How old is the singer Natasha. How old is the famous singer Natalie? Straight road for excellence

Singer Natalie (see photo) interests everyone with her biography, family relationships, having children and so on. She was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk. Today, everyone knows the singer, both adults and children. Recently, she has significantly increased her creativity, gained great popularity among her fans, and was able to realize all her plans.

Natalie is truly admirable because she is now 43 years old and looks like she is in her 30s. I want to watch her work more and more, to note for myself all the advantages and features.

Natalie's childhood

The family of the singer Natalie (see biography and photo) has always wanted to live for children and engage in their upbringing. And so it happened, Natalie from early childhood was surrounded by love, attention and understanding. Her parents were simple workers, so it could not even occur to her that over time she would achieve such great success in life.

Even from school, Natalie had noticeable organizational skills, she was constantly engaged in some kind of business, she could not waste her time. At school, Natalie was also an exemplary child, she studied perfectly, participated in various competitions, tried to show and reveal her talent as much as possible.

Singer Natalie in childhood

Natalie's classmates always treated her with respect, wanted to be friends, shared her great desire to engage in creative activities. She was constantly the leader among her classmates, and she really liked it. The teachers also could not fail to note the girl's great abilities, she was a real example at school.

In 1983, she and her girlfriends visited a music school, which she really liked. After that, Natalie decided for herself that she wanted to become a musician, and asked her parents to enroll her in a piano class. Also for seven years, Natalie studied vocals at school. Since childhood, she began to compose poems that grew into songs. In parallel, she learned to play the guitar, after which she actively took part in music competitions, showing her talent in every possible way. City festivals also could not do without it.

Natalie in her youth

In 1990, the singer was invited to shoot a film dedicated to her city. Natalie managed to successfully pass the casting, show all the best sides of her talent and achieve a good result - she was taken to the main role. After that, she still added trips to St. Petersburg to voice the tape. Now we can say that such shootings fully increased the popularity of the artist, she became famous not only in her city, but also outside it.

Despite her active work, the singer Natalie was able to diversify her biography with her personal life, start a family and dream of children (see photo). In addition to her musical activities, the singer also dreamed of becoming a teacher. She was madly in love with school, so after graduation, she sought to transfer her knowledge to schoolchildren.

Glory and popularity of Natalie

Singer Natalie arranged her personal life already in Moscow, and as her biography shows, a real family with happy children's laughter also began there (see photo). The singer Natalie was able to start her career from the age of 16, when she was still a schoolgirl. She took part in the musical group "Chocolate Bar". Natalie, along with her younger brother, performed at various concerts and festivals, receiving pleasant words from the audience, as well as her popularity. It was at the age of 16 that the singer met her future husband, Alexander Rudin, who really influenced her work, creativity and popularity.

Rudin helped Natalie record two albums, Pop Galaxy and Superboy. Some of the songs Natalie composed herself, because such a great talent has been observed since childhood. A year later, she managed to join the Pop Galaxy group, which at that time was already quite popular and could add Natalie's fame.

Natalie became popular thanks to the hit "The wind blew from the sea"

Natalie clearly understood that it would not be easy for her to succeed and become popular in her provincial town, which is why she and her husband decided to move to Moscow. Alexander Rudin at that time made a lot of efforts and did a lot of work so that his wife Natalie became a recognizable singer, and the public began to love her. He managed to contact the local producer Valery Ivanov, and transfer Natalie's cassette recordings for listening. Ivanov really liked it, and he decided that in the future he would be engaged in its promotion. The Moscow producer is seriously engaged in its promotion.

Already in 1994, Natalie managed to release her first album, which contained exclusively her songs, it was called "The Little Mermaid". The record was distributed in a small circulation, but despite this, the audience quickly fell in love with Natalie, and became more interested in her work. For a very long time, the singer had to be the opening act for famous singers, but this did not break her. She proudly survived such hard times, and achieved her goal.

The biggest popularity for Natalie came at the time when she sang the song "The wind blew from the sea." Natalie has been playing this song on the guitar since the age of 13, at that time she could not even imagine that the song could bring her immense popularity. Such activity in her vocal career and replenishment in her biography did not prevent the singer Natalie (see photo) from devoting time to her family, but they never had children. The work of the composer Alexander Shulgin brought her really great popularity, and the song "Wind from the Sea" became a real hit in 1998.

