Participate in a drawing competition. Creative games and contests "Let's draw

How to prepare a children's drawing competition

The first stage of preparation is the definition of the theme of the competition and its features. What materials can participants use for their work? Will the number of participants and their age be limited?

In an art school, it makes sense to hold a small competition in which participants will present works in one technique, and in primary school emphasis should be placed on compliance drawings theme tick of the competition.

At the preparation stage, the organizers should think over the rules for participation, stipulate the deadlines for submitting works and determining the winners. It is better to divide children into several age groups, for example, younger (up to 6-7 years old), middle (7-9 years old) and older (from 10 years old). It is worthwhile to provide age-appropriate prizes in advance and prepare an awards ceremony that is interesting for children.

Stages of the drawing competition

    1. Competition announcement. The announcement must be made in advance so that the participants have enough time to prepare and submit the work to the organizers of the competition.
    2. Discuss the competition with children. If the event is held in children's institution, educators or teachers should allocate time for:

      Conversation with children, explaining to them the conditions of the competition and the features of participation;
      - assistance in the preparation of competitive works.

Of course, parents also take an active part in the preparation. And than younger child, the more attention adults should pay to his work. Children need to explain the rules of participation, help them decide on the plot and the choice of drawing technique. In addition, it is important to communicate with a child of any age as much as possible - to come up with interesting story about the drawing, ask him to explain what and why he drew, what meaning he put into his work. If the conditions of the competition provide that the child must submit his own drawing, to public speaking also need to prepare in advance.

  1. Acceptance of competition entries. Children should be contacted by a person who can find mutual language, both with small participants and with their parents. It is categorically unacceptable to criticize the works at the stage of their acceptance!
  2. Exhibition decoration. Of the drawings that children submit to the competition, it is best to make an exhibition. Paintings are hung on the walls in a school or studio, a special stand is arranged for them, and if the competition is virtual, photographs of the submitted works are posted on the website.
  3. Jury work.
  4. Summing up and awarding. Children will be very pleased if the awards are held in the form of a holiday. Organizers would like to prepare entertainment program which will consist of speeches and fun games. It is important that everyone gets an encouragement for participating in the drawing competition for children! It can be a small souvenir or just a good drawing mark, but no contestant should leave without at least a minimum prize!

The International Children's Painting Competition « Les enfants ne veulent pas de Guerre …» Paris, France, 2019

International Competition of Children's Drawings "Children don't want war..."

Regulations on the competition for 2019

Les enfants ne veulent pas de guerre, ils veulent juste jouer, rire, apprendre, avoir des amis et danser! Children are notwant war, they just want to play, laugh, learn, make friends anddance! Holding team# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France)

General provisions

Regulations on the international competition of children's drawings "Les enfants ne veulent pasde Guerre... "-" Children do not want war ... "(hereinafter referred to as the Competition) developed and approved # EURO_MEDIA_STAR_GROUP (Paris, France). The organization and holding of the Competition is based on the principles of patriotism, general accessibility, priority of universal human values, citizenship, free development of the individual, protection of the rights and interests of the Competition participants. The following basic terms are used in these Regulations: Organizer –# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), Participant - the author of a drawing that meets the requirements of the Contest. The jury is international group experts, which evaluates the competitive works and determines the Winners of the International Competition of Children's Drawings.

Young artists from France and Germany

Goals and objectives of the competition of children's drawings

Raising in the younger generation a feeling for faith in the future of our planet, when the time comes - without wars, which, unfortunately, in different historical periods bring real humanity a lot of suffering, destruction, loss of loved ones, relatives, friends; - maintaining children's interest in world history and the role of the country of the contestant in the world historical process; - encouraging children to learn historical events that took place in different time worldwide; - disclosure creativity children.

Martha Staudacher, Vienna, Austria(drawing by a contestant from Austria)

Chan Mang Wai Nathan, 6 yrs old, Hong Kong, China(drawing by a student of the art school from Hong Kong)

Director of the Chuguev Children's art school them. I.E. Repin (Ukraine) Mr. Nepomniachtchi V.I.

