Composition Bunin I.A. "Antonov apples - visual techniques

Bunin's story Antonov apples» small in volume. Consists of four chapters. Main symbol in Bunin's work, this is the image of Antonov apples. It means lost happiness, all of Russia. It is a symbol of the past. First chapter. The story begins with landscapes in early autumn. It was August. The garden is big and golden. It has a lot of pleasant smells: fallen leaves, Antonov apples, honey.

Second chapter. Bunin describes the manor estate of Anna Gerasimovna's aunt. An old, small estate among tall birches. All its inhabitants are middle-aged people: “dilapidated old men and women”, “decrepit cook”, “gray-haired coachman”. The birds are singing in the garden. The manor house acts as an animated object: "the house looked" The third chapter - hunting, occupies important place in the life of landowners.

Fourth chapter: The smell of Antonov apples no longer smells in the landowners' estates. Arseny Semenovich is no longer alive. Anna Gerasimovna died. All the old people in the village also died. The author describes autumn nature but many years later. Everything has changed. There are many ruined small estates around.

In the story, Bunin described the beauty village life. The work has no plot. Descriptions of nature can be compared to pictures painted talented artist. Only Bunin used his rich imagination and colorful epithets instead of a brush and paints. The reader is immersed in the world of the autumn garden, which is perceived by all senses.

We see, hear, smell, and even touch with the narrator.

The leitmotif of this work is the smell of Antonov apples. The author accurately describes the aroma of apples. Here Bunin paints a picture where a village peasant eats an apple that crunches with great pleasure. The events in the story refer to the past. But Bunin uses present tense verbs, as if a beautiful orchard with apples is now before his eyes. The smell of Antonov apples brings back childhood memories of life in the countryside. Happy moments which will forever remain in the memory of the narrator.

Light plays an important role visual images: "black sky". Of the sounds, there is the clucking of thrushes, the cries of roosters and the cackle of geese. The garden has changed. He is now black and cold. A cold and wet apple can be found in the leaf. Feels abandoned. In the story there is an image of a train, which is a symbol of the new time and new life.

Bunin has two tenses: external, what happens in nature, and internal, what happens in the soul of the narrator. In nature, time goes forward, but in his memoirs the narrator goes into the past. The narrator and the author are close to each other. In the soul of the protagonist, there is a feeling of the leaving landlord life, ruined noble nests, the elusive world of the Russian village and a bitter sense of loss.

Updated: 2017-11-01

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Natalya Polyakova

One of the main features of the prose of I.A. Bunin, usually immediately noted by students, is, of course, the absence of a plot in conventional view, that is, the absence of event dynamics. Students who are already familiar with the concepts of “epic” and “lyrical” plot come to the conclusion that the plot in “Antonov apples” is lyrical, that is, based not on events, but on the experience of the hero.

The very first words of the work: “...I remember an early fine autumn” - carry a lot of information and give food for thought: the work begins with an ellipsis, that is, what is described has neither origins nor history, it is as if snatched from the very elements of life, from its endless stream. With the first word “remembered”, the author immediately plunges the reader into the element of his own (“me”) memories. The plot develops as a chain of memories and sensations associated with them. Since we have a memory in front of us, then, therefore, we are talking about the past. But in Bunin, in relation to the past, verbs of the present tense are used (“it smells of apples”, “it becomes very cold ...”, “we listen for a long time and distinguish trembling in the ground”, and so on). For lyrical hero Bunin, what is described is happening not in the past, but in the present, now. This relativity of time is also one of the characteristic features of Bunin's poetics.

Memory is a complex of physical sensations. The world accepted by all organs human feelings: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

One of the main leitmotif images in the work is probably the image of smell, which accompanies the entire story from beginning to end. In addition to the main leitmotif that permeates the entire work, the smell of Antonov apples, there are other smells here: “strongly pulls with fragrant cherry boughs smoke”, “rye aroma of new straw and chaff”, “the smell of apples, and then others: old furniture mahogany, dried linden blossom, which has been lying on the windows since June...”, “these books, similar to church breviaries, smell nice... Some kind of pleasant sour mold, old perfumes...”, “the smell of smoke, housing "...

Bunin recreates the special beauty and uniqueness of complex smells, what is called synthesis, a “bouquet” of aromas: “the delicate aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness”, “the ravines smell strongly of mushroom dampness, rotted leaves and wet tree bark."

