The first photos of the youngest daughter of the singer MakSim appeared. Family MakSim Maksim singer with her daughter

Already this week, 34-year-old businessman Anton Petrov will celebrate the wedding. True, down the aisle he will lead not a singer at all. His chosen one is a 21-year-old student, the daughter of a Russian millionaire and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Bryksin - Lisa.

Hide tears from strangers

“How quickly time flies ... Already a year with you,” Elizabeth shared on one of the social networks on August 14, accompanying the post with a romantic picture. The lovers celebrated an important date abroad - Anton gave the girl a surprise. The entire territory of the mansion in which the couple stayed was lined with bouquets of roses and daisies. On September 26, an even more luxurious holiday will take place: the businessman, apparently, knows how to pamper and surprise. One can imagine the shock that MakSim (real name Marina) experienced when she learned that her lover was spending evenings with another. Especially when you consider that at that moment the singer was expecting a child from Anton - and she was already in her seventh month of pregnancy.

“Marina was very upset by the betrayal,” says “StarHit” her friend Regina. - She was terribly jealous, did not sleep at night, cried into the pillow, but kept the pain inside - at first she did not even show that she knew everything. Of course she loved him. And I think he still loves it. She never said a bad word about him. Caring, attentive, humorous, smart, generous... Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton, apparently, decided otherwise. He is a good father, helps her with little Masha - often comes to visit, babysits, carries in his arms, watches how her daughter grows. Buys her toys, gives Marina flowers. But imagine what it's like to share a loved one with another! Until recently, she hoped that Anton would return. But this spring, he himself suddenly put an end to it - signed with Lisa. For Marina, who learned about the event through the environment, it was a terrible blow. But she found the strength to move on. Young, beautiful, successful - I'm sure she will find her happiness.

Now MakSim, together with two daughters - 6-year-old Sasha and 11-month-old Masha - is preparing for a housewarming in a spacious apartment that Anton gave her. The nanny of the children helps the singer with the housework, parents from Kazan often visit.

After the break, MakSim wrote a song, which, according to relatives, she dedicated to her lover. It contains lines that accurately describe the state of the girl at that time in her life: “It is not easy to be goldfish. To patch up all the questions with threads. Again in the same river, speechless. You can't heal with gold bars. Diving deeper, into the seas, as if in puddles. How many have you really said "I love already."

“Marina was very upset by the betrayal. She was terribly jealous, did not sleep at night, cried into the pillow, but kept all the pain inside - she did not even show that she had known everything for a long time ... "

Another reality

Businessman Petrov and a student of the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University Bryksina met in the spring of 2014. Then Anton, by the way, had already met with MakSim for several months - they were often seen in movies or in trendy metropolitan restaurants. “For six months I did not reciprocate,” Elizabeth said on social networks. “At first I didn’t like him at all. I don't even know why... Now I'm absolutely happy. The age difference of 12 years between us is not felt at all, and our parents really like our union. Bryksina always wanted her future husband to be a little older. “My man knows exactly what he wants. He knows how to appreciate, - Lisa explains the advantages of such a relationship. – Especially when the girl is so much younger, feelings and relationships are much warmer and more touching. Peers also have no aspirations in life!

Anton's acquaintance with the bride's family took place at the beginning of this year. The parents warmly received the charming young man, agreeing to his union with their eldest daughter. Liza's father, Alexander Bryksin, is not only engaged in political activities. He is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling and vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Lisa, by the way, has been involved in this sport for many years, but she has not reached any special heights. The state of Alexander Yuryevich, according to the income statement for 2014, published on the website

State Duma of the Russian Federation, is estimated at 127 million rubles. In addition, he owns a land plot of 6200 sq. m, houses in 557 sq. m and 262 sq.m, apartments in Spain and several cars. In addition to Liza, three more children grow up in the family of the politician. And this spring, the spouses Alexander and Svetlana Bryksin celebrated 25 years of marriage magnificently. Alexey Chumakov, Grigory Leps and many other stars congratulated them on their anniversary from the stage. Petrov's fortune, by the way, many times exceeds the capital of his father-in-law.

