Beautiful photo shoots for pregnant women. Unusual ideas for "pregnant" photo shoots

Many mistakenly believe that outdoor maternity photo shoot ideas that capture the most amazing period in the life of any woman can only be realized in summer. But winter, spring and autumn are also perfect for capturing beautiful outdoor photos of waiting for a miracle. At the same time, you can easily make photography a pleasure, and future mothers and children in their tummies do not experience any inconvenience.

Choose the time

Usually, photography for girls in position is carried out when the eighth or even ninth month of pregnancy is in progress. By this time, the tummy reaches its maximum roundness, and its shape can be interestingly beaten - represented as:

  • watermelon
  • inflated ball
  • balloon and so on

If this period falls in the summer, photography can be carried out in any month: the street is full of colors, and the photos will turn out just wonderful, sunny and cheerful. If spring is outside, then it is better to plan a photo session for April or May, when it is already warm enough and the first spring flowers appear, the leaves on the trees bloom. This will create a beautiful backdrop, and a street shot of a soon-to-be-baby couple will capture the start of a new life in every way. April, for example, can give a wonderful photo shoot among daffodils, and May - among flowering apple trees or lilac flowers.

Autumn and winter are more difficult times of the year for a photo shoot on the street, but even here you can find good options for girls in position. Photos with colorful autumn leaves in the background look great - such photos can be taken in September. November can give a photo with the first snow - a woman can try on the image of a snow queen or take another thematic shot, the background of which will be created by snow-covered nature. Correct makeup will help to emphasize the beauty in the picture.

November is most suitable for “winter” shots, because it is still not too cold outside, and a pregnant woman cannot afford to be photographed in the cold.

Deciding on a place

Ideas for a photo shoot for a pregnant boy or girl, any professional photographer will offer himself, as well as help you choose a location for the shooting. With make-up, make-up artists, who often work in a team with a professional, will be able to help. You can come up with ideas for a pregnant photo shoot on your own, providing yourself with original and unforgettable photos. For example, a thematic photoset with her husband will become especially memorable if it is held at the place of first dates.

Couples who are expecting a baby can go to an amusement park to take pictures, or try on the image of travelers standing on the road near the sign that says "Maternity Hospital".

The most popular ideas for maternity photo shoots in nature are shooting girls in position:

  • by the sea in the rays of the setting sun or at dawn - photos at this time of day are more advantageous due to the soft, diffused sunlight
  • among the flowers in spring and summer parks, and a special look will help create a beautifully fluttering long dress with a train
  • in a field among ears of wheat or wild flowers - solo or with a husband
  • in a clearing in the forest - a woman can try on the image of a beautiful nymph, for whom the forest is her home

Special decorations will help to decorate the chosen place, among which beautiful armchairs, beds, benches, swings and hammocks are especially popular.

When choosing a location for a photo shoot, first of all, you need to think about the comfort of the expectant mother. She should be able to rest if needed. Overheating in the sun or hypothermia due to prolonged exposure to the street should be excluded. Therefore, when working out the idea of ​​a photo shoot for a pregnant woman in nature, especially far from the city, it is worth considering having a comfortable car nearby in which you can warm up, relax, drink water or even have a snack, which is often the most important need for pregnant women with a girl or a boy. Comfortable conditions are also important if children are involved in photography.

With or without clothes

An important step in working out the idea of ​​a street photo shoot is the selection of clothes for the expectant mother. Some are embarrassed by their rounded shapes and are ready to show only the tummy, others are delighted with the changes that have taken place in their body and are happy to demonstrate them in full.

The beauty of the body in the frame depends not only on clothing, but also on the choice of poses. The photographer will help you decide on the most winning ones. This is usually a reclining or standing posture that allows you to show off your figure.

The ideas of outfits for pregnant women with a girl or a boy preparing for a photo shoot are similar - everywhere the emphasis is on the tummy: it is either completely bare or emphasized with bows, beautiful drapery on the dress, a special bandage and other details.

