolished. Introduced laws on the freedom of will and inheritance of property. Craftsmen and merchants began to provide benefits.

All citizens of Attica, depending on material wealth, were divided into 4 class groups. Each of them was assigned their duties and rights. But in this matter, Solon acted as a defender of the aristocracy. He granted the right to hold public office only to wealthy citizens.

The reformer did not encroach on the power of tyrants. They continued to commit arbitrariness and more and more restored ordinary people against themselves. In 514 B.C. e. The tyrant Hipparchus was killed by the conspirators Harmodius and Aristogeiton. These two ancient Greeks went down in history as the first tyrannicides.

In 509 B.C. e. in ancient Athens, a popular uprising broke out. As a result, the royal power was destroyed, and democratic rule triumphed. All Athenian citizens, regardless of material wealth, received equal political rights, and the most important state issues began to be decided by a general vote.

But the republic that arose on the lands of Ancient Greece remained aristocratic. Noble Athenians began to unite in groups and manipulate the votes of people at public meetings. Aristocrats bribed and attracted to their side the leaders of the people, who were called demagogues.

Rise of Ancient Athens

In the 5th century BC e. Greek city-states defeated Persia. This contributed not only to the general flourishing, but also to the victory of democracy. In Argos, Phocis, Thebes, the ruling aristocratic groups were overthrown. The inhabitants of these cities began to practice democratic freedoms, following the example of Athens.

But it was Ancient Athens that reached the greatest prosperity. The port of Piraeus belonging to them became the main center of trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Athenians also stood at the head of the maritime union, which included 200 policies (cities). The union had its own treasury, and the Athenians were in charge of it. All this strengthened the city and raised its authority.

As for domestic political life, it was characterized by the struggle of 2 parties - aristocratic and democratic. In 462 BC. e. The power of the Areopagus was significantly limited. People's assemblies began to play an increasingly important political role. They met 4 times a month. Laws were passed on them, wars were declared, peace was concluded, state funds were distributed.

Pericles with his wife Aspasia

During this period, such a historical figure stood out as Pericles. He became a recognized Athenian leader, and in 443 BC. e. he was elected strategist (commander). This man has been in power for 15 years. It was under him that the people's assembly began to practice secret voting.

All sculptures depict Pericles wearing a helmet. There is speculation that his head had some kind of physical defect. But, despite this, the strategist had a versatile education. He sought to make Ancient Athens the center of education for all Hellas.

The man's wife was Aspasia of Miletus. She was distinguished by her beauty and intelligence, and in her social activities she sought the equality of women. The inhabitants of the city compared Pericles with Zeus, and his wife with Hera - the wife of the Thunderer. However, the marriage of this couple was not recognized as official, since Aspasia was not an Athenian. True, two sons from this marriage received Athenian citizenship.

Under Pericles, the city flourished and was the most prosperous and strong among all the cities of ancient Greece. In 429 BC. e. the strategist is dead. After that, the gradual decline of the powerful city-state began.

Sunset of Ancient Athens

In 431 BC. e. War broke out between Sparta and Athens. It lasted 30 years, was conducted extremely cruelly. Other Greek cities also took part in this war. She went down in history as the name of the union, which was headed by Sparta.

The Spartans several times invaded the lands of Attica and besieged Athens. In response to this, the Athenians attacked the Peloponnesian cities from the sea. A sea trip to Sicily was also organized. A fleet of 134 triremes (warships) took part in it. But this large-scale expedition did not bring success to the Athenians.

Having suffered a series of serious defeats, the Athenian Maritime Union broke up. There was a coup in the city itself. As a result of this, at first an aristocratic council of four hundred, and then a smaller group seized power thirty tyrants. As for the people's assembly, its powers were significantly reduced.

The Peloponnesian War was fought both on land and at sea.

In 404 BC. e. The Athenians capitulated to the Spartans. They were forbidden to have a navy, and the stone walls of the port of Piraeus were destroyed. But the long war weakened not only Attica, but also other Greek policies.

Meanwhile, a powerful new enemy appeared in the north. It was Macedonia, which began to claim hegemony in all of Greece. It reached its greatest power in the middle of the 4th century BC. e. under Philip II. He created a well-armed army and began to conquer one Greek policy after another.

