Why is there no blue in the LGBT rainbow? What is LGBT - how it stands for what it means, as well as the symbols and colors of the flag of the LGBT movement What is the difference between the flag of the LGBT rainbow.

Below is the published letter I found on Twitter today. The recipient of this letter (see below) asked if the flag of the Jewish AO was gay propaganda or not.

A check (examination) was carried out in connection with the appeal of one local resident of the Jewish Autonomous Region to the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, who suspected the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region of promoting non-traditional sexual relations. Experts of the Presidential Heraldic Council found no signs of such.

“We inform you about your request regarding the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region that this flag does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and, therefore, there are no grounds for its cancellation or change.

We inform you about the request regarding the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region that this flag does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and, therefore, there are no grounds for its cancellation or change.

In connection with your concerns about the similarity of this flag with the symbols of the gay movement, we clarify that not every image of a rainbow is associated with sexual orientation. In particular, in the flag sphere there is a well-established flag of the gay movement, which is a panel consisting of seven equal horizontal stripes of rainbow colors. Variable and subordinate flags of homosexuals are built on the basis of the described with the addition of inscriptions and images to the panel.

Obviously, with the flag described above, the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, which is based on a white cloth, has nothing in common.

Sincerely, G. V. Vilinbakhov

State King of Arms.

Performed by G. V. Kalashnikov.

As far as we know, the current "liberal flags" (symbols) are orange, white or rainbow colored.
The swept wave of "peaceful" orange revolutions in the former Soviet republics of the USSR (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan) stumbled in the Caucasus in Azerbaijan and in the Russian Federation.
In 2005 in Baku ( Azərbaycan Respublikası) I went to the boutiques of the city to buy a fashionable light T-shirt. All T-shirts had dark colors: black, dark blue, brown. But I wanted something light. In the end, I went to one boutique and found there one single T-shirt in bright red. I asked the seller why there are no, for example, orange T-shirts? The merchant replied that because of the "orange revolutions" we were forbidden to sell orange T-shirts (fabrics)...
On the Internet, they started talking that a wave of the "orange revolution" will soon sweep in Russia. However, the opposition chose peaceful white ribbons (flags) as its symbol and almost immediately gay movements with rainbow flags joined them. The first thing that alerted me was the white cloths and rainbow flags together.
It is known that the white cloth (flag) symbolizes surrender to the enemy, surrender, a sign of a demand for a cessation of hostilities, a sign of a truce or a proposal for negotiations, and the rainbow flag immediately became associated with the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Why?

First, the rainbow flag itself carries the information of the colors of the rainbow. Secondly, it cannot be the flag of a foreign state, but is close to the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region and the flag of gay movements.
The official response of the State King of Arms G.V. Vilinbakhov states that "in the flag sphere there is an established flag of the gay movement, which is a cloth, consisting of seven equal horizontal bands of rainbow colors. Variable and subordinate homosexual flags are built on the basis of described with the addition of inscriptions and images on the cloth.

Obviously, with the flag described above, the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, the basis of which is a white cloth, has nothing in common" .
In the Jewish Autonomous Region, the following explanations are given about the similarity of the two flags.

"God threw a rainbow from the sky to those lost in the desert as a symbol of hope. The originality of the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region was noted by the Heraldic Chamber, there is a special conclusion. The gays used this divine symbol - the rainbow, but took the blue color out of the spectrum, and this is no longer a rainbow. When stupid people are trying to rebuild our lives, to impose their opinion on us - this will not lead to anything good, we will forget about honor, dignity, justice, and there will be no hope left, "Valyaev explained.
Now the question is, why do the two liberal symbols of the White Ribbon and Gay movements go hand in hand?
If we conditionally combine them, then we will get a flag no longer reminiscent of the "Pride Flag", as reported by the media, but the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation. Then another question arises, what is the relationship of the EAO It has to the protests? Why was this flag design chosen for the JAO?

The perception of the JAO flag as a symbol of positive undertakings is natural for world history and culture, says Elena Troyan, chief curator of the regional museum of local lore. In her opinion, the flag with rainbow symbols adequately represents a multinational region with a common history. IA EAOmedia.

- At different times, there were waves of discussions related to the topic of the similarity of the flag of the region and a certain category of the human community. But for me personally, this topic was closed when representatives of the Heraldic Chamber gave clear explanations at the conference on heraldry. This was the starting point to find out for yourself the meaning of the rainbow as a specific symbol.

