V.I.zaika analysis of the story "Dragon" by Evgeny Zamyatin. Evgeny Zamyatin - "Dragon" (analysis of the work) Depiction of historical events in the story dragon

1. Grade: 11

2. Subject, topic of the lesson: Literature, A lesson in the development of critical thinking based on the story by E. And Zamyatin "Dragon"

3. Stage of training on this topic (initial, basic, final): Basic

4. Goals:


  1. teach a new method of text analysis;
  2. give an idea of ​​the work of E.I. Zamyatin.

DEVELOPING GOAL: development of critical thinking;

  1. develop the ability to carefully read and understand the text;
  2. develop the ability to justify your point of view.


  1. education of kindness, sensitivity, decency;
  2. cultivating interest in the subject.

5. Lesson type: gaining new knowledge.

6. Used techniques, methods, teaching technologies: the reader's forecast method, the technology of critical thinking through reading.

7. Used forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: frontal.

8. Equipment and main sources of information: projector, screen, computer, Power Point presentation.

9. Predicted result (formed competencies):

1. Educational - cognitive

  1. Formulating the goals of their activities in the lesson.
  1. Ability to analyze, generalize, formulate conclusions.

2. Communicative

  1. The ability to express your point of view.
  2. The ability to listen and understand the point of view of the interlocutor.
  3. Ability to lead a discussion.

3. Information.

  1. Possession of the reader's forecast method in text analysis.

4. Value-semantic

  1. The ability to choose the target and semantic settings for their actions and deeds.
  2. The ability to make decisions based on the ideals of goodness and justice.
  3. Ability to formulate own value orientations.

5. Competencies of personal self-improvement

  1. Respectful attitude to someone else's position.

10. List of used literature:

1. Zamyatin E.I. We. Stories // Eksmo. 2009.

2. Churakov D.: Rebellious proletarians: Workers' protest in Soviet Russia //M. 2007.

3. Berlyand I. E. Educational activity in the school of developing education and the school of dialogue of cultures / / M. 2005.



Teacher's word:

Surely, each of you has repeatedly heard that it is very important for a modern person to be able to think critically. Let's try to explain what is meant by the expression "critical thinking".


slide 1

Teacher's word:

So, we found out that the concept of "critical thinking" includes: independence, argumentation, focus on the search for common sense.


  1. Are these components important to us when analyzing a literary text, when reading?
  2. What do they give us?

goal setting

Teacher's word:

Today, in the lesson, we will try to master such a method of critical comprehension of the text as a reader's forecast. This will be our goal.

Slide 2.

teacher's word

Reading, watching a movie, following the development of some events, we sometimes say: “I did not expect this!” A person is so arranged that he always strives to look ahead, to predict the future - in a word, to predict. There is such a thing as a reader's forecast.

Today we have an interesting thing in our lesson - the story of Yevgeny Zamyatin "Dragon". Let's write down the topic based on the purpose and material of the lesson: "A critical analysis of Zamyatin's story" The Dragon ".

slide 3.

And we will constantly “guess” - what will happen next in the story?

Assimilation of new material

Teacher's word:

Let's look at the name and start guessing.

slide 4.


  1. Imagine the time, place, and plot of a story with that title.

Teacher's word:

To see if our assumptions match what will be in the text, we will fill in the table during the lesson. Rewrite it in your notebook.

Slide 5.

Teacher's word:

Let's fill in the first column with our forecast, write briefly! Well, let's start reading.

Reading an excerpt.

slide 6

“The fiercely frozen Petersburg burned and raved. It was clear: invisible behind the foggy curtain, creaking, shuffling, on tiptoe, yellow and red columns, spiers and gray lattices wandered out. A hot, unprecedented, icy sun in the fog - left, right, above, below - a dove over a house on fire. From the delirious, foggy world, dragon-people emerged into the earthly world, vomited fog, heard in the foggy world like words, but here - white, round haze; surfaced and drowned in the fog. And with a rattle, trams rushed into the unknown out of the earthly world.


  1. So, the scene is Petersburg. Is the setting real or unreal?
  2. What sensations arise?
  3. Let's pay attention to the first 2 words, how is it - fierce?
  4. Why is the sun ice cold?
  5. What are those round smokes that the "dragon people" were spitting out?

Reading an excerpt.

Slide 7

“A dragon with a rifle temporarily existed on the tram platform, rushing into the unknown. The cap fit over the nose and, of course, would have swallowed the dragon's head, if not for the ears: the cap sat on protruding ears. The overcoat dangled to the floor; sleeves hung down; the toes of the boots were bent up - empty. And a hole in the fog: the mouth.”


  1. Here he is, the dragon. What is he? Scary?

Working with the word kartuz.

Slide 8

Teacher's word:

The dragon is not a fairy tale, but a very real person. He is somehow fearless - ridiculous, small, even pathetic.

But the last sentence, the mouth, which is only called a hole - it all sounds a little strange.

Did the writer intrigue you? Shall we guess or read a little bit more?

Reading a passage

slide 9.

“It was already in the jumping, rushing world, and here the fierce fog spewed by the dragon was visible and audible:

- ... I'm leading him: an intelligent muzzle - it's just disgusting to look at. And still talking, bitch, huh? Talking!

Well, what did you bring?

Brought: without a transplant - to the Kingdom of Heaven. With a bayonet.

The hole in the fog was overgrown: there was only an empty cap, empty boots, an empty overcoat.

The tram rattled and rushed out of the world.


  1. What is this conversation about?

Teacher's word:

The story is about a really extremely cold winter in 1918. Let's try together to remember what was happening in the country at that time.

  1. What historical event happened a year earlier in Russia?
  2. Who was in charge of the country at that time?
  3. What was going on in society at that time?
  4. What is the tragedy of the Civil War for our country?

slide 10

Teacher's word:

So, we found out that the story shows the post-revolutionary time, when the Bolsheviks had just taken power into their own hands. This is the terrible time of the Civil War, the period of the split of society into opposing factions - "red" and "white", brutal reprisals against opponents, terror, constant fear and distrust of everyone. The man with the rifle, whom we saw in the story, is most likely a Red Army soldier.


