Step-by-step drawing with a simple pencil. How to learn to draw with a pencil for beginners? step-by-step master classes with photos

All children love to draw, but not all can. Very important for early stages support the child in his endeavors. If something does not work out for the baby and no one helps him, then he, most likely, will simply abandon this lesson. Therefore, teach children to draw, strengthen their faith in their abilities. If you think that you do not know how to draw at all and cannot teach anything, then you are very much mistaken. You will surely be able to master pencil drawing. Today I will show you some simple drawings animals.

How to teach a child to draw with a pencil?

When you need something to do small child I always have him draw. True, as it turned out, some children have no idea what to do with colored pencils. I remember the case when a little girl bit off all the cores of pencils, as soon as I was distracted for a minute. It took a long time to explain why Blank sheet which side of the pencil to drive on paper. It is sad to remember this incident. As it turned out, her parents did not let her draw ... But at this age, many children meaningfully draw objects, men and even simple plot drawings. I believe that a child should be introduced to pencils from about 1 year old. And a little later, you can give paint, of course, watching the process. .

How to teach a child to draw correctly?

It's simple enough. Our cow chews grass and watches someone with curiosity. First draw an open circle, then the head. The cow's muzzle is wider at the bottom. Let's draw the line by separating the nose. Above will be the eyes, below the mouth and nostrils. The expression "eyelashes like a cow" was invented for a reason. Cows do have very long eyelashes and beautiful eyes. They are in no way inferior to horses. Therefore, we draw cilia, ears, tail and, of course, horns for the cow. The cow's legs end in cloven hooves. Do not forget about the udder - it is one of the main "attributes" of the cow. I wanted to add bangs to the cow, flowers in the teeth and spots. It turned out to be a very cute image.

How to draw a deer with a pencil?

We will draw a cartoon deer. Judging by the expression on his face, he is offended by someone. But you can draw for children a deer that smiles. The business of the owner. First we draw the torso and neck, then the head with a narrow chin. The Deer has a small tail, 4 legs, raised ears and special antlers. Deer antlers branch. It is thanks to the branched horns in the figure that one can unmistakably recognize a deer. If you draw a mane instead of horns, the deer will become a horse. We draw a triangular nose, a small mouth and eyes. Here we have drawn reindeer on which Santa Claus rides. Stop, or Santa? Of course, Santa! Santa Claus has been riding a sleigh pulled by three horses for centuries.

The step-by-step lessons teaching how to draw with a pencil give an idea of ​​the drawing technique that a person of any age can master with different abilities. After such classes, it turns out that drawing is not at all difficult. Not everyone is confident in their abilities and doubts that they can draw, and beautifully. Of course, complex oil paintings can only be completed true master but everyone, even the most young artist, after drawing lessons, which can be found on our website, will be able to draw his beloved cartoon character. Any child will be interested in the opportunity to learn how to draw with a pencil. Yes, you need to start drawing from the simplest. And the easiest thing is to draw with a pencil. Starting with pencil sketches, then you can master more complex skills. And as a result of everything - it's more complex drawing paints. Interesting lessons engage children, introduce interesting world images and images.

On our site, after passing the lessons of pencil drawing, you can get the basics of graphics performed in pencil - such lessons are similar to those taking place in art school. Our classes are successfully mastered even by the smallest children. The drawing process is given in stages, in a very exciting and interesting way.

Lessons in drawing with a pencil.
At first, adults will have to help their children a little: for example, show how to hold a pencil correctly, move the baby’s hand, draw lines of the drawing with him. It is necessary that the child understands what the degree of pressure on the pencil should be, how to correctly draw a line of the desired thickness. After joint classes, the kid himself should try to draw something simple. After the basics, you can move on to more complex ones and draw a square or circle. Drawing, the child will consolidate skills, and he will be able to draw more complex plots. It is better at first to depict simple objects, familiar images. For classes, you need to buy everything you need, the very first thing you need is a soft lead, thick in shape, which easily draws without much pressure on it.

Step by step pencil drawing lessons for kids.
Every person has some natural inclinations and abilities that are easier to discover and develop with childhood. The ability to translate images into images will help a lot in the future. We want to tell you and show you how to draw easy pictures with a pencil for beginners in stages. Drawing lessons are very useful for children, very exciting. Helpful for children to develop fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates brain activity and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Formed by drawing aesthetic perception in reality, an understanding of harmony arises, and also in the process of drawing, children come to a balanced state, become calm. All this applies to an adult audience: drawing also has a beneficial effect on them, anxiety goes away during the process, nerves are put in order, and stress resistance appears. Therefore, it will be good if children learn drawing lessons together with their parents.

