Nutcracker in pencil. How to draw the Nutcracker: available ways

Amadeus Hoffmann, written in 1816. The story of an enchanted prince, a twelve-year-old girl and a mouse king is known all over the world. On Christmas Eve, a girl named Marie received a gift from her godfather, a very beautiful toy. It was the Nutcracker, the future hero of the night battles that took place on Christmas night between the puppets and the hordes of rats, led by the three-headed Rat King. On the side of the Nutcracker is a sharp saber, which came in handy during the battle, and despite the fact that the rats captured the hero at some point, he eventually emerged victorious.

Drawing outlines

Readers often ask the question: "How to draw the Nutcracker, how to make the drawing symmetrical and proportional?". There are a huge number of images of the hero, but not all of them correspond to the artistic level of a fairy-tale character. Readers of this article can also create an author's drawing. We will tell you in detail about how to draw the Nutcracker. At first glance, the image is rather complicated. This is a gallant officer, dressed in a hussar dolman embroidered with braids, and on his head he has a bicorne, in some cases a shako. However, the basis of any drawing is the contour, namely the contours of the Nutcracker are extremely simple, they are dominated by straight lines intersecting at an angle, and, therefore, the question of how to draw the Nutcracker is not difficult.

Pencil drawing

The angularity of the figure of the wooden character is dictated by its functional purpose, because, in fact, the Nutcracker is a device for splitting walnuts, which is a mechanism of special strength, which means that its shape should be simple and reliable. Thus, to the question "How to draw a Nutcracker?" you can answer that this is quite simple to do, moreover, the drawing will be simple in form for the readers of this article, but quite exciting in terms of the colorful design of the drawn character. In order to create a drawing, you will need a sheet of A4 paper or a piece of whatman paper measuring approximately 25 x 30 centimeters, a simple medium-soft pencil for drawing contours, a ruler 30 centimeters long, an eraser and a simple school compass. First, draw the outlines with a pencil, we'll talk about coloring later.

We draw in stages

You can understand how to draw the Nutcracker with a pencil if you carefully consider the attached photo, which shows the individual stages of the drawing. The scheme consists of eight separate positions, arranged in strict sequence and suggesting how to draw the Nutcracker with a pencil in stages. The first position is a rectangle located in such a way that the middle vertical line runs in the middle of the contour, and the horizontal line is slightly below its middle. By placing a rectangle, we got the outline of the body of the Nutcracker.

The next step is drawing the outline of the legs. The task is simple, you need to draw four vertical lines from the body down, not reaching 6 - 8 millimeters to the bottom edge of the picture. These four lines will be the outline of the Nutcracker's legs. Next, we draw two horizontal lines that will become the upper edges of his boots. Then, using a compass, it is necessary to draw two semicircles, connecting the bottom line of the drawing and the contours of the legs, as a result we get the feet.

Epaulets and saber

How to draw the Nutcracker further, you can decide according to your own taste. You can either depict the epaulettes shown in Figure 4, or draw the head, and then the hands. In any case, the end result is already visible, and the question of how to draw the Nutcracker and in what sequence is no longer the question, the choice is yours. On the side it is necessary to depict a saber, the Nutcracker must be ready for battles.


After the drawing is finished, you can start coloring. The Nutcracker should be painted with bright colors, only in this case it will turn out beautiful.

Colored felt-tip pens can give the image the desired color, you can also use the STABILO aquacolor pencil set for coloring. If you want to get even more intense colors, you can use it in tubes - like "Neva" or "Gouache". In this case, you will need thin soft brushes. First, paint is applied to the outline of the drawing, which will serve as a background. Suppose that the Nutcracker's uniform is green, the trousers and cuffs of the uniform are crimson, and the boots are black. The paints that create the background must dry, after they are completely dry, you can begin to depict uniform stripes and buttons. In order to draw buttons, you will need bright yellow paint. In addition to buttons, you can paint epaulettes with yellow paint and draw horizontal strokes on the headdress. It is recommended to paint the headdress in two colors - red and green.

