Nastya Kamensky - star dossier, Italian wedding and candid photo shoots. Personal life of Nastya Kamensky Personal life of Anastasia Kamensky

Nastya Kamensky is talented Ukrainian singer, whose popularity came with participation in the Potap and Nastya group. All the songs performed by this group were incredibly successful and were very fond of the Ukrainian and Russian audience of listeners. Among other things, Nastya Kamensky is one of the most attractive and sexy women in the country. The singer is not just a "decoration" of the group, she has good voice and excellent hearing. Fans of the song group idolize Nastya Kamensky, admiring not only her vocals, but also her charisma.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamensky

As soon as the first rays of fame fell on the singer, all the fans rushed to find out the details from her life, such as height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamensky? Great interest in the parameters of the girl is manifested due to the fact that she periodically gains weight. True, in recent times, the singer is actively working on her body, attends the gym. She has lost a lot of weight and looks great. Today, her height is 174 cm, and her weight is 64 kg. In May, she celebrated her 31st birthday. Nastya Kamensky looks great, and therefore she is often invited to shoot various glossy magazines.

Biography of Nastya Kamensky

The biography of Nastya Kamensky dates back to 1987, from the day she was born. The singer is a native of Kiev, her mother was a singer (place of work National academic choir), and dad is a football player. The current surname of the singer is maiden name mother, whom Nastya took for herself, and she was forced to refuse her father's surname, which was not consonant for the stage.

The mother of Nastya Kamensky insisted on learning music, and at the age of 6 she gives her daughter to music school. In addition, she was individual sessions on vocals. Most likely, the mother recognized her daughter's talent and decided to develop it.

Nastya Kamensky was involved in the exchange program for preschoolers, and then, while still very young, she visited France, Italy and other countries. Parents lived modestly, but they really wanted their daughter to live differently. True, Nastya did not like France, from where she quickly returned home. But Italy left an indelible impression on Nastya Kamensky, where she will return more than once.

In addition to music, the future celebrity was engaged in long time ballet, and also plays tennis well. Then she had a rather tight schedule, because she still had to be in time for classes at the gymnasium. The singer recalls these times with nostalgia, thanks her mother, who made her childhood bright and colorful.

When Nastya Kamensky received a certificate, she decided to enter the Ukrainian-American Institute for the Humanities, the Faculty of Economics. Education here was conducted entirely in English.

Nastya Kamensky's career began in 2004, when she managed to take the Grand Prix at the Black Sea Games. The following year, the Ukrainian singer wins the prestigious song contest UBN Awords. Then Nastya was named the discovery of the year. It was a valuable and significant victory for me at the start of the young singer's song career.

After some two years, Nastya Kamensky was invited to the group to Potap, who was just looking for an interesting and talented singer. Potap or Alexey Potapenko, was not only a vocalist, but also wrote songs himself, directed clips. Although, at first, Nastya Kamensky did not impress Potap, with whom they had frequent quarrels, but, over time, they not only became an excellent team, but also good friends. Moreover, due to difficult nature singers, the couple quarreled almost every day for at least the first couple of years of cooperation. Nevertheless, this did not become an obstacle to the creation of masterpiece songs and their incredible popularity.

Nastya Kamensky also had several tragic episodes. One of these is a terrible accident, in which the Ukrainian singer was also a participant. Then the relatives of her lover died.

Once, Nastya Kamensky wanted extreme sports, deciding to jump with a parachute. Due to inexplicable circumstances, during the singer's jump, her parachute did not open. She survived, but suffered a compound leg fracture.

The first song "Without Love" was warmly received by domestic listeners, and also occupied the first lines of the country's charts for a long time. The following songs "Not a couple" and "Khutorok" simply blew up the Ukrainian public and made Potap and Nastya popular.

Each next composition of the duet instantly became a hit and sounded from all radio stations not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The special manner of performance and the humor of the songs allowed Potap and Nastya to stand out from the mass of other song groups, falling in love with millions of music lovers.

One of the brightest works of the couple is the composition “In our district”, soon, not a single disco and party could do without these incendiary songs.

All the hits of Potap and Nastya Kamensky broke sales records and were very popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine. This was facilitated not only by the talent of the singers, but also by a special manner of performance with inherent humor and ridicule of the most diverse and stupid tricks of modern society.

In addition to her singing career, Nastya Kamensky successfully developed as a TV star. After the first popular songs of the group, the singer began to be invited to film in the musical, as well as to record the soundtrack for the film "Freaks". Also, Nastya Kamensky very successfully participated in several Ukrainian television projects.

Last year, the duo announced the suspension of their song activities. At the same time, Potap and Nastya promised their fans a surprise that they would all see soon.