Sincere thanks to us: Thank you so much for the awards and for the opportunity for the child to prove himself in such a wonderful competition! Ekaterina Shevchenko, Chuguev city, Kharkiv region, Ukraine. April 21, 2017

The tasks of the organizer of the Competition are

Organization and holding of an international competition of children's drawings; - Ensuring participation in the Competition as possible more children different countries and continents; - organization of the work of a qualified jury of the Contest to evaluate the work of the Contest participants; - organization information support Competition; - Issuance of the required number of Medals and Diplomas for the winners and participants of the Competition.

The work of Botirov Shohruh "Children do not want war", Republic of Uzbekistan

Requirements for drawings submitted to the Competition

The drawings must correspond to the theme of the Contest and display propaganda to prevent wars on our planet (the plot is at the discretion of the author). Only its author (parents with the consent of the author or the director of an educational institution with the consent of the author and parents) can submit a drawing to the competition. Drawings should be done without the help of parents or teachers. Drawings can be made on any material (drawing paper, cardboard, canvas, etc.) and executed in any drawing technique (oil, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, crayons, etc.). The works submitted for the Competition must be in JPEG image format, in color, the size of the image should not exceed 1 MB. The drawing is sent to the competition e-mail along with application and payment. Payment can be made in any form. For those who wish to pay via Yandex.Money, we provide our account number below. Each drawing must be accompanied by an application, which indicates - the surname and name of the author, his age, the name of the drawing and the event to which the drawing is dedicated; country, postal address of residence of the author; email address; name and postal address educational institution in which the author and creative director (if any) study, as well as consent to the use of the drawing. The number of works submitted to the Competition by one child cannot exceed 1 drawing. All drawings submitted to the Competition may be used# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), in the future for various patriotic events, including exhibitions and book publishing. Collective and anonymous drawings (not containing information about the contestant) are not allowed to participate in the contest and will not be considered.

Artwork by Marina Savinykh "Ryzhik", Khabarovsk Territory, Russia

Functions and responsibilities of the Organizer

To the Competition Organizer # EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France) is entrusted with the following functions to coordinate the Contest: - determination of the conditions for the Contest; - formulation of requirements for competitive works declared for participation in this Contest; - approval of the deadlines for the submission of works and the expert evaluation of the members of the Jury; - definition of criteria for evaluation of competitive works; - making a decision on the composition of the Jury; - holding events within the framework of the information and advertising campaign of the Contest; - dissemination of information about the results of the Contest; - organizing and conducting international exhibition(exposition) in the city of Cannes (France) - the best drawings Competition. The responsibilities of the Contest Organizer include: creation of equal conditions for all participants of the Contest; ensuring publicity of the Competition; non-disclosure of information about the intermediate and final results of the Contest before the date of the official announcement of the results of the Contest.

The procedure for submitting drawings for participation in the competition

Participants are children of three age categories: - up to 10 years old, - from 10 to 14 years old (inclusive), - from 15 to 17 years old (inclusive). Participants submit their works to the competition: - through the administration of their educational institutions; - through parents. The submitted drawings for participation in the Contest are checked by the Organizer of the Contest for compliance with the requirements for the works of the Contest Participants and specified in the Regulations and transferred to the Jury members for evaluation. The author (author's parents), submitting their work (the work of their child) to the competition, confirms the authorship of the drawing and agrees that it can be published in any publications, shown in any way at any actions held # EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), both during the Competition and after it, in different cities of France and Europe and does not claim to pay royalties.

The work of Ozhereleva Arina "Sadko", Khabarovsk Territory, Russia

Deadlines for submitting drawings for participation in the Competition, the amount of the fee

Drawings for participation in the Competition are accepted at any time during the year. City and country of the Competition - Paris, French Republic. The participant has the right to withdraw his work for participation in the Contest at least 10 days before the deadline for accepting works. The work of the jury for the competition to evaluate the work of participants in the Competition - on the last day of the competition.