  1. He led another - obviously, a political opponent ... no, not to be shot. Maybe at headquarters. And on the way - killed. Why? For what?
  2. We will not find any more mention of the murdered in the story. But try to imagine it! What do you think are the motives behind his behavior? Why did he keep trying to talk to his guide?
  3. Could this man's attempts have succeeded? Why?
  4. Does the “dragon” regret his act? How does he feel about it? Why does he say “bayonet” and not “bayonet”?

Teacher's word:

This dialogue in the story is the most important. He is stunning. It becomes clear that the situation depicted in the story is not at all fabulous - we have before us a real, terrible, more terrible than any most terrible fairy tale, life.


  1. Make a conclusion: which dragon is scarier - fabulous (breathing fire, three-headed) or this one, Zamyatinsky - empty?
  2. Why is this one scarier?
  3. Is it possible to convince of something - emptiness? And remember - at first he seemed fearless, even funny ...

Discussion, filling in the table.

The story isn't over yet. What's next for us?

Reading a passage

slide 11, 12

“And suddenly - from the empty sleeves - from the depths - red, dragon paws grew.

An empty overcoat crouched on the floor - and in its paws it was gray, cold, materialized from a fierce fog.

You are my mother! Sparrow is frozen, huh! Well, say goodbye!

The dragon knocked back the cap - and in the fog two eyes - two slits from the delusional into the human world.

The dragon blew with all his might into the red paws, and these were, obviously, the words of a sparrow, but they - in the delusional world - were not heard. The tram rumbled.

Such a bitch; like trembling, huh? Not yet? But it will depart, she-bo ... Well, tell me!

He blew with all his might. The rifle lay on the floor. And at the moment prescribed by fate, at the prescribed point in space, the gray sparrow jumped, jumped again - and fluttered from the red dragon's paws into the unknown.


  1. Another unexpected twist. Why did a Red Army dragon kill a man and save a sparrow?

Discussion, filling in the table.

  1. How would you like to see the end of the story? Try to predict its completion.

Reading a passage

slide 13

“The dragon bared its misty-flaming mouth to the ears. Slowly, the caps slammed shut into the human world. The cape settled on protruding ears. The guide to the Kingdom of Heaven raised his rifle.

He gnashed his teeth and rushed into the unknown, out of the human world, the tram.

Discussion, formulation of conclusions

  1. This is where the story ends. How did you understand if the author has optimism towards the human person?
  2. What is this story about?
  3. Is it possible, in your opinion, to justify human cruelty by socio-historical conditions?

Slide 14.



  1. Look at the table, remember the course of the lesson and tell us what gave us such an analysis technique as a reader's forecast?
  2. Did it help us to think critically about this little text?


Level 1 - write a review of the story.

Level 2 - prepare a retelling of the text.

Level 3 - find and write out artistic and expressive means


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Slides captions:

CRITICAL THINKING Independent Reasoned Reasoned Common Sense



DRAGON Time? Place? Plot?

Reader's forecast Events in the text

Fiercely frozen Petersburg burned and raved. It was clear: invisible behind the foggy curtain, creaking, shuffling, on tiptoe, yellow and red columns, spiers and gray lattices wandered out. A hot, unprecedented, icy sun in the fog - left, right, above, below - a dove over a house on fire. From the delirious, foggy world, dragon-people emerged into the earthly world, vomited fog, heard in the foggy world like words, but here - white, round haze; surfaced and drowned in the fog. And with a screech, trams rushed into the unknown out of the earthly world.

A dragon with a rifle temporarily existed on the tram platform, rushing into the unknown. The cap fit over the nose and, of course, would have swallowed the dragon's head, if not for the ears: the cap sat on protruding ears. The overcoat dangled to the floor; sleeves hung down; the toes of the boots were bent up - empty. And a hole in the fog: a mouth.

A cap is a men's headdress with a rigid visor, a peaked cap

It was already in the jumping, rushing world, and here the fierce fog spewed by the dragon was visible and heard: - ... I lead him: an intelligent muzzle - it's just disgusting to look at. And still talking, bitch, huh? Talking! - Well, and what - brought? - Brought: without a transplant - to the Kingdom of Heaven. With a bayonet. The hole in the fog was overgrown: there was only an empty cap, empty boots, an empty overcoat. The tram rattled and rushed out of the world.

Revolution of 1917 Bolsheviks came to power Civil War

And suddenly - from the empty sleeves - from the depths - red, dragon paws grew. An empty overcoat crouched on the floor - and in its paws it was gray, cold, materialized from a fierce fog. - You are my mother! Sparrow is frozen, huh! Well, say goodbye! The dragon knocked back the cap - and in the fog two eyes - two slits from the delusional into the human world.

The dragon blew with all his might into the red paws, and these were, obviously, the words of a sparrow, but they - in the delusional world - were not heard. The tram rumbled. - Such a bitch; like trembling, huh? Not yet? But it will depart, she-bo ... Well, tell me! He blew with all his might. The rifle lay on the floor. And at the moment prescribed by fate, at the prescribed point in space, the gray sparrow jumped, jumped again - and fluttered from the red dragon's paws into the unknown.

The dragon bared its misty-flaming mouth to the ears. Slowly, the caps slammed shut into the human world. The cape settled on protruding ears. The guide to the Kingdom of Heaven raised his rifle. Grinding his teeth and rushing into the unknown, out of the human world, tram

What a story?

Homework 1st level: review of the story 2nd level: detailed retelling 3rd level: artistic and expressive means

(Reading with stops)

Kopylova Tatyana Olegovna,
teacher of Russian language and literature
GBOU Gymnasium No. 209 of the Central District
St. Petersburg "Pavlovskaya Gymnasium"


Educational Purpose:

· to teach a new method of text analysis;

· to give an idea about the work of E.I. Zamyatin.