The rainbow is highly symbolic of Jewish culture. This is also a reflection of how a lamp was received at Sinai - a minor, along with the tablets and the oral Torah. Here the analogy simply suggests itself. Seven candles in minor - seven colors of the rainbow. The width of the stripe on the flag is one to 40 times the width of the flag. Again, we return to the Bible, the Torah - for 40 years Moses led the Jewish people through the desert, a new generation grew up, the people were freed from the slave psychology. We are talking about the traditions that are reflected on the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, - said Elena Troyan.

According to her, since people of different nationalities live in the region, one can recall the world history. In particular, the story of the global flood - after the rain, which poured for 40 days and nights, the first thing that a person saw in the sky was a rainbow - a symbol of peace, a sign of the covenant between God and man that such terrible events will not happen again. In the Bible, the appearance of a rainbow after the flood is interpreted as a sign of God's forgiveness of human sins. And this is also embodied in the flag of the region..
In Russia, the rainbow is present on the flags of the cities of Raduzhny in the Vladimir, Moscow regions and the Khanty-Mansiysk district, on the flag of the Patriots of Russia party. The flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region is a white rectangular panel, along the horizontal axis of which there is a colored rainbow strip, consisting of seven narrow horizontal stripes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. The rainbow flag was chosen as the flag of the "Party of Economic Freedom" founded by K. N. Borov, which caused subsequent embarrassment (it was confused with the "gay flag").

Flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region
If glad ugh, according to Elena Troyan, "is very symbolic for Jewish culture", then the question arises why gays provoke discontent of some citizens of Russia with their "Pride flag" on the territory of the Russian Federation? For example, Adolf Hitler, after coming to power, his partyThe flag of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP) approved as a co-national, and then as the state, national and commercial flag of Germany (Third Reich).

"Pride Flag" is named so because it can only be used in gay parades. And for those who are especially "inquisitive" they give an explanation, misleadingly call it the "flag of the world."
The "Flag of Peace" (Italian: Bandiera della Pace) is one of the symbols of the international peace movement. Its author is the Italian philosopher, theologian and humanist Aldo Capitini, who demonstrated the rainbow banner on the first march for peace from Perugia to Assisi on September 24, 1961. The rainbow was chosen as a symbol of the celebration of diversity and a biblical sign of reconciliation. There is evidence that the rainbow banner as a sign of peace was proposed as early as 1949 and may have been borrowed from the cooperative movement.
On the territory of Russia, the "Pride Flag" has established itself in the hometown of the President and Prime Minister of St. Petersburg. Sooner or later, the hour may come when the "Pride Flag" will become, like the dream of the communists, not the flag of the World Revolution and not the "flag of peace" (in the sense of peace), but the "flag of the world" (in the sense of the Earth) under the rule of the world (Earthly) government.

Pride flag of St. Petersburg

Flag of Shalom

Along with other celestial phenomena, the rainbow is one of the ancient symbols of mankind.
Now let's look at the coincidences and history of this flag. O one of the most famous and recognizable variants of the rainbow flag is "Pride Flag" (symbol of the gay and lesbian movement) and "Flag of Peace" (symbol of the peace movement), as well as the flag of the Native American movement.

In 1924, the famous French economist Charles Gide made a rainbow flag to celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives. He emphasized that the rainbow symbolizes unity in diversity and the power of light, enlightenment and progress. The flag became the official symbol of the International Cooperative Alliance in 1925. In the post-war period, the Alliance begins to actively cooperate with the labor movement in many countries of the world.
Currently, the rainbow flag The Pride flag., The Freedom flag is an international symbol of the LGBT community. The rainbow flag consists of six longitudinal stripes, the colors of which are in accordance with the natural order of the rainbow from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
The original idea of ​​the rainbow flag is liberation. Any revolution begins with the word "no". No injustice, no violence, no discrimination, no oppression, no slavery, no existence under the yoke of constant fear. Yes, love. The rainbow flag was designed by artist Gilbert Baker for the 1978 San Francisco Gay Pride. The flag was first displayed on June 25, 1978.
It has been suggested that Baker was inspired by the African American civil rights movement's "race flag" proclaimed by Rev. Jesse Jackson: "Our flag is red, white, and blue, but our nation is rainbow—red, yellow, brown, black, and white. “and we are all precious in the sight of God.”

Initially, as conceived by the artist, the flag consisted of eight stripes. Baker assigns a specific value to each color:

rich pink - sexy

red- life

Orange- health

yellow- sunlight

green- nature

turquoise- magic/art

indigo- peace/harmony

violet- strength of mind / spirituality.