The special role of the image of smell in the plot of the work is also due to the fact that over time, the nature of smells changes from subtle, barely perceptible harmonious natural aromas in the first and second parts of the story - to sharp, unpleasant smells that seem to be some kind of dissonance in the surrounding world - in the second, third and fourth parts of it (“the smell of smoke”, “it smells of dog in the locked hallway”, the smell of “cheap tobacco” or “just shag”).

Smells change - life itself, its foundations change. The change of historical patterns is shown by Bunin as a change in the personal feelings of the hero, a change in worldview.

The visual images in the work are as clear and graphic as possible: “the black sky is drawn with fiery stripes by shooting stars”, “small foliage has almost completely flown from the coastal vines, and the branches are visible in the turquoise sky”, “liquid blue shone coldly and brightly in the north above heavy lead clouds the sky, and because of these clouds, the ridges of snowy mountains-clouds slowly floated out”, “the black garden will shine through in the cold turquoise sky and meekly wait for winter ... And the fields are already sharply turning black with arable land and brightly green with overgrown winters.” Such a “cinematic quality” of the image, built on contrasts, creates for the reader the illusion of an action taking place before the eyes or captured on the artist’s canvas: “In the dark, in the depths of the garden, - fabulous picture: just in a corner of hell, a crimson flame burns near the hut, surrounded by darkness, and someone's black silhouettes, as if carved from ebony, move around the fire, while giant shadows from them walk through the apple trees. Either a black hand a few arshins in size will lie down all over the tree, then two legs will be clearly drawn - two black pillars. And suddenly all this will slip from the apple tree - and the shadow will fall along the entire alley, from the hut to the very gate ... "

Color plays a very important role in the picture of the surrounding world. Like the smell, it is a plot-forming element, changing noticeably throughout the story. In the first chapters we see "crimson flame", "turquoise sky"; “diamond seven-star Stozhar, blue sky, golden light of the low sun” - such a color scheme, built not even on the colors themselves, but on their shades, conveys the diversity of the surrounding world and its emotional perception by the hero. But with a change in attitude, the colors of the surrounding world also change, colors gradually disappear from it: “The days are bluish, cloudy ... All day long I wander through the empty plains”, “low gloomy sky”, “grey gentleman”. Halftones and shades (“turquoise”, “purple” and others), which are present in abundance in the first parts of the work, are replaced by the contrast of black and white (“black garden”, “fields turn sharply black with arable land ... fields turn white”, “snowy fields” ). On the black and white background Bunin the painter unexpectedly applies a very ominous brushstroke: “a dead seasoned wolf stains the floor with its pale and already cold blood.”

But, perhaps, the epithet “golden” is the most frequently encountered in the work: “a large, all golden ... garden”, “golden city of grain”, “golden frames”, “golden light of the sun”.

The semantics of this image is extremely extensive: this and direct meaning(“golden frames”), and the designation of the color of autumn foliage, and the transfer of the emotional state of the hero, the solemnity of the minutes of the evening sunset, and a sign of abundance (grain, apples), once inherent in Russia, and a symbol of youth, the “golden” time of the hero’s life.

With all the variety of meanings, one thing can be stated: Bunin’s epithet “golden” refers to the past tense, being a characteristic of noble, outgoing Russia. The reader associates this epithet with another concept: the “golden age” Russian life, an age of relative prosperity, abundance, solidity and strength of being.

This is how I.A. Bunin sees the passing century.

The elements of life, its diversity, movement are also conveyed in the work by sounds: “the cool silence of the morning is broken only by the well-fed clucking of thrushes ... voices and the booming clatter of apples poured into measures and tubs”, “We listen for a long time and distinguish trembling in the earth. The trembling turns into noise, grows, and now, as if already beyond the garden, the wheels are rapidly beating a noisy beat, rumbling and knocking, the train rushes ... closer, closer, louder and more angry ... And suddenly it begins to subside, stall, as if going into the ground...”, “a horn is blowing in the yard and howling at different voices dogs”, “you can hear how the gardener carefully walks around the rooms, melting the stoves, and how the firewood crackles and shoots”. All these infinitely varied sounds, merging, seem to create a symphony of life itself in Bunin's work.

Sensual perception of the world is supplemented in “Antonov apples” with tactile images: “with pleasure you feel the slippery leather of the saddle under you”, “thick rough paper” - and taste: “all through pink boiled ham with peas, stuffed chicken, turkey, marinades and red kvass – strong and sweet-sweet...”, “... a cold and wet apple... for some reason will seem unusually tasty, not at all like the others.”

