Vocal Competition “Constellation of Talents. Scenario of the competition "funny notes"

Preparation for the competition

1. General Provisions.

1. 1. The competition is held to identify, develop and support talented children in the field "Artistic and aesthetic development" , increasing the level of musical development of preschoolers.

"Day of the preschool worker" .

2. Objectives of the competition: - increase children's interest in singing; - to develop the singing and performing skills of children;

3. Participants of the competition. The competition is attended by children from 4 to 6 years old attending kindergarten.

4. Competition jury:


senior caregiver

Representatives of the parent committee of the preschool educational institution.

5. The order of the competition.

5. 1. Conducting a mini-competition among children of groups.

5. 2. The competition provides for the following nominations - the best soloist; - the best duet; - the best vocal ensemble.

5. 2. During the competition, children who participated in the competition for the first time can be noted - for courage; - for the will to win, etc.

6. Requirements and evaluation criteria. The level of performance of songs is evaluated on a 5-point scale according to the following criteria:

  1. Performance technique: musicality, emotionality, expressiveness, etc.
  2. Artistic interpretation of a musical work: artistry, stage costume, stage culture.
  3. Purity of intonation, culture of sound.

The winner is determined by the highest score.

7. Summing up and rewarding.

Summing up takes place directly at the competition, the winners are awarded with diplomas and prizes.

2. A mini-competition is held in groups.

Children and adults choose the participants of the competition according to performance data. And also, when selecting participants, the desire of children to participate in the competition is taken into account.

3. The jury is selected and the day of the competition is appointed. Awards are determined - diplomas, prizes.

Materials: Music center, 2 microphones, projector, phonograms of songs for the participants of the competition, attributes for performances, a table for the jury, tables for the jury with the names of the participants and evaluation criteria, diplomas and prizes.

Children's vocal competition

  • dedicated

"Day of the preschool worker" .


The script will be useful to music directors, kindergarten teachers. The festival is attended by adults and kindergarten students aged 4 to 6 years.

Purpose: To identify and support talented children in the field of "Artistic and aesthetic development", to increase the level of musical development of preschoolers. Contribute to the formation of aesthetic and artistic taste, the development of creative abilities, team building. Creating a positive mood, expanding children's ideas about professions in kindergarten.

Participants: 1st presenter, 2nd presenter, jury, educators, children, parents, students of the 2nd grade of MBOU "Secondary School No. 15".

Hall design: On the central wall is the name of the competition "Rainbow of Voices", notes, a large sun with rays, flowers.

Event progress

The song sounds "Our Teacher" (music and electronics by E. Alexandrova). The leaders of the holiday come out.

Presenter 1: Hello, colleagues, happy holiday friends!

Today we have a very important and pleasant occasion to gather in this bright and cozy hall. Today we have a holiday - Day of the preschool worker. Approximately 141 years ago, the first kindergarten in Russia was opened. On September 27, we all celebrate the holiday “Day of the preschool worker. Congratulations, dear employees!


Happy Preschooler's Day today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you all the best!
And how good you are!

Presenter1. It is about those who give themselves entirely to the upbringing of children, sparing no effort and time, who do not know the words "I don't want" , "I can not" , "I do not know how" who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves their job and hurries here every day to continue to live for them, kids, and be needed by them ... It is about those and for those that we will hold a children's vocal competition "Rainbow of Voices" today .

Presenter2. And now I invite the contestants to the hall.

A. Ostrovsky's song sounds "The song stays with the person" .

The children participating in the competition enter the hall, walk in a circle and stand in the places allotted in advance.

Presenter 1: Please introduce yourself, our dear contestants!

Children take turns calling their names, which calms them down a bit and gives them self-confidence.

Presenter2. And now I want to introduce you guys to the jury.

Your performance will be judged by:

Head of our kindergarten.

Senior educator.

Presenter1: Well, the contestants are all assembled, presenters are in place, we have music, ... Then ... let's start! Take your seats.

Children-participants leave the hall to prepare for their number.

We are the first to invite the smallest contestants to this stage. Vocal Ensemble "Solnyshko"

No. 1 The song "Kindergarten"_A is performed. Filippenko_ (Group 5)

Presenter 2: Applause to the vocal group "Solnyshko"


Happy Preschooler's Day today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
You wish mood
Our babies!