However, the Athenian lands continued to be the cultural and commercial center of Hellas. But the inhabitants of the city understood that the Macedonians would soon get to them. The Athenian orator Demosthenes directly spoke about this. His accusatory speeches were called philippics, and Philip II himself declared Demosthenes his personal enemy.

The political situation was heating up, and Ancient Athens had no choice but to create a military alliance. It included Thebes, Megara and Corinth. In 338 B.C. e. there was a battle near the Boeotian city of Chaeronea between the troops of the military alliance and the army of Philip II. In this battle, the allies were defeated.

The winner dictated peace conditions to the defeated cities. Since Philip II was a smart man, he formally declared the conquered policies independent, but obliged them to support him in military campaigns. In addition, he placed military garrisons in Attica.

In most of the conquered cities, the aristocracy came to power, currying favor with Macedonia. This ended the classical era and the Hellenistic period of ancient Greece began.

During Hellenism, the situation in Athens was constantly changing. The city then sought independence, then again fell under the rule of the Macedonian army. In 146 BC. e. the city was under the authority of the Roman Republic in the position of an ally. But freedom was purely formal.

In 88 BC. e. The Athenians supported the anti-Roman movement, which was led by the Pontic king Mithridates VI. But in 86 BC. e. near the city walls was the Roman army under the command of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. The Romans took the once great city by storm. However, Sulla showed mercy out of respect for the historical past of Ancient Athens: fictitious freedom for the Athenians was preserved.

In the last quarter of the 1st century BC. e. The city became part of the new Roman province. But only in the III century AD. e. the importance of the once powerful Athens completely vanished, and the policy fell into complete decline.


The Athenian policy, one of the largest in Greece, included the whole of Attica - a region in the eastern part of Central Greece. Located on a peninsula, resembling a horn in shape and deeply protruding into the sea, in the north Attica bordered on Boeotia, in the west - on the regions on the isthmus of Isthmus. From the east and south, its lands were washed by the waters of the Aegean Sea. On the territory of Attica, in addition to its "capital" - the city of Athens, known since the Mycenaean era, there were several more small towns (Eleusis, Marathon, Bravron, etc.), as well as many dems- rural settlements. However, the Athenian policy was not always so large. It took shape gradually, through Synoykism. The Athenians themselves attributed the formation of the polis to the legendary king and hero Theseus, who, according to myths, lived even before the Trojan War. However, in reality, this process took several centuries, starting in the Homeric period, and ending at the beginning of the archaic era. When at the beginning of the 7th c. BC e. Eleusis, an important religious center with the famous sanctuary of the goddess Demeter, which was located on the border with Megara, became part of the policy; the unification of the regions of Attica around Athens was completed.

Athenian Sinoikism, unlike similar processes in other Greek policies, was not accompanied by the resettlement of all the inhabitants of the policy to the main city. In the archaic era, more than half of the citizens of Athens lived in the countryside.

The relief of Attica was quite diverse: low mountain ranges (Hymett, Parnet, Pentelikon) alternated with rocky plains. The natural resources of Attica are neither too abundant nor too scarce. The soils were not very suitable for growing crops, so the Athenians always felt a lack of bread and were forced to import grain. At the same time, the conditions for the cultivation of olive trees were very favorable. Olives (olives) were one of the main wealth of Athens. It is no coincidence that the olive tree was revered as a sacred symbol of the patroness of the Athenian state - the goddess Athena. By Greek standards, Attica was rich in minerals. In the south of the region, in Lavria, there were large deposits of silver. These mines, when they began to be intensively developed, became one of the main factors in the economic prosperity of Athens in the classical era. Marble and high-quality clay suitable for the production of ceramics were also mined in Attica.

The inhabitants of Attica belonged to the Ionian sub-ethnic group of the Greek ethnos. In the early stages of the history of the state, when the policy was still in the process of formation, the civilian population was divided according to the tribal principle. The most important and largest units were four phyla(i.e. tribes); Every Athenian citizen was a member of one of the phyla. Phil was divided into phratries- associations of a cult nature. The phratry, in turn, was made up of childbirth. However, not all the inhabitants of Attica were members of the clans, but only aristocrats; belonging to any kind was thus a confirmation of the noble origin of the person.

