Modern youth subcultures. youth culture

youth subculture

In a broad sense under subculture is understood as a partial cultural subsystem of the "official" culture, which determines the lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality of its bearers. That is, a subculture is a subculture or a culture within a culture.

In a narrower sense subculture- a system of values, attitudes, ways of behaving and life styles of a certain social group, which differs from the culture prevailing in society, although it is associated with it.

Frolov S.S. proposed the following typology of subcultures:

1. Romantic-escapist subcultures - focused on avoiding real life, building their own philosophical systems (hippies, Tolkienists, Indianists, bikers).

2. Anarcho-nihilistic groups - rejection of generally accepted standards, a critical attitude towards many phenomena of life (anarchists, punks).

3. Entertaining-hedonistic - focused on providing leisure ("golden youth", ravers, snowboarders, rappers).

4. Criminal subculture - focused on opposing law and order (Goths, skinheads, gangs, gopniks, lyubers).

Characteristics of individual subcultures

Hippie. Social composition hippies are heterogeneous, but first of all they are creative youth: aspiring poets, artists, musicians.

Appearance, dress code: regardless of gender - long hair parted in the middle, a special ribbon around the head ("hairatnik" from the English. Hair - hair), on the hands - "baubles", i.e. homemade bracelets or beads, most often made of beads, wood or leather, often a disproportionately large knitted sweater, decorated with beads or embroidery, a denim pouch around the neck for storing money and documents (“ksivnik”: from ksiva - document, thieves' jargon), clothing color mostly light (experienced hippies never wear black), but not flashy. The latest generation of hippies are distinguished by such attributes as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercing). Music style: From Western music, hippies prefer psychedelic rock, they love the Doors band. Boris Grebenshchekov is highly copied among Russian performers. Language, jargon: a large number of English borrowings, such as "bolt" - a bottle, "vine" - wine, "flat" - an apartment, "hair" - hair, "people" - people (common appeals: "man", "people"), " ringushnik "- a notebook (from the English. Ring - call). In addition, the frequent use of diminutive suffixes and words that have no analogues in the literary language to refer to specific concepts that are peculiar only to hippies is typical (for example, the already mentioned “baubles”, “ksivnik”, etc.). Entertainment: from alcoholic beverages hippies prefer wines and ports. Frequent use of drugs (usually mild) has been noted. Part of the hippie ideology is "free love" - ​​with all the ensuing consequences. Hippies are not belligerent, they tend to be pacifists. One of the first was the slogan "Make love, not war". (Make love not war) Ideology: hippies themselves often express it with the words "Peace, friendship, chewing gum." Typically disregard for material values, such as money and expensive things; there was sincere indignation of the hippies when someone tried to buy expensive things instead of cheap ones. Popular Eastern religions and teachings, among which are rasta movement, worshipers of the Jah cult. Meeting places: in the first half of the 90s, Gogolevsky Boulevard (“Gogol”) was a favorite place for hippie hangouts in Moscow. Now either there is no single place, or the author does not know it.

In the youth culture of the 90s. the Tolkienist movement and the Tolkienist subculture associated with it, generated by it, appeared. Tolkienists and generally speaking roleplayers ( role-playing gamers) were originally part of the hippie subculture, but recently their movement has grown so much that they have begun to include many non-hippies in their ranks. Tolkienists are admirers of the famous English philologist and writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (Professor in Tolkienist slang), he was born in 1892 and died in 1973. Books by J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings", "Silmarion" and others belong to the genre of fantasy - fairy tale fiction. Tolkien created in his works Magic world Middle-earth, inhabited by wonderful creatures, one of which was borrowed from the folklore of various peoples of the world (elves, trolls, dwarves, etc.), others were invented by the writer (for example, hobbits, a hybrid of a man and a rabbit), each with its own history, geography and even the beginnings of their own language (say, Elvish). Tolkienists get used to this world imagining themselves to be its inhabitants. Hence the unusual patterns of behavior in everyday life. Thus, the pushtener who considers himself an elf tries to act like he thinks a real elf would act. During the games (“hichek” in Tolkienist jargon), a group of young people go out into the forest, where they assign roles and act out scenes from Tolkien's works. Within themselves, the movement is divided into two tensions: representatives of the first prefer to play scenes from a book without changing anything in the plot, supporters of the other take only setting data (names and characters of the characters, time, place and goals of the action) and lead a real competition, reminiscent of a pioneer game " Zarnitsa, where you need to run well, jump, swim, fight with swords, navigate the terrain.

It can be stated that the subculture of Tolkienists and role players has been developing most actively and dynamically in recent years.

Punks (from the English Punk - garbage, rot, something unnecessary) are to some extent antagonists of the hippies, despite the fact that they have a lot in common with them. Social composition: unlike the elitist hippies, most Punks are working-class kids, though there are exceptions, of course. Appearance, dress code: The Mohawk was considered the standard punk hairstyle - a strip of long vertically standing hair on a cropped head, but shaved half-heads with long hair and even simply shaved temples with long hair are also common. Punks prefer torn, dirty clothes. You can often see a punk in jeans, where strips of fabric alternate with holes, fastened with pins and chains (in general, Punks' love for safety pins is extremely great, they are inserted everywhere - in jackets, T-shirts, jeans and even in ears). Of the shoes, punks mostly wear high army boots. Music style: the founder of punk culture is considered English group Sex pistols. In addition to her in the mail "Ramones" and "Dead Kenedies". In the mid-80s, the group Exploited appeared, which played hard punk, which was called "hardrock" and became an independent musical style. In Russia, Siberian bands are prominent representatives of punk (the most famous is Civil Defense, whose fans have emerged as an independent movement - letovtsy punks, named after the founder of the team, Yegor Letov).

Language, jargon: characteristic is the use of words from thieves' jargon (“maza”, “hawal”, “labat”) and the marginal use of “smart” words (“parallel” in the meaning of “anyway”, “purely” in the meaning of “indifferent”). Entertainment: unlike hippies, punks from alcoholic drinks prefer vodka, willingly use drugs. One more entertainment is interesting - “walking on nishtyaks”, i.e. eat up the remnants of food half-eaten by someone, pick up and finish smoking cigarette butts. Ideology Pankov is quite close to hippie in everything that concerns the neglect of material values, however, if the hippie idea is expressed as “why is money, the world is already infinitely beautiful”, then Pankov’s is more like “the world is still g ... oh and nothing will help him” . Unlike hippies, punks are quite aggressive in terms of political preferences and are considered anarchists (with light hand"Sex Pistols", who wrote the cult punk pension "Anarchy in the UK"). Meeting places: in the early and mid-90s, the main places in Moscow were Pushkinskaya Square and the Let's Go rock store.

Extremely close to hardrock (hard punk) musical style "oh", favorite music that recently appeared in Moscow skinheads, or skins (from the English. Skin head - shaven, letters. Skin-head). Appearance: According to their self-name, skins are distinguished primarily by a clean-shaven head. The skin's standard attire is high combat boots, camouflage pants or high-rolled jeans with suspenders, and another jacket ("bomber"). Ideology: almost all Russian skins profess extremely aggressive nationalism and racism. The ideal regime is German National Socialism. In the West, there are "sharps", "sharp skins" (from the English. Sharp - sharp, sharp), acting under the slogan "skins against racial prejudice" and are an extreme left, pro-communist extremist organization, also "gay skins" (from the English Gay - homosexual), although ordinary skins hate sexual minorities even more than racial ones. Entertainment: frequent entertainment skins are fights with blacks in the vicinity of the University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumba, as well as the beating of representatives of other national and racial minorities, wherever they meet. In addition, most skins, especially young ones (“pioneers”), are fans of a football (hockey) club. They are united in groupings and often matches of their favorite team, where they arrange fights with fans of other clubs. The most famous fan groups in Moscow are Flint's crew and Gladiators (Spartak), Red Blue Warrions (CSKA), Blue White Dinamite (Dynamo), and Nevsky Front in St. Petersburg.

One of the most "harsh" subcultures, both in our country and in the West, has always been considered bikers (from the English colloquial Bike - a bicycle, a motorcycle), which, with the light hand of Soviet propaganda, were often called rockers. However, almost all rock fans consider themselves rockers - punks, metalheads and many others. Therefore, this definition cannot be considered correct. Appearance: was widely replicated by Soviet films depicting the depraved West. In this form, he came to Russia, where he underwent significant changes: long hair, combed back, and, as a rule, tied in a ponytail, a scarf on his head (“bandan”, “bandana” or even “bandana”) beard, leather jacket with oblique zippers ("leather jackets"), leather pants, cowboy boots ("Cossacks"). Music style: hard Rock. In general, bikers are distinguished by a rather large variety of musical tastes, which is noticeable at least from the bike show held annually in the Moscow region, where performers who are completely different from each other perform: Garik Sukachev and the Malchishnik group, Time-Out and IFK. Language, jargon: besides the words denoting a specific concept related to a motorcycle or “outfit”, the language of bikers has no other specifics, except, perhaps, significant inclusions of obscene language. Ideology: the main concept in the ideology of bikers is a motorcycle. The whole world is divided into those who move on it, and those who prefer any other way, and the latter do not arouse any interest in themselves among bikers. Meeting places: bikers are divided into members of a motorcycle club and singles. Of all the motorcycle clubs, the most famous is undoubtedly the "Night Wolves" (the leader is nicknamed "The Surgeon"). Every year in the summer a bike show is held for several days, which is open to all bikers demonstrating the art of "riding".