Children of the 6th group read poetry
Child 1: Congratulate the teachers
With this holiday we want
On this day, with all our hearts, we

We say thank you!
Child 2: For care, upbringing,
And for this kind look,
For love and understanding

Our little guys!
Child 3: Who leads at the beginning of life
Our very first lesson?
Well, of course, the educator,

He is our first teacher!
Child 4: We want to congratulate you all
On this holiday from the heart,
Thank you very much

We will announce today!

Presenter 2: Next on this stage we invite the vocal ensemble "Watercolor"

No. 2 The song "This is our teacher" is performed. lyrics by T. Volgina music by A. Filippenko (9 gr.)

Presenter1: Applause for the vocal group "Aquarelle" Presenter2: Today is a holiday in kindergarten - The teacher is in sight.

Host1: Receives congratulations, dreams of his worldly ...

Chorus: Let the dreams come true, educators of the country!

Presenter 2: Our graduates are in a hurry to congratulate all the kindergarten workers.

Children of the preparatory group number 7 read poetry.


We are glad to congratulate you today
All Kindergarten workers:
teachers, doctors,
Babysitters and cooks!


And the caretaker quickly
Our washerwoman, watchmen -
Everyone who lives here with us
He gives his heart to children!

And our manager is beautiful.
And he handles everything.
And she has a lot of work.
And we say thank you very much

For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And garden prosperity!

All of them with great love
We are taken care of here
Learn, feed and play
Send to 1st class!

Happy holiday, dear ones!
You are like mothers!
All the guys say
Chorus: Happy holiday, our kindergarten!

Presenter1: The next contestant is soloist Narina

No. 3 with the song "Our favorite kindergarten" op. and music. Gulnara Azamatova-Bas. (7 group)

Presenter1: Applause to Narine


They can do it all, they can do it all
People with a wide, kind soul.
No evil can overcome them!
They are teachers with a capital letter!

Presenter1: We meet the next contestant, soloist Eva ......

No. 4 with the song "Ding - Ding, Kindergarten!" and supported by her dance group "Multi - Pulti" (2 gr.)

Presenter 2: Applause to Eve and the dance group "Multi-Pulti".


Educator is our profession, and sometimes without titles, awards,
All the same, we love our work and we are all in a hurry to go to kindergarten.
Year after year passes in worries. Everything is for them - for their own kids.
We study and implement the innovations of today.

And in the stream of current life, we do not forget about the peace of the soul,

To be sensitive, kind, brave kids come out.


Teaching is a noble calling!
To love, to understand and, of course, to forgive,
To be an example in everything, to show compassion ...
To educate means to give something to others.

Give your knowledge as a gift;
Sow all the best in children's hearts,
In response, without asking for any awards or recognition ...
Give your life, give it all... to the end.

Host1: We continue the vocal competition. And next on this stage, I invite the duet "Girlfriends"

No. 5 With the song "Our Educator", and the dance group "Beads" helps them (7 gr.)

Presenter 2: Applause for the duet "Girlfriends" and the dance group "Busenki".

Children 3 gr. read poetry

1 child.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach better than us.

2 child.

Our educators are
It's just top class!
put on heels,
Like fashion models!

3 child.

Yes, we have educators
These are just class!
We like them very much.
And beauties too!

Host 1: Thank you for the kind words. We continue! I invite the vocal ensemble "Asterisk"

No. 6 with the song "It's good in our garden" Sl. A. Alien Muses V. Gerchik. (8 gr.)

Presenter 2: Applause to the ensemble "Star"

Why do they say so?

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.

Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
Those aren't cherries!
Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?

We are not leaves
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!

Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
Because together in it
We are growing as one family!

That's why they say:

Presenter1: And the soloist completes our vocal competition

Alice with the show group "Merry Company"

No. 7 with the song "Kindergarten" Music by K. Kostin, lyrics by T. Kersten. (7 gr.)

Presenter 2: Applause to Alice and the "Merry Company" show group.

Presenter 1: Today we are visiting students of the second grade of school No. 15. And they prepared a musical gift for the staff of the preschool educational institution. We meet!