Athens Acropolis. Photo

At the same time, the territorial division of the policy gradually begins: each phylum was divided into three trittia, and each tritia is four navkraria. There were 48 navcraries in total, and these small districts were the smallest territorial units. Each navkraria was obliged to maintain a warship, which was part of the Athenian fleet, at its own expense.

The capital of the policy - Athens - was located in the central part of Attica, a few kilometers from the coast of the Saronic Gulf, in the valley of a small river Kefis that dried up in summer. The main Athenian hill - Acropolis- was the religious center of the policy and its citadel. It housed temples, houses of rulers, as well as city defensive fortifications, since in the era of the archaic Athens was not surrounded by a wall. On some of the hills adjacent to the Acropolis (Areopagus, Pnyx, etc.) there were also public buildings and sanctuaries. Not far from the foot of the Acropolis was Agora- the main city square, one of the centers of political life.

Athens already existed in the 2nd millennium BC. e., during the Mycenaean era. The growth of the role of Athens was facilitated by the fact that the Dorians, who crushed the Mycenaean civilization, practically bypassed Attica. And therefore, the composition of the population of the region, in fact, did not change, only Achaean refugees appeared who fled from the Dorians in Attica. There were no alien conquerors here, as in Sparta, and there were no dependent people, like helots. The relative absence of conflict (continuity) of Athenian history between the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. e., undoubtedly, played a role in the future, new for Greece of the era of “dark ones to a lesser extent. Period X-VIII centuries. BC e. was for Athens even a time of relative prosperity, especially in economic terms. In particular, geometric-style Attic painted pottery was perhaps the finest in Greece. However, by the seventh century BC e. the development of this policy slows down, and Athens becomes one of the ordinary, albeit large, states of the Greek world.

Athena Promachos. Statuette from the Athenian Acropolis(5th century BC)

An exceptionally important role in all aspects of the life of Athens was played by the aristocracy - Eupatrides(i.e. sons of noble fathers). In terms of the proportion of the nobility in the composition of the population, the Athenian policy almost surpassed all other Greek states. One of the reasons for this was the influx into Attica at the turn of the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. aristocrats from the Peloponnese who fled from the Dorians. These refugees were welcomed into Athens; one of the noble families that came to Attica from Pylos, even founded the last Athenian royal dynasty Medontides.

Throughout the archaic era, the aristocrats firmly held in their hands all the levers of power in Athens. They gradually achieved a reduction in the powers of the basilei, and then the elimination of their rule. The king's term in power was limited to ten years, and later reduced to one year. The position of the king from hereditary turned into an elective one and became available to representatives not only of the Medontides dynasty, but also of other noble families. To limit the power of the ruler, various government positions were introduced to manage the policy.

At the beginning of the 7th century BC e. the political system of the Athenian polis was formed as aristocratic republic. At the head of the state was a board of nine magistrates- senior officials who held their post during the year. They were called archons, and between them there was a certain differentiation of functions. First Archon - eponym- was considered the highest civil official of the policy; he gave his name to the year in which his reign fell. The second archon basil- was the heir to the ancient royal power, but in the archaic era retained only the powers of the high priest of the policy, the head of the religious life of the community. Third Archon - polemarch- was the supreme commander of the armed forces. The remaining six archons - thesmofetes- controlled the observance of oral law (there were no written laws in Athens yet).

Played an extremely important role in management Council of the Areopagus- the main stronghold of the power of the aristocracy. It included archons whose term of office had expired; they remained members of the Areopagus for life. It was the Areopagus, who enjoyed great authority, who had the right to appoint a citizen to the post of archon. The Areopagus exercised the highest control over the entire life of the state, and was also the supreme judicial instance that dealt with the most important cases.

