Memorable places and monuments dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. Monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad

Monument-ensemble to the defenders of Stalingrad

The fascist German army concentrated about a million soldiers near Stalingrad, trying to break through to the Volga and capture an important industrial and strategic region of the country. For about two months there were battles on the outskirts of the city, in September they unfolded on the streets. One of the letters of the defenders of the city said: “Fighting today near Stalingrad, we understand that we are fighting not only for the city of Stalingrad. Near Stalingrad, we are defending our Motherland, we are defending everything that is dear to us, without which we cannot live ... "

The symbol of the courage of the defenders of Stalingrad was the famous Pavlov's House, in which a group of soldiers held the line for 58 days, repelling enemy attacks.

The phrase of one of the defenders of Stalingrad, sniper V. G. Zaitsev, became winged: “There is no land for us beyond the Volga!”

In the battles on the Volga, the Soviet Army withstood such an onslaught of the enemy that no other army in the world had to experience.

Mamaev Kurgan rises 102 meters above Stalingrad. For more than four months (September 1942 - January 1943) there were bloody battles for this height. Many times the top of the mound passed from hand to hand. Self-sacrificing Soviet soldiers took this height many times, but in a day or two the Nazis concentrated superior forces of infantry, tanks, aviation, artillery and again took possession of the summit. Only on January 26, 1943, all the surroundings of the Mamaev Kurgan, all the heights adjacent to it, were cleared of the enemy.

But how many of their comrades were buried by Soviet soldiers in the sacred land of Mamaev Kurgan, densely littered with fragments from mines, bombs, shells: for every square meter there were from 500 to 1250 ...

The immortal images of the defenders of Stalingrad are resurrected in the monumental monument to the Victory, erected on Mamaev Kurgan. The authors of the ensemble are a creative team headed by People's Artist of the USSR sculptor E. Vuchetich and architect Y. Belopolsky.

The monument-monument, opened in 1967, includes a whole complex of architectural and sculptural structures. Here is what the people's artist of the USSR, sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich, wrote during the opening of the monument, in October 1967: “... In the Stalingrad epic, the nobility of the soul and the wonderful qualities of Soviet people were revealed with extraordinary force. Here life triumphed over death, and those who passed away did not go into oblivion - they seemed to remain in the ranks, and the example of their feat called for the feat of others.

The heroism of the Stalingraders is not only the heroism of individuals, but, above all, mass heroism, generated by the great goal of the struggle. Here everything personal was not only lost, leveled - no, not at all, but given in the name of the common. All the thoughts and actions of people merged into one, every second every moment he was aware of himself as an inseparable part of a huge combat team. Here, all the warriors knew that the fate of their native country, the fate of all mankind depended on the success of the actions of each of them ...

All the years while the artistic image matured in the mind, the project was developed and the ensemble was built, all of us, sculptors and artists, architects and builders, people of many professions - my dear friends, who worked on the creation of a monument on Mamaev Kurgan, carried the memory of the heroes in their hearts great battle...

The monument to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad is a monument to the greatest historical event. This is a monument to the mass of heroes. And therefore we were looking for large-scale, especially monumental solutions and forms that, in our opinion, would allow us to most fully convey the scope of mass heroism. After all, it is quite clear that the concept of the heroism of the people is incommensurably broader than the concept of the heroism of an individual. Therefore, such content could not be embodied in the usual type of monuments representing a one-figure or multi-figure composition on a pedestal. It was the monument-ensemble, as the highest form of monumental art, that opened the way to revealing the meaning and significance of the Battle of Stalingrad, embodying specific artistic images in various types of sculpture, in its synthesis with architecture and nature, in many planned, versatile ways.

This is how the composition “Stand to the Death” was born, in which we tried to give a generalized image of the hero of Stalingrad. This is how the image of a wall-ruin arose, where we wanted, as if through the haze of time, to show the episodes of the battle arising in memory, the oath of Soviet soldiers and the offensive of our troops. This was how the content of six two-figure compositions on the Heroes' Square was decided, or the drawings, dedicated to the struggle and triumph of the Stalingraders, on the retaining wall at the end of this square, applied with a heavily incised line.

