Famous stand-up comedians of America. American comedians: the best of the best

They say from the stage what we think, but we prefer to remain silent. They ridicule acute social, political and other problems in their own way. If you don't mind, we would call them modern philosophers... and who else, if not them?

Meet those who don't know. The best stand-up comedians in the world!

1 George Carlin

The pillar of American stand-up, which laid many of the foundations of the genre in the form in which we know it now. Most of the jokes of Karlin, a specialist in black humor, were in one way or another a form of irony. social criticism- it does not matter whether he spoke about trifles or global phenomena.
Carlin is strongly associated with the early days of HBO, as he was the flagship of the movement to push the boundaries of what's allowed on TV. His number "Seven Words You Can't Speak on TV" was at the center of a scandal, led to a lawsuit and became milestone in the history of censorship. As with Pryor, Carlin's intonations and themes can be seen in almost any current comedian.

2 Louis C.K.

Of all the numerous heirs of George Carlin's grumbling style, C.K. is the most successful, versatile and, most importantly, hilariously funny. Having started his career in the 1990s as a court wit on the Late Shows of Letterman, O'Brien and other evening comedians, Louis did not stand out much against the general background until the mid-2000s, until he stumbled upon his gold mine - a midlife crisis of a flabby man in unsuccessful marriage and with young children.
C.K.'s stage image is an irritated brute who gets to everyone around him: from his own children to hipsters and deer, but most importantly - to himself. Of the hyperpopular comedians, Louis is almost the only one worthy competitor Ricky Gervais in terms of political incorrectness. Another thing is that for all the ruthlessness of C.K. to the world and despite the fact that he now and then calls his children assholes and wishes death to his friends, in every joke it is felt that, in addition to a thick bilious belly, Louis also has a big heart. Since 2010, he has been writing, directing and editing the television sitcom Louis, one of the best things that has happened to him since 2010. American television in recent years.

4 Jim Jeffries

A comedian who, for the sake of his career, decided to move to England from Australia itself. Jeffries went off the beaten path - performed at a couple of festivals, liked the audience and producers. Then there were small performances on various TV shows, which smoothly flowed into "full-length" concerts. Then he settled in Los Angeles to move on to a new stage - series and films. With the latter, it doesn’t work out very well, but Jeffries has already found himself where 99% of comedians don’t even dream of going.

5 Dare O'Brien

Dara O'Brien is an Irish comedian and television personality best known to the general public for her stand-up performances and as the host of Mock the Week. The popularity of Dara is evidenced by round-the-world tours, during which he visited Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. To date, he has released 4 live DVDs.

6 Stuart Lee

The most popular of the underground English comedians, a writer and intellectual, enjoys great respect among other stand-up comedians.

7 Eddie Murphy

Thanks to his comic abilities, which manifested themselves already in lower grades, Eddie was respected by both students and teachers. Acting ability Eddie begins to bring him dividends at the age of 15, for his performances in various comedy clubs, he receives decent money at that time. To one of the most popular comedy shows those years "Saturday evening in live» Eddie deservedly hits at the age of nineteen (1980).
In addition, Eddie starred in the world-famous films 48 Hours, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, and others.

8 Chris Rock

A black American comedian who, in the second half of the 90s and early 2000s, gave some of the most powerful stand-up concerts, which, according to many critics, changed the face of comedy as a whole.
At the beginning of his career, Chris performed on the club stage, working in the stand-up style. His game was noticed by Eddie Murphy, who has always been the idol of Rock, and later became his senior friend.

9 Jimmy Carr

Despite the fact that by origin Carr - Irish, on stage he is a model of English arrogance and impenetrability. Most of all, he looks like a classic entertainer, whose mood has deteriorated, and he began to be rude to everyone around.
Carr is constantly trying to get in touch with the audience, improvising on the go and a large part of his show consists of rapid-fire bursts of one-liners. Concurrently, he now and then acts as the host of various programs and shows on radio and television, in fact, being a representative of the format of comedians well known to Russian people. The difference, of course, is in quality.

