City stencil on the window with toothpaste. stencils of paper decorations for windows

By the New Year, they decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the apartment as a whole. The most popular place to apply various paintings and patterns are windows. The drawings on the windows for the New Year give a special festive atmosphere and look very beautiful. You can depict anything. It can be snowflakes, figures of such famous characters like Santa Claus and snowman.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows

If you are wondering what is the best way to draw New Year's drawings on the windows so that they look original and do not spoil the glass, we will help you choose an interesting option.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste

AT last years popular is a simple improvised material - toothpaste. Everyone has it in the house, and it is inexpensive. But the most important plus lies elsewhere - New Year's drawings on the windows toothpaste they dry very quickly, do not harm the condition of the glass at all and are easily wiped off with a damp cloth. In addition, if something went wrong while drawing the pattern, you can erase the pattern or part of it and reapply the pattern.

You need to apply drawings to the window like this:

  1. Plan what you want to see on your window: snowflakes, Christmas trees, houses.
  2. Take a small amount of white toothpaste into a specially prepared container.
  3. Prepare brushes and sponges (you can use kitchen scourers for washing dishes, cut into small pieces).
  4. Wipe the window dry, and you can start painting. To make the pattern look feathered, use sponges, and draw clear lines with drawing brushes.

If you do not have a talent for drawing, but you really want to decorate your apartment with drawings on the windows for the New Year, do not despair. Choose your stencils and use them to create your masterpiece. For example, take the patterns of a scattering of stars, cut out their outline for yourself, attach it to the window, and empty space draw inside with paste.

New Year's drawings on the windows with gouache and not only

Those who are fond of drawing and know how to create beautiful pictures, you can use another way to apply a pattern to the window. New Year's drawings on the windows with gouache look incredibly fabulous. Gouache dries well and is easily washed off with window cleaner. The main advantage of such paints is the ability to create colorful drawing. If we use toothpaste, then all the images we have are only white, and with the help of gouache they can be green, and red, and blue.

Today in stores you can buy such a tool as liquid snow. It is sold in special bottles with a spray, like hairspray. Creating drawings with this product is incredibly easy.

Master class on creating a New Year's drawing on the window using liquid snow:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, fold it into a triangle and draw a pattern for the future snowflake with a pencil.

  1. Cut out a snowflake and attach it to the window glass.
  2. Shake the bottle of liquid snow and spray it directly over the snowflake stencil. You will get such a beautiful pattern.

Choose the most suitable way to decorate windows with New Year's drawings, and be sure to please your loved ones with such beauty!

Each person with the onset of the month of December immediately recalls the fabulous celebration. On the eve of the New Year, according to old customs, people decorate their houses with traditional decorations that can be glued or painted. Therefore, some are concerned about the question of how to draw snowflakes on a toothpaste window? After all, it would seem that this is not quite an ordinary combination, because many people are used to painting with paints.

However, I would like to note that toothpaste allows you to create real painted masterpieces on the windows. Such art has limitless possibilities in decorating windows or glass. Of course, before you create any composition, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

For those people who have experience in this matter, there are undoubtedly fewer difficulties, but those who will delve into this craft for the first time will have to heed some advice. Snowflakes on the toothpaste window will allow you to create fabulous compositions in any style. Although everything will depend on the individual imagination.

Some people like to simply apply elements of snowflakes, while many draw plots from children's fairy tales. After all, such a holiday is endowed with mystery and magic. Moreover, painted compositions will appeal to anyone, even the most inveterate critic and sloth.

Of course, in order to make the house look festive, you can resort to other decoration options, for example, garlands, stickers, glowing lanterns and many other toys can help decorate the home. But these decorations can not be compared with real painted snowflakes on the window with toothpaste.

Moreover, doing such work, you can call children who love to draw. The participation of children will allow turning creativity into a real pleasure, especially for parents. Window decorations can be applied in different ways.

Different ways to draw snowflakes

Drawing on a window with toothpaste is not at all difficult. First you need to prepare a white paste without adding various impurities. The window must be pre-washed and dried. This option is very suitable for very young children.

After that, a small amount of toothpaste is applied to the tip of the finger and a snowflake is drawn directly with the finger. For a child, the silhouette of an openwork element can first be drawn with a marker of any color. Because for sure the child will not create symmetrical rays of a snowflake, but will be able to circle with a smeared finger.