By outward signs close to bikers metalworkers , or metallers , probably the most famous of the current youth subcultures (metalheads themselves are protesting against this term, considering it as the name musical style, "metal"). In their opinion, there are at least three main areas of "metal" (in fact, much more): thrash, doom and dead(from the English thrash - to beat, doom rock, fate and dead - the dead man, respectively) and, therefore, thrashers, doomers and dead metallers. Appearance: in fact the same as the bikers. Of all the colors, black is preferred. For methyllists of the late 80s - early 90s, the presence of a large number of metal rivets and chains in their clothes is typical, but now mainly “pioneers” dress like this. Ideology: Of all the movements, metalheads are the least ideological. In some ways they are close to punks, but without contempt for material values. Meeting places: the main place in Moscow is the “pipe”, an underground passage from the Arabskaya metro station to the Prague restaurant, where until the middle of 1996 heavy music concerts were held every weekend.

Almost completely disappeared, as a large-scale phenomenon, such subcultural movements as alisomaniacs and moviegoers (Numerous in the early 90s, groups of fans of "Alisa" and "Kino"). Boom Viktor Tsoi. Immediately after that, one of the Arbat alleys was tacitly renamed by the fans into Viktor Tsoi's alley, and the wall around it became a favorite place for parties. The appearance is dominated by black clothes, and on it is a badge with the image of Tsoi. Alisomans (self-name "Alice's army") consisted of teenagers who were "disillusioned with life" and found consolation only in the incendiary songs of their favorite artists. The main thesis of Alisoman existence can be expressed as follows: “we are the best, but no one understands us.” Quite actively cultivated suicide as a way out of the spiritual impasse.

youth subculture Indianists . They study the cultures of the Indians, predominantly North American, striving for an accurate reproduction of their customs and rituals. According to T. Shchepanskaya, the Indianists are something between the club of American Indians and the religious and mystical movement 19 Sergeev "Youth Subcultures in the Republic." Sociological research 1998, No. 11. p. 99.. With all the "ethnographic" attributes of the Indianist subculture, its values: collectivism (community), ecologism, cosmism, echo the traditional Russian values. In the 70s - early 80s. Kazan was one of the centers of the emerging Indian movement and Indian subculture. Later, the initiative passed to the more numerous and energetic groups of Indianists in Leningrad and Moscow. The Indian movement peaked in 1985-90. To date, it has been passed, and in Kazan Indianists are represented by a little more than a dozen people. They are not closed, but Indianists are of little interest in contacts with representatives of other youth subcultures.

hackers (computer geeks) - a youth subculture that is in the process of formation. The number of characters is still insignificant - they are mainly students of technical universities, high school students with a physics and mathematics bias. It is also difficult to determine the exact number of characters because they communicate mainly through computer networks. In addition, not all computer fans are aware of themselves as a kind of community with their own values, norms, and specific style. This is probably a matter for the future.

Criminal youth subculture. Youth groups, having turned into organized crime structures, have divided spheres of influence and prefer to sort things out without resorting to mass fights. Settlement of accounts began to be carried out in most cases through contract killings.

In the middle of the 90s. a new generation is emerging "gopnikov ”, uncontrolled by organized crime or controlled to a lesser extent. They quickly proved themselves to be the "cultural enemies" of most youth subcultures: bikers, ravers, roller skaters, etc. Any teenager, not only belonging to a different subculture, can be beaten, sexually abused, robbed. The confrontation between youth gangs also did not go down in history, but moved to the periphery.

Football fans. A group close to criminal subcultures is made up of fans (fans) of football teams. Football fans are a complex organization community. Among the fans of the Moscow "Spartak" stand out, in particular, such groups as "Red-white hooligans", "Gladiators", "Eastern Front", "Northern Front" and others. The group that controls the entire community is " rights". It consists mainly of young people who have served in the army. The "Rights" travel to all matches of the team, their main function is to start the stadium, organize the reaction of the fans ("wave", etc.), but also command "military actions" - battles with fans of hostile teams and the police. Trips to other cities are very often associated with fights - often already at the station square. In general, the hooligan mass of young people is well controlled by the leaders (leaders) from the "Right" V.A. Lukov "Features of youth subcultures in Russia". 2002 No. 6. p.82..

Satanist subculture . Back in the 80s. a group of “black metalheads” broke away from the heavy metal subculture, becoming close to the adherents of the Church of Satan. By the mid 90s. we can already talk about the formation of a satanic subculture in Russia. From time to time, interviews with Satanist leaders appear in the process; the latter, of course, try to deny or obscure the anti-social and anti-human nature of the rituals and values ​​of Satanism.

Rave subculture (from the English Rave - nonsense, incoherent speech) occurs in the USA and Great Britain. In Russia, it has been distributed since 1990-91. Musically, the rave style is the successor to the techno and acidhouse styles. An integral part of the rave lifestyle - nightly discos with powerful sound, computer graphics, laser beams. Ravers' clothes are characterized by bright colors and the use of artificial materials (vinyl, plastic). The basic values ​​underlying this subculture: an easy, carefree attitude to life, the desire to live today, to be dressed in the latest fashion ... The development of the rave subculture went in parallel with the spread of drugs, in particular, "ecstasy". Taking hallucinogens to "expand consciousness" has become, unfortunately, almost an integral part of the raver subculture. At the same time, many figures of youth culture, including DJs - the key figures of the rave subculture - have expressed and continue to express an extremely negative attitude towards taking drugs Sergeev "Youth Subcultures in the Republic." Sociological Research 1998 No. 11. p. 99..

Among the relatively recent subcultures that have appeared in Russia, the following four should be noted: roller skaters, rappers and skateboarders.

Rollerblades are called roller skaters. They prefer sportswear bright colors: they can also be identified by multi-colored blotches on their knees. The ideology of rollerblading is similar to that of a biker, with the difference that the motorcycle has been replaced by rollerblades. Mostly roller skaters are high school students (13-16 years old), but there are also students, junior schoolchildren. Interestingly, roller companies are led by girls. Rollers, as a rule, are children from wealthy families, which is probably not least due to the price of rollers - from 50 to 150 dollars and more Sergeev "Youth Subcultures in the Republic." Sociological Research 1998 No. 11. p. 100.

Subculture of skateboarders , lovers of riding a skateboard (board on wheels). Ideology and appearance are similar to rollers.

rap subculture. Rapp is black American music. Russian rappers they dress like black American rappers (mostly sporty style with a predominance of bright colors), borrow many words from them, and even sometimes make themselves hairstyles that are peculiar only to African Americans. The rap subculture has a lot of overlap with the roller and skateboard subcultures, as many roller skaters and skateboarders listen to rap, and rappers go rollerblading and skateboarding.

3. Youth counterculture

Counterculture is a form of expression by limited social groups, layers of their cultural specificity and way of life, which differ from those generally accepted in a given society.

Counterculture - a certain attitude and worldview, a scheme of lifestyle, principles of youth behavior.

There are three areas of youth counterculture:

1. Left eccentric orientation (criticism of lifestyle).

2. A mixture of existentialism, Freudianism, anarchism, Marxism (criticism of mass culture)

3. Emancipation of the sphere of the unconscious, including with the help of drugs; violation of public decency.

Allocate the following reasons emergence of a counterculture

1. Contradictions within the capitalist system

2. Unemployment

3. Imperfection of the education system

4. Spiritual gap between generations

5. Bourgeois-petty-bourgeois way of life

6. Utilitarianism, conformism of mass culture

7. Oppression of individual freedom

8. Lack of communication with nature

9. Bourgeois society - a society of organized violence

10. Oppression of creative impulses, vital energy.

Youth counterculture values:

Emphasis on the unconscious, emotional sphere;

sexual desires;

Reassessment of skin and auditory feelings with the help of music, drugs;

Denial of discipline and science;

The assertion of unlimited freedom and love-friendship;

Communication with nature;

Speech against violence, for unlimited creative impulses, for revolution with the help of consciousness Sociology of Culture. Theoretical course. M. 1993.