10 Eddie Izzard

A rare bird of the genre is a comedian-transvestite, and one of the most popular English stand-up artists. He came to success in the early 1990s, when he began to actively wear women's clothing and make-up, and arrange their shows as if it were a rock concert. Despite the stage image, he was and remains a completely heterosexual man.
Possessing a somewhat insane style, Izzard speaks in stream-of-consciousness mode at his concerts about everything in the world - from religion and history to death and supermarkets, constantly straying and jumping from topic to topic. AT recent times grew a beard, lost weight and almost stopped wearing make-up, which seems to have somewhat lost energy and has not released new shows since 2009. Nevertheless, his eight shows are the pinnacle of stand-up comedy and an ideal starting point for the uninitiated.

Sometime in student years Zhenya played in the KVN team of his native Lobach, and since then the humorous path has become an integral part of his life. For three years now, after the main work at night, weekends and holidays, Zhenya writes at any free moment. Writes down funny stories, own observations, conclusions. This personal experience Eugene brings to the stage.
How to turn the stories of your life into funny jokes, he recently told us Today, Zhenya shares a list of his most beloved world-class stand-up comedians, who have become examples for him, teachers and, to some extent, friends (after all, he has been watching their work for more than a year).

One of the most popular trends in domestic humor today is the genre stand up comedy. Born in the UK in late XIX century. During the heyday of the Music Halls, which hosted performances with dancing, singing, comedy and drama, colloquial genre was inherent in the entertainer. They warmed up the audience before the start and filled in the gaps between performing artists. Then, going on stage, the entertainers joked, told funny stories, improvised with the guests, often asking them: “Please, stand up!”. At the beginning of the 20th century, the genre migrated to the United States.

Over its long history, the world stand-up has managed to undergo several metamorphoses and changed more than one generation of artists, and therefore it is very diverse, has many types and degrees of "legal" humor. Like any person who does not have a soul in his occupation, I have my favorite comedians, from whom I take an example, which inspire me and whom I send to my friends with comments "This is very funny!".

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with only a few of them, the most significant for me. For anyone with any interest in humor who is not familiar with Western stand-up, it will be helpful to see just how versatile humor can (and is). And let for an even number of them be ... 11.

So here are 11 stand-up comedians to watch.

George Carlin

Let's start with dad. George Carlin is one of the iconic
personalities in stand-up. Rendered a huge impact on the development of the genre, was and remains an idol for more than one generation of comedians. Known for his senile grumbling and a bunch of deep thoughts about everything in the world, seasoned with a strong American vocabulary. I never bothered to select soft wording in my attitude to any topic. Sharp statements, black humor and monologues on taboo topics eventually led him to serious proceedings in a US court. Until his death in 2008, George Carlin performed on stage.

Louis C.K.

Gorgeous Louis C.K. - unbeatable

guru in matters of "family well-being".
He tells everything about his family! I know about his problems with ex-wife and two children, probably more than about his personal life. If you are planning to have a family and children, it is worth listening to Louis - you may change your mind. A great example of how tons of humor can be extracted from ordinary everyday situations.

In addition, he is a screenwriter, producer, director and main actor very popular series"Louis".

Eddie Izzard

This is the man who discovered the wonderful world stand-up for me personally. An extremely unusual stand-up comedian from England, who wears make-up, walks in heels and does not like the queen. His comedic style is a chaotic, eccentric monologue with a touch of absurdity, parodies and pantomimes. Izzard works in a "stream of consciousness" method, in which thoughts, sensations and sudden associations constantly interrupt each other and intertwine in a bizarrely illogical way.

If you are a fan of all things strange, then this character is for you.

Sarah Millican

Since the second half of the 2000s - the most popular
female comedian
Great Britain. Combines the images of a modern city dweller, a nerd woman, a feminist and a classic English aunt. Like many other female comedians, he plays on a combination of charm with rather rude, physiological jokes. He interacts a lot with the audience.

