Design of a children's playground in a shopping center. How to open a children's playroom - opening order

As soon as adults become parents, the question of how to organize the child's leisure begins to haunt them constantly. And how to combine your business with children's leisure as efficiently as possible for both parties? That's what children's playrooms are for.

While parents go about their business, children are supervised, communicate, play and learn something new. For parents, this is help, and for the owners of the room - business. And it can be profitable if you get all the key points right. How to open a children's playroom? The business plan is discussed below.


To register a child game room you do not need to obtain any additional licenses.

A package of documents regulating this species activities, is reduced to a standard package of registration of a legally operating enterprise providing services to the population.

In this case, individual entrepreneurship is quite enough.

Such registration takes a minimum of time, and the level of costs here is quite small - within the limits of official taxes.

You can deal with registration issues yourself, but then you must be prepared to spend some time in the queue for filing and issuing documents, but you can fit into the minimum budget.

If you are not ready to register yourself, doubt the correctness of filling out the registration forms and do not want to waste time on unproductive activities, you can hire a person who will complete this step for you. The cost of such services today is not so high, but it greatly simplifies the life of a future entrepreneur.

You will receive the documents at the same time as in the case of self-registration (and sometimes even earlier), but during this time you will be able to do for your future business what requires your direct participation.

Equipment (equipment) of the children's playroom

This moment is perhaps the most costly and responsible for this type of business.

You will have to work with children, and they are the most ruthless critics. If a child does not like your playroom, he will not come there again, and no mother will be able to convince him. But if you like it, then he will be your most grateful and regular visitor.

Children's room interior

The main elements of the equipment of the children's room may look like this:

  1. Elements for mobile recreation. Playground, slides, ladders, swings, wall bars, balls.
  2. Stationery, objects for drawing and applied art, matching furniture.
  3. Books for children of different ages.
  4. Board games, puzzles.
  5. TV, a set of cartoons and children's films.
  6. Toys (only those that can be handled easily).

This list is not mandatory for every game room. You can vary it at your discretion, based on the possibilities of the budget and the technical capabilities of the room.

Playroom equipment for children

So, if you have a small room, you should not squeeze a huge town into it, you can completely get by with a small element. Common sense should be the main determining criterion in matters of room equipment. There are only two prerequisites:

  1. The child should be comfortable and spacious enough to have enough space to play.
  2. Your visitors must be safe. This is the most important requirement. All toys and pieces of furniture must have appropriate safety certificates, be made only from materials that are safe for children (it’s good if they are natural), and be able to be easily washed and processed.

It is also worth noting that high-quality children's equipment is quite an expensive pleasure. However, such things last much longer, they can be subjected to minor repairs if necessary, without replacing them entirely.

This is a smart investment compared to purchasing cheap furniture and toys that you will have to change after a short time.

Organizational moments

Speaking of organizational issues, we will again return to security issues in the first place.

Regardless of where the children's room will be located, both must comply with the most stringent sanitary and fire safety standards.

The same criteria must be met by all the items with which the room is equipped.

It is worth taking care of the availability of a first aid kit (we are dealing with children, and they often know how to do the most unexpected things), as well as a sufficient amount of drinking water, disposable tableware and wet and dry wipes. The presence of a bathroom and a place for washing hands is also required.

When preparing your game room for the opening, make sure that as many of your potential buyers as possible know about this event. If the room is in mall, it is not bad to place information on the center's notification system (almost every modern mall is equipped with it), as well as place advertising information in nearby houses.

If you're opening a game room elsewhere, it's worth spending a little more time on ads. Specific activities and ways to communicate with potential customers are determined depending on the specifics of your game room and the general traffic of visitors.

Children's playroom in the sports complex

Speaking about the format of the children's playroom, it is worth noting that along with the already familiar forms that can be seen today in almost every large supermarket, today the form of coworking is becoming more and more popular, which has already reached children's establishments.

More and more young mothers want to be active social life while staying with their children. Coworking – perfect option for such cases. Any mother can come here with her child. Each of them can do what he is interested in, the mother can work, negotiate or communicate with other mothers, and the child at this time can play with peers.

At the same time, a relaxed and creative atmosphere motivates them to constantly visit such spaces. Yoga, drawing and art classes creative development children and adults are perfectly combined in such spaces.

AT summer time coworking can be organized right on the street, in a park or square, because then your visitors will enjoy communication and fresh air simultaneously.


Cheerful and interesting employees are the main value of the game room.

There are no clear criteria for age and professional education.

The main thing is that the person working with children in your playroom should be psychologically balanced, sufficiently educated, and have the ability to establish contact with any child.