If street photography fell on the summer period, as a rule, there are no problems with the outfit at all. During a photo shoot of pregnant women in nature in the summer, you can even be completely naked. A skillful photographer will be able to emphasize the beauty of a naked body thanks to the chosen landscape around, a correctly chosen pose will also play a huge role.

If a photo session of pregnant women is held in nature in spring, autumn and even more so in winter, the issue of choosing clothes becomes the most acute. The expectant mother should not freeze, like the baby in her tummy, but at the same time, her figure should not be covered with layers of clothing.

Ideas for outfits for a photo shoot in which the whole family takes part are based on the principles:

  • unified color balance
  • uniform style
  • the presence of details that unite all the outfits

In other words, children's clothes, like clothes for a husband, should complement the mother's outfit.

Solo or ensemble

Ideas for a photo shoot of pregnant women in the summer largely depend on whether there will be one mom in the picture, or she is photographed in a pair with her husband, her other children, with animals. It can be:

  • role-playing shots
  • humorous pictures
  • romantic shots

Whatever plot is chosen, the emotions experienced by the family at the moment of photographing will be the main ones in the frame. Ideas for a photo shoot for pregnant women in nature can be different, the main thing is that the process brings joy and pleasure, then the photos that capture the waiting period will breathe true love and celebration.

A photo session at home of a pregnant woman allows you to capture one of the best periods in a woman's life in a calm and familiar environment. Considering ideas for photo shoots, pay attention to the choice of image and makeup, think over interesting poses and decide with whom you would like to be in the photo - with your husband, family, girlfriends, pets.

Or in the photo house you can take original individual pictures, where there will be only you and the baby who will be born soon. Deciding on ideas for a future photoset can sometimes be difficult. The main thing is to listen to yourself and understand what topics are close to you.

Benefits of home photography

Studio photo shoots are not always convenient for pregnant women. A maternity photo session at home in familiar conditions helps to feel at ease, which sometimes cannot be said about the filming process in the studio.

A photo session of a girl at home is an opportunity:

  • without the hassle of bringing pets to the photoset of a pregnant woman, without wasting time and effort on their transportation
  • do not depend on weather conditions (for a pregnant girl, you can arrange a photo shoot indoors in any weather)
  • take a photo in the rooms of your own apartment (on a cozy sofa, in an armchair, on a bed, where a pregnant woman can take comfortable and relaxed poses)
  • use interesting toys and things prepared for the birth of a child (crib, booties, blankets, envelope) as props for a pregnant photo shoot

You can also creatively capture the morning rise of a woman, cooking breakfast or lunch at home, communicating with her husband in an informal setting.

A maternity photo session is especially successful if the apartment has large windows and enough daylight enters the house.

Taking pictures in your own home, you can realize any creative ideas of a maternity photo shoot to get a photo with a change of images and props. Especially - if you invite the best stylist, makeup artist and other specialists who will add creativity to the overall style of photography

Shooting in a studio always involves professionally installed lighting. However, the photographer will be able to capture a couple of lighting fixtures for the apartment. With this, he will be able to create the conditions characteristic of a studio photo house.

For a maternity photoset, several sets of clothes are usually selected at home - formal looks, cool costumes, everyday outfits for expectant mothers. Prepare in advance a couple of toys and items that indicate the expectation of the baby, or that are dear to you.

Shooting Accessories

In addition to children's things (bodysuits, booties), there are also various cool props for interesting photography. These include:

  • bright ribbons in the interior
  • fresh flowers to decorate a photo shoot
  • signs with inscriptions for creating creativity (“Happy parents”, “We are waiting for you!”, “Waiting for a miracle”, etc.)
  • muffins, cupcakes, large lollipops (today it is not difficult to find not only tasty, but also original confectionery)
  • the ultrasound image adds creativity and looks organically in the frame with a couple of parents-to-be
  • cubes with the name of the unborn child or other words (“Happiness”, “7 months”, “Love story”, “Family”)
  • items indicating the birth of a daughter or son (baby bottles in blue or pink; symbolic berries, vegetables or fruits: watermelon, pumpkin, cabbage)

For delicate photo shoots, choose the appropriate accessories: floral wicker wreaths, straw or birch bark decorations, crafts.