Students read poetry.

sing a song

Presenter 2: While the jury is summing up the results, we will see what interesting things our pupils tell about their educators

Video "Children about educators"

Host1: If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. And today, each participant of the vocal contest "Rainbow of Voices" managed to light his own star.

Presenter 2: I will ask all the participants of our holiday to come up to the stage.

All contestants line up facing the audience.

Presenter1: And now I invite our jury to this stage ...

A Word to the Jury Members

Musical awards are presented to the winners

Presenter 2: Unfortunately, our holiday has come to an end. May you have only good, warm memories from today's meeting.

Chorus: See you soon!

Dancers, conductors? (ready)

And the audience in the hall? I can not hear? Now I hear!

Then applaud us!

The leader appears.

presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you at the concert of the vocal group "Rainbow Notes". And this holiday is given to us by pupils of the senior and preparatory groups.

How many guests came to us

We have gathered in our hall

All talented kids!

All of you managed to make friends with music forever,

It means your heart

It can't be ice!

Guys, have you ever dreamed of becoming a real artist?

But how difficult it is sometimes to go on stage for the first time! Let the guys not worry, because they have such a large support group, it's you, our viewers!

Opens our holiday program song "I'm going on stage!"

The song "I'm going on stage" is performed

Presenter: Guys, and now I want to invite you to a musical fairy tale, where my assistant will be a familiar, beloved hero of all of you.

Guess the riddle - and then you will understand who he is! Once upon a time, an unusual baby was born on the moon. And it so happened that he ended up on earth, where he found many new friends? Who is this? That's right, meet - This is Luntik!

Luntik comes out. Approaches the leader.

Dialogue of the Host and Luntik:

Hello Luntik! (Luntik nods his head)

Why don't you answer?

Did you happen to get sick?

Everything is clear, you have a sore throat!

We need to urgently call a doctor! (calling)

- Hello, doctor, Luntik is sick with us! Come please!

The siren sounds. The doctor appears.

Doctor: Good afternoon. I am an extraordinary doctor. I am a music doctor and I treat patients not with pills or injections, my treatment is much more pleasant! Music! Songs! Dancing! Games! Joy! Fun! Where is the patient?


All clear! I prescribe treatment! Sing songs together with the kids! Move more, or rather dance, and don't forget to play, have fun and rejoice!

But Mashenka Zaitsev knows! So, we meet - Masha Zaitseva with a song "Lullaby with an angel".

Presenter: Why do we love everything - the Motherland Russia?

Because nowhere is the Motherland more beautiful!

Amazing pattern of shades of paint,
Here, Gzhel and Khokhloma - beauty, like in a fairy tale!

Doctor- Luntik, how are you feeling?

Luntik Thanks, it's much better now!

Doctor - Well then, it's time to implement my next recommendation!

On a cheerful children's planet

All children have fun

They love to sing and play songs

and of course dance!

The dance “Stomp, my leg!”

(Luntik peers into the hall)

Doctor- Luntik, who are you looking for there?

Luntik So many kids in the hall!

Doctor- Of course, we have a concert, they came to see and listen to their friends!

Luntik- Look, someone is trying to get up, they probably don’t like the concert!

Doctor- Yes, the children sat in the hall. Do you hear the candy rustle! So it's time for us to play kids! Guys, stand up, please, and repeat after us!

Luntitk -

We guys are naughty!

We play loud too!

We clap our hands

And we stomp our feet!

Puff out cheeks

jumping on toes

And we will even show tongues to each other

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Raise a finger to the temple

Let's stick out the ears

Ponytail on top

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces

How do I say the number three

All freeze with grimaces!

Doctor: Luntik, I see you already look quite healthy! And in order for you to finally recover, you and the guys need to fulfill my last recommendation “to rejoice and have fun!” And “Rainbow Notes” will help you with this, they will sing some funny songs.

The songs “Frog Kva-kva”, “We will survive this trouble”, “Green shoes” are performed. The performance with soloists, with dramatizations, with the attributes of costumes is used.

presenter: - Luntik, you look quite healthy! The recommendations of the music doctor and our concert participants helped you!

Luntik: - Helped a lot!

presenter: Why are you wearing a hat?

Luntik: — Because I want to become a real gentleman?

presenter“Do you know who the gentlemen are!?”

Luntik- I know! I even know the rules of true gentlemen!