Naturally, the presence of a health book and regular passage medical examination is prerequisite for every employee who deals with children.

For everything else, you can rely on your own discretion. Both young animators and nannies of age can do their job equally well, corresponding to the tasks set, as well as the level you declared. In some cases, mothers themselves are also involved in working with children in the playrooms, who have a desire to communicate with the child as much as possible.

Children's products always sell well. At proper organization this business idea is doomed to success. : the main points for starting your own business.

Is it possible to open a children's clothing store from scratch and how to do it, read.

Private kindergartens are in demand among wealthy residents of cities. This business cannot be called simple, because with high initial costs, payback will have to be expected for a long time. Nevertheless, this enterprise can be profitable. Here is everything about the nuances of opening a private kindergarten.

Profitability and place

The profitability of a playroom for children is closely related to its location. Therefore, it would be good to initially worry about finding a room located in a place with good traffic for your target audience. Traditionally the best places to organize such places are large supermarkets, shopping centers and shopping malls.

Here, parents are ready to spend a significant amount of time, and they are interested in organizing leisure activities for their child during this period. Children visit such places with pleasure, and it is they who initiate the trip to the shopping center.

Game complex in a supermarket

The malls themselves have an interest in the good performance of the children's playrooms, as both parties benefit mutually from a well-organized process.

If the level of profitability from hourly pay does not suit you, you can provide a number of additional services that will attract more visitors to you.

So, we can talk about organizing holidays for children, holding birthdays and theme parties. Children are also interested in various creative master classes which may take place on a regular basis. So you will have a regular source of additional income.

Business plan for opening a children's playroom

The organization of a children's playroom can be a good business and bring a stable income to its owner, if you approach the matter thoughtfully.

There are several key points, which should be carefully considered at the stage of drawing up a business plan:

  • questions related to registration;
  • how to equip a children's room;
  • where to find a room;
  • selection of employees;
  • advertising.

Each of these stages requires a certain amount of time and money. By counting them correctly, you will be able to compose yourself detailed plan actions and calculate the payback period and the level of profitability of your business project.

It should be noted that the need for children's playrooms in big cities is much higher than in small ones. However, here the level of competition will be much tougher than in a small town.

When preparing the launch of a new project, it is worth starting from the traditional analysis of the existing one. competitive environment. Look around in the area that interests you, find out where children's playrooms are already operating, what services they provide. In this way, you can identify the clear needs of potential buyers and offer them exactly the service that will be expected in given time and in this place.

This approach will help you start successfully, bring the payback period of investments closer and reach the expected level of profitability.

If you first decided to open a children's development center, then first you need to create a clear action plan for yourself. where to start and what organizational issues must be taken into account, read on our website.

You will find step-by-step instructions for opening a point of sale of cotton candy in the section.

Entrepreneurship can be carried out even in such a field of activity ─ how to open a children's playroom, this is a profitable and low-budget type of business that is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs. There are other business ideas that are related to the organization of children's leisure and allow you to run a stable and successful business.

It is necessary to emphasize that any type of activity related to children's recreation requires special responsibility and organization of the entrepreneur. It is necessary to create conditions for the safe time spent by children in the playroom. Consider how you can implement this type of activity and what is needed for this.

How to open a children's playroom ─ when is this necessary and what are its features? You must first decide that this is a room for children's fun ─ and this is a room in which children for some time, when their parents are busy with other things, are in communication and a game situation with the employees of this room.

In Russia, this type of activity already has a ten-year experience, and it began with the opening of playrooms in shopping centers, when mothers with children came for shopping. For entrepreneurs of that time, an important task was to decide how to interest children while their mothers are in the shopping center. In other words, staff were recruited to look after the children while the parents were shopping. Acute insufficiency of children preschool institutions during that period, made this type of activity profitable. This is relevant at the present time.

For a budding entrepreneur who is willing and able to communicate with children, opening such a room is easier than organizing an entertainment center for children, or organizing a private kindergarten, for reasons:

    no licensing is required for this type of activity;

    no need to hire highly qualified specialists and pay them accordingly;

    a small initial investment is required.

In this business, for its successful development, the main component is the right choice of a place for organizing a children's playroom. It is advisable to choose places where there is a large crowd of people, when parents will be happy to entrust their children to you for some time to do their business.

Experts advise to implement the idea of ​​​​a game room to select a place where the equipped room will be located next to mass place visiting people, these can be:

    modern hypermarkets.

    Trade and entertainment centers.


    Other objects of mass visitation of people.

You can make a combination of a playroom and a department of children's toys. In the form of an exception to the rules and the absence of other entertainment for children, such a room, a room can be organized in a remote residential area cities.

