English comedian stand up. Standup - what is it? Definition

Eddie Murphy, "Raw"

Eddie Murphy is known to many as an actor, but he started as a stand-up comedian, and extremely successful. Excerpts from his special “As Is” (Raw) were seen, most likely, even by those who are not interested in stand-up.

Late 1980s Murphy then performed in a blue leather suit. He speaks boldly and obscenely about sex with white women, gay men, marital divorces and, of course, other black people and his poor childhood.

"Raw" was marked by cult beats (as the finished pieces of a monologue are called in stand-up) and record box office: about $ 50 million. Also, the word fuck is used a record number of times in the film, even more than in Scarface.

George Carlin, "You're all sick »

George Carlin is a stand-up legend. Pieces of his speeches are circulating on VKontakte, and people are sharing quotes without even knowing whose words they are. George passed away in 2008 leaving behind a very wealthy creative heritage: for more than 40 years of work, in addition to a bunch of specials, he published five books (he was especially proud of millions of copies), twenty music albums and sixteen films.

George Carlin was an uncompromising fighter against the stupidity and absurdity that surrounds us in our lives. In situations where everyone has long reconciled, Karlin hit the audience on the cheeks and shouted: “Well, look, you are all finished, open your eyes.” Figuratively, of course. He spoke, for example, about books about motivation, about angels in which he did not believe, and about the ten commandments, which he considered to be invented by some "hustlers".

George has released a lot of specials, but for beginners, you should watch "You're All Sick" which he recorded in 1990. Carlin harshly, venomously, using the full force of his word, goes through all problems modern America: terrorism, gun-carrying, an unhealthy economy, social class divides, and, of course, religion. “We are all sick, we are all in a complete ass, but let's at least not turn a blind eye to this” is an effective pill against rose-colored glasses.

Louis C.K., "Hilarious"

Louis C.K. is also very famous figure in Russia and all over the world. You must have seen him joking about how spoiled we've become with all the new technology.

Louis began his career in the late 1990s as a lyricist for other well-known comedians and television hosts: Conan, David Letterman, Chris Rock. Now C.K. is considered the main American comedian. Many Americans, and indeed middle-aged men in general, can recognize themselves in Louis: he is 40 years old, he is divorced, going bald, eating immoderately, raising two daughters, single. But, unlike ordinary people, reasons to cry in a vest, he turns into comedic material. Louie talks about his life, marriage, divorce, children, some little routine that fills the life of every person, and does it superbly. Louis has an excellent storytelling talent, and he even turns the story of playing monopoly with his daughters into.

In one of his best specials, "Hilarious," Louis begins to contemplate death, then talks about divorce, unsuccessful sports, unhealthy eating, masturbation, and other routine activities of a lonely forty-year-old man.

In one of his speeches, he said: "I know too much about life to be an optimist." Yes, Louis can hardly be called an optimist, but we must admit that all the failures in life help him earn very good money. Be sure to check out his other specials, Shameless and Live at the Beacon Theater. There will be even more soon: he has signed a contract for new concerts with Netflix.

Eddie Izzard, "Dress to kill"

Eddie Izzard is the most famous drag queen in stand-up comedy because he's kind of the only one. Izzard's performances are full of improvisation. Some attribute this to the comedian's dyslexia: he allegedly cannot learn the script and therefore comes up with the text on the go. Many of Izzard's jokes are based on historical events, which he likes to combine and turn into crazy stories. For example, he once talked about Jesus meeting dinosaurs.

Almost all of his performances have been translated into Russian, but I advise you to start with Dress to Kill. They say that this is his best show. The comedian, as if on the move, generates ideas in his head and throws them into the hall. Here he says something about San Francisco, and then switches to arguments about transvestites in the army. Further, as a big lover of history, he moves on to complex jokes about historical events, then jumps on the topic of cinema, and ends with a monologue about american dream. In general, about everything and nothing.