A real gentleman let the lady go first!

A gentleman is always neat and tidy!

Gentlemen always say only respectful words!

Presenter: But the gentlemen from our kindergarten, in addition to these rules, can dance while sitting on chairs!

Performing "Dance of the Gentlemen"

presenter“Childhood—what a wonderful word!

We adults sometimes want to go back

in those unforgettable moments of childhood!

Luntik- Childhood ... (dreamy) And what is childhood?

presenter“Childhood is an amazing magical land where fairy tales and joy live, where there is a lot of laughter and kindness. It is enough just to close your eyes, and you are already traveling around this country: making new friends, getting acquainted with their songs. Close your eyes and imagine that we are in a dense forest where wild animals live...

The song "Mishkiny jokes" is performed

Presenter: Guys, repeat after us:

Clap your hands, top your feet.

head to and fro

And now stronger elbows

Let's work friends

Now everybody get some rest

Check out the next number!

The song "Music" is performed

presenter Did you like our concert?

Luntik: I really liked it, thank you guys for helping me recover!

And from sadness, and from boredom

Can heal us all

naughty melodies sounds,

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

presenter: That's right, Luntik!

But unfortunately -

The holiday is over

The meeting is over
The hour of parting has come.
We're all a little tired
But we were warmed

The warmth of your tender and joyful eyes.

See you soon! And may you have only good, warm memories from today's meeting.

Yakushina Irina Mikhailovna,

music director,

experience 38 years

MDOU kindergarten "Teremok"

Target: create conditions for preschool children to demonstrate their singing abilities.

Children to the music "Magic Flower" mus. Y. Chichkova enter the hall and go to the chairs. The jury is seated at the table.


Attention! Attention!

Let's start creative competition!

Hello dear children and guests!!! Today we have invited you not by chance.

Today we have gathered in our hall to show how many talented children we have who can not only play and laugh, but also sing cheerful good songs.

Let's remember the song about the grandmother, which they sang at the holiday.

Song "Grandma" music. E. Zaritskaya

Cheburashka enters the hall.


Hello! And where did I get to? You have so much fun. The song was very good.


Come on, come on, Cheburashka. You came to Teremok kindergarten, we are very glad to see you.


But you're not just all gathered here, are you?


Of course, we gathered to listen to how children in kindergarten learned to sing songs.


That's great! It is a pity that Gena will not hear songs, but he loves to sing so much. And his harmonica is funny.


And you listen to songs with us, maybe Gena will hear and also come to our holiday.


With pleasure. But I still love to play. Will you play?




Hooray! I'll stay.


And now I want to invite the children of the middle group to sing my song.

Maxim B. will perform the song " We sang a song" composer Rustamov

Danzan O. will perform the song "Don't be afraid, mom" composer Protasov

Karina P. will perform a song "Dressmaker" composer Weinberg

Vova M. will perform a song "Mommy dear» composer Kornikhin

Roma A. will perform a song "Don't be afraid, mom" composer Protasov


Well done! I haven't heard such beautiful songs for a long time!


And now you can play.

Game "Guess what I play?"


How well and fun you played. Now I see that you know musical instruments.

I have another fun game. Shall we play?

Game "Find your music house"


I will definitely tell Gene what smart guys you are, musical.


I also suggest listening to the song of children of 2 younger groups.

The song "Oh, what a mother!" music I. Ponomareva


What a pity that my friend is not there, he would also listen to your songs with pleasure.


Don't be sad, Cheburashka. Invite the kids to a fun pair dance.

Pair dance.

(All children dance).


Cheburashka, and the children of the middle group want to perform their favorite songs.

Songs "We are soldiers" muses. G. Larionova

"Radiant Sun" music. Rustamova

(sing 2 verses each Maxim, Dasha, Vova and Roma, Karina, Danzan)


And now we will ask the jury to evaluate our performances.

And we will rest at this time.

General fun dance

Rewarding children


Our competition is over.

We sang songs, danced and entertained the guests.

Goodbye, goodbye! We are waiting for you for the holiday!

And we congratulate the winners

We invite you to the stage.



And now for everyone a surprise -

We are giving away a super prize.

You sang and played today

Questions were answered.

And your friends were rooting for you

And they did not spare their hands.

That's why as a reward

All participants in the game

We distribute food.