How to do market analysis, the work of competitors

An entrepreneur who knows how to open a nursery must do preliminary analysis albeit small, but investments in business. He must examine the question of the state in which he is children's entertainment in the region, to do this, analyze the situation in the following aspects:

    what entertainment centers and playgrounds are there for children in the city, for which age level children, to determine their own niche in which their business will develop;

    how many game rooms are currently operating in the city, what their cost of services is, what kind of marketing is accepted by competitors, how busy the premises are and at what hours.

For analysis, you can conduct a preliminary survey through social networks, place an advertisement in the newspaper about the opening of a playroom for children, if the question is relevant, they will have to call you on the phone. A preliminary assessment is necessary when this market is oversaturated and your business will be idle, or when the population in this region is small for this type of activity.

How to write a business plan

Each event for an entrepreneur begins with calculations on how to open a children's playroom ─ a business plan for which we expect the presence of 20 children in it.

We focus on a soft playroom, for the safety of playing children, we need:

    Room not less than 30 square meters, about 400 thousand rubles, they include:

    10-15% of the amount for repair work in room;

    most, 50-65% of the amount for the purchase of the necessary equipment;

    10 percent for renting the selected premises;

    about 10% for paperwork for the type of activity, preferably an individual entrepreneur;

    estimated daily expenses, ─ 50,000 rubles;

    the planned profit is 100,000 rubles, hence the net income is 50,000 rubles.

    When the children's playroom opens, more children, about 70 people, the area must be selected at least 70 square meters. To open a business with so many children, you need to invest about 1 million rubles. The expenses will amount to 80,000 rubles, and the net income will be 170,000 rubles. It all depends on right choice location of the premises.

Be sure to do a preliminary analysis before opening a business, where more people located in the city what demand for children's entertainment.

Required documents

Consider what is needed to open a children's playroom, what standards must be observed when organizing it. by the most simple solution for the entrepreneur there will be an appeal to the regional body of the State Fire Inspectorate and Rospotreb. In these organizations, you can get qualified information on the norms of compliance of the premises with hygiene rules and sanitation, as well as on the safety of the premises for creating a children's entertainment room.

Large cities may have their own requirements and recommendations for entrepreneurs on spending time with children in playrooms.

Must be researched before opening:

    Federal regulations for equipment in children's rooms, which must be in the safety standards of Russia and the international standard EN-1176.

    With the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, Articles No. 9 and No. 10, paragraph 2 and Article No. 1025 on informing users of the children's room about the provision of services. The presence of a stand, which reflects all the details of the organizers, the work schedule of the premises, what services are provided, their cost.

    Each employee of the playroom with children must have a medical book.

    Study and implement the requirements of SNiP 2.4.4. No. 1251-03, which refers to the cleaning of premises, its quality and mandatory wet cleaning.

In addition to these documents, it is necessary to understand that this type of activity may entail from administrative to criminal liability of personnel, when the child may be harmed

How to open a playroom with children

A children's room, a business that requires thoroughness and deliberation, ─ experts offer instructions on how to open a business:

    immediately you need to make registration documents, open as an individual entrepreneur or "LLC", entrepreneurs have less expenses for starting a business;

    you must select the code by which your activity will be considered, they advise 92.7, which means organizational activity for recreation and entertainment;

    undergo data processing in the Pension Fund, as well as other social insurance funds;

    you can keep strict records on the relevant forms that are registered with the tax office or buy a cash register;

    the room must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Responsibility of Consumer Protection, as well as the requirements of the fire inspection.

For purchase necessary equipment in a room in which they play with children, special attention is paid to the choice of its safe use.

Choosing equipment for a children's playroom

The main requirement for the equipment of the room is safety for the health of children ─ a playroom, a business that is designed for 20 people, is hard to imagine without a children's labyrinth. The cost of such equipment is up to 250,000 rubles. There are different types labyrinths, it all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The room should also have other zones:

    The staff needs a chair and a table.

    Where possible, lockers for children should be provided.

    There should be a bathroom next to the room.

The children's maze is an interesting engineering solution when children don't want to leave it. The design can be multi-tiered, have different saturation, these are: game design elements, as well as developing elements. For a small room, the "Baby" labyrinth is ideal, which is made of a material that is safe to use.

It contains:

    a pool filled with balls;

    many hanging, game elements;

    children's slide made of plastic;

    labyrinth parameters: 2.5*3.8*2.7 meters.

In addition to the multi-tiered structures of labyrinths for children, you can choose other safe play equipment.