Subsequently, the pink and then the turquoise stripe were removed from the flag, and at the same time the indigo was replaced with blue. According to the official version, the changes were made due to the economic and technical difficulties of mass production. Other sources indicate that one of the stores, in order to meet the increased demand, began to sell surplus Rainbow Girls flags from warehouses, which did not have a pink stripe.
The six-colored flag has spread from San Francisco to other cities and has become a well-known symbol of the LGBT community around the world. There are various variations of the rainbow flag, as well as rainbow variations of national and regional Pride flags: Canada, South Africa, Spain, USA.

Europride flag

The modern flag of Israel is unusual: two blue stripes and Magen David (Hebrew דגל מדינת ישראל‎ - Degel Medinat Yisrael - "Star of David", "Shield of David") in the middle ... But why is he like that? What images gave him life?

The hexagram (six-pointed star) is made up of two equilateral triangles and serves as the emblem of Judaism and Zionism.

What do the two blue stripes mean, besides the color of the sky?

In the creation of the flag of the State of Israel, the image of a tallit was used - a prayer coverlet, a cape. Tsitzit tassels are threaded into the four corners of the tallit. It is customary for worshipers to wear a tallit during morning prayers and Torah readings. It is customary for Sephardim to wear it at a wedding. A tallit accompanies a pious Jew all his life, it is even customary to bury him in a tallis (talit). So this image for the flag of Israel is not at all accidental.

In this article we will try to consider the gay flag in as much detail as possible. What is it usually called? Many call it a multi-colored cloth, consisting of a rainbow palette. In general, various variations of the flag are known, but they are all based on a universal change of colors: red is replaced by orange, then we observe yellow, then green, and purple. As a rule, this combination does not coincide with the generally accepted canons of heraldry.

rainbow flag

The Gay flag is known in various movements and cultures. Today, some of the most popular and familiar versions are: the "Pride Flag" (the emblem of the lesbian and gay organization), the "Banner of Peace" (the symbol of the peace movement), the flag of the coalition of the indigenous peoples of America. The similarity of their design often leads to confusion.

In general, the gay flag is an international emblem of the formation of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual (LGBT) communities, as well as activists who advocate for their human rights. As a rule, the panel of this product consists of six stripes, the colors of which are placed according to the natural order of the rainbow from top to bottom.

The flag is used in gay pride processions and other public events. Very often it is placed on the buildings of LGBT organizations, "Gay-friendly" establishments, in gay neighborhoods and so on.


The gay flag is meant to represent the unity in diversity, joy and beauty of the LGBT community. It represents the concept of gay pride and publicity. The author of the rainbow panel is the artist Gilbert Baker. He explains its meaning as follows: "The original idea is called liberation.

In fact, this is a chance to throw off the shackles, going beyond the limits created by fear and the desire to meet standards, the right to declare one's sexuality without shame and fear of retribution from the founders of ethical laws.


Every revolution begins with the word "no": no violence, no injustice, no oppression, no discrimination, no slavery, no being under the yoke of every moment of fear. Yes - love. The flag of the gay movement supported this idea for thirty years.

In general, the rainbow banner lives because it depicts all of us in all our diversity and beauty. It is known that each such attribute is a symbol of an idea. The gay flag (its colors) is common sense and decisive action.


So, we understand what the gay flag looks like. We already know that the rainbow banner was designed by Gilbert Baker specifically for the gay pride parade, which was held in 1978 in San Francisco. At the same time, openly gay Harvey Milk was elected to a political post for the first time in California as a member of the Supervisory City Council.

During the same period, state conservatives launched a campaign to introduce discriminatory amendments to the statute (the "Briggs Proposal").

Gilbert Baker responded to the call of the gay movement to create the brightest symbol that would consolidate and personify the LGBT formation. The artist notes: “When I created the flag for the gay movement, there was no other international emblem for us, except for the pink triangle that the Nazis used to mark gays in concentration camps. Although this pink figure is a powerful symbol, it was still imposed on us.”

It is known that Gilbert Baker and activists decorated and sewed two impressive muslin canvases with their own hands. The flag was first introduced on June 25, 1978 during a gay pride parade that brought together a record 250,000 participants. This date is now celebrated as the Day of the Rainbow Banner.


At first, the flag was composed of eight stripes. Baker assigned a specific meaning to each color:

  • Juicy pink represents sexuality.
  • Life is in red.
  • Health is associated with orange.
  • Yellow has always been a sunny color.
  • Green represents nature.
  • Magic or art are indicated in turquoise.
  • Fortitude and spiritual origins - indigo.

There are several conjectures as to why the pink stripe, and then the turquoise stripe, disappeared from the flag in the future. At the same time, blue appeared instead of indigo. It is said that after the assassination of openly gay politician Harvey Milk on November 27, 1978, protests were organized, thanks to which the popularity of the flag increased significantly.