The lofty goals of the struggle led our soldiers to exploits. Heroes died every day, and every day gave examples of new self-sacrifice. Warriors, born in battle, fell asleep in the mass graves with an eternal sleep. They are still close, as in battle. Their names shine on half-mast purple mosaic banners in the Hall of Military Glory in Sorrow Square.

The theme of inconsolable maternal grief was supposed to be embodied by a 12-meter allegorical sculptural composition at the other end of the square.

Warriors laid down their heads in the name of the triumph of life, in the name of victory over the forces of evil, violence and death. This was the meaning of self-sacrifice and exploits. This is also the main content of the monument, which we tried to embody in the crowning mound of the main monument - "The Motherland Calls!"

The monument-ensemble begins with an introductory composition - a high relief at the foot of the Mamaev Kurgan - "Memory of Generations".

The steps of a wide staircase lead visitors to an alley of pyramidal poplars. The sculptural compositions of the monument-ensemble open before the eyes. According to the author's plan, all this prepares the viewer to comprehend the main theme of the monument.

The composition "Stand to the Death" reflects the most difficult period of the battle on the Volga. As if from the greatest Russian river, a warrior-bogatyr rises and stands in defense of his native city. The courageous and strong-willed face of Lips was touched by a contemptuous smile. In the eyes of determination, inextinguishable hatred for the enemy, the thirst for victory, which is stronger than death. The warrior-hero is a deeply emotional, generalized image of the Soviet people.

Behind the composition "Stand to the death" are two ruined city walls, as if converging in perspective.

Walls-ruins - a stone book, a heroic chronicle. "Every house is a fortress." This and many other inscriptions tell an exciting story of the struggle for life. With a fragment of a shell, a bayonet, a piece of metal, the soldiers left their autographs in between battles.

The theme of the soldier's oath and loyalty to it runs through all the images on the left wall. In all his heroic growth, a warrior stood up on Stalingrad land, covering the city with himself. Huge wound in his chest. But how much strength, how much anger, contempt for death, call to vengeance in this face! He fought steadfastly to the end. Despite the dramatic content, the sculpture sings of the life-affirming beauty of a feat. At the end of the left wall is a symbolic image. From the stone, as from the depths of time, ranks of fighters emerge. Their faces are motionless.

The right wall - the second part of the stone book - tells about the heroic struggle on the streets of the city. It begins with an image of a soldier, formidable and determined, who proudly says: "I'm from the 62nd!" - and rushes into battle. Dozens of inscriptions made by different handwriting, by different people. They are not invented by the author, they are transferred from the walls of the ruined city, from the documents of those years.

“A machine gun around the neck, 10 grenades at hand, courage in the heart - act!” - wrote the commander of the famous 62nd Army V.I. Chuikov in the instructions for the assault groups.

On the next terrace is Heroes' Square. Six sculptural compositions depict the exploits of warriors: soldiers and commanders, female fighters, brave sailors. The last, sixth, is symbolic: two Soviet soldiers break the swastika and kill the snake. This is a symbol of the victory of the Soviet people over fascism.

On the retaining wall with an area of ​​about a thousand square meters there is a relief depicting the offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad, the capture of the Nazis, the rally of the winners.

The entrance to the Hall of Military Glory is severely and strictly decorated. Overhanging ceilings, gray concrete slabs resemble a dugout. But here is a sharp turn - and in front of your eyes is a magnificent hall sparkling with gold. It has the shape of a cylinder. Its internal dimensions: height 13.5 meters, diameter 41 meters. Against the background of golden smalt, red banners hang around the entire perimeter of the wall, they are also made of smalt. The names of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Stalingrad are inscribed on the mosaic banners. The list of the dead fills the hall from top to bottom. There is a wide ribbon above the banners and on it is the inscription: “Yes, we were mere mortals, and few of us survived, but we all fulfilled our patriotic duty to the end before the sacred Motherland!” In the center of the ceiling, decorated with images of orders, there is an opening eleven meters in diameter.

