Whose nose is the best pencil drawing. How to draw a human nose with a pencil step by step for beginners? Draw the nose from the front

When people learn to draw, at first they try to reproduce the contours of the object, instead of its volume. This tendency is especially evident in the portrait. But in the drawing of such parts of the face as the nose, it is very important to understand that this form is voluminous, it is not just a contour. Of course, there are different types of drawing - linear, tonal ... Therefore, the artist can draw a portrait with one line, without shading and without volume. However, at the training stage, beginners need to learn that the nose, eyes, and lips are not a contour line, but a three-dimensional shape with chiaroscuro.

To do this, I drew a diagram that will help you understand the shape of the nose. If we simplify the drawing to geometric shapes, then the nose will look like a triangle. And this shape is convex, voluminous. That is, the nose will consist of three faces - two side and one central, which is called the back of the nose. Depending on the direction of the light, one of these faces will be in the light, and the other two will be in shadow or partial shade. With this in mind, you can quite easily "blind" the volumetric shape of the nose. After the three faces are outlined, you need to draw the tip and wings of the nose (for what these names mean, see the end of the article). To do this, you can outline three circles, since both the wings of the nose and the tip of the nose look like "balls". After that, you can refine the drawing, moving away from geometry to real outlines.

In addition to the schematic image, I also completed a complete step-by-step classical drawing of the nose. The illustration shows three main stages. The first one is building. On the second - light shading of shadows is laid. At the third stage of the drawing of the nose, all the halftones and details are worked out. But whatever the stage of the drawing, the shading in the portrait must be “stacked” as if with strokes. Those. strokes should form planes. In the second stage of my drawing, you can see that these planes or faces are quite large and generalized. At the third stage, these planes become smaller, due to which the details are drawn in more detail. That is, the drawing is, as it were, “molded” with small planes or edges. It is similar to the work of a sculptor who shapes the clay with his fingers. If you hatch too smoothly, the drawing will be less realistic and look like a plastic mask. Therefore, novice artists need to pay special attention to this advice, since this is rarely mentioned, especially in teaching drawing lessons on the Internet.

To learn how to draw a portrait, of course, it is not enough just to correctly convey the form, sculpt the volume, etc. In a portrait, you need to be able to reflect the character of a person. And the character is reflected, among other things, in the individual shape of the nose. Yes Yes. Each person has their own unique nose. But this "variety of noses" can be divided into types. For example, a nose can be straight, hooked, curved, etc. To see these features clearly, I have drawn ten different types of nose. This drawing will help in conveying the individual characteristics of a person in a portrait.

Well, in conclusion of this lesson, I will also list the main names in the plastic anatomy of the nose, which can be traced according to the above diagram:

  • bridge of the nose;
  • back of the nose;
  • tip of the nose;
  • wings of the nose;
  • nostrils;
  • partition.

Many people think that draw nose difficult, especially in profile. Using the basic shapes as a framework will make the drawing process much easier.

List of materials I used in this tutorial:

- mechanical pencil (rods 4B, thickness 0.5 mm);
- nag eraser;
- shading;
- smooth bristol paper.

How to draw a nose in profile

Step 1:

To draw a nose in profile, you need to start by drawing two circles some distance apart (the width of the same circle). For the next step, I also drew a triangle to give an idea of ​​how and where to draw the bridge of the nose.

Step 2:

Draw a curved arc going up and around the left circle, forming the tip of the nose and the bridge of the nose, and another curve forming the philtrum. The groove must not move excessively to the left or right. Draw it approximately in the middle, between the circles.

Step 3:

The nostrils are drawn like a loop. It should not be too long or short. Again, try to draw between the two circles.

Step 4:

At this point, you can erase the circles and start darkening. As you can see, in this tutorial I'm using the circular shading technique. This helps to achieve a more realistic looking skin. In my tutorial on distributing shadows, I also talk about several ways of shading that lie flat. You can watch it.

Step 5:

Make sure you leave lit areas.