Famous singer gives an interview on the radio

Like any other musician, Natalie had small incidents in her work - the song came out with the caption "author unknown", as a result of which a large number of contenders were immediately observed for its authorship. According to the results of numerous courts and disputes, the authorship of the song was awarded to Yuri Malyshev and Elena Sokolskaya.

Natalie very quickly found her fans, who carefully watched her work. The most favorite song for the people was "Turtle". Singer Natalie continued to record videos and albums, but they no longer brought such success as her past hits. As a result of this, Natalie took a short break from her career.

Return to the stage

In 2012, Natalie returns to creativity and records a really hit song called: "Oh God, what a man." The text quickly spread throughout the country, and just penetrated the hearts of all her fans. It was the first modern song that really captivated everyone. Natalie composed the music for this song herself, literally half an hour after Rosa Ziemens gave her the words to this song.

This composition really saved the singer, she literally returned her to the stage, made her look at her work with different eyes. Until that time, all her songs were just hits of the 90s, but Natalie wanted something modern and new. And she succeeded.

A triumphant return to the stage with the song "Oh my God what a man" in 2012

This song allowed Natalie to receive an award on the Comeback of the Year. Also, shortly after the release of the song, a video was shot, which was watched by two and a half million people in a few weeks.

In 2013, she still managed to record a song with Nikolai Baskov called "Nikolai". The composition also spread very quickly on television, and Natalie gained her new popularity, modern people have already become her listeners. Also, the singer's joint song with MC Doni - "You are like that" brought great popularity to the singer. By 2014, a new video was already launched - "Scheherazade", and work was completed on the album, which was dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the singer.

Natalie and rapper MC Doni on the set of the video "And you are like that"

Natalie's career on television spread and developed at great speed, she managed to become a guest in the show "The Battle of Psychics", after which she remained under great impression for a long time. In addition to her career as a singer, Natalie quickly began to gain popularity as a TV presenter. She managed to conduct a talk-shock "People will judge", and she also voiced Joy in the cartoon "Puzzle". In 2015, on the birthdays of Putin V.V., Natalie presented her next song "Volodya".

Natalie and Nikolai Baskov

Natalie's personal life

Singer Natalie (see photo 2017) is grateful for her biography, happy family and wonderful children only to her husband Rudin. He did a lot for Natalie's happy life, as well as for her career. Together they got out of provincial life, conquered Moscow together and built their future. Only thanks to Rudin, Natalie became recognizable, and the famous Moscow producer Valery Ivanov quickly took up her.

With husband Valery Ivanov

The couple could not have children for a very long time, and this is not at all because their career interfered with them or there was no right moment. Natalie just couldn't bear the baby. After lengthy attempts, the singer completely despaired and went with her sister to a proven healer from the capital, so that she would contribute to a successful pregnancy. In Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk,” Natalie frankly spoke about the fact that she daily begged God for children, who, fortunately, had mercy on her requests.

Before the birth of her first child, she had 10 miscarriages, which simply took away all her strength and hope for good. As soon as Natalie once again found out that she was pregnant again, she was madly worried about the safety of her baby, she tried to comply with all safety standards so that nothing could affect the health of the child. Finally, everything worked out, in 2001 the Rudin family was replenished with a long-awaited child, he was named Arseny.

Singer Natalie with her children

After 9 years, a second child appeared in the family, he was given the name Anatoly. Now the Rudin family is really considered full-fledged and happy, because they are raising two wonderful sons, who are the meaning of life for Natalie. Singer Natalie (see photo) said that her family: children and husband are the closest and most beloved to her, that it was they who made a great contribution to her biography, and not music.

Natalie today

Since Natalie's popularity returned only in 2012, by this time she had already managed to become a happy mother twice. As the biography of the singer Natalie shows, after creating a family and having children, her weight only decreased, for her height, the singer can safely still gain a few extra pounds (see photo). Since Natalie is a public person, she closely monitors her forms, goes in for sports, tries to eat right to always look her best.

Natalie in the program "Battle of psychics"

In 2014, the famous singer registered on the Instagram social network, and now pleases her subscribers with beautiful photos from her life. She tries to lead a public lifestyle, not to hide her family and creativity from her fans, because it is thanks to the huge number of subscribers that she has become even more popular.