A bit about body art

A popular trend today is body art - a kind of "make-up" for the body. A photo shoot of pregnant women fully allows its use.

The most suitable time for photo shoots can be considered the twentieth week of pregnancy, when the rounded belly is already clearly visible. On the body of expectant mothers, using brushes or an airbrush, make-up artists draw flowers, butterflies, apply both creative artistic patterns and simple emoticons, words, phrases.

If you like such topics, then, using the services of a makeup artist, you can create an unusual and vivid photoset. If a photo session of a pregnant girl is held with a loved one, you can discuss original ideas for a photo with him.

With spouse

When taking photographs with a loved one, the main thing is to focus on the tender and trusting relationship of the couple.

A photo shoot of pregnant women together with their spouses allows you to demonstrate a joint attachment to the home. One of the most symbolic elements for a family photo shoot is the fireplace.

It is better for spouses to choose the most simple and comfortable clothes: large-knit sweaters, jeans, bathrobes; in summer you can wear loose T-shirts and shorts.

You can also add some warm pastel colors to the interior and minimize makeup to make the girl look more natural.

There are many options to reflect the joint pastime. For example, fans of the "nautical theme" will enjoy shooting with the use of vests, lifebuoys and other similar elements reminiscent of summer.

If you want to take a picture in a romantic style, then a pregnant woman in a light dress and a man in light pants and a shirt will look great in the frame.

With kids

During a photo shoot of pregnant women, pictures with an older child are obtained as cute and touching. During the shooting, you can jointly:

  • put together puzzles, play board games, sculpt cool figures from plasticine
  • eat beautiful cakes, cut a big cake
  • "sing" into the microphone, dance, take funny poses and have fun
  • watch cartoons and do a lot of other daily life things that you yourself like

In the hands of the baby, you can give a sign with an inscription, for example: "Sister, I'm waiting for you!". Also, children are often dressed up in costumes of angels, cartoon characters, fairy-tale characters, fairies.

When organizing a mom-to-be photo shoot with friends, husband, and other family members, think about the same elements for all participants in the shoot. These can be hats (caps, knitted hats, hats), suits for men and dresses for girls in the same color scheme. Regardless of the plot, a photo session at home for a pregnant woman will remind you of minutes filled with love and warmth.

Expecting a baby is a wonderful moment in life. Many women want to keep the memories of pregnancy for many years, not only in memory, but also in photographs. Being photographed while pregnant is great.

This condition is wonderful, especially since most women are pregnant 1-2 times in their lives. I think it will be interesting for your baby to look at you when he was still in his tummy. Of course, you can just take pictures at home, but many still prefer a professional photo session. These photos will look beautiful and stylish, you can make a photo album of them or hang them in a frame as a keepsake of a happy period in your life.

We want to offer you some interesting ideas for a photo shoot.

Photo session of a pregnant woman by months and after the birth of the crumbs:

Of course, the most natural and organic photos of pregnant girls are obtained in nature. Natural background, bright colors, light and colors of nature create beautiful landscapes for photography. You can choose an interesting place, for example, the bank of a river, lake. Find a beautiful meadow with flowers, a lawn or the edge of a forest.

Photo session with my beloved husband. It especially needs to emphasize their tender relationship to each other. The kid will then be pleased to look at his happy parents.

A photo session in a studio with pre-designed scenery, high-quality lighting, will help bring various interesting ideas to life. Weather conditions and various external factors will not be able to spoil photography. You can beat the story of the birth of a child in an interesting and original way. In the studio, you can create a suitable environment, scenery, so that the photos turn out like from the cover of a magazine.

To create an image and a beautiful picture, it is very convenient to use various thematic accessories. For example: booties, small shoes, sneakers, ultrasound scan, clothes for a newborn, small hats, bodysuits, dresses, balloons, bottles, garlands with various inscriptions, wooden letters composed in different words (baby name, love, happiness, 8 months etc.) cubes with words, soft toys, various decorations for a pregnant tummy, books, various objects indicating the gender of the child (crown, car, etc.) pumpkin, watermelon, caputa, flowers, fruits, vegetables, rattles, lollipops, sweets, sweets, etc.

