Patterns on glasses for the new year. Window decoration for the New Year (stencils for artificial snow and snowflake templates)

Create correct new year atmosphere many details help: a decorated Christmas tree, garlands on the windows, New Year's figurines, artificial snow. But you can please yourself and others in another way - draw various patterns, figures, or even entire plots on the New Year's window. Then a special mood is created not only inside the room, but also outside. Such a pattern is sure to attract the attention of passers-by and receive a response in the form of a smile.

Create your own New Year's fairy tale on the window using different materials. The main condition is that in the future the drawing should be washed off well, otherwise the snowmen and snowflakes will remain on the window forever.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows? Most often these are such materials:

  • paints (gouache or watercolor);
  • stained glass;
  • toothpaste;
  • markers.

The most popular option is gouache. With its help, you can create bright pictures, the paint fits well on the surface of the window, and it is also easy to wash it off. The disadvantage of this option is that gouache can roll down.

To avoid rolling, you should add a little soapy solution to the gouache or, before applying the paint to the brush, the latter should be almost not moistened with water.

Often used for drawing on the window toothpaste. With its help, the effect of a frozen surface, frost is created. Such a picture is also easy to wash off with water. But at the same time, the image will be monochromatic, which can be a minus for those who like bright drawings. Sometimes dyes are added to the toothpaste, but still the effect is not the same as that of gouache.

The toothpaste drawings look especially impressive at night, when the contrast between the dark surface and the white image is clearly visible.

They will help to draw the desired and special markers. They will be easy to wash off later, which cannot be said about simple markers.

Having decided on suitable materials, you can begin to study the technology of applying the image.

How to draw patterns on the window for the new year

If your artistic talent has let you down and drawing a full-fledged New Year's picture on the window is beyond your power, then you can limit yourself to beautiful patterns. They will create the effect of a frozen window, which is especially true if the winter did not please with snow.

To create such an image, all of the above materials are suitable. If paints are chosen, it is important to note that it is better to use a white tint.

If you want to get a delicate, sophisticated pattern, then you should use a thin brush. In the event that you need to apply a large pattern, a small soft sponge will do.

The technology of drawing a picture depends on the skills of the master. If a person draws well and knows how to correctly arrange objects on a canvas - a window, then you can proceed to creative process without much preparation.

Put in front of you:

  • paints, toothpaste or marker;
  • a brush or sponge (if a marker is used, then nothing is needed);
  • soft fabric to clean up imperfections.

To make the pattern delicate, refined, you need to apply paint to the brush not directly from the jar, but first transfer it to the palette.

How to draw winter patterns step by step:

  • using a brush to make chaotic sketches - waves;
  • draw curls on each "process" of the pattern:
  • use a thicker brush to make the patterns more massive.

It is very convenient to use a toothbrush. It will help create carved patterns on the window.

If there is not enough imagination to come up with a New Year's composition, then it is appropriate to use templates. They can be found on the Internet, printed on paper and cut out. Then such a template must be attached to the window and circled with a brush with paint. Paint the space inside it.

There are also special stencils that will allow you to depict any pattern on the window without much difficulty. How to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with their help?

Everything is very simple:

  • you need to wash the window;
  • attach the stencil to the surface and press well so that it does not move;
  • take a brush, cup or marker and circle the pattern inside the stencil, and then shade it;
  • using a wooden stick (these are in manicure sets), draw details or remove flaws.

Using a stencil, you can get at least beautiful patterns if you use artificial snow in cans. To do this, you need to attach a stencil to the window and apply artificial snow on it. Then you should remove the template, and a snow-white pattern will remain on the window.

Patterns can be successfully combined with other New Year's elements, for example, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

How to draw Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on the window, ideas with a step by step description

If you want to depict a full-fledged composition, then it will be useful to learn how to draw Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on the window. Such characters are sure to please both children and adults. They will look spectacular in any technique and using any materials. It should be noted that such a task cannot be called too simple. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have many important attributes and elements of the outfit that must be drawn.

A few ideas from step by step description are presented below.

The first option is for those who prefer to paint with paints. In order to portray the Snow Maiden, you will need a few colors: blue, white, yellow and a little red.

First you need to draw a sketch. To do this, take a thin brush. It is important to carefully draw every detail so that the granddaughter of Santa Claus looks like herself.

