Subcultures. Youth subculture and its role in modern society Subculture examples

February 18, 2010, 03:45 pm

Hippie, youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the 1960s. The heyday of the movement came in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, the hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism. grunge, a stylistic direction in rock music (a variant of "new wave grunge metal") and a youth subculture that became one of the most notable phenomena of alternative rock in the late 1980s - mid-1990s. The city of Seattle (USA, Washington state) became the birthplace of grunge, the most prominent representatives are four Seattle bands: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Soundgarden. These groups are known as the "Seattle Four". Grunge refers to heavy music along with heavy metal and hard rock. emo, the emo subculture can be classified as the latest new style, although it looks very similar to goth and glam rock. Inspired by stripes with long names like "The Day My Dog Went To Town", sickly youths all over the world have chosen to wear their hair slicked to the side, neckerchiefs, black eyeliner, and skintight jeans.
Punk, a youth subculture that arose in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, whose characteristic features are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the band Velvet Underground, which he produced, is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer, Lou Reed, is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement closely associated with punk rock.
chik, This style has a resurgence every few years, with the last one still in full swing, Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake are the bright representatives, plaid sneakers and a T-shirt tucked into the pants. rockers, Rockers appeared in the mid-60s and reached their peak in the late 60s and early 70s, both in England and on the Continent. Rockers come predominantly from families of unskilled workers, without education, and often from single-parent and "problem" families. Rocker clothes - leather jacket, worn jeans, rough big shoes, long hair slicked back, sometimes tattoos. The jacket, as a rule, is decorated with badges and inscriptions. The main element of the rocker subculture is a motorcycle, which is also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. A motorcycle is a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation, the main source of strong sensations. At the same time, technical knowledge and driving skills are highly valued among rockers. gansta, Gangsta Rap began its development in the late 80s. This direction originates in hardcore rap. Gangsta rap style had a hard, noisy sound. Lyrically, it was as edgy as rappers' crude tales of urban turmoil. Sometimes the texts differed in an accurate reflection of reality, and sometimes they were just comics filled with exaggeration. This direction became the most commercially successful in the history of hip-hop development from the late 80s to the early 90s. In the course of its development, gangsta rap became the cause of considerable controversy, as some conservative organizations tried to ban the distribution of the albums of these musicians. New Romantic (Glam Rock), a musical movement that originated in the UK in the early 1980s and (as part of the new wave) had a significant impact on the development of the English pop and rock scene. New Romantic emerged as an alternative to the asceticism of punk culture and not only did not carry social protest, but (according to the Virgin Encyclopedia of 80's Music) "sang glamour". butter dish, an offshoot of the British Teddy Boy culture - can be described as: Skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and slicked back hair. Jukeboxes, cocktail bar and travel in cars.
Dandy Flapper, Dandy Flapper prevailed among girls. Red lipstick, hair stuck to the head with varnish and sequins, dresses were the order of the day for girls, for men only a tweed suit with a bowler hat.

A young man is always in an active search for his "I". He is trying to find the thing from which he will enjoy the maximum, which can fill his leisure time with meaning. Sometimes this results in opposing oneself to society. Finding people inclined to the same views, a person joins the so-called "subculture" - an insignificant part of social culture, which differs in many respects from the main social contingent.

The youth subculture is aimed at young people as it represents their interests. The subculture is very different from the traditional society, it contains only those people who contrast sharply with the ordinary inhabitants of society.

Your attention is presented to the 10 largest and most famous informal organizations.

Hippies are representatives of one of the oldest subcultures among young people. This movement was formed in San Francisco around the sixties of the twentieth century, and its original purpose was to protest against the ordinary routine.

This ideology was based on a philosophical doctrine that was associated with Jesus. Hippies held pacifist opinions and views, and believed that evil cannot be resisted with violence. Most of them are creative people.
A favorite pastime of hippies is various parties, endless controversy and playing music. Obligatory hippies consider the use of alcohol and drugs in unthinkable quantities.

Boys and girls who liked the hippie ideology often leave their homes, going on a journey without money, food or other means of survival. Hippies also support free love, with all its consequences. Their ideology is alive to this day.

The first punks appeared in England when it was in a state of severe economic crisis - i.e. around the mid-seventies of the last century.

The main slogan of punks sounds like: "There is no future!". Their philosophy is simple - they are the lost generation, for which there are no rules. This is expressed in their political direction - anarchism. It was from there that their symbol arose - the letter "A" in a stylized form.

Punks are sure that the world cannot be changed for the better. They are also fans of parties, alcohol with drugs and, of course, fights.

Gothic as a trend originated in the seventies of the last century, at the peak of post-punk. The earliest Goths adopted a lot from them, the only difference was that the black color still prevailed among the Goths in appearance and clothing.
Initially, goths were considered only lovers of the gothic music communities, but over time, they built their own way of life, value system and mentality.

Today, the image is ready is very complex and includes many components: clothing, jewelry, shoes, accessories, hairstyle and much more. Their aesthetic is eclectic.

Also, over the years, the followers of this ideology have developed their own, unique style in make-up and make-up. Usually, young people give their faces pale tones, use eyeliner (also, of course, black), varnish and the like.

The name is an abbreviation for the word "emotional".

Also, a similar term is usually called a separate genre of hardcore music, which is based on the expression of strong emotions by the vocalist. Emo music is characterized by squeals, moans, whispers, and so on.

Over time, this style of music has acquired many branches: emocore, screamo, punk emo and a few more. Fans of these genres stood out in a separate subculture, and received the name "Emokids".

However, in addition to a special, bright make-up, outfit and unusual hairstyle, these guys have many other ways of expressing themselves. Through any creativity or emotion, they can tell their feelings about what is happening in the world and their lives.

Hackers are usually referred to as computer users who engage in active, even offensive tactics of behavior on the network.

Hackers attack, basically, a variety of sites and servers, hacking them and incapacitating them. In 1988, one of the most effective weapons of hackers proved to be a computer virus that torments people today.

Hackers are usually students or schoolchildren, people who oppose corporatism and value self-will and complete freedom of action.

Such species are distinguished from others by an increased level of danger to human health, or even life, a lot of acrobatic numbers, and an off-scale dose of adrenaline produced by an athlete during extreme sports.

Parkour is just the above-mentioned extreme sport. It is based on the principle of performing various unsafe tricks, without any insurance. These include jumping from great heights or climbing skyscrapers.

Tracers (French Traceur - a person who paves a new path) consider parkour not a sport, but a whole way of life and their philosophy. The name came to young people from equestrian sports, its translation sounds like: “obstacle course”.

The founder of the ideology and the first tracer is David Belle. He also introduced the parkour motto - "there are no borders, there are only obstacles."