According to some reports, the reason for the cessation of the existence of the group is the desire of Nastya Kamensky to develop in a solo direction. Another version is the creation of a family and the singer's pregnancy.

For 11 years, the duo released five albums, each of which consisted of over 15 songs.

Today, Nastya Kamensky continues to participate in a variety of TV shows, and has also released her own clothing line.

Although the duet indefinite time broke up, nevertheless, Potap and Nastya often see each other and support friendly relations.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap

The personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap is often considered in the press. Despite the fact that the duet in every possible way denies the relationship, nevertheless, loud statements about their romance are heard in the press every now and then.

Yes, indeed, Potap and Nastya often spend time together, go on tour, constantly attend all social events and parties together. But that's more of a part of their job than own initiative. Despite this, fans of the song group see them not just as a duet, but as a couple. Even when Potap was married, and Nastya Kamensky had a long and serious relationship, the media and the public were full of rumors about the affair.

After several years of violent quarrels, Potap and Nastya began to work as a whole, complementing each other, and therefore, it is not surprising that everyone considers them a couple. Moreover, Nastya Kamensky is very spectacular and beautiful woman that drives millions of men crazy.

Although the singer is popular with men, she does not have variety in her personal life. The press knows only one serious relationship of Nastya Kamensky. For a long time she met with a certain Vladimir Dyatlov, who had to leave Kyiv. This was the reason for the breakup of the couple, which now only maintains friendly relations at a distance.

As for the partner of the singer Potap, he has long been married to Irina Gorova, they are raising two children. Potap, aka Alexei Potapenko, on this moment continues to work on his own production center and actively promotes the well-known Ukrainian group Time and Glass. Also, Potap is in demand on Ukrainian television as a showman and host of major musical projects.

Husband of Nastya Kamensky

The husband of Nastya Kamensky is a mysterious and even mystical figure. It was not possible to reliably find a man who is the official spouse of the singer. However, the media, and the fans themselves, claim that Potap and Nastya played a secret wedding from everyone. A lot of gossip revolves around their romance, but the performers themselves deny this in every possible way.

Of course, the ground for conversation is not only the beautiful and sexy Nastya Kamensky, but also Potap's frequent flattering comments about his work partner. On the network, he often warmly comments on the photo of Nastya Kamensky.

Family of Nastya Kamensky

The singer turned 31 this year, but the beauty has not yet acquired her family. So for now, the family of Nastya Kamensky is her parents, who gave her a wonderful start and did everything for their daughter to develop and become a successful singer.

A popular Ukrainian singer often recalls the invaluable contribution of mom and dad to her future profession. Nastya Kamensky was brought up in strictness, which helped her temper her character and become who she is today. For every person, his parents are the most important thing in life, because parents give life to their children.

Children of Nastya Kamensky

In addition to rumors about the allegedly existing husband of the singer, you can often find the headlines "Children of Nastya Kamensky" on the net. At the moment, the famous Ukrainian singer has not yet known the happiness of motherhood, but the media is actively discussing the pregnancy of Nastya Kamensky.

It is known that the singer is inclined to be overweight, and therefore, as soon as she gained a couple of extra pounds, the press immediately suspected another pregnancy of Nastya Kamensky.

Nastya herself even laughs at the endless pregnancies that the public constantly ascribes to her.

Naked Nastya Kamensky lost weight, photos before and after

As soon as the Potap and Nastya group became popular, almost all attention was focused on the hot beauty who sings well and dances incendiary. A strong half of humanity is often looking for photographs in which Nastya Kamensky is naked. I lost weight (before and after photos) - such news is of interest to the female audience. For a long time, Nastya Kamensky was a puffy maiden, whom some admired, while others, on the contrary, condemned her for overweight.

Not so long ago, information about the singer’s weight loss flashed through the network, which not only lost weight, but also pulled herself up. Even the singer's face has changed, which was appreciated by fans and even haters. Instantly, the news that Nastya Kamensky lost weight (before and after photos became very popular) blew up the Internet. They started talking about her not only as a talented participant in the popular Ukrainian group, but also as a strong and strong-willed woman who managed to lose almost 20 kg.

Both before losing weight and after, Nastya Kamensky often starred in erotic photo shoots for various magazines, on the covers of which she is almost naked. Among them is the well-known men's magazine"Maksim". A nude photo shoot for the cover of a Russian magazine was filmed back in 2012, when the singer was curvaceous. Despite her far from ideal parameters, the number of male fans has increased significantly.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nastya Kamensky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nastya Kamensky are extremely popular. The singer has amassed over 2.5 million followers on social media. Each photo that the singer adds to Instagram is marked by hundreds of thousands of likes. Interestingly, Nastya Kamensky is no less popular in Russia than in her homeland.