Essay on social psychology on the topic: "Youth subcultures"


1st year student

Velikhova Julia

St. Petersburg

1. Introduction

2.The concept of youth subculture

.Aesthetics of youth subculture

.Classification of youth subcultures

.Socio-historical prerequisites for the emergence of youth subculture

.The formation of youth subculture

.The first youth subcultures. World subcultures of the twentieth century

.Development of youth subcultures in Russia

.Features of youth subcultures in modern Russia

.Prerequisites for the entry of young people into the subculture

.Examples of modern youth subcultures




For my essay, I chose the topic "Youth subculture" because I think that it is relevant for our time, since young people need to go through the youth subculture, since its essence is the search for social status. Through it, the young man "exercises" in the performance of roles that will later be useful for entering into adult life. With the entry into adolescence, a young person separates from the family, looking for those social ties that should protect him from a still alien society. Between lost family and the young man, not yet acquired by society, strives to join his own kind. The informal groups formed in this way provide the young person with a certain social status. The price for this, often, is the rejection of individuality and complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group.

Today there are a lot of youth subcultures and informal organizations of various kinds. In our work, we will consider some of them. But first, I would like to talk about the concept of youth subculture in general and how it was formed.


Subculture - (lat. sub - under and cultura - culture) a system of norms and values ​​that distinguish a group from the majority of society. Subculture (subculture) - a concept that characterizes the culture of a group or class that differs from the dominant culture or is hostile to this culture (counterculture).

Youth subculture is an esoteric, escapist, urban culture created by young people for themselves; it is a culture aimed at the inclusion of young people in society; it is a partial cultural subsystem within the system of the "official", basic culture of society, which determines the lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality of its bearers.

According to the conclusions of a specialist in youth culture S.I. Levikova, youth subculture is characterized by the following features:

youth subculture is a social community, each representative of which considers himself to be in it

the entry of a young person into one or another youth subculture means his acceptance and sharing of its norms, values, worldview, manners, lifestyle, as well as external attributes of belonging to this subculture (hairstyle, clothes, jewelry, jargon);

as a rule, youth subcultures arise on the basis of certain predilections for musical styles, lifestyle, attitudes towards certain social phenomena;

ideas and values ​​that are significant for a particular youth subculture are externally expressed in the symbolism and attributes of the group that are obligatory for its members.

Youth subcultures develop a single style of clothing (image), language (jargon, slang), paraphernalia (symbols), as well as a common worldview for their members. The image for a representative of a subculture is not only clothing, it is a demonstration of the beliefs and values ​​that the subculture promotes. Representatives of subcultures develop their own language over time. It is partly inherited from the subculture of the progenitor, partly produced independently. Many elements of slang are neologisms.


Youth subcultures are almost always distinguished by the desire to consolidate the worldview meanings that are most important to them in a vivid expressive form, perhaps incomprehensible to the bulk of people in society, but arousing interest.

The pronounced aesthetic beginning in the youth subculture is embodied in its playful nature. Aesthetic game in the youth environment becomes a way of self-expression of members of youth subcultural groups.

Theatricalization is widely manifested in ceremonies and rituals, which are quite often resorted to in their public life by youth cultures.

The creation and functioning of their own language, signs and symbols of individual youth subcultures is characterized by a playful moment. It is also typical for youth subcultures in various public forms of communication with their like-minded people, which are realized in the form of theatrical actions, shows, performances, happenings, demonstrations, festivals.

In a defiantly outrageous manner of behavior, in a special style as a form of aesthetic play in the life of various youth subcultures, artization finds its actualization.

The youth subculture practically knows no national borders and easily and quickly spreads across countries, regions and continents.

The youth subculture is mosaic and short-lived, often it is transformed and replaced with the advent of a new generation.


There are several classifications or typologies of youth subcultures.

On a social and legal basis, there are:

) pro-social, or socially active, with a positive focus on activities (groups of environmental protection, protection of monuments, the environment).

) socially passive, whose activities are neutral in relation to social processes (music and sports fans).

) asocial - they stand apart from social problems, but do not pose a threat to society (hippies, punks)

According to the orientation of interests, the sociologist M. Topalov classifies youth associations and groups as follows:

) passion for modern youth music;

) striving for law and order activities;

) actively involved in certain sports;

) near-sports (various fans);

) philosophical and mystical;

) environmentalists.

Professor S.A. Sergeev offers the following typology of youth subcultures:

) romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, Indianists, bikers).

) hedonistic-entertaining (majors, ravers, rappers, etc.),

) criminal ("gopniks", "lubers")

) anarcho-nihilistic (punks, extremist subcultures of the "left" and "right" wing), which can also be called radically destructive.

Sociologist Z.V. Sikevich gives a slightly different description of the subcultural movement of youth, taking into account the fact that involvement in a particular group may be associated with:

) with a way of spending time (music and sports fans, metalheads, lovers);

) with a social position;

) with lifestyle;

) with alternative art (not officially recognized painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, writers and others).

Youth movements can also be divided into the following groups:

) Music related (rockers, metalheads, punks, goths, rappers, trance culture).

) Differing in a certain worldview and way of life (Goths, hippies, Indianists, punks, rastamans).

) Sports related (sports fans, rollerbladers, skaters, street bikers, bikers).

) Associated with games, going into another reality (role players, Tolkienists, gamers).

) Related to computer technology (hackers).

) Hostile or antisocial groups (punks, skinheads, RNU, gopniks, lyubers, Nazis).

) Religious associations (Satanists, sects, Hare Krishnas, Indianists).

) Contemporary art groups (graffitters, break dancers, pro-modern artists, sculptors, musical groups).

) Elite (majors, ravers).

) Antiquarian subcultures (beatniks).

) Subculture of the masses or counterculture (gopniks).

) Socially active (societies for the protection of history and the environment, pacifists).

And finally, the typology of youth subcultures developed by S.I. Levikova and V.A. Babajo in 1996:

) groups that unite adherents of musical tastes and styles (metalheads, rollers, breakers, beatlemen);

) groups whose value orientations have some political and ideological connotation (nostalgists, anarchists, pacifists, deviants, "greens");

) groups of an apolitical, escapist nature (hippies, punks, people of the "system");

) aesthetic groups ("Mitki");

) groups professing the "cult of muscles" ("rolling");

) criminogenic groups that unite on the basis of aggressiveness, rigid organization and illegal activities (“calves”, gopniks, lyubers).

In practice, there are no strict divisions between youth subcultures. A young person's belonging to one youth subculture does not exclude his membership in others.


Rapid, continuous acceleration and renewal have become the leading characteristics of the life of modern industrial societies. A scientific and technological revolution was unfolding, the natural sphere was put to an end, and the artificial-technological era began. With the emergence of the possibility of fabrication, uniqueness and individuality are gone: first in objects, and then in people. Their place was taken by stereotyping, stereotyping, mass character, universality.

The formation of a mass society took place in the 50s of the XX century. At the same time, the formation of a youth subculture began.

From the very beginning, the youth subculture was distinguished by incompatibility, non-involvement in the basic culture of society, which is mass culture.

The emergence of youth subculture practically coincides in time with the beginning of the era of post-industrialism and with the emergence of postmodern trends in the socio-cultural development of society. The main features of postmodernism are pluralism, plurality, uncertainty, fragmentation, variability, eclecticism. The same features are characteristic of the youth subculture. She too:

) is pluralistic, because it includes both punks and hippies, and goths, and many others;

) is multiple, since the youth subculture does not have a core unity;

) is uncertain, since it is impossible to say with complete certainty what the youth subculture really is;

) is fragmented, that is, each youth subculture retains its own characteristics and originality;

) is changeable, since periodically the youth subculture is updated, reborn;

) is eclectic, as it incorporates absolutely incompatible elements that peacefully coexist and even complement each other.


Quite often, researchers associate the emergence of the phenomenon of youth subculture with a generational conflict. However, sociological studies show that this view is only partly true. A certain discrepancy in the views, tastes, preferences, values ​​of generations in one form or another has always existed, but it does not necessarily result in the emergence of a youth subculture.

The reasons that the youth subculture is a structural element of industrially developed social systems lie in the lengthening of the training period, caused by the fact that new technologies and equipment require not just educated, but specially trained workers. As a result, independence comes to a young person much later. The idea of ​​never-ending childhood is found in most youth subcultures. The need for self-expression and the uncertainty of the social role of young people lead them to the spontaneous creation of a partial culture, which is the youth subculture.


Sociological studies of Western scientists in the 1930s and 1950s paid close attention to the study of the cultural boom in society. The first subcultures, which are now a thing of the past, were distinguished by significant radicalism in their judgments and an extensive sphere of interests.