Initially, these people were called "Harleyists". It is not difficult to guess why - the well-known brand of Harley motorcycles served as the reason. The recognition and love of the crowd, these motorcycles acquired in the thirties of the twentieth century in America.

Beer has become a favorite drink of bikers. In clothes they prefer jeans, black comfortable T-shirts and leather jackets or vests. Tattoos that cover the entire body of a person are also not uncommon.

Modern youth culture offers us many options for spending our leisure time. One of them is role playing. And, I must admit, they have many fans, as a lot of people, disappointed in real life, try to find solace in fictional worlds.

Roleplayers are an informal community, however, rightfully singled out as a separate subculture, since these guys have long acquired their own unique style, jargon, music and literature.

Over the years, roleplayers have often organized various festivals that are dedicated to game discussion, communication, and even tournaments.

This word is of Italian origin. Translating into Russian, you can get the literal "scribbled".

Almost everything can be substituted under such a description - even rock art, however, it is still customary to remember the huge “balloon” masterpieces on houses or in the subway. Sometimes, for such acts, you can use simple markers.

A kind of street artists, in jargon are called writers or graffers, and they appeared in the States in the late sixties of the past century.

Chkalovskaya secondary school No. 1

North Kazakhstan region

Yaroshinskaya Svetlana Edmundovna

History and social studies teacher

"The influence of subcultures on the spiritual and moral development of youth"


2.Features of youth subcultures, conflict of youth subcultures.

3. The influence of subcultures on the spiritual and moral development of youth.

6. Interview with representatives of youth subcultures, youth affairs specialist.

List of usedliterature.

1. What is a youth subculture? Main features.

The increased role of youth subcultures in modern society can be explained by understanding what role the subculture plays.

youth subculture - this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common style of life, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, lifestyles. Created by youth groups, subcultures reflect attempts to resolve conflicts associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign formation, on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated, in a general socio-cultural context. Entering adolescence, the individual moves away from the family, looking for a new company that allows him to undergo socialization. Official youth organizations group adolescents of the same age, but often claim only "social (public) life", without affecting their personal lives. That is why young people prefer not the official structure, but the youth subculture, where they have the opportunity to realize themselves at the level of social communications in their social environment. Participation in a subculture is“playing into adulthood”, where young people construct some kind of life situations and learn how to behave in them.

Subculture - a system of values, behavior patterns, lifestyle of a social group, which is an independent holistic formation within the framework of the dominant culture.

Subcultures change so quickly and are so diverse in one single period of time within one large space that sometimes it is not even possible to name them.

In fact, the main thing in the concept of subculture is the prefix sub-, denoting a bare structural opposition directed against the phenomena of a large culture.

Representatives of a subculture have their own culture, their own so much that, having a common colloquial language with a large culture, they put other sensations, other concepts into the same words, behind all this there is a fundamentally different symbolism.

Under subculture should be understood the main characteristics of social values, norms and preferences of adolescents, which are reflected in the social position and in other forms of self-realization of the individual. Thus, any subculture is a way of expressing the individuality of young people.

According to the modern point of view subculture is a special sphere of culture . Let's just say it's education within culture which is distinguished by its own values ​​and customs. This is the culture of a certain young generation, which has a common style of life, behavior, group norms. If a young person has an unusual style of clothing, behavior, statements - all these may be signs of involvement in a particular subculture. Of course, each subculture keeps its own "secret", hidden, intended exclusively for the initiates. In many of its features, the youth subculture simply repeats the television subculture, which molds a convenient viewer for itself.

2.Features of youth subcultures, the conflict between them.

There are features that characterize the youth subculture as a whole. One of these features is characterized by scientists as alienation from the older generation, its cultural values ​​and ideals. It did not arise today and looks like a lack of meaning in life. Against this background, the youth subculture is turning into a counterculture with its own ideals, fashion, language and art.

Leisure more and more become the main sphere of life of young people. True life for her begins outside the school threshold. Young people go into leisure as into a protective shell, where they are truly free. The main elements of leisure are: rest, active physical activity, entertainment, self-education, creativity, reflection, holiday. The communicative, aesthetic, emotional, cognitive, entertaining functions of culture and leisure are most fully realized.

One of the specific features of the youth subculture is " Westernization (Americanization) of cultural needs and interests. The values ​​of national culture are being replaced by samples of Western mass culture. Accordingly, the value palette of adolescent consciousness is changing, where pragmatism, cruelty, and an immoderate desire for material success play the main roles. Accordingly, highly revered values ​​are squeezed out of the value set of young people, such as politeness, respect for others. In choosing cultural idols, today's youth often follow the requirements of the group environment (hanging out) and fashion trends, rather than their own choice or the advice of their parents. Those who disagree with the group run the risk of joining the ranks of "outcast", "not interesting", "not prestigious" people.
In this way, youth subculture- this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common style of life, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

The subculture, to which young people belong mainly, is a certain choice of what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what values ​​to believe in, and, first of all, which group to belong to. In a big city, young people can choose from any of many such groups. They arise even within national communities.
The huge variety of youth associations entails certain conflicts, which are mainly of a personal nature and result in a confrontation between young people who consider themselves to be members of different subcultural associations.
Any youth subculture has certain rules, sometimes "unwritten" traditions, values, even views on the same situations or incidents in several subcultures can differ radically, and each subculture considers its opinion to be the most correct, accurate and relevant. The main difference between the conflicts of youth subcultures and the conflicts taking place among adults is that the older generation is able to be more tolerant and correct about outside opinions, or at least only verbally respond to the identification of any obvious contradictions or differences in views ( debate and compromise). Young people, on the other hand, react more temperamentally to such manifestations of “otherness” of someone directly to their social group and try with all their might to change this, but, encountering opposition and unwillingness of the opposite side to obey, they try, again thanks to youthful egocentrism, to solve such a problem with physical force. . It is from such situations that youth conflicts, intergroup clarification of relations, the definition of right, wrong, guilty and injured follow.
The conflict within culture always has a subordinate place, as it destroys the traditional mechanisms of its self-preservation and sustainable development. Here, a conflict of cultural and civilizational foundations of society, represented by different social groups, is also possible. In particular, between different subcultures.
3. The influence of subcultures on the spiritual and moral development of youth.

Adolescence, especially from the age of 13-15, is the age of the formation of moral convictions, the principles that a teenager begins to be guided in his behavior. At this age, there is an interest in worldview issues, such as the emergence of life on Earth, the origin of man, the meaning of life. The formation of a teenager's correct attitude to reality, stable beliefs must be given paramount importance, because. it is at this age that the foundations of conscious, principled behavior in society are laid, which will make themselves felt in the future.