Then, changing colors, decorate the sketch. Add colors to the face should be especially careful. It is easy to make a mistake in this zone, and it will “float”.

Santa Claus needs to be drawn in a similar way:

  • draw a silhouette;
  • make marks where the hat and bag will be located;
  • draw facial features, legs, arms;
  • you also need to remember about the beard and staff - important attributes of Santa Claus.

The thinner the brush for drawing, the better the details will be drawn.

The second option involves the use of markers. They can also be colored, but a simple white version is also possible.

As with using paint, you first need to draw a sketch. In this case, it will be more difficult to do, because the "nose" of the marker is thicker than the brush. Therefore, it is preferable to choose more simple images Santa Claus and his granddaughter.

The step-by-step process of drawing a picture on a window is presented below:

The latter option is useful to those who are far from fine art. Paper templates or special stencils will help draw the main New Year's heroes. The algorithm of actions in this case will be elementary: you need to attach a stencil to the window and circle it. Decorate at your discretion, and the drawing is ready.

Paper templates combined with artificial snow will also give the desired result.

What to draw on the window for the new year, ideas step by step

Everyone who wants to do this kind of work for the first time thinks about what to draw on the window on New Year. Do not stop your imagination, ideas can be very diverse.

"Settle" on the surface of the window can:

  • New Year's cartoon characters;
  • Christmas decorations, balls, garlands;
  • snowmen, decorated Christmas trees;
  • happy new year wishes, new year quotes;
  • snowflakes, bells, crackers, etc.

It is important to choose the option that will be able to portray without the help of outsiders, performing the steps step by step.

For example, you can draw a Christmas tree. Who at least once in his life did not draw this forest beauty? The theme is known to everyone, which means that the drawing will turn out to be successful.

It is best to use paint. So you can draw details more accurately.

The step by step process is as follows:

  • first take a thin brush and draw a triangle;
  • branches should depart from it;
  • each branch must be designed so that it hangs realistically;
  • draw stars, garlands, balls.

For convenience, you can first apply a drawing in one color, and then decorate all the elements according to the type of coloring.

You can choose a more abstract option. Then you don’t have to draw every needle, but the result will also be worthy.

Classic variant New Year's drawing snowflakes on the window. They are directly associated with the holiday, give a positive festive mood and comfort. It is especially necessary to resort to such a pattern when there is no snow outside the window, but you really want a winter atmosphere.

You should start the drawing by drawing the frame:

Then you should turn on the fantasy and think about what the snowflake should be. You can draw it step by step like this:

  • depict “rays”: some are longer, and some are shorter;
  • add a shape to each “ray” to make the snowflake voluminous;
  • fill the middle of the picture with paint.

To implement the idea, paints, toothpaste, and a marker are suitable.

Having drawn one snowflake, I want to add a few more to it. This is how the whole picture of their snowflakes is obtained.

It is important to draw them differently so that the image is original.

Another option is fabulous New Year's heroes.

It could be:

  • snowman;
  • bunny;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • fox, etc.

For children, a simple window, painted in this way, will become the entrance to fairy world. They will definitely appreciate the efforts of adults. But they still have to be applied to make the characters realistic. To do this, you can first print out an example - a sample and, based on it, depict a character.

The bunny will turn out to be very realistic if you use the following step-by-step scheme:

  • first draw one smaller oval (head), one larger one (torso) and a circle (thigh);
  • then depict paws, ears and tail;
  • Don't forget about socks and eyes.

A bunny can be dressed in a New Year's hat, for example.

Difficulties will not arise with drawing a snowman on the window. The step by step process is as follows:

What pictures can be painted with paints on the window, ideas in stages

It is paints that often become the main material that allows you to draw complete picture on glass. A wide palette of colors, ease of application, ease of removing the picture from the window - all this allows you to make a choice in favor of gouache or watercolor.

What pictures can be drawn with paints on the window? Any fantasy can be realized with their help. Even the most complex drawings with fine details can be reproduced with this material at hand. But it does take a little preparation. The inability to handle paints threatens that the drawing will turn out blurry, sloppy.