For 2014, according to the publication "Business Petersburg", it is estimated at 6 billion rubles. Anton got rich in the early 2000s in the construction business, a chain of fitness clubs and a jewelry factory. He is a co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Baltic Monolith construction company, which builds luxury real estate in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, and also owns the FitFashion fitness club chain and the Zolotoy and 585 jewelry stores.

“I dream of having the same happy and friendly family as my parents,” Bryksina shared in an interview with one of the publications at the beginning of this year. “They are my role models.” Anton and Elizabeth began to live together after the official registration of marriage in one of the registry offices of Moscow. And they decided to arrange a big wedding celebration in the fall. In the spring, the bride was not up to organizing the event - the girl was preparing to take state exams and defend her diploma at Moscow State University. In May, the couple celebrated Bryksina's birthday in the United Arab Emirates, where they flew on Petrov's private plane. They have many common hobbies - Lisa and Anton go in for sports, love pets.

Recently they have a common pet - a beagle named Parker. “Lisa, of course, knew about the existence of a rival, that his girlfriend was expecting a baby,” Bryksina’s friend Kamilla Lavrova told StarHit. - But Anton assured that his love for Marina had passed. In October, he took her with her daughter from the hospital. Often visits. As far as I know, they were able to maintain friendly relations ... Lisa fully supports him in his intention to raise a child and says that she is not at all jealous.

Communicating on the Internet, Bryksina does not name her lover anywhere - he is allegedly against publicity. After the wedding, which is scheduled for September 26, she plans to take her husband's surname.

“Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide. Life is unpredictable. Love passes. May he be happy."

StarHit contacted MakSim to find out what she thinks about Anton's hasty marriage. The singer was not surprised to hear about the upcoming magnificent celebration ... “Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide,” she shared. - Life is unpredictable. Love passes. May he be happy."

Singer Maksim (Marina Sergeevna Abrosimova) was born in Kazan on June 10, 1983. The girl from an early age began to study music. The future celebrity studied at a music school in piano and vocals. Along with music lessons, Marina went to the karate section. The versatile girl was constantly in the company of her older brother Maxim, and that is why they began to call her by his name. According to the singer herself, the pseudonym is also formed from the surname of Maximov - this is her mother's maiden name.

From the age of 14, Maxim actively begins to take part in various music competitions, for example, Teen Star and Nefertiti's Necklace, and also begins to write songs. The first were the compositions "Alien" and "Winter", which were included on the disc "My Paradise".

It is worth noting that the musical preferences of the future celebrity were very diverse. As the singer Maxim herself admits, she listened to everything - from "Spleen" to "Guests from the Future". However, the singer's preferences were also influenced by the music that her father listened to - these are The Beatles and Pink Floyd. And besides this, the girl spent a lot of time in the company of her brother and constantly listened to courtyard music.

The beginning of MakSim's career

At the age of 15, Maxim had already firmly decided that she would become a singer and began to take her first career steps. At studios in her hometown, the girl collaborates with the Pro-Z group and records her first songs Start, Alien and Passer-by. The first song becomes a number one hit in Tatarstan, played on local radio and in all clubs.

And after some time it gets into the “Russian Top Ten”, although the then popular “t.A.T.u.” were declared by the authors. according to the singer herself, she wrote this song long before the group appeared.

Singer Maxim begins to engage in her own promotion. The girl records songs as part of a low-budget project and collaborates with little-known bands.

And the radio gets Maxim's single "Difficult Age", however, it does not have such success as the second one - "Tenderness". A year later, the composition "Centimeters of Breath" hits the air. Suddenly, the song becomes popular. And this despite the fact that there was no promotional company. However, despite such success, the name of the singer is still not known to the general public.

The singer decides to go to Moscow. In the capital, the girl begins to write new songs. By the way, they say that at first the singer Maxim performed in the subway.

MakSim - Difficult age

The unexpected success of the singer Maxim

Maxim collected enough material for the album and began to look for a company that would agree to work with her.

“Once I unexpectedly arrived at a dance festival in St. Petersburg and saw that the song “Difficult Age” was being sung by 15 thousand people with me. With this video, I came to the Gala Records company - it was already obvious to the management that this was perceived positively by people, ”recalls singer Maxim.

