The role of biology in modern society briefly. Biology as a science

Article on the topic: "The role of biology in people's lives"

Made by biology teacher

branch of MBOU secondary school No. 1 with. Mrakovo

OOSH s. carnage

Shcherbakova Svetlana Ivanovna

The successes and achievements of biological science convincingly testify that humanity has entered a new age - the age of biology. The biology of our time has become a means not only of study, but also of direct influence on the living world. The tendencies of designing and constructing biological objects are growing in it, the tasks of managing living objects and systems are manifested.

In the strategy of research activity in biology, such new directions as foresight and forecasting appear. There is a need to develop scenarios for the foreseeable future for all levels of biological reality. Modern biology is entering a new stage of its development, which can be called bioengineering. The formation and rapid development of genetic and cellular engineering, engineering of biogeocenoses, solving the problems of interaction between the biosphere and humanity require the improvement of methods of analysis and conscious control of the entire new complex of research and practical developments.

As biology develops and its achievements are introduced into the life of human society, the number of people for whom biological education will be an element of their professional training will increase. This shows that the importance of biological education in schools is increasing. It should also be noted that the school subject "Biology" contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview in students, i.e. systems of the most general views on the world and man, on the relationship between man and the world. And this is very important, because. worldview determines the life program of the individual, ideals and beliefs, interests and values. Ultimately, it determines the line of human behavior.

The development of a scientific worldview in the process of teaching biology is of particular importance for high school students who show an increased interest in philosophical problems due to the natural need to comprehend reality as a whole. In the process of teaching biology, in unity with the development of dialectical thinking of schoolchildren, a scientific picture of the organic world, the historicity of life and its place in the system of forms of movement, the contradictory way of knowing living nature. “The ultimate goal of a natural science course in a general education institution,” wrote Alexander Yakovlevich Gerd, “is to lead the student to a certain worldview, consistent with the current state of the natural sciences.”

Biology is one of the leading subjects of the natural science cycle in the school system, since it is of great importance in the formation and development of a child's personality. Without it, it is impossible to ensure a healthy lifestyle and preserve the environment - the place of life for all mankind. Each school subject, including biology, with its goals, objectives and content should contribute to the formation of a functionally literate personality, i.e. a person who can actively use his knowledge, constantly learn and master new knowledge all his life. The main directions (lines) of development of students by means of the subject "Biology" formulate the goals of studying the subject and ensure the integrity of biological education in primary school.

Students' awareness of the exceptional role of life on Earth and the importance of biology in the life of man and society. Knowledge of the basics of the organization and functioning of living things, its role on Earth is a necessary element of competent management of the planetary economy.

Formation of the idea of ​​nature as a developing system. School biology, like no other academic discipline, makes it possible to demonstrate the cognitive power of the unity of the systemic, structural-level and historical approach to natural phenomena.

Mastering the elementary biological foundations of medicine, agriculture and forestry, biotechnology. Lacking the simplest ideas about the natural-scientific foundations of all the listed branches of human activity, it is difficult for a modern person to navigate even in his own economy. Finally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable outside of special biological knowledge.

Mastering the most commonly used concepts and laws from the course of biology and their use in practical life. The immediate result of studying a school course in biology should be the mastery of the main ideas of this science and the skill of operating them as freely and creatively as possible in later practical life.

Assessment of the biological risk of the relationship between man and nature on the basis of mastering the system of ecological and biospheric knowledge that determines the boundary conditions for the activity of mankind as a whole and each individual person.

Evaluation of human behavior in terms of a healthy lifestyle. The most important condition for the happiness of every person is his health and the health of his loved ones. Preservation of health is a personal matter of each person and his moral duty. Society and the state are called upon to provide social conditions for maintaining the health of the population. Biological knowledge is the scientific basis for organizing a healthy lifestyle for the whole society and each person individually.

If the role of the subject is so great, it has an ideological character, the place of the subject in the curriculum for the programs of basic general and secondary general education, where only one hour is allotted for studying biology in grades 5.6, is not entirely clear, and the more incomprehensible are the motives for which the study of biology in a secondary basic school, i.e. in grades 10-11, only 1 hour is allotted, i.e. 34 hours a year. Such a volume of time does not allow touching on very important, philosophical, ideological problems of the organization of the living world. And meanwhile, they are very interested in schoolchildren. Nature does not tolerate emptiness and those ideas, for the formation of which the school curriculum does not allow time, to be filled with dubious theories gleaned from the Internet or television programs, which are of a pronounced near-scientific nature.