2016 was really active for the singer, she added a lot of photos, which show that the singer Natalie has an excellent height-to-weight ratio, despite the fact that she devotes a lot of time to her career, family and children (see photo and biography). She never put her figure and beauty in the background, it is very important for her that all fans can admire and enjoy not only her hit songs, but also admire her beauty and undying youth.

Singer Natalie now

Also, 2017 has become even more significant for the singer - Natalie is expecting her third child. In April, she planned to become a mother for the third time, and she is extremely happy about this. As the singer herself now says, earlier she and her husband could not have imagined that they would have three sons, because in their youth there were big problems with bearing a baby. Now everything is fine.

On April 7, 2017, Natalie gave birth to her third son. Today, there is simply no limit to happiness and joy in the Rudin family. They are ready to devote all their time to raising their beloved sons so that they never need anything. The age difference between their sons is significant, so Arseny and Anatoly will also take part in raising their youngest son.

Singer Natalie, whose biography is probably known to many fans and fans, is adored by more than one connoisseur of domestic pop music.

For those who listen to her work, every stroke of the life of an idol is of undoubted interest.

Of course, the name Natalie is a stage name behind which is the famous Russian pop singer Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina, who had the surname Minyaeva before her marriage. She is not only a performer of songs, but the author of many of them.

Like many famous Russians, Natalie's biography began in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, where she was born on March 31, 1974. Her parents, Lyudmila Pavlovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, worked at a chemical plant. The family also has younger twin children, Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

Since 1980, Natalya studied at secondary school No. 37, where she received a certificate of secondary education. School teachers and classmates still remember her restless character, organizational skills and immense popularity among her peers.

For all her restlessness, she studied well. After an accidental visit to a music school, the girl persuaded her parents to send her to study music. Since 1983, Natasha studied piano for 7 years at a music school, which developed her musical abilities.

1990 was also an important period, when the future singer caught the eye of the filmmakers of Lenfilm, who were filming a film in Dzerzhinsk dedicated to the anniversary of the city. Natalia passed the appropriate selection and played the main role in the film.

To voice the role, the girl went to the Leningrad film studio with her mother, where for the first time she felt the real breath of the big city.

Gaining Popularity

Natalie became a singer in her school years. The first vocal and instrumental ensemble with her participation was the school ensemble "Chocolate Bar", where she became a soloist in 1990 and where her brother, who participated in it as a drummer, brought her. At numerous concerts and rock festivals, the girl also performs her first own songs. Even before completing her studies at school, the singer records the first magnetic albums "Superboy" and "Pop Galaxy".

At the end of school, Natasha enters the Pedagogical College in Dzerzhinsk, where she receives further education. Until 1993, she managed to work as a secondary school teacher, and in 1993 she moved to Moscow with her husband. Husband Alexander Rudin played an important role in the development of the young singer.

It was thanks to him that the first albums were recorded. Upon arrival in Moscow, Rudin was able to meet with music producer V. Ivanov, to whom he handed over the recordings of his wife's songs. The producer liked the young singer, and he agreed to work with her.

Already in 1994, the singer Natalie first appeared: under this name, the first official professional solo album "The Little Mermaid" was recorded. Although the circulation of the album was not large (only 2000 copies), it did not go unnoticed and found its admirers. At the same time, the basis of the girl's performances for a long period was the so-called warm-up - the performance of songs at the beginning of the concerts of other famous singers.

Popularity came to Natalie after the performance of the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea”, which was conceived at the age of thirteen, but with the participation of the composer A. Shulgin became a real hit. In 1998, Natalie recorded an album with this song and became famous.

The continuation of the popularity was the hit "Turtle", which gained numerous fans. The singer began to actively record new albums and videos. However, there was a lull in creativity for several years.

Rise of popularity

The return to the peak of popularity for Natalie begins in 2012 with the release of the hit "Oh God, what a man!" (words by R. Ziemens). The music of the song was written by Natalie herself almost immediately, as soon as she read the words. The composition broke instantly into all Russian charts. The singer received the Comeback of the Year and Sometimes They Come Back awards.

In 2013, the song "Nikolai", performed in a duet with N. Baskov, thundered. This work was awarded the "Best Video Clip" award.

As a result, Natalie became a frequent guest of various television concerts, which increased her popularity. Many people remember the performance of the singer in the show "Just Like It", where she captivated the audience with the creation of the image of V. Tolkunova.

