Preparatory group topic: “My home, my city, my country, my planet. Abstract of GCD on drawing in the preparatory group "My Motherland-Russia Drawing native country

Abstract of the GCD on drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques (nitkography + watercolor + stencil) on the topic: "Russian flag". preparatory group

Purpose of the lesson:
1) To form patriotic feelings based on a conversation about their native country.
2) Continue to acquaint children with the state symbols of the coat of arms, flag, anthem. With the functional purpose of the flag of Russia, about the symbolic meaning of colors, what do the colors on the Russian flag mean. To form an aesthetic attitude to the flag of Russia.
3) Teach children to depict the Russian flag in an unconventional way of drawing, using a stencil, watercolor and thread. Cultivate accuracy in work.
Materials and equipment: Russia map, coat of arms of Russia, Russian flag
for children: stencils, watercolors, brushes, red, blue and white threads, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

Course progress.

Educator:“Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson. We will talk about our native country. Children live in the world - boys and girls. They are all different blue-eyed and black-eyed, with pigtails and curls, some live in the city, others in the countryside, some in the north, others in the south. And they all live in our vast country, which is what the guys are called? "Russia".
Educator:“Russia is a big state. Here is its border (we show the border of Russia on the map). We are proud of our great Motherland. When people go to bed in one part of the country, the day is just beginning in another. At the same time, it can snow in one part of Russia (in the north), while in another part the bright sun shines (in the south). There are many cities, villages and settlements in our country. What city do we live in, what is its name? "Lipetsk".
caregiver: “What is the name of the main city of the country?” "Moscow".
Educator:"Let's find them on a map. Here they sent us a parcel from the city of Moscow from the nursery school "Solnyshko", children of the older group. Let's see what's in it: here are the dolls, the letter, let's read it.
“Hello, dear guys!
We sent you dolls, their names are Vanya and Masha, they are dressed in folk costumes.”
Educator:“Let's look at them carefully. Masha is wearing a Russian folk sundress of blue color, trimmed with a red border, in a white blouse. Vanya in a Russian-folk shirt "kosovorotka" - red, trimmed with blue comte. Since ancient times, our ancestors preferred red, blue, white colors in their clothes. We say blue sea, white light, red spring. Guys, what does the word "red" mean. "Beautiful".

Educator:"Let's take a look at the package. See here the coat of arms and the flag, whose country?
Educator:“Each country has its own flag and coat of arms. The flag and coat of arms are the hallmark of the state. The national flag denotes the unity of the country and its independence from other states. Let's take a closer look at the flag, what shape is it? "Rectangle".
Educator: Guys, how many stripes does our flag consist of?
Educator: That's right, the flag consists of 3 stripes. Top is white, middle is blue, bottom is red.
Educator: What do you think white means?
Educator: Well done, white color means peace, purity.
Educator: What do you think blue means?
Educator: That's right, blue - loyalty, honesty;
Educator: What do you think red means?
Educator: Yes, red - courage, courage.
Educator: Guys, today I suggest you draw the Russian flag in an unusual way. In front of you lies a sheet divided into 3 parts. Each part means the color of the flag. But first you need in the middle of the sheet, please see where, circle the star with a stencil and paint over it with red watercolor. Then we glue the top strip with white threads, the middle around the star with blue threads, and the bottom strip with red threads. Ready? Let's get to work.
Educator: While our star dries up, let's rest.
Physical education "We are military"
We will all become military men, Walk in place.
Big, healthy. Stretch your arms up, lower through the sides
We will serve in the Army, parties. Let's love our country. The movements are repeated.
Protect your garden and house, Tilt forward, look through the binoculars.
We will protect the world! They walk in place.
Educator: We rested, and now we continue to work.
caregiver: Here are the flags we got. Now let's repeat what each color on the Russian flag means.
Educator: Listen to the poem about the flag:
White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky
Red stripe - Sunny dawn.
caregiver: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. All of you have worked hard today.

Drawing “Native expanses. My Motherland" Ekaterina Anikeeva (1 "A" class MBOU Glazunovskaya secondary school). Teacher: Temnova E.S.

Continuation of the story "Traveling in a balloon." Beginning in the article "".

"Motherland" - drawing by Ekaterina Anikeeva, 7 years old

For work we need:

  • watercolor paper (in our case A3),
  • gouache,
  • watercolor paints,
  • brush,
  • simple pencil,
  • foam sponge,
  • cotton buds.

An exciting moment came - the balloon took off from the ground and began to slowly gain height.

Higher and higher he rose, taking the guys with him towards adventure.

A distant birch grove has already become visible. How beautiful is our land!

