Gosloto: reviews of real people, winners and prizes. Gosloto: reviews of real people, winners and prizes Archive 6 of 45 jackpot winners

For 2 months we have been keeping statistics of the game (honesty test!) in Russian lotteries on one popular resource

Do you seriously think that when playing lotteries with closed draws and with a withdrawal animated video broadcasts, really win the jackpot?

Then we go to you!

By experience, we will prove to you how players are deceived on this resource. Really serious prizes and jackpots (1st and 2nd categories - far from random people fall out!). Call it what you want, up to laundering the game money supply.

Statistics of rates of one of our players on the main lotteries (6 out of 45 & 5 out of 36):

For example, one of the bets on 140 combinations of numbers in the state lottery lottery is 6 out of 45 with a probability of winning the jackpot - 1 to 8,000,000, and, accordingly, the probability of winning secondary prizes is an order of magnitude higher.

A detailed bet was issued with 8 numbers on each of the 6 fields of the ticket:

as you can see, the cost of this bet was 14 000 R. - as a result, the gain was - 1500 R.

On the other hand, this may seem like an absolutely normal set of circumstances, but not when comrades playing in parallel bet on amounts more than 30 000 rubles in each draw, covering the most popular combinations and numbers on 6 ticket fields - winning miserable 1500r.

Many of the combinations that drop out during consecutive draws really suggest the planned 20 minutes before the start of the draws and automatically generated combinations, because the numbers sometimes fall out far from random!

There have been cases of falling in two consecutive draws 3 and 4 repeated numbers in combination, which, in principle, according to the theory of probability, is practically impossible, the probability is 0.000001%

Those. support absolutely officially answers our question:

Player: What are the guarantees that the drop-down combinations (rapido, 6 out of 45, 5 out of 36) are not automatically selected in a non-random manner, based on already purchased tickets (bets) using some da Vinci code generator (just in these 20 minutes before the start of the draw, after the closing of bets) ?

Support answer:There are no guarantees, by default you must trust us, since we have a draw commission and number generators patented by special structures.

So, it turns out that we are obliged to believe that money is not laundered in this way, but actually won by phantom players, which is also unrealistic to trace.

It would be good if there was also a live broadcast of drawings with real people in the draw commission, which we could see, and, accordingly, the process of choosing numbers by lottery specials. device.

Perhaps the number of winning people in each draw is a fiction that is presented to us as a distraction, which supposedly we really win, but it is not possible to trace it.

The next important point:

Why is the distribution of prizes of the 2nd category and other minor prizes often between a clearly defined number of participants?

How, in principle, this can be possible according to the theory of probability, if the number of players is more than 100,000 people, and the number of bets sometimes exceeds 300,000.

ON A NOTE: In the lottery gosloto 6 out of 45- the probability of guessing 5 numbers out of 6 (to win a prize of the 2nd category) is an order of magnitude less than guessing 5 numbers out of 5 in lottery 5 out of 35(prize of the 1st category), but for some reason the number of guessing 5 numbers in the lottery is 6 out of 45 - always more than 1 (from 1 to 10).

In the lottery 5 out of 36, the prize of the first category (guessing 5 combination numbers) is by no means played in every draw and this is done with only one goal - to maintain the interest of players in this game due to the rapid increase in the jackpot amount by constantly injecting money into it. This no longer suggests that numbers in the state lotto do not fall out randomly.

Number of winners of the second category prizes in the draws gosloto lotteries 6 out of 45 and 5 out of 36(coincidence of 5 out of 6 numbers and coincidence of 4 out of 5 numbers in a combination, respectively) - constantly seems to be adjusted to certain limits.

In the lottery 5 out of 36 the number of guessing 4 numbers out of 5 often never exceeds 30 people in order to leave a range for choosing the 5th number in the combination of the lottery generator - thus Grand Prize 1st category is not played and accumulates up to a certain value. Subsequently, it is not broken by random people and displayed on "Funding Public Expenditure".

Although, in principle, we will never check this behind the dead statistics of the results of the drawings - whether the number of winners of the second category prize really ranges from 13-30 people, or only 2, or maybe no one at all.