National assembly in Athens until the VI century. BC e. did not play any significant role. In general, the position of the ordinary demos was rather belittled. He was completely subordinate to the aristocracy and, in addition, was economically dependent on it, which was constantly increasing. In the second half of the 7th c. BC e. debt bondage became widespread; appeared on peasant lands mountains(mortgage stones), which marked the actual transfer of such fields to the disposal of creditors and the transformation of the former owners into disenfranchised tenants. Sometimes insolvent debtors fell into real slavery.

Thus, in the socio-economic and political evolution of the Athenian polis during the first two centuries of the archaic era, tendencies were manifested that were characteristic of the Greek world as a whole. At the same time, the pace of development of Athens can be defined as average - faster than, say, in the policies of Boeotia and Thessaly, but slower than in such developed states as Corinth, Megara, Chalkis. In particular, the Athenians did not take a very active part in the Great Greek colonization, because such a large, by Greek standards, policy did not experience “land hunger”. Only at the end of the 7th century. BC e. Athens sent the first expedition to the zone of the Black Sea straits and founded the colony of Sigei on the coast of Asia Minor.

In 636 BC. e. in Athens, for the first time, an attempt was made to establish tyranny. A young aristocrat tried to seize power Kilon, shortly before that he won the Olympic Games. Leading a detachment of peers, he occupied the Acropolis. However, the demos did not support Cylon, and his rebellion was relatively easily suppressed by the authorities of the policy; at the same time, however, it was not without mass bloodshed and murders. Representatives of a noble family played an important role in the massacre of the rebels. Alcmeonids, who later was destined to rule in the Athenian state. The failure of the conspirators showed that Athens was not yet ready to accept a tyrannical regime. However, the rebellion of Cylon aggravated the struggle between the aristocratic factions. Murder followed murder, as the old custom of blood feud came into play.

The first Greek code of written laws, created in 621 BC, was called upon to stop internecine strife. e. legislator Dragontom. The most important place in this code was occupied by the laws on murders. Their observance was supposed to, if not completely eliminate blood feuds, then, in any case, put punishment under the control of the state. From now on, the relatives of the murdered were obliged to refer the case of punishment to the Areopagus court, and not to deal with the killer without permission.

So, by the turn of the VI-VI centuries. BC e. in the life of the Athenian policy, two major processes were outlined: the constant struggle of aristocratic families and the growing enslavement of the demos. Both of these processes seriously undermined the stability of the state. To improve the situation, reforms were carried out, which, however, did not help to completely change the situation. But they dramatically accelerated the development of Athens, turning this policy into one of the most significant in Hellas, which eventually allowed it to become the political, economic and cultural center of the Greek world.

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The history of ancient Greece is divided into several main periods according to the main center of cultural development. Athens is associated primarily with the classical cultural era. However, mention of this city is also found in connection with a civilization that developed much earlier on the island of Crete. This is the famous myth of the Minotaur, in which the opposing sides were the king of the island of Crete, Minos, and the son of the king of Athens, Aegeus, Theseus. There is a connection with Athens in the legend of Daedalus and Icarus. Therefore, it will be interesting to trace the history of the development of Athenian culture both from the point of view of mythology and from the point of view of historical facts.

Who to own?

And we will begin, or rather we have already begun, with mythology, as the most important aspect in the spiritual life of the Greeks.

The legends do not say exactly when Athens arose. However, there is a vivid narrative about the first ruler of the city in myths. And this is a belief about the dispute between Athena and Poseidon. Briefly about what was the case and how it all ended. They argued, of course, for power over a rich port city. The winner was the one who made the gift to its residents more expensive. Poseidon struck his trident on the ground, and from there he hammered a key. The townspeople were delighted: with fresh water it was very difficult here - there was almost none, only the salty sea was nearby. They rushed to the source and, oh, horror! Disappointment! The water was also salty...

Then Athena began to create and grew an olive tree. And there is no fresh water, no plants. But the olive was very tenacious and suitable for local natural conditions. The townspeople rejoiced: both food and oil for various needs. Well, greens too. And as a reward for such a priceless gift, the inhabitants of the city recognized Athena as its ruler. And the name was given in her honor. This is how the city began to be called - the city of the goddess Athena, or simply Athens.