Jimmy Carr, "Make People Laugh"

Carr is an Englishman to the core. He was raised in a good family and received an excellent education. Jimmy has been successful in career ladder, but then, fortunately, he took a wrong turn somewhere and became a comedian.

Over the years of fruitful work, Carr comprehended the art short jokes in one line, vanliners, has been working in this genre ever since. He approached these jokes like a real scientist and even wrote on the theory of vanliners.

It seems to me that you can take almost any of his specials. They are, in general, similar to each other. Start with Make People Laugh. The jokes in this concert are not united by any theme: you just watch a man in a suit joke from the stage for two hours. It's like spending two hours in the same room with your grandfather, only Jimmy looks and jokes better.

Dylan Moran, "Like Totally"

Dylan Moran you may know from the series " Book store Black", which is ardently loved in Russia. Dylan is Irish, and in order not to destroy our ideas about the Irish, he always comes on stage with a drink and a cigarette. Perhaps if he drank a little more moderately, his face would now have a less blurry outline.

Try to start acquaintance with his special "Like, about everything." The performance fully lives up to its name: Dylan talks like about everything. Starts with how stupid it is to want to move to the country, and then floats along the stream of consciousness, jumping from topic to topic, chatting about the difference between Irish and Americans, adults and children, and just sharing observations about our ridiculous life.

Jim Jefferies, "Free"

Jim Jefferies is the man they say, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Jim made a very big contribution to self-destruction. It is difficult to find a recording of a performance where he performs sober.

Jeffreys has a very hard, sometimes repulsive humor, and he himself managed to annoy many, especially women and believers. It's good that no one from the Wonderzine editors was interested in his performances. Another feature of Jim is to tell crazy life stories that often happen to him under alcohol. For example, he has legendary story, which is called . For 25 minutes, Jim, leaning back in his chair with a glass of beer, tells how he drove his completely paralyzed friend to a prostitute.

When the Comedy Club still walked under the table, american stars stand-up artists have already collected stadiums and had sex no less than Mick Jagger. But even after the death of such monsters as Richard Pryor and George Carlin, the genre is still alive and well. WNS has compiled a hit parade of the 10 funniest modern stand-up comedians.


Who it: A very energetic Irishman. O'Brien is called the most beloved Irishman in Britain: he constantly hosts various television shows, starred in serials and regularly releases concert programs gathering full halls. One of Dara's main features is communication with the audience, and for each remark from the audience, he is able to instantly come up with two or three jokes, a sketch or a small one-man show.
What is good: Improvisation.
Fact: Unlike many comedians who are completely focused on their profession, Dara was not too lazy to graduate from college. So he's the funniest graduate theoretical physicist ever.

“If you seriously think that God created you exactly the way you are, I strongly advise you to somehow look at yourself in the mirror after your morning shower. This is the same author who created sunsets and mountain peaks - what a bad day he had, if at the same time he decided to create this too!

“If you become a Catholic, then there is no way to stop being one. Even the absence of faith in God does not count. good reason to leave the ranks of the Catholics. You can join the Taliban - and still the maximum that you get is the status of a "bad Catholic".


“I remember my parents’ family quarrels: dad holds a chair, mom swings an ax ...”

"If you're old enough to buy a beer, but your mom still makes you breakfast, you today expelled from the men's club.


Who it: Blond with an accent. It's hard, of course, to take someone who has barely caught Windows 95 seriously, but in the case of Daniel Sloss, this is not required: the 22-year-old Scot has already established himself as a promising comedian. While his peers are making jokes on the Internet, Sloss writes full-fledged speech scripts. His first set lasted only five minutes, but was liked by audiences and critics alike. On the this moment the guy is considered one of the most promising young stand-up artists, so it's worth remembering his name.
What is good: Suitable for most famous stand-up comedians as sons, and therefore fits well into the image of the “voice of a new generation”.
Fact: He entered the Faculty of History, but abandoned his studies in favor of stand-up and, it seems, did not lose.

“Nature hates me. Every time we meet, she tries to kill me. No home in Scotland Live nature there is a maximum gopher”.