Numbers may not fall out randomly, but in a completely definite and convenient way for individuals so that the number of winners was 0, but for all those who play through the site stoloto.ru and follow the game in draw results certain amounts of payments to the winners will be displayed so that players can see the imaginary and falsified results of the draws (picture above) and be convinced that there are winners and they are paid real money - you can’t check this!

And believe me, programmatically implementing such a scheme does not seem too difficult!

Thus, the money collected for the draw from draw to draw can not be distributed among real players (payments to non-existent winners), but go to well-defined "offshore" funds of the management of the state lotto and other government agencies.

I do not argue, small amounts up to 6000 r. there is a meager chance of winning, but large jackpots (more than 5-300 million rubles) and prizes of the second category - you are unlikely to ever win.

The invented stories of the winners can really cling to the soul, but falsify them, and also find the right people, playing the role of millionaires is also not difficult - this is the opinion of not only our specialists.

For example, let's take the State Lottery 5 out of 36 (with a "higher probability" of winning - 1 to 300,000).

The cost of 126 combinations was about 4000-5000 rubles.

Bottom line - no winnings! At the same time, employees of "one hundred loto" note that every fourth combination wins.

The summary of all of the above is as follows:

The choice is yours to play or not to play Russian lotteries, but honesty and openness of the lottery are still important!

Now that open official foreign lotteries online for Russians- the opportunity to win the American or European Jackpot (up to 1.5 billion dollars) through verified lottery websites of Mega Lottery agents (www.MegaLotter.Ru) - has become a reality!

*All bets placed for the test "Russian state lotteries", were issued with money won in foreign lotteries(powerball, eurojackpot, euromillions, megamillions) passing with real draw commissions in live on TV channels of the countries participating in these lotteries.

Design one of the most big prizes in history Russian lotteries 37 year old engineer Alexey R. trusted his wife. As told Anastasia Alexei has been fond of lotteries since childhood. Together with his grandfather, he bought tickets and dreamed of becoming famous throughout the country as a lottery winner: “My husband and his grandfather were very close friends. Grandfather loved the lottery so much that when the draw was on TV, all the household members calmed down, so as not to interfere with the head of the family to check the results.

Regarding the grandiose luck of more than 126 million rubles, Anastasia speaks with a broad smile: “You know, we ask each other a hundred times a day: is it true, did this happen to us? My husband asked me to tell you that we will spend the winnings on construction big house for the big, big family we dream about. And he said that he would definitely build a huge playground for all the kids in the area! As soon as we carry out all our plans, we will immediately invite everyone to visit.

Recall that the 1336th draw of Gosloto 6 out of 45 took place on May 29. The bet amount that brought the winner multi-million dollar win, - 800 rubles.

And we hasten to please all fans of Gosloto 6 out of 45: a fantastic offer awaits you! The lucky one, who guesses all 6 numbers of the winning combination between June 17 and July 7, will also receive a luxurious Mercedes-Benz C-class car in addition to the super prize.

But that's not all. Even if no one wins the super prize, the car will still be raffled off. Among all Gosloto 6 out of 45 tickets purchased from June 17 to July 7 for draws from No. 1374 to No. 1475 inclusive, one will be randomly selected, the owner of which will get a gorgeous prize!

Intrigued? Then rather in pursuit of the "Mercedes"!

You can try your luck at all lottery kiosks, Euroset mobile phone stores, Svyaznoy stores, Russian Post offices or on the website www.stoloto.ru.

At the request of Alexey and Anastasia, we do not use their full names and photos.

Photos from the 41st...

The contest "Our Victory" is over, but "Stoloto" continues to receive letters from readers with stories about loved ones - participants in the Great Patriotic War ...