Athenians and Cretans

Returning to the history of the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, we come to the most ancient period of Greek civilization, which is also often called Cretan. This is the time of confrontation between Crete and Athens in the person of their rulers Minos and Aegeus. The story of the construction of a labyrinth on the island of Crete for a terrible monster - half-man, half-bull - the son of Minos, demanding human sacrifices for himself to be eaten. These bodies were to be paid to Minos by the Athenian king Aegeus. For Aegeus himself, the story of liberation from the terrible and shameful tribute ended tragically. Let me remind you that he threw himself off a cliff into the sea, having learned that the sail on the returning ship remained black. This meant that his miraculously found son Theseus died in the Labyrinth. In honor of Aegeus, the sea began to be called the Aegean.

The fate of the creator of the Daedalus Labyrinth, a native of Athens, who left his homeland due to persecution over the accidental death of his talented nephew, whose murder Daedalus was accused of, was also tragic. During the flight from Crete, Minos took him under his care. During his stay with the king, Daedalus built the famous castle - the Labyrinth. Since Minos did not want to let go of the skilled craftsman, he decided to flee. Flying across the sky on wings made of bird feathers and wax, Daedalus and Icarus never reached their new home: Icarus, having risen high to the sun, fell and crashed into the water, and the inconsolable Daedalus landed on the nearest island, where he spent the remainder of the mountain their days. But the memory of him remained to live in the creations he created in his native Athens.

Athens and Troy

The next period of Greek culture, after the death of the Cretan civilization from a flood that occurred due to an earthquake on the neighboring island of Thera, I associate the myths of the ancient Greeks with the period of the Trojan War, in which many policies of Ancient Greece participated against the Asia Minor city, which was then part of the Greek lands, including Athens. In history, this period is called Mycenaean - according to the main cultural center of Mycenae civilization.

But back to the myths. The youngest son of King Priam of Troy, Paris, then still a simple shepherd, was chosen by Zeus as a judge in the dispute between three goddesses for the title of the most beautiful. He handed the famous apple of discord to Aphrodite, thereby angering the most powerful Athena and Hera. And they did not forget the insult, standing a little later on the side of the Achaean army.

Paris, having kidnapped King Menelaus from Sparta, his wife - the beautiful Helen, whose love Aphrodite gave him as a reward - took her to his native Troy. Menelaus called for revenge, and all the greatest men of Hellas, including his friend, King Agamemnon of Athens, responded to the call.

The Danaean army, led by Achilles and Agamemnon, laid siege to Troy, and the siege lasted for ten years. During this time, many lost their lives: Achilles' friend Patroclus, Paris's brother Hector, Achilles himself, Laocoön and his sons, and many residents of later plundered and burned Troy. After some time, death overtook the sister of Paris, the prophetic Cassandra, taken into slavery by Agamemnon. On the way home, Cassandra gave birth to sons to the Athenian king, but upon arrival at their homeland in Athens, all of them, together with Anamemnon, were killed by his wife.

The era of classical Greece: the beginning

Now let's talk about the time when the Athenian state began to emerge. This era arose several centuries after the mysterious death of the Mycenaean civilization. During this period, in the central region of Ancient Greece, Attica, city-states began to form, with adjacent arable lands called policies. At different times, the rise of some territories, then others. All policies of ancient Greece fought for the leading position. Especially Sparta and Athens.

Since the Athenian lands were not rich in water and fertile soils, for the most part, it was not agriculture and cattle breeding that developed here, but handicrafts. Already in the VIII-VII centuries. BC e. in Athens, a large number of workshops of potters, blacksmiths, shoemakers were opened, who traded their goods in shops. On the outskirts of Athens, viticulture and the cultivation of olives, as well as the production of olive oil, developed.

Governance of Athens in the pre-democratic period

Until the 7th century BC e. in the city, only the nobility was allowed to manage. The Areopagus, who sat on the hill of the god Mars and consisted of nine elected archons, held power in his hands. They not only ruled Athens, but also ruled the court, mostly unfair, adhering to the interests of the nobility. But the most odious figure of the archons during the existence of this form of government was Draco, who issued absurd and cruel laws.