Maksim - Do you know

This is how the first album of the singer “Difficult Age” appears, the hallmarks of which were the songs “Become the Wind”, “Do You Know?” and "Let go." And the song “Tenderness” gets to the first place of the chart of the “Russian Radio “Golden Gramophone” and stays there for 9 weeks. By the way, in the first few weeks, more than 200 thousand records of the artist were bought and the album becomes platinum.

After such a resounding success, singer Maxim goes on her first tour of the cities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Estonia and Belarus.

In 2007, the singer received two awards at once from the prestigious MTV Russian Music Awards ceremony: as the best pop project of the year and as the best performer.

In 2007, the Gala Records studio began to rush the singer Maxim to record her second album. The girl has already recruited a team of musicians who will perform with her. And by the end of the year, the material for the second disc, which became a diamond, is already being completely recorded. By the way, it also included two old compositions - "Alien" and "Winter". The fans perceive the first single of the album "My Paradise" with a bang, and the video becomes popular and in demand on television.

MakSim - Stamps

“Unlike “Difficult Age”, where there were only two songs about me, and the rest were all sorts of observational situations, in the new album I sing only to myself. That is, it is autobiographical. It contains all my emotions - from panicky fun to tearful sadness - over the last two years of my life, ”says Marina.

Critics noted that the new album sounds much better than the debut, moreover, more sincere and warm. However, opinions were also expressed that there were too few hits on the disc.

The artist admits that before the release of the album, she experienced the so-called “second album syndrome”. The girl was afraid that the disc would not be as successful as the first one.

For the first time, singer Maksim plans to perform at the Olimpiysky. The question is being raised in the press - will the singer gather such a huge hall. Contrary to popular belief, the site was sold out - more than 18 thousand people came to the performance.

After a short break, in December 2012, the singer presented a new single "Lullaby" and a video clip for it. On February 5, the premiere of two versions of the video for the song, which became a hit, "Sky Airplanes" - the director's version and the TV version - took place. In the spring of 2013, the premiere of the Animal Jazz video "Spider" took place, in the filming of which Maxim took part.

In March 2013, the singer announced the fourth album under the working title "Another Reality". According to her, all the songs for the album have already been recorded (among others, it will include the songs "Shards" and "How to Fly", as well as songs not yet published), but the release of the album was scheduled for May 27, 2013.

Animal Jazz - Spider

In April 2013, MakSim won the OE Video Music Awards 2012 in the Best Female Performance nomination.

On September 5, the premiere of the single "Another Reality" took place on the radio. On September 19, at a party dedicated to the launch of the Russian branch of Warner Music, the premiere of the video clip took place. The video premiered on the Internet on September 23. The single became the most successful on the radio with MakSim, after the release of the single "Shards".
2013 was one of the most fruitful and successful years for MakSim. So, on September 21, 2013, MakSim was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

In the same year, MakSim represented Russia at the international interactive vocal competition OGAE Song Contest with the song "It's Me". On October 31, the premiere of the social video “I will live” took place. On November 19, MakSim received an award in the nomination “Best Album”.

In 2014, MakSim's composition "I love you" sounded in the film "Only Girls in Sports". In March 2014, MakSim won the Spring Music: Tune in to the Beautiful nomination at the Spring Awards.

In August 2014, MakSim entered the top ten in the ranking of the most rotated performers on radio over the past 10 years.

At the end of 2014, a well-known men's magazine compiled a list of "21 songs of the XXI century", in which MakSim's song "Do You Know" took 9th place. On November 19, MakSim received the special prize "Best Singer-Songwriter" of the Music Box Award. On November 27, MakSim received the Song of the Year award for the song "God" at the LF City Awards. December 25 MakSim received a diploma "Romantic of our time."

In January 2014, the singer announced that the new album would be released in September 2015.

On February 10, the premiere of the song “Became Freer” took place. On February 13, a solo concert took place in Moscow, at which the singer presented a new song "My Love". In May, the release of Djigan's album "Your Choice" took place, which included a remake of MakSim's song "Rain".