Development Goal:

Development of critical thinking;

Develop the ability to justify your point of view.

educational goal:

education of kindness, sensitivity, decency;

raising interest in the subject.

The story "Dragon" is extremely valuable in that it conveys to students the "air of the era", allows you to raise important moral problems and with a small volume (hence, with minimal time s x costs) is an excellent material for the study of writing skills.

The text of the story fits perfectly on an A4 sheet. We divide it into five parts, cut it and offer to read it "in parts", each time fixing our reflection by writing in the table and predicting the further content of the story. (see annex 1)

During the classes

First, just the word “dragon” should appear on the board and in notebooks, without giving the name of the author and the name of the lesson. As experience has shown, otherwise we will not be able to achieve a “pure” reflection, and in the minds of the children, especially those who read, there will be a “literary” reflection - both on the “Dragon” by E. Schwartz, and on the name of the writer.

· Dragon… Write down the associative series for this word. As you read, underline the words that you and your classmates have written down. You can also add those words that you consider "your", but which did not immediately come to mind.

What does a dragon usually look like? What is his color scheme?

Where is this image found?

This is the beginning of the lesson that the students like. The associative series is built easily, the color perception of the word is usually the same (usually green and red). It is important to emphasize that this creature is mythical, fabulous.

A number of the most frequently occurring words are written on the board.

Do you think the word "Dragon" is a good choice for the title of the story? Why?

Expected content (time, place, plot) of a story with this title (brief writing in notebooks, reading).

The guys consider the name of the story to be successful - a short, capacious, sonorous word that immediately attracts attention. They easily fantasize, anticipating the plot, and the further their version is from Zamyatin's story, the more interesting.

Communication of the purpose and objectives of the lesson. Writing on the board and in a notebook:

Evgeny Zamyatin. "The Dragon"

... While reading, watching a movie, following the development of some events, we sometimes say: “I did not expect this!” A person is so arranged that he always strives to look ahead, to predict the future, in a word, to predict. There is such a thing as a reader's forecast.

And what kind of books do you like to read more: those in which you can easily guess what will happen to the characters, or those in which the plot has completely unexpected twists and turns? Why?

We will read the story in parts, “with stops”, and see which writers E. Zamyatin belongs to - those whose thoughts are easy to predict, or those who know how to interest, or even stun the reader with unexpected plot twists.

To consolidate our impressions, we will draw a small table and will fill it in as we read the story.

Let's go back to the story:
1 fragment

Was it unexpected for you? What exactly turned out to be unexpected - write in the appropriate column.

(At first, the notes are kept independently, then they are read aloud. When reading, the guys emphasize what their classmates noted and supplement their notes).

Students immediately recognize that the beginning of the story was completely unexpected for them. The place of action was unexpected - St. Petersburg, and the image of St. Petersburg is given as real. We can say that St. Petersburg is recognizable here, traditional, even everyday (lattices, spiers, columns, trams). Unexpected is the time of action - winter, severe cold.

“Expected” are the image of fire and the feeling of the unreality of what is happening (“Petersburg was on fire and delirious”, “feverish, unprecedented, icy sun”), images of people (“dragon-people”), the word “vomited”.

The mood of the story is also marked as "expected". This is a terrible, almost unreal - with all the reality of what is happening - the atmosphere of a "fiercely frozen" city.

You can draw the attention of students to how rationally Zamyatin uses the artistic space of the story. Swiftly, in the very first word ("fierce") the general tone is set, the mood of the story is created. Students also note an extremely unpleasant sound - a rattle that accompanies the action.

· So, the place where the action takes place is in front of us. This is "fiercely frozen" Petersburg. We remember the name of the story - "Dragon". Your prediction - what is the content of the next paragraph? Of course, we are waiting for the appearance of the main character. Remember our associative series for this word! Now we read on...

· 2 fragment

We expected a dragon to appear - and here it is. Let's go back to our table and write down - what is "expected" here and what is unexpected?

The "dragon" is not a fairy tale, but a very real person. He is somehow fearless - ridiculous, small, even pathetic. A rifle, if the story has not been read before, students tend to consider rather as a sham or as a sign of weakness, a desire to defend themselves. Only something prevents us from fully recognizing that we have a real, ordinary person in front of us. What? Maybe the last suggestion? It sounds kinda weird...

Do you want to express your reader's forecast or is it more interesting to hear its continuation? (As a rule, everyone wants to know the continuation of Zamyatin's story).

The next fragment is a dialogue. An ordinary conversation on the tram platform of two random fellow travelers. Ordinary? Let's listen: what is it about?

3 fragment

This dialogue in the story is the most important. He is stunning. It becomes clear that the situation depicted in the story is not at all fabulous - it is real, terrible, more terrible than any most terrible fairy tale, life. But often this dialogue is clear only to adults.

When reading fluently, in pursuit of a plot (which Zamyatin practically does not have), the guys, as a rule, “fly through” the story and do not understand its content: it is too short. Only "reading with stops" makes it possible to understand the depth of Zamyatin's text.

The story is difficult for students also because modern schoolchildren have a poor idea of ​​​​the situation in the country in 1918. History textbooks give only brief, one might say, formal information about what was happening in the country. So that the guys can imagine how it was, they need to "experience" the events of the past. Such an "experience" can only give a person a work of art - a film, picture or book. Therefore, the real comprehension of the history of the native state takes place, strange as it may sound, not in the lessons of history, but in the lessons of literature.

So, what is this conversation about? The story tells of the really extremely cold winter of 1918, the time when the Bolsheviks had just taken power into their own hands. The man with the rifle is most likely a Red Army soldier. He led another - obviously, a political opponent ... no, not to be shot. Maybe at headquarters. And on the way - killed. Why? For what?

We will not find any more mention of the murdered person in the story. But what are the motives of his behavior, why did he always try to talk to his guide?

Could this person's attempts have been successful? Why?