Last step:

Here I have also darkened some areas and passed the eraser along the illuminated lines. I also erased some reference lines. I used a blender to evenly distribute the shadows around the highlights so that the skin does not look rough.

Hope you liked this one nose drawing tutorial! If you have any questions, leave them below in the comments!

Article translated from rapidfireart.com.

If you decide to draw a person's face, it is important first of all to draw the person's eyes correctly, but not only. There are no "little things" in the portrait of a person. All facial features must be drawn accurately and beautifully, and for this you need to be able to draw the nose correctly. In this lesson you will be able to draw a person's nose step by step. The drawing of the nose is made with a simple pencil.

1. Let's start drawing the nose with a simple markup

The nose of each person has unique features, so it is impossible to give accurate advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man. You can only make an abstract, or as they say, "academic" drawing of the nose. It is this version of the drawing of the nose that I suggest you draw. I hope there is no need to explain how to mark these intersecting lines.

2. The contours of the "wings" and bridge of the nose

The human nose consists of "wings" and the bridge of the nose, and it is these contours that need to be drawn in this step. The segment of the width of the "wing" in my drawing is almost half the vertical line. To draw a nose, you need to carefully and accurately observe its "mirror" proportions.

3. The nose takes on a real shape

After accurate preliminary marking, drawing a nose will no longer be difficult. You can see for yourself that it is already quite easy to draw further. Outline the streamlined forms of the wings of the nose. Mark two lines from the bridge of the nose and draw the tip of the nose.

4. Drawing of the nose is almost finished

At this step, erase the extra contour lines with an eraser, and you will see a drawing of the most ordinary academic nose, all that remains is to draw a few small details. Get ready for the fact that you will have to touch up the final shape of the nose several times. Drawing a nose is not difficult, but the slightest inaccuracy leads to a noticeable caricature distortion. And sometimes the nose becomes "chubby" like Santa Claus's or thin and skinny like Baba Yaga's.

5. How to make the drawing of the nose voluminous

This stage of drawing and the next will consist of only one thing. It is necessary to apply shadows with a soft simple pencil so that the nose looks voluminous, like in a picture by real artists.

6. How to draw a human nose with a pencil

If you will draw a portrait of a person, then you are probably wondering when it is better to draw a nose, at the beginning of the drawing or at the end? Usually, when drawing a nose at the end of the lesson, the nose turns out to be distorted, too wide or narrow, disproportionately small, or vice versa large. Most likely, this is due to the fact that you just get tired by the end of the lesson. In a portrait of a person, the eyes and nose are considered the most important elements of the drawing, so it is better to start the drawing with them. But first you need to make a general markup. Agree, you can correct the chin, ears and even lips, but if you didn’t “guess” with the nose and eyes, the portrait of a person will not bear any resemblance.

Video how to draw a person in profile.

Learning to draw a portrait of a person, eyes, nose, lips of a person, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to study at an art school, but also talent. The complexity of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey the emotional state of a person, his facial expressions, the depth of his gaze, etc.

It is this element of the portrait that needs to be given the most attention. It is also important to correctly draw the nose, lips, as they reflect the main features of a person's face. In this lesson you can learn how to draw eyes in detail.

When drawing a person, you should see the entire future image from the proposed lines, and you just have to draw the main ones. Notice how the cartoons are drawn. Not a single exact feature of a person, but, nevertheless, the drawing bears a strong resemblance to a caricature character. Very often for this it is enough to accurately draw only the correct nose, eyes and lips.

If you decide to draw a person's face, it is important, first of all, to accurately and correctly draw a person's nose, eyes. The eyes convey in the drawing his mood, character, emotions. To achieve similarity in a portrait of a person, it is important to accurately draw a nose. But the eyes and lips are the most important elements of a face drawing.

To draw the eyes correctly, it is best to draw them in stages. The nose and lips in the anime style are drawn only conditionally, without drawing details.