(Give out chocolates to the children)

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0002499

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

1. General Provisions.
The competition is held with the aim of identifying, developing and supporting talented children in the field of "Music", increasing the level of musical development of preschoolers.
2. Tasks of the competition:
- increase children's interest in singing;
- to develop the singing and performing skills of children;
- create conditions for self-realization and self-expression of children through the acquisition of additional vocal experience.
3. Participants of the competition.
The competition is attended by children from 3 to 7 years old attending kindergarten.
4. Competition jury:
Head of preschool educational institution, senior educator, speech therapist.
5. The order of the competition.
5.1. Conducting a mini-competition among children of groups.
5.2. The competition provides for the following nominations:
Pop vocals:
1. Solo
2. Ensemble
One child can perform a song solo and (or) in a duet.
6. Requirements and evaluation criteria.
The level of performance of songs is evaluated on a 5-point scale according to the following criteria:
1. Artistry;
2. The level and complexity of the work;
3. Purity of intonation of the melody and performance of the song;
4. Stage skills.
The winner is determined by the highest score.
7. Summing up and rewarding.
According to the results of the competition in each nomination, participants are awarded:
1st place;
2nd place;
3rd place;
"The most charming performer";
"For expressive performance";
"For the will to win."
Summing up takes place directly at the competition, the winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.
Holding the competition "Silver Voice"
Hall decoration:
On the central wall there is an image of music on the staff and the name of the competition
"Silver Voice"
In the center of the hall there is a “magic musical tree”, on which there are notes with numbers - the numbers of future participants in the competition.
Equipment: Music center, phonograms of songs for the participants of the competition, a table for the jury, tables for the jury with the names of the participants and evaluation criteria, Diplomas and prizes. Children-spectators are placed in the hall.
Fanfare sounds.
Hello dear viewers. I am glad to welcome all of you to the song contest "Silver Voice". And I hope that this will become a tradition of holding such a competition in our kindergarten.
We all love the song
And today, at this hour,
Song contest, fun,
We announce for you!
There is nothing more interesting
Meet the song again!

Everyone who sings to us
The prize, of course, sweet awaits!
And now I invite the contestants to the hall. Meet with friendly applause
Music sounds (the presenter introduces the participants in turn), the children participating in the competition enter the hall, walk in a circle and stand in the places allotted in advance.
In order for our competition to be held in a fair fight, we need to draw lots, that is, find out in what order our participants will perform. Dear participants, come one by one to our "magic musical tree" and shoot one note.
There is a number on the note - this is the number of your performance. So let's start. There is a distribution of the order of performance of the participants.

Leading: And now I want to introduce you guys to the jury.
Your performance will be evaluated by: the head of our kindergarten, full name, senior educator, full name, speech therapist, full name.
There was not a single note left on our tree, the jury took its place of honor - it means it's time to start the competition. The first and probably the most daring of the participants was ...
Before the performance of each of the participants, the presenter acts according to the moment: he reads a poem prepared in advance to present the song.

Spinning and whining
Blizzard for the New Year.
The snow wants to fall
And the wind does not.
And the trees have fun
And every bush
Snowflakes, like twigs,
They dance on the fly.
Meet Alina, a member of the Zvonochki group, with the song "Oh, snowflakes are flying."

Who is in an elegant warm coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy, and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
Meet the ensemble "Golden Key" (full name of the participants), with the song "Father Frost".

Snow girl with a hot heart.
This is the Snow Maiden. How else?
Kind, sweet and mischievous.
We all know her very well.
She comes with her grandfather every year.
He brings us bags and gifts with him.
She doesn't mind playing with us
We sing a song or tell a poem.
Meet Ksyusha with the song "Snow Maiden".

There is no more beautiful edge in the world
There is no Motherland, the world is brighter!
Russia, Russia, Russia, -
What could be sweeter to the heart!!!
Meet the Droplet Group (full name of the participants), with the song "Rosinochka - Russia".

They know for sure, they know for sure
Even hares, even squirrels,
What when at twelve o'clock
The hands will converge on the clock,
It is not known from where
will come to us immediately
It's a fabulous miracle
Called New Year!
Meet the duet "Stars" (full name of the participants) with the song "Tick-tock watch".