Thus, noting the hero's instant sensations from contact with the outside world, Bunin seeks to convey all that "deep, wonderful, inexpressible that is in life" 1 .

With maximum accuracy and expressiveness, the attitude of the hero of "Antonov apples" is expressed by the words: "How cold, dewy, and how good it is to live in the world!" The hero in his youth is characterized by an acute experience of joy and the fullness of being: “my chest breathed greedily and capaciously”, “you keep thinking about how good it is to mow, thresh, sleep on the threshing floor in omyot...”

However, as most researchers point out, the art world Bunin's joy of life is always connected with the tragic consciousness of her finiteness. As E. Maksimova writes, “already early work says that the imagination of Bunin the man and Bunin the writer is entirely occupied by the mystery of life and death, the incomprehensibility of this mystery” 2 . The writer constantly remembers that “everything living, material, bodily is certainly subject to death” 3 . And in “Antonov apples” the motif of the extinction, the dying of everything that is so dear to the hero, is one of the main ones: “The smell of Antonov apples disappears from the landowners’ estates ... The old people died in Vyselki, Anna Gerasimovna died, Arseniy Semenych shot himself ...”

It is not just the old way of life that is dying, but an entire era of Russian history is dying, noble era, poetized by Bunin in this work. By the end of the story, the motif of emptiness and cold becomes more and more distinct and persistent.

This is shown with special force in the image of a garden, once “big, golden”, filled with sounds, aromas, now - “frozen during the night, naked”, “blackened”, and also artistic details, the most expressive of which is the “accidentally forgotten cold and wet apple found in wet foliage”, which “for some reason will seem unusually tasty, not at all the same as others.”

This is how, at the level of personal feelings and experiences of the hero, Bunin depicts the process of degeneration of the nobility taking place in Russia, which brings with it irreparable losses in spiritual and cultural terms: ... Good ... notes in their margins, large and with round soft strokes, made with a quill pen. You open the book and read: “A thought worthy of ancient and new philosophers, the flower of reason and feeling of the heart”... and you will involuntarily be carried away by the book itself... And little by little a sweet and strange longing begins to creep into your heart...


  • To acquaint with the variety of subjects of Bunin's prose,
  • Teach to identify literary devices used by Bunin to reveal human psychology, and others character traits Bunin's stories
  • Develop prose text analysis skills.



1) identify the first impressions of students about the read work;

2) follow how the age of the hero changes and with it the perception of the world;

3) draw students' attention to the intonation of light sadness, sadness in the story;

4) conclude that this story broadly includes landscapes that help to most deeply understand internal state hero, express nostalgia for the bygone past;

5) consider the image of nature, the image of the world of people, the mood of the hero-narrator, the images of the symbols of the story "Antonov apples".


1) to develop in students the skills of literary critical analysis of the work;

2) to develop in students the skill of a complete competent oral answer;

3) develop the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations.


1) instill in students a sense of beauty;

2) education of a cultured reader; writing; interest in the history of language and people

Lesson type: lesson explanation of new material

Technology: the lesson was developed using a problem-based learning technology, a health-saving, system-activity approach and general pedagogical technologies, as well as using information and communication technologies.

Lesson Methods: reproductive, search, heuristic

Forms of work: frontal, individual, in pairs

Equipment: story by I.A. Bunin "Antonov apples", interactive whiteboard, presentation, notebook.

Stages of the lesson and activities of students and the teacher

Method, reception

1. Organizational moment

Organization of students in the classroom



Awakening cognitive interest

Reading a poem




Repetition of previously learned and its expansion

Active listening, conversation

Frontal, individual

Reproductive, view presentation

4.Creating a problem situation

The teacher encourages students to pay attention to the topic of the lesson, to explain it


reproductive, exploratory

5.Search, resolution of a problem situation

form personal opinion; learn to listen to the other person;

Work in a notebook, drawing up a table

Individual, group


6. Generalization, conclusion

Representation of the resulting table, generalization, output

Working with the interactive whiteboard

Frontal, individual


7. Development of new knowledge in a creative task

Work with individual tasks


Individual message


8. Summing up

Reflection on what was said in class

Frontal, individual


9. Homework

Variable homework




During the classes

We only remember happiness.

And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it-

This autumn garden behind the barn

And clean air pouring through the window.