On the square is the bent figure of a woman-mother. Before burying her dead son, she hugged him and plunged into boundless grief. The face of the warrior is covered with a banner. The composition is made in concrete, but the sculptor seems to turn it into an elastic and almost transparent material, through which the outlines of the dead soldier’s face seem to shine through.

Above the Square of Sorrow rises a bulk mound - the holy of holies of the monument - the mass graves of the defenders of the city. Graves decorated with tombstones are located on both sides of the serpentine path leading from the square to the main monument. The entire ensemble is crowned by the sculpture of the Motherland. Raising her sword high, she calls for a fight: the victory on the Volga is not yet the final victory over fascism, there were years of war ahead. The motherland called on the soldiers to expel the fascist invaders from Soviet soil, to liberate the peoples of Europe from the Nazi yoke. The monument, like the entire monument-ensemble, is made of concrete. The material itself emphasizes the harsh nature of the struggle and feat of the Soviet people.

The Motherland monument is visible from all over the city, both from a steamer sailing along the Volga and from the window of a passing train. From the top of the mound, a wide panorama of the revived flourishing hero city opens up.

Representatives of foreign states who came here after the great battle believed that it was impossible to revive the city. Former US Ambassador to the Soviet Union Davis, seeing the ruins of the streets and factory buildings, said: “This city is dead, and you will not restore it. What is dead is dead. I don't know of anyone being raised from the dead." Western diplomats advised to enclose the ruins with wire and leave it as a huge historical museum.

But the Soviet people decided otherwise. Through their efforts, the hero city has been revived. It became the largest industrial and cultural center and the port of the five seas.

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A monument to the Romanian soldiers and officers who died in Stalingrad was erected in Volgograd The installation of the monument is connected with the initiative of Romania to perpetuate the memory of its soldiers and officers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad, was told in the administration of the Volgograd region. “Between Russia and Romania, back in 1995, agreements were concluded on ensuring the safety and maintenance of Russian military graves abroad and foreign military graves in the Russian Federation,” the administration said. - Within the framework of these agreements, in 1996, at the request of the War Memorials Association, the administration of Volgograd granted a site in the village of Sakko and Vanzetti in the Krasnoarmeisky district for unlimited use. It was handed over for the arrangement of the cemetery of foreign prisoners of war of the 1st department of the 108th Beketovsky camp. In 2005, an agreement was concluded between the governments of Russia and Romania that military personnel, including those who were taken prisoner, and people who died or died during the First and Second World Wars and in the post-war period, buried on the territory of the two countries, have the right to a worthy place of rest, the creation and care of which must be properly provided. On this basis, the Romanian side and the "War Memorials" expressed their desire to erect a commemorative sign in the period from May 10 to 15 this year. Sergey Chikhirev, a representative of the association of international military memorial cooperation "War Memorials", told that the installation of a memorial stone in the Krasnoarmeisky district is due to the fact that the remains of 35 Romanian prisoners of war are buried in the cemetery. - The installation initiative belongs to the consulate and the authorities of Romania, as well as organizations involved in the care of military graves. It's hard to pick just one. Rather, it was a general idea. The monument was made in advance and brought to Volgograd, - Sergey Chikhirev explained. - On behalf of Romania, the opening of the monument was attended by the ambassador together with his family, the consul from Rostov-on-Don, the embassy workers. Only about 10 people. Volgograd was represented by employees of the committee on international relations of the regional administration and the deputy head of the Krasnoarmeisky district. Everyone met at the cemetery, and the Romanians thanked the Volgograd authorities for the opportunity to erect the monument and constructive cooperation. The whole event took 20-30 minutes. The ambassador mentioned in his speech that there are about 300 graves and monuments to Soviet soldiers on the territory of Romania. They guarantee they will be taken care of. Then the Romanians went to Astrakhan to open a small monument. In the near future, they plan to open a prefabricated cemetery in the city of Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory. They are going to perpetuate the memory of not only soldiers and prisoners of war, but also civilians who lived in southern Russia. In Romania, there is a special program that allocates funds for the installation of such monuments. According to the representative of the "War Memorials", the opening of the monument at the combined Hungarian-German-Romanian cemetery is explained, first of all, by pragmatic reasons. - Mostly Germans are buried in the cemetery in the village of Sacco and Vanzetti. There are about 120 of them and 35 Romanians. There are fewer Hungarians. The installation of the monument there is connected with the fact that it would be easier to take care of the graves and the monument. The opening of the monument will help preserve the memory of prisoners and soldiers, so that contemporaries can see who is buried in this particular place. If Romanian soldiers are lying here, then it is logical to indicate this with a commemorative sign. Nothing more. The reason is simple - 35 Romanian prisoners of war are buried here. Therefore, the inscription on the stone speaks of this. Another monument has been standing for many years at the old cemetery in the city of Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region, where during the war years there was a hospital for prisoners of war. "War Memorials" has long been engaged in the search, exhumation and establishment of the fate of foreign soldiers who fought near Stalingrad in the Volgograd region. “In recent years, the remains of more than 1,000 Romanian soldiers have been discovered and reburied,” Sergei Chikhirev said. - They are buried at the Memorial Cemetery in Rossoshki. Two monuments were erected to the Romanians in Russia and one combined cemetery was opened in Rossoshki. There are about 300 monuments and two prefabricated cemeteries on the territory of Russia to Hungarian soldiers and prisoners of war. Our government takes care of them. As part of a parity partnership, the same Germans and Romanians support the proper burial of Soviet soldiers in their countries. Our organization provides funding and finds people who care for foreign burials. The opening of the monument in the village of Sacco and Vanzetti was held

