Pencil drawings after the rain. How to paint rain in watercolor

AT this lesson rain will be created using the tools Pen (pen tool) and Brush (brush), as well as using various styles layers.

Note: Average level difficulties. It implies knowledge of correction techniques and layer masks.

Mandatory note: the shades that are given in this tutorial may vary depending on your drawing and its size.

Last but not least, I worked on Photoshop Extended. I can't guarantee that you can follow this tutorial in GIMP, MURO or wherever you want to paint.


Hello everyone and welcome to my fifth lesson! In this tutorial I will show you how to create beautiful and realistic effects rain in Photoshop using brushes, layers and light effects.


1. Create a new file. But don't make it too big, we only need it for sketching.

2. Fill the background with white (code #FFFFFF).
3. Create a new layer on top of the background by clicking Layer – New layer (Layer – New layer) in the main menu.


1. On the left in the tools menu, select Brush (Brush).

Note: The brush size will depend on the file size; mine is only 3 pixels thick.

2. Select hard brush with 100% opacity (Opaque) by adjusting its size in its menu. Make sure it's in the foreground White color.

3. Press the F5 key to open the Brushes menu and select Shape dynamics.

4. In the Shape dynamics column, find the Size jitter control drop-down menu and select Fade from the list, pasting the appropriate tint data. Remember, the larger your brush, the more you need to set the fade level. For my 3px brush, I set it to 30.


1. Ok, now leave the Brush and select the tool Pen (Pen tool) in the tools menu on the left.

2. Make sure you have the Path parameter, no Shape mode, as shown in the picture.

3. Now on your transparent layer make a track like this.

You can slightly change the slope.


1. Click the right mouse button, and select "stroke path" (Stroke path).

2. Take a brush and select “Simulate pressure” (Simulate pressure).

3. Now we can hide our background by clicking on the eye icon on the layer plate.

4. Select the layer with our dark drop and, holding down the Ctrl key, click on it on the menu with layers. Thus, we will choose its content.

5. Without removing the selection, click Image – Cut (Image – Crop), and Photoshop will automatically crop the document to the size of the brush.

6. Press Ctrl + D to remove the selection, and do the following: Edit – Define brush (Edit – Define brush preset). Give the brush a name and click OK, thus adding it to the list of brushes.


1. Let's open the Brushes menu again by pressing the F5 key.

*Brush tip shape: Change the angle of the brush if needed.
*Shape dynamics: Size jitter 100%, Pen pressure mode.
*Scattering: both axes, 400% (or more), Count 2.
*Transfer: Opacity jitter 100%, Pen pressure mode.

Your preview should look like this.


1. Choose white for your foreground.

2. Open the file that you want to apply the rain effect to (I'll just take a black canvas so you can see all the changes clearly, I'll remove it at the end).

3. Create a layer on top of it, and gently brush over it by holding the Shift key and dragging the mouse cursor to the bottom of the layer.


So far there is nothing realistic here. Because the rain never pours like this - like a wall. It usually pours in free streams; so we'll make a few more adjustments.

1. Add a mask to the rain layer (Layer mask) (button in the form of a circle inside the rectangle at the very bottom of the menu with layers).

2. Select the mask and do the following: Filter – Render – Clouds (Filter – Render – Clouds). This will create a free pattern on our mask, hiding some parts.

3. For additional effect apply Filter – Render – Clouds with overlay (Filter – Render – Difference clouds).

4. Looks a bit too rough, so we'll have to soften the picture a bit. Press Filter – Blur – Gaussian blur (Filter – Blur – Gaussian blur) and select the values ​​that suit your image. Increase the contrast if necessary.


So much better! Let's add a few more details.

1. Right-click on the layers panel and select Blending options from the list that appears.

Choose the color yourself, it depends on the colors of your base image, so you don't have to apply the same color as shown here. Experiment with it. Also, you may want to increase or decrease the Opacity.


1. Apply Filter – Sharpness – Unsharp mask (Filter – Sharpen – Unsharp mask) on the rain layer. Level (Amount) 180%, Radius (Radius) 0.2 pixels and Level threshold (Levels threshold) 16. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

2. Now you can add even more rain layers using the same layered effect if you think it's not strong enough.


Apply Gradient map (Layer – New adjustment layer – Gradient map) (Layer – New adjustment layer – Gradient map) to the entire image and select the blend mode (blend) if you want to play with color!


Merge your image (Flatten image) and duplicate the background. Select the duplicated layer and choose Filter – Render – Lighting effect (Filter – Render – Lightening effect). Choose from the list "default type" (default type) and adjust the direction and brightness. Adjust the layer opacity and/or blend modes if necessary. You can change the tones again if you like.


In this tutorial, you learned how to create rain using standard brushes. I hope you liked it!

This phenomenon is easily explained, but mere mortals refuse to accept scientifically based facts on faith and come up with their own explanation of what is happening. It's easier for them to believe that magical ritual, God or aliens send rain on the sinful earth. Therefore, before drawing rain, I will try to dot all the e and restore the status quo. So, rain is a phenomenon seen only on our third planet. solar system due to the presence of ashdwao on it. This phenomenon brings a lot of benefits and joy. For example:

  • It washes away dirt, makes the world a bit cleaner. Sometimes, on the contrary, it makes big puddles and a lot of dirt, but this also brings only a lot of fun, especially for kids;
  • He makes people sad and even write poetry.
  • It acts as a natural sedative. British scientists have proven that the sound of rain has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • He also inspired the legendary composition of Yuri Shevchuk called Rain. (In case anyone does not know this is a group of DDT). Before writing this lesson, I myself listened to it several times. I recommend it to you, it is very inspiring and thought provoking.