In March 2014, a new clip "Scheherazade" was released, which was appreciated by the audience. The popularity of the singer Natalie is at a well-deserved, very high level.

Family life of the artist

When a biography is described, the personal life of a star is of particular interest to fans.

The singer met her husband, Alexander Rudin, as a schoolgirl, and the wedding took place when she was 17 years old.

Like the whole biography, Natalie's personal life is stable. The entire career of the singer passed in front of her husband and with his active participation. He contributed to her popularity as much as possible and did everything to make it possible to move to Moscow.

Children did not appear in their family for a long time, but finally, in 2001, the first-born son Arseniy appeared. In 2010, the number of children increased to two: a son, Anatoly, was born.

Natalie is rightfully considered a popular Russian pop singer. She has a huge number of fans. Of course, her biography is far from complete, and she will surely please her listeners with new hits.

Natasha made her parents happy with her appearance in March 1974. There were no musicians in Natalia's family, her father worked at the factory, and her mother worked in the laboratory.

From childhood, Natalie was a very active child, she could not sit still doing nothing. The girl studied for one five, and at the same time there was still enough time to participate in all concerts and events.

In each team, Natalya quickly found a common language, everyone in the class loved her very much. All the teachers were delighted with the young talent and always set Natasha as an example to the rest of the students.

In 1983, the girl ended up in a music school purely by accident, after which she convinced her mother to take her to piano lessons. In addition, the girl has been singing for several years. The girl begins to write poetry and music. She took part in many city competitions.

In 1990 Natalia was invited to shoot the series about your city. The girl not only successfully passed all screen tests, but was also approved for the role of the main character. After the film was shown, Natasha was talked about in her hometown.

Natalia has had an amazing voice since childhood, but despite this, she always dreamed of being a teacher. In 1991, she applied to the pedagogical department, received a diploma and began working as a teacher. In 1993, she moved to Moscow, because it was not easy to make a career in her native city.


The first steps on the stage were taken at the age of sixteen. While still a schoolgirl, Natasha began performing with her ensemble. At the same time, Natasha met Sasha Rudin, who invested a lot in the career growth of the artist.

It was with his help that two albums of Natalie were recorded. Natalia wrote most of her songs on her own. A year later, the girl becomes a vocalist in her group.

The girl was well aware that it was almost impossible to achieve high results in a small town, which is why she moved to the capital. Rudin did everything possible to make his wife a real star. It was Alexander who found a producer for Natalia - Valeria Ivanova, who began to promote the young performer.

In 1994, the artist had another album "Mermaid". Only 2000 records were released, but they found their audience. For a long time, the girl was forced to perform with many popular artists.

Natalie became famous thanks to the hit "Wind was blowing from sea". She could not imagine that this song would be so loved by the audience.

Natalia became interesting to the audience. The next hit performed by the artist was "Turtle".

To this day, Natalie performs and records new songs, but not a single song has gained such popularity as the hit “Wind from the Sea blew”. After that, the artist disappeared completely out of sight for ten years.

In 2012 she returned to the stage with a bright hit “Oh God, what a man!” The text was composed by a female copywriter, and the artist wrote the music herself in a matter of hours. The song literally returned the artist to her former popularity.

A year later, Natalie sang a song in a duet with Nikolai Baskov. The girl again became interesting to the audience and they began to invite her to television programs.

Some time later, Natalie performed another hit song with rapper Dzhigan.

Natalie tried her hand at voicing cartoons.

Family life

Natalya met her future husband Alexander while still a schoolgirl. The young man began to meet her after the performances and a romantic relationship began between them.

Rudin fell head over heels in love and always tried to support her. Thanks to him, the records of the artist were recorded. Natalya got married quite early - at the age of seventeen.

Alexander did everything to make his wife famous. Natalie and her husband moved to the capital and tried to survive with all their might.

The couple is very It took a long time to have children. The girl didn't know where to go. Once I even went to a psychic, so that she could somehow help. The girl admitted on the air that she really asked God for children.

The artist had several pregnancy failures. When the artist became pregnant again, she was very worried that everything was in order with the baby. Fortunately, this time the trouble passed the girl by, and the first baby appeared in their family. After another 9 years, the son Tolik was born.

How does the artist live today?