In anticipation of the New Year and Christmas, I especially want magic, miracles and a fabulous atmosphere. Let's resurrect together the old New Year's pictures from our own childhood and get acquainted with modern illustrations for the Christmas tale by E. T. Hoffmann "The Nutcracker". I have prepared a small selection of the best illustrators of the Nutcracker fairy tale and offer it to your attention.

1. Maxim Mitrofanov (“Rosmen”)

Maxim Mitrofanov is a contemporary artist who in a short time has managed to establish himself as a wonderful illustrator of children's fairy tales. In the Rosman publishing house, in addition to The Nutcracker, he illustrated the fairy tales Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass. And for the pictures created for The Nutcracker, in 2011 the artist was awarded an award from the American company Highlights for Children. The fairy tale "The Nutcracker" performed by Maxim Mitrofanov is not so easy to buy. All editions of this book sell out instantly. The artist is very precise in details and does not skimp on bright colors and no less vivid images. Real Christmas magic and fabulous mood - that's what the artist's illustrations convey for this fairy tale!

- The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Hoffman E.T.A. Hood: M. Mitrofanov. Publishing house: Rosmen Press, 2015

2. Nika Goltz (“Makhaon”)

Nika Georgievna Goltz was born in 1925 and died in 2012. A graduate of the Surikov Institute, she began to study book graphics in 1953. Many bright and talented illustrations were created by Nika Goltz for Andersen's fairy tales and other works. Many of us are well aware of her illustrations, made for the fairy tales “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Snow Queen”, “Puss in Boots”, “The Little Prince”. Nika Goltz has repeatedly worked on Hoffmann's The Nutcracker, creating illustrations for books and postcards. On sale you can see books with her illustrations for this fairy tale from the early and late period of creativity. Books with illustrations by Nika Goltz are published by Makhaon Publishing House.

- "The Nutcracker". Hoffman E.T.A. Artist: Nika Golts. Makhaon Publishing House, 2011
- “The Nutcracker: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Little Tsakhes, called Zinnober. Hoffman E.T.A. Artist: Nika Golts. Makhaon Publishing House, 2010

3. Roberto Innocenti

This year, the Eksmo publishing house released several books about the Nutcracker with drawings by this Italian artist. He is also known for his wonderful illustrations for the tale of Pinocchio. Most often, the artist works in watercolor. His drawings are deep, filled with perspective and quite solid. They are replete with many details and seem unusually realistic, in places resembling real photographs. The artist likes to transfer the scene of many fairy tales to old London (probably he loves this city ...). So he moved the scene of the "Nutcracker" to the same place. I think it's very atmospheric!

- “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. Hoffman E.T.A.. Art: Innocenti Roberto. Publishing house EKSMO, 2015
- “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. Hoffman E.T.A.. Art: Innocenti Roberto. Publishing house EKSMO, 2017

4. Artus Shiner (“Eksmo”)

Czech artist who also worked on Hoffmann's wonderful Christmas story. The years of his work fell on the first half of the 20th century. Scheiner's illustrations for The Nutcracker were first published in 1924. It is hard to believe that such talented illustrations were made by a self-taught artist who painted in his spare time from his main job for his own pleasure. His illustrations created for The Nutcracker are full of magic and charm. Time has no power over them!

- “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. Hoffman E.T.A.. Artist: Shiner Artush. EKSMO publishing house, 2016

5. Gennady Spirin

Fascinating illustrations for Hoffmann's tale by Gennady Spirin are for everyone who loves and appreciates the unique style of the artist. Gennady Sirin is without a doubt one of the best Russian children's illustrators. The Nutcracker performed by him is a real masterpiece of book graphics. It was published in several languages ​​in different countries of the world. It is a pity that at the moment we do not have the Nutcracker for sale with illustrations by this brilliant artist. Previously, these books were published by the Kaliningrad publishing house "Amber Skaz" and the Moscow "Zebra".

6. Masha Michalskaya

Many parents liked the illustrations for The Nutcracker made by this particular artist. Therefore, books with her drawings instantly become a bestseller in online bookstores. The illustrations by Masha Michalska are unusual, expressive and very effective. They differ from the usual classical standard, but they are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. The Nutcracker with illustrations by Michalskaya was published by several publishing houses - Arbor, Moscow Textbooks and others. The last time the book was published was in 2011 at the Moskvovedenie Research Center. Looking forward to new releases!