It is known that the modification appeared due to technical and economic problems of gross production. Other sources claim that one of the stores, in order to meet the increased demand, began to sell surplus Rainbow Girls flags from warehouses, which were missing the pink stripe.

However, the elimination of the turquoise stripe allegedly took place at the time of preparation for the 1979 San Francisco gay pride parade. It was then that the designers decided to “split” the flag in order to frame the procession on both sides of the avenue. And for this he had to have an even number of stripes.

The idea of ​​this post visited me a long time ago, but my hands have reached only now. To be honest, I was surprised that no one created a similar post. Okay, I won't pull. And the first flag we'll look at is:

rainbow flag

This flag is well known among YaA participants, and in general in the world, although not loved by many...

The rainbow flag (Pride flag - the flag of freedom) was designed by Gilbert Baker specifically for the gay pride in San Francisco in 1978. He described it this way:

The original idea of ​​the rainbow flag is liberation. The ability to break free, going beyond the limits created by fear and the desire to "comply with the norms", the right to declare one's sexuality without shame and fear of retribution from those who dictate "ethical laws".

The rainbow flag is alive because it represents all of us in all our diversity and beauty… Each flag symbolizes an idea. The rainbow flag stands for common sense and brave action.

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We conclude:

The flag is meant to represent the unity in diversity, beauty and joy of the LGBT community.

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The next character we'll look at is:

pink triangle

The oldest and one of the most recognizable symbols of the LGBT community. It owes its origin to Nazi Germany, where homosexuals were among the victims of the Holocaust. According to various estimates, in the Third Reich, according to paragraph 175, from 50 to 100 thousand homosexual men were sent to prison, and from 5 to 15 thousand people were deported to concentration camps (death camps). In concentration camps, such prisoners wore a patch in the form of a pink triangle.

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We conclude:

The pink triangle was created in order to humiliate members of sexual minorities.

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Bisexual flag

For those in the bunker:

Bisexuality is a person's sexual attraction to both men and women.

The first bisexual pride flag was designed by Michael Pugh and first appeared on the 1st anniversary of BiCafe on December 5, 1998.

This is a rectangular flag of three horizontal stripes: a wide purple (lilac) stripe in the upper part, representing the field of attraction for homosexuals; a broad band of blue below representing the opposite field of attraction (heterosexuals), and a lavender colored band (purple) occupying the central part as a fusion of the two areas, which symbolizes attraction to both of the sexes (bisexuals).

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We conclude:

The flag carries a deep sense of pride for people with this unusual sexual orientation.

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black triangle

Unlike gay men, who constituted a separate group in concentration camps and wore a "pink triangle", lesbians were not included in paragraph 175 of the criminal code. However, women were arrested for "anti-social behavior", which included feminism, lesbianism, prostitution. Such women were marked with a "black triangle". Today, the black triangle is used by lesbians as one of the symbols of the LGBT movement.

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We conclude:

The symbol was created to stigmatize girls

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Bisexual Triangle

More recently, bisexuals have joined the fight for equality. One of the characteristic features of this struggle was the appearance of their own symbolism: pink and blue triangles partially superimposed on each other, sometimes called “bigons”. Unfortunately, unlike most other pride symbols, the exact origin of this symbol is quite mysterious. The pink triangle is obviously taken from gay symbols.

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Okay, I guess I'll end with this. It's too early for all the LGBT symbols and can't be counted forever🙂

For peace from every balcony

The Rainbow Flag is a multi-colored flag consisting of seven stripes of all the colors of the rainbow and the word "PACE" (Russian " world") in any of the world's languages.

A similar rainbow flag was used in Italy for the peace march in 1961. Its creators were inspired by the multi-colored flag they saw in protests against nuclear weapons. It became especially popular after the Pace da tutti i balconi campaign "For peace from every balcony", which took place in 2003 in Italy, starting with a protest against the impending war in Iraq. The flag was inscribed with the word "PACE", which means "peace" in Italian. According to the Corriere della Sera newspaper, the flag of peace has become more popular in Italy than the national flag :) Later, this flag was adopted as an international symbol of the movement for peace throughout the world.

The use of the rainbow flag has a rich history; it means in various cultures of the world diversity and uniqueness, as well as hope. Along with other celestial phenomena, the rainbow is one of the ancient symbols of mankind. It has been used in various religious systems. So in Scandinavian mythology, the rainbow is considered a bridge connecting the world of people with the world of the gods. In Vedic mythology, she is the bow of the thunder god Indra. In ancient Greek mythology, the rainbow symbolizes Iris, the messenger of the gods. In the Old Testament, the rainbow is a symbol of the union between God and mankind. In Australian Aboriginal mythology, the rainbow serpent is the patron of the sky, water, fertility, and shamans. In China, five colors are distinguished in the rainbow, the combination of which means the unity of yin and yang.