The idea of ​​photographing painted pregnant tummies has recently been considered quite popular. This maternity body art is called gestational painting. The tummy is a blank canvas on which you can fantasize as much as you like. Many future mothers with big tummies cannot deny themselves such an unusual way to emphasize their temporary body shapes.

Photo shoots with young children are always interesting and funny. A child can be dressed up as an angel, fairy, some fairy-tale character or animal, give him a sign with the inscription (I'm waiting for my sister, I love you, etc.)

The period of pregnancy for a woman, of course, is difficult. But I want to capture this magical state for a long time, because it is unique. Expecting a baby is an important event that should be given a special place in a family photo album. If you are in an interesting position and are going to take a photo shoot, then this article will help you properly prepare for it.

There are girls who are expecting a baby, but at the same time refuse to conduct photo shoots with their tummy, believing in various baseless superstitions that something will happen to the child after the shooting. Nothing like this will happen just because someone will film you on camera. Another thing is to be afraid of the lens, to feel embarrassed in front of it, thinking that you have an ugly or photogenic face, a full figure.

In fact, all this does not matter, the main thing is the mood of the future mother, because the camera is sensitive to people's emotions. Pictures always turn out beautiful if people in them behave naturally, calmly, they are happy and relaxed. A tense face and a bad mood will ruin any picture, not just a photo of a future mom.

The expectant mother needs to flirt with the camera in the same way as with her husband, do not be shy, loosen up and think only about her baby. Just imagine what memory you will have of your pregnancy. When the child grows up, you will show him how beautiful his tummy was, tell him how much you waited and even then loved him with all your heart. Therefore, never mind various nonsense, do not miss the opportunity to make a memorable photo shoot during pregnancy.

At what stage of pregnancy is it better to have a photo shoot?

Everyone who decides to capture their excellent condition thinks about how long it is better to conduct a photo session during pregnancy. There is no unequivocal opinion on this matter, because each girl develops pregnancy in her own way. The main thing is that a noticeably rounded tummy is already visible in the photographs, and the girl does not look too tired at the same time - even if this is not the last month of bearing a baby.

  1. If you are pregnant for the first time, then memorable photos can be taken at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. If you are expecting a second baby, then, most likely, the tummy will already be rounded at 28-32 weeks.
  3. If you are expecting several babies at once, then do not delay with a photo session. It needs to be done by 30 weeks.

How to choose a photographer for a photo shoot during pregnancy?

The result of the shooting will depend not only on your mood. A very important role is played by the personality of the photographer, who knows how to professionally pose the model, create an organic space around her, and also make the atmosphere at the shooting comfortable.

It is the photographer who will process the photographs that depict you, it will depend on him what your face and whole figure will be like. If you choose a non-professional, then he is unlikely to be able to choose a good angle for you to emphasize a charming tummy and at the same time hide swelling and extra pounds that are gained during pregnancy.

Give preference to those photographers who specialize in family photography, baby photography. They have much more experience. Be sure to look through the work of a specialist, discuss what images are popular now, what looks beautiful, what specifically suits your family.

Where is the best place to have a photo session during pregnancy?

After the photographer who will work with you is selected, you need to move on to thinking over the place where you want to be photographed. Of course, you can first take pictures in nature, then in a studio or at home, but all this will be quite expensive. It is advisable to decide on one place, and the photographer will already select the locations himself so that the photos are not the same.

We will tell you about several options for holding a photo shoot in different locations.

Pregnancy photo session at home

Home photo. Photos will also look very stylish if you have a bedroom made in vintage style. Beautiful pregnancy hostess will look good if you have a beautifully equipped children's room for the future. Babies always give solidity to any photos. By choosing the appropriate image, you can take beautiful photos during pregnancy.

The advantage of such photography is that you can take pictures in different rooms, change clothes in your usual place, fantasize, experiment. If you live in your own house, then you can still take a few shots in the yard in nature.

The disadvantages of such a shooting is that there are probably already photos in your album against the background of a familiar home interior. A photo session during pregnancy should still be something special.

