Outsourcing service. Legal and information support

The concept of outsourcing has been used in the Russian business community relatively recently. However, over a relatively short period, it has become quite widespread. The essence of outsourcing is the transfer of authority to a third-party organization to perform certain operations.

Currently, there are many services on the market. outsourcing companies. Accordingly, there is high competition in this area. Consider further the features outsourcer work.

General information

Outsourcing is a set of activities related to the transfer of certain functions and operations from one enterprise to another. In simple terms, this activity involves the use of other people's resources.

The main features of outsourcing include:

  • Availability contracts with an outsourcer.
  • Long term agreement. As a rule, it is concluded for at least a year.
  • Transfer of minor operations and functions.
  • Ability to transfer business process management. For example, a third-party company maintains accounting, selects personnel, and performs maintenance.

Who is an outsourcer?

It is an organization that assumes certain functions and manages certain operations. As a rule, such companies are highly specialized. This significantly increases the level of responsibility of the organization and the quality of the services it provides.


Currently, in any field you can find an outsourcer company. This can be the area of ​​accounting support, production, legal, personnel, IT support, etc.

As a rule, large enterprises apply for the services of such organizations. However, in practice there are many cases when representatives of medium and small businesses transfer some functions to an outsourcer. This may be due to various reasons. For example, an entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to keep accounting on his own. In this case, he turns to another company and transfers the relevant functions to it.

Accounting services

This type of outsourcing is considered the most popular. A third-party organization is involved in accounting and reporting. At the same time, the contracting authority is responsible for the accuracy of the documentation.

Cooperation can be carried out in different directions. An outsourcing company can deal with:

  • Compiling reports.
  • Accounting.
  • Full accounting support of the enterprise.

IT services

This type of outsourcing involves the transfer of a large number of functions related to the maintenance of computer and other equipment. This can be, for example, repairing equipment or creating and maintaining software.

Currently, IT outsourcing is one of the most popular activities in the world. This is due to the widespread use of information technology and increased requirements for specialists.


This type of outsourcing is in demand among large organizations in which staff turnover is very high. The need to cooperate with an outsourcing company is due to the cost and laboriousness of recruitment activities.

Currently, there are a huge number of recruitment agencies. They offer services for finding specialists, calculating the tax burden arising from wages, accruing bonuses, compensations, etc. At the same time, the agency is not responsible for the work of the staff itself.

Legal services

Another popular direction of outsourcing. Representatives of medium and small businesses apply for legal services.

The main task of the outsourcer is the legal support of the company's activities. At the same time, a law firm can be entrusted with a variety of processes: from registration to liquidation of an enterprise.

Hiring an in-house lawyer is more expensive than outsourcing.


In this area, there are also many enterprises offering cargo escort services. Logistic outsourcing is also called transport outsourcing. The main functions are related to the transportation of products. As a rule, such companies are approached by enterprises that use logistics services rarely, from time to time. It is unprofitable for such firms to create their own service.

The outsourcer assumes the functions of not only transportation, but also storage of cargo.

Search Features

Choosing an outsourcer- is not an easy task. In order not to be mistaken, you should, first of all, consult with familiar entrepreneurs who use the services of such firms.

If the partners of the enterprise manage their own processes and bear all risks, outsourcer can be found on the freelance exchange. It is necessary to formulate a task and place it on any site you like.

What should you pay attention to?

Outsourcer assessment conducted primarily on his portfolio. It will show the presence of experience, the necessary qualifications. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the tasks that the company will have to perform.

Some operations will require high professionalism, and some can be performed by a beginner. For example, searching for images for a site, mailing letters, processing photos, etc. can be entrusted to an inexperienced outsourcer. These works will not cost a lot of money, as they are not particularly difficult. A newcomer to the outsourcing business will, in turn, gain experience.

Start of cooperation

The decision to conclude a contract with the company is made by the customer. Here, again, everything will depend on the complexity of the tasks.

If the company assumes long-term cooperation and does not want to risk financial resources, it is advisable to draw up an agreement. If the project is simple, and its implementation does not require much time, you can not conclude an agreement.