Despite the fact that Potap began his career in show business before Nastya Kamensky, the singer's popularity far exceeds Potap's. By the way, on Instagram, the singer and producer of the group has a little more than 700 thousand subscribers.

Instagram Nastya Kamensky is regularly discussed by the press, fans and spiteful critics. The singer uploads here various photographs from work, from the stage, pictures with other celebrities. It is noteworthy that Nastya Kamensky not only lost weight well, but also changed her image. Now the singer has a new haircut and beautiful straight hair (she has very curly hair). She is known to be active solo career and also founded her own clothing line.

A lot of interesting data from the biography of Nastya Kamensky, a list of her works, career and the family are described on the Wikipedia website.8

Kamenskikh Anastasia Alekseevna - Ukrainian singer, sexy soloist of the popular duet Potap and Nastya.

She, in addition to vocal data, has a bright appearance, impulsiveness and a difficult character.

Recognized as the most beautiful and sexy woman Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

Nastya Kamenskikh is a native of Ukraine. She was born in Kyiv on May 4, 1987. She appeared in a family of professional musicians.

Mom - Lidia Petrovna sang in the national academic choir. G. Ropes.

Father - Alexei Iosifovich served in the same choir as a concert director.

Nastya in childhood

He also headed the Dynamo volleyball team. From an early age, the girl was instilled with an interest in music.

In addition, the mother tried to educate her daughter diversified and give her as much knowledge as possible.

From the age of 5, the baby began to participate in the international child exchange program in Ukraine.

First, mother sends Nastya to France, but the girl did not like it there.

She begins to ask back and soon returns to her native Kyiv. At the age of 6, the girl went to a music school.

I started learning to play the piano. Nastya also attends tennis classes and a ballet class.

The girl also managed to study in a regular school thanks to strict discipline and control from her parents.

AT school age the future singer is sent to Italy. There she began to spend annually for 6 months over the next 7 years.

Nastya lived with an Italian family and attended a local school in Naples. The singer recalls this period as very important and exciting.

Then she acquired not only Italian "brothers" and "sisters", but also second parents.

In Naples, a black-haired girl with curly hair often mistaken for a local beauty.

Towards the end high school Nastya, thanks to the child exchange program, spoke several languages ​​perfectly.

However, she decides to learn another language to perfection. She enters the American-Ukrainian Institute, where all teaching took place in English.

The girl chooses a serious profession - a specialist in foreign economic activity.

Simultaneously with serious lectures on economics and finance, Nastya Kamensky manages to pay attention to her vocals.

In 2004, he participated in the Black Sea Games competition and won the main prize.

A year later, she becomes the owner of the English UBN Awards "Discovery of the Year".

creative career

The first step towards the musical future of Nastya Kamensky was the recording of a video for the song "What's the Difference" in 2006.

It was filmed with the support of the production company Music-Motors. It was at this time that fate confronts Nastya with Alexei Potapenko (Potap).

For the test, they decided to sing a duet. Their joint work resulted in a professional duet "Potap and Nastya".

With Alexey Potapenko

In 2007, they became the undisputed winners of the Five Stars competition in sunny Sochi.

However, as soon as they started recording other songs in the studio, Potap faced the girl's tough and difficult disposition.

The first years Nastya and Potap had to get used to and adapt to each other. Initially, not a day passed without the duet quarreling to the nines.

But personal relationships did not affect creativity in any way. The duo consistently delivered hit after hit.

Having conquered the Ukrainian public, Nastya and Potap decide to expand the territory of their popularity.

Soon, on the territory of Russia, in every club and from every window, their dance songs “Not a Couple” and “On the District” sounded.

In just a couple of years of joint work, they received many music awards. They were recognized as the most touring musical duet.

In 2008, their first album "Not a couple" was released. A year later, the public was presented with the next collection of hits "Don't Love My Brains."

Fans had to wait 4 years for the next record. "All in a bundle" goes on sale in 2013.

After 2 years, the duo, preparing the next album, recorded a joint song with - “Doggy Style”. Soon they shoot a video for this song.

For these shootings, the singer dropped extra pounds, doing individual training with a choreographer.

In addition to music, Nastya Kamensky is actively involved in various television projects.

She tries herself as an actress and TV presenter. She performs leading role in musical picture"Red Riding Hood".

The singer also has experience in professional photo shoots for glossy magazines. Her candid photos can be seen on the pages of "XXL", "MAXIM" and "Playboy".