The moral beliefs of a teenager are formed under the influence of the surrounding reality. They can be erroneous, incorrect, distorted. This takes place in those cases when they are formed under the influence of random circumstances, the bad influence of the street, unseemly deeds.

In close connection with the formation of the moral convictions of young people, their moral ideals are formed. In this they differ significantly from younger students. Studies have shown that ideals in adolescents manifest themselves in two main forms. For a teenager of a younger age, the ideal is the image of a particular person, in whom he sees the embodiment of qualities highly valued by him. With age, a young person has a noticeable “movement” from images of close people to images of people with whom he does not directly communicate. Older teenagers begin to make higher demands on their ideal. In this regard, they begin to realize that those around them, even those they love and respect very much, are mostly ordinary people, good and worthy of respect, but they are not the ideal embodiment of the human personality.

In the development of young people's cognition of the surrounding reality, there comes a moment when a person, his inner world, becomes the object of cognition. It is in adolescence that there is a focus on the knowledge and assessment of the moral and psychological qualities of others.

Along with the growth of such interest in other people, adolescents begin to form and develop self-awareness, the need for awareness and evaluation of their personal qualities.

Analyzing, we can summarize and identify the following age-related features characteristic of adolescence:

The need for energy discharge;

The need for self-education; active search for the ideal;

Lack of emotional adaptation;

Susceptibility to emotional contagion;



The need for autonomy;

Aversion to guardianship;

The importance of independence as such;

Sharp fluctuations in the nature and level of self-esteem;

Interest in personality traits;

Need to be;

The need to mean something;

Need for popularity.

Adolescents have a desire to study their "I", to understand what they are capable of. During this period, they strive to assert themselves, especially in the eyes of their peers, to get away from everything childish. Less and less focused on the family and turn to her. Adolescents who have lost their bearings, who do not have support among adults, are trying to find an ideal or a role model. Thus, teenagers adjoin one or another informal organization. A feature of informal associations is the voluntariness of joining them and a steady interest in a specific goal, idea. The second feature of these groups is rivalry, which is based on the need for self-affirmation. A young man strives to do something better than others, to get ahead of even the people closest to him in some way. This leads to the fact that within the youth groups are heterogeneous, consisting of a large number of micro-groups, uniting on the basis of likes and dislikes. It is in the space of informal communication that the primary, independent choice by a teenager of his social environment and partner is possible. It is generally accepted that the main thing for teenagers in informal groups is the opportunity to relax and spend their free time. From a sociological point of view, this is wrong: "nonsense" is one of the last places in the list of what attracts young people to informal associations - only a little more than 7% say this. About 5% find an opportunity to communicate with like-minded people in an informal environment. For 11%, the most important thing is the conditions for the development of their abilities that arise in informal groupings.

4. Acquaintance with the types of subcultures.

The study of youth subcultures has long been an important direction in the sociology of youth. Youth movements can be divided into the following groups:
- Associated with music, music fans, followers of the culture of musical styles: rockers, metalheads, punks, goths, rappers, trance culture.
- Differing in a certain worldview and way of life: goths, hippies, Indianists, punks, rastamans.
- Sports related: sports fans, rollerbladers, skaters, street bikers, bikers.
- Associated with games, going to another reality: role-players, Tolkienists, gamers.
- Related to computer technology: hackers, users, the same gamers.
- Hostile or asocial groups: punks, skinheads, RNU, gopniks, lubers, Nazis, periodically: football fans and metalheads.
- Religious associations: Satanists, sects, Hare Krishnas, Indianists.
- Contemporary art groups: graphitters, break dancers, pro-modern artists, sculptors, musical groups.
- Elite: Majors, Ravers.
- Antiquarian subcultures: beatniks, rockabilly.
- Subculture of the masses or counterculture: gopniks, rednecks.
- Socially active: societies for the protection of history and the environment, pacifists.

.Emo.Recently, the direction of emo has become very popular among young people. But not everyone knows what it is! If we talk about emo as a concept, then we can say that emo is not just a direction, but a special way of life and thinking of people. The word emo comes from the word emotion. Emo people live only by emotions, whether they are positive or negative. For people of this category, the expression of feelings through emotions is not a manifestation of weakness, but a completely natural state. Emo kids in the crowd are as easy to distinguish as ready. To fully express their emotions and feelings, emo kids write poems and songs, are fond of photography and drawing. Who is this emo kid? If you literally translate each word, it turns out that emo is emotions, and kid is a child. Together we get an emotional child. But in em's direction it's
It says that each of us remains a child at heart. Emo kids, how children perceive the world. They find joy in some small things, and even the smallest loss or failure can upset them very much. But there is another kind of emo-kids. E then those who do not hide their emotions and perceive the world in a special way just because they just want to join the company of emo people. Such a peculiar shell is just an image, or just an empty picture, behind which there is nothing. Basically, the emo craze for emo kids passes very quickly. They are not afraid of the opinions of others and easily demonstrate their feelings. Often, emo kids rush from one emotional extreme to another: from grief to happiness, from sadness to joy, etc. It is these features that distinguish emo from other subcultures. There is a stereotype of emo as whiny boys and girls. First of all, for representatives of this subculture, the main values ​​are: mind, feelings, emotions. The ability to combine these 3 components is the essence of emo. Emo kid is a vulnerable depressive person who actually dreams of pure and happy love. Representatives of this trend, as a rule, wear black or pink hair, oblique bangs that cover half of the face (a symbol that the emo kid is only half open to the world), and short hair sticking out in different directions at the back. Girls can have children's, funny hairstyles - two small ponytails, bright hair clips on the sides, bows and hearts. Black and pink clothes mean a mixture of feelings (i.e. black means depression, and pink means joy and other positive emotions.) Also, emo kids thickly line their eyes with black pencil and paint their nails with black varnish, regardless of gender. Another distinctive feature of the emo representative is piercing, which means the absence of fear of pain. It is mainly done on the face. Also, the presence of bright badges and multi-colored bracelets and beads. Shoes typical for emo are sneakers. Emo - music appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century in the USA - as one of the offshoots of hard rock. Love and death is the favorite scenario of emo musicians, who are also characterized by romanticism, sophistication uvstvo and pure, children's perception of the world.

2. Goths.

Still, there is such a direction as the Goths. They replaced the punks in 1979 in the UK. This subculture has outlived many of its peers, and continues to evolve. Her figurative system and cultural preferences clearly demonstrate a connection with the ideals of Gothic style literature dating from the nineteenth century.