Any drawings with paints on the windows are performed based on the following algorithm:

  1. Find a suitable sketch of the picture that will show off on the glass.
  2. Pick up quality paint better gouache). It must have good surface coverage. Usually this is the case with professional paints.
  3. Buy a quality brush: thin and thicker. Thin can be drawn small parts, and a wider one - to sketch the "body" of the image.
  4. Put all the materials nearby, a jar of water and a sponge to clean up the flaws.
  5. Put a sketch on the window and gradually draw each element.

You can also take watercolor instead of gouache. But it is more "capricious" and requires more skill. Also, watercolor is more difficult to wash off, which is no less important when the New Year's time passes.

A few ideas will tell you how to gradually get an interesting picture on the window during the New Year's time.

The drawing of Santa Claus's helpers will always be relevant. For those new to fine arts on the window it is better to choose large drawings. Small details can be hard to come by. But over time, the experience gained will overcome uncertainty.

How to draw Santa Claus has already been described above. And how to depict a penguin on a window? To do this, proceed in stages:

Reindeer Rudolph is one of the most beloved New Year's characters. He is depicted on sweaters, on the shelves of shops there are many such deer - toys. Why not display it on your window? Step by step, the task is performed in a similar way: materials are prepared, a sketch is made, the drawing is painted with paints and a brush.

As a result, a cheerful New Year's hero will flaunt on the window.

Another idea is to represent New Year's sleigh with gifts. To do this, you also need to “arm yourself” with gouache and a brush.

The process goes like this step by step:

How to draw frost on the window with toothpaste, in detail with a photo

It is possible to convey frost on the windows more realistically only if you use toothpaste to draw on the window. This process is easy if done step by step.

How to draw frost on the window with toothpaste?

For this you need to prepare:

  • toothpaste (you can use colored or add dye to white paste);
  • toothbrush;
  • water;
  • brush;
  • sponge
  • fabric to remove defects;
  • wooden stick for drawing details.

A detailed algorithm with a photo is presented below.

Cut out a piece of sponge of such size that it is convenient to draw with it.

Squeeze toothpaste into a container, mix it.

Dip a sponge in toothpaste and draw the outline of the pattern. This process will be difficult, because the line will "wag".

Now you need to take a brush and make the lines clearer, more correct. Also, with the help of a brush, draw small details that a sponge cannot “overcome”. At this stage, a wooden stick will also come in handy.

If there is no confidence in your talent as an artist, then you can use a pre-prepared stencil.

A toothbrush will come in handy to draw splashes - frost on the window.

How to draw snowflakes on the window with gouache, step by step

Snowflakes outside the window take a person to a New Year's fairy tale, no matter how old he is. And if the winter does not please with snowy weather? It doesn't matter, you can properly decorate your room. And in this situation it will be useful to learn how to draw snowflakes on the window with gouache.

Why paints should be chosen as a material for drawing? The thing is that carved snowflakes, which have an unusual shape, are the most beautiful. It is impossible to achieve such faces with toothpaste and a sponge. Gouache spreads better over the surface and is perfectly erased later.

by the most simple option one that can be easily done step by step is to use a template. The procedure will be like this:

  1. Cut out a paper snowflake.
  2. Attach it to the glass and secure with tape.
  3. Take paint and a brush. Outline the snowflake, taking into account all the curves, cutouts, etc.
  4. Carefully remove the paper base and paint the “body” of the snowflake with paint.

The result will be very realistic, and new Year mood will be saved.

The next option is to use a can of artificial snow and gouache. In this case, it will also be necessary to first stock up on paper models of snowflakes.

Attach paper snowflakes to a clean window surface with tape or soapy water. From above you need to apply artificial snow, rub with a sponge. After - carefully remove the paper snowflake.

The desired silhouette with a snowy effect will appear on the window.

Now it's time to apply the paints: you need to use them to circle the outline of the snowflake to get a clear picture.

The latter option is suitable for those who are fluent in visual talent. It will be necessary to draw a snowflake with freehand gouache without additional help in the form of a template or artificial snow.

Do not worry that this is a complicated procedure. Those who have ever drawn snowflakes on paper will cope with this task. In addition, gouache is easy to wash off, so in case of a fiasco, the drawing can be easily corrected.

Step by step you need to draw a snowflake with gouache like this (the easiest option):

After such creative experiments, it will also be useful to learn how to quickly clean windows from gouache. This is where the following video comes in handy:

How to draw a gouache fairy tale on the window, step by step with a photo

It will not be difficult for real specialists to draw with gouache on the window real fairy tale, a complete composition with many acting heroes. Such an image must be holistic, plot, interesting.