“I don’t tell stories about sex because of my appearance. If I start talking about my relationship, it will look like evidence in court.”

“I started drinking rum with juice not because I question my sexuality. I follow the figure. I know I sounded like a 16-year-old now."

7. Dylan Moran

Who it: Famous Irish actor, screenwriter and stand-up comedian without the slightest sign of stardom. On stage, he usually looks like he's just been lifted out of bed. Moran's first performances took place while still at school, and at the age of 24 he became the youngest winner of the Perrier Comedy Award. But real popularity came to Moran in 2000, when television showed the first season of the sitcom Black's Bookshop. The image of Bernard Black, a sarcastic Irish misanthrope with a mass bad habits, rooted to the comedian so much that he still slips in his live performances.
What is good: Intelligent jokes, a good reaction and developed imagination, as well as the fact that, unlike other comedians, he traveled to Russia with concerts.
Fact: In his youth, he got a job as a florist, and he was engaged in this back-breaking slave labor for a whole week.

“I am a vegetarian, but not a strict one. You see, I love eating meat, but only because I like the taste.
In my opinion, morally, I won.”

“But there were times when a man was a man. He could without hesitation express his authoritative opinion on an issue in which he did not understand at all.


Who it: A witty artist and a good actor. And yes, he is a transvestite. Izzard has a surprisingly harmonious stage persona and amazing charisma, so that even the most conservative homophobes forget in a minute that they are looking at a bearded man in a dress. Most often, Izzard's performances are compared to the Monty Python show, and even one of the band members, John Cleese, recognized this similarity. For an hour and a half on stage, a stand-up artist plays so many roles that it would be enough for four, reincarnating either as a dog, or as a tractor, or as a god, parodying different voices and accents and doesn't let the audience get distracted for a second. Rumor has it that at the dawn of his career, speaking on the street, he gathered more spectators than a nearby fire.
What is good: Healthy self-irony and the ability to play several roles at the same time.
Fact: On stage, Eddie most often works without a script, although he is the author of the super-popular British sitcom "Ideal" about a good-for-nothing huckster from Manchester.

“During puberty you think: “I want to date
with someone, I want to look great!” And mother nature to you
in response: "Nah, you'll look worse than ever
In my life".


Who it: Paradox Man. The "underground" English stand-up artist Stuart Lee, despite all his intelligence, has quite scandalous reputation. This encyclopedically well-read and well-versed in history, art and philosophy, the comedian can afford to ridicule any issue. For example, in 2003, together with Richard Thomas, he wrote the musical Jerry Springer: Opera, which, in addition to success with the audience, resulted in a subpoena on charges of blasphemy.
What is good: Intellectual, but at the same time uncompromising humor.
Fact: Lee is ranked 41st on the list of the top 100 comedians of all time.

“You know those shows for young evil comedians? They don't invite me. There is a microphone in the center, and all the comedians run to it. Whoever runs first is the wicked one."

“What appeals to me most about Catholicism is that it combines the search for spiritual meaning and love for souvenirs.

"Catholicism is my favorite form of world evil."


Who it: Provocateur and cynic. The namesake of the author of the bestselling book about quitting smoking and a true master of short jokes. In fact, his speeches consist of hundreds of short liners - offensive, provocative, cynical and extremely frank. Carr loves to mock his viewers. Everyone who buys a ticket to his show should be prepared for shock therapy. It seems that for Jimmy Carr there are absolutely no boundaries. For example, speaking in Ireland, he may say to the audience: “I don’t know much about your politics, but I think we need a united Ireland!” And then, waiting for jubilation and approving applause, add: "United under British rule."
What is good: Makes people laugh, even if it makes them feel awkward.
Fact: Before taking up stand-up, Carr was a religious youth and kept his innocence until the age of 26, graduated with honors from Cambridge and worked successfully in a multinational corporation.

“It is stupid to beat your wife. After all, this is YOUR wife. It's like scratching your own car with a key."

“Many people cry when they cut onions. It can be avoided: just don't get attached to him so much."