In September, it became known that the new album, which is scheduled for release in autumn 2015, was called "Good".

MakSim's personal life

In mid-2008, information appears that Maxim is pregnant. Representatives of the singer do not comment on the rumors, however, the release of the song "Best Night" confirms the veracity of the assumptions. And in the video for the composition, the girl appears already with a rounded tummy. This single again storms the top of the charts, and the singer becomes the most rotated in Russia in 2008.

According to unverified reports, in October 2008, Maxim on the Indonesian island of Bali marries sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsev. The singer herself comments on changes in her personal life rather reservedly. On March 8, 2009, Maxim gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Alexandra. Immediately after that, the song “I won’t give it back” appears on the radio. And again the single is waiting for success.

A few months later, the song “Lonely” from the upcoming album of the same name hits the Internet. The composition shocks fans with its content. A young mother, in particular, sings: "I'll sit at home - it's better to smoke, I'll smoke." The girl began to be accused of promoting drugs. However, the artist herself again decided to remain silent.

Six months after the birth of their daughter, Marina Abrosimova and Alexei Lugovtsev celebrated their wedding and got married. The church rite was held in the capital's church of All Saints. Singer Maxim, despite the status of a young mother and newly-made wife, continues to work actively. And already at the beginning of December 2009, the singer will present her third album "Single". Two months later, the disc topped the Russian chart.

By the way, following the results of 2010, Maksim received quite a few awards. Among them are VOIS (“All-Russian Organization of Intellectual Property”) and “Golden Phonogram” for album circulation and song rotation on the radio.

However, in 2010, the artist presented only two songs “Rain” and “My answer is Yes!”. In December of the same year, information appeared that Maxim and the father of her child were getting a divorce. The news was confirmed a couple of months later. After that, the singer said that she had no plans to release the fourth album in a row and was just writing songs.

Soon after the divorce, a new love came into the personal life of the singer MakSim - to the lead singer of the famous St. Petersburg rock band Animal Jazz Alexander Krasovitsky. They became close while working on the video and at first hid their relationship for a long time, but rumors soon appeared that Marina settled with Alexander in his Moscow apartment. The novel did not last long.

On October 29, 2014, MakSim gave birth to her second daughter, Maria, from businessman Anton Petrov. In September 2015, it became known that MakSim broke up with her second common-law husband.

"Tender May" number two

In a very short period of time, Maxim was able to become one of the most popular performers not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. The girl developed her own unique style, and thanks to her perseverance and work, she was recognized as the most successful singer in the country in the first decade of the 21st century.

The artist is already being called a pop princess and the best-selling performer in Russia. And many media outlets drew a parallel between Maxim and the Laskovy May group, which was insanely popular in the early 90s. This is because there are many lyrical and touching songs in the girl's work.

Regularly singer MakSim (real name Marina Maksimova) pleases numerous subscribers with publications that she makes on her official page on the social network Instagram. The artist uploads photos and videos dedicated to the details of her public and private life.


Marina also publishes footage showing her eldest daughter Alexandra. But for some reason, the singer does not show a photo of the youngest heiress of Mary. Numerous subscribers were literally at a loss as to why, and finally Marina decided to explain her decision.

In an interview with the program "OK in touch!" Maksimova said that her father, businessman Anton Petrov, insisted on the absolute privacy of Maria's life. “I don’t show my youngest daughter much, because it was the wish of the pope. We respect this wish and go forward. When she herself wants and asks to appear somewhere, we will think about it. While we have adults decide,” said the singer .

Marina noted that her girls are very different. "The little daughter is completely creative, and she sings very loudly. She studies English closely, speaks English and Russian equally. She sings for the whole house, it's very fun, even the teachers laugh. Sasha is a more thoughtful girl, more serious. Well, and she feels responsible. She is a real older sister - the kind that they write about in books, "said the artist.

Despite the young age of Alexandra and Maria, Marina is already loading them with various activities. “It always seems to me that I give them too little education, although everyone who sees how much they are doing says:“ Well, give the children a rest! ”A person must adapt to be constantly busy, and then he does not have enough time be lazy," Marina Maksimova is sure.