G It is common for fathers to wear black clothes, as well as hair color and makeup. Clothing style can range from punk to medieval. In addition, here you can find outfits from the Victorian era. Girls wear corsets, leather skirts or long dresses, while Goth men prefer black cloaks, or camisoles with a black collar turned up. The general trend is sad, sometimes even mournful, mystical motives and appearance. Goths have a strange attraction to everything dark and mysterious. Their style is distinguished by dark colors, mourning, sometimes combined with eroticism. In the image of a typical goth, there are black hair, black nails, bright eyeliner with a black pencil. Hairstyle plays a huge role. Basically it is long straight hair, or a large bun lifted up with a gel. Goths prefer jewelry made of silver, in the form of various symbols of death. Decorations with skulls, coffins, crosses, etc. There is also a love of cemeteries, tombstones and crypts among the Goths. Purely Gothic symbols include bats, vampires, and similar images.

3. Rockers.

E one more representatives of black color - rockers. The word rockers was originally used to define the British youth in Britain in the sixties of the last century. They allowed themselves to cut through the roads on motorcycles rather disrespectfully. Their course appeared in the fifties, in the era of rock and roll. However, the first rockers are united by only one principle - the manner of riding a motorcycle, and only then such a thing as style appeared. These guys could drive at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour on the ring roads of London.

The rocker style gave rise to necessity and practicality. The rockers wear motorcycle leather jackets, adorned with buttons, patches, patches, and pins in abundance. The rocker hairstyle can, in principle, depend on personal preference, but it is often referred to as the flattened or, conversely, enhanced pompadour hairstyle that characterizes representatives of rock and roll in the fifties.

Music became the main segment of the rocker subculture in the USSR. But besides the positive attitude towards music, rock culture has another side. This is the abuse of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. Unlike other subcultures, it is this one that tends to promote health-damaging things. Ideally, a rocker is a well-read person who understands the social situation, knows how to think independently and draw conclusions, which he sets out in the appropriate texts set to music. We associate Viktor Tsoi, Vyacheslav Butusov, Andrey Makarevich and others with such legends of rock. Russian rock is a separate concept that has no analogues, but is very respected in the rest of the world.

4. Skinheads.

Also, I would like to tell you about the skinhead subculture, which has spread over the past decade throughout Europe, North America and other continents. Skinheads got their name from their appearance: namely, spherical and shaved heads. These are representatives of the working class, whose subculture was founded in the UK in the sixties of the last century.

The main external sign of skinheads is their hairstyle. The hair is cut very short, or some parts of the head are shaved. Skinheads are dressed in thick leather jackets in black or green. On his feet are heavy shoes resembling army ones, often with titanium plates. Representatives of this trend have tattoos at a premium. Like all subcultures, skinheads have their own music, such as ska, reggae.

5. Gopniks. Gopnik is a representative of a subculture that was formed as a result of the infiltration of criminal aesthetics into the work environment. Get close to the thugs. Gopnikov is distinguished by the use of thieves' jargon, a very low level of intellectual and spiritual development, a tendency to violence, a disdainful attitude towards the rule of law in general, as well as towards the police, and law-abiding citizens. Unlike most informals and youth associations, the gopniks did not assign any names to the rest of the population and did not distinguish themselves into a separate group relative to the entire population. Thus, gopniks do not realize themselves as a subculture. The gopniks themselves do not call themselves gopniks, they call each other "boys". They spend most of their time on the street, among their favorite places - parks, squares, bus stops, garages and courtyards at kindergartens. Gopniks, as a rule, are children from dysfunctional families. Still, the cultivation of gopniks is facilitated by our state, the media and mass culture in general. For example, watching TV series about gangsters, films with violence and cruelty, and much, much more. They are usually dressed in tracksuits, a cap or baseball cap, and cheap running shoes.

The following main features of subcultures are distinguished

1) Informal groups do not have official status.

2) Weakly expressed internal structure.

3) Most associations have weakly expressed interests.

4) Weak internal communications.

5) It is very difficult to single out a leader.

6) They do not have an activity program.

7) Act on the initiative of a small group from outside.

8) Represent an alternative to state structures.

9) It is very difficult to classify in an orderly manner.

As the reasons for “leaving for the underground”, young people name:

1) Challenge to society, protest.

2) Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family.

3) Unwillingness to be like everyone else.

4) The desire will be established in the new environment.

5) Draw attention to yourself.

6) Undeveloped sphere of organizing leisure activities for young people in the country.

7) Copying Western structures, trends, culture.

8) Religious ideological convictions.

9) Tribute to fashion.

10) Lack of purpose in life.

11) Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism.

12) Age hobbies.

In the course of working on the project, we found material that gives the necessary conditions for the success of social and pedagogical assistance to older students - representatives of unofficial youth subcultures. The nature of the interaction between a teacher and a high school student; a constructive dialogue involves:

- the existence of a contract as a cultural mechanism that regulates relations between a teacher and a high school student,

- communication is built on the basis of the unconditional acceptance of the pupil, no matter what ideas he shares and promotes,

- advising the pupil on the possibilities of the social environment, institutions in resolving the problems of socialization;

- emotional support for both the act itself and the principle of freedom of choice.

- equipping pupils with the missing means of self-understanding.

An important condition for the effectiveness of socio-pedagogical assistance to high school students - representatives of youth subcultures is the creation of a club community based on youth subcultural practices, which contributes to:

- emancipation, acceptance by the pupil of himself,

- mastering by the student of various options for self-presentation in socially acceptable forms,

- mastering by the pupil ways of solving communicative problems (including a constructive dialogue with adults, with representatives of other subcultures).

The organization of experimentation and self-expression in the field of youth subculture is carried out by constructing a kind of "carnival" sites, where during various kinds of fun, games, contests, processions, participants can experiment with their appearance, try on the attributes of representatives of a particular subculture. At carnival venues, an important role is played by the socio-psychological atmosphere of looseness, which is provided by the protection of schoolchildren from sanctions from the subjects of social education and agents of subcultures. For full-fledged experimentation, self-expression of pupils in the field of youth subculture, the educator must accept the style of the subculture as a model for self-realization of students.

The method of providing social and pedagogical assistance to high school students - representatives of youthful subcultures requires a combination of group and individual forms of work.

The appearance of the teacher should correspond to the main fashion trends in order to attract and win over students, however, the elements of clothing should not express a preferred attitude towards any of the subcultures. The ability to adjust a person to himself with words and actions is an important component of the image.

The activities of a teacher in providing social and pedagogical assistance in group work can be disclosed through a list of pedagogical tasks aimed at:

- creating a positive emotional climate in the group;

- obtaining by a teenager the experience of constructive interaction with others;

- expanding knowledge about the ways and options for expressing, presenting oneself to others;

- gaining experience of self-expression in this group;

- mastering the ways of discussing, comprehending and understanding the meanings of symbols and meanings inherent in various subcultures, awareness of their individual characteristics.