Pregnancy photo shoot in the studio

In any case, no matter what the weather is outside, you can always take pictures in a beautiful photo studio, where different locations and interesting interiors are provided. Only the photographer you invite to create your photo session should choose the studio. He must have experience in the studio so that he knows how best to set the light, what kind of background to choose. In addition, most professional studios have makeup artists and hairdressers who will prepare you for the shoot, so you don't have to walk around the city ruining your beautiful make-up and formal hairstyle.

In addition to having equipment and image stylists in the professional studio, they also have a dress shop for rent. If you don’t have a suitable formal outfit in your wardrobe that would fit a rounded tummy, then it is quite possible that you will find something suitable for yourself in this dress salon.

The advantage of such a photo session is that you do not need to adjust to the weather conditions and time of day. And the minus is that most couples are filmed in studio locations, so it is difficult to make a photo shoot original. Although, if you show imagination and be creative in the process of preparing for shooting, you can make a very unusual photo shoot with a pregnant tummy.

Photo session of pregnancy in nature

Any photos taken in nature always turn out to be alive, beautiful, bright and interesting. However, it is not always convenient for a girl who is in position to be photographed in the cold and rainy season. Not a very good choice to hold a pregnancy photo shoot in winter, because the stomach will hide under a warm down jacket, the girl will not look the way she would like, and the mood will only deteriorate from this.

Another thing is to take pictures in nature in spring, summer and early autumn, when everything is still fragrant and full of bright colors. You can make an imitation of a picnic, take a boat trip, walk through the autumn forest. All this flavor will give photographs depicting a pregnant tummy a special charm.

However, not always scheduled shooting on a specific day can be carried out due to the unpredictability of the weather. If you want to know for sure when is the best time for a pregnancy photo session, then carefully study the weather forecast, otherwise you can get into an unpleasant situation that will overshadow the exciting process of photographing.

Ideas for a photo shoot during pregnancy

A pregnancy photo session is not a banal shooting of one expectant mother in different outfits and a close-up of her tummy. You can not focus on the stomach. Very beautiful and warm photographs are obtained if there is a caring husband, older children, pets and other surroundings next to a pregnant woman in the pictures.

In a word, there are a lot of ideas for a photo shoot during pregnancy. We will present you with several original options that are popular and in demand today among expectant mothers. Based on them, you can come up with any other interesting idea for your photo shoot.

Pregnancy photoshoot with husband

Previously, not many dads agreed to take pictures during the happiest period of waiting for the baby. Modern fathers approach this issue with special trepidation and love. On the expanses of the World Wide Web and on social networks, photos with pregnant wives of young people are increasingly appearing. If your husband or young man, who is the father of your child, is ready to take part in a photo shoot with you, then think over this event with him to the smallest detail.

Photos look very nice when future parents are approximately the same dressed, when they hold the same props in their hands. Often, expectant mothers want a photo session during pregnancy to be romantic and touching. But no less interesting are the pictures with her husband, where you can fool around and have fun.

Family photo session during pregnancy

A family that already has children should definitely be photographed during the pregnancy of the mother all together. When the long-awaited baby is born, he will be very pleased to see how happy and touching his expectation was.

Also, in the process of preparing for a family photo shoot, you need to maintain a single style in the clothes of each family member who will take part in the shooting. If the children are small, then they need to be explained what they have to do, how to behave. As a rule, kids really enjoy the process of taking pictures, so they are happy to pose for the camera and have fun. Thanks to children, photos will turn out lively and bright.

Photo session of pregnancy with a child

Very tender and touching photos are obtained in which the expectant mother hugs her first child or several children whom she gave birth to earlier. The subject for such shootings must be selected based on the temperament and character of these children. If they are nimble and cheerful, then it is better to do some kind of thematic photo shoot in the style of a party, so that the children on the set play, rejoice and perceive the process itself as entertainment.

If the children are serious, sophisticated and sincere, then you will have a great opportunity to take solemn pictures in beautiful dresses and classic costumes. And he and the other option always looks advantageous and beautiful.