I. Bunin.

Teacher's word: Hello guys! Today we are waiting for a very interesting lesson, where we will continue to get acquainted with the work of I.A. Bunin and talk about his story "Antonov apples". In order to create the right atmosphere, I suggest listening to a poem by I.A. Bunin "Evening", an excerpt from which I took out as an epigraph to our lesson. (A trained student reads the poem "Evening")

We always remember happiness.
And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it -
This autumn garden behind the barn
And clean air pouring through the window.

In the bottomless sky with a light white edge
Rise, the cloud shines. For a long time
I follow him ... We see little, we know
And happiness is given only to those who know.

The window is open. She squeaked and sat down
A bird on the windowsill. And from books
I take my tired eyes away for a moment.

The day is getting dark, the sky is empty.
The hum of the threshing machine is heard on the threshing floor...
I see, I hear, I am happy. Everything is in me.

What is the mood of this poem? What is the main idea of ​​this poem? (mood of quiet sadness, sadness. The main idea is that happiness can be found in the most simple things that surround us, the main thing is to be happy yourself).

I.A. Bunin was convinced that there should be no "division fiction on prose and poetry”, and admitted that such a view seemed to him “unnatural and outdated”. He wrote: “The poetic element is spontaneously inherent in the works belles-lettres equally in poetry and in prose form. Prose should also differ in tone. Many purely fictional things are read like poetry, although neither meter nor rhyme is observed in them ... For prose, no less than for poetry, the requirements of musicality and flexibility of language must be presented.

These requirements were most fully realized in the masterpiece of Bunin's prose - the story "Antonov apples". The story was written in 1901. The attentive reader will notice that this story is a single lyrical monologue of the hero, conveying his state of mind. The story is like a poem. First of all, how the plot is built. Many may say that there is no plot here. And they will be wrong. There is a plot. It is based on memory. The rhythm of poetic breathing, the indefinite fluctuation of intonation, and impressionistic imagery become significant. The lyric, as it were, leads the prose. Thanks to the saturation of the narrative with poetic imagery, a special laconicism is developed, coupled with magical smoothness and bewitching length. Word repetitions, pauses create expressive musical mode. Let's listen to an excerpt: “I remember an early fine autumn ... I remember an early, fresh, quiet morning <…>I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinned garden, I remember maple alleys, the delicate aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness. “The extreme concentration of details, the boldness of comparisons give the impression of elegance, rich decoration of the narrative, while remaining strict, sharp, clear. The fragrance of Antonov apples is constantly present in the work, and this smell sounds like a musical leitmotif.

Bunin - greatest master words, attentive to details. Often this story is compared with the paintings of the Impressionists. If you come very close to the picture, you won’t see anything except brushstrokes, you’ll move a little away - there are individual items and if you go even further, you will see the whole picture.

At home you read this amazing story, filled with smells, sounds, impressions, memories, tell me, what is the general mood of the story? (sadness, nostalgia, despondency, farewell to the past).

Let's carefully read the topic of today's lesson, what kind of "paradise lost" is the writer talking about? (Ray is past life, life in the estate, life in harmony with nature)

What is the composition of the piece? (the work consists of 4 parts) And if you read the story carefully, you will notice that the mood in each part is different. In order to confirm this thesis, we will conduct a small study. You are divided into 4 groups, each group will work with one part of the story, the result of your work will be a table consisting of the following columns:

The main theme of the part

Basic images of nature

Image of people


Hero Age

What is the mood of this part of the story?

1. Memories of picking apples

Early fine autumn: " fresh morning", "juicy crack" of apples. Cool silence, clean air, cheerful echo, (August)

"like a popular print", a fair, new sundresses. Festive colors: "black-lilac, brick-colored, with a wide gold" poneva braid "

Something disturbing, mystical, terrible: the fire of Hell as a symbol of death


Joyful, cheerful: "How cold, dewy and how good it is to live in the world"

2. Description of the estate of the aunt - Anna Gerasimovna

The water is transparent. Purple haze, turquoise sky (September start)

The people are tidied up and cheerful, peasant life is rich, buildings are homely. Auntie talks about the past, but she is important, friendly, treats a nice dinner.

The image of a mortal old woman with a gravestone

Young man

There is a theme of fading, aging, fading. Words with the root "old" begin to predominate. The mood is intended to confirm the former contentment and well-being of village life.