The Pateev family on the last Sunday before the war. Odessa, June 1941 Photo: From the personal archive

“When the war started, I was 11 years old. My father, Pateev Vasily Ivanovich served as an artilleryman. In November 1940 he was assigned to Odessa. The family moved with him. I remember that on the night of June 22, 1941, a bus drove up to the house and took all the commanders to the headquarters of the district, and closer to the morning we woke up from a terrible roar, a heavy howl of planes, and anti-aircraft guns fired: enemy planes bombed Odessa. So we learned that the Germans attacked our country.

We were evacuated with my mother and brother. My mother's parents lived in the village of Kstovo, Gorky Region. Here we come to them. I studied at a rural school. In each class hung a map of the country, where every day we marked the movement of our troops with flags. They grieved when the Germans entered Odessa. But how they rejoiced when our troops won a victory near Moscow! Everyone shouted "Hurrah!", kissed and cried with joy. And the teachers are with us.

At the beginning of 1943, my father was transferred to Stalingrad ... And on May 9, 1945, we met Victory Day in Gorodok Yankovsky, Lviv region (now called simply Gorodok), on the very border with Poland. It was a warm, sunny morning, the chestnut trees were in bloom. Dad and I were walking somewhere. Suddenly, officers and soldiers run up to us and shout: “Dad! Victory! World! We won!" - and began to throw it into the air. There was so much joy and happiness on their faces!

Now I am 85 years old. I have three daughters, four grandsons and granddaughters, one great-granddaughter and two great-grandchildren. Our family is big and friendly. Everyone knows and honors the memory of their own grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Victory Day is the biggest and most holy holiday for us.”

Dina Vasilievna Pateeva, Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Click to enlarge

Lotteries Gosloto 6 out of 45, Gosloto 5 out of 36, Gosloto 7 out of 49, Russian loto», « housing lottery”, “Rapido”, “All for a hundred” are held from 05/02/2012 to 12/31/2029. "Sportloto 6 out of 49", "Keno-Sportloto" and instant lotteries"Sportloto" are held from 14.09.2009 to 31.12.2029.
Information about the organizer of the lottery, the rules of the lottery, the number of prizes or winnings based on the results of its holding, the timing, place and procedure for receiving winnings can be found on the website www.stoloto.ru or by calling 8-499-270-27-27 and *777 .

Won a couple of times

Grade: 5

The lottery is interesting, it hung on the stoloto website for a very long time, since I was a student. It's convenient, you don't need to buy tickets, everything happens right on the lottery website. In order to be able to play this lottery, I had to register an account. It took no more than a minute, then I chose my cherished 6 numbers in the aggregator and began to wait for the draw. I must say that they are held often, literally 2-3 times a day, so there is a greater chance to win, and the amounts are more impressive.
My maximum winnings in the lottery was 500 rubles. I withdrew without problems by phone number, then I played a dozen more times, but I never won more than 50 rubles, I spent them on buying new tickets.

Justified the costs

Grade: 4

The only downside I noticed is draw is on on TV too early, on weekends, so I just watch the results of the draw online. But the minus is not so critical. So, for those who get up early just right. The ticket that I bought last time became the winning one, even jumped on the chair when the notification came. True, the winnings amounted to only 80 rubles, but it's still nice that at least the costs paid off. I can recommend the lottery to anyone who likes to dream.

It's hard to win

Grade: 3

Pros: You can win. Cons: Expensive. The lottery is not new, it appeared more than 5 years ago. Outwardly, the tickets have not changed much, they are issued in the same way, the same fields, numbered with letters. I don’t like to play on the Internet, so I buy tickets only in stalls. Circulations are infrequent, only 2 times a day, but it's better than every 15 minutes and better than once a week. So there is less confusion, hassle, but you will not forget which day to wait for the draw.
The organizers quickly jacked up the prices when it became popular, initially the cheapest ticket cost 50 rubles. Often it turns out to guess 2 numbers, but this is only a win of 100 rubles, I don’t even try to return them, because getting money, even a small amount, is very dreary.

Only that which is not at a loss

Grade: 3

1 ticket costs 100 rubles. I filled in the tickets with combinations of numbers immediately at the kiosk, then I checked the results of the draws on the Internet. Won not large sums from 50 to 700 rubles and again took tickets for them. big win so I never got caught.