First, study your hand carefully, pay attention to the length of the fingers, the proportions of the hand. You can even outline the actual hand if you're going to draw it life size.

When sketching a person's face, all his features should be in harmony with each other. In particular, you need to know how to draw a person's nose with a pencil correctly. For beginners, our article presents a step-by-step instruction, thanks to which there will definitely not be any difficulties in the process of performing this task!

Drawing a human nose with a pencil

To correctly draw a person's nose with a pencil, it is important to study each step carefully. Proportions should be maintained, attention should be paid to every detail. In fact, even a child can draw a person’s nose with a simple pencil in stages.

Step 1: Markup

First of all, you need to mark up with a pencil on a piece of paper. Each person's nose is different in certain features, so it is impossible to accurately convey the forms characteristic of any face. There is only an opportunity to create an "academic" drawing. The marking is carried out in the form of two perpendicular lines intersecting each other, as in the photo.

Step 2: contours of the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose

The bridge of the nose and wings are the main parts of the nose, so they should be drawn at this stage. It is worth noting that the distance from one wing to the other is almost half the vertical line. To correctly draw a person's nose with a pencil, proportions must be observed. Otherwise, the drawing will be incorrect.

Step 3: drawing real shapes

At this stage, it is necessary to derive the correct shape of the nose. If the markup was done correctly, it will not be difficult to draw further details. It is necessary to circle the streamlined shapes, outline two lines and then draw the tip of the nose.

Step 4: finishing touches

This step involves removing extra lines with an eraser. The result is an ordinary academic nose. Next, you will have to finish the small elements, which is especially difficult for beginners. After all, even a small inaccuracy causes distortion of the picture. Sometimes the nose is too wide or, conversely, narrow. Such inaccuracies will have to be corrected until the correct form is obtained.

Step 5: add volume

To give volume to the nose, you will need to draw shadows with a simple pencil. As a result, the drawing will turn out to be voluminous, like that of the most real artists.

In the process of drawing a human nose, it is important to adhere to the basic recommendations and maintain proportions. You should correctly apply each line, successfully convey the shadows. It is advisable to do them with a soft pencil.

On a note! Experts recommend drawing facial features such as eyes and nose at the beginning of the lesson, since these are the details that should be given maximum attention, and they also require a lot of strength. The rest of the elements can be improved. If the nose or eyes are unsuccessful, the person's face will be spoiled, and the portrait will be transmitted without a clear resemblance.

According to the proposed scheme, you can gradually draw the nose of a woman, a man or a child with a pencil. It is suitable for novice artists who cannot yet depict complex lines and group them into a single drawing.

Video for beginners: how to draw a human nose step by step

The video below shows tutorials that will help you quickly and easily draw a person’s nose with a simple pencil, correctly convey the shadows and outline the main strokes.

A special part of drawing is the nose, which is often overlooked by portrait painters. Although this should not happen! If your nose does not work out at all, then the whole portrait will suffer. Therefore, we will learn to depict the nose!

Three images of the nose

The image in front of you is a normal nose sketch.

The nose has a completely simple shape: both lines running the entire length of the nose, a rounded ball that indicates the type of nostrils and nose.

This drawing indicates the initial sketch of the nose, with shadows applied to it.

Here is a completely finished illustration of the nose

In this picture, the sketch is no longer visible. Here you can see that the features of the nose are no longer filled with sharp lines, but with a shadow.

The illustration above shows the structure of the nose with red lines. To adjust the image of the nose, we raise and lower our red lines.

Below in blue is how you can draw a shadow that will be located directly under the end of the nose.

Periodically, the shadow will be heavier, and sometimes a little light and soft, but in most cases, under lighting, it will be exactly as shown in the picture.

Of course, it is clear that on the side of the nose or on the side of the bridge of the nose, which is more illuminated, there cannot be much shadow.

In order not to make a mistake that beginners most often make, you should not highlight the entire contour of the nose on both sides. This is not beneficial, because the contour makes the portrait look completely unrealistic. So better draw the outline of the nose with the help of shadows.