Creating a positive emotional climate in the group is important for students to feel comfortable, tolerant of each other, not afraid to talk about themselves, not shy about experimenting.

A young man needs to determine the boundaries of his real possibilities, to find out what he is capable of, to establish himself in society. This is confirmed by the following quote from Erickson: “A young man, like an acrobat on a trapeze, must, with one powerful movement, lower the crossbar of childhood, jump over and grab onto the next crossbar of maturity. He must do this in a very short period of time, relying on the reliability of those whom he must let go and those who will receive him on the opposite side.

6. Interview with representatives of youth subcultures, a specialist in youth policy.

Interviews with representatives of the youth subculture "emo".

Samigatova Galiya:
“My name is Samigatova Galiya. I'm in the 9th "A" class. When I became interested in the subculture "Emo" I was 14 years old.

In this subculture, I liked the brightness and style of clothing the most. They are very emotional, but secretive, somewhere alone. I just got tired of this monotony, I wanted to change something. And suddenly my friend became emo. This is what pushed me to become emo.

Of course, each subculture affects the moral values ​​of each person.

At first, I didn’t even look like an emo, then I began to drag on. In the summer, when I went to Astana, I went to gatherings and didn’t even differ in anything.

Then I became sadder, thoughts darker. I felt alone. I was constantly haunted by the feeling that life would soon end. I began to swear with foul language, I wanted to die. Even now in life there are such moments, but everything is still not so.

I am most attracted to the subculture "Anime" at the moment. I watch cartoons such as Vampik, Death Note and others.

Mordas Alina:

“My name is Alina Mordas. I study in the 9th "A" class of the Chkalov secondary school No. 1. I became emo at the age of 13.

I was attracted to this subculture: the style of clothing, isolation, pink and black colors.

In "Emo" I moved because of life circumstances. Problems surrounded me in every area of ​​my life. Constant quarrels with friends, with parents. Studying at that time did not please me either. I wanted to close myself off from everyone, to withdraw into myself, but not to restrain my emotions. I wanted to create my own little universe where no one would interfere with me. I just wanted to hide from everyone in my inner, spiritual corner and not leave it, as my crystal, pink dreams were shattered against the cast-iron forehead of reality.

The subculture "Emo" has long attracted my attention. I could not plunge into it with my head like: “Emo is not only bright clothes, tears and disheveled hair. Emo is a state of mind.

After I became a representative of this subculture, my friend followed me. This angered me. I still hold a grudge against her. It hurt me. It was as if, without my consent, she invaded my little world, which I invented only for myself.

"Emo" definitely influenced me. I became closed. I was haunted by strange thoughts that I don't want to remember. I messed up. Do I regret that I was - emo ... Maybe to some extent, "yes." But the subculture has not only a negative, but also a positive impact on a person. As the saying goes: "I learn from my mistakes!". I learned to appreciate everything that I have, everyone who is with me. I learned who my real friend is and learned to appreciate life.

Now I am a representative of the Ulzzang subculture. This Japanese subculture welcomes positive vibes, bows, and rosy cheeks.

Here's my little story about how I was Emo."

Interview with a Goth (did not want to give his name):

-When did you decide to become a goth? At what age and why?

It started for me in the 7th grade, now I'm in 11. I really love the black color, I love something extraordinary, and the movie "Daddy's Daughters"! In this film, Nastya Sivaeva, who played the role of Daria, became my idol. In it, I saw myself, we are a little similar in character. And I decided to become like her. I began to read a lot about the Goths, changed my wardrobe.

-What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?

- Gothic, gothic metal, classical. Specifically: “Lacrimosa”, “To Die For”, “Death Stars”, “The 69 Eyes”andmuchother.

-What are your ideals of spiritual morality?

Many believe that the Goths are "non-humans." That we love death and so on. The essence of our ideology is the savoring of pain and suffering, so death must still be suffered. It is pleasant for a Goth to revel in his misfortune, real or imagined. I consider myself to be ordinary goths who look at life simply (we are all mortal), do not look into the past, love dark tones in clothes. I also love my family, I wish them happiness. I just want them to accept me for who I am.

- Do goths often get together?

In ordinary life - no, more often in chat rooms. In general, Goths are loners.

- Why would they even date in real life?

Goths are the same ordinary people, and they, like everyone else, need communication (at least occasionally). And they are looking for "their own kind."

Interview with a specialist in youth policy Satymgalieva Almagul Islambekovna:

The nature of our research determined the method of studying the problem, we interviewed a specialist in the youth policy department

- How do you assess the general cultural development of our youth?

- In my opinion, our level of cultural development is very low. Just want to give statistics: most teenagers of senior school age consider all kinds of bad habits acceptable, and in combination with sports. In our time, it has become popular to take as an example the main characters of the series: "Brigade", "Boomer", set them as ideals for yourself and try to imitate them. Also, many young people are prone to this opinion: “Everything will be decided for us and they will manage without our opinion.” I would like to explain. This means that a modern teenager is passive and holds such an opinion, because he believes that his view of any problem or task is of no interest to anyone and is absolutely priceless. This is how everyone thinks, as a result, our young people practically do not participate in the life of the city at all.

-What are the main goals of youth policy in the village of Chkalovo?

First of all it is:

Improving the legal framework in the field of youth policy;

Creation of conditions for the effective involvement of young people in the socio-economic and socio-political development of the city, region and the country as a whole;

Education among young people of the ideals of citizenship and patriotism;

Prevention of socially negative phenomena and creation of conditions for successful social adaptation of young people.

Formation among the youth of a respectful attitude towards traditional family values, support for a young family.

Thus, in this work, I examined the concept of youth subculture, the history of the term and concept itself, as well as the origins of youth subcultures, and the significance for the modern functioning of society. In general, at present, the phenomena of subcultures have become firmly established in everyday life. Due to the peculiarities of telecommunications, it is currently creating a stratification of our society according to interests.

The students of the village of Chkalovo, for the most part, consider today's youth as kind, sympathetic and positive people. These young people believe that mercy, spirituality, love for relatives and friends occupy a central place in their souls. Main reasons for joining groups- this is loneliness and misunderstanding of parents, as well as indirect ones: isolation, imitation, grouping, freedom, emotional saturation of communication, the desire to compensate for shortcomings in the family and school. Traits they like in gang teens is the ability to stand up for oneself, courage and independence.

Today we need to help people who are striving, albeit in an unusual way, to show their civic position, to express their own opinion. In order to judge whether a group or an association is acting for the benefit or to the detriment of its members and society as a whole, it is necessary to study their activities, to make contact with them.

List of used literature

1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. "Strategy of life". M., 1996.