One of the most winning

Grade: 4

I noticed one feature: to win, you need to invest a lot of money, so the chances increase and there is logic in this! I can't spend a large sum I spend a little, but I also win a little. My principle is simple: in order not to be excruciatingly painful, I spend only the money that I have "free" on the lottery. 2nd principle: I do not change the combination of numbers during the year, for example. I put the same ones for a very long time, until the feeling comes that it's time to change them. And yet, I never throw away the purchased tickets, I save them. This gambling periodically pleases me with not very big winnings.

I don't see the draw online

Grade: 3

I don't know if this is a coincidence or a regularity, but every time I try to watch the draw online, the picture hangs wildly and "crumbles". Although the laptop is quite powerful and fast. In the application on the phone, by the way, the same situation. Therefore, I will find out the results only in the drawing table. It also happens that the gaming site credits money to the wallet in the personal account for a long time, so I don’t have time to buy a ticket. Until you wait for enrollment, sales are terminated. And we have to wait for the next edition.

The multi-circulation option is available, so there is a chance!

Grade: 4

I bet on the same numbers for several draws in advance. In this lottery, this option is available. It is curious that with the advent of the Internet, you can easily see which numbers fall out most often. The Stoloto website will provide any information on winnings, statistics before your eyes. Those who win admit to using combinations of the winning numbers.

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will receive ...

Grade: 5

The point of the game is to have as many matching numbers as possible on your ticket.
Tickets can be purchased both at points of sale and online. Of course, people want to brag about their luck, but the risk of being left with nothing, thanks to such publicity, is great. So, no one knows about hidden gains. There are units that advertise themselves.

Lucky numbers never came up

Grade: 4

Despite many negative reviews in the network calling this lottery a scam, I don’t think this is a scam of gullible Fortune seekers. Firstly, I myself often win, however, minimal amounts, and secondly, I personally know a person who hit a solid jackpot in this lottery - more than 100 thousand rubles. Well, what is the lottery with state participation- already a certain reputation. And here is the functionality that supposedly shows lucky numbers, dropping out most often, did not inspire confidence. I fell for him and crossed them out on the ticket, among other numbers. Moreover, I put a ticket for the maximum possible number of runs, that is, in this lottery it is 10. Accordingly, the price of the ticket soared several times compared to what it would be if I ordered a simple, single-run bet.

No juggling

Grade: 4

Of course, guessing 6 numbers when there are 45 cells on the field is difficult, but the more excitement. The cost of tickets is small - for only 100 rubles you get a chance to become a millionaire. I like that you can play not only with the paper version of the lottery, but also online. I like the option of playing by SMS, everything is exactly the same as in the paper version, but there is no need to be afraid that the ticket will be lost - all numbers sent by message are automatically entered into the drawing system. By the way, the lottery website has a hint for especially gamblers - the most frequently drawn numbers are indicated both for the last 10 draws and for the entire time of the lottery. So, I think everything is fair and without juggling. Moreover, draws are held three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening, the results of the draws can be monitored in real time.

Has a premium club

Grade: 5

As for me, it’s more convenient to play on the site than to deal with paper media. Because, having lost the stub from a paper ticket, then you will not prove anything to anyone. And in in electronic format no data is lost. As soon as you put the ticket in the basket and paid (and you need to do this within 15 minutes, otherwise the ticket will automatically fly out of the basket), all information is recorded on the site server and will not be lost anywhere.
It's nice that the site has a system of bonus promotion. Installed the application on the phone - get a bonus, paid and sent e-ticket friend - also accrued a bonus. Bonus points can then be spent on buying tickets, but cashing out will not work. Those who often play and bet large amounts can be enrolled in the Premium Club, where, in addition to all sorts of goodies in the form of closed promotions, accelerated auto-payments, the opportunity to participate in the draw for free, there is also a personal manager.

Lotteries are popular entertainment all over the world. Many people want to try their luck by doing minimum investment and earning huge profits. There are many reasons for such a risk: the desire to get rich quickly and effortlessly, to believe in a miracle, to change life, to have fun, to get positive emotions. Fortune smiles on some, while others are still in search of answers to the question: "How to win the 6 out of 45 lottery."

