Fabulous paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov. Great Russian artist Vasnetsov accused of extremism Temple on Khorevitsa

Written in 1899 as part of a series of illustrations for "Songs about the prophetic Oleg" by A. S. Pushkin.

Viktor Vasnetsov
Oleg's meeting with the magician. 1899
Paper, watercolor
State Literary Museum, Moscow

In the design of the poem, Vasnetsov borrowed motifs ancient Russian traditions book design. In addition to the actual illustrations, Vasnetsov developed initial letters, compositions, screensavers. Cycle "Song of prophetic Oleg» Vasnetsov had a significant impact on the development of Russian book illustration, in particular on Ivan Bilibin and the artists of the World of Art association.

Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist

According to some Russian media reports in March 2010, watercolor was used in the cover design of the neo-pagan nationalist Alexei Dobrovolsky's book The Magi. On April 27, 2010, by decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov, seven books by Dobrovolsky, including The Magi, were recognized as extremist materials. At the same time, some media indicated that the cover of the book was also recognized as extremist. The text of the examination, allegedly carried out by specialists from Kirov and Vladimir, was cited:

Signs of a manipulative psychological impact found in the brochure "Magi", used verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means. Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of The Magi, which depicts an old man pointing the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The elder is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, sandals, he just left the forest. In the description of the elder, the image of a pagan is read. The pointing gesture of the hand of the elder in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the fight

"Oleg's meeting with the magician"- watercolor by Viktor Vasnetsov. Written in 1899 as part of a series of illustrations for "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by A. S. Pushkin.

In the design of the poem, Vasnetsov borrowed motifs from the ancient Russian traditions of book design. In addition to the actual illustrations, Vasnetsov developed initial letters, compositions, screensavers. The cycle "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by Vasnetsov had a significant impact on the development of Russian book illustration, in particular on Ivan Bilibin and the artists of the "World of Art" association.

  • 1 Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist
  • 2 notes
  • 3 Literature
  • 4 Links

Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist

According to some Russian media reports in March 2010, the picture was used in the design of the cover of the neo-pagan nationalist Alexei Dobrovolsky's book The Magi. On April 27, 2010, by decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov, seven books by Dobrovolsky, including The Magi, were recognized as extremist materials. At the same time, some media indicated that the cover of the book was also recognized as extremist. The text of the examination, allegedly carried out by specialists from Kirov and Vladimir, was cited:

Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure "Magi", verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of The Magi, which depicts an old man pointing the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The elder is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, sandals, he just left the forest. the description of the elder reads the image of a pagan. The pointing gesture of the hand of the elder in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the struggle.

The court verdict contains no information about the recognition of Vasnetsov's painting as extremist material. At the end of April 2011, the Leninsky District Court of Kirov issued denials declaring the painting as extremist and the artist as an extremist. According to various reports, psychologists from the Kirov Institute said that either the image on the cover was not considered extremist, or they did not conduct an examination at the request of the prosecutor's office.


  1. 1 2 Ekaterina Lushnikova. Pagan in the European Court // Radio Liberty, 24.04.2011
  2. KM.ru. Sinelnikov Mikhail. The great Vasnetsov was convicted under the “Russian article”. Posthumously
  3. 1 2 ProGorod. Alexey Noskov. Kirov psychologists were involved in a scandal
  4. 1 2 Leninsky District Court of Kirov. Case No. 1-71/2010 (80119)
  5. 1 2 Pravda.ru. Sergei Nikolaev. Love for Perun leads to Strasbourg
  6. Rupo.ru. Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov "condemned" posthumously under Art. 282 UKRF
  7. WebPress.com xtro. Forbes.ru "condemned the artist Vasnetsov"
  8. Leninsky District Court of Kirov. Appeals of citizens. Recognition of the artist Vasnetsov as an extremist posthumously
  9. City of Kirov. Alexey Ivakin. Scandal with the picture of Vasnetsov: accusations of extremism turned out to be a forgery


  • Paston E. Viktor Vasnetsov. - M.: White City, 2007.


  • Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. Illustrations for "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by A. S. Pushkin
  • Vasnetsov was classified as an extremist
  • Familiarize yourself with the cases: Aphrodite; Tell me, magician; Beer // Echo of Moscow

Kirov region: 2010-03-16 08:43:50

The details of the criminal case under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against the Rodnover Alexei Dobrovolsky ("Doboslav") have become known.

"Experts" of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kirov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers came up with the following absurd conclusion regarding the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich VASNETSOV "Meeting Oleg with a Magician", 1899, depicted on the cover of Dobroslav's "Magi":

"Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure "Magi", verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. in simple clothes: a long shirt, bast shoes, he just came out of the forest.In the description of the old man, the image of a pagan is read.The pointing gesture of the hand of the old man in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them.Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the struggle.

Thus, the picture of the great Russian artist was actually recognized as extremist. The work "Magi" was also included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials.

Meanwhile, Dobroslav's associates appealed to the Rodnovers, as well as human rights activists, media representatives and just people with an active civil position, calling for the widest possible dissemination of information about this case in order to create a public outcry. They point out the absurdity of the accusations and the likelihood that the show trial over Dobroslav will be the beginning of a new round of repression.

And here is the "EXTREMISE PICTURE" itself:

How the prophetic Oleg is now going
Take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars*,
Their villages and fields for a violent raid
He doomed swords and fires;
With his retinue, in Constantinople armor,
The prince rides across the field on a faithful horse.

From the dark forest towards him
There is an inspired magician,
Submissive to Perun, the old man alone,
The promises of the coming herald,
In prayers and divination spent the whole century.
And Oleg drove up to the wise old man.