The task of adults is to help children learn the first lessons, help them navigate the working field of the sheet, hold the pencil correctly, calculate its required pressure on the paper. Sometimes a child may start to place the drawing incorrectly, and it will not fit on the sheet, which will upset the artist. This is where an adult should help and organize the lesson correctly, then drawing will be a great pleasure. The lessons are designed so that the child learns to draw objects that are familiar to him.
Each lesson introduces him to something new, broadens his horizons. The lessons will help to systematize the experience that you already have little man and form A New Look to the surrounding world.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming an artist at least once? Especially in childhood, many of us wanted to learn how to draw beautifully, and maybe even paint real pictures. But, as often happens, dreams were shattered by a banal lack of skills. Either due to a change of interests, or because of ordinary laziness, many lacked the desire and patience to continue developing in this direction.

So how to learn to draw with a pencil for beginners?

Like any creative occupation, the art of drawing contains many subtleties and helps its owner to reveal not only his creative potential, but also to realize his worldview in a beautiful form. These subtleties will be discussed further.

Stages and principles of training

Often, in order to fully learn how to draw, they resort to phased learning and practice in drawing various compositions of different plans. There is quite a difference if you are, for example, trying to draw a person, or trying to realize a landscape on paper. That is why in this case it is very important to master the skills of drawing a variety of objects.

Another basic principle in teaching drawing is regularity. It is practice that is the decisive factor in the development of drawing skills. It would not be bad to make yourself a specific schedule for the week, according to which you could devote at least 20 minutes a day to this lesson. From this it follows that you also need to show some patience in such training.

What is needed to get started?

So, first of all, find yourself notebook with fairly large leaves. There should be at least 50 sheets. The second item in your preparation should be the choice pencil taste. There are a great many pencils, so in your case the best choice will be the one you are used to using. For example, it can be a pencil with a soft lead. Naturally, a little later, one way or another, you will have to buy necessary pencils to improve the quality of your work.

Get yourself a calendar too. Where you will celebrate not only the schedule of classes, but also your successes. At first, you will have to force yourself to strictly follow the schedule, but over time it will become part of your lifestyle and will bring great pleasure.

Try to picture something on the first page. Do not worry about high quality drawing. Through certain time, you'll open a notepad on the first page and be surprised at the difference between how it was and what has changed.


Many people think that drawing is a skill that depends only on natural talent, so they easily find excuses for themselves in the format “not given” or “not working”. But the point is not only in talents, but also in acquired skills. A person who can draw well without knowing the basic principles is a rare exception. Every business needs to be learned. Therefore, further we will consider the basic laws and techniques of drawing.

There are 9 basic laws of drawing, having learned which you will learn how to draw on a pretty high level. Let's discuss them.

  • The law of perspective. Objects that the author wants to visually bring closer are distorted in such a way that one part of it seems closer than another part of it.
  • Location of items. Objects that are at the bottom of the sheet appear much closer than the rest.
  • size law. The object in the picture, which, according to the author's intention, should be located closer, should, accordingly, look larger than those that are further away.
  • overlap law. An object that is in front of another becomes visually closer to us.
  • Law of penumbra. The conditionally unlit part of the object, which is located on the opposite side of the light source, should be darker.
  • Shadow law. To make the drawn object seem voluminous, you need to add a casting shadow to it, also strictly on reverse side from a light source.
  • The law of contours. It is necessary to accentuate the contours of rounded objects to give them depth.
  • Horizon law. The case when the horizon is drawn so that the depicted objects appear at different distances from the observer.
  • The law of density. To make it seem that objects are at different distances, it is also necessary to draw near objects in more detail and distant objects in less detail.

Using these 9 basic laws in practice, it will not be difficult for you to move to a new level in drawing.

Also, in order to avoid simple mistakes, a beginner needs to follow a few milestones when sketching a drawing. Here they are:

Drawing from simple to complex

More or less known fact that drawing drawing is different. First of all, it means that drawing a person is far from the same as drawing, say, a tree. Different things require different approaches for perfect performance. That is why we will further consider in detail the technique of drawing various compositions.