2. Gatskova E. I. Youth and modernity. M. "Infra". 2001.

3. Levikova, S. I. Youth subculture: textbook. allowance / S. I. Levikova. - Moscow: Grand: Fair-press, 2004

4. Olshansky D.V. “Informals: a group portrait in the interior” - M: Pedagogy, 1990.

5. Rakovskaya O.A. Social orientations of youth: tendencies, problems, prospects / M.: "Nauka". - 1993.

6. Nikolsky D. Sociology of youth (Youth extremism and youth subculture) /
7. Yaroshevsky M.G. "Social education". M. 1997.

Electronic resource

Electronic resource


Questionnaire for the survey of youth and students.

Topic: "Attitude of youth and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones"

Dear friends!

This sociological questionnaire is devoted to the study of the attitude and awareness of young people about various youth subcultures. Your answers will help identify possible risks when joining various youth organizations, determine the reasons that encourage young people to join the ranks of adherents of informal movements.

    Floor:  M

     F

    2. In your opinion, youth subculture is ( 1 answer option):

     form of leisure;

     temporary hobby;

     lifestyle of modern youth.

    3. What do you think is an informal youth association? ( 1 answer option)

     a group of people who violate public order, living contrary to the rules of behavior and morality accepted in society;

     a group of young people united by common non-standard hobbies and interests;

     a group of young people protesting society with their unusual behavior, appearance and specific outlook on life;

    4. Have you had any experience of communicating with representatives of informal subcultures?

     Yes

     No

    5. How do you feel about different youth subcultures?

     negative;

     I don’t care, I never thought about it;

     is positive.

    6. Do you agree that the existence of youth subcultures is a threat to the public?

     yes;

     I believe that NOT all youth subcultures pose a danger to society;

     no.

    7. Are you interested in any areas of youth subcultures?

     No;

     I don't care;

     Yes;

     I don't know anything about them.

    8. Are there any youth movements whose views, ideas and hobbies you like?

     No;

     Yes.

    9. What do you think motivates young people to join various youth organizations? ( 1 answer option)

     the desire to stand out from the crowd and express their protest against the prevailing foundations and orders;

     common non-standard interests and views;

     desire for self-actualization.

    10. Do you think that joining youth organizations is fraught with negative consequences?

     course (drugs, physical injuries, psychological problems);

     I do not think that all youth associations are so dangerous;

    No, I'm sure it's completely harmless.

    11. How would you react to the fact that one of your relatives (relatives, friends) will join the representatives of the youth subculture?

     sharply negative;

     I have nothing against youth associations, but I would not like my relatives to join them;

     I think it all depends on which youth movement they decide to join;

     I don't care, that's their business;

     is positive.

    12. Should the state exercise control over youth organizations and movements in any way?

    Appendix 3

The study of youth subcultures is an important direction in the sociology of youth. Since the 1960s, leading sociologists from around the world have turned to this issue. In domestic sociology, however, the analysis of youth subcultural phenomena until the end of the 1980s was carried out within a very narrow framework. To a certain extent, this was explained by the fact that these phenomena, due to established scientific paradigms, were perceived as social pathology. In the process of formation and development of youth subcultures, the following types of them were formed:

  • - politicized subcultures - actively participate in political life and have a clear ideological affiliation;
  • - ecological and ethical subcultures - are engaged in the construction of philosophical concepts and are fighting for the environment;
  • - non-traditional religious subcultures - mainly a passion for eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism);
  • - radical youth subcultures - they are distinguished by their organization, the presence of older leaders, and increased aggressiveness;
  • - lifestyle subcultures - groups of young people who form their own way of life;
  • - subcultures by interests - young people united by a common interest - music, sports, etc.;
  • - the subculture of "golden youth" - is typical for capital cities - is focused on spending leisure time (one of the most closed subcultures). Belsky V.Yu., Belyaev A.A. "Sociology", M., "INFRA - M", 2005. - 399 p.

An analysis of various types of youth subcultures shows that this phenomenon is dynamic and developing, manifesting itself through many forms. They differ in their origin and internal organization, in different historical times some are more relevant than others.

Subcultures of the 30s-60s

One of the brightest and most famous subcultural communities are youth movements associated with certain genres of music. The image of musical subcultures is formed largely in imitation of the stage image of performers popular in a particular subculture. The formation and development of subcultures happened a long time ago. The most striking in the formation of subcultures are the beginning of 1930 - 1940.

Swing youth. In 1939, an informal movement called the Swing Youth emerged in Germany. The most developed was mainly in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Berlin. "Swinging youth" - as a rule, these were children from bourgeois families - high school students, students, young musicians. They were fond of American jazz and swing dancing. The appearance of the "swinging youth" was the opposite of the official image of the "correct" German youth. "Swing-Boys" dressed "American". They wore long double-breasted jackets in a cage or "tennis" stripes, with huge shoulders, wide trousers with large lapels, boots with thick soles. Ties and scarves, as well as clothing in general, had to be bright, like "jungle fire". Young dandies had to get out in order to be stylish in conditions of military shortage - jackets were altered from their father's, old rubber soles were glued to boots. The Swingers walked with a deliberately sloppy gait, the obligatory cigarette hanging from the corner of their mouths, they held dance parties where they played American and English music. In the end, the authorities banned swing dancing.

Bikers. Bikers and biker subculture, like many other things, came from America. This is one of the oldest subcultures, formed back in the 1940s and 1950s. The appearance of bikers is quite recognizable: leather, jeans, metal accessories - this is not a complete list of the components of a biker style. From musical preferences - rock in all its manifestations, although some listen to pop music. Nowadays, a huge number of music festivals are held, where the vast majority of spectators and listeners are bikers. Such festivals are distinguished by a fun entertainment program, an abundance of beer and rock and roll. There are also various rock clubs where bikers like to gather. Such clubs can always be identified by motorcycles parked at the entrance. There, in the parking lot, they not only wait for their owner, but also attract the attention of others with their impressive appearance. Each biker pays great attention not only to the technical equipment of his steel horse, but also to his external attractiveness. In addition to freedom, bikers value their biker brotherhood and are always ready to help each other.

Teddy-boys. The Teddy Boy subculture originated in London in 1953 and quickly spread throughout the UK. Teddy-boys dressed in tapered trousers or trousers-pipes, long jackets, fitted coats, frock coats with double collars, bow ties. So they tried to look like a dandy and a "golden youth." The Teddies were mostly working class. Teddy-boys are the first youth culture in England that differentiates itself, having its own dress code and certain hobbies, and as a result adjusts the market to suit itself. It was with the advent of Teddy that the first youth clothing stores and youth television programs appeared. For Teddy Boys, appearance and clothing are important - this is what makes them stand out from the crowd. They were characterized by rather hooligan behavior, which shocked the older conservative generation, and newspapers usually "inflated" the hype around them even more, exaggerated and added fuel to the fire.