V. Vasnetsov "Meeting Oleg with a magician". Illustration for the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

And here is what (not without gloating!) "our" Wahhabi bGatya write about this:

emiratkavkaz 16.03.2010 00:05:52

Russian painting artist XIX century V. Vasnetsov was recognized by the Lenin court as an extremist
As soon as it became known now, on February 16, 2010, the decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov dated December 24, 2009 on the recognition of Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich, Russian, born. 1848, by an extremist artist, on the basis of an examination commissioned by the FSB on his painting "Oleg's Meeting with a Magician", made by him oil paints by order of a person unidentified by the investigating authorities in Moscow in 1899 This picture as an illustration, it was published in the brochure of one of the elders of the National Socialist movement in Russia, Alexei Dobrovolsky ("Dobroslav"), also recognized as extremist.

By a court decision, all lithographs of this painting are to be destroyed along with the brochures of Alexei Dobrovolsky. The conclusion of the State Institution “Vladimir Laboratory of Forensic Science” states: “Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of the Magi, which depicts an old man indicating the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The old man is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, bast shoes, he just left the forest "In the description of the elder, the image of a pagan is read. The gesture of the elder's hand in relation to the soldiers testifies to their command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focusing on fighting."

The decision of the court after the entry into force prohibits citizens Russian Federation look at the painting "Oleg's Meeting with the Magician", which has a pronounced extremist content, aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as at humiliating the dignity of a person or group of persons on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as belonging to any social group committed publicly or with the use of mass media. Citizens of other countries can look at it on the American Wikimedia site at the following link.
CC Monitoring Department
(KC is abbreviated as "Kavkaz-Center", a site of Russophobic separatists advocating the creation of a Caucasian jamaat led by Ichkeria and for this declaring "gazavat" to be unfaithful Russians - combatant's note)

So HERE - no incitement, the "letter of the law" is pure ...

Painting by Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Meeting Oleg with a magician".

The Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov recognized the painting by Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov "Meeting Oleg with a magician" as extremist. qualified expert opinion Vasnetsov's "Magician" was made for the court by local specialists from the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kirov Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Workers.

Kirov specialists discovered for themselves, the court and the modern enlightened public that the painting "The Wizard", painted by the artist in 1899, non-verbally manipulates the viewer and reader - for this purpose, it was placed on the cover of his brochure "Magi" by the writer Alexei Dobrovolsky, whose opus was subjected to Vyatka Inquisition.

"Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure "Magi", verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. in simple clothes: a long shirt, bast shoes, he just came out of the forest.In the description of the old man, the image of a pagan is read.The pointing gesture of the hand of the old man in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them.Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the struggle, "- brought out the Kirov educated people.

The expert opinion helped the Lenin Court conclude that Vasnetsov helped Dobrovolsky publicly incite "national, racial or religious hatred", humiliate "national dignity" and promote "exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, nationality or race "(Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The resource DAL.by, which told about the exorcism of extremism from Kirov, mockingly suggested that justice add to the expert opinion of local wise men the testimony of Pushkin A.S., who is familiar with both characters in the picture - both Prince Oleg and the sorcerer:

"How the prophetic Oleg is now going to take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars" - according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "humiliation on a national basis."

"Their villages and fields for a violent raid, he doomed them to swords and fires," - Art. 353 - "Planning, preparing, initiating or waging an aggressive war."

And here is how the elder treats representatives state power:

"Magi are not afraid of mighty lords, And they do not need a princely gift; Their prophetic language is truthful and free, And friendly with the will of heaven."

Here, there is clearly a disregard for Prince Oleg (Article 319 - "Insulting a representative of power"), which is aggravated by the prediction: "You will accept death from your horse" (Article 320 - "Disclosure of information about security measures applied to an official") .

The old man really "commanded" - he forced the prince to kill his own horse (" Cruel treatment with animals", to a heap). Which, however, did not save the "commander in chief" from a snake bite (a premeditated attempt?)".

Materials recognized by the court as "extremist" are subject to destruction. Vasnetsov will go to the furnace of the 21st century. There is also Pushkin ...

Viktor Vasnetsov Oleg's meeting with the magician. 1899 Paper, watercolor State Literary Museum, Moscow

"Oleg's meeting with the magician"- watercolor by Viktor Vasnetsov. Written in 1899 as part of a series of illustrations for "Songs about the prophetic Oleg" by A.S. Pushkin.

In the design of the poem, Vasnetsov borrowed motifs from the ancient Russian traditions of book design. In addition to the actual illustrations, Vasnetsov developed initial letters, compositions, screensavers. The cycle "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" by Vasnetsov had a significant impact on the development of Russian book illustration, in particular on Ivan Bilibin and the artists of the "World of Art" association.

Press reports about the alleged recognition of the illustration as extremist

According to some Russian media reports in March 2010, the painting was used in the cover design of the neo-pagan nationalist Alexei Dobrovolsky's book The Magi. On April 27, 2010, by decision of the Leninsky District Court of the city of Kirov, seven books by Dobrovolsky, including The Magi, were recognized as extremist materials. At the same time, some media indicated that the cover of the book was also recognized as extremist. The text of the examination, allegedly carried out by specialists from Kirov and Vladimir, was cited:

Signs of manipulative psychological influence were found in the brochure "Magi", verbal (verbal, speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means were used. Non-verbal manipulative influences include the design of the cover of The Magi, which depicts an old man pointing the direction of action to a detachment of soldiers. The elder is dressed in simple clothes: a long shirt, sandals, he just left the forest. In the description of the elder, the image of a pagan is read. The pointing gesture of the hand of the elder in relation to the soldiers testifies to his command, the possession of a certain power over them. Based on the position that the cover of the book expresses its key idea, we can conclude that the author's desire for command, power over other people, focus on the fight

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