How to draw a gouache fairy tale on the window step by step? The algorithm of actions is described below.

You can take this drawing as a basis:

First you need to depict the main actors- cats. They are drawn from the back, as if looking out the window.

The image layout will be like this:

It is important to respect the proportions: one cat should be bigger and the other smaller. Kittens can be either white or colored.

Now you should start drawing snowflakes. There will be many of them, they should form a kind of curtains that are tied with bows.

How to draw snowflakes correctly was described a little higher.

Video drawings on the window for the new year

A video on the topic “Drawings on the Window for the New Year” will help you decide on the theme of the image, show you more clearly how to draw what you want.

A selection of these videos are shown below:

Before the New Year, you must definitely let into your home good mood. It is the drawings on the windows that will help to make it so that the house will immediately become cozy and festive. “It’s difficult, and the windows will take a long time to wash,” some say. But if you choose the right drawing and materials, then it will not be great work apply the image, and subsequently wash it off.

Soon the New Year, so it's time to buy gifts, buy a Christmas tree, decorate the interior for the holiday. You can hang garlands, Christmas wreaths, decorate the Christmas tree with balls, garlands, beautifully decorate windows, creating an atmosphere of an approaching holiday. There are several ways to make window Christmas decorations with your own hands. Some decorations are easy to make, others will require painstaking work during few hours.

The result will help to create an original festive design, a cozy homely atmosphere that lifts the spirits of loved ones, especially children, for whom every glance out the window will remind of the upcoming wonderful holiday. Drawings on the window with toothpaste is a great opportunity to spend leisure time with a child, developing Creative skills. At the same time, you can chat and cheer up the whole family without much financial and labor costs.

Drawings on the windows - a simple, effective New Year's decoration

Before the holidays, starting from the end of November, stores are filled to the brim various types New Year's, Christmas decorations, toys. This is a golden period for the trade in holiday-related merchandise, ranging from Santa Claus figurines, Christmas tree balls, to decorations for New Year's table, stuffed deer with antlers. Everything sparkles, shimmers, the mood improves with each shopping trip and the acquisition of another present for relatives and friends. Don't forget to decorate your home.

You can just go to the store and find your favorite paraphernalia that fits into the budget. However, some of the decorations can be made by hand. You do not need to have golden hands to prepare beautiful trinkets, especially if there are small children in the family who will enjoy and enjoy co-production holiday decorations. Use all family members to make decorations, divide tasks, and start!

What will be needed?

Decorating glass and drawings on windows with toothpaste is not a new decor method, but we can say with confidence that the cheapest and most fast ways decorate the windows before the New Year. Toothpaste is inexpensive, effectively transforms windows, after the holidays it is simply washed off with a damp sponge. If the drawing does not work out the first time, it is easy to remove it, fix it. Creativity will delight young children and adults. Can be used different colors, create any patterns for every taste.

To make a drawing with toothpaste you will need:

  • white or colored toothpaste;
  • brush;
  • a piece of foam;
  • sponge;
  • a cup of water;
  • toothpick;
  • artificial snow.

Methods for applying patterns, drawings

How to decorate a window with toothpaste? There are several ways to make drawings for the new year with toothpaste. Let's consider them in more detail.

Drawings and patterns using foam

Squeeze toothpaste onto a piece of foam, just scroll it on the glass. If you buy several tubes of colored paste, you can make drawings on the window in different colors.

Painting on windows with a brush

You can draw plots from the New Year theme, just use a little imagination:

  • Father Frost,
  • snowman,
  • snow,
  • fir trees in the snow
  • deer,
  • christmas sweets.

Compositions with patterns applied with a dentifrice can be combined with artificial snow. Such a spectacular glass design does not require serious artistic skills buying paint. The result is really impressive, remembered for a long time.
If there is no inspiration to apply drawings to the windows, you can limit yourself to:

We use a toothpick

Squeeze toothpaste onto glass. With a brush or sponge dipped in a small amount of water, we apply a winter landscape to the surface. With a toothpick on the resulting white background, draw various elements, details:

We use ready-made stencil templates

If there are no ideas, you can use ready-made templates to apply the pattern. Work order:

  1. The stencil can be found on the Internet, printed on paper.
  2. Glue the stencil with soap on the windows.
  3. Fill the stencil with toothpaste using a sponge.
  4. After drying the drawing, remove the stencil.
  5. Correct minor flaws with a brush, toothpick.