· Does the "dragon" regret his act? How does he feel about it? Why does he say "bayonet" and not "bayonet"?

· Make a conclusion: which dragon is scarier - fabulous (breathing fire, three-headed) or this one, Zamyatin - empty? Why is this one scarier? Is it possible to convince of something - emptiness? And remember - at first he seemed fearless, even funny ...

Let's go back to the table and write down what we expected and what turned out to be unexpected ...

Now, having understood the terrible meaning of such a seemingly ordinary conversation on a tram platform, we re-read this paragraph once again. Don't you think that something is missing in it? (Dialogue.)

How many lines are in this dialogue? Are you looking forward to the sequel? What? Why do you think this continuation is not in the story?

(There is no answer to the dragon's last line in the story.

The guys also found the reason why there is no reaction to the embittered remarks of the dragon in Zamyatin's story. .(See the first paragraph: the inhabitants of the city are "dragon people"). Other interpretations of the lack of response to the words "dragon" are possible, of course.)

The next paragraph begins with the words "And suddenly…" Try to guess how events could develop further?

4 fragment

So, another unexpected twist. The hero of Zamyatin is inhuman, cruel, but even in such a cruel creature there is the possibility of sympathy for the “little sparrow”.

Let's fill in our table "expected" - "unexpected".

Mark the most expressive artistic details:

An unnecessary rifle lying on the floor.
Features of the dragon's speech: the same words sound like a curse, and serve to express affection, affection. Why?
The word “sparrow” is somewhat unusual - more familiar than “sparrows”, “sparrow”.
Why does the word sound like this?

How would you like to see the end of the story? Try to predict its completion .

5 fragment

And so Zamyatin's story ended. Was it interesting to read it? What surprised you as you read the story?

· The story is very short, but is it difficult to read it? Why?

Did “stop-reading” help you understand the story better, and if so, in what ways? Was the reader's prediction useful (and why)?

· Is Zamyatin's view of a person optimistic or pessimistic?

Let's read the story in its entirety. It is so short that we could easily miss something.

Are there any "cross-cutting" (passing through the whole story) motives, images, details, words in the story? Mark the most important, in your opinion, artistic details.

Students find the image of two worlds passing through the whole story: the “delusional, foggy”, cruel world, where “dragon people” live, and the earthly world, humanly, unprotected.

They coexist side by side, and interpenetration of these worlds is constantly taking place. Therefore, the whole story is imbued with the motive of movement. The direction of this movement is "get out of the human world". It can take place emphatically rapidly (“trams rushed out of the earthly world with a creak”), or it can be imperceptible, slow, but steady and still directed in the same direction - “out”: “yellow and red columns, spiers and gray bars"...

Old St. Petersburg is leaving with its way of life, and with it a lot of things are leaving - our culture, our language, morality, the warmth and kindness of human relations, and what’s there - even an understanding of the value of human life ...

But the guys note that this time the words fall into the void. This world does not respond to either tragedy or joy. It's empty. Even the dragons in it are lonely. This is how the motif of emptiness is given - the emptiness of the soul and the emptiness of this new, cruel world.

And now let's try to summarize the material of the lesson in a small table:

The form:
what is described in the story?

Petersburg. Winter 1918.

About the terrible time after the revolution of 1918, the time of confrontation between people, when human life was not put into anything

About the cruelty of the world and the people in it

Conversation on the tram platform.

About the danger of emptiness in the human soul

On the confrontation between culture and aggressive lack of culture

About the fact that in the most cruel person there can be a place for glimpses of kindness (is not everything lost?)

The fact that a world in which the human principle is lost cannot be happy

· ...

· How is it that such a short story contains so much? The key, main words of the answer will, of course, be the words "skill of the writer." Formulate the answer to this question by starting the phrase with the words "Evgeny Zamyatin's skill is that ..."

Homework options:

· Review of the story.

· E. Zamyatin's novel "We" is called a warning novel. And what does the writer warn about in his short story "Dragon"? (Written response to question)

Attachment 1

Evgeny Zamyatin

The Dragon


Zamyatin's story can be divided into 5 parts.

1 landscape drawing image of a sick delusional Petersburg . In this foggy cold world, dragon-people temporarily exist, spewing mist into the foggy world. It was clear: columns of spiers and lattices were wandering out of this clear, foggy, delusional world. An icy sun over feverish Petersburg, like a dove over a house on fire.

People emerged from the foggy sick world to the earthly world only when they uttered words, but here, in the foggy world, words-smoke were drowned in the fog. Those. the earthly world has almost disappeared: a tram rushing out of the earthly world.

2 portrait drawing a dragon with a rifle. dragon strange, of the parts of the body, only the ears and mouth are named - a hole in the fog, the nose. The dragon, despite the fiery word, is passive, empty. But the katruz climbed, would have swallowed it, sat down. The overcoat dangled, the sleeves hung down, the boots were bent. Thus, it turns out that the dragon with a rifle is empty and passive here, his dragon clothes are not for him. On the touching protruding ears aggressive verbal clothes of the dragon.

3 - story event episode 1. It's a dragon's tale of slaying , two of his remarks, from which we learn four facts: fact 1: accompanied the arrested person, fact 2: treats the arrested person with hatred and contempt, fact 3: killed the arrested person, fact 4: does not doubt the correctness of his actions. Moreover, confidence in the correctness of actions is both the cause and the result: the Dragon, indignant, except for the intelligent muzzle, precisely the speech of the arrested, stabbed him. There is nothing new in the description of the character's appearance: after the dialogue, the hole in the fog was overgrown, but it was deliberately repeated that there was only an empty cap, empty boots, an empty overcoat. The sign of emptiness is emphasized. The emptiness and insignificance of the physical (ears, clothes that do not fit) becomes emptiness, the insignificance of the soul. In the opposition “foggy, delusional world” / “earthly world”, the delusional one wins. Zamyatin states: The New World is a world that has jumped off, a rushing world, a society that has jumped off, gone off the normal track, not amenable to control, not having a clear goal. The final phrase The tram rattled and rushed out of the world gives an assessment to this crazy world and its representative - a dragon with a gun. This new hero, an insignificant spiritually and physically little man in dragon clothes, not tall enough in a delusional world, turns out to be a guide to the Kingdom of Heaven. Killed with a bayonet for talking.