When drawing up a contract, it is necessary to correctly determine its type. This may be an agreement on the provision of services for a fee or a work contract. If the outsourcer is a legal entity, then he will pay taxes on his own. If the contract is concluded with an individual, then, in addition to direct payment for his work, you need to make social contributions. The outsourcer himself will pay personal income tax in the amount of 13% of the income.


When cooperating with a person who is not on the staff of the enterprise, there is always a risk of his disappearance. The performer, for example, may not get in touch, get sick, or simply miss the deadline. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the control of its activities.

To do this, you can use the CRM system or Megaplan. These tools allow you to formulate tasks and control their implementation. It is necessary to designate control points, operations that must be performed, the deadline for their completion.

Another effective tool is the system of remote access to the performer's computer. It allows you to track his actions. For communication, as a rule, Skype is used.

Benefits of outsourcing

The main advantages of this activity include:

  • Significant cost reduction.
  • Reduction of staff.
  • The ability to concentrate on the main areas of activity, getting rid of the need to solve routine tasks.
  • Getting high quality services.
  • Sharing of responsibility.

It is advisable to contact an outsourcing company if the payment for its services will be more profitable than the maintenance of an additional department or a full-time employee at the enterprise.

The main advantage of outsourcing is the ability to concentrate on the direct activities of the organization. Part of the tasks is transferred to a third-party company. This significantly saves resources, which, in turn, can be used to expand the enterprise.

Firms providing outsourcing services pay special attention to the quality of their work. Companies that have been on the market for a long time use innovative technologies that allow them to quickly solve their tasks.

With the transition to a market economy, many foreign terms have appeared in our everyday life, such as outsourcing. If you say what is outsourcing in simple words, then this is the transfer of certain business processes to an external company that has a narrow specialization in a particular area.

The concept of outsourcing

In Russia, outsourcing has received active development in the past few years. This is not surprising. In an effort to develop, many companies are looking for hidden reserves, outsourcing makes it possible to reveal them.

At the first stage, firms transferred certain work in the service sector of the main production to other companies. Clearly stood out transport, legal, security companies that offered their services on an ongoing basis.

For example, one cannot argue with the fact that a professional security guard is better than an ordinary watchman without qualifications. If a company needs the services of a security guard, it is easier and cheaper for it to turn to a special company than to hire a person, provide him with ammunition and be responsible for his health. This is classic outsourcing.

One of its signs is not a one-time provision of services, but cooperation on an ongoing basis for a long time - more than 1 year.

Outsourcing companies: what is it?

Demand for a certain service entails an increase in offers from performers. Using the experience of leading companies, large, medium, and small businesses increasingly began to transfer some of their business processes to external performers. This contributed to the development of outsourcing companies.

Outsourcing company is an organization that offers its services to perform work in various business areas.

Outsourcing companies were born like mushrooms and now it is not at all difficult to find specialists of any profile who can be attracted to perform various work at the enterprise. If earlier these companies were given jobs in the service sector or some administrative functions, now they are boldly trusted with financial transactions, business planning and even production.

A striking example of this is the world famous manufacturer of sportswear company Nike. She outsourced tailoring and product sales to outsourcing companies. This freed up resources for more important work - designing clothes and developing new technologies that will allow them to beat the competition.

How does outsourcing work? Video:

Types of outsourcing

Outsourcing has covered many areas of the national economy. Today it affects almost all business processes.

Outsourcing services- this is the performance of a part of the work that the enterprise entrusts to a third-party organization for a long period of time.

But still, it is possible to distinguish the main types that are more in demand and most often used:

Advantage and disadvantages

Outsourcing has its advantages and disadvantages. As in any other field, there is no guarantee that the company will provide really high-quality services. After all, many strive to make a business on this, but not everyone succeeds.

Therefore, it is worth contacting a well-known company that has been working in this area for more than one year and has a good reputation. When saving on the cost of the work of an outsourcing company, there is a possibility of running into non-professionals or scammers.