3. Gorgeous hunting scenes.

Gloomy low clouds, liquid blue sky, icy wind, liquid ash clouds (end of September)

Reading books, admiring old magazines

Dead silence. Ravine - as an image of loneliness

Man in adulthood

The last flash of life before further disappearance. The motif of abandonment intensifies.

4. Time of ruin, impoverishment, the end of former greatness.

Empty plains, naked garden, first snow

The old people died in Vyselki, the village resembles a desert.


prayer for the dead

Students work with the text, then present their work.

General conclusion: the four-part composition of "Antonov's apples" is full deep meaning. The fate of a specific village of Vyselki and specific people is perceived as the common fate of the entire nobility, and indeed of all of Russia as a whole. Bunin's conclusion is unequivocal: only in the imagination, only in memory remains the time of happy, carefree youth, thrills and experiences, harmonious existence with nature, life ordinary people, the majesty of the cosmos. Manor life seems to be a kind of " paradise lost”, whose bliss, of course, cannot be returned by the pathetic attempts of small-scale nobles, perceived rather as a parody of past luxury. The breath of beauty that once filled the old noble estates, the aroma of Antonov apples, gave way to the smells of rottenness, mold, desolation.

Do you think this work contains central image? (Yes, this is the image of the GARDEN). Implementation homework, pre-prepared students act with a message.

Student's message: In "Antonov apples" the lexical center is the word SAD, one of the key words not only in Bunin's work, but throughout Russian culture as a whole. The word "garden" revived memories of something dear, close to the soul.

The garden is associated with a friendly family, a home, with a dream of a serene heavenly happiness that humanity may lose in the future.

You can find many symbolic shades of the word garden: beauty, the idea of ​​time, the memory of generations, homeland. But most often the famous Chekhov image comes to mind: garden-noble nests, which recently experienced a period of prosperity, and now having fallen into decline.

Bunin's garden is a mirror reflecting what is happening with the estates and their inhabitants.

In the story "Antonov apples" he appears as a living being with his own mood and character. The garden is shown every time through the prism of the author's moods. In the fertile time of Indian summer, he is a symbol of well-being, contentment, prosperity: “... I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinned garden, I remember maple alleys, the delicate aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness.” In the early morning, it is cool, filled with a "lilac fog", as if tearing down the secrets of nature.

Interestingly, back in 1891, Bunin conceived the story "Antonov apples", but wrote and published it only in 1900. The story was subtitled "Pictures from the Book of Epitaphs". Why? What did the writer want to emphasize with this subtitle?

(An epitaph is a saying (often in verse) composed in case of someone's death and used as a grave inscription.)

1) Write a short essay on Ivan Bunin's Paradise Lost" or "What brings A.P. Chekhov " The Cherry Orchard”and the story of I.A. Bunin "Antonov apples"?.

... I remember early fine autumn. August was with warm rains, as if on purpose for sowing, with rains at the very time, in the middle of the month, around the feast of St. Lawrence. And "autumn and winter live well, if the water is calm and raining on Lawrence." Then, in the Indian summer, a lot of cobwebs settled on the fields. It is too good sign: “There are a lot of shadows in Indian summer - vigorous autumn” ... I remember an early, fresh, quiet morning ... I remember a large, all golden, dried up and thinned garden, I remember maple alleys, a delicate aroma of fallen leaves and - the smell of Antonov apples, the smell of honey and autumn freshness . The air is so pure, as if it were not there at all, voices and the creak of carts are heard throughout the garden.

By night in the weather it becomes very cold and dewy. Breathing in the rye aroma of new straw and chaff on the threshing floor, you cheerfully walk home to dinner past the garden rampart. The voices in the village or the creaking of the gates resound through the icy dawn with unusual clarity. It's getting dark. And here's another smell: in the garden - a fire, and strongly pulls the fragrant smoke of cherry branches. In the dark, in the depths of the garden, there is a fabulous picture: just in a corner of hell, a crimson flame is burning near the hut, surrounded by darkness, and someone's black silhouettes, as if carved from ebony wood, move around the fire, while giant shadows from them walk through the apple trees. . Either a black hand a few arshins will lie down all over the tree, then two legs will be clearly drawn - two black pillars. And suddenly all this will slip from the apple tree - and the shadow will fall along the entire alley, from the hut to the very gate ...

Late at night, when the lights go out in the village, when the diamond constellation Stozhar is already shining high in the sky, you will once again run into the garden.