The manifestation of individuality and contrast, as opposed to existing standards, was first recorded in the United States and Europe, and touched on almost all spheres of life of the social structure of that time - literature, music and cinema. A clear example of the first and most widespread youth movement that originated in the 50s of the twentieth century can be called the American beatniks, the main impetus for the emergence of which was a protest against existing cultural and social dogmas, an irresistible thirst for freedom everywhere and in everything.

Around the sixties, hippies began to appear. Also, the sixties are marked by an increase in the number of computers in Western countries, hence the growth of interest in them and the formation of a culture of hackers.

The seventies are the heyday of rock, especially punk rock. During these times, there is such a direction as glam rock. In 1979, all the media recognize such a subculture as gothic.

Neo-romantics and electro-pop emerged in the 80s. The eighties also brought rap: specific poetry, sometimes just devoid of meaning, and break dancing. By the middle of this period, free parties appear, where they play rave, techno and other electronic music. The nineties are a colorful mix of different subcultures. The Internet is being invented, and with it comes the opportunity to play online or participate in discussions on forums.

At the end of the twentieth century, such subcultures as anime, emo, bastards, glamor, and with it anti-glamour, gradually appear.


The history of the development of youth subcultures in our country can be divided into three peculiar "waves". It all started with the appearance in the 1950s of the "dude" - a shocking and countercultural group of urban youth, which became a kind of symbol of the "first wave". They dressed and danced “stylishly”, for which they received the contemptuous nickname “dudes”. The main accusation that was brought against them was "admiration for the West." The musical tastes of the “dude” are jazz, and then rock and roll. The emergence of the KSP (amateur song clubs) in the late 1950s is also associated with the "first wave" of the informal youth movement. KSP are clubs that unite people who love songs with a guitar and poetry. The "second wave" was determined by both internal and external conditions - since the mid-60s, the youth movement has acquired an important leaving - rock music. Drugs gradually penetrated the youth environment. The movement of the seventies was deeper, wider and longer in time. It was in the 1970s that the so-called "System" appeared - the Soviet hippie subculture, which was a whole conglomerate of groups. The "System", updated every two or three years, absorbed both punks and metalheads, and even criminogenic amateurs.

The beginning of the "third wave" of youth movements can be considered 1986: the existence of subcultures was officially recognized. Spontaneously emerging youth groups were called either informal, or amateur, or amateur. Russian "informals" sought to copy the nature of the currents of the Western youth subculture.


According to Lupandin V.N., the formation and development of a youth subculture is characterized by the borrowing of elements of a foreign culture, which, under the influence of the socio-cultural characteristics of a particular society, acquire specific national features. A feature of domestic youth subcultures is that most of them are focused either on leisure activities or on the transfer and dissemination of information.

According to N.V. Kofarin, the subcultural activity of young people depends on a number of factors:

from the level of education. For persons with a lower level of education, for example, vocational school students, it is significantly higher than for university students;

from age. The peak of activity is 16-17 years old, by the age of 21-22 it drops noticeably;

from the place of residence. Informal movements are more typical for the city than for the village, since it is the city with its abundance social connections gives a real opportunity to choose values ​​and forms of behavior.

The Russian Federation, as a state with a large territorial space and a multinational composition of the population, is characterized by significant regional and national differences that predetermine the regional specifics of the Russian youth subculture.

The youth subculture of Russia must be considered as the result of the socio-cultural activities of young people, who, in order to realize their creative potential or express protest against the existing social order, form special social - formal or informal structures. Despite the difference in origin, young people of different social groups face the same problem of transition from one age group to another.


Most young people choose the traditional path of socialization. Depending on the historical and sociocultural situation in a particular society, no more than 30% of young people fall into the category of subcultural youth. The following prerequisites for the entry of young people into a particular subculture can be distinguished:

in the family (excessive parental control or providing a teenager with super-freedom);

in a formal group: unsettled relationships with classmates, teachers;

as a result of participation in local wars when a young person acquires an experience unusual for a peaceful life (pain, murder, destruction, loss of comrades, fear) and can no longer fit into the peaceful life into which he returns;

among the unemployed, temporarily (partially) employed young people (the availability of free time with the simultaneous absence of the possibility of self-realization);

when the real social status does not correspond to the desired (imaginary).

There are other opportunities for young people to get into informal youth associations (lack of available forms of leisure activities, coming “for company”, excess free time). However, the above prerequisites are considered to be the basic reasons for the first step taken towards the youth subculture.

However, the youth subculture performs whole line positive functions: adaptation of young people to society, enabling a young person to develop a primary status, helping young people to free themselves from parental dependence and guardianship, transferring value ideas specific to a certain social stratum. As a rule, many young people after leaving the movement no longer suffer from teenage complexes, do not turn life into an endless search for adventure.



Hipster, hipsters (indie kids) - a term that appeared in the United States in the 1940s, derived from the slang "to be hip", which translates approximately as "to be in the subject" (hence the "hippie"). This word originally meant a representative of a special subculture formed among fans of jazz music; nowadays it is usually used in the sense of "wealthy urban youth interested in elite foreign culture and art, fashion, alternative music and indie rock, art house cinema, modern literature, etc."


Some call hipsters "anti-capitalists", liberals with a socialist philosophy. The representatives of this subculture themselves do not openly promote anything, they are in every possible way for the external and internal freedom of a person, and therefore support the movements for women's and gay rights. Hipsters, as a rule, do not belong to any religious denominations - most often they are agnostics or atheists.


Hipsters are the most controversial subculture in terminology. There is still fierce controversy about its appearance. Usually it is attributed to the end of the forties. Based on the composition of the people involved in this subculture, we can say with confidence: there were no racial boundaries or social restrictions for hipsterism.

Burroughs wrote in "Junky": "The hipster is the one who understands and speaks jive, cuts through the chip, who has and who with it."

It is now known for certain that this subculture originated in New York. Moreover, like the original concept, so is the modern one.

Hipster only listens to trendy music. In the 40s he was turned to jazz, in the 60s - to psychedelic rock. The hipsters of the 90s were the first to know what trip hop was. The modern hipster listens to the American Clap Hands Say Yeah and Arcade Fire, etc. Some are seriously interested in collecting records and discs of certain styles: jazz, noise or indie rock.


Skinny jeans.

T-shirt with print. The T-shirt usually features funny phrases, animals, sneakers, cars, chairs, moleskins, lomographs and London.

Glasses with thick plastic frames. They often have glasses without diopters.



Blog on the Internet.

Football hooligans

Football hooligans are representatives of one of the youth subcultures, characterized by the fact that they consider belonging to the category of football fans of a certain team (club) as a symbol of their association in some groups within the subculture. Like any other subculture, football fanaticism has certain features that characterize it: “professional” slang, a certain fashion in clothing, stereotypes of behavior, hierarchical societies, opposing oneself to “opponents”, etc.


Football hooliganism, in the form in which it exists today, began to emerge in the UK in the late 1950s.

In Russia, the process of origin new subculture is directly related to the beginning of the traveling activity of a certain part of the fans of Soviet clubs. Fans of Spartak were the first to attend guest games of their club in the early 1970s, soon they were joined by fans of other Moscow teams, as well as fans of Dynamo Kyiv and Zenit Leningrad.


At present, the Russian "near-football" can be called mature social phenomenon with pronounced features of the English style of supporting the club both at home and away matches. Almost all clubs of the Russian national football championship up to the teams of the second league have their own gangs (in slang - "firms"). The ideas of Russian nationalism are very strong among Russian hooligans.

It is worth distinguishing between football hooligans and an organization such as ultras. Ultras are highly organized fans of a particular club. The Ultras group is, as a rule, an officially registered structure that unites from ten to several thousand of the most active fans involved in all kinds of informational promotion and support of their team - promotional paraphernalia, popularization of their movement, distribution and sale of tickets, organization of special shows in the stands , organization of trips to away matches of your favorite team.


· Lack of paraphernalia inherent in ordinary fans (t-shirts, club-colored scarves and pipes).

· Jackets, T-shirts, polos, sweaters from Lonsdale, Stone Island, Burberry, Fred Perry, Lacoste, Ben Sherman and more.

· White sneakers with velcro and straight soles.

· Rectangular shoulder bags pulled higher to the back or kangaroo bags worn over the shoulder and pulled closer to the neck.

Football hooligans have their own style and their brands, their pubs, bands, their art films.

Some bully slang words:

BUT ?action - an operation carried out by a group of fans against another

Argume ?nt - stone, bottle, stick, iron buckle, etc.

Ba ?nner - a banner (usually with the emblem of a club or fan group) placed by fans during a match in the stands. - As a rule, contains a concise, topical statement that is directly related to the topic of the match

You ?rides - fans travel to another city/region/country for their team's match

take out ?t - win a fight with fans of the other team

Gluma ? - active support of the team on the podium

De ?RBI (English Derby) - 1. meeting of two teams from the same city; 2. meeting of two teams that are on the first lines of the standings

Dawn? d - speech

Le ?you are fans who are not related to official fan associations

me ?chik - football match

Pro ?water - an attack during the departure for the departure of one fan group to another

Ro ?for - scarf with club attributes

Ska ?ut - scout

trophy ?th - removed scarf, taken away buckle or flag


Rastafarians in the world are traditionally called followers of Rastafarianism.