We will remind, civil husband MakSim Anton Petrov married another. The businessman left the artist for the student Elizaveta Bryksina. The fact that the civil spouse of the singer has another woman became known thanks to social networks. In her account, Elizaveta Bryksina romantically wrote: "How quickly time flies ... It's been a year with you," accompanying the post with a corresponding picture. It is difficult to imagine what a shock the artist experienced when she found out that her beloved was spending evenings with another, especially considering that she was expecting a child from Anton - she was seven months pregnant.

When journalists contacted Marina to find out the details, she did not deny it. “Unfortunately, we could not become a family, what to hide. Life is unpredictable. Love passes. Let him be happy,” MakSim admitted sadly.

Singer Maxim is a young, talented and purposeful girl who, by her 32 years old, has already reached certain heights in the musical field. And most importantly, she achieved everything with hard work and incredible perseverance. People say: "The courage of the city takes." And this phrase is entirely about our heroine. At a young age, when all girls are waiting for love, Maxim wanted not just to dream, she decided to scream about her feelings to the whole world through music and poetry of her own composition. She was not afraid of difficulties and at the age of 17 she rushed from distant Tatarstan to Moscow, where, in fact, no one was waiting for her.

Our article will tell the reader about the main facts from the life of Maxim. The singer, biography, whose personal life and career is always in sight, will appear, perhaps, in a slightly different light, different from the stereotypical image in which people are often used to seeing her.


Marina Abrosimova - that's actually the name of the heroine of our article - was born in Kazan, in an absolutely ordinary family of an auto mechanic and a kindergarten teacher in the summer of 1983. As a child, she was a playful and extraordinary child, because, on the one hand, she was fond of karate, she was a kind of tomboy, on the other hand, she attended classes at a music school - she studied vocals and learned to play the piano. I must say that the creative pseudonym Maxim is the girl’s childhood nickname, which stuck to her due to the fact that from a young age she was inseparable from her older brother, Maxim Abrosimov.

And although Marina's education was not related to music, she first graduated from Lyceum No. 83 in Kazan, and later Kazan State Technical University. Tupolev as a public relations specialist. Music lived in the soul of the girl constantly. Marina started writing songs at school, which later became her debut hits and were included in the first music collection. In general, the girl can be called lucky - she knew from childhood that she wanted to be a singer, and was firmly confident in choosing her future.

The beginning of the creative path Maxim. A photo

The singer, whose biography is interesting to many fans today, began to take her creative steps in her hometown - Kazan. The recording of the first musical material - the songs "Alien", "Start" and "Passerby" - was carried out with the support of the musical group "Pro-Z". The group decided to help the young and talented talent. By the way, with the song "Start" a very curious situation came out. Musical pirates confused the cards for the aspiring singer, and her song was released in one of the music collections, but under the authorship of the popular at that time group “t.A.T.u.”. The true owner of the musical creation remained aloof for a long time. Singer Maxim at one time was even reproached for the fact that the girl imitates “tatushkas” in her behavior.

The creative biography of the singer Maxim developed bit by bit. Marina was engaged in that period not only in her own promotion, but also wrote songs for others, in particular for the Sh-cola group. She tried to try herself in everything - she participated in joint concerts with little-known bands, promoted her songs on the radio. However, at first, Maxim's efforts did not lead to success. The ice broke only when the song "Centimeters of Breath" appeared on the radio. The listeners liked the composition, and the girl immediately had inspiration for further creativity, although fame had not yet come to her. Maxim understood that global changes and fertile ground for fruitful work were needed - Kazan became too small for the ambitious Marina's plans. She went to conquer Moscow.

Moscow does not believe in tears

Like many visitors, Maxim experienced the "hospitality" of the big city. At first, the girl, barely making ends meet, performed in the Moscow metro. No one was waiting for her here, and she had to survive by all known means. The year was 2005, and by that time many songs had accumulated in the author's piggy bank. They needed a way out.