Rustling through dry foliage, like a blind man, you will reach the hut. It is a little lighter in the clearing there, and the Milky Way is white overhead.

And the black sky is drawn with fiery stripes of shooting stars. For a long time you look into its dark blue depth, overflowing with constellations, until the earth floats under your feet. Then you will start up and, hiding your hands in your sleeves, you will quickly run along the alley to the house ... How cold, dewy and how good it is to live in the world! (…)

At early dawn, when the roosters are still crowing and the huts are smoking black, you used to open a window into a cool garden filled with a lilac fog, through which the morning sun shines brightly in some places, and you can’t bear it - you order the horse to be saddled as soon as possible, and you yourself will run wash.on the pond. The small foliage has almost completely flown from the coastal vines, and the branches are visible in the turquoise sky. The water under the vines became clear, icy and as if heavy. She instantly drives away the night's laziness, and after washing and having breakfast in the servants' room with hot potatoes and black bread with coarse raw salt, you feel with pleasure the slippery leather of the saddle under you, driving through Vyselki to hunt. Autumn is the time for patronal holidays, and the people at this time are tidied up, satisfied, the view of the village is not at all the same as at another time. If the year is fruitful and a whole golden city rises on the threshing floors, and geese gaggle loudly and sharply in the morning on the river, then it’s not bad at all in the village.

Since the end of September, our gardens and threshing floor have been empty, the weather, as usual, has changed dramatically. The wind tore and ruffled the trees for whole days, the rains watered them from morning to night. Sometimes in the evening, between the gloomy low clouds, the trembling golden light of the low sun made its way in the west; the air became clean and clear, and sunlight shone dazzlingly between the foliage, between the branches, which moved like a living net and waved from the wind. The liquid blue sky shone coldly and brightly in the north above heavy lead clouds, and behind these clouds ridges of snowy mountain-clouds slowly floated up. You stand at the window and think: "Perhaps, God willing, the weather will clear up." But the wind did not let up. It disturbed the garden, tore at the stream of human smoke continuously running from the chimney, and again caught up the ominous wisps of ash clouds. They ran low and fast - and soon, like smoke, clouded the sun. Its brilliance faded, the window closed into the blue sky, and the garden became deserted and dull, and the rain began to sow again ... at first quietly, carefully, then more and more thickly and, finally, turned into a downpour with a storm and darkness. A long, unsettling night has come...

From such a beating, the garden came out almost completely naked, covered with wet leaves and somehow hushed, resigned. But on the other hand, how beautiful it was when the clear weather came again, the transparent and cold days of early October, the farewell holiday of autumn! The preserved foliage will now hang on the trees until the first winters. The black garden will shine through in the cold turquoise sky and dutifully wait for winter, warming itself in the sunshine. And the fields are already sharply turning black with arable land and bright green with overgrown winter crops ...

I looked around: ... Countless golden stars seemed to quietly flow all, vying with each other, flickering, in the direction Milky Way, and, really, looking at them, you yourself seemed to vaguely feel the impetuous, unstoppable run of the earth ...

Psychologism and features of "external figurativeness" of I.A. Bunin's prose

(based on the analysis of I. Bunin's story "Antonov apples")


one). To develop in students the skills of literary-critical analysis of the work;

2). Consider the image of nature, the image of the world of people, the mood of the hero-narrator, images - symbols story "Antonov apples".

3) Identify the functions of the landscape, which helps to most deeply understand the inner state of the hero, expresses nostalgia for the bygone past;

4) to develop in students the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations.


No, it's not the landscape that attracts me,
Not the colors I seek to notice,
And what shines in these colors -
Love and joy of being.
(I. Bunin)

During the classes

The epigraph to our lesson was the lines from the poem by I. Bunin. How do you understand their meaning? What are we going to talk about today? What is the topic of our lesson?

The topic of today's lesson is “Psychologism and features of the “external figurativeness” of I.A. Bunin’s prose

(based on the analysis of the story "Antonov apples"). It was in this story that the philosophical reflections of I.A. Bunin about the past and the future, longing for the outgoing Russia and understanding of the catastrophic nature of the coming changes. The story "Antonov apples" was written in 1900, at the turn of the century. This date is symbolic. Why? It sort of divides the world into past and present, makes you feel the movement of time, turn to the future. The story embodies the soul of a man, the soul of a long-suffering people. It reflects the history of the Russian state.