If we abstract from this, then we can distinguish the following outsourcing benefits:

Along with many advantages, Outsourcing also has its drawbacks.:

Outsourcing for beginner businessmen, video:

Outsourcing ban in Russia since 2016

In the Russian Federation, since 2016, some changes are coming that relate to outsourcing. The fact is that unscrupulous employers use this scheme not only to optimize work, save costs and their development, but also to circumvent the law.

The use of outsourcing allows you not to pay some taxes or pay them in a smaller amount. In addition, employees taken out of the state through the outsourcing scheme and involved in production are not protected.

If they actually participate in hazardous production, they are not entitled to benefits, additional leave. They do not pay insurance and trade union dues, which limits the rights of workers.

On January 1, 2016, the law comes into force. From now on, agency work will be prohibited in Russia. The ban does not apply to outsourcing in general, but only to its elements in which significant abuses are observed. Special requirements will apply to various recruitment agencies and private employment agencies.

  • a temporary employee cannot work for more than 9 months;
  • the salary of the involved employee should not be less than that of colleagues engaged in the same work;
  • there must be compensation for harmful and dangerous working conditions;
  • the number of involved employees should not exceed 10%, otherwise it will be necessary to obtain permission from the trade union.

At the same time, private recruitment agencies will have to undergo mandatory accreditation. To carry out their activities, the authorized capital must be at least one million rubles, and the director must have a higher education and experience in working with personnel.

The activity of recruitment agencies, where the founder is an enterprise that is on a simplified taxation system, is prohibited.

The law will apply only abuses in the recruitment of personnel from third-party organizations. Other areas of outsourcing will not be affected.

Outsourcing plays an important role in the development of modern business. Any enterprise, for one reason or another, requires the involvement of qualified highly specialized specialists from outside. There is no point in hiring such employees. Therefore, to save money and improve work efficiency, many use the services of outsourcing companies.

Personnel outsourcing is a reasonable saving of time and money. We have the potential and opportunities so that you can fully concentrate on your business, and not rack your brains over the problem of selecting the personnel you need. Personnel outsourcing will help your business reach a new stage of development. We will provide you with any line personnel for your production. For your convenience, we can take care of all the costs of transportation, food and equipment for employees. To provide our employees with food, we have our own individual production and a specially designed menu.

Personnel leasing is one of the most effective ways of flexible and competent human resource management. It serves as an effective component of the personnel policy of the enterprise, allowing you to quickly ensure the implementation of individual projects or specialized work. Staff hire is a simple and profitable service not only for large companies, but also for small businesses. Very often there are situations when it is necessary to perform a large amount of work in a short time. Staff hire will allow you to easily and quickly cope with the task.

Managment structure

We have developed a clear structure for the selection, management and control of the personnel provided. Thanks to such an organization, we control the deadlines for completing tasks and clearly know how many staff you need. For every 10 employees we provide a foreman, for every 30 employees - a territorial manager and for every 100 employees - a production manager.

The key to successful work is a full range of our services: food, accommodation, travel of employees.

individual shape

For each of our employees, regardless of their activities, we provide high-quality individual uniforms. Depending on the time of the year and the weather, we supply our employees with all the necessary equipment so that work in your production does not stop even for a minute. We provide a uniform for an employee for any production, from factory enterprises to waiters and maids. We care about our staff.


We manage five dormitories in Moscow and the Moscow region, so you don't have to worry about where to place your employees. Also for resettlement we use: the private sector and country houses. In order to fully control the accommodation of workers, our security team conducts random checks of the premises even on holidays, during the day and at night.

Delivery of personnel to the object

We have a large fleet of buses to transport workers to the site. To organize a full-fledged transport communication, we provide three types of transport. For small transfers, we use minibuses with a capacity of up to 21 people. In the conditions of city traffic jams - an ideal option to get to the place on time. For larger objects, we use small buses with a capacity of up to 36 people. And for large-scale production, large spacious buses up to 45 people are used.

Catering for employees

To fully provide employees with everything necessary, in addition to uniforms and travel, we have developed and implemented catering services at the facility. Our staff is provided with hot three meals a day. The employee's diet includes a strictly balanced amount of products necessary to maintain shape and performance throughout the working day.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Since the beginning of the nineties of the last century, foreign terms have begun to penetrate quite tightly into the Russian language, the essence of which is not initially clear to everyone (an example can be, about the essence of which you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but it’s not always possible to explain everything in simple words).