Rastafarianism is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion that emerged in the Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s based on a mixture of Christianity, local Caribbean beliefs, beliefs of Negroes - descendants of slaves from West Africa and the teachings of a number of religious-social preachers (primarily Marcus Garvey), which led to the formation of the reggae musical style in the 1960s.

The emergence of rastamanism in Russia:

In Russia, this youth subculture was formed in the post-Soviet space in the early 1990s. At the same time, its representatives are not true adherents of the original religious and political doctrine of African supremacy, but identify themselves with this group primarily on the basis of the use of marijuana and hashish. Many people listen to Bob Marley and reggae music in general, use the green-yellow-red color combination (for example, in clothes) for identification, some wear dreadlocks.

One of the first representatives of the rastaman movement in Russia is the reggae musical group Ja Division, which appeared in 1989.

Now in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities there are fairly large Rastaman communities that hold cultural events (usually concerts or festivals), maintain websites, and publish media materials. Almost all Russian reggae bands consider themselves rastafans - at least they use characteristic symbols and revere Bob Marley.


Rastamans usually advocate the legalization of marijuana, which is reflected in songs and paraphernalia.

Rastafans have a positive attitude towards Jah and a negative attitude towards the so-called "Babylon" as a pragmatic socio-political system based on Western material culture.

Many rastamans also have a negative attitude towards taking opiates, amphetamines and alcohol, as well as negatively towards taking psychedelics, which does not at all make them related to the hippie subculture, as is commonly believed, but rather repels them.

o Far right. NS skinheads

Far right, extreme right, radical right - a term for the bearers of extreme right political views. In the modern world, it is mainly used to refer to racial supremacists, neo-fascists, neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists.

nc-skinche ?dy (Nazi skinheads or National Socialist skinheads) - a youth ultra-right subculture, whose representatives adhere to the National Socialist ideology, one of the directions of the skinhead subculture. The activities of NS skinheads are usually of an extremist nature.


Initially, the skinhead subculture originated in the UK in the late 60s of the XX century. It was apolitical in nature and was closely associated with the English subculture of this period - mods, as well as with black Jamaican immigrant youth and the music of that time popular among them - reggae and, to a lesser extent, ska.

NS skinheads appeared towards the end of 1982, as a result of political agitation by the leader of the rock band Skrewdriver (which later became a cult for NS skinheads). Then for the first time the Celtic cross was borrowed as a symbol of their movement, and the image of the NS skinheads (in the image of the crusaders) was formed - the soldiers of the Holy Race War, who fights against - all non-Aryans, mainly numerous immigrants from third world countries, as well as homosexuals , drug addicts and leftist youth.

At the turn of the 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, the NS skinhead subculture penetrated into Russia.


NS skinheads position themselves as a national liberation movement and fight for the ideas of the superiority of the white, Aryan race, while striving for racial separatism.

NS skinheads are extreme racists, anti-Semites and xenophobes, opponents of illegal immigration, mixed marriages and sexual deviations, especially homosexuality.

NS skinheads consider themselves defenders of the interests of the working class, in some cases citing the fact that newcomers take jobs

A special cult among the NS skinheads exists around the personality of Hitler and some other leaders of the Nazi movement.

Many NS skinheads are agnostics or even atheists. In Russia, there are groups of NS-skinheads who profess Orthodoxy, while the rest are extreme opponents of Christianity and Orthodoxy in particular, since Jesus Christ is a Jew, and Christianity originated in the context of the messianic movements of Judaism.

Being members of right-wing radical movements, NS skinheads are supporters of extreme measures with the use of violence, which is usually interpreted as extremism. Many of them are close to the idea of ​​revolution, that is, a coup d'état in order to establish the National Socialist regime.


o Shaved head or very short haircut

o Clothing brand Lonsdale and Thor Steinar

o Heavy high boots (Dr. Martens, Grinders, Steels, Camelot)

o Light blue jeans (Levi s, Wrangler) or wash jeans

o White T-shirts, black or brown shirts, polo shirts and T-shirts (Fred Perry, Ben Sherman)

o Short, black and dark green jackets with a "zipper" without a collar - "bombers", or with a collar - "navigators"

o Nazi symbols


·Hip-hop. Rappers

hip hop (English) hip hop) is a cultural trend that originated among the working class of New York. November 12, 1974. DJ Afrika Bambaataa was the first to identify the five pillars of hip-hop culture: eMseeing, DJing, breaking, graffiti, and knowledge (a certain philosophy). Other elements include beatboxing, hip hop fashion, and slang.


Originating in the South Bronx, in the 1980s, hip-hop became part of the youth culture in many countries around the world. Since the late 1990s, from a street underground with a sharply social orientation, hip-hop has gradually turned into a part of music industry, and by the middle of the first decade of this century, the subculture became "fashionable", "mainstream". However, despite this, many figures within hip-hop still continue its "main line" - a protest against inequality and injustice, opposition to those in power.

Aesthetics of the subculture:

Despite the hip-hop fashion changing every year, in general, it has a number of characteristic features. Clothing is usually loose, sporty style: sneakers and baseball caps (usually with straight peaks) of famous brands (e.g. KIX, New Era, Joker, Tribal, Reebok, Roca Wear, FUBU, Wu-Wear, Sean John, AKADEMIKS , ECKO, Nike, Adidas) T-shirts and basketball jerseys, jackets and sweatshirts with hoods, sock-like caps pulled over the eyes, baggy pants. Hairstyles are short, although short dreadlocks are also popular. Massive jewelry (chains, medallions, key rings) are popular among rappers themselves, but wearing jewelry is more common among African Americans.

As examples, I considered the most popular, in my opinion, youth subcultures in Russia today. But along with them there is still a lot of other diverse youth subcultures and movements.


youth subculture symbol phenomenon

After analyzing the sources, I came to the conclusion that the primary reason for a teenager to leave for a youth subculture is the need for friends, conflicts at home and at school, and a protest against the formalism of adults. It is important to understand that, on the one hand, youth subcultures cultivate a protest against adult society, its values ​​and authorities, but, on the other hand, they are designed to help young people adapt to the same society. Problems can arise if a still fragile person falls into subcultures that are dangerous even for adults. At this stage, parents and social services are required to refer the young person


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Daria Sakinsyan "Subcultures-fresh: Hipsters" // Private correspondent

Levikova S. I. Youth subculture: Textbook. M.: FAIR-PRESS.2004

Lukov V.A. Features of youth subcultures in Russia // Sotsiol. research. 2002.

M.I. Enikeev. General and social psychology // Norma - Infra 1999.

Omelchenko E. Youth cultures and subcultures // Institute of Sociology RAS, Ulyan. state. university N.-I. Center "Region". - M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - 262 p.

Svechnikov S. K. Toolkit Youth and Rock Culture. Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PC) C "Mari Institute of Education", 2007

Tatyana Prudinnik "Form without content: who are hipsters?" //



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Social sciences understand a subculture as a part of a culture that differs from the generally accepted one: a system of values, the appearance of representatives, and language. A subculture, as a rule, seeks to oppose itself to society, to isolate itself from its influence.

The concept itself was formulated in the 1950s in America. The article will consider the youth subculture, its types, ideology.

History and modernity

In the middle of the 20th century, the first informal youth associations appeared, they were based on musical preferences. The development of rock and roll, its new directions led to the emergence of such types of subcultures as beatniks, hippies, rockers, punks, goths and others. In one form or another, these movements have retained their relevance.

In the 21st century, informal movements are based not only on musical tastes, but also on various types of art, sports hobbies, and Internet culture.

If a few decades ago belonging to one single movement was unambiguous, now fragmentary entry into one or another informal society does not cause rejection and conflicts among the youth.

Among modern types of subcultures, there are following directions:

  • musical;
  • sports;
  • industrial;
  • internet cultural.

Art subculture

Art subculture is understood as informal movements associated with creative self-expression, hobbies. This is graffiti, and underground art, and role-playing games, and anime.

Graffiti is the most recognizable type of art subculture. It is understood as inscriptions and drawings on the walls of buildings, entrances, metro stations. The modern graffiti movement originated in New York.

Many street artists reflect acute social or political topics in their works, someone creates real masterpieces on the walls of houses, and 3D paintings on city streets, popular in recent years, amaze with their realism.

Graffiti as a kind of subculture is quite popular among Russian youth. In the middle of the 2000s, an international festival of this direction was held in St. Petersburg.