Who is she: Beautiful girl. Actress and songwriter Sarah Silverman looks like a typical "girl next door", while charming, smart and sharp-tongued. She won the hearts of Americans back in the early 90s, when she took part in the Saturday Night at live". With a deliberately innocent expression, she harshly ridicules racism, sexism and religion, while not at all embarrassed in expressions. Thanks to Sarah's melodious voice and big brown eyes, even rude jokes that are not allowed on TV get away with her. Not so long ago, Comedy Central launched Sarah's personalized TV show, which is now also available on the Russian version of the channel - Paramount Comedy.
What is good: Her jokes do not fit into the traditional ideas of "female humor" and are sometimes quite cynical. Besides, she's just nice to look at.
Fact: She met with another famous prankster - Jimmy Kimmel. The couple broke up, but something good came out of their union - the whole Internet.


Who is: An English comedian loved by Americans. Some accuse Gervais of being arrogant, but after two Emmys, three Golden Globes, and seven BAFTAs, he's entitled to any antics. Gervais is actively working on films and TV series (The Office, later re-shot by the Americans, brought him worldwide popularity). In stand-up, this comedian takes the position of a provocateur and jokes about religion, politics and social norms on the verge, and sometimes beyond what is permitted. Ricky is an atheist, an animal rights activist, and a committed bachelor. It seems that he simply has an inhuman gift of persuasion, since he makes people laugh at what is sacred to them, and manages to date the same woman for 30 years without leading her down the aisle.
What is good: Everyone (as a comedian).
Fact: Became a character in the GTA game.

“I am for the eradication of hunger with both hands. As long as it doesn't affect me."

“There are no taboo topics. There are bad jokes."


Who it: A middle-aged bearded man, inclined to share with the audience such thoughts and observations that few people dare to voice even to a confessor. According to rumors, Louis made the decision to become a comedian at the age of seven. It is not known how everything really happened, but in general it creative biography can be called quite successful: at the moment, Szekely has five special shows for HBO, a collaboration with Chris Rock, two of his own sitcoms and the unspoken title of the best American stand-up artist recent years. It's no secret that comedians often use facts in their speeches. own biography. Shokei squared this frankness and builds his programs on personal experiences. Marriage, divorce, children, sex, health problems - the comedian brings these topics to the public, adding very frank details. His performances often go beyond the bounds of decency, but are completely devoid of aggression. He laughs at himself and that sets him apart from all the other artists.
What is good: Eliminates fears of growing up and complexes about appearance. Looking at Szekely, you understand that you can be red, freckled, chubby, balding and forty-five years old - and still be very cool.
Fact: He spent the first seven years of his life in Mexico City.

“There is a reason why they say “girls go crazy” and not “women go crazy.” When girls go crazy, they show their breasts to others. When adult women go crazy, they kill men.”

"You can find out how bad person, by how soon you were able to masturbate after the tragic events of 9/11. In my case, this is the gap between the falls of the 1st and 2nd buildings.”

“My lunch ends not when I’m full and it doesn’t fit me anymore, but when I start to hate myself.”

American comedian, actor and writer, winner of numerous awards and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contribution to the theater. George Carlin is one of the pioneers of the genre and the founders of modern stand-up comedy. Achievement list comedians is measured by specials - full-length concerts in front of a wide audience. With them, artists go on tours, they are released on various media and shown on TV. The first such concert of Carlin is dated 1977, since then he has released more than a dozen specials.

Throughout creative career Carlin ridiculed the vices of Americans, such as the cult of celebrities, the consumer society and hypertrophied religiosity. He died in 2008 at the age of 71 from heart failure.

2. Dylan Moran

Dylan Moran is an Irish stand-up comedian best known for starring in Black's Books. Many of Moran's jokes are based on stereotypes about the Irish, and some performances are accompanied by the consumption of whiskey (probably tea) and smoking cigarettes. Dylan Moran does not try to be scandalous, his stage character is a kind and sloppy Irishman who is always in a melancholy mood. In addition, Moran is one of the few foreign stand-up artists who performed with his show in Russia. The artist has six specials and a dozen film roles.

3. Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a master of bold statements like "the world needs a new plague" and "there was nothing special about Steve Jobs." What follows is dark humor and cold argumentation. Burr's speeches will make some people laugh, cause hatred in others, and force someone to reconsider the existing system of values. Now Burr is one of the most influential figures in American stand-up: many call him the new Carlin, and comedian Anthony Jeselnik prophesied him the title of "the next big comedian" after Louis C. Kay.

4. Louis C.K.

One of the most popular, quoted and productive stand-up comedians of our time. Rarely goes beyond observational comedy: describes situations from personal experience denounces shortcomings family life, talks about sex, fatherhood and relationships with people. Louis C.K. does not hide his shortcomings, his performances are full of self-irony. The audience empathize with the comedian and, of course, recognize themselves in the monologues.

5. Dara O'Brien

Irish comedian Dara O'Brien is a master of improvisation. A significant part of his performances is built on communication with the audience. The artist cannot be defeated in the exchange of witticisms, but Dara does not set the task of humiliating the interlocutor. His jokes highlight both him and the object of ridicule. The comedian's performances are distinguished by a lively and energetic presentation, and his humor is often based on ridiculing human stupidity. Especially often goes to psychics, astrologers and all kinds of charlatans.

6. Stuart Lee

Stuart Lee is a writer and intellectual, one of the most respected stand-up comedians. Connoisseurs of his work advise watching performances in the original or with subtitles: not only content is important in them, but also intonation. Stuart Lee's jokes are funny, but fans say they're not for everyone. The comedian narrates in a special manner: it all starts with a monotonous entry, the repetition of the same phrases, and ends with an emotional climax and a powerful final thought.

7. Tim Minchin

British-born Australian comedian, actor and musician. Minchin himself describes his performances as "funny cabaret shows", he considers himself first of all a musician, and only then a comedian. In monologues and songs, it touches on taboo social topics such as religion. At his shows, he usually appears before the audience barefoot, with sticking hair, lined eyes and in a tailcoat. Thus he emphasizes the difference between real person and stage image, simultaneously discrediting himself as one of the modern "icons".

Comedian, from the German Komiker, Komikus is an actor who performs comic roles. AT recent times in our country, comedians, and the stand-up genre in general, are gaining more and more popularity. Today we decided to recall the pioneers - the most famous comic actors in the world.

Bourville (André Robert Rembour)

In 1937, Rembur was drafted into the army, where he played in the regimental band and performed in song contests. After the end of the service, he remained in Paris, successfully passed a number of variety competitions and performed in variety shows.

All Paris is talking about the young coupletist. But his career was interrupted by the Second World War. He gets to the front, and then captured. After I had to live illegally in occupied Paris.

Bourville in the Second world war went to the front, and then captured

During the years of occupation with a small troupe famous singer Borda, as an accordionist-accompanist, he began to travel around the country, often speaking to soldiers. Bourville develops his own repertoire for variety shows and in 1941 concludes his first solo contract. And by the end of the war, Andre is already becoming a real star of the music hall.

Trying to imitate his idol Fernandel, Bourvil gradually creates his comic mask of a simpleton peasant. With this he came in 1945 to the cinema.

In most of his films, Bourvil played in brilliant duets - Michel Morgan, Jean Marais, Jean Gabin. But the comedies in which he performed with Louis de Funes were especially sparkling. They played in contrast - the hero of de Funes bursts with energy, and the simpleton of Bourville remains imperturbable in any situation.

Alfred Hawthorne "Benny" Hill

English actor, comedian. Creator of the worldwide popular Benny Hill Show. He was also known as a master of parody.

In this show, he acted not only as an actor, but also as a director, musician and songwriter. For 30 years, the show has been the most popular comedy show all over the world, and even now many TV channels buy the rights to it.

The Benny Hill Show was the most watched show in the world for 30 years.

In 1971, The Benny Hill Show won the British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Program.