1. First, we outline the main objects of the composition: hills, river.

2. Draw the sky. To do this, add a little blue gouache to white gouache, mix. We work with a foam sponge. We paint over with printing movements, leaving unpainted areas between the prints. This coloring method allows us to convey the effect of clouds in the sky.

3. The sky is ready.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 1

4. While the sky dries, paint the river. To convey the fluidity of water, we will use the wet painting method.

5. First, color the river with clear water.

6. Now, on a wet sheet, paint with watercolor paint.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 2

7. We draw the sun moving in a spiral.

8. Using the method of sticking, draw rays.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 3

9. After the sky and the river have dried up, draw the hills. We are working on raw again.

10. The imprint of a clenched hand is very similar to the crown of a birch.

11. We make several such prints.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 4

12. With a brush, draw a distant grove. Because the trees in the distance look like a solid wall, then we draw them with a continuous uneven line.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 5

13. The crowns of the birches have dried up, now we draw the trunks. We apply white gouache on the finger and put an imprint.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 6

14. Draw grass along the river bank with a brush.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 7

15. By priming, draw a reed (or, to be precise, a cattail).

"Motherland" - drawing - step 8

16. We paint greenery on the reeds.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 9

17. Draw geese with fingerprints.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 10

18. Paint on the neck with a brush.

"Motherland" - drawing - step 11

19. Draw waves on the river.

Among the gloomy thoughts and black forebodings that occupy the head and soul when getting acquainted with the children's drawings collected by the activists of the "Essence of Time", there is still one bright spot, a ray of hope that it is not over yet. These are drawings on the theme "My country". Still, children, especially small ones, do not watch the news on TV, as well as other "cognitive programs" such as "Duty Department". And therefore, they are not yet subjected to the massive propaganda manipulation that adults are subjected to, who have been addicted to the endless series “Where can you find a country in the world uglier than my homeland?” for 20 years.

Of course, this is yet to come - they will grow up, mature and, perhaps, also begin to watch this series - if by then the enemies of Russia do not no longer need to show it - as a result of the absence of Russia itself. But now they are free from enemy influence, at least in this area - the formation of the image of their country and, consequently, the formation of their own identity.

And the image of the Motherland is formed in our children in the same way as in all children of the world at all times: from the images of family life, children's games, walks and trips with parents, familiar landscapes and unusual landscapes, from children's books and school lessons.





















It is very interesting to observe how with age (or growing up) the boundaries of the picture of the world of children expand - this is very clearly seen in their drawings.

Very young children most often perceive the "country" as their home, their family, their friends. “My country is all the people I know,” one of the drawings says.

Then the boundaries of the world expand: your house is inscribed in the landscape - rural or urban. Then they begin to draw not their own house, but their village, their city - and now this is “my country”. And then very revealing “simple landscapes” appear - the characteristic features of the surrounding landscape and nature become for children the basis of identity, the image of “their own”, the image of the Motherland. It is amazing, but in many drawings of children one can see downright Levitan stories and motifs! - as if they all had seen enough of the paintings of the great Russian landscape painter. But no! - just children and Levitan are compatriots, they have a common homeland.

Then, education is added to the images, direct impressions - the boundaries are pushed apart again - and the children begin to draw maps of Russia and views of the country from space - on the ball of the Earth.

And then comes the time for the symbolic development of the concept of “my country”: the Kremlin (we have 227 drawings with the Kremlin, including 2 from Smolensk and 1 from Nizhny Novgorod), churches as a symbol of Russia, state symbols (characteristically, the flag is quite common, but the coat of arms is practically absent), and - birch. A huge number of birches that children deliberately use as a symbol of our country: they draw birches not only in landscapes, but also in subjects that do not imply them at all.

And only then - and this is very rare - do drawings related to power appear: Putin, just the President, some kind of meeting where the President speaks ...

The general distribution of plots of drawings on the theme "My country" is as follows:

Main topic %

Cities and villages 25%

Landscapes 17%

Houses and yards, playgrounds 11%

Earth globe or globe 8%

Story drawings 4%

Flag and coat of arms 4%

Family and friends 2%

President 0.3%

Representation basis %

Place of residence 36%

Symbol 23%

Landscapes 17%

Geographic representation 15%

National achievements 5%

Fantasy 4%

Remember the song from the movie "Shield and Sword"? Looking at children's drawings, you understand how exactly Mikhail Matusovsky reflected the formation of Russian identity in his poems.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the picture in your primer
With good and faithful comrades,
Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts
From the song that our mother sang to us.
Since in any trials
No one can take away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the treasured bench at the gate.
From the very birch that is in the field,
Leaning under the wind, it grows.