You can use a special plastic stencil to help you quickly prepare your home for the new year.

Applying New Year's drawings, inscriptions with a sponge and toothpaste, photo

Using a stencil, you can get a different effect if you cover the entire surface of the window with paste with a sponge, except for the pattern covered with a stencil, as shown in the photo below.

New Year's snowflake made using a stencil, photo

How to complement the New Year's window decor?

There are other ways to decorate windows:

  • hang balls,
  • fairy lights,
  • wreaths,
  • glue different patterns,
  • stick stickers from a color film.

You can use the listed decorations separately or in combination with printed drawings, complementing the decor:

  • Christmas wreath;
  • a spruce branch with hanging Christmas balls, cones in their natural form or painted with white toothpaste;
  • other New Year's, Christmas decorations.

New Year's window decor, window sill, photo


There are many interesting ways decorate the window for the New Year with the help of improvised materials present in every home. It will take a little imagination, a little hard work, patience, help young artists, cheerful festive mood. Joint work will remain on the windows for a long time, will leave a mark on the souls of children who long years will be fondly remembered children's creativity in the family.

New Year is the time when you want everyone to take part in the preparation for the holiday, to feel the magic of the approaching fairy tale. Having decided to decorate the windows for the New Year, you will not only prepare your house for the holiday, but also share your festive mood with others who will see the result of your work. We have prepared some simple and bright ideas decor.

Choose: what do you like more?

LED garlands and candles

Every year, the tradition of decorating windows with luminous garlands embraces everything. more people. On the eve of the New Year, the gray high-rise buildings of the sleeping areas are transformed: here and there multi-colored windows are lit, sparkling with lights.

Modern christmas garland– something more than a string with LED multi-colored lamps. Even being one-color, a garland can become the main element of New Year's decor: light bulbs can cast bizarre shadows through openwork, fixed next to or covered with ordinary paper cups, reminiscent of small home lampshades.

You can not only decorate windows for the New Year, but also give the interior a touch of romance or even mystery with the help of lit candles. Candles can be the same in color and size, or, on the contrary, differ in shape, but form a single composition in the overall style of the interior.

DIY garlands

Great scope for the realization of fantasies - creation for windows.

Original hanging decorations can be created from everything that is at hand. Garlands made with:

gouache painting

You can decorate windows for the New Year with paints. The wide surface of the window panes makes it possible to depict whole scenes with several characters against the backdrop of New Year's landscapes. For drawing, it is better to use gouache - compared to other paints, it lays down on the glass in a dense layer and is easily washed afterwards.

Even small children can paint windows for the holiday. They themselves can draw the whole picture or color what adults have outlined on the glass. If you plan to draw a small drawing, you can print a suitable image, temporarily fix the sheet on the outside of the window and trace the outlines of the image, so that later you can color them yourself or with the children.

New Year 2020 is the Year of the Rat. Children will appreciate unusual idea if the funny Rat can become one of the many New Year's characters painted on the windows on the eve of the holiday.

Window decoration with balloons

It is impossible to imagine a New Year's interior without traditional Christmas decorations - Christmas balls. Multi-colored or plain balls attached to the cornice at different heights will look like they are floating in the air during the daytime, and after dark they will become an original festive accent in the interior.

Volumetric paper decorations

You can decorate windows for the New Year using the usual white paper. Hand-drawn stencils or printed paper silhouette templates just need to be cut out and stuck to a window (or placed on a windowsill). It may be the outlines of a snowy fairy forest or a cozy tiny village with caps of snow on top of small houses.

Windows can be decorated with paper folded in the form of three-dimensional figures. To do this, just use one of the many schemes for creating New Year's.

Window cutters

Surprisingly beautiful New Year's vytynanki, glued to the glass, will create the impression that nature itself tried to decorate the windows for the New Year - the filigree openwork nets of figures cut out of paper really resemble patterns frosted in frost.

Numerous photos paper decorations help you decide how to decorate your window and choose the appropriate scheme among.