An entrepreneur who has decided for himself how to open a children's playroom from scratch cannot do without a minimum investment in equipment for a playroom, such as:

    The game complex "Giant Steps" is a children's carousel, which is designed for indoor installation. The carousel is attached to the ceiling and floor surfaces. There are different seating options. Dimensions of the complex: 2.3*2.3*2.6 meters. Estimated cost - 51,000 rubles.

    Dry pool, for children 3-6 years old, is not just a pool, but also a designer, it is filled with balls or cubes. Parameters: 0.26*0.26*0.5 meters. The cost is 40,000 rubles.

    Children's "boxing ring", this trampoline is aimed at children no older than 6 years. Perfectly develops a sense of spatial orientation. Parameters: 2.5*2.5*1.2 meters. The estimated cost is 180,000 rubles.

    Carousel installation "bicycle", a developing simulator is put into operation by pedaling, designed for children under 5 years old, the seats have a steering wheel with a beautiful, bright button that emits original signals. Parameters: radius 90 centimeters, height 200 centimeters. Cost up to 165,000 rubles.

This is the minimum set from which you can choose the necessary entertainment facilities for children according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour game room. The entrepreneur decides how much equipment he wants to buy. You can occupy children in a completely different way using upholstered furniture, these are: toys, turnstiles, children's slides, rocking chairs, easels.

It is also necessary to provide a quiet area for children's recreation in the room, where there will be tables for drawing and chairs, coloring books, modern interactive panels can be hung on the wall. You can equip the room with a small children's kitchen, a soft house.

Game room staff

A mandatory requirement for staff is a valid medical book, without a criminal record. Very important appearance, which should win over children.

The staff should be friendly so that parents can entrust their children's rooms to the staff. Staff costs are:

    cash payments for the work done, about 45,000 rubles, for two employees per month;

    responsible for the staff, monitoring the order in the room, the correct behavior of children in it.

Often the employees of the children's playroom are students of pedagogical institutions, future animators.

Organization of the working activities of the room for children

Before scheduling the operation of a playroom with children that operates in a selected location, analyze its profitability, what time is best to open it. The following parameters influence the organization of work:

    The work schedule for the institution in which the game room is located, as an option, is from 9-00 in the morning to 21-00. Cost per child:

    from 100 rubles on weekdays;

    up to 180 rubles on holidays, this is for an hour of a child’s safe stay in the playroom;

    children under three years old stay in the room for free usually.

    It is advisable to prescribe in the rules that the child should not be in the room for more than 4 hours.

    The child is accepted by the staff of the children's playroom according to the passport data of the parents, which is noted in a separate notebook and the time of his arrival is indicated.

    Children are not accepted with obvious signs of illness: cough, profuse nasal discharge.

    It is necessary to remember in the organization of the game room about the seasonality of the event, so with the onset warm days and in autumn there are fewer visitors than in winter.

    Try to develop the provision of services, these are: holidays, name days, circles and other areas.

Choosing the right name

One of the successful components for a business is its name, and in the game room it is:

    the name should sound ─ short, easy to read, easy to remember;

    be unique and unique in other rooms of the city;

    it is desirable to use about 2 words maximum three in the title.

Advertising in business

The target audience for which the advertising activity of the entrepreneur is directed after the opening of the children's playroom is the parents of a child, a certain age group. You can actively use the Internet resources to advertise your activities.

Many people seeking to discover own business don't know where to start. Some have difficulty finding an idea, while others have difficulty implementing it.

One of the simple and not too expensive ideas is to open a children's playroom.

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Market and competitor analysis

Business related to children this moment is one of the most dynamic and profitable, since all parents are interested in, on the one hand, comprehensively developing the child, and on the other hand, making his life more diverse, fun and interesting.

That is why it is possible to allocate enough a large number of potential competitors:

  • Family entertainment centers that provide a wide range of services - from a cinema to slot machines. Their main advantage is a wide range of services aimed at different age categories. On the other hand, prices in such establishments are usually quite high, and children cannot be there without parental supervision. The same group includes cinemas, amusement parks, bowling, etc.
  • Private kindergartens and development centers - are educational institutions with small groups in which you can leave the child for a certain amount of time. The advantage is that qualified specialists are engaged with children, and they can be left for the whole day. However, parents are more likely to do things on weekends, when such organizations do not work.
  • Museums hosting workshops – some museums are becoming child-friendly even without the presence of parents. They organize excursions, special lessons, allowing children to learn something new. Their main disadvantage is that the family will have to spend extra time on the road to the institution, then on the return to the store or another place, and after that - on the next trip for the child.
  • Other children's rooms. This category of competitors most significantly affects the business being opened, so it is important that there are no such rooms within one shopping center or any other similar place.

