Anna grachevskaya without makeup. Anna grachevskaya increased buttocks

Everyone who is interested in the life of Russian show business learned about the existence of Anna Panasenko in connection with the marriage of a girl with the famous founder of Yeralash.

Anna Evgenievna Panasenko, who after marriage took her husband's surname Grachevskaya, was born in September 1986 in Kharkov. It is not known for certain who Anna's parents worked for. According to some reports, my mother worked as a housekeeper. The girl has a younger brother.

Anna Grachevskaya received her higher education in St. Petersburg. The girl graduated from the University of Culture and Arts, choosing the specialty of the director and producer of theatrical show programs.

According to various sources from social networks, after moving to Moscow, Anna searched for her place under the sun for a long time: she worked as an animator in Moscow clubs and worked as a model. Rumors that she had to perform in nightclubs as a stripper, Anna Grachevskaya denies.


The career and biography of Anna Grachevskaya began to rapidly change for the better after the meeting and subsequent marriage with Boris Yuryevich Grachevsky.

It is known that 5 months after the birth of their common daughter Vasilisa, an influential husband helped his wife get a job on the Humor TV channel. The director asked the general director of the Music Box group of companies and his friend Natalya Palinova about Anna's employment. She helped Grachevskaya become a TV presenter, instructing the girl to teach the basics of the profession of VJ Artem Sotnik.

Soon, scandalous information about the novel by Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Sotnik appeared in the media. To stop these rumors, the vijay immediately quit the TV channel.

Television career Grachevskaya continued. The bright presenter managed to prove herself in several projects. For some time, Anna hosted the program "Caution, Anna Grachevskaya." The program was broadcast on the official channel of Anna Grachevskaya on YouTube video hosting. Later, the artist participated in the TV show "Only girls in the ring."

In 2012, with the participation of Anna, the shooting of the comedy "Stepanych's Mexican Voyage" was completed. The actress appeared in the image of the heroine Grachita, the concubine of the drug lord Sanchez (Boris Grachevsky). The film comedy was the last work of the humorist.

At the same time, the girl also starred with the director of the children's film almanac in the releases of "Scream", "Glutton", "Knight's Tournament", where she reincarnated as a teacher, nurse and reporter.

Grachevskaya's multifaceted talent also manifested itself in literary work. The girl was nominated in the category "Best Writer of the Year" at the contest of the website. In addition, Anna Grachevsky was offered to become the official representative and trainer of the All-Russian Center for Strengthening the Family "Academy of Love". The girl took up another project - the Music Stars school, where children get the opportunity to get in touch with the basics of the profession of a TV presenter on a serious level.

In order to stay afloat and not lose fans, Anna Grachevskaya decided on plastic surgery, which she did not hide from the public. The first thing the artist did was to increase the size of her bust. The girl pumped silicone even before the birth of the child, over time, the volume of the breast only increased. Liposuction followed after childbirth. The girl posted her own photos after the procedure in " Instagram and commented on the procedure she underwent. According to the beauty, Anna felt more comfortable without excess fat.

Then the girl enlarged her lips and corrected her cheekbones. In 2017, Anna also underwent gluteoplasty - an increase in the buttocks, for which artificial endoprostheses and the patient's own adipose tissue were used. The rehabilitation period was given to the artist with difficulty, the seams diverged five times. But the Instagram star was pleased with the result.

To maintain perfect skin condition, Anna regularly goes to the cosmetology room, where she undergoes biorevitalization, radiolifting, carboxytherapy, can massage and the use of Mukhina's needle. Many of Anna's subscribers are alarmed by the girl's passion, which turns Grachevskaya into a doll, but deprives her of naturalness.

After breaking up with Boris Grachevsky, Anna continued to build a career. The girl remained in the place of the TV presenter of the musical program on the Russian Musicbox TV channel, and also often performed at various social events. In 2014, Anna starred in the video of the musical group "Panama" "Party in full swing." In addition, Anna Grachevskaya is known for participating in the promotion of the Pink Rabbit chain of stores, the stated goal of which is to strengthen the family. The stores sell, including various intimate items.

Personal life

The marriage with the founder of Yeralash turned out to be short-lived. The personal life of Anna Grachevskaya was associated with the director from 2010 to 2014. In this union, in 2012, the charming girl Vasilisa was born, whom her parents called Vasya at home.