For those who have paid a fee of 25,- euros, if desired, an additional medal, sending a diplomaand paid medals to the winners and participants of the competition within 10 days from the moment last day holding a competition. Similarly, diplomas are sent electronically - distribution of electronic copies.

Competition fee

According to the fee, each participant, or rather, teachers, or parents have a choice - the cost of the participation fee in the competition and receiving diplomas in in electronic format- 15,- Euro, in original + in electronic form (costs for postage from France to your country to your address in the price), - 25,- Euro. The cost of the medal on the ribbon of the national flag of France is an additional payment, optionally at a price of 40,- Euro. In total, if you want the Diploma in the original by mail + medal + personal Certificate for the medal = 65 euros.

Exhibition in France in Nice

Opening of the exhibition of the best works, paintings or drawings of the competition in the city of Nice from July 11 to July 15, 2019 (France), or in Paris from December 29, 2019 to January 02, 2020. During this period, all participants and guests accompanying will be offered an interesting and exciting program of stay on the Cote d'Azur of France. The combination of seaside holidays, numerous excursions, meetings with peers from different countries will remain for each of you in your memory and heart as a bright and interesting event in your life.

Composition and functions of the Jury

The composition of the Competition Jury is determined by the Organizer of the Competition. Jury carries out expert assessment drawings submitted to the competition in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the Regulations. Winners are determined by the highest total points received. Evaluation criteria: - compliance with the theme of the Contest (compliance with these Regulations); - originality of work; - artistic value. Members of the Jury are obliged to ensure: non-disclosure is kept information about the final results of the Contest before the closing date of the Contest, non-distribution of the drawings sent to the Contest, as well as information about the Contest participants on the Internet or in other mass media.

The work of Zenova Sophia "Children against the war", Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine

Contest Winners

The winners of the Competition will be awarded medals and diplomas, their works will be placed at the exhibition in Cannes (France), organized by# EURO_MEDIA_STAR_GROUP (Paris, France). The winners of the Contest in three age categories will be awarded: - for 1st place - for 2nd place - for 3rd place

All children receive from the Organizing Committee of the International Competition one of the following Diplomas:

✔ Winner of the Grand Prix - Diploma "Grand Prix".

✔ Laureate (three prizes) - diplomas "Laureate of the 1st degree", "Laureate of the 2nd degree", "Laureate of the 3rd degree".

✔ Diploma (three places) - diplomas "Diploma of the 1st degree", "Diploma of the 2nd degree", "Diploma of the 3rd degree".

✔ All other participants - Diploma "Diploma".

Organising Committee International Competition

OR FOR YOUR ATTENTION - Sample application for drawings sent to the competition

Data List

Filled data

Age ( full years)

Figure name

The name of the educational institution where the author studies

Postal address (with index) of the educational institution, creative director (if any)

I confirm the authorship of the drawing and agree that it can be published in any publications, shown in any way at any promotions held# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France) both during the Competition and after it, and do not claim to pay royalties

You can send the application along with the payment (via the application form or to our email address). In this case, you do not need to ask us for our account number. You can pay in any form convenient for you, including through a card or make an electronic payment

As applications are received, each of you will be sent a confirmation of receipt of your application and your payment within 24 hours. For your information, we work around the clock.

