Problems of the story dog's heart. The main problem of the "dog's heart"

With his story, M.A. Bulgakov wanted to show his attitude to the events taking place in the early 1920s in Russia. He thought about the revolution and what the new society would be like. It was for this that he came up with a scientific experiment allegedly carried out by a certain professor Preobrazhensky.

The professor imagined himself to be God, because he decided that he could create people. He transplanted a human pituitary gland into a stray dog. The person for this experiment was chosen unsuccessfully, since the pituitary gland of a drunkard and rowdy would not bring anything good. As a result, the professor created a man named Polygraph Sharikov, who had the most terrible heart. He took over all the habits and manners of that same alcoholic. He ridiculed the intelligentsia and successful people.

Bulgakov wanted to convey to the reader the idea that if such Sharikovs rule the country, then the country is doomed. Preobrazhensky understood that it is possible to create any person, even a scientist, but what's the point? God himself decides where and when he should be born man of genius. The professor regretted his experiment. He says that in order to be a real person, one must not only look like a person, but have certain moral values.

M.A. Bulgakov showed that a person cannot be related to the Lord. The laws of nature must not be violated in the world. A person should think about upbringing, culture and education. Only educated and intelligent people will lead the state to prosperity.

1. The path of the story to the reader.
2. Creation of Sharikov.
3. The result of the experiment.

Realize that the whole horror is that he no longer has a canine, but a human heart. And the lousiest of all that exist in nature!
M. A. Bulgakov

In January 1925, M. A. Bulgakov began the story and called it “Dog's happiness. Monstrous story", but then changed the name to" dog's heart". "Heart of a Dog" is among the works that were not published during the life of the writer. L. B. Kamenev banned The Heart of a Dog from being printed: “This is a sharp pamphlet on the present, it should not be printed under any circumstances.”

The story was published only in 1987, which is not surprising - after all, in Bulgakov's book there was a lot of things that could not be talked about, which in the post-revolutionary years could be regarded as a state crime, slander. After all, the experiment conducted by Professor Preobrazhensky, the author compares with another experiment on all of humanity - the formation of a socialist system, that is, the homeless dog Sharikov personifies the people who were forcibly subjected to a serious operation. Suppose you can force people to sing revolutionary songs and walk in leather jackets, conduct propaganda, but this does not mean that a person can be made out of a dog - the usual way of life is not forgotten, dog instincts make themselves felt even through the appearance of a revolutionary proletarian. The scale of this operation carried out by the state is dangerous.

The author is skeptical about what is new free man created by force. The violation of the natural and the forced introduction of the artificial can never end happily: the consequences can be completely unexpected. Bulgakov did not accept the revolution, he could not accept it, because it was destroying culture. But the elements, sweeping away everything in its path, it is pointless to resist.

In many ways, the spokesman for the author's opinion is Professor Preobrazhensky. This is a representative of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia - an educated, cultured person, a specialist in his field. He is a staunch supporter of the old order, when there was no devastation either in the heads or in the closets. The professor strives to teach Sharikov culture in everyday life, but cannot make him cultured person. Two weeks with Sharikov, he confessed, exhausted him more than the last fourteen years. Having turned into a man, Sharik sees in the professor no longer "a wizard, magician and magician from a dog's fairy tale", but a bourgeois who occupies seven rooms. animal instincts also do not pass, they are not outlived either by severe discipline or upbringing. In addition, the genes of Klim Chugunkin, a drunkard and a degenerate, speak in Sharik. Polygraph Poligrafovich sips vodka, walks around taverns, molests women. His speech is more like a barking dog, he catches fleas with his teeth. From this it is impossible to educate a new person, a member of a socialist society - neither by the efforts of Preobrazhensky, nor by the propaganda work of Shvonder, who educates former dog in a Marxist spirit. As a result, Sharikov, chasing cats and biting, looks comical when he talks about Engels' correspondence with Kautsky and speaks of his superiority over the bourgeoisie who live in several rooms.

sharp satire on modern society, the philosophy of the author and fantasy, mysticism intertwined in this story. Bulgakov's humor in the story is so sparkling that the work quickly sold out into quotes, especially after the release. movie of the same name. Comic and grotesque are designed to show the tragic in the story. Part of what is happening is shown through the eyes of a dog. And we can notice that Sharik is much nicer to us than the Polygraph Polygraphovich created from him. The dog is friendly, capable of being ashamed, affectionate - even if he had negative traits-becomes a rude and a boor, impudently demanding to be called by his first name and patronymic, and whose image does not evoke positive emotions in the reader. He can now choke cats with permission to do so! And he considers himself a proletarian who should receive respect and the blessings of life. This contrast and transformation the cutest dog into scum" proves that society does not need a revolution, but development - evolution. It is impossible to “become everything” from nothing, having the psychology of a slave. The right way Bormental chooses to subdue Sharikov - he understands that Polygraph Poligrafovich obeys only force.