Fashion. Mods is a British youth subculture that formed in the late 1950s. among the London petty bourgeoisie and peaked in the mid-1960s. Mods replaced teddy-boys, and later the skinhead subculture formed from among the most radical mods. As a mode of transport, fashion chose scooters for themselves. Mods tended to meet in clubs and seaside resorts. The mods were not cohesive, they did not have some kind of connecting idea, where the ideas of brotherhood and unity are promoted. They were just young people, gathering at night and having fun until the morning. And, nevertheless, they left a mark in history with their bright appearance and peculiar tuning of their scooters. Initially, the preference was given to tailor-made suits, later - just suits of Italian and British brands. The language is extremely limited. They use drugs - pills and dark beer. In the second half of the 60s. the mod movement waned and has only sporadic revived since then.

Skinheads. The first mentions of skinheads in the press and music are found in England in the late 60s of the XX century. The skinheads of the 60s shared style with the mod subculture. The subculture was completely apolitical from the start. Neither left nor right politics prevailed. They were tough guys who equally hated both young bourgeois majors and relaxed hippie drug addicts. The ideology of "White Power" appeared - the White Power, which must maintain racial balance not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Real skinheads do not call for the destruction of other races, they simply say that everyone has their own home, their own homeland, the land of their ancestors. The Skins had their collars cut, their trousers narrowed, their badges removed, and their feet shod in heavy construction boots. This is how the canon of skinhead clothing was established. In this clothing, everything is strictly functional, adapted for a street fight. Nothing superfluous: no glasses, no badges, no bags, shoulder straps, nothing that prevents you from dodging the hands of the enemy. In boots, instead of black laces, white laces appeared, as a symbol of the fact that the skins are fighting for the White Race.

Stilyagi. Stilyagi is a youth subculture in the USSR, which became widespread in large Soviet cities from the late 1940s to the early 1960s, having a predominantly American way of life as a standard. The dandies were distinguished by deliberate apathy, a certain cynicism in their judgments, and a negative attitude towards certain norms of Soviet morality. Western cinema played an important role in the development of the dude subculture. In the early years of the phenomenon, the appearance of the dude was rather caricatured: wide bright trousers, a baggy jacket, a wide-brimmed hat, brightly colored socks, the notorious "jungle fire" tie. Later, the dress code of Soviet dudes underwent significant changes: the famous trousers-pipes appeared, a whipped "cook" on the head, an elegant jacket with broad shoulders, a narrow tie "herring", an umbrella-cane. Of the shoes among Soviet fashionistas, pointed-toed boots with a high rubber soles. For a girl who positioned herself as a representative of a "stylish" culture, it was enough to wear bright makeup and wear a "crown of the world" hairstyle. Tight skirts were considered special chic, tightly fitting girl's hips. In musical preferences, dudes gravitated more towards jazz and rock "n-roll. Favorite dances were boogie-woogie, rock and roll, and later twist and shake. Distinguished dudes not only special clothes, music, dances and demeanor, but also specific slang, partially borrowed from jazzmen. Lisovsky V. T. Sociology of Youth, Moscow, 1996, p.54

In addition to the previously considered subcultures, in the 30-60s of the last century, such cultures as Edelweiss Pirates, Rockabilly, Rude-boys and Hipsters appeared.

Subcultures of the 70-80s of the XX century

Hip-hop. The hip hop subculture began in 1974 in the African American and Hispanic neighborhoods of the Bronx. Clothing style in the hip-hop subculture. Freedom of action implies loose clothing. Therefore, the hip-hop style is characterized by men's cut T-shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts and hoodies. The colors of the clothes were originally dark and gray, but over time this convention was overcome in favor of more positive shades. On their feet, hip-hop fans prefer to wear wide "pipe" jeans, often with a low waist. Usually they are worn in such a way that part of the underwear becomes visible. You can call it a form of disregard for the norms of culture and ethics accepted in society. Hip-hop shoes are 100% sporty. In addition to attributes of a purely sporting nature, such as bandanas, wristlets, baseball caps, which are worn by almost all representatives of the movement, there are also jewelry in the hip-hop style that are typical for those whose financial capabilities are much higher than average. Ponomarchuk V.A., Tolstykh A.V. Secondary education: two critical points of the modern school.//Sotsis 12/94 p.54

Ravers. Usually ravers are classified as musicians. At the heart of this subculture is present: a light, carefree attitude to life, the desire to live today, to be dressed in the latest fashion. The ravers subculture emerges in the 80s. in the US and UK. In Russia, it has been distributed since the beginning of the 90s. An integral part of the rave lifestyle is night discos with powerful sound, laser beams. Ravers' clothes are characterized by bright colors and the use of artificial materials. The development of the rave subculture went hand in hand with the spread of drugs, in particular amphetamines. The use of stimulants and hallucinogens for the purpose of "mind-expanding" has become, unfortunately, almost an integral part of the raver subculture. At the same time, many figures of youth culture, including DJs - the key figures of the rave subculture - have expressed and continue to express an extremely negative attitude towards taking drugs.

Punks. A youth subculture that arose in the late 1960s - early 1970s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The philosophy of punk is mainly to fight dullness, aggression and monotony. Punks have a colorful image. Many punks dye their hair in bright unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, brilliantine, gel or beer to make it stand up. In the 1980s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear ripped jeans tucked into heavy boots and sneakers. The clothes are dominated by "dead style". Punks put skulls and signs on clothes and accessories. Also, punks wear various attributes of rocker subcultures: collars, wristlets, bracelets, mostly leather, with spikes, rivets and chains. A lot of punks get tattoos.

Goths. Goths are representatives of a youth subculture that originated in the late 70s of the XX century on the wave of post-punk. The Gothic subculture is quite diverse and heterogeneous. The main elements of the Gothic image are the predominance of black in clothing, the use of metal jewelry with the symbols of the Gothic subculture, and a distinctive make-up. Typical attributes used by the Goths are ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality, skulls, crosses, straight and inverted pentagrams, bats. Makeup is used by both men and women. It is not an everyday attribute, and is usually applied before visiting concerts and gothic clubs. Makeup usually consists of two elements: white face powder and dark eyeliner. Hairstyles in Gothic fashion are quite diverse. In the post-punk era, the main type of hairstyle was medium length tousled hair. But in today's subculture, many wear long hair, or even mohawks. It is typical for the Goths to dye their hair black or - more rarely - red. Some Goths prefer clothing styled after the fashion of the 18th-19th centuries. with appropriate attributes: lace, long gloves and long dresses for women, tailcoats and top hats for men. The normal state for Goths is "anguish" - a fairly comprehensive term that describes the usual gothic state. The humor of the Goths is quite specific - it is purely black humor.