Or maybe it starts
From the spring singing of the starling
And from this country road,
To which there is no end in sight.

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the windows burning in the distance,
From my father's old Budyonovka,
That somewhere in the closet we found.

Or maybe it starts
From the sound of wagon wheels
And from the oath that in youth
You brought it to her in your heart.

Where does the motherland begin?

As for the oath... I would like it to be taken.

In the meantime, although the drawings of the country inspire much more optimism than the drawings of heroes and the future, it must still be admitted that this is the result of a kind of idealization of the image of the country in the children's minds, which, unfortunately, is very easy to undermine and destroy. To face the truth, it must be said that these same children - the authors of the collected drawings - in just a few years will most likely lose all their idealism, turn into fans of some foreign pop groups, will be consumed by consumerism, greed, envy, lack of freedom, will begin to dream of leaving the "Rashka" ...

But for now... they are still children. And they love their country disinterestedly, joyfully and completely independently. And they try with all their might to “justify” this love. (Which demonstrates that the waves of the information-psychological war being waged against the people of Russia are also reaching them. Of course, the main goal of this war is adults: for 25 years there has already been a continuous propaganda campaign to discredit the USSR, aimed at devaluing the loss of a great country and deepening the crisis of national identity caused by this loss, but the children still actively do not want to know all this.) Russia in the children's drawings appears in an exceptionally positive, life-affirming light.

Surprisingly, only 3 of more than 2,000 drawings contain at least some negative content: this is an attack on the country of a spider in the drawing of a 5-year-old girl, the arrest of a terrorist with a grenade near the Kremlin in the drawing of a 9-year-old boy, and preparations for war with France. All other drawings are either formal or obviously positive and even idealized. The child's consciousness cannot come to terms with the imposed assessments of the wretchedness and backwardness of their country, just as up to a certain age not a single child admits that his mother is not the most beautiful in the world.

From what material do children build their positive images of Russia (children, not adults born in the USSR)? Of the "building materials" used in modern Russia, only the sporting achievements depicted in two drawings, three Putins and one election, have been produced! The rest of the "positive" has absolutely nothing to do with today's Russia and is divided into 4 groups:

1) nature (mushrooms, fishing, animals), family, friends;

2) Soviet heritage - space, Victory, slogans ("Peace in the world!", "Peace to the world!"), Kremlin stars, the brotherhood of peoples (as it was depicted in garden and park sculpture: a Negro, a Chinese and a Russian), a monument to Lenin ;

3) a fantastic future (unprecedented cities with flying houses, new vehicles and flying saucers);

4) national history and culture: national costume, architectural monuments (Kremlin and Orthodox churches).

It is very interesting that the Orthodox theme turned out to be very closely connected with the Soviet one. In the group of children who drew temples in the drawings of the country, astronauts (namely the USSR) are much more often found in the drawings of the hero than in other children, and fantastic cities and space travel are much more often depicted in the drawings of the future.

Let's say more. Many modern sociological studies (with deep satisfaction) emphasize that the role of Soviet values ​​and stereotypes in the feeling of being Russian and a citizen of Russia is of a residual, rudimentary nature and manifests itself mainly in older generations. But according to our data, this conclusion is not confirmed even for children of primary school age born 10-15 years after the collapse of the USSR: the role of Soviet images and symbols is very significant for them, which is manifested both in the drawings of the country and in the drawings of heroes and the future.

The main Soviet achievements of national history - Victory, Atom and Space - are the most important and irremovable components of national self-consciousness, the relevance and role of which will only increase due to increased tension around the coming war "for the Russian inheritance".

As for the role of modern Russia, we can draw a very important and well-founded conclusion from the collected material: the contribution of the modern, post-Soviet era to the formation of the national and civic identity of our children is close to zero. That is, for almost a quarter of a century nothing has been created that could serve as a basis for building the image of the country - even for very young children.

This “medal” (which modern Russia can quite rightly be awarded), like any other, has two sides. It is good that the false, empty and deceitful "messages" of our reality and propaganda are not perceived by our children. It is bad that the national identity formed in this spiritual vacuum - a holy place does not happen empty! -- weak, unstable and potentially easily subject to hostile influences. And if there is no drastic change in national policy, then this generation of citizens, who still love the Motherland brightly and openly, will be lost to Russia.

I would not like to end our brief description of the Essence of Time Movement's study of children's drawings on this pessimistic note. Therefore, let's pay attention to one more, extremely important conclusion. Under the thickness of our “normal” life: consumerism, fake politics, propaganda, endless chatting of everything and everything, there is another, quiet (and often unconscious) level of existence - everyday family life, work, daily worries ... And at this level, Russia persists (and guarded), she is alive. And no storms “on the surface of life”, no matter how loud and terrible they may be, have not yet been able to do anything about it. And since the country is alive, not everything is lost yet!