How to prepare for a pregnant photo shoot: makeup, hairstyle, clothes, accessories

Preparing for a photo shoot, the expectant mother needs to take a very responsible approach to how she will look in the photographs. We have compiled a list of what you should pay attention to first of all:

  1. Take care that your makeup was neat, natural and unobtrusive. The expectant mother is the embodiment of tenderness, kindness, care and love. Red lips and fatal black eyes in the style of "smoky ice" in such a photo shoot will be out of place. You need to be very feminine and soft in pictures with a tummy.
  2. The same type should be hairstyle. Give preference to light and airy styling with waves, beautiful wrapping. Do not make tails, buns, twist bundles. All this looks everyday and routine. It is much more pleasant to look at a pregnancy photo where the mother is beautiful and feminine.
  3. Manicure must be made necessarily simply because it is necessary according to the norms of hygiene. However, in no case do not build up nails, do not paint them with bright varnish. All this will look rather vulgar in an interesting position. Let it be a regular hygienic or, in extreme cases, a French manicure. You should not build up nails, they will still interfere with you, and you will get rid of them as soon as you give birth.
  4. Concerning accessories, then you can use them. It can be a decoration for hairstyles, beads, necklaces, bracelets. But they should not look heaped up and rude. Choose accessories that will only complement your natural beauty.
  5. Wear not only beautiful, but also comfortable clothes in which you will feel comfortable. Many mothers today are photographed in transparent peignoirs. If this is an unacceptable trend for you, then you should not scoff at yourself. Wear a nice floor-length dress or jeans with a T-shirt. You can simply throw on your husband's favorite shirt or the usual outfit that you always wear. It is recommended not to wear anything close-fitting. It is better to let it be either a loose dress or shirt, or a bare tummy that will not fit anything.

Of course, do not forget to think about whether you would like to have something in your hands at the time of shooting - fruits, flowers, toys, balloons, inscriptions and other props that will complement your shooting.

Images for a pregnancy photo shoot: options

Pregnancy photo shoot with flowers

Pregnancy photo shoot in jeans

Pregnancy photo shoot in a shirt

Pregnancy photo shoot in loft style

Black and white pregnancy photo shoot

Poses for a photo shoot during pregnancy

You can take pictures during pregnancy in any position in which you are comfortable. We tell you what the photographer has to offer:

  • You can stand sideways so that the contour of the tummy is clearly visible.
  • The ¾ turn is very visible. In such a photo, both the tummy and the face of the future mother are visible.
  • Often the photographer invites the girl to lie on her side and wrap her arms around her stomach.
  • Beautiful photos are obtained if the expectant mother lies on her back and raises her arms up above her head.
  • Often, pregnant women are also photographed while squatting or kneeling.

In other words, photos from a photo shoot during pregnancy always turn out to be touching, beautiful, and memorable. The woman in such photographs is especially beautiful, because a new life was born in her, which will soon be born. Do not miss the opportunity to capture your happy family moments for a long memory.

Video: “Photoshoot of pregnancy. Ideas for a photo shoot during pregnancy »

A photo session at home of a pregnant woman allows you to capture one of the best periods in a woman's life in a calm and familiar environment. Considering ideas for photo shoots, pay attention to the choice of image and makeup, think over interesting poses and decide with whom you would like to be in the photo - with your husband, family, girlfriends, pets.

Or in the photo house you can take original individual pictures, where there will be only you and the baby who will be born soon. Deciding on ideas for a future photoset can sometimes be difficult. The main thing is to listen to yourself and understand what topics are close to you.

Benefits of home photography

Studio photo shoots are not always convenient for pregnant women. A maternity photo session at home in familiar conditions helps to feel at ease, which sometimes cannot be said about the filming process in the studio.

A photo session of a girl at home is an opportunity:

  • without the hassle of bringing pets to the photoset of a pregnant woman, without wasting time and effort on their transportation
  • do not depend on weather conditions (for a pregnant girl, you can arrange a photo shoot indoors in any weather)
  • take a photo in the rooms of your own apartment (on a cozy sofa, in an armchair, on a bed, where a pregnant woman can take comfortable and relaxed poses)
  • use interesting toys and things prepared for the birth of a child (crib, booties, blankets, envelope) as props for a pregnant photo shoot

You can also creatively capture the morning rise of a woman, cooking breakfast or lunch at home, communicating with her husband in an informal setting.