4 - second event episode 2 it starts with the union I. And suddenly ... dragon comes to life(i.e. for a moment it shows humanity): paws grew, the cap was knocked off, eyes appeared - slits from the delusional into the human world. But, as you can see, the dragon comes to life - not a man. It is interesting that the overcoat sat down, i.e. obeyed, albeit empty, and surrendered - then she already knocked off her cap, then already her eyes, then she blew with all her might, and these were human words to a sparrow , but they were not heard in the foggy delusional world. A man with a rifle is definitely not a man, a dragon, a monster. But something human still remains. Maybe this is the last human manifestation of the dragon.

Episode 1 is about deprivation of life, episode 2 about the return of life.

In episode-1, the actual action is a story (two lines) about deprivation of life, murder: what happened and how the narrator relates to what happened. The dragon talks about how he killed. And the most important thing here is the relationship , since the actual deprivation of life "objectively" is not represented here. In this way, the murder is told, the animation is shown . In episode 2, the dragon revived the sparrow, but did not react to this in any way, only bared his mouth (maybe he didn’t even notice, he will soon forget). Then the slit-eyes into the human world slammed shut. The cap settled on the ears. Dragon, i.e. Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven, took a rifle.

5 – final landscape about a tram rushing out of the human world. This is the third iteration.He gnashed his teeth and rushed into the unknown, out of the human world, the tram.

An analysis of the story shows that Yevgeny Zamyatin states the dehumanization of the world in the cold winter of 1918: the dragon casually tells how he took the life of a man, then resurrects a sparrow to life and rushes along with the whole crazy world into the unknown. I think Zamyatin is terrified.

Tatyana Alekseeva

Tatyana Vasilievna ALEKSEEVA (1950) - methodologist in literature of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg.

Lesson-workshop on the story of Evgeny Zamyatin "Dragon"

Reading with stops

A few words about the important

When talking about the need to introduce modern technologies into school practice, we are talking not only about the use of computers. Modern technologies are, first of all, new ways of “acquiring” information and working with it, new “teacher-student” relationships, and the active nature of learning.

Technologies for the development of critical thinking (TRKM) are of great interest to teachers today. Among the methods of using TRCM is such as “reading with stops”. The main goal of a literature lesson is to educate a real reader, develop reader's taste, the ability to see the text and comprehend it, and here the importance of this technique can hardly be overestimated.

Perhaps the use of TRCM is the way to rid the student of the useless, mechanical reading of huge volumes. What are the many hundreds of pages of "Quiet Don"! Hand on heart - which of the children - and teachers! Did you read it in full? Perhaps the use of TRCM is the way to real reading, to reading with the desire to notice a lot, to make reader discoveries, to comprehend, the way to the ability to see the skill of the writer.

It's embarrassing to admit, but new technologies in the classroom are now often used ... for the sake of technology itself. How often they are used in open lessons that are clearly “breaking out” of the literature program, that is, they have nothing to do with its passage! With the existing congestion of the program, it is possible to give two or three lessons “for a workshop” only on the condition that there are “guests” at the school who need to be shown a “ceremonial lesson”.

The workshop on Zamyatin's story "The Dragon", which is designed for two academic hours, is offered to your attention and easily fits into the program of both the 10th and 11th grades. It can (and even advisable) be carried out when learning to write a review - as a practical work on its preparation. It can be given in the 11th grade - instead of the one recommended for analysis in the textbook, ed. V.V. Agenos' story "The Cave", difficult even for strong students.

The story "Dragon" is extremely valuable in that it conveys to students the "air of the era", allows raising important moral problems and, with a small volume (and therefore, with minimal time spent), serves as an excellent material for studying writing skills.

The text of the story fits perfectly on an A4 sheet. We divide it into five parts, cut it and invite students to read “in parts”, each time fixing their reflection by writing in the table and predicting the further content of the story.

Lessons on the "Dragon" were held in the camp "Mirror" for St. Petersburg schoolchildren - winners of the Olympiad in Literature, as well as for students of the 10th grade of the International Lyceum of St. Petersburg. The tenth graders marked this lesson as one of the most interesting of the year.

During the classes

From the beginning, just the word “Dragon” should appear on the board and in notebooks, without giving the name of the author and the name of the lesson. As experience has shown, otherwise it is impossible to achieve “pure” reflection: in the minds of the children, especially those who read, reflection “literary” will go on - they will remember both the “Dragon” by Yevgeny Schwartz, and the very name of Zamyatin.

Dragon ... Write down an associative series for this word. As you read, underline the words that you and your classmates have written down. You can also add those words that you consider “yours”, but which did not immediately come to mind.

What does a dragon usually look like? What is his "color scheme"?

Where is this image found?

This is the beginning of the lesson that the students like. The associative series is built easily, the color perception of the word is usually the same (usually green and red). It is important to emphasize that this creature is mythical, fabulous.

(A number of the most common words are written on the board.)

Do you think the word "Dragon" is appropriate for the title of the story? Why?

Briefly write down the expected content (time, place, plot) of a story with this title.

(Records, reading, addition of records.)

The guys consider the name of the story to be successful - a short, capacious, sonorous word that immediately attracts attention. They easily fantasize, anticipating the plot, and the further their version is from Zamyatin's story, the more interesting it will be.

Communication of the purpose and objectives of the lesson. Writing on the board and in the notebook: “Evgeny Zamyatin. "The Dragon"".

Introductory speech of the teacher could be something like this.

... While reading, watching a movie, following the development of some events, we sometimes say: “I did not expect this!” A person is so arranged that he always strives to look ahead, to predict the future - in a word, to predict. There is such a thing as a reader's forecast.