Outsourcing is one such term. Recently, this word has been very often used in Runet, so many would like to understand what is outsourcing why it is so popular, and it is desirable that all this be put into words understandable to everyone (and not just specialists). Actually, this little note serves this noble purpose.

What is outsourcing in simple examples

Any business (if it is carried out officially in compliance with all financial and legal requirements) consists of a much larger number of processes than it might seem to an outside observer. Even if you have a company with a staff of several employees, then, in addition to the main business process, you will have to deal with a number of non-core, but mandatory processes (for example, bookkeeping, transportation, logistics, use software, etc.).

By the way, it is the presence of so many additional “headaches” that stops many from opening their own company, although ideas can be very promising. Just to solve these problems and outsourcing was invented(back in the thirties of the last century, the bigwigs of the automotive business). What it is? Let's look at an example, and then we will give a definition.

Let's say that you have gained good experience in website promotion, and since you are tired of "working for your uncle", you decide to stir up your online store. As you can see from the preface, you are a specialist only in website promotion and you plan to apply your main efforts (skills) in the promotion of product positions in search engines (and other ways to attract customers to your wonderful online store).

But an online store is not only marketing. Someone must communicate with the attracted client (you need to create a call center), someone must deliver the goods (you have to think), the entire turnover must be taken into account (you have to think about document flow and accounting). Or maybe, well, this online store is a lot of worries? A rash decision, because outsourcing is already quite well developed in the post-Soviet space, which will help you enter the business without unnecessary “headaches”.

Do you want to focus only on the main line of business? Yes please eh outsource everything else(processing customer calls, delivery of incoming orders, accounting and bookkeeping, etc.). Thus, you will get rid of unnecessary worries and will be able to deal with the main direction, entrusting everything secondary to professionals (on the basis of drawing up an agreement for the provision of outsourcing services).

See another example. You have a company of five people, but you need the services of an IT specialist. It will not be profitable for you to hire him on staff, because for the most part he will be “idle”. What to do? You can (for example, in), but if you want to have guarantees of the quality of work performed, then it is better to contact an outsourcing company that provides IT services in any amount the client needs. Thus, you will receive a professionally performed service for an acceptable fee (a specialist for rent with a given amount of work).

Note that I wrote "executable" and not "executed". The fact, that outsourcing is different from a service(for example, for a one-time software setup, etc.) by the fact that the contract for the provision of services during outsourcing is concluded for quite long period of time(from six months to several years). Those. this is not a one-time action, but a fruitful cooperation for a sufficiently long period of time.

For example, a company can conclude an outsourcing agreement for cleaning work (window cleaning) for a couple of years. During this time, she will be provided with a team of washers who will receive a salary from a cleaning company, but you will manage and load them with work. In fact, you rent this team of washers (for outsourcing).

An example of outsourcing is . About what it is, I already wrote in some detail at the link provided. In this case, the supplier of the goods gives care of finding customers to partners, thereby significantly saving money and resources, and at the same time giving everyone the opportunity to earn extra money. The same can be said about affiliate programs.

Well, it's time for a definition. What is outsourcing in simple words? In fact, this is the transfer of some of the non-core functions of your company to performers from the outside (to third-party companies that specialize in this - outsourcers, that is, subcontractors).

Sometimes business processes that are secondary to the company (production of spare parts, after-sales service, etc.) are outsourced. In this case, the word outsourcing can act as a synonym for the word cooperation.

if you outsourcing services required, contact a recognized expert in the field of business process outsourcing throughout the Russian Federation - Profrezerv Group of Companies.

Why is outsourcing a great future?

Thus, it can already be emphasized main differences of outsourcing from other forms of cooperation, which are as follows:

  1. An outsourcing agreement (agreement) is concluded for a long period of time (six months, a year, two...).
  2. Subcontractors are not assigned to perform primary, but secondary processes or operations (for example, window washing, cleaning of premises, advertising, accounting, receiving calls, creating and maintaining a website, etc.)
  3. As already mentioned, outsourcing also implies the transfer of business processes (maintenance, recruitment, accounting and office work, logistics, marketing, etc.) to the outside as well.