There are other reasons to give our children full-fledged biological knowledge. Craving for nature. Let me quote a short excerpt from Viktor Dolnik's book "The Naughty Child of the Biosphere":

“I, like you, have such acquaintances.

They lived all their lives in the city, worked in the head office, trust, ministry; dealt with papers and people, loved this work. On vacation they went to a sanatorium, in the evenings they went to the theater, read, received guests. They did not like to work with their hands, and they did not know how. They retired, settled in the country - for the sake of fresh air and silence. And they changed. They plant and transplant trees and bushes, drag earth on their backs, crawl on all fours along the beds with strawberries and flowers, make some kind of compost, suffer that they got little manure.

Modern man, a resident of a metropolis, socialized to the limit, finds peace of mind and balance in communion with nature. That is why the number of pets in city apartments has increased so much, people keep such different animals, from exotic insects to the most ordinary rabbit. To know the evolutionary history of your pet's species, its habitat in natural conditions, structural features and life activity, to be able to find and use popular scientific literature, to isolate useful information for yourself - all these are also biology lessons at school.

The teaching of biology should reflect the real position of the science of living nature in the system of scientific knowledge. Biology closely interacts with the natural sciences and humanities, and is included in the sociocultural environment. The formation of a scientific picture of the world is the result of all school education.At the present stage of its development, biology requires a philosophical rethinking of traditional forms of knowledge organization, the creation of a new image of science, the formation of new norms, ideals and principles of scientific research, a new style of thinking. The development of biology in our days is beginning to give more and more fruitful ideas, both for the sphere of biological knowledge, and those that are important for science and culture in general.

Biology is a system of sciences about living nature. Among the various biological sciences, one of the first, more than two thousand years ago, was the science that studies plants - botany (from the Greek botane - greenery) - and animals - zoology (from the Greek zoon - animal - and logos). Successes in the development of biology over time led to the emergence of its various directions, which you will get acquainted with in high school.

Every organism lives in a specific environment. Habitat is the part of nature that surrounds living organisms with which they interact. There are many living organisms around us. These are plants, animals, fungi, bacteria. Each of these groups is studied by a separate biological science.

The value of biology in human life. In our time, humanity faces such common problems as protecting health, providing food and preserving the diversity of organisms on our planet with particular acuteness. Biology, whose research is aimed at solving these and other issues, closely interacts with medicine, agriculture, industry, in particular food and light industry, etc.

You all know that, when sick, a person uses medicines. Most medicinal substances are obtained from plants or waste products of microorganisms. For example, the lives of hundreds of millions of people have been saved by the use of antibiotics (from the Greek anti - against - and bios). They are produced by certain types of fungi and bacteria. Antibiotics kill pathogens of many dangerous diseases in humans and animals.

Biology plays an important role in providing humanity with food. Scientists create new high-yielding plant varieties and animal breeds, which allows you to get more food. Biologists' research is aimed at preserving and increasing soil fertility, which ensures high yields. Living organisms are also widely used in industry. For example, curdled milk, kefir, cheeses a person receives due to the activity of certain types of bacteria and fungi.

However, active and often ill-conceived human economic activity has led to significant environmental pollution with substances harmful to all living things, to the destruction of forests, virgin steppes, and water bodies. Over the past centuries, thousands of species of animals, plants and fungi have disappeared, and tens of thousands are on the verge of extinction. But the disappearance of even one kind of organisms means an irretrievable loss for the biological diversity of our planet. Therefore, scientists create lists of plant, animal and fungal species in need of protection (the so-called Red Books), and also identify areas where these species are taken under protection (reserves, national natural parks, etc.).

Thus, biology is a science, designed by its research to convince people of the need for a careful attitude to nature, compliance with its laws. Therefore, it is considered the science of the future.

Term "biology" It is formed from two Greek words "bios" - life and "logos" - knowledge, teaching, science. Hence the classical definition of biology as a science that studies life in all its manifestations.

Biology explores the diversity of existing and extinct living beings, their structure, functions, origin, evolution, distribution and individual development, relationships with each other, between communities and with inanimate nature.

Biology considers the general and particular patterns inherent in life in all its manifestations and properties: metabolism, reproduction, heredity, variability, adaptability, growth, development, irritability, mobility, etc.