The ordinary inhabitants of Ancient Athens lived poorly. They had small, most barren plots of land, where almost nothing could be grown. Therefore, in order to pay taxes, they were forced to borrow at interest from the noble and rich. And since they could not give the so-called payments, they gradually handed over their children, wives, and even themselves into slavery to the one they owed. Such captivity was called debt, and denoting stones were installed on the plots of borrowers for evidence.

Against debt slavery, resentment gradually grew among the demos and artisans, which eventually led to an uprising.

Athenian Democracy: The Basics

Let's start by defining the essence of the concept itself: in a literal translation, the word "democracy" means "the power of the people" (demos - the people).

The birth in Athens of a new form of government occurred in the VI century. BC e. and is associated with the management of the archon Solon.

After the uprising of the demos, a truce was concluded between him and the nobility and joint elections of the Areopagus were held. Solon, a native of Athens, who was engaged in an honorable business - maritime trade, who came from a noble family, but did not have any special wealth, who knew labor early, was elected the main archon in it together - a native of Athens, honest, fair and wise. He establishes new laws in Athens and above all abolishes debt slavery. This was an important event in the history of ancient Athens. According to the laws of Solon, even ignoble citizens could now be elected archons, but always rich ones. In addition, to decide the most important matters, they began to convene a National Assembly, which included all the free men of Athens.

An elected court was also established and many laws of Draco were repealed. Judges were chosen from among all citizens of Athens, regardless of class and wealth, not younger than 30 years old. The main condition was the absence of bad deeds. At the trial, in addition to the accused and the accuser, they began to listen to witnesses. The decision on guilt or innocence was made by secret ballot with white and black pebbles.

All debt slaves were set free and answered to those who were indebted only with their property.

The results of Solon's activities

In general, Solon's attempts to establish democracy in the Athenian state were only partially resolved. The main drawback of his activities should be considered the unresolved land issue: the fertile lands, which are in abundance in the hands of the rich and the nobility, were never taken away and distributed evenly among all citizens. This angered the demos. And the nobility resented the fact that they were deprived of cheap slaves and the right to receive the former taxes from debtors, which they were forgiven.

Rise of Democracy in Ancient Athens

The beginning of this period is associated with the victory of the Greeks over the Persians and the reign of Pericles. The state structure of Ancient Athens under Pericles was characterized by an updated management system. It was the 5th century BC. The entire demos of Athens took part in the administration without a difference, whether he was distinguished by nobility by origin, was considered rich or poor.

The main governing body was the People's Assembly, which could include all Athenian male citizens upon reaching 20 years of age. Meeting 3-4 times a month, the assembly not only disposed of the treasury, resolved issues of war and peace, government, but also elected ten strategists for one year of government, the main of which was the first. Pericles for a long time kept this position in his hands at the expense of universal respect.

An advisory body, the Council of Five Hundred, also participated in the management of the Athenian state. But even if he was against the proposed proposal, he was still put to a vote in the People's Assembly.

Thanks to the activities of Pericles, paid bureaucratic positions were introduced in Athens. This was necessary so that not only the rich would take part in government, but also the poor farmers.

In addition, during the reign of Pericles, the city actively developed and flourished, and the culture of Ancient Athens reached an incredibly high level. His reign lasted fifteen years.

Athens under Pericles

The description of Ancient Athens should start from the very heart of the city - the Acropolis - a hill on which, thanks to Pericles and Phidias, the greatest architectural and sculptural monuments of Greek culture were erected: the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the temple of Nike Apteros, the Propylaea, the theater of Dionysus, the Pinakothek, a unique statue of the goddess Athena was installed .

The center of the city was the main square of Ancient Athens - Agora. Here was the main city market, temples to the gods, porticos for conversations and meetings, a building for meetings of the Council of Five Hundred and the Round Building, in which its representatives carried round-the-clock watch in time of danger.

An interesting place of "poor" Athens was the area of ​​potters-artisans Keramik, where the amazing ancient Greek art was born - vase painting.

On the outskirts of Athens, on the Mediterranean coast, there is the main Athenian port of Piraeus, consisting of one commercial and two military harbors, a shipyard and a market. The road from Piraeus to Athens was protected by the Long Walls.

Under Pericles, Ancient Athens became the largest craft, cultural and commercial center.

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