It is worth summarizing those pros, which the business owner receives from cooperation in the outsourcing format:

  • This is an opportunity to focus only on the core business activities, thereby increasing the return on business. There will be no need to be distracted by the secondary, to scatter attention, and waste time on “reinventing the wheel”.
  • Outsourcing companies, ideally, begin full-fledged performance of their duties immediately after the conclusion of the contract and immediately at a high professional level.
  • In addition to time and nerves, outsourcing, as a rule, can save a lot. A little higher, I gave an example when a small company cannot afford to hire a specialist, but it is quite convenient to rent him (with a guarantee of quality).
  • For example, why do we need an accounting department, when for the most part its staff will kick the bullshit. It is much easier to conclude an agreement with a third-party organization that has actually eaten the dog (with a good reputation) and outsources this service. Everything! The problem is solved and you can forget about it. You do not bother with anything superfluous, free up time and significantly save money! Although this type of service has recently become popular in our country, it is already very popular.

    In our country, the victorious pace of outsourcing It began with the distribution of security services (it’s impossible for every serious company to recruit its own “army”) and PR agencies (marketing is not an easy joke, and at the beginning it took a long time to prepare competent specialists). Then other forms of services, which had previously been successfully tested in the west, also pulled up. It would be quite difficult to list all the services that are now provided according to this principle.

    For example, if you have a website, then you probably place it with a hosting provider, which, in fact, is an outsourcer - it takes care of the availability of your resource by hosting it at its own facilities. SEO companies that take your site for promotion also belong to the same cohort of subcontractors. The same can be said about the creation and support of websites, setting up and maintaining special software, and similar things that can be attributed to IT business process outsourcing.

    Examples of manufacturing outsourcing you can see in high-tech products all over the world. Some company develops a product (phone, chip, processor, tablet, etc.), and the product is manufactured somewhere in China. At the same plant, various products are produced for dozens of other companies under an outsourcing contract (). Such interaction is beneficial, because the organization of one's own production and the use of one's own labor force can be highly unprofitable or even unprofitable.

    There is no doubt that outsourcing services have a great future in our country and throughout the post-Soviet space. This market has not yet fully formed and you have a chance to find your niche there.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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    Currently, part of the staff for any organization can be provided by an outsourcing company. What are these services, and how such companies work - let's try to figure it out in this article.

    Prerequisites for the emergence

    Outsourcing, as a separate line of business, arose from the practice of conventional recruitment agencies. Ordinary employment agencies tried to employ their applicants for a permanent job. But there were also firms that needed workers temporarily, for example, to replace a sick employee or to perform some one-time work. The services of an outsourcing company are aimed precisely at filling this gap. The word "outsourcing" in translation from English means "external source" and gives an understanding of a third-party supplier.

    On the other hand, the company has a need to hire employees to perform a certain area of ​​work. Such a firm does not need to inflate the staff and pay taxes for employees whose work will be useful only for a strictly limited time. An outsourcing company will also come to the rescue here. The work that required temporary employees will be completed, and the company itself will pay off the outsourcing firm, without worrying about the calculation of salaries, bonuses and taxation of temporarily hired workers.

    How it works

    Services for the selection of temporary staff are currently provided by an outsourcing company. What are these services and how is hiring done?

    For example, an organization is preparing for a general tax audit. To prepare for this event, the accounting department may require temporary employees to double-check primary documents. For example, an organization applies to an outsourcing bureau with a request to allocate several employees for a certain time. The bureau provides them with temporary employees according to the contract. These workers are not included in the staff of the organization, they do not receive a salary there - all payments are made only through an outsourcing bureau.

    Types of outsourcing

    Currently, there are various types of outsourcing, the range of services depends on the type and completeness of the functions transferred to a third-party organization. Distinguish between partial and full outsourcing. Partial - this is when part of the functions is transferred to third-party workers. If an employee of an outsourcing company takes on all the work in a particular department, then this type of service is called full outsourcing. What does it look like in practice?