Even during such atmospheric phenomena, thunder and lightning are also observed, but this makes it even more mysterious and epic. They are more difficult to draw and in the future I am going to make such lessons. In the meantime, I hope you find this tutorial helpful:

How to draw rain with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark on paper the location of the girl and the umbrella. Step two. Let's draw the details of the umbrella and the girl's body. Step three. Let's add droplets and shading. Step four. Add more droplets, remove auxiliary lines and fix the lines. That's all. What else can I recommend to you? We have such lessons, try to portray.

You should not immediately go to watercolor and gouache, it is better to first master the technique of creating a picture, individual details with a pencil.

Making a drawing diagram

First, a sketch of the waterfall, relief and related landscape items is made. Mark the rock at the top of the sheet. It is from its top that the waterfall will flow down. Label it schematically. Let it be a rectangle stretched down for now.

Draw a small lake at the foot of the mountain, which was formed by the falling water element. Let it be round or slightly oval. To the right and left of it, mark 2-4 boulders. They will lie at the foot of the mountain.

Give the picture dimension

The drawing should take on more voluminous forms. In place of the rectangle that schematically depicts a waterfall, draw a few vertical lines. Subsequently, these will be streams of water.

Make more realistic first the right and then the left side of the rock. Give them volume. If it consists only of stones, then rounded boulders are drawn. Perhaps your rock is full of vegetation. Then on it you can still schematically draw grass, small bushes, trees.

Next, you need to shade some parts of the drawing with a pencil. Strokes will help to become a three-dimensional picture. If they are applied to the edges of boulders, it will be noticeable how realistic these large stones become - they acquire a convex shape, chiaroscuro appears.

Determine which side of the picture the sun will be in order to use a pencil to indicate the shadows and light in the picture.

Vertical strokes will turn the schematic waterfall into a dynamic, flowing one. In the place where it flows into the lake, spend a few wavy lines. Then it will be noticeable how the waterfall hits the surface of the water.

Small details - stones, grass is better to hatch with short lines. And large ones - a waterfall, a lake - are long.

Draw an accompanying landscape

If at the top of the picture you schematically depicted bushes, trees, now it's time to give them more realism. Let fir trees rise in the upper background.

It is very easy to depict them. First the trunk is drawn. Further, from the top to the right and left at an angle of about 50 degrees, branches depart from it. A pencil will also help to give them fluffiness.

Make very small strokes first on one and then on the other side of the branch. This is how needles are created throughout the tree. In the very distant background, trunks with outlines of branches without needles can be seen.

Around some boulders that lie not on the shore, but in the lake, draw circles. It will seem that they are walking on the water that a waterfall carries from the top of the mountain.

It's so easy to draw a waterfall with a pencil. If a child did this for his parents and signed his first painting “vadapat”, then they will still understand what he meant and hang the painting in a prominent place.

Summer rain brings with it coolness, which is so lacking in the heat. Many painters like to depict various weather phenomena in their paintings, including thunderstorms, snowfall and rain. Beginning artists can sometimes find it very difficult to learn how to depict a variety of precipitation, for example, summer rain. But if you wish, you can achieve success even in this difficult matter.

Before drawing a summer landscape, you need to prepare:

A sheet of thick paper;
- watercolor paints;
- pencil;
- eraser;
- watercolor pencils;
- a container filled with clean water;
- round brush with synthetic bristles No. 3;
- gel black pen.

After that, you can start drawing:

4. Draw two human figures walking along the path. In the background draw the outlines of another house and trees. Draw the contours of the clouds in the sky. In the foreground, depict a dog and a flower bed;

8. Then paint the flower bed and grass;

11. When the painting dries, paint over the clothes and umbrellas of people, the dog and the flower bed watercolor pencils to make the colors more vivid and expressive;

The summer landscape with rain is completely ready. If you wish, you can draw lightning, and make the clouds a little darker, and then the picture will no longer just be a summer rain, but a real thunderstorm.

This phenomenon is easily explained, but mere mortals refuse to accept scientifically based facts on faith and come up with their own explanation of what is happening. It is easier for them to believe that this is a magical ritual, or they send rain on the sinful earth. Therefore, before drawing rain, I will try to dot all the e and restore the status quo. So, rain is a phenomenon seen only in our solar system due to the presence of ashdwao on it. This phenomenon brings a lot of benefits and joy. For example:

  • It washes away dirt, makes the world a bit cleaner. Sometimes, on the contrary, it makes big puddles and a lot of dirt, but this also brings only a lot of fun, especially for kids;
  • He makes people sad and even write poetry.
  • It acts as a natural sedative. British scientists have proven that the sound of rain has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • He also inspired the legendary composition of Yuri Shevchuk called Rain. (In case anyone does not know this is a group of DDT). Before writing this lesson, I myself listened to it several times. I recommend it to you, it is very inspiring and thought provoking.

Even during such atmospheric phenomena, thunder and lightning are also observed, but this makes it even more mysterious and epic. They are more difficult to draw and in the future I am going to make such lessons. In the meantime, I hope you find this tutorial helpful:

How to draw rain with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark on paper the location of the girl and the umbrella. Step two. Let's draw the details of the umbrella and the girl's body. Step three. Let's add droplets and shading. Step four. Let's add more droplets, remove the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. That's all. What else can I recommend to you? We have such lessons, try to portray.

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