Despite the rather harsh humor, Sarah is homerically funny. She is a very strong comedy writer, and her monologues are distinguished by a high density of textual jokes.

This guy from Boston for 2015 - early 2016 is the most popular American stand-up comedian. Bill Burr is a bunch of discontent, by his own description, he is "that loud guy in the bar." God forbid you fall under the distribution of his sharp tongue. Hear a lot of new and funny things about yourself. His comedy is distinguished by directness, frankness and politically incorrectness.

A prim stand-up comedian from the shores of foggy Albion

with a straight face, black humor and inhaled laughter. Known for his sharp jokes and offensive jokes. An impressive portion of "tin" is provided to you. Specializes in short jokes (one-liners) that are unrelated.

If you're fed up with good nature and you're sick of all that's right, watch Jimmy Carr. Want to know how to make a gay man make love to a woman? Watch Jimmy Carr! I can't write about it...

Dara O'Brien

Next up is a comedian from Ireland. Dara O'Brien!
Incredibly energetic and
a cheerful person, a great actor and improviser. According to his conversations with the audience, you can write textbooks on improv-comedy. Being a physicist by education, he talks a lot about “smart” and near-scientific topics. I had the pleasure of watching him perform live in Moscow.

I advise everyone who is not a supporter of harsh topics and offensive humor to watch.

This man is known to the Russian audience primarily as a comedian. However, in the US, this is one of the best stand-up comedians of all time (according to the TV channel Comedy Central). In his monologues, he most often touches on the topics of the relationship between men and women and the problems of the black population of the United States, which makes this very population incredibly happy.

Dave Attell

Old vulgar from New York.

A big fan of black and black humor.
Makes you blush, spit and cackle out loud at the same time. He looks like an unemployed man, with smoky lungs and problems with alcohol. However, it is very much in demand and popular in the USA (everything else is correct). The style of humor is similar to Jimmy Carr, but in fact it is completely different. In general, you need to look to understand. Just not with my mom...

First (in this list) representative

non-standard form of stand-up. In addition to being an actor, Tim is also a great musician with a great voice. He perfectly combines all this in his musical stand-up. Sings smart and funny songs about love for family, truth and peace. On his shows, Tim usually appears barefoot, with sticking hair, with heavily lined eyes, successfully combining this image with a starched shirt, tailcoat and a huge piano. Minchin describes his work as a "funny cabaret show".

“The tragedy of comedians is that the only thing they want is to please the audience. We are desperately seeking approval. It's like a personality disorder that you can make money with."
(Jimmy Carr)

- this is stand-up. As a rule, stand-up comedians perform with material prepared in advance, that is, there is practically no place for improvisation. , show tricks, draw. It is safe to say that the stand-up performance is limited solely by the imagination of the person himself. Here are ten of the best Western stand-up comedians according to a survey conducted on a site dedicated exclusively to the global stand-up environment - https://standup-sreda.ru/
1 George Carlin - rating 9.0

An acclaimed American comedian of all time. After his death, New Yorkers even turned to the authorities with a request to rename the block in which George lived in his honor. Due to the fact that one of the houses on the street is a Baptist church, only part of the street, the noises of which Karlin loved to listen to before going to bed, will bear the name of Karlin.

2 Louis CK - rating 9.0

One of the most famous and sought-after American comedians of the 2010s. His first significant success was built on demonstrating a self-destructing routine family life accompanied by often indecent situations. He is a master of the comedy of observations, demonstrating everyday situations with a transition to the existential level.

3 Stewart Lee - rating 9.0

One of the most popular underground comedians in England. He is often called a comedian for comedians because of his love of complex sentences. That is, for those who are seriously involved in or interested in stand-up, his program is a must-see. He enjoys great respect among his colleagues.