Winter-winter rushes in an ice carriage,
The wind is knocking on sleepy houses with its wings.
Squares and parks are blooming with snowy whiteness.
And the frost builds arches over the forest path. It's getting colder outside, snow and cold everywhere.
To make it more fun, a holiday is needed!
Meet the group "Solnyshko", (full name of the participants), with the song "New Year's signs"

Who do we run to when we are sad?
Who do we call when it hurts
On whose knees do we fall asleep
Who will regret? Will everyone forgive?
And who coined the word "mother"
Who first spoke it?
So sweet, dear
For everyone the most important thing!
Meet the trio "Friendly Family", full name participants, with the song "Oh, what a mother."

Performances of the contestants.

The competition can drag on, and the children - the audience get tired. Therefore, it is necessary to play games between performances.
Games are played:
"Christmas trees-stumps";
"GAME" Naughty "
All children become in a circle. Cheerful music sounds, players dance. As soon as the music subsides, the host announces: "Puffers!" (children puffing) Then cheerful music sounds again, the players dance. At the end of the music, the presenter announces: "Tweeters!" (children squeak) Thus, the game continues on with various pranks: "Chants!" (children scream); "Squealers!" (children squeal); "Snickers!" (children laugh) and again from the beginning. The order in which pranks are announced changes periodically.
Christmas trees are
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin.
Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up.
"Low" - squat and lower your arms.
"Wide" - make the circle wider.
"Thin" - make a circle already.
And now let's play!
(The host plays, trying to confuse the children)

Leading: Here are all the performances of the contestants. It's time to take stock. In the meantime, our esteemed jury is working, we will all play together.
A game is being played: "We will hang the balls."
Leading: And now we invite all participants of the competition to the march - parade!
Participants come out to applause.
Moderator: The floor is given to the jury,
/jury members speak and announce the results/
6. Results of the competition. According to the results of the competition, participants are awarded diplomas and sweet prizes.

Olga Karatunova
The scenario for the regional competition of young performers of children's songs "Musical Wave-2016"


children's combined garden №5 "Golden Key"

I approve

Head of MBDOU No. 5

Kindergarten"Golden Key"

Pyshkina A. V___

«___» ___2016

Scenario of the District Competition

young performers of children's songs

« Music wave-2016»

Deputy Head of VMR:

A. A. Shapkina,

music director, higher sq. category:

O. A. Karatunova,

T. E. Rakitina,

physical education instructor culture:

T. Yu. Vereshchagin,

E. V. Feoktistova.



Identification, encouragement and support of the most talented and promising children in the field of vocal creativity, choral and solo singing.

Tasks competition:

Disclosure of creative potential and improvement of artistic taste in children.

Promotion of the best examples of classical, modern and folk music.

Increasing the level of vocal skills of pupils children's preschool educational institutions.

raising performing vocal level in children;

Exchange of professional experience among musical leaders and educators located in the territory of the city of Lyubertsy, Moscow Region;

Introducing children to the world music.

Promotion and preservation of the traditions of vocal and singing culture.

Stimulation of creative activity of teachers.

Competition script« musical wave»

On the stage microphone for the presenter.

01. Constellation of talents

Attention attention! Listen everyone!

Today, 25 April at kindergarten number 5"Golden Key" will take place children's song contest« Music Wave 2016» .

04. Lead under slow music reads legend.

A long time ago, when the huge mountains were still small hills, and the centuries-old oaks were small sprouts, the whole world was white and white, like a fleeting snowflake. Curly clouds floated across the white sky, and people lived in the huge White City. They lived happily, cheerfully, but - alas. They did not hear the birds singing, did not admire the beautiful sunsets of the Sun, did not run on a cool foggy morning in the dew because it was winter in this city all year round. But one day in the cold White City, all the inhabitants heard children's voice. It was so piercing, so sincere and pure, so warm that the centuries-old snowdrifts could not stand it and began to melt. And spring came to the white city and the Sun appeared. Many years have passed since then. The White City has become a big country, a country children's happiness and smiles, country children's songs. And this country bears the name « musical wave» . Every year new stars are lit in this country.

The host points to the central wall.

Today, children, the main participants of the holiday, will light the stars!