Today we have an interesting thing in our lesson - the story of Yevgeny Zamyatin "Dragon". And we will constantly “guess” - what will happen next in the story?

Why? What gives such a “wrong” reading? Or maybe just such a reading is the most correct? More on that at the end of the lesson.

To consolidate our impressions and “expectations”, we will draw a small table and fill it in as we read.

It is also better to fill in the first column of the table as you read, so that the lesson does not look like a rigid “blank”. The names in this column may look like this: “Beginning of the story: description of the scene (exposition)”, “Protagonist (portrait)”, “Development of the action (dialogue on the tram)”, “Climax (“sparrow”)”, “Completion of the story (decoupling)."

expected unexpected

Finally, let's get back to the story.

“The fiercely frozen Petersburg burned and raved. It was clear: invisible behind the foggy curtain, creaking, shuffling, on tiptoe, yellow and red columns, spiers and gray lattices wandered out. A hot, unprecedented, icy sun in the fog - left, right, above, below - a dove over a house on fire. From the delirious, foggy world, dragon-people emerged into the earthly world, vomited fog, heard in the foggy world like words, but here - white, round haze; surfaced and drowned in the fog. And with a rattle, trams rushed into the unknown out of the earthly world.

Was the beginning of the story unexpected for you? What exactly was unexpected? Write your thoughts in the appropriate column.

(Everyone first writes down their opinion, then reads aloud. The guys emphasize what not only they, but also their comrades noted, and supplement their notes if something new, but consonant with their thoughts, sounded in the reading of classmates.)

Students immediately recognize that the beginning of the story was completely unexpected for them. The place of action was unexpected - St. Petersburg, and the image of St. Petersburg is given as real. We can say that St. Petersburg is recognizable here, traditional, even everyday (lattices, spiers, columns, trams). Unexpected is the time of action - winter, severe cold.

“Expected” are the image of fire and the feeling of the unreality of what is happening (“Petersburg was on fire and delirious”, “feverish, unprecedented, icy sun”), images of people (“dragon-people”), the word “vomited”.

The mood of the story is also marked as “expected”. This is a terrible, almost unreal - with all the reality of what is happening - the atmosphere of a "fiercely frozen" city.

You can draw the attention of students to how rationally Zamyatin uses the artistic space of the story. Rapidly, in the very first word (“fiercely”), the general tone is set, the mood of the story is created. Students also note an extremely unpleasant sound - a rattle that accompanies the action.

So, the place where the action takes place is in front of us. This is “fiercely frozen” St. Petersburg. We remember the name of the story - "Dragon". What is your prediction - what is the content of the next paragraph? ..

Of course, we are waiting for the appearance of the main character. Remember our associative series for this word! Now we read on...

“A dragon with a rifle temporarily existed on the tram platform, rushing into the unknown. The cap fit over the nose and, of course, would have swallowed the dragon's head, if not for the ears: the cap sat on protruding ears. The overcoat dangled to the floor; sleeves hung down; the toes of the boots were bent up - empty. And a hole in the fog: the mouth.”

We expected a dragon to appear - and here it is. Let's go back to our table and write down - what is “expected” here and what is unexpected?

When reading this fragment on the faces of children - something like disappointment and ridicule. The guys note that the “dragon” is not a fairy-tale, but a very real person. He is somehow fearless - ridiculous, small, even pathetic. A rifle, if the story has not been read before, students tend to consider rather as a sham or as a sign of weakness, a desire to defend themselves. Only something prevents us from fully recognizing that we have a real, ordinary person in front of us. What? Maybe the last suggestion? It sounds kinda weird...

I want to hear from you guys: do you want to express mine reader's forecast or Zamyatin intrigued us so much that it's more interesting to hear his continuation?

(As a rule, everyone wants to know the continuation of Zamyatin's story.)

The next fragment is a dialogue. An ordinary conversation on the tram platform of two random fellow travelers. Ordinary? Let's listen: what is it about?

“It was already in the jumping, rushing world, and here the fierce fog spewed by the dragon was visible and audible:

- ... I'm leading him: an intelligent muzzle - it's just disgusting to look at. And still talking, bitch, huh? Talking!

Well, what did you bring?

Brought: without a transplant - to the Kingdom of Heaven. With a bayonet.

The hole in the fog was overgrown: there was only an empty cap, empty boots, an empty overcoat.

The tram rattled and rushed out of the world.

This dialogue in the story is the most important. He is stunning. It becomes clear that the situation depicted in the story is not at all fabulous - we have before us a real, terrible, more terrible than any most terrible fairy tale, life. But often this dialogue is clear only to adults.

When reading fluently, in pursuit of a plot (which Zamyatin practically does not have), the guys, as a rule, “fly through” the story and do not understand its content: it is too short. Only “reading with stops” allows students to truly understand the content of the story.

The story is also complicated because modern schoolchildren have a poor idea of ​​​​the situation in the country in 1918. History textbooks give only brief, one might say, formal information about what was happening in the country. So that the guys can imagine how it was, they need to “experience” the events of the past. Such an “experience” can only give a person a work of art - a film, a picture or a book. Therefore, the real comprehension of the history of the native state takes place, strange as it may sound, not in the lessons of history, but in the lessons of literature.

So what is this conversation about?

The story tells of the really extremely cold winter of 1918, the time when the Bolsheviks had just taken power into their own hands. The man with the rifle is most likely a Red Army soldier. He led another - obviously, a political opponent ... no, not to be shot. Maybe at headquarters. And on the way - killed. Why? For what?

We will not find any more mention of the murdered in the story. But try to imagine it! What do you think are the motives behind his behavior? Why did he keep trying to talk to his guide?

Could this man's attempts have succeeded? Why?

Does the “dragon” regret his act? How does he feel about it? Why does he say “bayonet” and not “bayonet”?