General Lottery Rules

For more than eight years, gamblers have been buying tickets, hoping for a solid reward. To have a chance of winning, you need to know the basic information about Gosloto "6 out of 45". There are several options for getting the opportunity to place a bet:

  1. On the official website, where after paying the receipt, you can choose the numbers you like.
  2. On the mobile app.
  3. In the branches of the Russian Post.
  4. Via SMS, which is sent to the number 9999.
  5. At points of sale of tickets.
  6. With a QR code.

The probability of winning the lottery "6 out of 45" depends on the number of guessed numbers. For example, a match of six numbers occurs in one case in 8,145,060. Further, the odds are: 5 - 1 in 34808, 4 - 1 in 733, 3 - 1 in 45, 2 - 1 in 7. To get closer to victory, many produce more bets, while others firmly believe in luck.

Draws take place daily. First, the volume is calculated prize pool, and only then the drawing of the lottery "6 out of 45" is carried out. Lottery equipment determines the lucky combinations that are obtained randomly. Participants will learn about the results by calling the number 84 992 702 727, which is indicated on the official website or at ticket sales points.

Ways to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire

In their interviews, the joyful winners report different options achieving success. So how do you win the 6 out of 45 lottery? The most popular ways:

  1. The use of conspiracies and mystical rituals to attract good luck.
  2. Choice of favorite numbers.
  3. A bet on those numbers that are happy, significant, carrying a certain meaning.
  4. Blind faith in the fact that someday fortune will certainly show favor.
  5. The usual positive attitude.
  6. Deep analysis of the lottery "6 out of 45", the study of statistics.
  7. Recourse to the help of self-made LFOs.
  8. Development of personal strategies.
  9. Using the same combination over and over again.
  10. Help from loved ones who are distinguished by enviable luck.

Determining the size of the bet

The question of how to win the "6 out of 45" lottery by varying the bet is still open. There are cases in history when a person bought a single ticket, spending minimal money, and as a result received a large reward. There are also people who have been investing for years, combining ways of playing, using expanded rates, but still only suffer losses.

With an increase in the cost of a receipt, the probability of winning increases, as evidenced by the repeated analysis of past draws. However, it is not very wise to invest the last savings in the illusory hope of becoming a millionaire. You always have to be mentally prepared for failure. Therefore, it is recommended to spend only the money that you do not mind losing forever.

Some winners used multi-circulation bets to win. They chose the number series they liked once, paying for participation in several future draws at once. One of the fans of such a strategy was able to receive more than 184 million rubles.

How to select winning combinations

How to win the "6 out of 45" lottery using the correct number guessing tactics? The main tips for beginners are as follows:

  • You don't have to pick numbers in a row.
  • Do not pay too much attention to dates, since there are only 31 days in a month, and even fewer months. A number from 32 to 45, as a rule, often remains unclaimed.
  • It is worth trying to bet with a group of friends, increasing the number of combinations.
  • From time to time, you should make detailed bets, getting the opportunity to choose up to 14 numbers.

Is there a secret to getting 100% winnings?

Now you can meet a large number of scammers who ask for solid money for providing those who wish step by step instructions capable of bringing the jackpot. They assure that it is their system of winning the "6 out of 45" lottery that is the only correct, reliable and successful one. However, you do not need to believe in such fairy tales.

If there is a desire to try your luck, then it is better to do it yourself than to give your funds to dishonest citizens who are trying to get rich at the expense of gullible players. The secrets of victory are unique.

Someone is helped by mathematical charts, in which the analysis of the "6 out of 45" lottery plays a decisive role. Others invent formulas for calculating lucky combinations. Still others "poke a finger in the sky." There are people who claim that the cherished numbers appeared to them in a dream. Therefore, you should rely on personal intuition.