After a high-profile divorce, accompanied by mutual accusations and insults, the ex-husband demanded that his ex-wife abandon the famous surname. So Anna Grachevskaya again became Panasenko. From the marriage with the director, Anna was left with an apartment in the center of the capital and alimony for the maintenance of Vasilisa. The divorce process was handled by the Saferoom law firm, known for being a member of the group of co-founders.

In 2016, it became known that Anna Grachevskaya, who again became Panasenko, remarried and is happy. Anna's husband was a former basketball player Artem Kuzyakin. After the end of his sports career, Artem is going to head the basketball department of the Isportagency agency.

The young man proposed to the girl back in 2015. To do this, Artem organized a joint flight in a balloon, where he handed the ring to his beloved. The wedding took place in the building of the Estet jewelry factory. The room was decorated with a large panel of white and pink roses, and balloons were present in the interior.

For the celebration, Anna purchased a dress from designer Svetlana Lyalina. It featured a puffy tulle skirt and embellished low-cut top. The groom appeared before the guests in a suit from Andrea Padovan. The bridesmaids wore purple dresses. After the traditional exchange of rings and a kiss, the young people tasted the loaf according to the Russian tradition. Artem, as the future head of the family, got a piece more than Anna.

One of the colleagues of Anna's current husband shared that Artyom presented an island in Malaysia as a wedding gift to his beloved, which cost him 3 million rubles. Kuzyakin plans to continue to pamper his beloved wife.

About the new husband of Anna Grachevskaya, it is known that Artem was married and had two children from his first marriage - daughter Margarita and son Mark. Children communicate with their father and new wife, often visit them and are friends with little Vasilisa.

In a pre-wedding interview with the NTV program "You won't believe it!" Anna expressed a desire to see Boris Grachevsky at the ceremony, but the ex-husband refused to come to the wedding. The director spends all his free time communicating with his little daughter, whom he often takes to his home.

Anna Grachevskaya now

Now the TV presenter continues to lead a secular lifestyle, regularly appearing at public events. At the Fashion People Awards 2017, Anna arrived in the company of her husband Artem. The young did not hide their passion from television cameras and guests of the event.

In the fall, Anna impressed the guests of the Music Box music award ceremony. The girl came in a black transparent jumpsuit, but it turned out that she appeared in the same outfit. To switch attention to herself, Anna Panasenko, on her knees, began to kiss the red carpet.

Anna Panasenko does not leave her professional activity either. With the participation of the TV presenter, the @russian_musicbox Internet channel broadcasts live, where show business stars become guests.

TV presenter and actress Anna Grachevskaya is known for her desire for a perfect appearance. For several years, with seemingly ideal parameters, a height of 160 cm and a weight of 50 kg, the girl has been desperately struggling with extra, in her opinion, kilograms. The Instagram of Boris Grachevsky's ex-wife is literally strewn with weight loss tips: phyto-barrels for breaking down fat cells, steamed soy meat with vegetables, an earring for weight loss, massages, body wraps - this is just a small fraction of what the TV presenter has tried on herself. Now Grachevskaya decided to go even further and went under the knife of a plastic surgeon. A young mother and wife of the captain of the basketball club "Zenith" Artyom Kuzyakin enlarged her buttocks with the help of implants and her own adipose tissue. Anna entrusted her future "Kardashian" to the doctor Timur Nugaev, for whom the girl specially flew to St. Petersburg. - To increase the volume of the buttocks, we used the patient's own adipose tissue and implants. At the first stage, adipose tissue was taken from those places that Anna considered problematic. After that, we created two pockets for implants and inserted them there. We also performed liposuction on the patient's abdomen, waist and hips. Anna deliberately "ate her sides" so that we could borrow adipose tissue from her. The whole operation lasted 7 hours, - surgeon Nugaev told Life about the operation.

Anna Grachevskaya is a bright brunette who became famous throughout the country after her marriage to the creator of the children's comic magazine Yeralash. Even after the divorce, the woman did not let go of the attention of the audience, as she began to radically change her own appearance. The star tells fans in detail about all the manipulations on her Instagram.