Make a conclusion: which dragon is scarier - fabulous (breathing fire, three-headed) or this one, Zamyatinsky - empty? Why is this one scarier? Is it possible to convince of something - emptiness? And remember - at first he seemed fearless, even funny ...

Let's go back to the table and write down what we expected and what turned out to be unexpected ...

Now, having understood the terrible meaning of such a seemingly ordinary conversation on a tram platform, we re-read this paragraph once again. Don't you think that something is missing in it?

(If you need a hint, you can recall that, according to the definition of a Russian language textbook, “dialogue is a conversation between two or more people.” And how many replicas are there in this dialogue? Are you waiting for a continuation? Which one? Why do you think this continuation is not in story?)

The idea that there is no answer to the last remark of the dragon in the story belongs to St. Petersburg high school students from the Mirror camp. It was the first time this lesson was given. The guys found the reason why in Zamyatin's story, there is no reaction to the dragon's angry remarks. See the first paragraph: the inhabitants of the city are "dragon people" themselves.

The next paragraph begins with the words "And suddenly ...". Try to guess how events could develop further?

(The suggestion of one student is curious: “It’s so cold and scary ... I want something good, warm ...”)

“And suddenly - from the empty sleeves - from the depths - red, dragon paws grew.

An empty overcoat crouched on the floor - and in its paws it was gray, cold, materialized from a fierce fog.

You are my mother! Sparrow is frozen, huh! Well, say goodbye!

The dragon knocked back the cap - and in the fog two eyes - two slits from the delusional into the human world.

The dragon blew with all his might into the red paws, and these were, obviously, the words of a sparrow, but they - in the delusional world - were not heard. The tram rumbled.

Such a bitch; like trembling, huh? Not yet? But it will depart, she-bo ... Well, tell me!

He blew with all his might. The rifle lay on the floor. And at the moment prescribed by fate, at the prescribed point in space, the gray sparrow jumped, jumped again - and fluttered from the red dragon's paws into the unknown.

So, another unexpected twist. The hero of Zamyatin is inhuman, cruel, but even in such a cruel creature there is the possibility of sympathy for the “little sparrow” ...

Let's fill in our table "expected" - "unexpected".

Mark the most expressive artistic details (unnecessary rifle lying on the floor).

Features of the dragon's speech: the same words sound like a curse, and serve to express affection, affection. Why?

The word “sparrow” is somewhat unusual - more familiar than “sparrows”, “sparrow”. Why does the word sound like this?

(The guys easily find the consonant - “cub”. One of the versions is also interesting why the hero of the story killed a man and saved a bird - the guys decided that there was nothing human in the “dragon”, the animal was closer to him.)

How would you like to see the end of the story? Try to predict its completion.

Final reading:

“The dragon bared its misty-flaming mouth to the ears. Slowly, the caps slammed shut into the human world. The cape settled on protruding ears. The guide to the Kingdom of Heaven raised his rifle.

He gnashed his teeth and rushed into the unknown, out of the human world, the tram.

And so Zamyatin's story ended. Was it interesting to read it? What surprised you as you read the story?

The story is very short, but can it be said that it is difficult to read it? Why?

Did “stop reading” help you understand the story better, and if so, in what ways? Was such a device as a reader's forecast useful (and in what way)?

Is Zamyatin's view of a person optimistic or pessimistic?

Let's read the story in its entirety. It is so short that we could easily miss something.

Are there any “cross-cutting” (passing through the whole story) motives, images, details, words in the story? Mark the most important, in your opinion, artistic details.

Students find the image of two worlds passing through the whole story: the “delusional, foggy”, cruel world, where “dragon people” live, and the earthly world, human, unprotected. They coexist side by side, and interpenetration of these worlds is constantly taking place. Therefore, the whole story is imbued with the motive of movement. The direction of this movement is “get out of the human world”. It can happen emphatically rapidly (“trams rushed out of the earthly world with a creak”), or it can be imperceptible, slow, but steady and still directed there - “out”: “yellow and red columns, spiers and gray bars”…

Old St. Petersburg is leaving with its way of life, and with it a lot of things are leaving - our culture, our language, morality, the warmth and kindness of human relations, and what’s there - even an understanding of the value of human life ...

The guys also note the Christian motive in the story, given, with a small amount of text and the importance of details, it is no coincidence. This is a “dove over a house on fire” and a slip of the word “dragon”: “Hey-bo ...”. The word has not been agreed, it has been abandoned, but it is significant that it still exists in the mind.

But the guys note that the second time the words fall into the void. This world does not respond to either tragedy or joy. It's empty. Even the dragons in it are lonely. This is how the motif of emptiness is given - the emptiness of the soul and the emptiness of this new, cruel world.

Let's try to summarize the material of the lesson in a small table.

Look again at this table. Nothing surprises...

How is it that such a short story contains so much? Tell us about it in writing ... A little hint: the key, main words of the answer will, of course, be the words “writer's skill”. You can start with the words “The skill of Evgeny Zamyatin is that ...” Of course, when answering, you can and should use notes from the lesson.

Options homework.

  • Story review.
  • Roman E.I. Zamyatin "We" is called a warning novel. And what does the writer warn about in his short story "Dragon"? (Written answer to the question.)
  • Composition "Evgeny Zamyatin: an anxious look into the future" (based on the stories and the novel "We").
  • “If they give you ruled paper, write across” (Ray Bradbury). A story about the personality and fate of Yevgeny Zamyatin based on a textbook article with the possible involvement of other materials.
  • The task that expands the literary horizons of students can be the creation of a written work in which the author will try to catch the roll call, close motives, images, ideas in the works of different authors - in a word, he will include Zamyatin's story in a literary context. For this work, we offer a small application.


In the literary process, as in life, much is connected. It is interesting to notice this connection, commonality of approaches, motives, ideas, commonality of perception of the world.

In the introduction to the poem "Requiem" Akhmatova writes with her characteristic outward dispassion:

It was when I smiled
Only the dead, happy with peace,
And dangled with an unnecessary pendant
Near the prisons of their Leningrad.