Not recommended to skip distribution runs, since in them, when guessing the correct numbers, the jackpot will be many times larger. An indispensable guarantee of success is a good mood, self-confidence and lack of fanaticism. If you are unlucky once, do not give up your hobby. Regularity is an essential condition for achieving what you want.

Thus, each participant has the same chances of getting the coveted jackpot. Experienced lottery fans are constantly inventing new ways to get closer to the big prize. However, there are no 100% successful algorithms. You can try each of them in turn, combine, combine, invent personal theories. The result will still be individual and random.

Millions of players play lotteries using random numbers, significant numbers for them (dates of birth, etc.), as well as numbers that astrologers, psychics, etc. advise them. But, annoyingly, it almost never brings them any income. And to be more precise, such numbers bring winnings very, very rarely and by a lucky chance. A small part of all players play differently, using any lottery systems compiled without much analysis and developed strategy. They, like random numbers, do not bring the desired results, such as frequent wins, exceeding the cost of tickets (investment in the lottery) or receiving a super prize - the Jackpot.

I have been playing gosloto for many draws. During this time I have collected great amount information, after careful analysis and processing of which I managed to create an excellent system that increases the chances of winning the state lotto or any other lottery 6 out of 45. If you are interested, then spend 15 minutes of your time studying this article at the Knowledge House. After that, you will be able to develop your personal combinations of winning numbers, which will bring excellent income from the lottery.

As I said, I worked on the creation of this system for a very long time and painstakingly, but the result turned out to be gorgeous. These are not some shamanistic predictions of numbers, putting numbers down by a computer, or ordinary guessing. This is a real working system built on real numbers and many years of testing, thanks to which I win in almost 90% of all state lotto draws (6 out of 45).

Advantages of the 6 out of 45 system for winnings in the state lotto:

  • This system greatly increases the chances of winning the state lotto or any lottery 6 out of 45.
  • Drawing up winning lottery combinations is a fairly simple process that does not require skills.
  • All that is needed after creating your personal combinations is to mark them in the lottery tickets of the State Lottery or another 6 out of 45 lottery.

For victories in the state lotto and lottery 6 out of 45, it is recommended:

  • Do not change your personal set numbers for a long time.
  • Play only according to the given combinations and the planned budget.
  • Do not throw away previously filled tickets, as they may still be needed.
  • Do not use the numbers from the example given in this article, but create your own personal combinations. Otherwise, in case of a win, this will lead to a decrease in the payout, because. these same figures can be used by many other people who are too lazy to create their own tables.

How to make combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45.

For correct compilation winning combinations consider these factors:

  1. There should not be more than two digits in a row.
  2. Each combination must include 3 even numbers and 3 odd numbers.
  3. Each combination must include three numbers from 1 to 24 and three from 25 to 45.
  4. Any patterns in the compilation of combinations are optional.
  5. The listed requirements for compiling combinations for the state lottery or another lottery 6 out of 45 are only advisory in nature and are optional.

Recommendations for creating combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45.

To make winning combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45, you will need 3 tables, each of which consists of 6 columns and 45 rows.

Then, according to the example given in this article on the Knowledge House, you will create sets of numbers - combinations that will then need to be transferred to lottery tickets.

Table I (T1).

Draw a 6x45 table on a sheet, and then proceed to fill in the cells of the 1st line.

The first line of T1.

  • Cell I. Put odd a number from 1 to 8. I'll enter 3.
  • Cell II. Enter even a number from 8 to 17. I have it 12.
  • Cell III. Put here odd a number that is greater than the previous one (12), but not greater than 26. For example, 23.
  • Cell IV. It should be here even number. It should be located close to the previous number 23. It is better if their difference does not exceed 3. In this example I'll put 26.
  • Cell V. This cage should contain odd the number from the last (26) to 40. For example, I will put 29.
  • Cell VI. Write here even a number greater than the previous 29, but less than or equal to 45. Let me have 38.

This completes the filling of the first line of T1.

Table II (T2).

When filling out the first line of T2, you must constantly check the numbers from the first line of T1. If duplication is found, change the numbers in T2.

The first line of T2.