Marina was actively looking for a company that would help in recording musical material and become a springboard on the path to success. Soon such a campaign was found - Gala Records, in the person of sound producer Anatoly Stelmachenko, became the locomotive, which at a leisurely pace opened the then-unknown Maxim project to the Moscow public. “Difficult Age”, “Become the Wind”, “Let Go” - these compositions were the starting point, it was after their birth that the singer got into the rotation of the Russian Radio radio station. Soon her musical achievements were awarded the Golden Gramophone.

In March 2006, the biography of the singer Maxim changed dramatically. The girl released her debut album "Difficult Age". In a short time, the disc sold out in a crazy circulation (200 thousand copies) and received platinum status.

Second album

The first successes were followed by the appearance of everyone's favorite hits “Let go”, “Do you know”, “Become the wind”. The work swirled the girl in her arms - tours began in Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Germany. Another record associated with the name of Maxim was the fact that the recording of one of her Moscow concerts, released on DVD, became the best-selling recording in the history of the recording business in Russia.

Without slowing down, the girl was working on recording her second album. By the way, there have been minor changes in the creative process - Maxim began working together with musicians who play live sound. This brought fatal shades to the work of the performer, although the singer herself says that she was, is and will be only a pop diva. On November 13, 2007, Maxim's second music album, My Paradise, was presented to the world. The sales record broke the record success of Marina's first album - it sold 700,000 copies in a year, receiving platinum status. This was followed by a new large-scale tour and a concert at the Olimpiysky sports complex, which was attended by a huge number of people. Genuine success and recognition of the audience came to the singer.

About personal

It should be said that all Maxim's songs are her own story, her feelings, experiences and dreams. Perhaps she won the love of fans with her sincerity and simplicity, because the lyrics of her songs are about what happens in the life of every teenager. Her audience is just young girls, the same as Maxim's songs - tender and touching. And over the years, the singer's music has remained very autobiographical. In confirmation of this - the story associated with the song "Best Night".

It was after the release of this composition (2008) that rumors about the singer's pregnancy spread in the press. And then they were confirmed. The personal life of the singer Maxim became public. She and Alexei Lugovtsev had a daughter, Alexander. However, the happiness did not last long. In 2010, information appeared about the singer's divorce. The family boat failed the test. Numerous exaggerations of the situation in the press prompted Marina to give the only official interview to Oksana Pushkina's program. The girl in it admitted that their couple did not have the wisdom to preserve their own happiness, and explained the reasons why the young people decided to leave. In addition, Maxim said that during the period of her life together she had no inspiration to create decent music. And only now, after the divorce, she is returning to herself again.

New life

After the divorce, life for Maxim did not end. She continued to do her favorite thing, trying to create something every day, to strive for something. Soon the songs “Shards”, “Love is poison”, “I am the wind” were born. The new album of the performer "Another Reality" was not long in coming. The singer managed to work together with other performers. Before the audience appeared the composition "Our Summer", performed by a duet with rapper Basta, and the single "Sky fall asleep" - a collaboration with rapper Legalize. Interestingly, speaking about the joint work with Maxim, the guys noted the girl's incredible performance and her high professionalism, arguing that the created image of a little girl that the viewer sees is just a mask.

Marina is a very versatile person. And it is important to note that the biography of the singer Maxim includes many interesting facts. For example - a victory in the nomination "Best Female Performance" at the OE Video Music Awards or a victory in the nomination "Music of Spring: Tune in to the Beautiful" of the Spring Awards; MUSICBOX award for Best Album. On September 21, 2013, the singer was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic".

Maxim also represented Russia at the OGAE Song Contest; in 2014 ranked in the top 10 radio performers since 2004. In 2014, in the film “Only Girls in Sports”, the song “I Love You” was performed, authored by singer Maxim.

Biography: children are absolute happiness

On October 29, 2014, Maxim had another daughter, Maria. The father of the child is businessman Anton Petrov. As the singer admits to correspondents, being a mother is absolute happiness. Talking about his girls, Maxim frankly says that the birth of Alexandra's first daughter was exciting and confused the singer. The first child is a constant fear and worries for any reason. In general, it was not easy. But the birth of the second daughter became a conscious and planned event, because the experience of raising the first child gave a feeling of peace and self-confidence.