In Zamyatin's story "The Dragon" the beginning of the inexorable movement of the Soul of St. Petersburg "out of the human world" is recorded; Akhmatova, who lived inside this inhuman world, calmly and bitterly, with the exact choice of derogatory words (“dangling”, “pendant”), a statement of what this city, this world has become, is the end of the process of dehumanization. The dragon won.

In addition to the echo of fragments from the later "Dragon" by Yevgeny Schwartz with him, the story "Dragon" also echoes Blok's poem "The Twelve", Gumilyov's poem "The Lost Tram", as well as these lines of Teffi:

“The trickle of blood seen in the morning at the gates of the commissariat ... cuts off the road of life forever. You can't get over it. You can't go any further. You can only turn and run."

After reading the story E. Zamyatin a " The Dragon", we can not immediately catch the meaning of the work. There are too many metaphors. Let's analyze it in parts.

In general, after reading the title first, we imagine the image of a fairy-tale dragon in our head, we think that the story is most likely written for children. But first impressions are deceiving.

The story was written in 1918, when the Bolsheviks came to power and the Civil War broke out. This harsh period and shows Zamyatin in the "Dragon".

1-|Fiercely frozen, Petersburg burned and raved. | - immediately we see in the first sentence of the story such a technique as an oxymoron. It is winter outside, but the city was "burning", which suggests some terrible events in it.

2-|It was clear: invisible behind the foggy curtain, creaking, shuffling, on tiptoe, yellow and red columns, spiers and gray lattices wandered out. | - Zamyatin uses yellow and red colors to describe. The first is associated with illness, and the second with shed blood. Spiers and gratings add to the atmosphere of what is happening.

3-|A hot, unprecedented, icy sun in the fog - left, right, above, below - a dove over a house on fire. | - "ice sun" is also an oxymoron, as if it gives the meaning of the extinction of all the light in life. It is compared to a dove, a symbol of at least some hope.

4-|From the delirious, foggy world, dragon-people emerged into the earthly world, vomited fog, heard in the foggy world as words, but here - white, round haze; surfaced and drowned in the fog. | - people in St. Petersburg are compared with dragons. They lost their human appearance, came out of the "fog" that hid their real face, but could not hold out for a long time outside. They had to plunge headlong into the revolution so that the authorities would not punish them.

5-|And with a screech, trams rushed into the unknown out of the earthly world. | - the tram personifies human morality, which at that time began to disappear (for example, faith in God became forbidden, human life began to depreciate).

6-|A dragon with a rifle temporarily existed on the tram platform, rushing into the unknown. The cap fit over the nose and, of course, would have swallowed the dragon's head, if not for the ears: the cap sat on protruding ears. The overcoat dangled to the floor; sleeves hung down; the toes of the boots were bent up - empty. And a hole in the fog: a mouth. | - that's the same "dragon" appeared in front of us. He did not live up to our expectations, which came to us after reading the title of the story. This "dragon" gives the impression of something ridiculous, awkward when considering his portrait. It would seem that it is terrible? It wasn't there...

7-Next comes key moment of the story:
| It was already in the jumping, rushing world, and here the fierce fog spewed out by the dragon was visible and audible:
- ... I'm leading him: an intelligent muzzle - it's just disgusting to look at. And still talking, bitch, huh? Talking!
- Well, what did you bring?
- He brought: without a transplant - to the Kingdom of Heaven. Bayonet.
The hole in the fog was overgrown: there was only an empty cap, empty boots, an empty overcoat. The tram rattled and rushed out of the world.
Here we see that the “fabulous hero” not harmless at all. Leading the "thinking man" (just such people were not needed by the new government) for interrogation, the Dragon could not restrain himself and killed him with a bayonet. The fog in the story is a symbol of evil and the hardening of the human soul due to the inhumane views dictated by the Soviet authorities. And the tram with moral values ​​goes further and further ...

8-|And suddenly - from the empty sleeves - from the depths - red, dragon paws grew. An empty overcoat crouched to the floor - and in its paws it was gray, cold, materialized from a fierce fog.
- You are my mother! Sparrow is frozen, huh! Well, say goodbye!
The dragon knocked back the cap - and in the fog two eyes - two slits from the delusional into the human world.
| - in this scene we are convinced that the Dragon has not completely lost its human qualities. Seeing a frozen sparrow (and, mind you, Zamyatin uses the word "sparrow" to emphasize the defenselessness of this little creature), he immediately tries to warm him up. From this foggy world, "two slits" cut through, that is, two eyes, but not wide open and not looking at what is happening around soberly.

9-|The dragon blew with all his might into the red paws, and these were, obviously, the words of a sparrow, but they - in the delusional world - were not heard. The tram rumbled.
- Such a bitch; like trembling, huh? Not yet? But it will depart, she-bo ... Well, tell me!
| - Hope awakens in the Dragon that the sparrow will still be able to wake up. He almost said, "God." It means that the religious principle in a person is not so easy to destroy in one fell swoop, as the new government tried.

10-|He blew with all his might. The rifle lay on the floor. And at the moment prescribed by fate, at the prescribed point in space, the gray sparrow jumped, jumped again - and fluttered from the red dragon's paws into the unknown. | - the detail that "the rifle was lying on the floor" makes the reader wonder if the dragon will take it again? Or will he still follow the right path? And that "prescribed point in space" is the line between the "foggy world" and the "human world". It is at that moment that the little sparrow comes to life, feeling the warmth and kindness that wafted from the world of people.

11-|The dragon bared its misty-flaming mouth to the ears. Slowly, the caps slammed shut into the human world. The cape settled on protruding ears. The guide to the Kingdom of Heaven raised his rifle.
He gnashed his teeth and rushed into the unknown, out of the human world, the tram.
| - in the final episode, we see that the dragon still chose the path of cruelty and evil. And the good (tram) goes farther and farther away from him ...

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