Today, the soloist is an active user of social networks. New photos with children and from concerts often appear on the pages.

Despite her age, the girl just looks amazing.

She gave birth to her third child in 2017. which is incredibly happy. Alexander and Natalya are very happy with all the children, because each of them is very long-awaited and truly suffered.

Singer Natalie conquered the stage and listeners not only with her vocal abilities. There is something in her that makes you pay attention to her, admire the way she behaves, radiates a certain charm and charm. Always beautiful, smiling and open, she seems to love the whole world and is ready to share her songs with everyone.

Like any other star, she once began her career, walked confidently towards her goal, overcame difficulties and obstacles. In this article, we will consider the beginning of the star path of a simple girl who set a goal and achieved it. But first things first, because great things always start small.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalie (singer)

Natalya Minyaeva ( Natalie) (after the marriage of Rudin) was born on March 31, 1974 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Looking at the singer Natalie, one gets the impression that you see a young girl in front of you, because she always looks good, smiles, dresses stylishly and gracefully. But at the same time it remains itself. Therefore, it is very difficult to believe that she is already 43 years old, that is, she is far from a young girl, despite the fact that she looks amazing. The singer is 165 centimeters tall and weighs 58 kilograms.

That is, the singer is in great shape, but does not pursue being too thin. And why should she do this when she is really beautiful and fit. So if you are interested in the question about height, weight, age, how old is Natalie (singer), then we can say with confidence that there is no time for this charming woman. Now let's move on to how it all began, what Natalie was like as a child, and how she decided to become a singer.

Biography of Natalie (singer)

The future star was born on March 31, 1974, in the Russian city of Dzerzhinsk. She was born in a simple family, however, from a very young age, she stood out favorably both in the family and among her peers at school. The girl began to go to a Soviet school. The time of study for her saved many beautiful and vivid memories, because among any team the girl felt herself in her own environment. As mentioned above, she stood out favorably among her peers, she was always the ringleader and organizer, she had all the events and matinees.

Natasha liked it all very much, especially to be in the center of attention, to win someone else's respect. And there was something to respect this bright, sweet girl, because she had time always and everywhere. Along with schoolwork, she managed to be active in social activities, go hiking, participate in theater productions, school lights, and so on. Parents were proud of their girl, who in ten years of schooling has never given a reason to be disappointed in her or make a negative remark. The future singer deserved all the praise, because for her any business had to be done "excellently" like her grades in the diary.

In addition to studying in a general school, the girl was engaged in writing her own poems and songs. Also, from early childhood, she showed a passion for music, which she did not even hide, on the contrary, she developed it. Therefore, she also received her education at a music school, which was located in her hometown. Studied playing the piano.

Thanks to the school, Natalie developed a love for many sciences, which remained with her for the rest of her life. Therefore, she seriously began to think about how to connect her life with teaching. And she makes her dream come true and enters the pedagogical school. Time passes, she graduates from an educational institution, and soon a new teacher rises to the stage of education in order to teach children the basics of educational wisdom. It seems that the choice is made, and everything in her life is decided. But fate made its own adjustments. Apparently, higher powers saw that this charming young woman was capable of more.

The fact is that the passion for music haunted the girl. As a result, this hobby turned into a profession. The teacher turned into an aspiring singer. Natasha became Natalie. In the early nineties, she became a soloist in a musical group called "Chocolate Bar". There she managed to record several songs of her authorship, and a year later she moved to a more popular group called "Pop Galaxy".

The path of a provincial girl was quite difficult, a sufficient number of obstacles and problems had to either be overcome or give up. It's not easy to make sure that the right people notice you. To do this, you need to constantly be in sight, so Natalie does not hesitate to decide to move to the capital. She did it not in vain, because in the big city, the famous music producer, Valery Ivanov, notices the girl. It was this moment that became the key for Natalie, because she began her ascent to the pop Olympus seriously and stubbornly.

It happened in the mid-nineties, by that time Natasha was already married to Alexander Rudin. It was the husband who gave the producer a cassette with his wife's songs. He really liked what Ivanov heard, and he decided to take a chance and start promoting a young, still unknown girl. And although the first circulation of the cassettes was quite modest, only about two thousand copies, it sold quickly. Next was Natalia's single, which was called "Pink Dawn", which also helped the girl to move forward.