TV work

In 2008, together with Garik Kharlamov, she participated in the show of the central channel "Two Stars". Dropped out of it according to the results of the audience vote.

She also tried her hand at the Ukrainian dance project “I dance for you”.

Nastya had to leave the project ahead of time due to the tour of the Potap and Nastya duet.

In 2010, N. Kamenskikh gets on the show "Zirka + Zirka" on channel 1 + 1. She was accompanied by Maria Berseneva. The girl reached only 10 ether.

She was the host on the M1 channel in the morning entertainment program Guten Morgen! In 2014, she tries herself as a radio host.

In 2016, Nastya comes to the 1 + 1 channel as the host of the children's version of the Laugh Comedian program.

Personal life

The first serious relationship with Nastya Kamensky arose in student years. Beloved was her classmate - Volodya Dyatlov.

At first they were just friends, and later platonic feelings grew into something more. However, their love was overshadowed by a terrible car tragedy.

Nastya was going to celebrate the birthday of Volodya's younger sister, Marusya.

With friend Volodya

The young man himself, his parents and 2 sisters, including the birthday girl, were in the car.

Their car went into a ditch. Nastya woke up near a mangled car with a mutilated and torn leg.

The doctors who arrived at the scene of the accident could not save the parents of Volodya Dyatlov and Marusya. Nastya had a long scar all over her leg from this trip.

Because of the tragedy young man I had to transfer to study in another city.

However, Nastya's career went uphill, she is gaining popularity. And Volodya begins to be jealous, which leads to constant conflicts and quarrels.

Nastya and Volodya make a joint decision to part as friends. Since 2009, the girl, who was having a hard time breaking up, goes completely into creativity.

However, young people did not stop talking completely. They meet once a year on the day of the tragedy on June 8 to remember the dead.

Personal life, sports, diets, difficult periods in life. Nastya admitted that for a long time she was insecure and even turned to a psychologist for help, because she “ate” her experiences with food. The singer managed to overcome the complexes - the artist pulled herself together, went in for sports, changed her lifestyle and changed both externally and internally. So, from 78 kilograms Nastya managed to lose weight to 62.

The artist does not hide - she is a very soft, kind and trouble-free person. And the most important thing in life for her is love.

“The most important thing for me is love. She conquers everything. And I will endure, suffer, suffer, but for the sake of love I am ready for anything. A million percent. This is stupid, perhaps, but for some reason it seems to me that this is such a cool feeling that, in principle, you can do anything for it. I am for love. And ready to go to the end. I'm crazy in this regard, ”admitted Nastya.

The artist also spoke about her personal life. The singer admits that she does not like to talk about her relationship, because in the past she had unsuccessful experience. However, at the meeting, Nastya nevertheless said that now her heart is not free and she is happy in a relationship.

“When I had an accident, I met with the guy Vova. Now I adore him, I love him, he is my friend. Then I put my relationship on display. She showed and told everything. And we broke up with him. There were, of course, different reasons, but then one person told me that happiness loves silence. When you have a family, you want children, it is better that no one knows this. Now I advise everyone that not only publicly, but even girlfriends and friends do not need to tell. Now I am a very loving person, very happy. I'm fine with this. I think that over time you will learn everything about my personal life, but for now I want to take care of it and drag myself away from it myself, ”the artist admits.

Nastya also told about the duet with Potap. The singer noted that at the beginning of their career they often quarreled, but for 10 years they have learned to accept each other as they are.

“The duet was created by the universe. By chance we started to sing a song and everyone liked it madly. But we had confrontations at the very beginning. We are both very similar: we are both Taurus, both are very creative. It was like that for two months we went on tour every day and did not talk to each other, we lived in different hotels so as not to catch each other's eyes. Behind the scenes we literally words sent each other. But at some point we realized that people really like our work. And we have to do it for the people, not for ourselves. And we started to work. And the most important thing is that we are still talking about it, we are proud of our achievements. Everyone has their own place: Potap is smart, Nastya is beautiful. We sing merry, merry songs. Now this is really our pride,” said the singer.

Despite the many roles in cinema and theater, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was remembered by the audience as Vika's nanny in the TV series My Fair Nanny. She played a rustic girl from Ukraine who ended up as a nanny in the house of a wealthy producer. This series shows almost everything that could happen to a girl in real life, including love relationships that ended happily.

In the life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, there were many obstacles on the path to happiness. There were several men in her life, but she was not happy with them. Behind her shoulders are three official marriages and a long relationship with Sergei Zhigunov, because of which he broke up with his wife.

First marriage

She remembers her first husband very reluctantly. She considers this marriage a mistake of youth. The girl got married almost immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School.