A memorial monument with the inscription: "In memory of the Romanian prisoners of war of the Second World War who died in Russia" was opened in the Krasnoarmeisky district by a delegation from Romania, together with officials from the administration of Volgograd and the administration of the Volgograd region.

The installation of the monument is connected with the initiative of Romania to perpetuate the memory of its soldiers and officers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad, the website of the administration of the Volgograd region told.

Back in 1995, Russia and Romania signed agreements on ensuring the safety and maintenance of Russian military graves abroad and foreign military graves in the Russian Federation, the administration said. - Within the framework of these agreements, in 1996, at the request of the War Memorials Association, the administration of Volgograd granted a site in the village of Sakko and Vanzetti in the Krasnoarmeisky district for unlimited use. It was handed over for the arrangement of the cemetery of foreign prisoners of war of the 1st department of the 108th Beketovsky camp. In 2005, an agreement was concluded between the governments of Russia and Romania that military personnel, including those who were taken prisoner, and people who died or died during the First and Second World Wars and in the post-war period, buried on the territory of the two countries, have the right to a worthy place of rest, the creation and care of which must be properly provided. On this basis, the Romanian side and the "War Memorials" expressed their desire to erect a commemorative sign in the period from May 10 to 15 this year.

A photo: Maria Chasovitina

Sergey Chikhirev, a representative of the association of international military memorial cooperation "War Memorials", told the website that the installation of a memorial stone in the Krasnoarmeisky district is due to the fact that the remains of 35 Romanian prisoners of war are buried in the cemetery.

The installation initiative belongs to the consulate and the authorities of Romania, as well as organizations involved in the care of military graves. It's hard to pick just one. Rather, it was a general idea. The monument was made in advance and brought to Volgograd, - Sergey Chikhirev explained. - On behalf of Romania, the opening of the monument was attended by the ambassador together with his family, the consul from Rostov-on-Don, the embassy workers. Only about 10 people. Volgograd was represented by employees of the committee on international relations of the regional administration and the deputy head of the Krasnoarmeisky district. Everyone met at the cemetery, and the Romanians thanked the Volgograd authorities for the opportunity to erect the monument and constructive cooperation. The whole event took 20-30 minutes. The ambassador mentioned in his speech that there are about 300 graves and monuments to Soviet soldiers on the territory of Romania. They guarantee they will be taken care of.