The experiment received an unexpected development and showed that neither society nor science can change what is inherent in a person. Sharikov denounces the professor, and then attempts on his life. Feeling responsible for what has been done, Preobrazhensky does everything to return Sharik to his former state. Final scene, when the professor is accused of Sharikov's murder, contains an important thought: to speak does not yet mean to be a man. The ending of the story does not inspire optimism, although everything seems to fall into place. No one guarantees that such experiments will not continue. And non-observance of moral and natural laws threatens with catastrophe.

M.A. Bulgakov is one of the brightest and most talented writers of the mid-20th century. The themes of his works remain relevant and retain deep meaning due to its versatility and originality. One of the most famous works is the story "Heart of a Dog".

The work was written in 1925, but only 1987 was able to publish it. The ban on publication was directly related to the content of the work and almost direct criticism of the realities of Soviet reality in the 20s.

The title of the story "Heart of a Dog" can be interpreted in different ways. First, the most obvious - the author simply chose such a name based on the events described in the work (the hero lives with the heart of a dog). You can also interpret the word "dog" and in figuratively, that is, "very bad" (for example, "dog life", "dog work"). Given this value, we can conclude that Sharikov has a "dog's" heart. from good and cute dog he turned into a vicious, mercenary and boorish subhuman.

The theme of the work is an incredible experiment that ends with the transformation of a dog into a man, as well as the consequences to which this led. Using the grotesque, the author introduces elements of fantasy into ordinary urban reality. The action of the story begins with the fact that Professor F.F. Preobrazhensky decides to conduct an experiment on transplanting the human pituitary gland and seminal glands into a stray dog. The operation gives an amazing result - the dog begins to gradually turn into a man. Moreover, over time, he more and more resembles his "donor" - the thief and drunkard Klim Chugunkin. So the homeless dog Sharik becomes Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov. Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Bormenthal are trying to instill Sharikov good manners and educate him, but all their efforts are in vain. Their ward receives documents and requires a residence permit, constantly comes drunk, sticks to the servants; he starts working in the department for catching stray cats, brings a woman home and writes to the professor to the nose. Sharikov literally destroys the professor's life, and also destroys his faith in the possibility of re-education.

The author poses several problems for the reader at once. This is also a question of interference in the laws of nature - Professor Preobrazhensky is driven by the best of intentions, but the result turns out to be just the opposite. He is forced to deal with the unintended consequences of his experiment. The author also touches upon the issues of the relationship between the intelligentsia and the people in the post-revolutionary period. In ironic tones, Bulgakov describes stupid bureaucratic delays and lack of culture. Condemns illiteracy, ignorance and stupidity.

The work often uses a contrast technique - Professor Preobrazhensky and his entourage are opposed to the aggressively-minded and absurd world, revealed through the images of Shvonder and other members of the house committee. Also, the author often uses the grotesque and irony, emphasizing the shortcomings and meaninglessness of what is happening.

The end of the story is instructive. The good intentions of Preobrazhensky turn into a tragedy. The only way out was the return of the ball to its original position.

Without exception, all Bulgakov's works literally fascinate the reader, put before him the toughest questions, which is not so easy to solve. Bulgakov's story "The Heart of a Dog" makes one think about the place of a person in the world, about responsibility for one's own actions and the actions of others. The story is written in an amazing language, full of caustic sarcasm, but at the same time it is perceived as a deep, philosophical work.
Bulgakov makes the heroes of the story the symbols of the era. Professor Preobrazhensky is a real Russian intellectual, a representative of the outgoing category of society. A lot of things that were important and necessary for people are leaving with him. The professor's statements may seem ridiculous. But humor does not detract from their relevance. "Dove! I'm not talking about steam heating ... Let: once social revolution- no need to drown "; “why, when this whole story began, did everyone start walking in dirty galoshes and felt boots up the marble stairs?”; "Why was the carpet removed from the front stairs?" "Why can't the proletarian leave his galoshes downstairs, but soil the marble?"
In terms of ballpoints, which are essentially a symbol new era, the aesthetics of everyday life is completely unnecessary. At the same time, the “new people” are ready to abandon everything that has been created over the centuries. Aspiration to build new life is perceived by them as the need to completely destroy what has been done before. Bulgakov puts a lot of well-aimed remarks into the mouth of Professor Preobrazhensky.
“What is this “devastation” of yours? An old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the windows, put out all the lamps?... Destruction is not in the closets, but in the heads.
Apt and very accurate remarks are made by many characters in the story. Including a homeless dog even before turning into a man who is distinguished by rare powers of observation and intelligence. The real life of post-revolutionary Russia appears before us in all its frightening plausibility. Dark pictures stand before us from the very beginning of the story. Blizzard as a symbol of sadness; neglected empty streets as a symbol of poverty, wretchedness. At the very beginning of the story, we look at the situation through the eyes of a homeless mongrel. Nothing pleases our eyes. Here a typist girl runs past, who earns mere pennies "in the ninth category, four and a half chervonets."
There can be no minor details to create an objective picture. The image of the typist is also not accidental. The young girl looks so unhappy, frozen, half-starved that we begin to understand how unfair and ugly reality is. And how much the phrase says: “I am now the chairman, and no matter how much I steal, everything, everything is on female body, on cancer necks, on Abrau-Durso. Because I was hungry enough in my youth, it will be with me, eh afterlife does not exist".
Bulgakov in his story raises very serious questions - he makes you think about the morality of the people we encounter on the pages of the work. Theft is everywhere. No one cares about the observance of order, the country is in decline, society is degrading.
And against the background of this degradation appears new person, Sharikov. The fact that in Bulgakov's story this new man was quite recently stray dog, very symbolic. It is especially important that, being a dog, Sharikov was distinguished by greater decency and aroused sincere compassion and sympathy. Becoming a man, he causes only disgust.
The new man, who is represented in the story by Polygraph Polygraph Sharikov, fully complies with the requirements of the “new life”, is a “product” of his era. He is unspiritual, uneducated, ungrateful, stupid, aggressive. He feels like a real master of life, not paying attention to anyone.
Deserves close attention and denunciation of Professor Preobrazhensky. This testifies to Sharikov's complete absence of any human qualities. Distinctive features this character are meanness, envy, hatred for everything and everyone around.
The master of life, namely, this is how the “new man” began to feel after the revolution, he is very strong. He does not stop at anything, does not think about morality and morality. The fantastic experiment in the story is a reflection of a real, huge social experiment - the revolution. The character of Sharikov's story could not become a man; we have only a Creature in front of us, remotely similar to him.
Next to the "ball" are those who are weaker and more vulnerable. And communication with "new people" brings only suffering. It is impossible to imagine something more monstrous than a society in which the “balls”, these heartless and evil creatures, are in charge of everything. In the story, Professor Preobrazhensky finds "control" on Sharikov, he simply turns him back into a dog. But the social experiment - the revolution - does not go back. And that is why the story leaves a feeling of some understatement. The writer poses a problem, allowing readers to think about it. Therefore, even today, after a significant period of time, we can think about the society of "balls", the echoes of which we still feel.