When you draw or shade around the nose, try to press the pen or hand lightly, because. they require light pressure. These three areas are shown in the figure.

In the event that you are drawing a theme that does not contain many sharp shadow transitions on the face, then you should not draw these features too much. In the usual case, you can just slightly shade. For example, as shown above.

1) The area marked in blue has an almost imperceptible shadow and shows the nose from the side.

Here, the area near the edge of the eye and the area where there is an inconspicuous sign of a “ball” near the nose are shaded.

Usually, where the highlighted side of the nose is, few portraits allow for a little more shading, but not much anyway. Particular attention when shading should be given to the bridge of the nose. To ensure proper illusion of the size and depth of the nose, it is usually required to shade and highlight the details of the nose in the area of ​​the dark side, as shown on the left side of this picture.

2) The next section, when working with which you need to press lightly when drawing, is the “smile line”, highlighted in green in the image. This line is usually called the nasolabial fold.

In this image, you can see a slight smile effect. Imperceptibly downwards, at first the strokes weaken, and then the strokes completely disappear. There are types of faces in which the “smile line” is much darker and longer.

3) On the surface of the skin, on the upper lip, from the area of ​​​​the line located in the middle, the philtrum comes out, which joins the protrusion of the upper lip. In the figure, the groove is defined in red and is also applied with light strokes.

Also, you can not ignore the white areas near the nose, which are shown in the figure above.

As aptly noted in the highlighted image, the areas near where the nostrils begin are not delineated in many cases. The drawing will look much rougher if you select the entire base of the nose (under the nostrils).

Let's pay attention to the area that is on the side of the nose, located in the middle of the beginning of the "smile line" and the nostrils. You don't have to place the "smile lines" directly next to the nostril. Some faces have a gap between the nostrils and the smile line.

Pay attention to this nuance when you start drawing the area near the nose. In this picture, the space is slightly increased. Paying attention to the various typical characteristics of faces, you will notice this space.

In this figure, the nose is shown at an angle, located in the projection ?.

If our portrait is shown in a projection instead of a front view, then the nose is also in the same projection, and therefore it will look at a slight angle.

In the picture, you can see a purple line that takes place in the very center of the face.

To the left of the purple line is the area of ​​the nose, sketched in red lines.
On the other side of this line there is a blue shading that indicates the area of ​​the nostril. In this case, the nose is drawn rotated, and does not look symmetrical at all on either side.

Green color indicates that the edge of the nostril lives approximately on the same line as the corner inside the part of the eye. Similarly, when viewed from the front, they will be in the same line.

With an orange line, I marked how to draw the edge of the nostril in relation to the center of the mouth.

Although different people have different shapes of nose or mouth, they are mostly depicted in this way. The girl depicted in the figure does not have a too large or very wide nose, however, we will apply the “method of lines” to her.

Those who are just starting to master the technique of drawing depict their noses as too narrow. To achieve a successful nose width, pay special attention to this.

Take a look at the purple nose. This indicates how far away from the face it is. Don't be afraid to draw it. Feel free to experiment with the nose, but do not change its length too much.

Keep in mind that if the noses you draw are the same length, they will look completely unbelievable. Since people have different faces, their noses should also be different. Draw them as close to the original as possible.

The proportions of your nose must be respected.

As you can see from the two red and two purple lines above, the length is not that much longer than the width.

The same size does not exist for all faces. However, some of the artists draw the nose either too long or too short. For the most part, your portrait should be realistic.

Draw a nose with a pencil, step by step:

1) First draw a sketch of the nose. The lines on the sides of the nose should not be darkened. One side is usually shaded more than the other.

2) Now you need to shade the base of the nose and its side, which lives in the shade. Mark the nostrils in the picture. Next, you need to shade the nostril that is in the shade.

3) Finish shading the nose. We select with soft shading the areas of roundness of the nostrils and the area of ​​the "ball" of the nose.

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