- “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. Hoffman E.T.A.

7. Georgy Filippovsky

That same book “Coming from childhood” – with illustrations by the wonderful artist Georgy Filippovsky. When I was little, it was published by the Children's Literature publishing house. Filippovsky's characters in Hoffmann's fairy tale turned out to be a little creepy and bewitching at the same time. The very first edition with his illustrations was published in 1956, and now you can admire them in a modern version from the Eksmo publishing house (in the Golden Heritage series).

- “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. Hoffman E.T.A. Hood: Artist: Filippovsky G.
Publisher: EKSMO, 2016

8. Valery Alfeevsky

Alas, Hoffmann's The Nutcracker was the last book illustrated by Valery Alfeevsky. For a series of drawings made for the fairy tale "The Nutcracker", the artist was awarded the State Prize. If your library has books with illustrations by this brilliant master of book graphics, then you can easily recognize the unique style that is unique to him alone. The Nutcracker by Valery Alfeevsky turned out to be the most “balletic”, because it was in the brilliant music of P. I. Tchaikovsky that the artist drew his inspiration, working on illustrations for this fairy tale.

- “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. Hoffman E.T.A. Artist: Alfeevsky V. Publisher: Speech, 2015

Congratulations on the upcoming holidays! Happy New Year reading everyone!

How many of you know the tale of the Nutcracker? Its author was the famous German writer E. Gauf. His fairy tale was called The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. On the motive of this plot, animated films and movies have been created. Many books have been published with different editions of this tale.

The great composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote magnificent music for the ballet The Nutcracker. Who is the main character of this work? This is an enchanted prince who was bitten by the evil Mouse King and turned into an ugly wooden doll whose purpose was to crack nuts. This doll had short, strange arms and legs, a small body, and a huge head with a large, toothy mouth.

The Nutcracker was not very attractive in appearance, but he had a kind soul and a brave heart. The action of this fairy tale develops in the most magical time of the year - on New Year's Eve. The fairy tale is full of miracles, magic and interesting adventures. Let's draw the main character of this fairy tale - the Nutcracker doll.

Stage 1. The whole Nutcracker doll is nothing more than a simple block of wood. Its main part is occupied by the head, and only a small part is reserved for the body. Therefore, to begin with, we will build a large rectangle, draw its sides with a ruler so that all sides are even.

Slightly above the middle, we cross this rectangle with a straight line. Above this line, along the upper part of the rectangle, we begin to draw a hat of a wooden doll - a shako. We draw a figure similar to a trapezoid with a notch on the top. Below this notch, draw a medallion, from which arcuate lines diverge to the sides of the cap.

Stage 2. At the top of the shako, add an ornament to the medallion, resembling a piece of fabric with folds. Below the cap we draw the face of the Nutcracker. These are round eyes with pupils. Slightly raised eyebrows, a wide straight nose and cheekbones. Next, draw a large mouth of almost square shape. It shows two rows of teeth. Below the face we make out a high standing collar of the doll's uniform. Draw vertical stripes on it. Under the mouth we draw a frill: wavy lace, often decorating the clothes of fairy-tale heroes. And even lower we make a black line and the initial strokes of a small body.

Stage 3. Draw curls of hair on the sides of the head. These are round spiral lines. We draw both hands. One hand is raised up. She's wearing a cuffed glove. With this hand, the martial hero holds a saber held high. With her help, he fights with enemies. The other hand is down. Next, draw the torso and under it small thin legs in boots. Boots with spurs at the back, with high square heels. The Nutcracker goes forward, as if to fight with the enemy.

Stage 4. Now we leave only the necessary lines, we erase all sketches. The result was a wooden doll in black and white. It needs to be done in color. After all, this is a fairy-tale hero and he should be bright and memorable. The base color is blue. This is both a uniform and a hero's hat. The outfit is decorated with red stripes. Boots are dark. And there are also blue details: hair, frill, saber, top of the cap.

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