The story of M.A. Bulgakov dog's heart is devoted to the role of the intelligentsia and its participation in the fate of the people, and the everyday background typical of the 1920s in Russia is combined in the story with elements of fantasy.

The protagonist of the story, Professor Preobrazhensky, is a typical intellectual who serves science and wants, like a doctor, to help any person in need, good or bad. These features of his greatly admire his assistant, Dr. Bormental, who is far from being so humanistic and philanthropic.

“How is it you, Philipp Philippovich, managed to lure such nervous dog? - Kindness, kindness... The only way, which is possible in dealing with a living being ...

Together they decide to perform an unprecedented operation - to transplant a human pituitary gland into an ordinary yard dog. The result, from the point of view of science, really turned out to be phenomenal and unpredictable - the dog acquired a human appearance; however, from the point of view of morality and everyday life, the consequences were deplorable.

The transformed dog took over the appearance and habits from his donor, whose pituitary gland was transplanted to him - the drunkard and rowdy Klim Chugunkin. Consequently, it turned out to be an ignorant, rude and presumptuous being.

The former dog is now called Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. He gradually gets out of control of the professor and doctor, lives his own life. He wants at all costs to become no worse than others, but he does not understand that for this it is necessary to develop culturally, morally and intellectually.

“Something you hurt me painfully, daddy.
- What?! What a dad I am! What kind of familiarity is this? Call me by my first name.
- Why are you all: don’t give a damn, then don’t smoke, don’t go there. Clean, like a tram. Why don't you let me live? And about the "daddy" - you are in vain. Did I ask me to do the operation?

Instead, he puts on patent-leather shoes and a poison-colored tie, combined with an untidy dirty suit, and, thanks to the help of the house manager (an equally ignorant one), registers himself in Professor Preobrazhesky's apartment and even tries to bring his wife there.

Sharikov was taken to work in a state institution, therefore, he became a small boss. And for Sharikov, realizing himself as a boss means external changes - now he drives a state car and puts on a leather jacket and boots, considers himself entitled to dispose of other people's destinies.

The destructive force of militant ignorance

Professor Preobrazhensky does not lose hope of making a real person out of Sharikov, he believes that gradually he will be able to morally change. But Sharikov himself does not aspire to this.

He turns the professor's life into a nightmare: the apartment is constantly dirty and ugly, Sharikov comes home drunk and molests women, destroys everything around and uses foul language. Gradually, he infuriates not only the professor, but also all the residents of the house: the power of his ignorance is so destructive that it is very difficult to live next to him.

Looking at the results of their scientific experiments, Professor Preobrazhensky comes to the conclusion that one cannot forcibly interfere in the nature of man and society.

At the end of this story, the professor corrects his mistake and again turns Sharikov into a dog, who is again pleased with himself. However, in real life such experiments would be irreversible.

“I don’t understand anything,” answered Philipp Philippovich, shrugging his shoulders royally, “what kind of Sharikov is that? Ah, sorry, that dog of mine... whom I operated on?
— Excuse me, professor, not a dog, but when he was already a man. That's the problem.
- So he said? asked Philip Philipovich. “That doesn’t mean you have to be human. However, it doesn't matter. Sharik still exists, and no one decisively killed him.

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