Don't take it right away complex compositions. Because in the science of drawing, the attitude with which you start working is very important. If you immediately took complex pattern, and you didn’t succeed, then a bad mood is guaranteed to you. You may even lose the desire to pick up a pencil for good. Therefore, in our training, we will go from simple to complex, gradually learning new drawing techniques. Let's start simple.

Draw geometric shapes

Since looking for suitable layouts geometric shapes will be quite a long time, we will be based on our imagination. For convenience, you can even download ready-made pictures of various geometric shapes from the Internet.


Let's draw a cube. Take this picture as a base:

Repeat all the faces and sides of the geometric figure. Do not forget that the back wall of the cube is proportionally smaller than the front. Now let's pay attention to the shadow.

Imagine that the light source is in front. Thus, the front side of the cube will be lighter, and sides darker. Shade the sides. Highlight the lines of the front corner with a pencil, and leave the rest thin. He will collect all the attention of the observer.

To make the figure unique, you can slightly distort the proportions. So we end up with something like this.


Draw a plane on which your figure will be located. It should not be in the air, because the shadow should fall on something. Find on this plane perfect place to locate the center axis of your cylinder. Draw a vertical line straight up from this point. Draw ellipses around both ends of this line. Connect the lower and upper ellipses with the same vertical lines. The sketch is almost ready. For convenience, you can add a couple auxiliary lines. For example, in front, such a line can mark the border of the shadow. Draw a shadow outline on the horizontal plane where your shape is located. The result should be something like this:

When we're done with the frame, it's time shade the main parts of our figure. Again, given that the light should be in the exact opposite direction from the shadow, we mark by eye where the highlight will be. It is also worth considering that the glare on the cylinder will not form a spot, but a vertical stripe. We hatch with a darker shade the area from the shadow line to the rear border of the cylinder. Lubricate the hatching border to make the transition smooth. We shade the very shadow of the figure. Leave the top of the cylinder light.

Draw a sphere

Let's try to depict one of the basic geometric shapes, on the basis of which more complex objects will be drawn in the future. This figure is a sphere. She draws even easier than the rest. You need to draw a circle. Further, from the edges of this circle, you need to draw a few more concentric circles inside this figure. These circles may not be perfectly regular, in fact, they may take the form of an ellipse.

They will serve us in order to properly hatch. Refer to the picture below.

Shade the circles as shown. Draw another ellipse on the main plane. Shade this ellipse too to create a shadow. The sphere is ready.


Try using the sphere drawing skill to draw more complex compositions, such as a plum. Notice what changes happened to the shadow? What happened in the end?


Shadow and light have changed places. As a result, the berry acquired the illusion of transparency.

So, we found out that drawing geometric shapes is not such a difficult task.

Based on a basic knowledge of geometry and the skill of drawing such shapes, you can create more complex compositions with their help.

Drawing utensils

The next most difficult step in pencil drawing is drawing dishes. At the same time, the main difficulty lies more in the correct placement of shadows, both on the subject and around it.

Let's draw simple vase. It will be great if you find a suitable example that you can study in advance.

At the very beginning, we need to designate the parameters of the subject using straight lines. Draw a small horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet. This line will be the bottom of our vase. From the center of the horizontal line, perpendicular to it, draw a vertical line. This line will indicate the height of the object. Draw another horizontal line at the top of the vertical one. If something is not clear to you, refer to the figure below:

As we can see, we will need another horizontal line marking the narrow neck of the vase. Draw her. Next, you need to draw ellipses with centers coinciding with the points of intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. They are needed in order to give volume to the vase.

The next step is to draw the outline of the object. For example, it could be like this:

The final step will be the drawing of light and shadows. This is done in the same way as with geometric shapes. Simply, first you need to decide what underlies each part of the object, a sphere, a cylinder, a cone or a cube.

Try to ensure that the outline of your vase is symmetrical on both sides.

Draw a cup

First, according to the proven method, we need to draw a vertical and horizontal lines. This time, the base of the cup will be much smaller than its mouth, and not the same. Draw ellipses for the top and bottom.


Unlike geometric shapes and dishes, drawing various plants is a more difficult task than it might seem at the beginning. For example, in contrast to relatively simple items, in the case of flowers, bushes, trees and much more, it is better to always have a living example in front of your eyes. It is very difficult to accurately imagine such a number various details and display them correctly on paper. Or it can be a finished image of the original. With the degree of detail in the drawing, it is important to resolve the issue at the very beginning. After all, it can be as simple as possible, or vice versa, contain a large number of details.