A maternity photo session is especially successful if the apartment has large windows and enough daylight enters the house.

Taking pictures in your own home, you can realize any creative ideas of a maternity photo shoot to get a photo with a change of images and props. Especially - if you invite the best stylist, makeup artist and other specialists who will add creativity to the overall style of photography

Shooting in a studio always involves professionally installed lighting. However, the photographer will be able to capture a couple of lighting fixtures for the apartment. With this, he will be able to create the conditions characteristic of a studio photo house.

For a maternity photoset, several sets of clothes are usually selected at home - formal looks, cool costumes, everyday outfits for expectant mothers. Prepare in advance a couple of toys and items that indicate the expectation of the baby, or that are dear to you.

Shooting Accessories

In addition to children's things (bodysuits, booties), there are also various cool props for interesting photography. These include:

  • bright ribbons in the interior
  • fresh flowers to decorate a photo shoot
  • signs with inscriptions for creating creativity (“Happy parents”, “We are waiting for you!”, “Waiting for a miracle”, etc.)
  • muffins, cupcakes, large lollipops (today it is not difficult to find not only tasty, but also original confectionery)
  • the ultrasound image adds creativity and looks organically in the frame with a couple of parents-to-be
  • cubes with the name of the unborn child or other words (“Happiness”, “7 months”, “Love story”, “Family”)
  • items indicating the birth of a daughter or son (baby bottles in blue or pink; symbolic berries, vegetables or fruits: watermelon, pumpkin, cabbage)

For delicate photo shoots, choose the appropriate accessories: floral wicker wreaths, straw or birch bark decorations, crafts.

A bit about body art

A popular trend today is body art - a kind of "make-up" for the body. A photo shoot of pregnant women fully allows its use.

The most suitable time for photo shoots can be considered the twentieth week of pregnancy, when the rounded belly is already clearly visible. On the body of expectant mothers, using brushes or an airbrush, make-up artists draw flowers, butterflies, apply both creative artistic patterns and simple emoticons, words, phrases.

If you like such topics, then, using the services of a makeup artist, you can create an unusual and vivid photoset. If a photo session of a pregnant girl is held with a loved one, you can discuss original ideas for a photo with him.

With spouse

When taking photographs with a loved one, the main thing is to focus on the tender and trusting relationship of the couple.

A photo shoot of pregnant women together with their spouses allows you to demonstrate a joint attachment to the home. One of the most symbolic elements for a family photo shoot is the fireplace.

It is better for spouses to choose the most simple and comfortable clothes: large-knit sweaters, jeans, bathrobes; in summer you can wear loose T-shirts and shorts.

You can also add some warm pastel colors to the interior and minimize makeup to make the girl look more natural.

There are many options to reflect the joint pastime. For example, fans of the "nautical theme" will enjoy shooting with the use of vests, lifebuoys and other similar elements reminiscent of summer.

If you want to take a picture in a romantic style, then a pregnant woman in a light dress and a man in light pants and a shirt will look great in the frame.

With kids

During a photo shoot of pregnant women, pictures with an older child are obtained as cute and touching. During the shooting, you can jointly:

  • put together puzzles, play board games, sculpt cool figures from plasticine
  • eat beautiful cakes, cut a big cake
  • "sing" into the microphone, dance, take funny poses and have fun
  • watch cartoons and do a lot of other daily life things that you yourself like

In the hands of the baby, you can give a sign with an inscription, for example: "Sister, I'm waiting for you!". Also, children are often dressed up in costumes of angels, cartoon characters, fairy-tale characters, fairies.

When organizing a mom-to-be photo shoot with friends, husband, and other family members, think about the same elements for all participants in the shoot. These can be hats (caps, knitted hats, hats), suits for men and dresses for girls in the same color scheme. Regardless of the plot, a photo session at home for a pregnant woman will remind you of minutes filled with love and warmth.

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