Research methods in biology

  1. Observation- the easiest and most affordable method. For example, one can observe seasonal changes in nature, in the life of plants and animals, animal behavior, etc.
  2. Description biological objects (oral or written description).
  3. Comparison- finding similarities and differences between organisms, used in taxonomy.
  4. experimental method(in laboratory or natural conditions) - biological research using various instruments and methods of physics, chemistry.
  5. Microscopy– study of the structure of cells and cellular structures using light and electron microscopes. Light microscopes allow you to see the shape and size of cells, individual organelles. Electronic - small structures of individual organelles.
  6. Biochemical method- study of the chemical composition of cells and tissues of living organisms.
  7. cytogenetic- a method of studying chromosomes under a microscope. You can detect genomic mutations (for example, Down syndrome), chromosomal mutations (changes in the shape and size of chromosomes).
  8. Ultracentrifugation- isolation of individual cellular structures (organelles) and their further study.
  9. historical method– comparison of the obtained facts with the previously obtained results.
  10. Modeling– creation of various models of processes, structures, ecosystems, etc. in order to predict changes.
  11. Hybridological method- the method of crossing, the main method for studying the patterns of heredity.
  12. genealogical method- a method of compiling pedigrees, used to determine the type of inheritance of a trait.
  13. twin method- a method that allows you to determine the proportion of the influence of environmental factors on the development of traits. Applies to identical twins.

Communication of biology with other sciences.

The diversity of living nature is so great that modern biology must be presented as a complex of sciences. Biology underlies such sciences as medicine, ecology, genetics, selection, botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, embryology etc. Biology, together with other sciences, has formed such sciences as biophysics, biochemistry, bionics, geobotany, zoogeography, etc. In connection with the rapid development of science and technology, new areas of study of living organisms appear, new sciences related to biology appear. This once again proves that the living world is multifaceted and complex, and it is closely related to inanimate nature.

Basic biological sciences - objects of their study

  1. Anatomy is the external and internal structure of organisms.
  2. Physiology - the processes of life.
  3. Medicine - human diseases, their causes and methods of their treatment.
  4. Ecology - the relationship of organisms in nature, the patterns of processes in ecosystems.
  5. Genetics - the laws of heredity and variability.
  6. Cytology is the science of cells (structure, life, etc.).
  7. Biochemistry - biochemical processes in living organisms.
  8. Biophysics - physical phenomena in living organisms.
  9. Breeding is the creation of new and improvement of existing varieties, breeds, strains.
  10. Paleontology is the fossil remains of ancient organisms.
  11. Embryology is the development of the embryo.

Knowledge in the field of biology a person can apply:

  • for the prevention and treatment of diseases
  • in first aid victims of accidents;
  • in crop production, animal husbandry
  • in environmental protection activities that contribute to the solution of global environmental problems (knowledge about the relationships of organisms in nature, about factors that adversely affect the state of the environment, etc.). BIOLOGY AS A SCIENCE

Signs and properties of living things:

1. Cell structure. The cell is a single structural and functional unit, as well as a unit of development for almost all living organisms on Earth. Viruses are an exception, but even in them the properties of a living thing are manifested only when they are in a cell. Outside the cell, they do not show signs of life.

2. The unity of the chemical composition. Living things are made up of the same chemical elements as non-living things, but in living things, 90% of the mass comes from four elements: C, O, N, H, which are involved in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids.

3. The exchange of matter and energy is the main property of living things. It is carried out as a result of two interrelated processes: the synthesis of organic substances in the body (due to external energy sources of light and food) and the process of decomposition of complex organic substances with the release of energy, which is then consumed by the body. Metabolism ensures the constancy of the chemical composition in continuously changing environmental conditions.

4. Openness. All living organisms are open systems, that is, systems that are stable only if they receive energy and matter continuously from the environment.

5. Self-reproduction (reproduction). The ability to self-reproduce is the most important property of all living organisms. It is based on information about the structure and functions of any living organism, embedded in nucleic acids and ensuring the specificity of the structure and life of a living organism.

6. Self-regulation. Thanks to the mechanisms of self-regulation, the relative constancy of the internal environment of the body is maintained, i.e. the constancy of the chemical composition and the intensity of the course of physiological processes are maintained - homeostasis.