Biography of Anna Grachevskaya

Anna Panasenko was born on September 6, 1986 in the city of Kharkov. All that is known about her family is that her mother worked as a housekeeper, and Anna had a younger brother born in 1989. The young lady received her higher education at St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, where she mastered the profession of producer and director of theatrical show programs. Having moved to Moscow, the girl searched for herself for a long time. She worked as an animator, model, and there are rumors that even a stripper in clubs.

Rapid career growth

A dizzying career growth occurred after his marriage to Boris Yuryevich Grachevsky. It was the connections of an influential husband that helped her get a job on the Humor TV channel. Artem Sotnikov was chosen as a mentor, and soon a scandal erupted: the couple had an affair. Artem immediately quit the TV channel so as not to provoke further conversations.

After the girl worked in the projects "Careful, Anna Grachevskaya" and "Only girls in the ring." During breaks, she took part in a music program on the Russian Musicbox channel and occasionally hosted social events. In addition, the ex-wife of Boris Grachevsky promoted the Pink Rabbit chain of stores, which are aimed at maintaining family relationships and there are many intimate things among the goods.

Plastics of Anna Grachevskaya

Appearing on television in 2010, Anya slowly acquired a mass of fans. The sultry brunette looked very attractive. The birth of a daughter did not knock down the young mother, and she soon returned to the profession. Work on TV implies an impeccable appearance, the beauty also came to grips with the improvement of the body and face.

  • Liposuction. Childbirth affected the figure of a woman negatively, because stretch marks, extra pounds and additional volumes appeared on the body. Having lost faith in diets (Anna suffered from bulimia), the woman took drastic measures.

“About three and a half liters of fat was pumped out of me, and he worried me so much. And before that, the zone of riding breeches, sides, stomach, everything began to grow, as soon as I started to eat, ”said the thinner lady. Anna Grachevskaya after the operation tries to upload candid photos that fully demonstrate the beautiful curves of the figure. The presenter herself is very pleased with the results of the procedure, she admits that she finished the rehabilitation period ahead of time and began to go out.

  • Lip plastic. It is believed that Anna Grachevskaya looked more natural before plastic surgery. Internet users are inclined to think that the new lips turned the woman into a surprised fish. However, the star herself defiantly posts selfies with duck lips. And other provocative photos of Anna Grachevskaya systematically get from the network, for example, pictures where the ex-wife of the founder of Yeralash has bare breasts or bare buttocks.

  • Breast augmentation. It is difficult to find materials that show Anna Grachevskaya before and after breast plastic surgery. The manipulation was carried out long before the birth of Vasilisa's daughter. Now the rich neckline has become the main feature of the popular TV presenter. Even the wedding dress for the second husband struck the audience with a frank rollout.

  • Buttock augmentation. Anna Grachevskaya before the operation was unhappy with the size of the fifth point. Popularity clouded the minds of every second Russian star. Buttock augmentation required artificial implants and own adipose tissue to mask endoprostheses and smoother transitions.

Especially for buttock augmentation, the girl even had to gain weight. But after a while, the star flaunted on the beach in a revealing swimsuit and posed for an updated booty in front of the camera lens. After that, photos appeared on the network marked “My Kardashian”.

After disapproving comments from subscribers, the girl wrote "I am absolutely satisfied with my huge silicone ass."

Cosmetic procedures

Anna Grachevskaya after plastic surgery continues to zealously take care of herself. Every day, the presenter comes to the beauty parlor, where she undergoes the following procedures.

  • - the presenter undergoes an injection skin rejuvenation procedure to improve its tone, normalize its color and its general condition. The star conducts biorevitalization on the face, neck and upper limbs.

  • - a procedure in which old collagen is destroyed by waves, and a new one is formed in its place. Anna Grachevskaya before and after the fat removal operation tries to fight the manifestations of cellulite in this way.

  • - Injection with carbon dioxide under the skin. It is this gas that stimulates the release of oxygen in tissues. Oxygen promotes skin rejuvenation, its firmness and elasticity. Despite her age, there is not a single wrinkle on the skin of the ex-wife of the creator of Yeralash from all the manipulations.