4 Doug Stanhope - rating 9.0

stand-up comedian modern America. His performances are not for those who consider stand-up entertainment. His themes are the dictatorship of modern capital, the media, that is, a kind of acute social concert.

5 Jim Jefferies - rating 9.0

Australian comedian Jim Jeffries is a very charismatic, but rather peculiar type - as a rule, he performs drunk, is a supporter of porn and cocaine, lies a lot, etc. His first, which was recorded while sober, was released only at the end of 2012 - “Fully Functional”.

6 Reginald D. Hunter - rating 9.0

Black Anglo-American. Performs in stand-up in the style of postmodernism. It surprisingly combines the features of a comedian that attract many fans with the temperament of a sanguine person.

7 Dylan Moran - rating 8.9

Anglo-Irish Dylan Moran performs in the style of absurd, surreal humor. His image is tipsy, melancholy and kindest person. By the way, comedians often use the tradition of the absurd to demonstrate many images and fantasies.

8 Tim Minchin - rating 8.9

The slightly eccentric Australian comedian performs with rock star hair (because he always dreamed of becoming one) and mandatory make-up, because his facial expressions are amazing. Another "trick" of his stage image is the performance barefoot for an unknown reason. With all the outrageous image, he demonstrates ironic and often touching songs about love and loneliness.

9 Dara O'Briain - rating 8.8

The cheerful Irishman Dare bribes the public with his good nature in accusing a variety of phenomena and social groups. At the same time, he is very intelligent in his demonstrations - not a single insult. One of his main "chips" is communication with the public during performances.

10 Jimmy Carr - rating 8.7

This popular English stand-up comedian best known as a master of oneliners, that is, short jokes. His humor is often based on offensive themes. For example, he was condemned by the public for making jokes about people with Down syndrome.

Surely you asked yourself: "Standup - what is it?" Standup Comedy's phrase literal translation means "humor of the worthy". Yes, yes, it turns out that this is just the style of "I'll stand on the stage and amuse the people." But in our time, this art has reached such heights that it is not possible to call the well-known Petrosyan, Zadornov, Khazanov and many others from their brethren stand-up comedians. But this is so, in fact, they are the pioneers of this humorous genre in our homeland. Thus, this is a conversational genre, the essence of which is to amuse the public with their stories on any possible topic.

Stand-up: what is it, and what does it "eat" with

Stand-up is a style of a comedy show where a humorist with pre-prepared text speaks to real viewers. The format of such a performance is evaluated solely by the audience's reaction to the comedian. The theme of the issue is also determined solely by what the hall reacts well to and what is bad.

For a full-fledged performance in this genre, you need to acquire a comedian, an audience, a room, a microphone and a bar stool (moreover, a microphone and a bar stool are already a luxury, an additional option to the minimum set). The remarkable thing about stand-up has always been and is that the variation of topics that you can joke and talk about is not limited by anything except the desires of the public, the main thing is to entertain it and make it laugh. It is from this experience of interacting with the audience that the ability to understand the desires of the crowd appears. The founders of the foreign film and TV industry started in the stand-up genre. What is it, we figured it out.

So how should the word be written?

Despite all the disagreements, you need to write "stand-up", not "stand-up" or "stand-up". Remember this moment.

The history of stand-up as a genre

The birthplace of stand-up, as well as many good things in this world, is rightfully the UK. This genre originates in XVIII-XIX centuries when performers played in music halls. Around the 70s of the last century, the tradition musical accompaniment obsolete, giving way solo performance comedian actor.

The perpetual motion of stand-up as a genre has become television and radio. Thanks to the widespread awareness of the viewer, comedians could no longer travel around the country for years with the same worked out, albeit good, performance. They had to write new jokes all the time, looking for new themes and problems. This turn of events was best dealt with in the United States, where the genre of step-up comedy quickly became popular, and the number of comedy clubs grew almost in geometric progression. Almost everyone who could speak was engaged in stand-up, and it became the main direction in the humor of the last century.