  • Cell I. Any number from 9 to 17. I'll write down 10. Then check that the number does not match the one written in T1.
  • Cell II. Any number between 18 and 26. I use 20. And of course, make sure it doesn't repeat in T1.
  • Cell III. Any digit between the previous number (20) and 34. I'll write down 21. Make sure 21 is not duplicated in T1.
  • Cell IV. The number is greater than the previous number (21), but less than 36. In this example, let it be 31. Check with T1.
  • Cell V. Enter even a number that is greater than the previous one (31), but less than 43. In our case, it is 36. Check that there is no duplicate of this number in T1.
  • Cell VI. odd a number that is greater than the previous 36, but not greater than 43. In this example, I will put 41.

Table III (T3).

Entering numbers in the first line of this table, you must compare them with the numbers from the first lines of T1 and T2. If you notice matches, then change the numbers in T3.

The first line of T3.

  • Cell I. Enter even a number from 1 to 8. We have this number 6. Make sure that given number does not match the numbers from T1 and T2.
  • Cell II. Select odd a number that is greater than the previous one (6), but less than 26. I will write down 13. Make sure that 13 is not duplicated in T1 and T2.
  • Cell III. odd the number is greater than the last (13) and up to 36. Let it be, for example, 19. Make sure that it does not duplicate numbers from T1 and T2.
  • Cell IV. Enter even a number close to the last one (19), and with a difference not exceeding 3. In our version, this number will be 22. Make sure that 22 does not repeat with the numbers from T1 and T2.
  • Cell V. Even a number that is greater than the previous one (22), but not more than 42. Let it be 40. Check that the number 40 is not duplicated in T1 and T2.
  • Cell VI. odd a number that is greater than the previous one (40), but less than 45. I will write down 43. And again check this figure with T1 and T2.

On this we have finished filling the first rows of all tables with numbers that fully correspond to the conditions of the system. These three lines are three combinations to fill lottery tickets. Now it remains to increase their number for a productive game in the state lotto and other lotteries 6 out of 45.

We increase the number of winning combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45.

The most hard part work has already been completed. Next, you need to fill in the empty cells in the tables. This is done vertically from top to bottom, each time adding 1 to a new number. At the same time, the maximum possible number- 45. If, upon reaching the maximum number 45, you have empty cells below, then write 1 in the next empty one, then, as usual, 2, 3, 4,5, etc.

I think you understand how to correctly fill in the remaining empty cells of the tables. For an example, you can take a look at the one I got.

As you can see, everything is very simple here, and as a result we got 135 combinations that need to be entered into the lottery tickets of the State Lottery or other lotteries 6 out of 45.

How to fill lottery tickets.

Decide on your budget before buying tickets. Of course, you can fill in 3 or 6 combinations per draw, but the best result can only be achieved by completing 60-90-120 combinations per draw. If you do not have money for such a volume of tickets, then it is better to pick them up, and only then start the game. Also invest not in 1 circulation, but make a schedule for 1-2-3-6-12 months and stick to it exactly. Read more about lottery investing and budgeting.

Let's look at an example of filling out gosloto tickets.

An example of filling out state lotto or lottery tickets 6 out of 45.

First, figure out how to label numbers correctly. It can be different characters.

In each field (A, B, C, D, E and F) it is necessary to enter combinations from the tables one by one.

The sequence of combinations should be as follows:

  1. Field A– T1 line 1
  2. Field B– T2 line 1
  3. Field B– T3 line 1

Fill in the next three fields of the ticket in the same sequence of tables, but take the numerical combinations from the second line:

  1. Field D– T1 line 2
  2. Field D– T2 line 2
  3. Field E– T3 line 2

The first ticket is full. To fill in all subsequent lottery tickets, use the same order of tables, but each time go down 1 line.

When playing in the state lotto or lottery "6 out of 36" according to this system, strictly observe:

  • sequence of filling lottery tickets;
  • number of planned circulations;
  • investing in the purchase of lottery tickets in each draw. You don’t need to buy more than planned, otherwise you will simply lose money.

Big and frequent wins!!!

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...