Drawings by degree of detail:

Let's start drawing.

Make an initial sketch of your composition. If this is not one flower, but several, depict them so that the stems are slightly curved, and the buds look in different sides. Do not make all the lines perfectly correct.

One of the most interesting things is that the initial sketch can consist of geometric shapes, albeit a little distorted. Take a closer look.

What do you see? The picture contains at least a circle, ovals, a cylinder, a distorted diamond and cones. This tells us that sometimes, even complex images on initial stage, can be drawn using simple shapes.

Start drawing details. Draw the petals and add irregularities to the petals. Add leaves to the composition. Focus on the original.

A tulip flower usually has about 6-7 petals that partially overlap each other.

If you pay attention, then note that the thickness of the stems along the entire length is the same. The leaves are long, with a sharp end, curved. The leaves wrap around the stem. Also pay attention to attaching the stem to the bud. This is noticeable on a flower turned back.

The final step is to add light and shadow. With light strokes, make more shaded areas inside the flower, as well as on the inside of the leaves. Places where the petals intersect can also be slightly shaded. This will give the petals a translucent effect. Draw the stamens. They can be emphasized with a darker color.

As you can see from the last lesson, creating a simple composition is not a problem if you know the basic basics of drawing, from simple to complex.

Draw an oak

Trees are often integral part different complex pictures. For example, these can be landscapes where numerous trees echo images of animals, which will be discussed later.

Take hard pencil. It will be needed in order to draw very weakly general sketch tree. We will, as always, go from the general to the details.

Draw a tree trunk. Since we are drawing an oak, it must be thick. Draw branches from the tree trunk.

Add some leaf clouds inside the crown. It is necessary to leave empty areas on purpose so that some branches are visible.

Thicken the branches where they are not covered by leaves.

Start applying basic shadows. Before doing this, think about which side the light will fall on and how parts can be further shaded.

Draw the leaves. Add details to them and distribute the shadows correctly. Highlight a few leaves throughout the crown. This is to add volume to the picture. Oak is ready!

In the final image, it is not necessary to draw every leaf. You can simply thicken the contours of the leaves.

Not all children, picking up a pencil for the first time, draw masterpieces. And the point here is not at all in talent, because every child initially has it. Where to begin?

It is important how to draw drawings in stages to get a good result.

You can start this already at the age of 3-4 years, when the child is already consciously related to classes. To begin with, you should choose simpler pictures, which clearly describe how, for example, a pig or a turtle can be obtained from the simplest geometric shapes. It is important for babies and final stage drawing - coloring the picture.

How to draw children's drawings?

When a child already knows how to draw individual items you can try to put them together. Before you draw a simple drawing, you need to discuss what exactly the child wants to depict on it. After that, on the sheet you need to determine the location of individual parts and proceed directly to drawing.

It is enough just to draw a well-known kolobok on a forest path surrounded by flowers and berries. The sketch is being done with a simple pencil and then colored with paints or felt-tip pens.

How to draw cool easy drawings?

Older children already want to portray funny cartoon characters, and there is no difficulty in this. With the help of all the same geometric shapes (oval and circle), the body of the animal is drawn, and the rest of the details - the fluffy tail and muzzle are made in the form of hatching. It remains only to color the drawing in any convenient way.

With a simple pencil, you can easily draw your favorite animals. Girls are very fond of depicting a horse. This graceful animal is already in the toy collection. To begin with, you should outline the head and muzzle of the animal with light strokes, and after that proceed to drawing such small parts like eyes, ears and mane.

If you are a beginner from scratch - a complete zero, like me, and wanted to learn how to draw with a pencil - read the chronicle of a lazy untalented artist. Last time I drew at school. I drew like everyone else, average.

How can you draw with a pencil after 50 hours of practice and how to learn it. I started drawing from scratch. I did not draw regularly, on average 15 minutes a day, for six months. And you can learn in a couple of months, drawing for 60 minutes a day!

Drawing is a copy skill

I started drawing the following drawings in the belief that I was mediocre at drawing. But because I know that almost everything I know about myself is not true. I decided to double-check myself: do I really have crooked hands or did I suffer so much at school.


The main drawing element. We draw shadows and half-shadows of the sphere.

The time indicated is taking into account the reading of the textbook. Drawing itself takes half the time.


Basic building brick of any pattern.