Comedians around the world to this day perform in the manner that was established in the United States in the 70s. Many Hollywood stars started their careers on the stage of stand-up clubs. For example, and Robin Williams laid the foundation for the so-called new generation of comedians.

Stand-up is so popular today, what is the meaning of foreign word known to everyone in Russia. This genre appeared in our country quite recently, so the monopoly in the stand-up industry for many years has been confidently held by the TNT channel. Initially conceived as a humorous channel, it keeps the bar, releasing more and more shows. The beginning of everything was, of course, the Comedy Club, which gained its popularity and made ordinary teacher famous comedian Pavel Volya, and from a graduate State University management with a diploma in "personnel management" meter of humor Garik Kharlamov. Do not forget about others, for example, about the now most desired groom Timur Batrutdinov. TNT gave way to life for almost all comedians popular on television, and they came out not only from the Comedy Club, but also from its many subsidiaries: ComedyWoman, Laughter Without Rules, Killer League and Comedy Battle. To date, the channel has decided to launch the project under a simple, but speaking name StandUp ("Standup"). What it is, you can understand only by looking.

Features of performance in style

At this style there are several features without which it cannot exist as a genre.

At the heart of the stand-up format lies one very important rule: The speaker must be alone. There have not yet been successful performances outside the solo genre in the history of stand-up, despite the fact that it has been developing over several centuries.
A comedian can do and use anything in his speech. There are no restrictions. Many stand-up artists use whiteboards with a marker to draw or write something that can make them laugh, and there are often cases of simple antics (among non-professionals, of course). In general, everything is used that can at least somehow make the audience laugh.

The tradition of holding such performances in small bars or chamber auditoriums appeared for a reason. It originates in the fact that most stand-up comedians are beginners, and it is difficult for more experienced comedians to interact immediately with a large audience. Only a few famous stand-up comedians around the world can fill entire concert halls.

Modern stand-up is a new genre, in which profanity is in no way prohibited or forbidden.

There are many ways to present a joke. This is humor based both on the actor's performance and on visual and sound effects. A musical or even text stand-up is possible. The last one listed is this moment leading and main.

How to hold a stand-up performance? Development schemes

Questions that everyone is interested in

  • Stand-up and the thought that it carries. Usually a stand-up show doesn't have to be thoughtful, but if you're talking about what you really care about, you can't do without it.
  • Standup and individuality. It's a genre that has a lot of competition, so if a comedian stands out, that's a plus. Individuals, yes.

When the Comedy Club still walked under the table, american stars stand-up artists have already collected stadiums and had sex no less than Mick Jagger. But even after the death of such monsters as Richard Pryor and George Carlin, the genre is still alive and well. WNS has compiled a hit parade of the 10 funniest modern stand-up comedians.


Who it: A very energetic Irishman. O'Brien is called the most beloved Irishman in Britain: he constantly hosts various television shows, starred in serials and regularly releases concert programs gathering full halls. One of Dara's main features is communication with the audience, and for each remark from the audience, he is able to instantly come up with two or three jokes, a sketch or a small one-man show.
What is good: Improvisation.
Fact: Unlike many comedians who are completely focused on their profession, Dara was not too lazy to graduate from college. So he's the funniest graduate theoretical physicist ever.

“If you seriously think that God created you exactly the way you are, I strongly advise you to somehow look at yourself in the mirror after your morning shower. This is the same author who created sunsets and mountain peaks - what a bad day he had, if at the same time he decided to create this too!

“If you become a Catholic, then there is no way to stop being one. Even the lack of faith in God is not considered a good reason to leave the ranks of the Catholics. You can join the Taliban - and still the maximum that you get is the status of a "bad Catholic".


“I remember my parents’ family quarrels: dad holds a chair, mom swings an ax ...”

"If you're old enough to buy beer, but your mom still makes you breakfast, you're kicked out of the men's club as of today."