  • - one of the types of vacuum massage, in which low pressure is created in the area of ​​​​sucked-in skin, to which blood, lymph and intercellular fluid rushes. From this, blood circulation is normalized, the surface of the skin is smoothed and its turgor is strengthened.
  • - one of the methods of losing weight that the TV presenter tried on herself, in the struggle for harmony, the star injected a needle in order to control appetite and regulate metabolism. The girl was not particularly pleased with the result of the action of the needle, which is why she went for plastic surgery.

The plastic surgery of Anna Grachevskaya led to the fact that the appearance of a still young lady lost its naturalness, but acquired an impeccable puppetry. Subscribers react to the star's changes ambiguously, some like the innovations, while others are concerned about the course towards extreme rejuvenation.

Grachevskaya's personal life

The biography of a famous person became interesting to the public only because his personal life was rich and scandalous from the very beginning.

  • From 2010 to 2014, the couple lived together with Boris Grachevsky, a daughter appeared in marriage, who is called Vasya at home. The family broke up, the divorce turned out to be very stormy, with mutual claims and accusations. After parting, the ex-wife received a luxurious apartment in Moscow and a monthly allowance for her daughter.

  • In 2016, the paparazzi declassified the new beloved presenter. They became the basketball player Artem Kuzyakin. For the wedding, the basketball player gave his beloved an island worth 3 million rubles in Malaysia. The young man's children Margarita and Mark from their first marriage communicate nicely with their father's new wife and baby Vasilisa. Anya loves to spend time with her husband, the couple travels a lot, and the newlyweds admit to unconditional happiness. A beloved husband supports his wife in everything, accompanies her on all trips and endures every whim.

Fans of the star express fears that this will end the path of plastic surgery, and Anna Grachevskaya will not turn into another mukla or become a victim of unscrupulous doctors.

Video: Beautiful wedding of Anna Grachevskaya and Artem Kuzyakin

Before her marriage to the famous creator of the Yeralash film magazine, few knew about Anna Panasenko. The girl studied in St. Petersburg as a producer of television show programs, and after graduation she went to conquer the capital. In 2010, she married Boris Grachevsky and ended up on television.

The sultry brunette looked great on the screen and gradually overgrown with fans. After the birth of her daughter Vasilisa, Anna briefly dropped out of the creative process, but soon returned with renewed vigor.

Unfortunately, the marriage with the artistic director of Yeralash did not last long, and in 2014 the couple divorced. Journalists savored the scandalous details of the breakup and regularly gave out interesting information for readers.

A noisy showdown in public and the claims of her ex-husband did not unsettle Anna, and she continued her career. For some time, Grachevskaya (after the divorce, she left the name of her famous ex-husband) raised her daughter alone and hid her personal life from prying eyes.

But the closely watched paparazzi soon declassified the TV presenter. In June 2016, Anna went down the aisle with her lover, basketball player Artem Kuzyakin.

The happy bride appeared in a chic dress with a deep neckline and a decorated train. Anna prepared for the wedding ceremony for a long time and visited beauty specialists.

They pumped out 3.5 liters of fat from me, which haunted me. The notorious riding breeches, sides, stomach, as soon as I started eating, everything returned.

Anna Grachevskaya: photos before and after plastic surgery

Working on TV implies an impeccable appearance, and Anna is doing her appearance with might and main. Due to her passion for "beauty shots" and other beauty treatments, fans often criticize Anna and accuse her of being unnatural.

The presenter herself responds to criticism with humor and devotes entire posts on Instagram to her lips, which many consider pumped up with hyaluronic acid. The beauty insists on the natural volume of her lips and regularly uploads "duck" selfies.

The good figure of Anna Grachevskaya was also discussed. Many believe that even before her career take-off, the girl enlarged her breasts, but Grachevskaya ignores such statements and continues to wear open outfits.

She speaks candidly about her eating disorder and posts shocking videos from the beautician's office.

Anna's path to harmony is difficult and thorny: she went through bulimia and thousands of diets, gained and lost weight, starved and broke down. To maintain a stable weight and get rid of cellulite, Grachevskaya regularly undergoes radiolifting, which tightens the skin.

In early December 2016, Anna Grachevskaya decided to undergo gluteoplasty. Popularity haunts many, and TV presenter Anna Grachevskaya published a video with the caption “my Kardashian” after buttock plastic surgery.