A.T. Tvardovsky said that Bunin "smells the world always and everywhere; he hears and conveys smells - both marvelous, and disgusting, and refined, and indescribably complex. He knows how to show a thing through its smell, with such brightness and strength that her image, as it were, pierces the soul. Bunin breathes in the world; he sniffs it and gives its smells to readers. "

- Do you agree with Tvardovsky's statement? Why? Give examples from the text.

This story is filled with nostalgia.What is this story about? What is its plot? - About Antonovsky apples, about memories. The story aroused bewilderment of Bunin's critics-contemporaries - "everything that comes to hand is described." Indeed, the usual certain storyline the story does not. According to the genre - this is a story-impression, a story-remembrance. In this sense, this story can be considered impressionistic, i.e. a piece of art that captures the moment. (Impressionism is a direction in art, it is characterized by the transmission of subtle moods, psychological nuances, the desire to capture the world in its mobility and variability).

What is the composition of the story?

The story unfolds like a series of memories. The story is told in 1 person. Verbs are most often used in the present tense, which brings the reader closer to what is happening in the memories (“The air is so clean, it’s as if it doesn’t exist at all:” Sometimes verbs are in the 2nd person singular, so the reader is involved in the action (“you used to open the window, into the cool garden… ").

- This story is a memory, and what exactly does the hero remember - the narrator? Let's turn to the composition of the work. The author divided the story into four chapters, and each chapter is a separate picture of the past, and together they form the whole world which the writer admired so much. Now we will look at each chapter and see how the image of the garden, the hero-narrator and his mood change.. We work in groups:

Group 1 - the image of nature (colors, sounds, smells)

Group 2 - the image of the garden (colors, sounds)

Group 3 - the image of people, their life, activities

Group 4 - the image of the hero-narrator

part of the story

The image of nature (colors, sounds, smells)

Image of the world of people

Hero Age


Early fine autumn: "fresh morning", "juicy crackle" of apples. Cool silence, clean air, cheerful echo, the smell of apples (August)

"like a popular print", a fair, new sundresses. Festive colors: "black-lilac, brick-colored, with a wide gold" poneva braid "


Something disturbing, mystical, terrible: the fire of Hell as a symbol of death

The water is transparent. Purple haze, turquoise sky (September start)


Young man

The image of a mortal old woman with a gravestone

Gloomy low clouds, liquid blue sky (end of September) black garden, submissive, humble, one apple

Reading books, admiring the past, magazines

Man in adulthood

Dead silence. Ravine - as an image of loneliness

Empty plains, naked garden, First snow. The smell of apples disappears

The small-scale life of the nobility


At the beginning of the first chapter, amazing garden, "large, all golden, dried up and thinned." And it seems that the life of the village, the hopes and thoughts of people - all this seems to be in the background, and in the center is a beautiful and mysterious image of the garden, and this garden is a symbol of the Motherland, and it includes in its space and Vyselki, which "... since the time of grandfathers they were famous for their wealth", and old men and old women who "lived ... for a very long time", and a large stone near the porch, which the hostess "bought herself for her grave", and "barns and rigs, covered with hair". And all this lives together with nature as a single life, all this is inseparable from it, which is why the image of a train rushing past Vyselok seems so wonderful and distant. He is a symbol of a new time, a new life, which "louder and more angry" penetrates the established Russian life, and the earth trembles like a living being, and a person experiences some kind of aching feeling of anxiety, and then looks into the "dark blue depth" for a long time. "the sky, "overflowing with constellations", and thinks: "How cold, dewy and how good it is to live in the world!" And these words contain the whole mystery of being: joy and sorrow, darkness and light, good and evil, love and hate, life and death, they contain the past, present and future, they contain the whole soul of man.