AT competition pupils take part kindergartens. Lyubertsy:

1. Kindergarten No. 5"Golden Key", 1st building.

2. Kindergarten No. 5"Golden Key", 2nd building.

3. Kindergarten No. 6"Snow White", 2nd building.

4. Kindergarten No. 14"Crane".

5. Kindergarten No. 16"Interesik".

6. Private Kindergarten"Martin".

To you, dear participants and spectators, we offer you to make an amazing journey to the World music where there is a good mood and many talented guys. I'm sure you'll all be lucky today.

And a rainbow of stars will light up the sky.

Stars are a symbol of success

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter!

On the holiday Childhood there are guests of honor, and part-time Jury, each of which is unique in its own way with its skill, experience and professionalism: Kots Marina Vladimirovna and Barysheva Tatyana Yurievna.

The facilitator draws attention to the stars on the central wall.

These stars will help us draw lots, they will determine the order of performance of the participants Competition.

The stars are high in the sky

It won't be easy to get them.

I sent a telegram to the fairy tale ...

She called Alyosha and Lyubava for help.

05. Alyosha Popovich and Lyubava appear. Lyubava pulls Alyosha, he resists.

Leshenka, let's go soon, the guys are waiting for you.

We need to help them get the stars from the sky, they won’t be able to start the holiday without us, you promised ...

Alyosha. Yes, I'm going, I'm going...

They go around the hall in a circle, they are surprised how many people are in the hall.

Lyubava. Hello girls!

Alyosha. Hello guys!

Hello Alyosha and Lyubava.

We tell you from the bottom of our hearts!

Welcome to the holiday

Both adults and kids!

Alyosha, help the guys take off the star and determine the serial number of the performance.

Children come out (1 child from kindergarten) and point to the star, which Alyosha removes, and Lyubava shows and refers one by one with the serial number of the performance (Jury). The children return to their seats. The jury notes the serial number of the performance in the protocol kindergarten.

Hello, « musical wave» 2016!

06. Fanfares sound

Concert program:

The hushed hall smiles embarrassedly,

And I can't hide my admiration

Waiting for the solemn moment

Let us open the starfall.

And the first to our I invite the stage...

1. MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5"Golden Key", Pavilion 2.

Nomination: songwriting, age category: children 5-7 years old. (9)

Once upon a time, good kings, beautiful princesses, terrible robbers and cheerful wandering artists lived in the world. Artists walked along the roads, sang songs and arranged funny performances that the people loved very much! And now on our stage artists are unusual, singers and foreign musicians!

"Parade of foreign singers".

2. MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5"Golden Key", building 1.

Nomination category: children from 3 to 5 years. (4)

What needs to be done brothers

To reach heaven?

At the table, you must first sit down,

Eat a plate of semolina porridge!

A song about semolina.

Nomination: collective singing, age group category: children from 5 to 7 years old. (7)

Quietly, like a mouse, a boy runs around the house.

Very small in stature. Who is he? Everything is very simply:

Not a dwarf and not a child, not a boy with a finger,

And Kuzka is a brownie, he lives in that house.

Song"Domovyonok Kuzya".

3. MDOU kindergarten №6"Snow White", Pavilion 2.

Nomination category: children from 3 to 5 years. (1)

In the morning the sun woke up, smiled from behind the clouds,

So, you and I just have to smile when we meet the beam.

Let's smile at the sun, the meadow, and any blade of grass.

We smile at each other just like that now with you!

Meet Ivlieva Elizaveta song

"We will survive this inconvenience".

4. MBDOU kindergarten №14"Crane".

Nomination: collective singing, age group category: children from 5 to 7 years old. (2)

The smile of a child is the most beautiful thing in the world,

After all, it reflects the fabulous light of kindness.

All children in the world should be loved and happy,

Indeed, in the field of life they are like miracle flowers!

Song from the cartoon Baby Raccoon

"From a smile"

5. MDOU kindergarten №16"Interest", preschool department.

Nomination: individual singing, age group category: children from 5 to 7 years old. (1)

Let the wind disperse all the clouds in the world

Let happy children laugh everywhere!

"Good rain"

6. Private Kindergarten"Martin".

Nomination: individual singing, age group category: children from 5 to 7 years old. (1)

Cheerful, carefree Dunno-Shorty!

A desperate kid lives in the Flower City!