She met her future husband in the famous "Snuffbox", where Oleg Tabakov invited her to play right after the studio school.

The acquaintance took place during the "skit", organized in honor. One of the guests was the German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf. Young and energetic Zavorotnyuk liked him immediately. He firmly decided that this girl would become his wife. This was the beginning of a period of active courtship.

The German groom achieved his goal, and Anastasia became his wife. But this marriage did not last long. Depending on which side talks about the reasons for the divorce, there are two versions.

Anastasia says that she ran away from her husband because he regularly raised his hand to her and humiliated her. For this reason, the girl had a miscarriage.

Olaf tells a completely different story. Nastya had an abortion, because she was very worried about her figure and did not want to get better after giving birth. She was completely unsuited to everyday life and all homework Olaf had to do. The German calls the reason for the divorce new love Nastya.

Christmas meeting

Zavorotnyuk met her second husband at Christmas absolutely by accident. was approaching festive evening, and Nastya had to have time to do a lot of things. She wanted to buy gifts for all her loved ones and still have time for a rehearsal at the theater.

In order to do all this, Anastasia decided to stop the car. When she voted on the road, an expensive foreign car stopped near her. driven by a handsome young man. He, having learned about the plans of the girl, agreed to become her personal driver for one day. The guy's name was Dmitry Stryukov. At that time he was already a successful businessman in Russia.

Dmitry and Nastya turned out to have a lot in common. Both had families, but were not happily married. They did not yet know that this meeting would change their lives. As a thank you, Anastasia invited the guy to the performance with his whole family. He accepted the invitation, but appeared alone. Dmitry came the next day. This went on for three days.

Already on the fourth day, the man proposed to Nastya.

She was amazed at his determination, but both had families. It was necessary to resolve this issue. They managed to quickly get a divorce and soon Anastasia married Stryukov. The celebration went very quietly. The young people signed in one of the registry offices of the capital and celebrated this event only together.

Soon the couple moved to America, where they founded their own business. Zavorotnyuk tried to live in two countries. Her family was in America, and her work in the theater was in Russia. A few years later, a joyful event happened in the family.

Nastya and Dmitry had a daughter, whom they named Anna. A few years later, son Mike was born.

The couple lived in America for only three years and then returned to Russia. But despite this, even after the divorce, they run their own business there, which consists in renting out luxury real estate.

The series "My Fair Nanny" at the same time brought fame and discord in the family to Zavorotnyuk. On the set, the actress became interested in her colleague Sergei Zhigunov and divorced her husband.

Acquaintance on ice

While the whole country was following with interest the romance between Zavorotnyuk and Zhigunov, it was already being built in heaven new plan relatively love relationship actresses. She was waiting for a meeting with her third husband. She met him on the show "Dancing on Ice".

Interesting Notes:

It happened in 2008. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was invited to be the host ice show, and figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev participated in it with singer Yulia Kovalchuk. Unexpectedly for everyone an affair broke out between the actress and the skater which developed into a family relationship.

For the sake of this relationship, Peter divorced his wife, with whom he lived together for more than eight years, and Anastasia left Sergey Zhigunov.

Today, the couple is happy together. Despite the fact that rumors and the press have bred them more than once, their marriage is considered one of the strongest, and has lasted for almost 10 years. They try not to give interviews often, especially about their personal lives.

In Nastya's life, public relations were enough, followed by the whole country and commenting on them. Maybe, Pyotr Chernyshev turned out to be exactly that man with whom Nastya feels happy.

The star of Nastya Kamensky lit up throughout the CIS in 2006, when she began collaborating with Ukrainian musician Alexei Potapenko, better known as Potap. He was looking for a vocalist to record a chorus for his song and Nastya was recommended to him. A beautiful, talented girl was just starting her musical career.

In 2005, she received the Discovery of the Year award in London, and the year before, she received the Grand Prix at the Black Sea Games festival. Having recorded one track, Potap, with his producer instinct, decided not to part with the girl and offered a joint project, which today everyone knows under the name "Potap and Nastya". Today, the duet has already recorded three albums and each of their tracks or videos immediately tops all the charts in Russia and Ukraine.

In Nastya's personal life, everything is vague - Nastya Kamensky's husband has not yet appeared in the artist's life, but she is periodically credited with romantic relationship with Potap, although he has been happily married for a long time. In 2013, Nastya is credited with pregnancy due to her appearance on the New Wave in a very tight dress, which indicated a rounded tummy. However, the singer's pregnancy turned out to be just a rumor, and from excess weight Nastya got rid of pretty quickly. She admits that music occupies the main place in her life and there is no time left for men yet.

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