Hippie. Hippies were one of the first musical and youth subcultures of our time. Hippie is a philosophy and subculture that originated in the 1960s in the United States. The movement flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, the hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism.

Hippie believes:

  • - that a person should be free;
  • - that freedom can be achieved only by changing the inner structure of the soul;
  • - that beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the realization of both is a purely spiritual problem;
  • - that everyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken. Shchepanskaya T.B. System: texts and traditions of subculture. M., 2004

The hippie culture has its own symbolism, signs of belonging and attributes. Representatives of the hippie movement, in accordance with their worldview, are characterized by the introduction of ethnic elements into the costume: beads woven from beads or threads, bracelets, "baubles" and so on.

In the 70s and 80s, there were also such subcultures as Metalists, Freaks and Glamor.

Subcultures 1990-2000

Cyber ​​Goth. Tentatively, the origins of the emergence of the Cyber ​​​​Gotha subculture fall on the 1990th year. It is worth noting that the exact classification and definition of this informal direction does not yet exist, of course, there are some features that distinguish this direction from others, but due to the deep delusion of many, they have nothing to do with the usual Gotha subculture. The origins themselves were taken precisely from the Gothic movement, but in a short time they were completely reoriented. Like most subcultures, Cyber ​​Goths were formed due to musical trends. The main focus of the Cyber ​​Goths' musical preferences was guitar sounds and standard rock songs. The following are used as the main hairstyles: dreadlocks - hair dyed in different colors, often found among representatives of this movement and Iroquois, but they have nothing in common with the punk subculture. The color scheme ranges from green to black, but bright ones are predominantly used. Clothing is mostly made of leather or synthetic material. The design included elements of microcircuits, showing the predilection of Cyber ​​Ready for computers. This is the hallmark of Cyber ​​Goths from Goths. Shchepanskaya T.B. System: texts and traditions of subculture. M., 2004.

Grangers. One of the oldest subcultures is grungers, they arose under the influence of the musical direction of grunge, from where they actually stood out as a separate culture around 1990-1991. Its founders, the Nirvana group, who were able to promote not only their style to the masses, but also give rise to a whole generation of their followers. In appearance, the Grangers are easy to distinguish from representatives of other subcultures, they are distinguished by a plaid shirt, sneakers and long hair - these three elements completely form the image and image. Moreover, preference is given to worn out clothes. Often, such things are bought in second-hand stores to form an image, style and image. In their own way, they are completely harmless to others. Of the musical directions, priority is naturally given to Grunge. The grunge subculture is also distinguished by its conservatism, unwillingness to change its foundations of life, norms, philosophy or value system. The fashion for grunge ended around 2000-2005, but even now this subculture is adhered to, only by those people who are not indifferent to this direction. It is worth noting that it was from the direction of the Grangers that an element of clothing was later adopted - a T-shirt or sweatshirt with black and red colors. As for age, there are no restrictions. Among the grungers you can meet both at the age of 15, and fully formed and established people.

Alternatives. The subculture Alternatives was formed in the first half of the 90s. It included representatives of rappers, metalheads and punks. Of all youth musical directions, they stand out for their friendliness towards representatives of any subcultures. Unlike all musical movements, Alternative combined several styles at once, which made it possible to create a completely separate subculture. Based on the HardCore style. As for the musicians, not the followers, they tried to make a breakthrough in music, rejecting the existing standards. The main contribution that has been made to world music is the union of rap and rock. Toward the turn of 2000, the new style hit the mainstream and began to massively spread around the world. The appearance of the Alternatives immediately catches the eye. They are easy to distinguish from representatives of other subcultures. They wear wide clothes and piercings. The peak of the popularity of the Alternative came in 2005. This subculture did not have a special ideology, everything rested on a musical experiment that radically changed the development of world music.

During this period, such a subculture as the Tolkienists appears.

Top 10 youth subcultures, according to the American agency

youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the 1960s. The heyday of the movement came in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, the hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism.

a stylistic direction in rock music (a variant of "new wave grunge metal") and a youth subculture that became one of the most notable phenomena of alternative rock in the late 1980s - mid-1990s. The city of Seattle (USA, Washington state) became the birthplace of grunge, the most prominent representatives are four Seattle bands: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Soundgarden. These groups are known as the "Seattle Four". Grunge refers to heavy music along with heavy metal and hard rock.

the emo subculture can be classified as the latest new style, although it looks very similar to goth and glam rock. Inspired by stripes with long names like The Day My Dog Went To Town, sickly youths all over the world have opted to wear their hair slicked to the side, neckerchiefs, black eyeliner, and skintight jeans.

a youth subculture that arose in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, whose characteristic features are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the band Velvet Underground, which he produced, is closely associated with punk rock. Their lead singer, Lou Reed, is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement closely associated with punk rock.

The style has a resurgence every few years, with the last one still in full swing, Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake are the bright representatives, plaid sneakers and a T-shirt tucked into the pants.

Rockers appeared in the mid-60s and reached their peak in the late 60s and early 70s, both in England and on the Continent. Rockers come predominantly from families of unskilled workers, without education, and often from single-parent and "problem" families.
Rocker clothes - leather jacket, worn jeans, rough big shoes, long hair combed back, sometimes tattoos. The jacket, as a rule, is decorated with badges and inscriptions. The main element of the rocker subculture is a motorcycle, which is also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. A motorcycle is a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation, the main source of strong sensations. At the same time, technical knowledge and driving skills are highly valued among rockers.

Gangsta Rap began its development in the late 80s. This direction originates in hardcore rap. Gangsta rap style had a hard, noisy sound. Lyrically, it was as edgy as rappers' crude tales of urban turmoil. Sometimes the texts differed in an accurate reflection of reality, and sometimes they were just comics filled with exaggeration. This direction became the most commercially successful in the history of hip-hop development from the late 80s to the early 90s. In the course of its development, gangsta rap became the cause of considerable controversy, as some conservative organizations tried to ban the distribution of the albums of these musicians.

New Romantic (Glam Rock),
a musical movement that originated in the UK in the early 1980s and (as part of the new wave) had a significant impact on the development of the English pop and rock scene. The New Romantic arose as an alternative to the asceticism of punk culture and not only did not carry social protest, but (according to the Virgin Encyclopedia of 80's Music) "sang of glamor

Butter dish,
an offshoot of the British Teddy Boy culture - can be described as: Skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and slicked back hair. Jukeboxes, cocktail bar and travel in cars.

Dandy Flapper,
Dandy flapper girls prevailed. Red lipstick, hair stuck to the head with lacquer and sequined dresses were the order of the day for the girls, and the men only wore a tweed suit with a bowler hat.

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