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The work of Irina Gorshkova "World Peace", Sergiev Posad, Russia


Attention! After filling out the form and after clicking the "submit application" button, please wait until the last second has elapsed and until you are automatically redirected to the original "submit application" page. Otherwise, without waiting for the end, your application will not reach our addressee and will be lost. If filling out the form is difficult for you, or the form on the server is not available or temporarily does not work - send your application to the address [email protected] by answering the questions in the form. When sending us an application, do not forget to tell us the data on whom we will issue an invoice - last name, first name or organization name and full address (zip code, country, city, street or avenue name, house number, etc..). Upon receipt of an application from you, we will respond to you and confirm the fact of its receipt within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation from us, please send us a duplicate of the application in electronic form to the address [email protected] Thank you! If you have many participants, you can apply as a list to [email protected]

The work of Fedirko Anna "Unity of souls", Krasnodar region, Russia

About the transcription of the last name and first name of the contestant

Regarding the transcription of the names, surnames of the contestants and teachers, the entry in the award diplomas is in English or French. If the surname, first name are complex or you want the entry in the diploma to be exactly as you wish - in order to avoid any embarrassment and so that you yourself would be pleased, then a big request when submitting applications is preferably to indicate the name, surname in two versions - in Russian and in Latin letters, for example, contestant Ivanov Anton (Ivanov Anton).

Work Sadovskaya Maria, 10 years old, Saratov, Russia

Dear readers of the Razvivashka blog, I invite your children to take part in international drawing competition .

Tell me, please, do your children often draw? Do you paint with them? What more often do your children have drawings - life or fantasy?

Our daughters, just like their peers, draw a lot. Recently we have books by Ed Amberley, I wrote about them.

These books have contributed cheerful note in the creativity of daughters - now our animals do not just run, but dance.

I suggest you, dear readers, to draw a funny picture. Believe me, even without the sun, a frosty day will become much brighter and more fun.

Drawing competition

To make it more interesting to draw, become a participant in our fun drawing contest.

Terms of the drawing competition

1. Drawings from children and adults are accepted for the competition.

2. Required condition competition!!! Photos Your creativity should be several. Be Ed Amberley and do step by step guide, how to draw an interesting drawing.

3. From little children, we expect understandable drawings made by fingerprints, palms and everything that comes to hand.

4. From older children and adults - we are waiting for any drawings that can be repeated. You can draw with anything: pencils, brushes, felt-tip pens, etc. welcome unconventional techniques drawing.

5. Each participant can draw as many drawings as they like. All drawings will receive their individual numbers and will participate in the draw.

6. If you have the opportunity, publish themselves article with pictures step by step guide blog or community. In the article, make open links to our sponsors: publishing house " Mann, Ivanov and Ferber» and Internet portal « two palms» and place the contest banner:

Banner code :

7. You can send pictures and a small (maybe large, but interesting) description for publication on the Razvivashka blog . Here is our mail:

[email protected]

8. Drawings must be unique - not previously published anywhere.

11. Prizes will be delivered anywhere - to any country, to any city, to any village.

12. If you are interested in our contest, leave a comment under this article.

13. We will be grateful to you for the link / - ki to social networks.

Prizes of the international drawing competition

There will be many prizes:

  • books,
  • creative kit,
  • unusual constructor
  • and a whole box of surprises.

Drawing competition prizes

The prizes were provided by the children's VIP publishing house " Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", Internet portal " two palms"and, of course, the blog" ".

We will choose some of the winners, and we will raffle off some prizes according to the counter random numbers. Prizes will be randomly distributed - children's books.

All participants will receive branded electronic certificates from the Razvivashka blog - with a seal and a signature.

Prize for the most interesting drawing

One member , whose work we like the most, will receive a prize from the Internet portal " two palms «.

The gift will be wonderful box , in which there will be many ideas for games and blanks for creativity with a child from 1.5 years old to the school itself.

Topic gift box - "Professions" will allow you and your baby to transform into both a doctor and an astronaut. Offers funny games, colorful books, cheerful sets for creativity.

If you click on the picture, you will be redirected to a page with a description of the surprise prize from Two Palms.

"Professions" - surprise box

We have already tried the miracle boxes of two palms three times and were very pleased. See our impressions in the articles "" and "".

Prizes for children under 3 years old

to one the young participant will get a prize from the Razvivashka blog - 2 educational disks "Hello, Kitty" for learning good manners and English language. I will choose this participant - Ludmila Vlasova .