How to decorate a window sill?

Before decorating the window sill space, traditional pots with indoor plants should be moved from the window sill. This will not only have a beneficial effect on the plants themselves (as it will save them from the dry air of the batteries), but also help to create without green foliage in the background.

Anything can serve as a material for creating a composition:

Even the most ordinary glass jars with artificial snow poured inside or a twisted included garland will become an original New Year's decoration for windows.

Ready-made purchased stickers

You can decorate windows for the New Year not only by creating something with your own hands. For those who do not like to wash off drawings or traces of glued decorations from glasses after the holiday, using purchased stickers will be a good idea. It does not take time to create these decorative elements, just choose and purchase the option you like. Most stickers are single use, however, they can be saved and used for the next year. To do this, after the end of the holidays, you need to carefully remove the sticker and stick it back to the sheet in which it was sold.

Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. Doing this with kids Christmas decoration on all the windows in your apartment, you will not only give yourself a festive mood, but also all those who, passing by your house, will glance at your windows. And it's beautiful and very affordable way to and .

New Year's drawings on the windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on windows made with ordinary toothpaste is the easiest and most budgetary way that kids will really like, and you won’t worry about washing windows, because the paste is washed off well with water. There are two ways to draw with toothpaste on glass.

To create on a window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • toothpaste white color;
  • water;
  • Bowl;
  • scotch;
  • stencils of New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

Roll up a piece of sponge and secure with tape. Squeeze toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it with a little water. Dip the resulting “brush” into the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can draw with or without stencils. After the paste dries a little, draw the details with a toothpick. And with a thin brush you can draw threads for toys.

For the next way to paint with toothpaste on glass, you will need slightly different materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

In this way, not only windows are often decorated, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. First, select pattern stencils. It can even be ordinary snowflakes cut out of paper. , you will find the link. Moisten the cut stencil with water and glue it to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Liberally collect the resulting mixture on the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers over the bristles, thus spraying the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until the drawing is completely filled.

Leave the drawing together with the stencil until almost completely dry. When winter drawing is ready, the paper stencil will easily separate from the glass surface and the pattern itself will not be smeared.

What else to draw on the windows: techniques for New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for drawing on glass, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a can, ordinary soap, PVA glue and sparkles are also ideal.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make New Year's drawings on the windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the plot you like, download the picture to your computer, print and cut along the contour and in the right designated places. And then everything, as described above in the master class, to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can draw on the windows in winter. Such pictures with New Year's drawings on the windows can be looked at for hours and inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Christmas tree, decorated, hung around the house, "frost patterns" on the windows, painted with my own hands- all this will create a feeling of a miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

How to make beautiful themed drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 at home, in kindergarten or school, they will tell detailed master classes With step by step photos and video. To work, you will need templates and stencils, and the image itself frosty patterns, ornaments, the symbol of the Year of the Dog or various traditionally winter characters can be applied with a sponge or brush with toothpaste, soap, gouache and stained glass paints. Such a bright, original and colorful picture will be an excellent addition to the New Year's surroundings of any room and will definitely cheer up both children and adults.

What to draw on the windows for the New Year Dogs in kindergarten and school - simple ideas for decoration

When thinking over holiday decorations for educational and playrooms and choosing what to draw on the windows for the New Year of the Dog in a kindergarten or school, you should consider what age the children will be doing the task. Guys 3-5 will not cope with a complex image yet. For them, it is better to make a composition template on the glass, and then offer to decorate with simple gouache paints.

Children 6-8 years old can already be entrusted with a more difficult task. They can easily master on their own to depict simple New Year's characters on the window like the Snowman, Santa Claus, hares or the Snow Maiden.

It is appropriate for middle and high school students to suggest developing a window decoration template on their own, including not one, but several characters at once New Year's stories and fairy tales.

If you want to decorate a large window in the same style, you need to think over a whole composition, where a separate fragment of the plot will be made in each glass.

To create such an image, it is better to take colored paints so that the New Year's picture turns out to be brighter, richer and more colorful.

It is desirable to involve the maximum number of children in the work. Let each of the kids contribute and in this way participate in the creation of a good winter miracle.