Fans wondered why the young woman needed such radical interventions in the body instead of sports. Anna Grachevskaya in the photo after the plastic hastened to explain the reason for the visit to the doctor: childbirth and sharp fluctuations in weight were reflected in the figure. The girl wrote on the social network: “I am tired of the moral and emotional struggle for beautiful contours and therefore resorted to radical methods of plastic surgery.”

Anna underwent an operation in a plastic surgery clinic in St. Petersburg: the doctor used implants and adipose tissue from problem areas for a smoother transition and masking of endoprostheses.

Gluteoplasty was performed under general anesthesia in two stages and lasted 7 hours. Immediately after the operation, Anna posted a video on Instagram and spoke about her husband's support. For some time, after plastic surgery, Grachevskaya wore compression underwear, lay under droppers and drank anti-inflammatory drugs.

Now, despite the rehabilitation period, the TV presenter is already appearing at public events.

Fans hope that Anna will stop at this operation and retain her individuality.

The fashion for large and lush buttocks against thin people 90-60-90 was introduced by the famous female part of the Kardashian family. Girls with curvaceous forms are trying by any means to increase their already voluminous butts with the help of special pads, cosmetic procedures, and even resorting to surgery.

30-year-old Anna Grachevskaya also decided that her figure was not round enough, and at the end of December she lay down under a surgical knife. One of the popular plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg performed the operation, Anna could neither sit nor sleep on her back for almost 3 months. But now the rehabilitation period is over. And Grachevskaya for the first time demonstrated a new acquisition to the general public.

“For those who are especially “worried”. Everything is in place, I just don’t consider it necessary to lay out the buttocks in every post. And now it’s not a sin to lay out a nut! 100% rehabilitation is over! So hello to you from the "Russian Kardashian". By the way, Kimi was vacationing here not so long ago!” - Grachevskaya turned to subscribers.

True, the majority noted that the new buttocks of the star look too artificial. But maybe it's all because we saw the photo before? Or out of envy.

The editors of Woman’s Day turned to a plastic surgeon who told how much the buttock augmentation surgery costs and what the consequences might be. In case you don't want to sweat at the gym either, but dream of a round butt.

Olga Shemonaeva, plastic surgeon, full member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Russia (OPREH):

First of all, I want to say that such radical correction methods are more suitable for girls who, due to physical data, metabolic characteristics and the structure of the figure, cannot become owners of magnificent forms. In the case of Anna Grachevskaya, the excellent proportions of the TV presenter with a good indicator of adipose tissue tell me that the pronounced buttocks that Kim Kardashian brought into fashion could be acquired with the help of the gym and the right diet.

Also, do not forget that any surgical intervention entails a rehabilitation period, which is individual for each patient and ranges from 1 to 6 months. The maximum swelling of the soft tissues disappears within a month, but this is only the beginning of recovery.

The effect of the operation will last for many years if there are no problems with visualization and probing of the implants. In Russia, not many plastic surgeons undertake buttock augmentation with prostheses due to the fact that the nature of our girls is very different from Brazilians and Latin Americans who popularized wide hips and lush buttocks, so there is a great chance of visualizing implants due to a thin subcutaneous fat layer . In my medical practice, I have repeatedly seen the process of removing implants, which entails an even more difficult recovery of stretched skin. Price for an operation in the capital starts from 150,000 rubles.

In modern aesthetic surgery, there is an alternative method - lipofilling of the buttocks using the patient's own fat, but it will not be possible to significantly increase the area due to the peculiarities of the method: the fat is gradually excreted naturally from the body, about 50-60% of the volume of the injected material takes root.

Stage 2 Marking, implants and consultation with an anesthesiologist! Thanks to my Irina Viktorovna, for such a wonderful sleep, strong and sweet, the last time I slept like this was probably in the womb, then they took me to the operating room and what happened there, look further ... Taking advantage of the moment I send my regards to the clinic @paradaclient @paradanewsblock where I am undergoing rehabilitation! #gluteoplasty #parada #petersburg #lipofilling #liposuction #doctornugaev #nugaevtimur #nugaevtimurshamilevich #plastic surgery #plasticsurgery

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