After 30 years of work in the work of Benny Hill, a crisis has come. People on the streets, meeting him, laughed, teased, sometimes even rudely. Once Benny Hill in his program "walked" through the British government and the royal family. As a result, Margaret Thatcher in 1982 personally ordered that every program of Hill be subjected to the most severe censorship. For 10 years, the commission rejected 150 hours of footage. The comedian withdrew into himself, began to drink and experienced severe depression.

Despite Benny Hill's success, he never married or had children.

Despite the huge success of his show and his wealth, Benny Hill never married or had children, although he fell in love twice and was rejected both times. He did not have his own apartment and car.

Louis de Funes

French film actor, director, screenwriter, one of the greatest comedians of world cinema.

After the end of the Second World War, de Funes tries his hand at cinema. In 1945, he starred in the film The Barbizon Temptation directed by Jean Steley. However, this picture did not bring much fame to the novice actor.

The world famous Louis de Funes brought the film "Not Caught - Not a Thief"

In the film "Not Caught - Not a Thief" directed by Yves Robert, filmed in 1958, de Funes receives leading role- poacher Bléro. This film brings him worldwide fame.

The 60s bring de Funes real popularity and audience recognition; Every year the actor is filmed in three or four films. such as " Big walk"And" Razinya ", were enthusiastically received by tens of millions of viewers around the world. As well as a serial film about the adventures of the Gendarme and his subordinates, filmed in the 1960s. Louis de Funes himself spoke of his acting career So:

“I do not regret the slow development of my career. This slowness helped me to understand thoroughly my profession. When I was still unknown, I tried to paint with details, facial expressions, gestures the small roles that I was assigned. Thus, I acquired some comic baggage, without which I could not have made a career. Therefore, if you start again, then I would not give up this path.

Kartsev Roman Andreevich

Soviet and Russian artist stage, theater and cinema, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

In 1970, Kartsev, Ilchenko and Zhvanetsky became laureates of the All-Union Variety Artists Competition. Speaking together with Viktor Ilchenko in the genre of pop reprise, Roman Kartsev gained great popularity among the audience.

In the genre of pop reprise, Roman Kartsev gained great popularity

Thanks to television broadcasts and performances in the program “Around Laughter”, humorous numbers “Avas”, “Crayfish” and others gained fame.

He began acting in films in 1975, mainly in small, episodic, sharp-character roles. Most remembered by the audience for their roles in the films " dog's heart”, “Promised Heaven” and “The Master and Margarita”.

Jimmy Carr

Carr is Irish by origin, but on stage he is a model of English arrogance and impenetrability. Most of all, Jimmy looks like a classic entertainer, whose mood has deteriorated, and he began to be rude to everyone around.

Jimmy Carr - b Former Marketing Officer at Shell Oil

Carr almost always works with the audience and improvises as he goes. A large part of its show is made up of rapid-fire bursts of one-liners. Concurrently, he now and then acts as the host of various programs and shows on radio and television, in fact, being a representative of the format of comedians well known to Russian people.

Taking only five weeks off a year, Carr constantly tours as an improvisational comedian.Jimmy says he plans to be the first comedian to perform for the millionth 3D online game virtual world where anyone can live their second life.

Louis C.K.

Having begun his career in the 1990s as court wit O'Brien and other evening comedians, Louis did not particularly stand out against the general background until the mid-2000s, until he stumbled upon his gold mine - the midlife crisis of a flabby man in unsuccessful marriage and with young children.

C.K.'s stage persona is an irritated brute who gets to everyone, from his own children to hipsters and deer, but most importantly, to himself. Today he is considered one of the hyperpopular comedians.

The image of Louis C.K. is an irritated rude who gets everyone

For all of C.K.'s ruthlessness towards the world and despite the fact that he continually calls his children assholes and wishes his friends dead, in every joke it is felt that, in addition to a thick bilious belly, Louis also has a big heart. Since 2010, he has been writing, directing and editing the television sitcom Louis, one of the best things to happen to American television in recent years.