Then the Romanians went to Astrakhan to open a small monument. In the near future, they plan to open a prefabricated cemetery in the city of Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory. They are going to perpetuate the memory of not only soldiers and prisoners of war, but also civilians who lived in southern Russia. In Romania, there is a special program that allocates funds for the installation of such monuments.

According to the representative of the "War Memorials", the opening of the monument at the combined Hungarian-German-Romanian cemetery is explained, first of all, by pragmatic reasons.

A photo: Maria Chasovitina

Mostly Germans are buried in the cemetery in the village of Sacco and Vanzetti. There are about 120 of them and 35 Romanians. There are fewer Hungarians. The installation of the monument there is connected with the fact that it would be easier to take care of the graves and the monument. The opening of the monument will help preserve the memory of prisoners and soldiers, so that contemporaries can see who is buried in this particular place. If Romanian soldiers are lying here, then it is logical to indicate this with a commemorative sign. Nothing more. The reason is simple - 35 Romanian prisoners of war are buried here. Therefore, the inscription on the stone speaks of this. Another monument has been standing for many years at the old cemetery in the city of Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region, where during the war years there was a hospital for prisoners of war.

"War Memorials" has long been engaged in the search, exhumation and establishment of the fate of foreign soldiers who fought near Stalingrad in the Volgograd region.

In recent years, the remains of more than 1,000 Romanian soldiers have been discovered and reburied,” Sergei Chikhirev said. - They are buried at the Memorial Cemetery in Rossoshki. Two monuments were erected to the Romanians in Russia and one combined cemetery was opened in Rossoshki. There are about 300 monuments and two prefabricated cemeteries on the territory of Russia to Hungarian soldiers and prisoners of war. Our government takes care of them. As part of a parity partnership, the same Germans and Romanians support the proper burial of Soviet soldiers in their countries. Our organization provides funding and finds people who care for foreign burials.

A photo: Maria Chasovitina

The opening of the monument in the village of Sacco and Vanzetti was carried out quietly, without the involvement of television cameras and journalists. According to Sergei Chikhirev, this is due to the difficult political situation and difficult relations with the Volgograd authorities.

Our main goal was to open a monument, not to make a fuss. We did not have the task of giving it wide publicity. We wanted to do it quietly and calmly, so as not to cause a negative reaction in society. Although for many years of work, people are calm and understanding, unlike those who are trying to stir up a scandal in their own mercenary interests.

Maybe it has something to do with the scandal last year. Then, the deputy ambassador of Romania invited the governor of the Volgograd region to the reburial, where he used the wording “our heroes” in an official letter. People were outraged. From the outside, this may seem like blasphemy, but the Romanians have such a naming of their soldiers in the vocabulary of normal practice. In Romania, this is how they call all the dead soldiers, no matter in what historical era they died. Romanians treat their military personnel with respect. We warned the diplomats, but they did not listen to us. The result was a scandal. The whole story was blown up, and no one wanted to figure it out. But there are agreements between countries, the legal basis for interaction.

According to the representative of the "War Memorials", misunderstanding happens on the part of local administrations.

We often encounter negativity from local authorities. Even more problems with the military registration and enlistment office. For example, I wrote a letter to one of the districts near Volgograd and asked them to agree on the exhumation and search for Romanian and German military personnel on the basis of the country's legislation. I get the answer that this is impossible, - Sergey Chikhirev is perplexed. - The law "on perpetuating the memory of those who died in defense of the Fatherland ..." states that an agreement must be concluded between the military registration and enlistment office, "War Memorials" and the district administration. I call the administration and ask if the German and Romanian soldiers are the defenders of the Fatherland or not? The phone is silent. They refer to the military registration and enlistment office and refuse.

Was like this "prominent politician", one of "builders of democratic Russia" - Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak. Now the glory of the father has been eclipsed by the glory of the daughter, but maybe someone else remembers the father too. So he, already the mayor of St. Petersburg, promoted the idea of ​​installing a memorial to German soldiers who died near Leningrad. According to the plan, the memorial was supposed to stand in the city of Pushkin.