If such a drawing is performed by an adult, then it should be taken into account that at first the strip of the applied line from the paste will be abundantly white, then the line will begin to brighten due to the consumption of toothpaste. But since such a “paint” dries quickly, you can apply a second line directly along this strip in order to create a snow-white look to the composition.

Thus, you can draw a dance of snowflakes suspended on a garland. Or simply falling beauties randomly "scatter" on the glass. Not infrequently, many people draw a team with deer according to patterns, and the background of falling snowflakes will harmoniously decorate such a composition, and they are drawn quite quickly with a finger.

However, any drawing can be decorated with snow beauties. Such art is clearly to the taste of many, and the involvement of children will make the process of work more interesting and exciting. After all, drawing with fingers is so funny that the child will obviously be delighted.

How to paint with a brush

This method is a little more complicated than the previous one, because in the course of work a watercolor brush will be required. It is better to take several copies, that is, one thin and the other thick. So it will be more convenient to create an image of falling or dancing snowflakes.

In the dance, it is necessary to take into account the rows, that is, the silhouettes of beauties from the snow should be of different sizes. For example, the first circle is applied with a thin brush, and the second with a thick one, then the dance will turn out to be symmetrical.

To work, toothpaste is slightly diluted with water and used instead of watercolor. The consistency should not be too thick, but it should not be made liquid either, because then the drawing will drip on the glass and the figure will not work.

Diluted toothpaste may dry out during the drawing process. It is difficult to work with such a tool, so you should add a little water, returning the previous consistency. If you are afraid to draw on glass right away because it may not work out, then you can first practice on a piece of paper.

The method of applying snowflakes to windows with a brush and watercolor

This process will require watercolors, toothpaste and brushes of the same size as in the previous method of applying snow beauties. After that, several small bowls are taken (you can take plastic lids for jars), in which the necessary contents will be diluted.

To do this, a small amount of toothpaste is squeezed into each bowl and with the help of a thick brush dipped in water and smeared in desired color watercolor paint mixing toothpaste. At the same time, the color and consistency become different and it is easy to draw patterns with them.

These colors can be anything. Not rare to apply artistic compositions first, everything is drawn with a large brush, and for drawing small parts use a thinner brush. Also, with the help of a tool, gloss is applied, which is prepared in advance. It can be a snow-white snowflake shimmering with white sparks or another pattern. Everything will depend on the imagination of the "artist".

Application method using templates

For this work, you need to prepare the necessary stencils. For example, snowflakes and snowmen or fluffy fir branches with a Christmas tree toy attached to it. A snowman can be arranged in the middle of the window, and twigs are better in the corner. Decorate all this with falling openwork snowflakes.

To work, you need to prepare a toothpaste without additives in the composition. Deep bowl for diluting the application agent. A piece of foam rubber and fabric that absorbs moisture well. Toothbrush and selected stencils.

Then wet the glass with plain water using foam rubber and stick stencils on it, as they should “sit” on the glass. After that, dilute the toothpaste with water to the consistency of a clerical stroke. Wet a toothbrush in this composition, bring it as close as possible to the attached stencil and run your finger over the brush.

In this case, droplets of toothpaste are sprayed on the place where the template is located. Do this until it's all covered. After the stencil has dried, it is removed, and the pattern remains. Snow-white compositions can be supplemented with color inserts using the application methods described above.

It is not uncommon for those who apply such drawings for the first time to spray the brush with toothpaste poorly, so smudges are obtained. You should not be afraid of this, use a fabric prepared in advance for wiping, which will help remove all such troubles.
Now everyone knows how to draw patterns and various compositions, so use these application methods to please yourself and others around you with this for your home. After all, it is New Year's compositions that can immediately cheer everyone up, and this is so important today. Moreover, applying various patterns is so nice.

Original christmas patterns on the windows will add a festive mood to the whole family. Young children are especially fond of such creativity, because they themselves can create magical drawings with the help of toothpaste.

Drawing with toothpaste using a brush or sponge


Sponge or brush / brushes of different thickness;

Toothpaste (white);


To apply a pattern on glass, you can use a pre-prepared stencil from the Internet. Such a stencil must be printed, cut and attached to the glass in the chosen place. Squeeze out the toothpaste on a saucer or plate, if necessary, dilute it a little with water. Use a brush or sponge to fill in the gaps in the stencil by dipping it into the toothpaste. Then remove the stencil and, if necessary, finish the details with a brush or toothpick.