The following year, an album with Natalie's songs is released, and a video clip is also released. The time then was difficult, not profitable, so the singer, in order to somehow stay afloat, was forced to perform at private parties of rich "darlings". She needed to hold out until the moment when recognition and popularity came. And that moment has come...

In the late nineties, the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea ...” and the album of the same name became very popular. And the success was not just great, it was amazing. Popularity immediately came, the love of the audience, the demand for the singer, that is, everything that everyone who connects his life with the stage dreams of. The song sounded wherever possible, it was sung in courtyards and restaurants, discos and parties.

Natalie had an army of fans, which grew by leaps and bounds. Each new song brought her more and more fame, in every Russian city there was a full house at concerts, because it was a great event for those who were waiting for the singer at home.

But of course, on this song, Natalie's creativity was not limited, she wanted to move on. She continued to release her albums, which gained momentum, many songs became hits. And, of course, Natalie did not forget about the tour, she actively took part in trips both in Russia and in neighboring countries abroad.

In 2012, when Natasha was already 38 years old, she experienced a new upsurge in terms of creativity, as if starting to work again. The song "Oh my God, what a man" just blew up the Internet, sounded everywhere, wherever possible, won the love of millions of fans. The singer did not stop here either, she is always on the lookout, is on the rise, writes songs, sings and moves on.

Personal life of Natalie (singer)

Despite the light songs, the fact that the singer always tries to be positive, there were many bitter moments in her life that were difficult to endure. The personal life of Natalie (singer) began very early, at the age of seventeen she had already married her beloved man. Unfortunately, it was more difficult with children, the girl managed to survive several miscarriages.

One can only imagine how hard it was for her to endure terrible losses, get out of this state, and even engage in creativity, achieve success. But after all, Natasha has a truly iron will, perseverance and determination, which helps her through life. With her husband, she was waiting for her first child for nine whole years, who was named Arseny. After that, another son was born named Anatoly. The singer believes that the children appeared thanks to faith and prayers. But she really wants a daughter, she believes that in the end it will happen. While prayers gave her another boy, a third son.

Natalie's family (singer)

Today, singer Natalie is not only a popular star, but also a happy mother and wife. She has been living with her husband for 22 years, showing by her example that you can get married early and be happy all your life with a single loved one. My husband and I are raising two charming sons, they hope that they will have a sweet daughter. Most recently, a third son appeared in the family.

The family of Natalie (singer) is the most precious thing for her that only she has, because nothing can replace the simple warmth, love and support of loved ones. And Natalie has it all. She is not only a popular singer, but also a happy woman.

Children and pregnancy Natalie (singer). gave birth to a third child

Natalie's children are her pride, because she became a mother at a very high price. She repeatedly failed to give birth, so now that the singer has become the mother of two charming sons, she believes that she did it thanks to her prayers to God, the belief that this would happen. Perhaps this is not the end, Natasha is still planning to give birth to a daughter, but time will tell. Not so long ago, Natalie was pregnant.

And time really showed, because the singer Natalie gave birth to her third child in April 2017. It turned out to be a boy, and although Natalie madly wanted a girl, she admitted that she felt like the happiest mother and woman on the planet.

Son of Natalie (singer) - Arseny

Natasha and Alexander waited for their first child for nine years. Therefore, when he was born, it became a real event for them. It happened in 2001, the long-awaited heir was born. To date, this is already a fairly adult young man who is finishing school.

It is not yet known what he wants to devote his life to, whether he is going to follow in the footsteps of his mother. In any case, all paths to the stage are open for him, but Natasha believes that her son should choose his own path. She will support him in all endeavors. The son of Natalie (singer) Arseniy shows great promise, but life will show exactly how it will be.

Son of Natalie (singer) - Anatoly

Natalie's son Anatoly became the second child in the family. He was born in 2010 and now goes to school. So far, it’s too early for him to talk about the future, and parents want to pamper the boy more than educate.

Therefore, little Arseniy today goes to a special school, receives gifts from his parents, enjoys life. He grows up as a healthy and strong boy, takes an example from his parents, tries to do everything well and correctly.

Natalie's civil husband (singer) - Alexander Rudin

Natalie's civil husband, Alexander Rudin, became her first and only love. They have been together for more than twenty years, but they love each other like for the first time. They met at a young age, immediately felt attracted to each other, the result of this story was their trip to the registry office.