Today, a young mother tries to spend every free minute with her girls, is engaged in their development, pampers. However, the issue of money and the freedom associated with them, is wary. Maxim herself grew up in a family with a modest income, so she knows the value of money. However, today, receiving good fees for his work, he is afraid of too much money, or rather, what effect they have on the psyche of people. She says that she has seen enough of such stories and wants her little ones to understand everything correctly from an early age.

About fans and the future

Speaking about herself as a person and as a performer, Maxim notes that, probably, she has changed with the passage of time, but she herself does not realize this. Although after the birth of children, of course, she began to look at many things differently and, probably, her music also matured. Watching the situation, how her once young fans have already managed to get married and today they come to concerts with their families, together with their children, the singer rejoices. If people come, then there is sincerity in Maxim's work - and this is the most important thing. After all, the viewer does not forgive deception.

Fans of the singer can always follow her life on Instagram. All the information that appears on the network is what the singer Maxim lives. Biography, height, weight, new hobbies - topics that always excite fans and become hotly discussed on the Internet.

The artist says that her life is scheduled by the minute. “...Participation in various creative projects, concerts, filming takes a lot of time. And it is also a huge responsibility when you are no longer meant for yourself. After all, you are a public person, you are the singer Maxim. Biography, family, physical form - these are all those issues that a lot of effort is spent on solving every day. But first of all, it is a great happiness, working on what is important and dear to you ... ”.

Speaking about plans for the future, Maxim does not indicate clear guidelines or any specific goals. She intends to go only forward and do only what will be interesting to her. And she loves to experiment on herself. Laughing, he talks about how, for the sake of business, he can easily leave his comfort zone and go to the goal for days on end. So it was on the set of the video for the song "Golden Fish". The singer went on pointe and practically lived in a ballroom class, while dropping her own weight to incredible limits through many hours of daily training. By the way, some time after the second birth, with a height of 160 cm, the girl's weight was only 45 kg. Is this not an example?

Therefore, apparently, the biography of the singer Maxim will be filled with interesting events from year to year. Surely the girl still has many large-scale achievements and victories ahead, since she knows how to achieve her goal, and she has the right creativity and ambitions.

Possessing a surprisingly strong female energy and a romantic image, the singer with the male pseudonym Maxim absolutely does not need an official introduction, since for many years the army of her fans has continued to arrive. Naturally, the stellar path for her, as well as for many of her colleagues, was not so simple. The performer had to experience disappointments, betrayals, and outright betrayal. However, no ups and downs in either creative or personal life could affect the quivering and tender relationship with both the eldest daughter of singer Maxim Alexandra, born from her first marriage with Alexei Lugovtsov, and with the younger Maria, whose father is businessman Anton Petrov.

The performer became one of those women who managed to combine the development of a successful career with the birth of children. Today she is a happy mother of two daughters, whom she loves madly. The story of the birth of the youngest daughter of the singer Maxim is known to many, firstly because it happened relatively recently - only almost two years ago, and secondly, because it is connected with the scandalous story of the betrayal of the civil husband of the heroine of our article. Nevertheless, Maxim does not make a difference between his daughters, having managed to survive the negative of those days and leaving him in the past. Probably, fearing unhealthy curiosity for the baby after everything that happened, the singer hid her from others for a very long time and only recently showed her to the public.

As for the eldest daughter of the singer Maxim, Alexandra is already a schoolgirl. Last year, the performer took the girl to the first grade of a general education gymnasium. Naturally, like any caring mother, Maxim is responsible for her daughter's education, so a year before the start of school, her daughter began to attend preparatory classes. Inherent in the star and a sense of maternal pride. And there is something to be proud of, because, although Alexandra's age is quite young, the girl is already doing an excellent job of cooking some dishes. Obviously, she inherited her love for cooking from her mother, who from childhood was taught to bake and cook.

The fact with which a celebrity treats her girls with awe and care is also evidenced by the fact that she does not deny herself or them the joy of communication, paying much attention to children, despite the fact that, of course, she also has assistants in face of the nanny and parents. Having stepped over her own experiences from failures in past relationships, Maxim did not leave her babies without the attention of their fathers, which also speaks of her feminine wisdom.

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