Roleplayers - inhabitants of two worlds

Role players or historical reenactors are another direction of the art subculture.

At the heart of the role-playing movement is a passion for fantasy or history. Each participant in the role-playing game transforms into a certain character and acts according to the scenario. The game can be based on historical events, and the plots of works in the fantasy style.

Participants try to repeat the living conditions, costumes, crafts, battles of a particular era as authentically as possible. Vikings, Ancient Russia or medieval knightly battles are popular with role players.

A separate direction of the role-playing movement are Tolkienists - fans of J.R. Tolkien. Members of this subculture transform into the characters of his books: elves, orcs, gnomes, hobbits, acting out stories from the universe invented by the writer.

AT ordinary life role-playing movement participants may not stand out from the crowd, but many prefer unusual jewelry and clothes stylistically close to the character's costumes, many create social media accounts on behalf of their hero.

Role-playing games are a kind of escapism, a way to get away from reality. For some, this is a break from everyday routine, for some it is an alternative and more preferable reality. Among roleplayers, you can meet both teenagers and older people.

Anime and cosplayers

Another type of youth subculture is otaku. It is based on a love for Japanese animation and manga (Japanese comics). Members of this movement not only passively watch cartoons, but also create their own, arrange festivals and cosplay contests.

Cosplay is the transformation into a specific character of an anime, manga, film or computer game. This is not only a reliable costume and hairstyle, many with the help of art make-up try to achieve a complete resemblance to the chosen hero.

Representatives of this type of subculture can be recognized by their bright hair, paraphernalia with their favorite characters. But then again, not everyone copies the appearance of their favorite characters in everyday life.

The otaku movement in Russia is characterized by a specific slang based on the use of Japanese words. These can be both common phrases - “arigato” - “thank you”, “sayonara” - “goodbye”, and specific ones: “kawaii” - “cute”, “charming”, or “nya” - expressing a huge range of emotions.

The age composition of anime people is diverse - these are 15-year-old teenagers, and people 20-30 years old.

Music subcultures

In the concept of subculture, species are inextricably linked with the development of musical genres. The first musical trend is rock and roll lovers of the 50s of the XX century - rockabilly. Bright and bold, they challenged social norms, winning their right to self-expression.

With the development of rock music in the 60s, hippies appeared who advocated a world without wars, for love for nature and harmony with it. "Flower children" preferred to live in communes, wore long hair, dabbled in light drugs and studied Eastern philosophy. Self-knowledge and disclosure of one's mental abilities, love of nature and non-violence form the basis of the hippie subculture.

In the 70s, a variety of rock music genres gave the world punks, metalheads. Goths appeared in the 80s. In the 90s of the XX century, the development of electronic music led to the emergence of ravers.

Common to various musical subcultures is the love for a certain genre, the appearance that copies popular musicians, the philosophy and values ​​inherent in a particular genre of music.

Punks are anarchists who challenge social norms

In the mid-70s of the XX century, the punk movement was born. Its participants opposed themselves to society, expressed dissatisfaction with the political system.

Flagships of punk rock - Sex Pistols, The Stooges (Iggy Pop), Ramones. The music is characterized by a dirty guitar sound, provocative lyrics and shocking, on the verge and even beyond the brink of decency, the behavior of the musicians on stage.

Iggy Pop - one of the brightest representatives of the punk scene - largely laid down the behavior of the musicians of this genre.

Punk as a subculture declares complete personal freedom, rejection of generally accepted rules, the desire to rely on one's own strength and not be influenced.

Nihilism, non-conformism and outrageousness are the features that define the representatives of the punk movement.

You can recognize a punk by ripped jeans, an abundance of metal jewelry, pins, rivets, chains, hair dyed in bright color, mohawk or shaved temples, leather jacket-leather jacket.

Despite the fact that the punk movement originated in the distant 70s, it remains relevant in modern realities. A protest against social injustice, a call for personal freedom is what makes punk in demand among young people.

Gothic - the aestheticization of death

In the 80s of the XX century, on the wave of post-punk, a new musical direction appeared - gothic rock. It gives rise to a new kind of subculture.

The Goths do not protest so vehemently against social injustice, they leave the imperfect world, plunging into mystical romance and the aestheticization of death. They can be compared with the adherents of the decadence of the literary and artistic movement at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Melancholy, dressed, as a rule, in all black, the Goths see beauty where the townsfolk do not notice it. Cemeteries and ancient cathedrals, grotesque graphics filled with mystical meaning, poems glorifying decadence, thrillers and horror films are an incomplete list of hobbies of representatives of this type of subculture.

Goths are distinguished by their refined taste and high level aesthetic needs. They can be called snobs in rock music.

Black Victorian clothes or more modern latex and leather bows, make-up, which is based on a bleached face, on which black-painted eyes and lips stand out brightly, are the hallmarks of a Goth.

Gothic rock underwent changes, branching into several directions, and the entire subculture changed and expanded along with the musical genre. From classic The Sisters Of Mercy, Bauhaus, The Cure to London After Midnight, Dead Can Dance, Clan of Xymox, Lacrimosa.

In countries such as Great Britain, Germany, the USA, in Latin America, Gothic has been popular for several decades, in Russia the peak of popularity of this subculture fell on 2007-2012.

Industrial subcultures

The industrial subculture, its types and their characteristics are discussed below.

Industrial subcultures include:

  • diggers;
  • stalkers.

Diggers are explorers of underground military or civilian structures, abandoned or active. These can be both bomb shelters and abandoned bunkers that are inaccessible to metro station passengers.

This subculture is characterized by its own slang, which will be difficult for the uninitiated to understand.

Stalkers prefer to explore all sorts of abandoned objects, both civilian and military, ghost towns. The object of their interest may also be operating industrial zones that are closed to citizens.

Stalkers are attracted by industrial landscapes, the special atmosphere of abandoned buildings. Many people combine their passion for stalking with photography or graphic art.

Representatives of this subculture are distinguished by special secrecy, the majority do not advertise the exact coordinates of the objects they visit, they try not to post personal photos on the objects on the network.

Internet subculture

The spread of the Internet has led to the emergence of such subcultures as "bastards" and the blogosphere.

The appearance of such an Internet phenomenon as "bastards" is associated with the site "". It was its founder who first began to promote communication on the Internet with the help of specially distorted, misspelled words. Expressions such as "author zhzhot" quickly spread throughout the Runet.

The "bastards" are characterized not only by the violation of the norms of the Russian language, but also by a particularly cynical attitude towards everything that happens, ridiculing and depreciating even significant events.

The blogosphere as a direction of the Internet subculture brings together people who lead various blogs. These can be channels on YouTube, and diaries on LiveJournal, partly publics and communities on social networks. Bloggers deal with a variety of topics: someone covers the latest in cinema and music, literature, someone writes about politics, someone maintains a beauty blog.

Short list of subcultures

List of types of subcultures most common in Russia:

Music subcultures:

  • punks;
  • metalworkers;
  • goths;
  • rappers;
  • folkkers;
  • skinheads.

Art subcultures:

  • graffiti;
  • roleplayers;
  • otaku;
  • underground.

Industrial subcultures:

  • diggers;
  • stalkers;
  • cyber goths;
  • rivetheads.

Internet subcultures:

  • "bastards";
  • blogosphere;
  • demoscene.

Subcultures allow a teenager to find like-minded people, better deal with his inner world but at the same time it is a kind of escape from reality.

Subculture- this is a special sphere of the dominant culture, which is distinguished by its internal organization, customs, norms.

youth subculture is a culture younger generation which is distinguished by a special language, lifestyle, behavioral traits, group norms, values, means of self-expression .

Youth subculture is a phenomenon characteristic of the industrial and post-industrial stages of development of any type of culture. It performs the functions of socialization of young people, solves the problems of generational conflict and obeys the unified laws of development. Being a subculture woven into the structural fabric of a particular type of culture, it has the properties and characteristics of the latter.

The youth subculture for any society at all stages of development is characterized by the so-called contradiction of "fathers" and "children". It can be safely attributed to eternal problems: “Today's youth is accustomed to luxury, they are distinguished by bad manners, despises authorities, and does not respect elders. Children argue with their parents, greedily swallow food and harass teachers,” Socrates complained back in 470 BC. e.

However, unfolding in time, culture not only renews itself, but also preserves itself through the action of succession mechanisms that pass on to each new generation the cultural heritage of previous eras (family, traditions, general education system, media, cultural institutions).

By stages life cycle allocate official (traditional) and innovative-avant-garde youth cultures. An example of official youth subcultures in the Soviet Union was the pioneer organization and the Komsomol, in modern Russia - the movement "Walking Together".

By areas of interest, youth subcultures are also divided into musical, intellectual, religious and philosophical, sports, computer, countercultural, etc.

The emergence of youth subcultures is caused by several reasons..