7. Development and growth. In the process of individual development (ontogenesis), the individual properties of the organism (development) are gradually and consistently manifested and its growth (increase in size) is carried out. In addition, all living systems evolve - change in the course of historical development (phylogenesis).

8. Irritability. Any living organism is able to respond to external and internal influences.

9. Heredity. All living organisms are capable of preserving and transmitting the main features to their offspring.

10. Variability. All living organisms are capable of changing and acquiring new features.

The main levels of organization of wildlife

All wildlife is a collection of biological systems. Important properties of living systems are multi-level and hierarchical organization. Parts of biological systems are themselves systems of interconnected parts. At any level, each biological system is unique and different from other systems.

Based on the features of the manifestation of the properties of living things, scientists have identified several levels of organization of wildlife:

1. Molecular level - represented by molecules of organic substances (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, etc.) located in cells. At the molecular level, one can study the properties and structures of biological molecules, their role in the cell, in the life of the organism, and so on. For example, doubling the DNA molecule, the structure of proteins, and so on.

2. Cellular level represented by cells. At the level of cells, the properties and signs of the living begin to appear. At the cellular level, it is possible to study the structure and functions of cells and cellular structures, the processes occurring in them. For example, the movement of the cytoplasm, cell division, protein biosynthesis in ribosomes, and so on.

3. Organo-tissue level represented by tissues and organs of multicellular organisms. At this level, you can explore the structure and functions of tissues and organs, the processes going on in them. For example, the contraction of the heart, the movement of water and salts through the vessels, and so on.

4. Organism level represented by unicellular and multicellular organisms. At this level, the organism as a whole is studied: its structure and vital activity, mechanisms of self-regulation of processes, adaptation to living conditions, and so on.

5. Population-species level- represented by populations consisting of individuals of the same species living together for a long time in some territory. The life of one individual is genetically determined, and the population under favorable conditions can exist indefinitely. Since at this level the driving forces of evolution begin to act - the struggle for existence, natural selection, etc. At the population-species level, they study the dynamics of the number of individuals, the sex and age composition of the population, evolutionary changes in the population, and so on.

6. Ecosystem level- represented by populations of different species living together in a certain area. At this level, the relationship between organisms and the environment, the conditions that determine the productivity and sustainability of ecosystems, changes in ecosystems, and so on are studied.

7. biosphere level- the highest form of organization of living matter, uniting all ecosystems of the planet. At this level, processes are studied on the scale of the entire planet - the cycles of substances and energy in nature, global environmental problems, climate change on the Earth, etc. At present, the study of human influence on the state of the biosphere is of paramount importance in order to prevent a global environmental crisis.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that modern biology (from the Greek. Bios - life, logos - science) is one of the most important natural sciences for mankind. This is due to the fact that it is biology that is the basis of medicine (Fig. 1) - science

One of the directions of which is the development of methods for preventing human diseases and strengthening human health (remember which diseases are the most dangerous for humanity in our time) this is the scientific basis for agriculture (Fig. 2) and food production, the shortage of which on the globe is becoming everything is more palpable. With the help of modern biotechnologies, a transition to biofuels is possible in the near future, which, according to scientists, will help overcome the energy crisis if necessary. And in general, it is biology that is the key to the harmonious existence of nature and man, which is a prerequisite not only for the sustainable development of modern civilization, but also for the existence of mankind. If 50 years ago humanity associated its future with technical progress: space flights, the design of super-powerful machines, nuclear power, the creation of huge reservoirs (Fig. 4), changes in the flow of rivers, now it has become obvious that the growing production of material goods is closely connected with destruction of nature. As a result, not only forests, lakes, rivers, animals and plants, many species of which have become extinct, and even more are on the verge of extinction, have suffered, but also man himself.

Life sciences have become the main priority for the development of modern society. It is they who pay increased attention not only to scientists, but also to the public and politicians. For example, such an achievement of modern biology as the decoding of the human genome was announced to the world in 2000 by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain. And this is no coincidence. If in the XX century. humanity has fully experienced the positive and negative consequences of achievements in the field of chemistry and physics, then the XXI century. many prominent scientists of our time have been declared the century of biological danger.

Just as in 1955, on the initiative of the world famous scientists A. Einstein and F. Joliot-Curie, the Pugwash movement against nuclear weapons arose, in our time it is extremely important to prevent the uncontrolled use of environmental resources, unethical attitude towards living objects and nature in general (Fig. 6). (Think of the leading figures of our time who have already joined this movement.)