Useful advice: you can draw toothpaste patterns on the window at least every day, removing old patterns with a wet sponge.

Toothpaste drawing with a toothpick




Wet sponge;

Squeeze the right amount of toothpaste directly onto the glass and evenly distribute it with a damp sponge. On this snow-white background, use a toothpick to draw various New Year's motifs.

The idea to paint on the windows arose even before the appearance of curtains - this was how they drove away evil spirits. A little later, decorating glass with patterns, people simply hid their personal lives from prying eyes. Ornate figurines of animals - dogs, horses, birds were applied to glass before the holidays, bringing into the house a joyful atmosphere of expectation of something good, good. If you also intend to create beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, examples of images on glass, applied with brushes and stained glass paints, as well as toothpaste, will inspire you to create real masterpieces. Learn how and what you can stencil at school and kindergarten- workshops with photos and videos will give you great ideas.

Themed drawings on the windows with toothpaste for the New Year 2018 of the Dog, stencils

The simplest and fast way create "frosty" windows and bring the spirit of the upcoming holiday into the house - use stencils. By applying them to the glass and painting over the part not covered by the stencil, you will get neat, even drawings. In general, the history of stencils goes back tens of thousands of years. Even before our era, templates were used to apply rock art. In France, stencils reached their peak of popularity between 1700 and 1800—they were ubiquitous in the mass production of items such as playing cards, fabrics and wallpapers. With the advent of new computer technologies in the 21st century, designers have the opportunity to offer consumers the most intricate patterns. Modern thematic drawings on the windows for the New Year on stencils for 2018 Dogs can be created using acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste. In no case should you paint with oil - then you simply won’t wash the glass.

Ideas for drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 Stencil Dogs

Since the New Year 2018 is held under the sign of the Dog, you can make or buy ready-made templates with dogs and, using a sponge, transfer the image of the symbol of the year to the glass. We also have photos of other templates regarding thematic drawings on the windows for the upcoming New Year and ideas for stencils for 2018. The Year of the Dog.

Drawings patterns on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste - Ideas and examples

Since childhood, many people remember how their parents, grandparents prepared for the New Year and painted the most incredible curlicues, openwork snowflakes, funny Santa Clauses on the windows. Of course, painting windows with paints or paste for a holiday is the dream of every child. However, since children cannot always accurately depict their plans, adults should help them draw patterned drawings on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste. See ideas and examples of such New Year's "glass illustrations" here.

Examples of New Year's drawings on window glass with toothpaste

In December, everyone begins to actively prepare for the upcoming new year holidays- decorate an apartment, buy original jewelry for interior design. However, there are those who are in no hurry to make purchases. These people know for sure: the best patterned drawings on the windows for the New Year are obtained with ordinary toothpaste. . Try to save money on window stickers and other decor and you will - Ideas and examples of how to use a simple toothpaste to turn a window into a magical winter picture, you will find in our photos and videos.

Beautiful drawings on the windows with gouache for the New Year 2018 - Master class with photo and video

Wanting to give the house a festive look, a week or two before the onset of December 31, start decorating the windows. Someone may choose special stickers for this. New Year theme, while others will prefer more economical, budget options. One of them is to create beautiful drawings on the windows with gouache for the New Year 2018. You will not need anything but paints and brushes, but a master class with photos and videos will help you choose the theme of a window painting.

How to make New Year's drawings on windows with gouache - Master class with photos and explanations

If only white images can be made with toothpaste, then with the help of gouache, an artist who knows how to deftly combine different colors can create a real multi-colored winter fairy tale! Why not put Santa Claus in a red coat, a green Christmas tree decorated with yellow, orange, blue, purple balls, red chanterelles and gray bunnies on the windows? To create the most beautiful drawings on gouache windows for the New Year 2018, use our master class with photos and videos. Here given general description correct operation with gouache when applied to glass.

Prepare a drawing-template for work (you can get by with only imagination), gouache different colors, brush and onion.

  1. Before starting work, grease the window glass with an onion cut in half. So the paint will lie better on the glass and wash off faster after the New Year.
  2. Attach a stencil to the window and paint over the open parts of the drawing with gouache of a suitable color.
  3. Wait for the paint to dry. After that, freehand draw the details of the image.