Who it: Blond with an accent. It's hard, of course, to take someone who has barely caught Windows 95 seriously, but in the case of Daniel Sloss, this is not required: the 22-year-old Scot has already established himself as a promising comedian. While his peers are making jokes on the Internet, Sloss writes full-fledged speech scripts. His first set lasted only five minutes, but was liked by audiences and critics alike. At the moment, the guy is considered one of the most promising young stand-up artists, so it's worth remembering his name.
What is good: Suitable for most famous stand-up comedians as sons, and therefore fits well into the image of the “voice of a new generation”.
Fact: He entered the Faculty of History, but abandoned his studies in favor of stand-up and, it seems, did not lose.

“Nature hates me. Every time we meet, she tries to kill me. No home in Scotland Live nature there is a maximum gopher”.

“I don’t tell stories about sex because of my appearance. If I start talking about my relationship, it will look like evidence in court.”

“I started drinking rum with juice not because I question my sexuality. I follow the figure. I know I sounded like a 16-year-old now."

7. Dylan Moran

Who it: Famous Irish actor, screenwriter and stand-up comedian without the slightest sign of stardom. On stage, he usually looks like he's just been lifted out of bed. Moran's first performances took place while still at school, and at the age of 24 he became the youngest winner of the Perrier Comedy Award. But real popularity came to Moran in 2000, when television showed the first season of the sitcom Black's Bookshop. The image of Bernard Black, a sarcastic Irish misanthrope with a mass bad habits, rooted to the comedian so much that he still slips in his live performances.
What is good: Intelligent jokes, a good reaction and developed imagination, as well as the fact that, unlike other comedians, he traveled to Russia with concerts.
Fact: In his youth, he got a job as a florist, and he was engaged in this back-breaking slave labor for a whole week.

“I am a vegetarian, but not a strict one. You see, I love eating meat, but only because I like the taste.
In my opinion, morally, I won.”

“But there were times when a man was a man. He could without hesitation express his authoritative opinion on an issue in which he did not understand at all.


Who it: A witty artist and a good actor. And yes, he is a transvestite. Izzard has a surprisingly harmonious stage persona and amazing charisma, so that even the most conservative homophobes forget in a minute that they are looking at a bearded man in a dress. Most often, Izzard's performances are compared to the Monty Python show, and even one of the band members, John Cleese, recognized this similarity. For an hour and a half on stage, a stand-up artist plays so many roles that it would be enough for four, reincarnating either as a dog, or as a tractor, or as a god, parodying different voices and accents and doesn't let the audience get distracted for a second. Rumor has it that at the dawn of his career, speaking on the street, he gathered more spectators than a nearby fire.
What is good: Healthy self-irony and the ability to play several roles at the same time.
Fact: On stage, Eddie most often works without a script, although he is the author of the super-popular British sitcom "Ideal" about a good-for-nothing huckster from Manchester.

“During puberty you think: “I want to date
with someone, I want to look great!” And mother nature to you
in response: "Nah, you'll look worse than ever
In my life".


Who it: Paradox Man. The "underground" English stand-up artist Stuart Lee, despite all his intelligence, has quite scandalous reputation. This encyclopedically well-read and well-versed in history, art and philosophy, the comedian can afford to ridicule any issue. For example, in 2003, together with Richard Thomas, he wrote the musical Jerry Springer: Opera, which, in addition to success with the audience, resulted in a subpoena on charges of blasphemy.
What is good: Intellectual, but at the same time uncompromising humor.
Fact: Lee is ranked 41st on the list of the top 100 comedians of all time.

“You know those shows for young evil comedians? They don't invite me. There is a microphone in the center, and all the comedians run to it. Whoever runs first is the wicked one."

“What appeals to me most about Catholicism is that it combines the search for spiritual meaning and love for souvenirs.

"Catholicism is my favorite form of world evil."