George Carlin

The icon of American stand-up, who laid many of the foundations of the genre in the very form in which we know it now. Most of the jokes of Karlin, a specialist in black humor, were in one way or another a form of ironic social criticism - no matter whether he spoke about small things or global phenomena.

Carlin was the flagship of the movement to push the boundaries of what's allowed on TV. His number "Seven Words You Can't Speak on TV" was at the center of a scandal, led to a lawsuit and became milestone in the history of censorship.

George Carlin - American stand-up icon

Karlin is known for his political insight, dark humor, linguistic observations, observations in psychology, religion, and monologues on many taboo topics.

The first of his 14 comedy programs was recorded in 1977. In the 1990s and 2000s, Carlin's comedy performances focused mainly on the vices of modern America. He frequently challenged the contemporary political issues of the United States and ridiculed the failings of American culture. His last performance, "It's Bad for You", was filmed less than 4 months before his death.

Autumn came, and with it came the traditional Russian need for light antidepressants. Our recipe is simple: a glass of thick pinot noir, a company of best friends, wildly funny and intolerant stand-up comedians will brighten up a rainy evening. Wine and guests for you, and we picked up humor.

Amy Schumer

The 34-year-old comedian started with comedy battles, quickly rose to become, perhaps, the most famous stand-up comedian in America today. She has her own show, Inside Amy Schumer. On September 10, the film “The Girl Without Complexes” was released on Russian screens, about which critics speak of the revival of a dying comedy genre.

Amy is relaxed not only on her shows. She recently posed semi-nude in candid photoshoot with robots from star wars» R2-D2 and C-3PO. And in the summer, obviously intentionally and very dramatically, she fell under the feet of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian on the red carpet. In her speeches there is everything that can plunge any puritan into horror, while quite adequate feminist slogans appear through witty toilet humor.

Eddie Izzard

An eccentric who enters the stage in a sinister make-up of the Joker. In fact, Eddie is an ordinary British transvestite, which is why he puts on makeup and wears dresses with heels. His speaking style is a witty stream of consciousness. Of course, stand-up comedians prepare their performances in advance. Eddie is dyslexic, he has to memorize the text of his speeches rather painfully. Therefore, on stage, Eddie charmingly loses the thread of the narrative, his jumps from topic to topic could give food for thought to avid Freudians. In an interview, the comedian said that his style is retelling Wikipedia in his own way. So, in essence, it is. Izzard talks about Hitler and World War II, about conquering India and landing on the moon. He does not forget, of course, about the loss of virginity and, separately, about transvestites.

Dylan Moran

If you've watched Black's Bookstore, then you know who Dylan Moran is. On stage, this rumpled Irishman is almost the same as in this excellent series, only kinder. Dylan is gloomy, very observant and always hungover. In general, a very understandable image for a Russian person, it is not for nothing that Moran is welcomed in Russia.

George Carlin

A stand-up classic and a classic of black humor. Karlin is an insightful psychologist, specialist in social criticism. Unfortunately, Karlin is no longer with us, he is in his own humorous paradise, because this joker and atheist did not believe in the existence of the ordinary.

In his speeches, Karlin touched on the most taboo topics, for example, his almost programmatic speech on the Ten Commandments.

Jimmy Carr

A slightly arrogant Englishman with a bunch of boorish jokes that he pulls out of his sleeve. Often mocks the audience and perfectly improvises.

Kolya Kulikov

In Russia, stand-up is developing with might and main. One of the prettiest characters in the modern stand-up scene is screenwriter, comedian, Moscow intellectual Nikolai Kulikov.

Margaret Cho

Margaret professionally jokes, sings, acts in films and even designs clothes. We loved her for her role as the omniscient secretary on Deadly Beautiful, but even before that, she starred in the sitcom American Girl, becoming the first Asian to star in an American comedy. Margaret mockingly speaks about the rights of women and gays, venomously criticizes racism, sarcastically about excess weight. However, she is Korean, bisexual and plump.

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