Science has come close to the line behind which the secret of life is hidden. Today it is impossible to predict how the free manipulation of this secret may end.

Despite the development of new, more productive varieties of plants and animal breeds, the number of starving people on the globe not only does not decrease, but even increases. The reason, first of all, is climate change leading to drought and crop failure, as well as a decrease in the area of ​​arable land, a decrease in soil fertility.
The global problem of mankind in the XXI century. came to the fore, became the relationship between man and nature. Among the specific environmental problems, climate change is usually recognized (Fig. 8), fresh water shortage (Fig. 9) in the transformation of arable land into deserts, vegetation degradation, population growth, soil, water and air pollution from industrial waste, ozone layer thinning, depletion natural resources, the emergence and spread of new diseases. It is clear that without the knowledge and development of the rules and laws of the life of nature by mankind, without the transition of industry and energy to environmentally friendly, so-called waste-free technologies, without the introduction of the latest achievements of biological science in agriculture and medicine, the continued existence of modern civilization is simply impossible.

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The role of biology in modern society

It is difficult to overestimate the role of biology in modern reality, because it studies human life in detail in all its manifestations. Currently, this science combines such important concepts as evolution, cell theory, genetics, homeostasis and energy. Its functions include the study of the development of all living things, namely: the structure of organisms, their behavior, as well as the relationship between themselves and the relationship with the environment.

The importance of biology in human life becomes clear if we draw a parallel between the main problems of an individual's life, for example, health, nutrition, as well as the choice of optimal living conditions. To date, numerous sciences are known that have separated from biology, becoming no less important and independent. These include zoology, botany, microbiology, and virology. Of these, it is difficult to single out the most significant, they all represent a complex of the most valuable fundamental knowledge accumulated by civilization.

Outstanding scientists worked in this field of knowledge, such as Claudius Galen, Hippocrates, Carl Linnaeus, Charles Darwin, Alexander Oparin, Ilya Mechnikov and many others. Thanks to their discoveries, especially the study of living organisms, the science of morphology appeared, as well as physiology, which gathered knowledge about the systems of organisms of living beings. Genetics has played an invaluable role in the development of hereditary diseases.

Biology has become a solid foundation in medicine, sociology and ecology. It is important that this science, like any other, is not static, but is constantly updated with new knowledge, which is transformed in the form of new biological theories and laws.

The role of biology in modern society, and especially in medicine, is priceless. It was with its help that methods of treating bacteriological and rapidly spreading viral diseases were found. Every time we think about the question of what is the role of biology in modern society, we remember that it was thanks to the heroism of medical biologists that the centers of terrible epidemics disappeared from planet Earth: plague, cholera, typhoid fever, anthrax, smallpox and others no less life-threatening diseases.

We can safely say, based on the facts, that the role of biology in modern society is growing continuously. It is impossible to imagine modern life without selection, genetic research, the production of new food products, as well as environmentally friendly energy sources.

The main significance of biology is that it is the foundation and theoretical basis for many promising sciences, such as genetic engineering and bionics. She owns a great discovery - the decoding of the human genome. Such a direction as biotechnology was also created on the basis of knowledge combined in biology. Currently, it is precisely this nature of technology that makes it possible to create safe drugs for prevention and treatment that do not harm the body. As a result, it is possible to increase not only life expectancy, but also its quality.

The role of biology in modern society lies in the fact that there are areas where its knowledge is simply necessary, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, gerontology, forensics, agriculture, construction, and space exploration.

The unstable ecological situation on Earth requires a rethinking of production activities, and the importance of biology in human life is moving to a new level. Every year we are witnessing large-scale catastrophes that affect both the poorest states and highly developed ones. In many ways, they are caused by the growth of the world's population, the unreasonable use of energy sources, as well as the existing economic and social contradictions in modern society.

The present clearly indicates to us that the very further existence of civilization is possible only if there is harmony in the environment. Only the observance of biological laws, as well as the widespread use of progressive biotechnologies based on ecological thinking, will ensure a natural safe coexistence for all the inhabitants of the planet without exception.

The role of biology in modern society is expressed in the fact that it has now been transformed into a real force. Thanks to her knowledge, the prosperity of our planet is possible. That is why the answer to the question of what is the role of biology in modern society can be this - this is the cherished key to harmony between nature and man.

biology science role

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