Master class on video - what to draw on the window for the New Year 2018 at school and kindergarten

Santa Claus is a classic character of the winter holidays. It can be drawn on the window for the New Year 2018 both at school and in kindergarten. How to do it right, the following video master class will tell. Following these simple advice, both kids and older children can decorate windows beautifully.

Interesting drawings on the windows for the New Year of the Dog 2018 - stencils and templates

To make an apartment, a school class or a playroom in a kindergarten look elegant and festive, it is not enough to decorate the walls and doorways with winter paraphernalia. In addition, you need to apply on the windows interesting drawings, symbolizing the onset of the New Year of the Dog 2018. To create thematic pictures you will need templates and stencils. They will help make images clearer and more attractive.

Examples and options for stencils and templates for New Year's drawings on window panes

The Santa Claus template is always relevant and perfect for any New Year's composition.

It can be combined with other characters, such as the Dog, symbol and patron of 2018.

Or with the Snow Maiden - an indispensable companion and granddaughter of a kind bearded old man.

Or with a permanent partner and faithful assistant Snowman.

Stencils of snowflakes and Christmas balls will serve as an addition to such paintings.

They can be filled empty spaces pictures, making it more saturated and multifaceted.

How and how to draw frosty patterns on the window for the New Year - photo examples of pictures with toothpaste, soap, artificial snow

The easiest option to decorate windows for the New Year is to draw original and unusual frosty patterns on them. To work, it is not necessary to have the talent of a painter or use stained glass paints. You can make images with simpler materials at hand, such as toothpaste, soap, or artificial snow. Such drawings will last a long time, and after the holidays they can be easily washed off with plain water and a small amount of cleaning agent.

Variants of winter frosty patterns for decorating windows for the New Year

Frosty patterns made on glass with toothpaste are very attractive and look natural. In this way, you can decorate the window, creating a truly festive atmosphere in the room, even in the absence of snow on the street. It is enough to dilute the toothpaste with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and for application use not a brush, but a hard toothbrush. Then the image will look exactly as nature would have created it.

If there is enough time and a great desire to turn the window into a luxurious winter picture, it is worth arming yourself with a thin brush and, dipping it in diluted toothpaste, draw by hand christmas patterns. No stencils or templates are needed here. You can improvise for your own pleasure and create a unique, exclusive snow-white lace on glass.

To create a thematic pattern on glass, a piece of white cream soap will have to be grated on a fine grater, combined with half a glass warm water and beat with a mixer until a strong, thick foam is formed. Then you can dip a brush or a foam rubber sponge into this mixture and create diverse New Year's patterns on the glass.

To work with artificial snow, you will definitely need stencils or patterns of snowflakes, patterns or New Year's characters. They will need to be glued to the glass, and then treated with a can of artificial snow around the surface. The image will turn out very gentle and will flicker beautifully both with the light on and in the dark.

To make the window decor look more original, you can depict on the glass not only falling snowflakes, Christmas trees or candles, but also figures of angels.

This decoration option will be relevant for new year holidays, and for the upcoming Christmas.

Thematic drawings on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste - an example of a finished work with a description and step-by-step photos

This lesson describes in detail how to make a beautiful thematic drawing with toothpaste on window glass with your own hands at home. The work is quite simple, but the finished image looks very attractive and harmoniously fits into any interior, filling the house or apartment with a festive mood and a sense of a fairy tale.

Necessary materials for performing a thematic New Year's drawing with toothpaste on the window

  • toothpaste
  • foam sponge
  • fine brush
  • bamboo stick
  • scotch
  • plastic stencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a New Year story on a window glass using toothpaste

Bright drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache and a brush - a master class with photos and videos

A master class with a photo describes how to apply a bright New Year's drawing to the window with gouache paints and a brush. There are no special difficulties in the work and it can be safely entrusted to a child. And it is best to complete the task together, having received great pleasure and a lot of pleasant, positive emotions.

Necessary materials for creating a bright New Year's drawing on window glass using gouache and a brush

  • gouache paint set
  • brushes
  • stencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a bright, festive drawing with gouache on the window for the New Year 2018

  1. Using a stencil, apply the contours of a snowman figure to the window. Place it closer to the bottom of the glass so that there is more free space on top.
  2. Toned the figure with white paint and wait for the gouache to dry.
  3. Draw a smiling muzzle for the snowman, a New Year's red cap, a bright scarf, hands and buttons.
  4. Behind the figure in green paint different shades depict a pine forest.
  5. At the bottom, make blue-blue snowdrifts.
  6. At the top of the window frame, draw a few bright balls and carved, white snowflakes. Let the work dry completely.