    If the problems of setting up and upgrading computers for enterprises are shifted onto the shoulders of a third-party enterprise, this is a complete outsourcing. If a third-party enterprise is responsible only for administering the system and updating databases, and a full-time employee deals with hardware problems, repairs and updates, this is private outsourcing. The type of services required by the enterprise is specified in the contract signed by the outsourcing company. What is this document?

    Standard outsourcing contract

    The contract is the basis for formalizing the relationship and obligations between the customer of services and the outsourcing bureau. In the main part of the document on the provision of paid services, there are paragraphs on the delegation of functions, which will be carried out by the outsourcing company in the future. Service is carried out after the preliminary selection of candidates - the customer of services can insist on self-selection, interviewing and testing the qualifications of applicants for temporary work. Or maybe outsource these responsibilities.

    A typical contract should contain the following items:

    • privacy - compliance with the customer, the clause on non-disclosure of confidential information and compliance with guarantees;
    • detailed requirements for a candidate for a position with a list of personal characteristics: availability of appropriate education, necessary experience, work in a specific position, etc.;
    • conditions for the performance of work - list, volume, terms, etc.;
    • a measure of responsibility of outsourcing for poor-quality provision of services - fines, penalties, return of funds, etc.

    Popular outsourcing

    Today, companies engaged in temporary provision of employees specialize mainly in the following activities:

    • IT outsourcing - this means work on web programming, website development, maintenance, administration, creation and maintenance of unique software.
    • Production outsourcing - involves the transfer of a part of the company For example, an advertising agency instructs a third-party organization to distribute flyers and leaflets.
    • Business process outsourcing - when it comes to outsourced employees to perform one-time work. For example, an additional staff of accountants and lawyers during the tax audit.

    Alternative Job Opportunities

    For students or persons without a permanent place of employment, the opportunity to improve their financial situation is provided by work in outsourcing companies. Feedback from temporary workers suggests that such cooperation provides a small but constant income.

    Outsourcing provides an opportunity to try on others and try to find yourself in a different specialty. It is also suitable for those who do not see themselves in a permanent place of work, who want to develop. It is also good for beginner businessmen - you can feel the process of production or sales from the inside, having worked as a temporary employee at an existing enterprise.

    Base of outsourcing work

    Personnel is the main advantage that a good outsourcing company has. Feedback on the work of temporary employees constitutes the capital of the firm, with the help of which the company will constantly expand customer organizations. Thanks to the distraction from secondary tasks, full-time employees can focus on achieving the main goals that the company's management sets for itself.

    Benefits of outsourcing

    The undoubted advantage of such cooperation is cost savings. When concluding an agreement on the involvement of third-party workers, we can safely predict a reduction in costs by about 20%. Such savings arise from the reduction of investment in intangible resources - such as training, internships for a new employee, maintenance of own staff, administrators and accountants for timesheets or payroll. Decrease due to temporary disability of the employee - in case of illness, the outsourcing bureau simply sends a new, no less qualified employee. And if a layoff is coming in the state, you can try to substitute an outsource worker for a new amount of work and analyze the effectiveness of his work in terms of energy costs.

    Additional benefits

    A good option for outsourcing will be for foreign enterprises or for firms opening new activities. Foreign specialists may not be fully aware of the intricacies of legal and accounting support adopted in our country. For competent management of economic and tax accounting, outsourcing workers are invited, who will perform their duties until the appearance of full-time employees.

    When developing new types of activities, hiring temporary workers will help the company's management to evaluate the profitability of a new undertaking, calculate the necessary costs and see the effectiveness of a new line of activity "idle".

    Disadvantages of outsourcing

    Of course, such cooperation has its own pitfalls. First of all, it is a constant dependence on another enterprise. If a temporary employment agency loses its staff, then all this will immediately affect the reputation of the company that has concluded an agreement with it. There may be some breach of confidentiality - temporary employees can go to work and to a competing firm and unwittingly reveal the commercial intentions of the company where the outsourcing company sent them last time. What kind of information this is and how it will be announced depends only on the personal data of the employees sent by the outsourcing company.

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