Civil husband of Natalie (singer) - Alexander Rudin photo

And although the husband does not differ in "stardom", he is, in fact, an ordinary person, but for his wife he is the best and most beautiful. “Oh my God, what a man”, most likely was dedicated to this wonderful person.

Looking at the singer Natalie, you just freeze with delight. She looks great, much younger than her age. The question arises: “Does the singer do plastic surgery?” The fact is that Natalie herself does not hide the fact that she sometimes turns to plastic surgeons for help.

But he does it without fanaticism, without going too far. Therefore, if you look at the photo of Natalie before and after plastic surgery, you most likely will not see any special changes. But, by the way, Natalie does not need them, she is beautiful in any image and age. For her, the main decoration is a sincere smile and eyes always glowing with happiness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer)

For those who have just begun to be interested in the work and life of the singer Natalie, a Wikipedia page is provided ( There are collected general facts, information for initial acquaintance. You can also always get closer to Natalie's life thanks to her personal pages on social networks. Natalie actively maintains her Instagram page (, you can find her on Vkontakte. Posts photos from life, family photos, shares plans for the future, including creative directions. Instagram and Wikipedia Natalie (singer) will allow you to find what you need without much searching.

No one will say for sure how Natalie will continue to act, all this will become known in the future. We can only say with certainty that this bright woman will not stop there, so, most likely, we will still hear from her a new hit that will conquer a million listeners, making them forget about everything in the world.

In 1974, in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, a little blond girl was born. Mom Lyudmila Minyaeva named her daughter Natasha.

Natalie. Biography

She had the usual childhood of a Soviet child from a simple family. Kindergarten, then school. Natasha was distinguished by her easy character, benevolence and artistry. She managed to find a common language with both teachers and peers. The girl fell in love with music from childhood. He masters the guitar on his own, and at the music school he learns to play the piano. She enjoys participating in school amateur performances and vocal competitions. He begins to write poetry, selects music for them, and performs the resulting songs during concerts at holidays.

Natalie. Biography. The beginning of the way

In 1990, Moscow filmmakers came to her city to make a film about the 60th anniversary of Dzerzhinsk. They noticed an artistic, pretty girl and offered to take part in the filming. After graduating from the 37th secondary school, Natalya enters the pedagogical school. In parallel, in 1991, she became a member of a group with the sweet name "Chocolate Bar". In the same year, she marries Alexander Rudin. After graduating from college, Natalya Anatolyevna worked for some time at the school. Her students liked her very much, they boasted that their teacher was the most beautiful and good. In 1992, Natalia moved to the more famous Pop Galaxy group. Professional musicians work in its composition, the young singer receives much-needed experience. At the same time, work is underway to record the album in the studio. Under the title "Star Rain" it was released on audio cassettes and was appreciated by the first listeners.

Natalie. Biography. First albums

It is no longer possible to combine pedagogical and creative activities. After a year of work, Natalia leaves school and goes to Moscow. There, the purposeful girl was able to meet the right people. In 1994, she released her solo album on CD, it gets the romantic name "The Little Mermaid". A year later, a new album "Snow Rose" was recorded, and in 1996 the first video was shot for the same song.

The first success of the singer Natalie. Biography

A resounding success came to Natalie in 1997. The superhit "The wind blew from the sea" was recorded, which was included in the top five most popular songs of the year. At the same time, an album of the same name was released in large numbers. The singer constantly goes on tour, concerts are always sold out. In 1999, a new album "Counting" was recorded. Further, the popularity began to decline, although the singer continued to travel around the regions, record new songs and participate in retro-themed music programs.

Singer Natalie. Biography. A family

In 2002, Natalie becomes a mother. Her eldest son Arseny is born. The singer continues to tour in Russia and neighboring countries, in 2008 she participates in the Superstar 2008 show. Her second son was born in 2011. She named him Anatoly in honor of her father.

Second wave of success

2013 was marked by a new surge in popularity. Her new hit "Oh God, what a man" is playing on all radio stations. For this song, the 39-year-old singer received a large number of awards. This year she has taken part in many TV shows. How many years has Natalie - a singer, mother and just a woman - been able to stay afloat, stay in great shape, at forty look like a maximum of thirty?! The secret is in the love of life and faith in one's own strength.

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