What to draw on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year - photos of the best ideas for home, kindergarten and school

Glass decoration with painting is a long and very pleasant tradition. Beautiful thematic drawings for the New Year decorate windows in houses, apartments, shops, shopping malls, schools and kindergartens. For work, they use the most different materials, but the most successful and picturesque are images made with special stained glass paints. Plots are chosen depending on the location. For children's institutions, fairy-tale compositions with such classic New Year's characters like a snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and The Snow Queen. In office or retail premises, congratulatory inscriptions, forest landscapes or lacy garlands of colored snowflakes, balls and other festive attributes look appropriate.

Photo examples of interesting New Year's drawings on the windows with stained glass paints

beautiful, bright image Santa Claus and snowman framed snowdrifts and icicles are a good option for decorating windows in kindergarten or elementary school classes. The drawing is done together with the children, as it is rather conditional and does not have a large number intricate details. The teacher or one of the parents depicts the outline of the composition and figures, and the children take part in coloring their favorite holiday characters with pleasure.

For decorating class windows elementary school the drawings of not only the Snowman and Santa Claus are perfect, but also some forest dwellers, for example, fluffy hares. And in addition are images of fir branches, New Year's toys and bells. They combine the entire composition into a single picture and make it more solid.

The traditional winter landscape looks nice on the windows. His children can easily do it themselves, without even resorting to the help of their parents. Templates and stencils are not needed for such work. It is enough to let the boys and girls show their imagination and draw on the glass what they want. And it doesn’t matter at all that the picture will turn out to be quite simple. Most importantly, it will bright personality and a reflection of the character of a child who put a drop of his soul into the drawing.

Deer is another classic attribute winter pictures. True, more often it is depicted on clothes and such an ornament is called Scandinavian. But it also looks quite appropriate on window panes, especially in the context of a winter forest landscape and an elegant Christmas tree.

If the window is small and does not allow, due to some circumstances, to place a large-scale composition on the glass, it is worth decorating the glass with a snowflake pattern. To do this, you will need a stencil of a suitable size, a sponge or a piece of foam rubber and white paint.

Despite its simplicity, the image will turn out to be very attractive and elegant and will delight the eyes of both the inhabitants of the apartment and people passing by for a long time.

Beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints - a master class with a photo

A step-by-step master class with a photo tells how to create a beautiful, bright and attractive picture in honor of the New Year on the windows using stained glass paints. Work is best done together by adults and children. Moms, dads, grandparents, teachers or educators will depict the main contours of the picture, and children will paint the composition with catchy, spectacular tones with great pleasure. Thematic drawing will provide a festive atmosphere in the room and create a joyful, optimistic mood in everyone's hearts.

Necessary materials for creating a beautiful New Year's drawing on window glass

  • stained glass paint set
  • brushes
  • marker
  • sponge or foam sponge
  • alcohol

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a winter composition for the New Year on the window

  1. Immediately before starting work, degrease the glass surface by wiping it with ordinary medical alcohol or a special liquid for windows and wait until it dries completely. After this procedure, the paint will lie on the surface evenly and there will be no spots in the picture.
  2. To create a picture, use a template or use a marker to draw a snowman figure by hand. There are no clear criteria for the image. The manifestation of fantasy and a creative approach to the drawing are allowed.
  3. When the contour is ready, dip the sponge or foam rubber in white paint and cover the main surface of the snowman figure with it. So that the paint does not go beyond the borders, walk near the edge with a brush and bring the white coating as close as possible to the black outline.
  4. With a red tint, paint over the bucket on the snowman's head and the flag, on which congratulations will then be written.
  5. Tint the scarf and mittens in green, work out the flagpole and the hands of the snowman in yellow-brown.
  6. When the drawing is completely dry, write on the flag with yellow paint New Year's greetings, and draw the outline of the snowman's figure in black, dipping a thin brush into it.
  7. At the end, draw a smiling face for the snowman. Free space additionally decorate windows with snowflakes painted with white paint or cut out of shiny paper.
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