Julia Krizhanskaya

We finish the story about the study of children's drawings, which was carried out by the "Essence of Time" movement. The last part of the studied children's works are drawings on the theme "My country".
The image of the Motherland is formed in our children in the same way as in all children of the world at all times: from family lifestyles, children's games, walks and trips with parents, familiar landscapes and unusual landscapes, from children's books and school lessons.
It is very interesting to observe how the boundaries of the picture of the world of children expand with age - this is very clearly seen in their drawings.

young children are more likely to perceive the country as their home, or their family, or their friends. My country is all the people I know, someone wrote in one picture.

over time, the boundaries of the world expand: your house is inscribed in the whole landscape, it can be rural or urban.

sometimes they begin to draw not their own house, but let's say their village, or their city, and this is their my country.

the older, the more simply revealing landscapes appear, the characteristic features of the surrounding landscape, and nature becomes for children the basis of identity, the image of the Motherland. Amazingly, many of the children's drawings describe downright Levitan stories and motifs!

our children are trying to draw their own vision of our great country, and draw as they imagine it.

the time is coming for the symbolic development of the concept of my country, for example, a drawing of the Kremlin or Red Square and other landmarks of the country. A huge number of trees, mostly birches.

children deliberately use as a symbol of our country.

they paint beautiful fluffy birch trees not only in landscapes, but also add them to subjects that do not imply them at all.

nature is peculiarly represented in children's drawings (mushrooms, fishing, animals), family, friends picnics, outdoor recreation and so on

Also, at drawing lessons, children are happy to depict national history and culture with paint brushes, in the form of national costumes, architectural monuments, temples, and so on.

in general, I think it is necessary to develop children's creativity, it helps them to express how they perceive reality and the world around them. From the drawings, you can judge the emotional state of the child about what he thinks, what he dreams about, how he wants to change this or that in his world

It's great that people came up with paints and a brush. May our children have a happy childhood.

I think that it is simply necessary for a child to be given complete freedom of choice in his hobbies, especially if he is passionate about them. My son is very fond of coloring his favorite pastime is to paint various characters from cartoons.

he also likes to draw mostly family and nature. we are very happy with each drawing and some of them we just put in a frame and on the most honorable place on the wall. so that the child understands that we like this hobby and talent of the child

06.11.12, 09:50

Last week, Ramenskoy School No. 8 hosted a drawing competition called "My Homeland - Russia". It was attended by fourth-graders from schools in our district. Why exactly them? The thing is that these guys - fourth-grade students - from the first of September of this year began to study a new subject "Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics", one of the first lessons of which was devoted to the topic of the Motherland.

The methodologist of the Ramenskoye House of Teachers, a teacher of local history and the basics of Orthodoxy at the Novoselskaya school, Natalia Mikhailovna Semenenko, says: “The regional drawing competition was organized by the Ramenskoye Methodological Center together with the Education Committee. For what purpose is it carried out? We decided to get through the images embodied in paints the direct response of children to how they see their homeland, how important this topic is for children, what colors they will choose for their drawings and what images are closest to them.”

For creativity, it was possible to use a variety of techniques - gouache, watercolor, and pencils.

The children's work pleasantly surprised the teachers with its diversity. And rightly so, because the Motherland is a whole world for a child. Ancient rituals and holidays, fairy tales and epics came to life in the drawings. The children also depicted their native nature - from bright, almost transparent Russian birches, to the southern scarlet sunset over the sea and sails, and modern busy city streets with high-rise buildings, intersections and cars. Many children drew Orthodox churches. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the Motherland, but what united the children's work is bright, warm, lively colors. The drawings turned out to be emotional, kind: the young artists created with inspiration…

Sasha Sigaeva, a student of progymnasium No. 48:

“I drew a warrior because he is the defender of the Motherland. - Tell me, do you like the new subject (Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics) at school? Yes, he's interesting. - Why is he interesting to you? - We are talking about the qualities of a person, what he should be - kind, sympathetic. We learn a lot of new things."

A student of gymnasium No. 2 in Ramenskoye Alena Kozlova depicted an Orthodox church and angels above it, resulting in a bright, spiritual image:

« How is the theme of the contest "My Motherland - Russia" related to the theme of your drawing? – Temples and angels protect our Motherland. It is impossible to imagine Russia without churches.”

The students' work will be judged by professional artists of the Ramensky district, and the winners will be awarded. But this is later, but for now all the guys who took part in the competition received commemorative certificates.

Yana Garbuzova

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