Firstly, it is the rapid and constant acceleration of the modern life of industrial societies. The phenomenon of youth culture is a sign of predominantly dynamic societies (technogenic civilization). If earlier culture was not divided into “adult” and “youth”, now “fathers” and “children” have serious differences in value orientations, in fashion, in communication methods, and even in lifestyle in general.

In modern culture, there are innovations that constantly break and rebuild the cultural tradition, sometimes hindering the processes of socialization and adaptation of a person to the constantly changing conditions and requirements of life. Fragility and novelty form a "dangerous mixture", since a person striving for self-identification, establishing social ties, searches in a changing environment, that is, all objects with which he comes into contact and which he could join are in constant accelerating motion.

Secondly , lengthens the period of socialization of the younger generation. This is due to the need to increase the time for education and vocational training that meets the requirements of the modern era. Today, a young man (or girl) ceases to be a child early (according to his psychophysiological development), but social status he (she) does not belong to the world of adults for a long time. Adolescence is a time when economic activity and independence have not yet been fully achieved. "Youth" as a phenomenon and a sociological category, born of an industrial society, is characterized by psychological maturity in the absence of significant participation in adult institutions.

Thirdly, in individual psychological terms, young people are characterized by a not always conscious desire to free themselves from external control, increased emotionality, excitability, idealization of some life ideas, maximalism, and instability moral positions, often based on the perception of the negative phenomena of society.

Socialization occurs under the influence of various conditions and circumstances, including uncontrollable factors, such as the informal environment of communication with peers, the views and moods that exist in society.

There are some specific features that distinguish the youth subculture from the dominant culture in society. In other words, youth subcultures are a kind of socio-cultural formations.

youth subculture does not have a clearly defined social status a. The norms and symbols adopted in it are different from those prescribed by society. However, there are remnants of former myths, legends, sprouts of new phenomena. Information penetrating from foreign cultures that does not fit into the main culture settles in youth subcultures.

Internal the values ​​of youth subcultures are opposed to the so-called "generally accepted" values. Youth cultures are characterized by a rebellious spirit, non-acceptance or even complete rejection of the official ideology, apoliticality. Members of various youth subcultures insist on their independence from society. Independence is one of the main features of self-consciousness.

The youth environment often forms countercultural value orientation, the highest principle of which is the principle of pleasure, enjoyment, which acts as an incentive motive and purpose of behavior. Hence, the morality of permissiveness can become an integral and organic element of the counterculture.

Most youth subcultures have its symbolism. For example, hippies, punks have shaggy hair, shabby clothes, handmade bags. There are graphic symbols on clothes and bags: embroidered flowers, anti-war slogans. Skinheads are characterized by the absence of hair on their heads, leather clothing, heavy, rough shoes, etc. These symbols are the first to catch the eye, so the presence of special symbols is a sign of the existence of a communication field in which you are recognized as “one of your own”.

Every youth subculture tries to stand out in your own language(slang) that makes it difficult to communicate with "strangers". By language, “one’s own” is already subconsciously recognized. Here is a special folklore, sayings, anecdotes, ditties, legends and traditions.

The current situation in Russia can be defined as a stage between the old system of values, which is giving significant failures, and the new one, which is just being born.

For a long time in our country the only youth organization was the Komsomol, officially authorized and supported. However, already in the 70s. informal youth groups began to take shape, due to the general socio-political situation in the country, they were in the "underground", producing in some cases their own counterculture. Glasnost and perestroika allowed these groups to legalize their activities, to declare themselves loudly, thereby significantly increasing their numbers.

A certain place among them was occupied by groups that formed around different musical tastes and styles (metalheads, rollers, breakers, Beatles, etc.).

Informal youth organizations also arose, the value orientations of which had some political and ideological connotation (nostalgists, anarchists, pacifists, deviants, greens).

Groups of an apolitical, es-capist character (hippies, punks, people of the system) stood out.

Among the intellectual youth, the aesthetic group "Mitki" was popular, distinguished by self-irony and grotesquely emphasized style "a la Rus".

Groups were formed that professed the "cult of muscles" and physical strength"pitch". Criminogenic groups also appeared, uniting on the basis of aggressiveness, rigid organization and illegal activities (dudes, gopniks, lyubers, etc.). Some of them were inspired by the slogans of restoring socialist justice or fighting the "bad" in the face of hippies, punks and others.

The non-conformism of this youth environment was manifested in everything: in manners, in clothes, in hobbies, in jargon, sometimes reaching openly extremist forms. The currents of the Western youth subculture on our soil often transformed into rather ridiculous forms, acquiring only an external character: they were “copied” from their Western peers by inept “artists”, so not copies were obtained, but caricatures.

After the defeat of the August "putsch" in 1991, a wave of democratic euphoria sharply increased the socio-political activity, including that of the youth. Having reached a maximum, this activity began to subside, which was accompanied by the disappearance of many informal youth groups, a significant decrease in the number of those who remained.

Currently, there are several negative trends in the development of youth subculture.

Subculture entertainment and recreational orientation. Along with the communicative (communication with friends), youth leisure mainly performs a recreational function, most often in the form of passive recreation (“doing nothing”). Young people are forming attitudes not towards creative self-realization, but towards passive consumption of education, culture, and labor. This trend is even more present in the cultural self-realization of young students, which is indirectly due to the very flow of the prevailing values ​​of mass culture, which contributes to the background perception and superficial consolidation of it in the mind.

"Westernization" (Americanization) of cultural needs and interests displaces the values ​​of national culture, both classical and folk, with samples of mass culture focused on the introduction of values, the "American way of life" in its primitive and lightweight version. Favorite heroes and, to a certain extent, role models are the idols of show business or sports, for girls - the heroine of "soap operas" and tabloid love stories, and for boys - invincible superheroes of thrillers.

Pragmatism, cruelty, immoderate desire for material well-being. So, in the student environment, mutual payment for educational services becomes a “normal” phenomenon - writing essays, term papers, assistance in preparing for exams, etc. Many young people recognize the “equivalence of mutual retribution” as the most important value for evil).

These trends are also present in the cultural self-realization of young people: there is a reckless contempt for such "obsolete" values ​​as politeness, meekness and respect for others for the sake of fashion. Young people differ significantly from the older generations in that they are practically devoid of illusions that someone can solve their own problems for them.

Weak individualization and selectivity of culture. The choice of certain values ​​is most often associated with group stereotypes (“the principle of a herring in a barrel”) of a rather rigid nature - those who disagree are at great risk of joining the ranks of “suckers” - “outcast”, “not interesting”, “non-prestigious” people from the point of view of the “crowd” ”, usually equal to a certain ideal - “cool” (sometimes in the person of the leader of this group).

Group stereotypes and a prestigious hierarchy of values ​​are determined by gender, level of education, and, to a certain extent, place of residence and nationality of the recipient. The extreme direction of this trend of the youth subculture is the so-called "teams" with strict regulation of the roles and statuses of their members.

Cultural self-realization outside cultural institutions. Leisure self-realization of young people is carried out, as a rule, outside cultural institutions and is relatively noticeably conditioned by the influence of mainly screen art (film and television) - the most influential institutional source of not only aesthetic, but also socializing impact in general.

In these types of art (as, indeed, in the content of art in general), there is a tendency towards dehumanization and demoralization, which manifests itself, first of all, in the humiliation, deformation and destruction of the image of a person. In particular, this is recorded in the escalation of scenes and episodes of violence and sex, in the intensification of their cruelty, naturalism, which contradicts the laws of human morality and has negative impact to a youth audience.

Lack of ethnocultural self-identification. In modern Russia, there is a severe identity crisis in many groups of society, especially in terms of self-identification with cultural, political and social values. Some groups of young people accept new values ​​and norms to a greater or lesser extent, while others try to preserve and strengthen traditional values.

Attempts to introduce ethno-cultural content into the process of socialization are in most cases limited to the propaganda of ancient Russian customs and Orthodoxy. And ethno-cultural self-identification consists, first of all, in the formation of positive feelings for the history, traditions of one's people, that is, what is commonly called "love for the Fatherland."

Belonging to youth culture, being a phase of development, a transitional stage in the formation of a personality that loses its significance as a young man (girl) adapts to the world of adults, Youth does not produce any culture by itself, without having previously mastered the traditional culture. In the course of this assimilation, she can reproduce ready-made forms offered to her, which, in turn, will be replenished in accordance with her consumer abilities.

The concept of subculture

What modern youth associations are, what they are based on and how they influence the formation of the personality of adolescents and youth - these are the questions that most teachers ask. The answers to them, we hope, will tell adults how to use the attributes, elements of youth subcultures in pedagogical purposes.