The second part, like the first, begins with folk wisdom: "A vigorous Antonovka - to happy year", with good omens, with a description of the harvest year - autumn, which was sometimes patronal holidays, when the people were "tidied up, satisfied", when "the view of the village was not at all the same as at another time." Penetrating poetry warmed memories of this fabulously rich village with brick courtyards that were built by grandfathers. Everything around seems close and dear, and over the estate, over the village one can feel the amazing smell of Antonov apples. This sweet smell of memories with a thin thread binds the whole story into one whole. This is a kind of leitmotif of the work, and a remark in at the end of the fourth chapter, that "the smell of Antonov's apples disappears from the landowner's estate", says that everything is changing, everything is becoming a thing of the past, that a new time is beginning, "the kingdom of small estates is coming, impoverished to beggary." And then the author writes that " this beggarly small-town life is good too! ”And again he begins to describe the village, his native Vyselki. He talks about how the day of the landowner goes, notices some details that make the picture of being so visible that it seems as if the past is turning into the present, only at the same time the familiar, ordinary is already perceived as lost happiness. This feeling also arises because the author uses a large number of color epithets. So, describing the early morning in the second chapter, the hero recalls: "... you used to open a window into a cool garden filled with a lilac mist..." He sees how "boughs show through in the turquoise sky, how the water under the vines becomes transparent" ; he also notes "fresh, lush green winters." The range of sounds is no less rich and varied: one hears “how carefully ... a long wagon train along the high road” is heard, “the booming sound of apples being poured into measures and tubs” is heard, people’s voices are heard. At the end of the story, the “pleasant noise of threshing” is heard more and more insistently, and the “monotonous cry and whistle of the driver” merge with the rumble of the drum. And then the guitar tunes in, and someone starts a song that everyone picks up "with a sad, hopeless prowess."

- What 3 themes are intertwined in this story? social theme, theme of nature, psychological theme.)

Now let's look at each topic and try to find in the text evidence for these topics in each chapter.

1 theme: Social.

In chapter 1, the description of the house "A bed is made in the hut (paragraph 2)" The social structure of peasants, nobles and landlords is described. Read to me how Bunin describes the peasants: "Beautiful and coarse savage costumes:".

In chapter 2 we find ourselves in the village, Anna Gerasimovna's house is described - solid, large, durable, wooden house, around a garden with birds. Quote.

In chapter 3 there is another estate, but there is no homeliness ("And now I see myself in the estate of Arseniy Semenych:")

In chapter 4 - a small local beggarly life, ("Here I see myself again in another village", "The small local gets up early:")

Conclusion: Thus, we see the gradual impoverishment, the ruin of the noble estate. Nothing remains of the former abundance in chapter 1.

2nd theme: The theme of nature.

In chapter 1 - warm August, early fine autumn. Description of the garden - a feeling of permeability of the garden "the air is so clean" is created, the smell of apples is EVERYWHERE;

In chapter 2 - cold fall, the motive of cold, the stove is intensified, but the harmony of life and nature is still felt. Read out.

In chapter 3 - September, dark, evening, night rain, deserted, boring, anxious.

In chapter 4 - November, snow outside the windows, twilight, evening, color - blue.

Conclusion: Nature at first from the first chapters is bright, lively, summery, in recent chapters- nature fades, rain. Autumn is dying.

The leitmotif of "Antonov apples" runs through all 4 chapters, but these apples are different in all chapters: let's try to trace:

Chapter 1 - The smell of green apples

Chapter 2 - a lot of apples, comfort from the smell of apples

Chapter 3 - one apple, but tasty

Chapter 4 - the smell of apples disappears

Thus, apples are a symbol of childhood, which disappear when they grow up, as well as a symbol of Russia, a symbol of life in general.

The end of the story is symbolic. It echoes the beginning. There - the cool silence of the morning, here - late evening, when "the windows of the wing glow in the darkness of the winter night." It's sunrise and sunset noble life, And more and more often dots appear towards the end of the story. If they give the beginning of the work the character of memories, now they carry innuendo and sadness for the bygone noble life, for the disappeared youth.

Thus, the work reflected main topic creativity of I.A. Bunin of the 900s is the theme of the patriarchal past of Russia. The writer regrets the passing life, idealizing the noble way of life. His best memories are associated with the smell of Antonov apples. But Bunin hopes that, along with the dying Russia of the past, the roots of the nation will still be preserved in her memory.


So, the main symbol in the story from the very beginning to the end remains the image of Antonov apples. The meaning given by the author to these words is ambiguous. Antonov apples are wealth ("Village affairs are good if Antonovka is born"). Antonov apples are happiness ("Vigorous Antonovka - for a merry year"). And finally, Antonov apples are all of Russia with its "golden, dried up and thinned orchards", "maple alleys", with "the smell of tar in fresh air"and with a firm consciousness of" how good it is to live in the world. "And in this regard, we can conclude that the story" Antonov apples "reflected the main ideas of Bunin's work, his worldview as a whole, reflected the history of the human soul, the space of memory, in which one feels the movement of existential time, the past of Russia, its present and future.


1) Answer in writing the question: "What do Antonov apples smell like?".

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