Patterns and drawings for the New Year with paints on the windows

With the help of a sponge for a bath, you can apply patterns and drawings on New Year acrylic paints on the windows and create a whimsical, festive picture. This technique is quite simple and does not require special experience. To work, you just need to cut out of the sponge New Year's figure(snowman, Christmas tree, star), prepare all the necessary tools at hand and get started.

How to draw Christmas trees on the windows with a sponge - Master class with photos and explanations

Before you start applying patterns and drawings for the New Year with paints on the windows, purchase liquid soap or dishwashing detergent from the store. By mixing it with acrylic paint, you can then quickly wash the drawing.

What to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush

Before New Year's colors educators offer children to decorate the group room with garlands, balls, decor. And what can preschool children and adults draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush? It can be funny snowmen, and funny Santa Clauses with granddaughters Snow Maiden, hares, chanterelles, dogs. When decorating windows, adults without fail help their pupils.

Examples and ideas of drawings for the New Year 2018 in kindergarten

Since 2018 is under the auspices of the Dog, this animal will tell you the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten with a brush Eastern Zodiac. Draw funny puppies in New Year's hats, dogs in the snow, or even dogs carrying Santa Claus on a sleigh on the glasses with the kids.

What to draw for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home with paints

Do you want to feel the real new year atmosphere, but not yet sure what to paint for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home with paints? Our ideas will guide you on how to choose a design and how to transfer it to glass.

Ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

Think about what you want to get in the coming year and try to draw it for the New Year 2018 on the window at school and at home using paints. Before starting work, imagine what you associate the coming year with. What would you like from him? Perhaps you will try to draw a Wish Card on the glass? Then, with the chimes, Santa Claus will find out about all your cherished dreams and help them come true. However, no one has canceled the traditional New Year theme.

What to draw on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018

In modern apartments, stained-glass windows are a rarity. They cost a lot, and it's hard to find them in stores. But how fantastic they look at home! Find out what you can paint on glass with acrylic or stained glass paints for the New Year 2018 and create an atmosphere of New Year's magic!

Thinking about what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018, look at examples of how people who are not professionally fine arts, created truly enchanting paintings on the windows. Do not chase the size of the picture - the windows should let in enough light. Use black in minimal quantities; don't go for red. When painting a stained glass window, choose more blue-green and yellow shades.

How to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and a sponge - Step by step instructions

If you have a desire to decorate an apartment in a special way for the upcoming 2018, remember how to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and a sponge. The step-by-step steps and instructions of the master class and the photographs accompanying them will help even a novice artist to understand the simple technique of applying paint to glass.

We draw New Year's patterns on the window with a sponge and a brush - Master class with photos and explanations

If you have a dish sponge, toothpaste and brush in your house (preferably all new), you can create beautiful window decor. How to carefully draw these patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush and a sponge will be told in detail step by step and instructions from our master class .

Important: now there are pastes of different colors on sale - you do not have to limit yourself to only the white version.

So, start painting on glass...

Having decided to create drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 of the Dog, stock up not only with stencils for the New Year theme, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste and brushes, but also with great patience. You will need it when you study our master classes with examples and photos explaining how and what to draw on glass for the holidays at school, kindergarten and at home. Create the most incredible patterns, and with them, a unique New Year's atmosphere.

Decorating windows for the New Year ourselves - what could be more interesting for children! To decorate windows for the New Year, it is better to use non-purchased new Year decoration but made by hand. Each New Year's window in the house can be decorated in different ways. In this article, you will find many interesting ways to decorate windows for the New Year. It is better to deal with the design of New Year's windows with the whole family.

Christmas window. How to decorate windows for the New Year

1. We decorate windows for the New Year. Decorate the window for the New Year

The simplest and most affordable is to decorate windows with paper-cut snowflakes. How to cut beautiful snowflakes from paper you can read. But how to stick snowflakes on windows, we will tell you now. To do this, you only need ordinary soap (preferably simple baby soap). The moistened sponge should be properly lathered and then smeared with a snowflake. Now, if we put the snowflake with its soapy side on the glass, it will stick. It will be very easy to remove it later - just pull the edge a little, and it will fall off by itself. And traces of soap left on the glass will just need to be washed off with water.

From snowflakes different size you can create a whole New Year's composition on the window. See how the window was originally decorated for the New Year with the help of an openwork Christmas tree made of snowflakes.