And he was not alone. A few years ago, in Volgograd, they wanted to erect a monument to the Germans who died in Stalingrad. Germany allocated money, the authorities gave their consent... and only the threats to blow up this monument, coming from ordinary people, forced them to abandon its erection...

The list, of course, is incomplete, but the picture is clear in general terms, right? Which monuments now need to be erected, and which - to be demolished.
A little more time will pass and the world will quite reasonably say that the Germans did not commit atrocities in the USSR during World War II: "You see how they are still respected - they erect monuments and take care of them. How can this be when we are talking about villains?..."

Upd. :
I am not at all annoyed by the monument to the fallen French on the Borodino field. And a monument to the dead Germans in World War I would not annoy. I don't know, maybe there is one somewhere.
I am not a historian and I know history in school volume, as well as according to the stories of its direct participants and therefore I believe that the situation is fundamentally different since the Second World War: firstly, in previous wars, the aggressors had no plans to destroy people simply because they were "of the wrong nationality" and secondly, there were no attempts to implement these plans. And I consider it blasphemous to erect monuments to the dead for the sake of implementing this idea.

And the adjacent settlements, both during urban battles, and later, when Stalingrad was restored according to a new general plan, often not paying attention to the fact that historical relics are forever lost. But at the same time, the monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad, created after the war, reflected the greatness of the country that won the world war, and the bitterness for the millions of dead and maimed Soviet citizens.

Monuments in Volgograd

The most famous of them:

  • The Motherland Monument is Calling! and other monuments on Mamayev Kurgan.
  • Panorama Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad.
  • Mill Gerhardt

In addition to well-known monuments in Russia and the world, in Volgograd the following is dedicated to the memory of the Battle of Stalingrad:

  • not restored building of the director of the plant near the banks of the Volga, a witness to the defense of the bridgehead of the 138th Guards Division (Lyudnikov Island).
  • "Extinguisher" - a fireboat of the Volga military flotilla.
  • "Line of Defense" - a line of 17 towers of T-34-76 tanks, symbolizing the line of defense of Stalingrad (Volgograd), is about 30 kilometers long. The idea of ​​creating a monument appeared immediately after the end of the war. The decision to build the complex was made in February 1948, the author of the project was the Moscow architect F. M. Lysov. The first pedestal was installed on September 3, 1951, the last - three years later, on October 17, 1954. Tank towers were assembled here, from equipment that died in the Battle of Stalingrad. The towers of T-34 tanks of various modifications with traces of battles and holes were chosen. The distance between the towers is several kilometers.
  • Alley of Heroes - a wide street connects the embankment to them. 62nd Army near the Volga River and the Square of the Fallen Fighters. On September 8, 1985, a memorial monument dedicated to the Heroes of the Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory, natives of the Volgograd region and the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad was opened here. Artistic works were made by the Volgograd branch of the RSFSR Art Fund under the direction of the chief artist of the city M. Ya. Pyshta. The team of authors included the chief architect of the project A. N. Klyuchishchev, architect A. S. Belousov, designer L. Podoprigora, artist E. V. Gerasimov. On the monument are the names (surnames and initials) of 127 Heroes of the Soviet Union, who received this title for heroism in the Battle of Stalingrad in -1943, 192 Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the Volgograd region, of which three are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 28 holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees
  • The building of the Central Department Store (view of the pre-war facade of the building on Ostrovsky Street) - in its basement the headquarters of the 6th German army and F. Paulus were captured. The museum "Memory" is open in the basement.
  • Poplar on the Square of the Fallen Fighters - a historical and natural monument of Volgograd, located on the Alley of Heroes. Poplar survived the Battle of Stalingrad and has numerous evidence of military operations on its trunk.

Monuments in the Volgograd region

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • List of specially protected natural areas of the Tomsk region
  • Project: USA / Monuments of technology in the USA

See what "Monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad" is in other dictionaries:

    Volgograd- This term has other meanings, see Volgograd (meanings). "Stalingrad" redirects here; see also other meanings. City of Volgograd ... Wikipedia

    Battle of Stalingrad- Great Patriotic War, World War II ... Wikipedia

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