The concept of subculture

On one of the sites on the Internet there is a list of common phrases of a modern person, for which in the year 1990 a person was threatened with being sent to a psychiatric hospital. For example, "I'll call you back from the forest." Another example: in a bookstore, up to two-thirds of the books have titles and genres that were impossible a couple of decades ago.

In the lives of adolescents, boys and girls, young people, these socio-technical innovations and cultural influences take shape in the form of modern youth subcultures and activities.

Subculture - these are behavior patterns, life styles, specific values ​​and their symbolic expression of a social group.

Not only age cohorts and special sections of youth, but also professional groups have their own subcultures. Subcultures Doctors, astronauts, actors, television people, teachers have it ... The usual teacher words “window”, “hours”, “rusichka”, “prolong” are far from clear to all representatives of other professions. And try to decipher the slang of TV journalists: “brick”, “canned food”, “live”, “ruler”, “parquet” ... Distinctive features of culture are also inherent in political associations: the subculture of the same communists is not very similar to the subculture of liberals.

youth subculturethese are behavior patterns, clothing styles, musical preferences, language (slang), specific values ​​and their symbolic expressions, typical for groups of young people (12-25 years old).

Youth subcultures have existed for a long time, at least since the second half of the twentieth century. In our country, they attracted the attention of society and the media in the 1980s. In those years, the bearers of such special cultural practices were usually called members of informal youth associations. The most famous examples are hippies, punks, rockers, metalheads.

The main socio-psychological feature of informal youth associations is the symbolization of appearance, lifestyle, behavior, in particular, clothing, speaking style. For example, long hippie hair is not only long hair, but also a symbol of freedom; the English-language layer of hippie slang is an orientation towards Western patterns of behavior; an apartment where informals gather is not just a room, but a flat, where everyone is their own, united by an unpretentious style of everyday life.

Gromov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, candidate psychological sciences"Youth subcultures"

The predominant orientation of those youth and youth groups was asocial. Anti-social, but not anti-social! Asociality in this terminology is interpreted as the non-acceptance of the norms of appearance, behavior, communication, and pastime that prevail in official society. While antisocial is the orientation of the individual, the group, which contains an aggressive beginning that opposes society and tends to merge with the criminal culture.

The number of young people, teenagers belonging to youth subcultures 15–20 years ago, even in big cities, was not numerous. According to a number of surveys in the early 1990s, 1-3% of boys and girls definitely identified themselves as informal groups.

In the 2000s, significant changes took place and are taking place in youth culture. First of all, this is the increase, the growth of youth, youth groups, united by new, sometimes very unusual, activities, such as role-playing games (role-playing games), mountbakes, fire shows, photocrosses, city games (patrols, encounters, quests), parkours, street dances, street balls, graffiti, paintballs, bikers, striders. Some of these groups, such as bikers and striders, go well beyond the youth age.

Around such activities, sometimes their own subculture arises: their own clothing traditions (the same cap for mountbakers or gloves for firefighters), their idols, gathering places, traditions, rules of “hanging out”. But often young men and teenagers, being carried away by new activities, do not perceive themselves as belonging to some special group. For them, activity is just activity.

Modern youth subcultures

Main distinctive features modern youth subcultures are, firstly, an increase in the number of activity associations (that is, those in which any specific, relatively new youth activity is organized); secondly, the immersion of modern youth subcultures in the Internet, where they look for "their own", organize meetings and actions, isolate idols, use its possibilities to organize relevant activities.

From a pedagogical point of view, there are several grounds for classifying modern subcultures.

First of all, this is the attitude of a particular youth subculture to social values ​​accepted in society. We can talk about three social and value orientations of youth subcultures:

  • procultural (prosocial) subcultures: the majority musical directions and role play)
  • asocial: hippies, punks, metalheads, emo;
  • countercultural (antisocial): youth groups close to the adult criminal subculture, skinheads in their radical form.

Another basis for classification is the measure of inclusion in the lifestyle of a young person of an active principle. According to this criterion, it is possible to divide youth subcultures into behavioral and activity ones.

Behavioral subcultures include those in which the main features (the core of the subculture) include styles of clothing, appearance, behavior, and communication characteristic of representatives of these groups. For these communities of adolescents, youth, constant engagement in any activity is not an important group feature (for example, goths, emo, hipsters).

Activity subcultures include those teenage, youthful, youth communities in which the main feature is the passion for specific youth activities that require individual activity to some extent (for example, role players, parkour players, graffiti artists).

The modern youth activities themselves, which are to some extent subcultural in nature, can be conditionally divided into sports, art activities and games.

Sports activities:

  • parkour - cross with natural obstacles in the conditions of the settlement;
  • mount bike - jumping and "acrobatic" exercises on special ("mountain") bikes;
  • frisbee - throwing a plastic disc;
  • socks (footbag) - games with small balls stuffed with sand;
  • skateboarding - exercises on a board with rollers;
  • snowboarding - exercises on the board on a snowy slope.

Art activities:

  • street dance - dance styles that develop the traditions of breakdance;
  • fire show - juggling with luminous objects, including fire;
  • graffiti - drawing on buildings, fences, etc. in a specific visual technique.


  • role-playing games - role-playing by a group of people of situations based on the content of a book (or film) in the form of spontaneous actions of player-characters corresponding to the original plot;
  • historical reconstruction - role-playing games in which historical events are played out on the ground;
  • urban orienteering (encounties, photocross, patrols, etc.) - games in the form of a competition of orienteering teams in a real rural or urban environment with tasks being completed along the route;
  • computer online games.

But we repeat: participation in these types of activities does not necessarily mean that a young man or a girl belongs to one or another subculture, often an activity remains only an activity.

Reasons for the attractiveness of subcultures

On a personal level, youth subculture is a way to compensate for negative attitudes towards oneself, lack of self-respect, rejection of one's own body image and behavior style (including inconsistency with masculine and feminine standards).

The fact of joining a subcultural group allows you to exaggerate your dissimilarity, to give yourself an aura of exclusivity, particularity.

Socio-psychological reasons are associated with the emotional attractiveness of an informal lifestyle, which does not impose (unlike the normative, school) increased requirements for purposefulness, purposefulness, and responsibility.

We can talk about three groups of likely consequences, trends in the influence of youth subculture on the socialization of a young person:

  • a positive trend is manifested in the development social roles in a group, social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization (in specific subcultural forms), social trials and social experimentation;
  • a socially negative trend is found in familiarization with criminal or extremist subcultures, alcohol and drugs;
  • an individually negative tendency is manifested in the avoidance of social and cultural self-determination, self-justification of infantilism, and flight from social reality.

It is very difficult to determine which trends prevail in a particular subculture, and even more so in the life of a particular young person.

Sources and influence

There are several sources for the emergence of subculture in Russian youth reality.

It is no secret that the daily lives of adults and children have changed a lot over the past 15–20 years. The transition to a market-oriented social structure, accompanied by openness to Western (Europe, the United States of America) and Eastern (Japan, Korea) cultures, has shaken, if not dissolved, many traditions, values, and stable relations of Russians. A new scientific and technological revolution, embodied primarily in the phenomena of a computer, the Internet, and a mobile phone, served as a no less force that changes people's lives.

One of the ways to broadcast youth subcultures is their relatively spontaneous distribution. However, spontaneous distribution is often a by-product of the quite purposeful activity of social institutions: the media, parties, fashion distributors, etc.

Another way - youth and commercial organizations take spontaneously existing forms of youth leisure and turn them into fully organized ones (for example, a commercial street dance competition). And this process requires special technologies. According to experts, when interacting with potentially positive informals, at least three rules must be kept: negotiate with leaders, provide them with funds and opportunities for actions, events (time, venues, technical means) and agree on restrictive norms of behavior and activities (which should be minimal!) during organized promotions.

From the standpoint of social education, that is, education in schools, camps, structures additional education, we can distinguish three main pedagogical strategies in relation to youth-specific activities: ignore, expect spontaneous penetration into social life and then work with it, or purposefully analyze the educational potential of youth activities and use it in the interests of personality development.

Educational potential of youth subcultures lies in the fact that the forms, types, directions of adolescent and youth activities that have arisen outside the pedagogical sphere, including in the sphere of free communication of young people, which potentially, with appropriate pedagogical instrumentation, have a socially positive character.

Practice modern education rather timidly comes into contact with such teenage and youth realities. And most often this contact occurs in situations summer camps, in children's public associations and much less often at school.

Mikhail Lurie " Youth subcultures way to yourself or escape from reality"

Probably, one of the main questions, the solution of which will show whether practical pedagogy is coming into contact with the life of modern teenagers and high school students, or whether they (pedagogy and life) are increasingly moving away from each other, is whether class teachers, educators will acquire the desire and ability to see, pedagogically comprehend and draw new youth activities and hobbies into the circle of their actions.

Sergey Polyakov, Ph.D., UlSPU, Ulyanovsk.

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