Who it: Provocateur and cynic. The namesake of the author of the best-selling book about quitting smoking and a real master short jokes. In fact, his speeches consist of hundreds of short liners - offensive, provocative, cynical and extremely frank. Carr loves to mock his viewers. Everyone who buys a ticket to his show should be prepared for shock therapy. It seems that for Jimmy Carr there are absolutely no boundaries. For example, speaking in Ireland, he may say to the audience: “I don’t know much about your politics, but I think we need a united Ireland!” And then, waiting for jubilation and approving applause, add: "United under British rule."
What is good: Makes people laugh, even if it makes them feel awkward.
Fact: Before taking up stand-up, Carr was a religious youth and kept his innocence until the age of 26, graduated with honors from Cambridge and worked successfully in a multinational corporation.

“It is stupid to beat your wife. After all, this is YOUR wife. It's like scratching your own car with a key."

“Many people cry when they cut onions. It can be avoided: just don't get attached to him so much."


Who is she: Beautiful girl. Actress and songwriter Sarah Silverman looks like a typical "girl next door", while charming, smart and sharp-tongued. She won the hearts of Americans back in the early 90s when she took part in the Saturday Night Live project. With a deliberately innocent expression, she harshly ridicules racism, sexism and religion, while not at all embarrassed in expressions. Thanks to Sarah's melodious voice and big brown eyes, even rude jokes that are not allowed on TV get away with her. Not so long ago, Comedy Central launched Sarah's personalized TV show, which is now also available on the Russian version of the channel - Paramount Comedy.
What is good: Her jokes do not fit into the traditional ideas of "female humor" and are sometimes quite cynical. Besides, she's just nice to look at.
Fact: She met with another famous prankster - Jimmy Kimmel. The couple broke up, but something good came out of their union - the whole Internet.


Who is: An English comedian loved by Americans. Some accuse Gervais of being arrogant, but after two Emmys, three Golden Globes, and seven BAFTAs, he's entitled to any antics. Gervais is actively working on films and TV series (The Office, later re-shot by the Americans, brought him worldwide popularity). In stand-up, this comedian takes the position of a provocateur and jokes about religion, politics and social norms on the verge, and sometimes beyond what is permitted. Ricky is an atheist, an animal rights activist, and a committed bachelor. It seems that he simply has an inhuman gift of persuasion, since he makes people laugh at what is sacred to them, and manages to date the same woman for 30 years without leading her down the aisle.
What is good: Everyone (as a comedian).
Fact: Became a character in the GTA game.

“I am for the eradication of hunger with both hands. As long as it doesn't affect me."

“There are no taboo topics. There are bad jokes."


Who it: A middle-aged bearded man, inclined to share with the audience such thoughts and observations that few people dare to voice even to a confessor. According to rumors, Louis made the decision to become a comedian at the age of seven. It is not known how everything really happened, but in general it creative biography can be called quite successful: at the moment, Szekely has five special shows for HBO, a collaboration with Chris Rock, two of his own sitcoms and the unspoken title of the best American stand-up artist recent years. It's no secret that comedians often use facts in their speeches. own biography. Shokei squared this frankness and builds his programs on personal experiences. Marriage, divorce, children, sex, health problems - the comedian brings these topics to the public, adding very frank details. His performances often go beyond the bounds of decency, but are completely devoid of aggression. He laughs at himself and that sets him apart from all the other artists.
What is good: Eliminates fears of growing up and complexes about appearance. Looking at Szekely, you understand that you can be red, freckled, chubby, balding and forty-five years old - and still be very cool.
Fact: He spent the first seven years of his life in Mexico City.

“There is a reason why they say “girls go crazy” and not “women go crazy.” When girls go crazy, they show their breasts to others. When adult women go crazy, they kill men.”

"You can find out how bad person, by how soon you were able to masturbate after the tragic events of 9/11. In my case, this is the gap between the falls of the 1st and 2nd buildings.”

“My lunch ends not when I’m full and it doesn’t fit me anymore, but when I start to hate myself.”

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