Accommodation options

A children's playroom can act as an independent business or as an auxiliary part of it (then the visit for children will be free, and the entrepreneur wins by making a profit from the main business). In the latter case, this applies to the following cases of its placement:

  • Cinemas.
  • Beauty Salons.
  • Cafes and restaurants, etc.

In the case of an independent business, game rooms are most often located in shopping centers or shops, as well as in hotels, airports and train stations.

Such points are becoming more and more popular, as they allow adult customers to have time to buy the necessary goods or receive services. In this case, not only buyers and children benefit (who do not have to go with their parents on uninteresting business), but also those establishments that are located next to the game room: the more time adults have to shop in the store, the higher their average will be. check.

It is also possible to open a separate children's room, which can be located in a residential area (subject to compliance with the requirements). In this case, it will be an independent business, which is likely to require fewer costs, but much more effort to promote and attract customers.

Production plan

When opening such an institution, it is necessary to install high-quality equipment, since it will be used by a large number of children, which can lead to various kinds of breakdowns. Therefore, to ensure durability, it is necessary to choose products made of wood or durable plastic.

In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of furniture and various equipment. To do this, you need to understand the number of potential visitors to the room. Otherwise, there may be a situation of children fighting for some kind of entertainment, which will lead to negative emotions and the loss of desire to come to this game room again.

Finally, some rules must be observed:

  • The room should have good lighting.
  • The room must be ventilated.
  • Employees need to issue medical books.
  • Constant wet cleaning is required.
  • Children with signs of infectious diseases cannot be admitted to the room.

In the following video you can see what a similar game complex consists of:

organizational plan

To open such a company, you must do the following:

  1. Decide on a business concept by roughly calculating the level of costs, profitability, identifying possible locations, etc.
  2. Learn the legal basis for the organization similar project- this applies to both the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts that are valid only in the territory where the organization will operate.
  3. Prepare Required documents and – the period is from 1 to 2 weeks.
  4. Pick up a room - from 3 to 4 weeks.
  5. Make repairs to the premises and purchase equipment - from 1 to 2 months.
  6. Find the right employees.
  7. Organize the work of the institution.
  8. Attract your first customers.

To successfully make a profit, it is necessary to change equipment from time to time: on the one hand, this will protect children from dangerous games with broken things, and on the other hand, it will allow those guys who come to you often not to get bored.

Financial plan

The largest costs will be spent on the purchase of equipment - it will cost 200-800 thousand rubles, depending on its quality, quantity and size of the room. In addition, you will have to pay for rent from 30 thousand per month, provided that many landlords require payment for several months in advance.

From the staff will be required administrator With salary from 25 thousand rubles per month, as well as 1 or 2 child care professionals (wage from 30 thousand in case of full-time work). Most often, it is not necessary to pay for cleaning services, since shopping centers have specially hired staff.

In addition, the entrepreneur will face the following expenses:

  • Repair and design of the premises - from 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of the necessary documentation and permits - 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising expenses - from 7-8 thousand rubles per month, etc.

For a stable profit and payback within 9-12 months, it is necessary to set the average price of a visit in the region of 100-200 rubles per hour of stay.

On condition starting costs in the region of 1 million rubles and the average number of small clients from 50 people per day after reaching payback profit will be 170-250 thousand rubles per month.

Marketing plan and advertising

When opening, it is important to consider that best to start in autumn, since in the summer most children will spend time on the playground (many shopping centers and shops build similar facilities and allow children to play for free).

Additionally, it is possible to recreational activities for children or for the family as a whole at no cost - this will attract more customers.

In order to increase the flow of visitors, first of all, you need to come up with an interesting, sonorous name, a beautiful logo and a bright sign. In addition, you should print business cards or flyers and distribute them near the place where the game room is located.

It would be a good idea to create a group in social network, in which various kinds of draws can be held. For example, an important source of income is the holding of children's parties. Accordingly, in one of the drawings, the prize may be a free organization of an event for children.

Risk Analysis

The main risks are related with the wrong location: in particular, this may apply to the situation of placement in a shopping center where there are several direct and indirect competitors, as well as the case when the room is located in an impassable place.

In the case of focusing on a very narrow target audience (for example, children aged 5-6), the entrepreneur runs the risk of seriously reducing the profitability of the project and increasing the payback period.

Therefore, it is very important to purchase equipment and zone the space in such a way that the stay in the room is interesting for both very young children and older children.

Thus, if there is a competent approach to organizing a children's playroom, you can quickly recoup the costs and start receiving high level arrived. This business is not too complicated in terms of organization and is accessible to many people. One of the main conditions for success is the presence of love for children and the desire to develop in this area.

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