Cube modifications

Drawing a texture with a pencil

Flags and rose

Draw cubes - advanced level

Drawing Spheres - Advanced

From this stage you obligated to buy shading - paper pencil. In the previous tutorials, I blended with my finger, then with a #3 feather.

All the magic of penumbra: volume, small shadows in the corners, when drawing an eye and a portrait - thanks to shading. Your drawing ability will seem to be multiplied by three! You'll be blown away when you compare your results.

Flags, scrolls

Cylinders: volcano, cup

Draw a living tree

Room in perspective

Street in perspective

Drawing in the central perspective: the castle, the city

Perspective lettering

Learning to draw a portrait

Learning to draw a hand

Exam: first portrait!

Drawing people is much more difficult than drawing roses or anime. The face must not be distorted - every mistake is immediately noticeable. You need to learn how to draw people when you feel confident that you can recognizably draw the outline and sketch of a face.

Portraits cannot be drawn quickly, diligence and care are required. Here is the portrait of my wife:

Learning to draw pictures from scratch

I painted eight paintings in total for a day, half the time. I also practiced with a pencil for one day. It takes 50-150 hours to learn how to draw to the same results, even if "hands grow out of your ass." In terms of serials, this is 2-3 seasons of Dr. House.

Vasya Lozhkina painted the first acrylic painting “And I like you” for 6 hours. What is acrylic and how to deal with it - I did not know. I also held the brush for the first time after school.

It is not easy to knead the desired shade. Quit everything because it doesn’t work out - I was torn every half an hour. You need someone to support you. I went to study at an art studio and drew under the supervision of an artist. A year later, a couple of times I took drawing lessons online from the same teacher.

I learned to draw with a pencil, and the skill turned out to be complex. I took a brush for the first time after school and painted. Long 6 hours, crooked, but how cool! Now I can make an extraordinary gift - draw a picture for a friend, a bookmark in a notebook, a caricature for work. Even did a little cartoon.

First painting: pastel, acrylic, gouache and oil. All techniques are from scratch, and hanging on the wall is not a shame.

How to learn to draw correctly - algorithm

Learning to draw with a pencil is the base: demolish angles, line sizes, respect proportions. Just learn not to be afraid to draw. Master First level, and then only more fun and easier.

How to learn to draw

    We draw with a simple pencil.

    Fundamental drawing tool. Almost all illustrations, sketches and paintings are first drawn in pencil. Then it is rubbed down to barely visible lines, or on top we draw with paints. Errors are easily corrected. #1 for beginners.

    We draw gel pens.

    A simple tool for drawing in color. The technique of drawing is similar to the technique of drawing with a pencil - after all, a pen, not a brush. Errors can only be corrected in Photoshop.

    We draw with felt-tip pens. Analogues: markers and professional "copics".

    More variety of colors than gel pens. The set will cost less. After 1-2 years, the felt-tip pens dry out and you need to buy new set.

    Felt pens soak the paper a little and it starts to sag, because of this I don’t like to draw with them. You can point 2-3 times and the line becomes more saturated, you can draw penumbra.

    We draw with watercolors.

    Cheap materials, and familiar from school. They are diluted with water, so a new layer of paint blurs the previous one. It is difficult to master how she will behave. From scratch, on your own, it's not easy to learn how to draw details. The advantage is availability.

  • We draw with gouache.

    Matte color, thicker than watercolor, is also diluted with water. Great for beginners: it's easier to fix inaccuracies than watercolor. Cheap material.

  • We draw acrylic paints .

    The most accessible professional material. Acrylic dries quickly, 5-15 minutes. It is easy for them to apply a second layer, to correct flaws. If it is of good quality, then it is resistant to water.

    Acrylic paint on canvas. You can also outline anything: a wall, a stool, a cup, a helmet, an ashtray, a T-shirt, photo frames. I recommend then to open the work with varnish from a can.

  • We draw pastel - dry and oil.

    The technique of drawing with pastel is unusual - you need to draw with crayons, rubbing them on paper.

    The technique of drawing with oil pastels is similar to drawing with pencils, but has its own characteristics.

  • We draw with oils.

    Complex professional paints. Durable, but you can’t buy cheap ones - they crack.

    It dries for a long time, about 2-10 days. This is a plus - you can always remove the layer, draw, shade. But also a minus, you need to apply a layer on top very carefully so as not to spoil what is. I do not recommend their use for beginners.

Are you able to learn how to draw with a pencil? . Find "Why?", buy a textbook and draw for fun. In a month - be surprised at your abilities.

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