Travels across countries loves to sing songs.

And look at the night sky, at the starry sky.

Another hero lives in the Flower City.

Come on guys, let's find out what kind of hero we are talking about.

Song Cartoon Blue Eyes "Dunno on the Moon"

The performances of the vocalists are over.

Let's give our jury time to sum up.

And our guests, Alyosha and Lyubava, invite you to a magical world called "Story" where we will have fun, sing and dance!

"Tricks from the bag"

Lyubava. Guys, it's time to play

"Tricks from the bag" ask you soon!

Lyubava is blindfolding the child, Alyosha is holding the bag.

Well, let's see, find the answers.

I want you to feel the objects!

Who is brave, well, come out,

Show your guests what you are capable of!

The child is blindfolded, given an object from the bag. The child is trying to guess by touch what kind of object it is.

Competition"Who sent the Telegram?"

1. Bought seeds, come pull. (grandfather from "Turnip")

2. Left the Hare, Wolf and Bear (Kolobok)

3. I bought a Samovar. I invite you to tea (Fly Tsokotukha).

4. I got the key from the turtle Tortilla, I will be soon (Pinocchio).

5. I promise to always wash the dishes (Fedora).

07. Dance “1.2.3. Play louder muses "


Alyosha starts to sing (yelling, wheezing)

Lyubava. Alyosha, what are you doing?

Alyosha. Don't interfere, I'm singing.

Lyubava. Well, who sings like that? Did you hear how the guys sang beautifully?

Alyosha. Oh-oh-oh... I can sing beautifully too...

Wait, Alyosha, don't brag, wait.

Better your riddles, speak!

1. She was a beautiful artist, like a star,

She ran away from the evil Karabas forever. (Malvina)

2. This tablecloth is famous for feeding everyone their fill,

That by itself it is full of delicious foods. (Self-assembly tablecloth)

3. Gobbling up rolls, a guy rode on the stove.

Rolled through the village and married the princess (Emelya)

4. Like Baba, Yaga does not have one leg at all,

But there is a wonderful flying apparatus. (Mortar)

5. Both the hare and the wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Dr. Aibolit).

6. I went to visit my grandmother, she carried pies to her.

The Gray Wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her. (red Riding Hood)

7. He loved everyone invariably, Whoever came to him.

Guessed? This is Gene, This is Gene. Crocodile

Lyubava. Come out to the hall, guys, and let's dance to the song of Gena the crocodile.

08. Song of Crocodile Gena(You pat.)

Lyubava. And here's another mystery!

Running fast down the road

Forty legs, legs flicker.

Who is the centipede?

The name of? (Centipede).

Alyosha and Zabava line up the children behind them and go in different directions.

09. Centipedes

Leading. It's time to rest and go to your seats.

The game "Hi"

When we meet the dawn, we tell him .... (Hi)

With a smile, the sun gives light, sends us its own ... (Hi)

When you meet after many years, you shout to your friends (Hi)

And smile back at you from a kind word (Hi)

And you remember the advice: give to all friends (Hi)

Let's all together in response to each other, we say (Hi)

Riddles of Alyosha and Lyubava.

Leading. And now the children will solve riddles. Answer in chorus.

8. Near the forest, at the edge, Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (three Bears)

9. The fat man lives on the roof,

He flies above all. (Carlson)

10. A middle-aged man with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people he is a notorious villain.

Do any of you know? Who is this? (Karabas Barabas)

11. Self-confident, though clumsy,

And by nature he is a big nerd,

Come on, guess it, guess it,

Known to everyone by the name… (Dunno)

12. From the ballroom of the king, the girl ran home,

I lost my crystal shoe on the stairs.

The carriage became a pumpkin again ... Who, tell me, is this girl? (Cinderella)

13. Answer the question: Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a stump and wanted to eat a pie?

You know the story, don't you? Who was it? … (Bear)


1. 10. We will walk together cheerfully together

2. 11. We are on the train

3. 12. Giraffes have spots

Leading. And here is our esteemed Jury, I will ask you to announce your decision.

13. Exit of the Jury.

Jury Chairman.

For your diligence and talent, our young artists - musicians,

For the thunder of applause, and ringing laughter -

We want to reward you all!

14. Rewarding participants with certificates and diplomas.

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