« Peace flag» (Bandiera della Pace) is one of the symbols of the international movement for peace. Its author is the Italian philosopher, theologian and humanist Aldo Capitini, who demonstrated the rainbow banner on the first march for peace from Perugia to Assisi on September 24, 1961. The rainbow was chosen as a symbol of the celebration of diversity and a sign of reconciliation. It is stated that Capitini saw the prototype of his flag in 1958 at a demonstration organized by the British writer and public figure Bertrand Russell. There is evidence that the rainbow banner as a sign of peace was proposed as early as 1949 and may have been borrowed from the cooperative movement.

The modern most popular version of the world flag, proposed by the Italian communists in the 1980s, has seven colors, arranged in reverse natural order from top to bottom: purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange, red. Sometimes purple and blue are interchanged. In the middle of the flag is the inscription " PACE"(Ital. "world"). Depending on the language, the inscription may sometimes vary, for example: "PEACE" (English), "SHALOM" (Hebrew), "EIPHNH" (Greek) and so on.

The rainbow flag (picture of a rainbow) is a symbol of tolerance, diversity, peace, freedom and love. The Lord God set the rainbow as a sign of His covenant with Noah, that He, by His goodness, would no longer bring a flood on the earth for the sins of people. Many ignorant peoples of the Earth looked at the rainbow with superstitious fear. The rainbow is an ancient and multilingual symbol known to pagan peoples who believed that the rainbow symbolizes transformation, heavenly glory, the throne of the God of Heaven, the meeting of Heaven with Earth, a bridge or border between worlds. In Slavic myths and legends, the rainbow is considered a magical heavenly bridge thrown from heaven to earth, the road along which the gods descend from heaven. Also in the Russian (figurative) language, the word "rainbow" is decomposed into two images: "ra" - light and "arc", which indicates the divine origin of this phenomenon. In addition, the Druze consider the rainbow flag a symbol of their religious community. Thus, the rainbow plays the role of one of the important symbols of world religions.

In ancient Peru (the Inca empire), the rainbow was connected with the sacred Sun, and the Inca rulers wore its image on their coats of arms and emblems. The colors of the rainbow were used in the banner of the Inca Empire. Today it is the official (since 1978) flag of the city of Cusco (Peru).

During the German Peasants' War Bundshu, the rainbow flag became a symbol of the New Age, hope and change. The famous German reformer Thomas Müntzer chose the rainbow as a symbol of the Eternal Divine Union. In April 1525, a white flag 30 cubits long was made. A rainbow was placed on the banner, as well as a quotation from the Bible: “The Word of God is eternal” (lat. Verbum domini maneat in etternum). Soon, rainbow stripes appeared on some banners of Thuringia, similar to the stripes on the flag of Thomas Müntzer.

Since 1961, the rainbow flag has been used as the flag of an international peace movement: the Bandiera della Pace. Aldo Capitini, an Italian pacifist, created the current flag. The flag was first used in a peace demonstration on September 24, 1961. During the 2003 Iraq War, many Italians followed the call of Pace da tutti i balconi ("Peace from all balconies") and hung rainbow flags on the balconies and walls of houses.
The colors are in reverse order from purple to red. The flag has seven colors. Caption: Pace, Peace, Paix, Shalom, which translates as Peace. You can see it below:

click to enlarge

The environmental organization Greenpeace uses the rainbow as a symbol of conservation.

The hippie movement (flower children) - a movement of free people that promotes freedom of views and interests, based on love and kindness, chose a rainbow seven-color flag for their movement:

In a sense, sexual minorities borrowed this flag from hippies, forgetting the truth that the main idea of ​​​​this flag is tolerance, and not a demonstration of their orientation. They made this flag eight colors, then reduced it to six colors (removing blue and pink from it).

Flag of the Indians in the Andes:

click to enlarge

Aymara Indian Flag:

The seven-color rainbow is depicted on the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region:

Rainbow City has a rainbow flag. It is located on the right bank of the Agan River in the center of Western Siberia, in the northeastern part of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra:

The correct rainbow is seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The sequence is always exactly the same, because the speed and degree of refraction of colors are different.

These are the colors of our seven chakras in the body, like seven notes in music - these are waves of cosmic energy, because light is energy, these are waves, they can be seen or heard, depending on the range of waves.

And also the rainbow is just a beautiful natural phenomenon that the Heavenly Artist draws on the canvas of the Sky:

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