Educational discs

Two members aged up to 3 years will receive two books as a gift: Ed Amberley "Fun Prints" " and "Colorful Farm" .

Prizes for children 3-6 years old

one participant - the winner from this age category will be chosen by our youngest daughterOlesya . A gift from my daughter will be - funny constructor " " .

Prize for the winner - Kukuruktor

Two participants from 3 years old will receive a set of two books as a gift Ed Amberley "Animals" and exciting Kumon series book .

Magic labyrinths

Prizes for schoolchildren

One winner our eldest daughter will choose - Zlata . A gift from Zlata will be a kit for making gypsum photo frames .

Prizes for adults

In this nomination, we will determine the winners together with the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house - without the help of random numbers.

Prizes for active adults

More one active adult participant will receive as a gift model for the assembly of the "Peter and Paul Cathedral" and delicious branded sweets from our city.

Prize for an adult participant

Information Sponsors

1. Competitions for bloggers (the blog has problems)

3. Nest (blog disappeared)

4. Colored thoughts (blog disappeared)

Examples of fun drawings

I suggest you look at funny drawings of animals that can be made from fingerprints from the book "Funny Prints":

And this is an example of a fun drawing of a porcupine and a turtle from Ed Amberley's Animals:

We wish you creative inspiration, excellent mood and we are waiting for your work on our drawing competition .


Japan is a country, without exaggeration, unique and original. Who doesn't dream of visiting it? Mysterious country with a unique cultural heritage, so different from the European one, it attracts and beckons, urging you to get to know each other better. Let's get closer to it with the help of drawings! Draw what Japan will certainly please you with if you find yourself in it? Inspiring nature or neon lights? Ancient traditions or gastronomic wonders? Urbanism of big cities or snowy peaks? Super-technological or legendary hospitality local residents? A sense of cleanliness and order or reverence for ancestors?


Who does not dream in childhood about distant sea voyages, distant wanderings? Who doesn't want to become a pirate, seek or hide treasures, stand on the bridge in the whistle of the wind and flapping sails and feel the salty taste of the sea on their lips? Poets of the sea - go for it! Let's go together in search of the unknown! Tell about the origin of navigation and fever geographical discoveries, the first travelers, about famous captains and brave sailors who wrote history with the keels of their ships, about shipbuilding, numbering as many centuries as the history of mankind itself. Draw what happened in the sea and ocean theaters of war. Tell us about such unsafe and heroic maritime professions as submariners and divers, explorers of the deep sea, and of course, fishermen, who often risk their lives. And what could be more romantic than a sailing regatta? Yachting is both a sport, and recreation, and passion, team spirit, and a great mood, and it's very beautiful and is waiting for your incarnations on a piece of paper!


New Year and Christmas is celebrated all over the world, but everywhere in different ways. The magical atmosphere of the holiday reigns everywhere, but how is it maintained in a certain place? Dear artists, we ask you to turn to the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas, truly the most international holidays, and draw how it happens in a particular country. Many countries have their own unique traditions and customs associated with their celebration. tell me unknown facts, draw the most unusual traditions. We cannot imagine this time without snow-covered streets and bitter frost, but as residents southern countries and continents do without these immutable attributes? Surely they do not deny themselves the pleasure of plunging into the magical atmosphere of family warmth. Let's create your creative works our common miracle, fun and joy!


Not only science fiction writers, but also designers and engineers are struggling with the question of the world of the future. Guys, visualize your idea of ​​what our world could be like in 20-50-100, and maybe even a thousand years. Tell us about what is currently impossible in real world but will certainly be used by future generations. What is the city of the future and how should it be? Will there be a place for cars in the world of the future? What else is NTR preparing for us? How will we get to neighboring planets? Will we spend our holidays on Mars? What gadgets will we use? Carry out your research activities on current priority and promising areas knowledge that you think will have practical use, and draw your guesses about the future world, city, person, or invention.

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