2. New Year's window. How to decorate a window for the New Year

Surely, many parents remember how they decorated windows for the New Year in childhood, painting them with ordinary toothpaste diluted with a little water. It's time to teach this to your children. The site describes two interesting ways how to paint windows for the New Year with toothpaste.

1st way.

A piece of foam rubber must be rolled up and fastened with tape, you get a convenient "poke". We squeeze the toothpaste onto a saucer, dip our poke there and stick it to the glass or mirror. We draw fir branches.

Using plastic stencils, you can draw Christmas decorations. But you can do without stencils. That is, it costs nothing to make a Christmas ball stencil yourself. To do this, you just need to cut a circle in a piece of cardboard.

When the paste dries slightly (only slightly!), draw the details with a wooden stick. With a thin brush diluted with water, draw the strings of toys with a paste.

2nd way.

Another way to paint with toothpaste is to make negative images. And so ... we make another beautiful New Year's window.

Cut out a paper snowflake. Slightly moistening it with water, glue the snowflake on the glass. Excess liquid around the snowflake gently blot with a dry cloth. Now in some container you need to dilute a little toothpaste with water. Toothpaste for window decoration for the New Year should be taken white, without colored stripes.

And now we are starting the New Year's window decoration in the so-called. "spray technique". Dip your toothbrush in the paste with water and spray it on the glass. The first splashes are too large (=ugly), so they need to be shaken off somewhere, and only then sprayed onto the window.

Wait a bit until it dries and peel off the snowflake.

3. New Year's decoration. New Year's windows

On New Year's windows, you can paint not only with toothpaste, but also with ordinary soap, like this grandmother in the photo below.

4. We decorate windows for the New Year. Decorate the window for the New Year

See how the windows were originally decorated for the New Year with the help of Christmas decorations and satin ribbons.

5. New Year's window. How to decorate a window for the New Year

What else are there interesting ideas on the design of New Year's windows? For example, the site describes how to make beautiful window stickers yourself from ordinary PVA glue. PVA glue is non-toxic, and this, you see, is a big plus. New Year's window stickers are transparent. Due to this, during the day they do not interfere with the view of the street, and in the evening they are beautifully illuminated by street lights and “ice-like” flicker. They are reusable: easy to remove and stick back. They don't stick on their own.

In order to make New Year's window stickers with your own hands, you will need:

Stencils for drawing
- transparent files
- PVA glue
- syringe without needle
- brush

Stencils must be put into files and circled with a thick layer of drawings with PVA glue on a transparent film. The most convenient way to do this is by drawing glue into a syringe. Note: it is better to take drawings for stencils without many small "internal" details and large enough, since the glue spreads a little and you can get a solid transparent spot instead of an elegant pattern.

We remove the drawings to a safe place to dry. After drying, the PVA glue becomes transparent and can be easily removed from the sheet. Now it remains to carefully stick homemade stickers on the New Year's window. Note: it doesn't matter if the picture is "smeared" in some place while drawing, after drying it is easy to "correct" it with scissors - PVA is easily cut in a dried state. For the same reason, it’s not scary if the baby goes beyond the edges of the picture when coloring the sticker or smearing the glue - everything superfluous will be cut off.

Christmas window stickers can also be made with a glue gun or

purchased bulk paints.

6. How to decorate a window for the New Year. New Year's vytynanki

In recent years, it has become fashionable to decorate windows for the New Year with paper protrusions. Vytynanka is a type of creativity that is based on cutting out patterns from paper. The biggest on the internet collection of New Year's vytynanok templates can be found on our website. Cm. link .

7. New Year's window. We decorate windows for the New Year

Give it a finished look New Year's window possible with the help of a glowing winter landscape. This is a wonderful window sill decoration that will delight you on cold winter evenings.

You will need:

Cardboard or thick paper
- foam rubber
- glue
- scissors
- Christmas tree garland

Make a cardboard box with low sides along the entire length of the window sill. Place foam at the bottom of the box. In a pre-made slot in the foam rubber, lay christmas garland light bulbs up. The most difficult and at the same time interesting remains. You need to cut out a winter landscape (Christmas trees, houses with windows, deer) from cardboard or thick paper and glue it from the inside to the sides of the box. Or any other way to fix it inside the box. Now it remains only to wait for the evening, turn on the garland and watch the lights burn in paper houses.

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

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